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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Aug 1867, p. 2

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ee ers - mee abu = ee eee re. eres eves Ep --a------ . -- - lg CENCE a " RES h=3 John Sandfield MeDonald 'against Mr. . "ELECTION NEWS. vinces, as if we do incur their displeasure | « tesy ; anil further, at in the resent on the prosperous state of the schools and A PLEA FOR, " i 7 Fs ian ae 8 Xs lo . "i tant crisis, w ledze ou: ves lo x . 7 hi . fray 3 Brown. And thus while they are quarel- . 5 -- they will certainly combine against us and or iD ® aes al elec the that had broug M Cartier bas published in the "a " f : Coi wth | this will be found much more to be deplored ' ied Ref 3 us together. He dwelt forcibly on the be- Minerve thirty-two reasons or being in: AR RIV ALS ing over the prey Some, erafly fox may | The i Mest in Sor thy much somplased of French dors. known tried Belgtapm™ "| wefits of the Sabbath School. The fol | > oreiee d Jor the pet : HE AS {snatch off the booty. : Ontario, Dan, A i - He showed also very conclus- |wm® conTEsT IN. NORTH ONTARIO. | tion 31 bears to thé family 'as an instructor bs gt 3 3 : Agdib Joho 8, McDonald with bis col- of youth. The position it holds in relation ; ; a 1 Agdin ; ; pe] > in open | i¥e)y-- thi Upper Canida will sill have to - : fosing b : a sh Pen od leagues Rickards and Wood are read out Fay pocia a Te us Ta pay a large amount towards the othier pro-| The campaign in North Ontario my o| to the chureh. The character of the =| To the Editor of the Ouk 0 Manchester Warehouse of the party, and consequently this is an- Mon day evening, 'We fin 4b y the published | ¥10¢e8. He aluo referred in very appropriate | said to be about to commence in earnestiThe | struction that ought' to ba communicated-- | Sir,--In your last issue' ( 7 in the 12th a other trio into whose bands we have put ? : Herd, ierm 9 the nnwarrantable act of the late | Hon. M. C. Cameron and M.. Gillespie [the kind of instruction--and the Bible as |find ny name given in" cons The Public are respectfully notified that the weapons and {hep have forced them 10 me Loptha lhat the Sein wen el lets Coalition in taking upon themselves to alter | Euq., have appointed 9 different meetings the text book--aud the result of such teach- goneert to be on o ft ox Tin the 1 Subveript as Sit bind o large and Tutiel stock them against ourselves. 'We have driven sembled. ne Brown is said to have | he comstitmrion of the country to' suit. their | in Reach and Scugog. So far everything ling. He drew a contrast between a con- Sea, ol enon . bi ns bis a ng or Hay and Harvest Implements, wade by " : 5 own fangies,. without first 'submitting it to | has been comfortable plain sailing iti this | gregation which had received the benefit of be i 1a a 0 cole ty ub proved i i t the hand in thi four hours. y : best makers, of the most ap, patterns, and | Richards to seek his election af the hands spoken in the neighborhood of four liours the people and receiving their sangtion, | riding ; one would imagine that the 4 can- Sabbath Shool instruction and one that not of which be never bad any notice. | would low in prices, ives. tting | The meeting acoording to all reports had J ) 4 S of the Conservatives. Wood is getting oot og the Tit of | aller the matter hud been thoroughly dis~ | didates were all running as colleagues. | been so taught. The address was both take it kind in futare if parties would with. AT THE IE de soni en ot Cotstrvatives in hank » aw rount some disgraceful rowdyism. cussed. The gouleman then went. on dg What liule cross firing there is being en- | instructive and agreeable. bold my name till they get my consent. of late. Also that the price of Hats and Bonnets in order to let him in; while John S. is Ther soem Bavoboss ol aanty | Speak of" his connection with the Local | tirely confined toMessors.Gillospie and Pax- Rev. Mr. McDonough was called. He JOHNNY FAINT, is now much reduced ; Great Bargains offered | driven to acts that must be repugnant to | on & largo MANNY | Government. Afier Mr. Cameron got | ton's fiiends ; but altogether our candidates gave a good address. lle was particularly Brookhn, July 29. in Parasols, Bhwls, Capes, Prints, Dress Goods, | hiy nature 4. e. fo aid Conservatives to | in favor of MF. Brown. Sid through, Mr, Brown: replied briefly ; afier [have hitherto had a first rate time of [happy 1n his allusion to the etudy of the 2 Cottons, &c. &c. keep out Reformers. No one will for a The following evening Mr. Brown ad- which a vote was taken and declared by | Whatever suited one seemed to suit all and | works of nature as revealed by Divine wis- CABLE NEWS, < Whitby prico paid for Wool. Present price mowent assert that John & after breathe dressed the electors at Brougham. . the chairman (6 be in favor of Mr. Brown. everything passed oft amiably--coalition | dom. Showing that man with all his boast- The Emperor Napoleon gave a stato ¥id- At this meeting one of the great anomal- | The Logger disputes the correctuess of the [and no coalition --party 'and no party--John | ed wisdom and cultivated skill could not tell ner in honor of the American Admiral ies in the present coutest developed itnelf 10 decision. We were in a pretty good posi- | A. and John 8. all appear to be equally ac- | even how a b'ade of grass was produced, | Farragut. Tne ranch wrinistet of Sarin ; i ; : a most painful extent, a result, we believe, | (io, to judge, and we feel fully satisfied with | cophible. ae and that none but God the author of nature | 1d other members of the m) Cabine Muncheater Fuly 0nd 1081. Tie could hot y Ye lie] ors Vis glisgiane of the false postion 1 which Reformers the chrretinss of the decision of the chaii- uae : could instruct us thoroughly in the beautiful To na aussi uf ie United Sion; : em -------- = (from the principles of Ristori te Yao of | have been placed and whish has been the man; for certainly Mr. Brown had the | AGAINST BOTH WIND AND 11DE, harmany of hus works. Iu speaks foeling~ S44 0s r : iw, Conservatism. What does he say bim- | ineans of arraying two parties against them | o.oo : 1 der gingly regarding God's care F t x ¥ . 3 jority of the meetings, 3 an py y and encouragingly reg 8 The European Press will h re France ant &he Dntavia Lhgerher, sell on this matter? "If the Conservi- | instead of one i.e. both the Conservatives We however look upon taking a vote |. We wij ous ney Feovinsiall Teun of children--and wound up his address by | Prussia fight wherlr gg. 0, wha Hhosy i : : : crati i 3 = i aving a hard time jn antford ; : --1Bnp --scholars-- | most likely to know how the malters stan. er "To ------ |tivesexpect to use me they are sadly mis- [and the Bureaucratic Lieformers range the close as being just so much|'s '@ u A itical life | ®0 appeal to officers--teachers--scholars ) § taken." "1 never went to seek Con- [themselves aguinst those Reformers (hat P| timo wasted, as the issus of kuch «| (8N(INg and struggling for dear political life and all in behalf of Sabbath Schools, deny any tendency to a quarrel béiween b i but with little prospect of success. At his the two nations. rake the: Serine ne Yoduys pe vote cannot have the slightest eflect on the own meeting held in New Durham on| Rev Mr. Stobbs now" announced that the Sir Morton" Petro' liabilities amount to Rithg epeciacle of). S. MeDonald--- fosult of the olections. Many whofhave no i . voir ; | meeting would now be brought toa close $45,000,000. He will pay 37} ceutscn the a Reformer of a lifetime purposely coming volo liold up their hands, and many of the Friday last he could only obtain nine voles | : } I ali and the children night again betake , them- | dollar. & there to oppose the Hon. Geo. Brown, his | f1jengs of the several candidates who come Sud these wero all conservatives. selves to the swings. The war cloud still hangs over Europe. Mr. Ewen the tory candidate has resigned Mr. Currie rose and smdithiat be had one Napoleon has sent a note to the Ki ng of for good well made Butter13cts per 1b. ing a" Reform" atmosphere for a life time ADAM GORDON. --has any sympathy for Conservatives-- JAMES BAIRD, servatives, but the Conservatives came to seek me." "1 have taken two Conserva. tives into my Cabinet and if I cannot keep them straight I will 'torn them out." If former chief, and aid in the election of Mr. from a distance fake part wn tlie voting . 3 } 4 3 : i ) . hy in his favor but with all the assistance : Prussia, urging him 10 surrender North We look upon it as a decidedly unfor- | Ieformers had counselled with these men Gibbs, a_Conservauve. while not a few whom wo observed at te |! can get his caso is considered hopeloss, | "OOF axplanation 'to. offer before ihe Sehimie oo nar fair 1 hird tv. should be and given them to understand that the Wien the vote waa taken the chairman Brooklin meeting held up their huuds both He's ah Vi ring on the purely conserva- | M€eling dispersed. He said that most of tunate affair that a third parly shoul , | eye of the party was upon them---expected [declared that Mr. Brown bad a large | for Mr. Brown and Mr. Gibbs. ' ° , 1 . ol or at ys us doubtless were aware that it was given a i MoRTasaly duly 29, forced into the political arena at this eriti- them as far as is just and right to do | majority. Towards the close of the proceedings some | © olan Tate Hi nh er out that the Pic-Nic was to be held iu Me. phon! fh voudis Tron ms, ig eal moment in our country's bistory,-- what they could for the cause, and| On Wednesday evening Mr. Brown agAin | delectable bands of genuine 1owdyism MODEL MINISTER, Jeffreys bush ; but upon examination it Hyscinthe, created a riot there of a serious : addicssed the electors at Whitevale, | ade he very limbers grate: - was found that Jeffery's bush would require | description. They got up'a row with vaga- , i Foun ba Sandfield ; 8 : . . al Sas Why should Reformers be obliged to counselled Joba. Sandfield to stand: up Pickering. The vote was again favorable | is a disgrace to civilization 10 know | Monsieur Archambault ibeg pardon ! we | more preparation than there was time to | bonds like themselves, 1esiding at St, Hya- p join | for the principles of justice and wood ov- ; . : : voi ' 4 1d . : LC ciuthe, and when the pic-nic party was re- fight Reformers while Reformers Join erament and that te wire a go to Mr. Brown. ; that in epite of ol her eflorts men can stil should have prefixed Tversle, » bo is bestow --and in their dilemma, Mr. Holman Tanta {0 the cars, the fight beanie Tartu. with Conservatives to Lunt Reformers 3 Party! On Thursday evening the meeting: was | by, oud amongst ue utterly destitute of the | the position of Commissioner of Agricul= | lag kindly offered the use of his bush; and Stones and bricks were flying every where, ture and Public Works in the Government | 01 only so but he (Holman) had tarned and shots fired. About thirty of the volun- would staud by him and bis Reforur col. held at Brooklin in the Town Hall, CYEIY | spirit of justice or fair play that they will right in and manfully assisted in Preparing | teers were called out, but 'were useless. leagues. corner of which wae packed to its utmost ei 's representati of Quebec is certainly no credit to the i ; i A ndeavor to gag the people's representatives d ' \ shoulder to shoulder battling for the right Another evil frait of our rejection of | capacity, while a large number were forced and prevent them having the matters ex- | country and his case goes pretty far to he grounds. A unanimous vote of thanks Meanuima mest of the Yindown of 10s vue be forced to engage in suicidal 'combat John 8. is the encouragement given by |'0 gather around the outside at tho OPN | plained to the efectos in a proper macner, | prove that whatever the Premier of wag given to Me. Holman, This closed had to lie down to avoid the missles. When among themselves ? Why should Re. | him to the dual system of representation, | Windows. There must have been seven or Such conduct plainly shows that the poliii- | Quebec way have he cannot be blamed proceedings. the train started, the volunteers astonishing Li ' : \ for being too scrupulous in the selection of lL tes to say fired into the cars, when one woman formers be forced to seek shelter in the | Where all is Cuiivet BY Easel to i his Cabinet, No fewer than 29 spéeific| Tuk Prize List ror 11g COMING &1iow.-- | wus shot by a rifle ball and las sinco died. a seat in both Houses. Tus if not evad. ! ; s : . charges of unvarmehed extortion approach-| The Provincial Agricultural Society's Prize | 'T'wo hotels in the village had their win- ing the letter of the law is certainly -out. ing tothe very borders of theft. The fol-| List for 1867 is now before us. This truely | dows smashed, and several persons were downs: Why should those who once stood eight hundred people present. John | gq prniples of such men won't bear the Diyden, Esq, Depufly Reeve of West scrutiny of discussibn and the acts of their Whitby was called to the chair. friends must not be subjected to investiga- Mr. Brown took the platform a little be- tion. The first attempt at any such refined Conservative rauks while- their leanings oud their sympathies are still with Re raging the spirit. Not many of the mem- ; lek ad ink ; HE Aphearane s of [lowing are a fow of the charges as given in | provincial and wisely Migratory Exhibition | Y0jured, f 7 Wh udiate. Messrs. How or ih fore eight o'clock and mamtained his conduct ; the first appearance of the logic of s a ill b J : A er called the Z¥mes is issved 10 ad er ' rep . 0 rs. : "| bers in fimes past could be said to attend ground without interruption or abatement the rowdy should subject the party to imme. | Le Pays : : wil 0 held at Kingston during the Jast Voi Das) the Times iy hus d load land, MN Dougal and ; nic because they | (o (heir duties too closely in the one House, | i, vigor till after twelve o'clock: diate expulsion from the meeting. Such | 1st. $30 for constructing a husting that wevk in September, commencing on he reappears in the contest to-morrow. [i is accepted seats in the Government of the and it is very unlikely that a man holding | He gave a complete history of the gov- | men while they ure a disgrace 10 themsel- Revel wos cheiviuak, or elie ai 23rd day of that month and continuing until { it'Mr. Devlin got several voles by refus- 'Ls y ; ; : 58.2 arg a 582 a ie bes ; ith Lin G Dominion. The fact of being rejected by both places will attend faitlfully to the | ernment tie of country through a period of ves aie just cause of reproach on the party rs "3 n ed fr Yaveling = the 27th. The best cotswold ram with ing Mr. McGee's challenge. their party and driven from the ranks duti¢s of either. New Brunswick Las al- | many years. Ho was most severe on the | which counteuances them and 11 whose be- should have charged but $13. Bre a ona a Tt outa hes ihe The Catholic Bishop, of Montreal, has jer forces them to seek shelter under the ready passed a law prohibiting dual repre. conduct of the Macdonald- Cartier Govern- half they make their barbarous display. Tt] 8.4. $43.90 for tranemitting books which a, m ad us $0 is aibes 0 find 8 Jong Pastial Sling Confle- enemies guns. No better means could sentation, and doubtless the Legislature of | ™"! While he held up to public scorn the is high time that all such practices were put | he never transmitted. ales's prize. Sheep on exhibition musi oy (and y h dopted k : Ed e : 8 r treachery of the Couservatives in Upper | down once and forever. In fact any can-| 4th. $52 charged for poll books that never [-be shorn on or after the 25th of April. It 3 : . : we have adopted to weaken our own party Ontario will at its early sillings pass a Canada in combining with the Couserva- | didate who would couitenance--however | Cost him a cent, was formerly on the 1st day of Apnl. The| Mr. Devlin's committae advised him not : the : 3 ) o - | dida v vi yg Nance -- p . i . 4 and strengthen that of our opponents, [i similar law to that of New Brunswick ; and | ; vor Cats rma ie Ain : , atices evin-| ih. Charged $31.90 for a deputy to] prizes are quite handsome and doubtless |" Accept of Mr.McGee's challenge ; and Mr. be that Sir John A. foresaw this re- y tives of Lower Canada in sacrificing the jn remolely-- such degrading pratices evin ag) ge ek Pp . Devlin in his reply, declines to accept of jt Way be. ti OBA As AN 1S 18° up to the passage of such a law we should | greys of Uppsr Canada to those of Lower | ces hus own unworthyness and shoud be | iury fie paid only $ . t there will be an excellent fair. on the ground that such a meeting could rot sult when be begged these men to go in guard against allowing any man to occupy | Canada. The gentleman was host with- | driven fiom the field in tho most decisive | 61: Charged $31.90 for a depuly to hasta tend to promote good order and legitimato with bim ; but we scarcely believe that he a seat in both Houses. In all conscience ering in lis" strictures-on the recklosk ex. manner. The same spir.t which prompts | VHom be paid only $24.50. TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION: |(iscussion. He also slates that he regards »™ ' hic -- the challange as neither more nor less than a Thieso aro six out of the 29 many of which The Wilderness Temple of Good Tem- challenge 2 see which of them could do are uven more flagrant than the above, -- most 10 arouse a Apirit of discord aud 10 ox- We would consider this a rather doubtful cite angry passions. specimen of a minster and would fain hope Private Rawdon, of the Hussars, went to that there are not many such to be found | 11th con. Reach, on Wednesday 31st the soldier's bath, and in about seven miu- among the favored few. We have no fuith | ult. There was a fair turn out of the | utes was found drownded. the debt of the Province. He showed that | professional howler. ' ' - i ¢ . in the logic "set a thiel to watch a thief. members and their friends--a goodly num- The Polyglot Bureau is to ba opened here, places almost innumerable had been v n 2 goodly ye pe ' We were not: present at either of Mr. where commereial letters, circulars, &c., can created in oiler to gain support fer the Up- Brown's meetings on Friday or Saturday, tlie UN OIN pIC-NI1C: ber from (he surrounding Townships. -- be obtained in French, Spanish, Brazilian, per Canada minority. fle also showed former being held at, Columbus and the lattes a Throe of the candidates for Parliamentary | German and Italian languages. that throughout the whole aperations on the at Ashburn, both of which wiebsaid to have | The Union Pic-nic of the Prince Albert honors were present viz: Messrs. Thomp- |. Mr. 1. Cochran has imported for his farm government building at Ottawa Jobbery of} resulted in Mr. Brown's favor. Wesleyan Methodist and Bible Christian son, Cameron, and Gillespie: Dinner was | at Compton a number of choice sheep and the worst description had been practised, a -- Sabbath Schools, took place m Mr. Hol- i showing that the shamefully ~exirava-| Tus County or FEEL ASD: 18. Now: [1 an's bush--south of Prince Albert, on gant amount of $3,000,000 had already | INEES.--At the Conservative Convention Tuesday 30th ult. been expended on those buildings and yet held in Brampton on the 21st ult. Mr, One o'clock was the hour of meeting, more would be required. Coyne was nominated and carried bY &| nour two clock the meeting was organiz- | @ few remarks called upon the Reach Band LATEST Thou OTTAWA. He next reviewed some objectionable | M4i0rity of 15 igone over his opponent Me |, by calling Geo. Currie; Esq., Superin-| for a tune, after which the choir sung an LS voles given by Mr. Gibbs such as his vote | Colon; as the Conservative Candidate fof (00 of the Wesleyan Sabbath School-- | excellent piece. "ie Orrawa, July 29. for the last $500,000 thus making the grant | the Local House for the county of Peel. to the chair, The excellent juvanile choir-- The Rev. Mr. Miller, Uxbridge, was Mr. Lares Jot this afternoon for Mon- up to 3,000,000, also his vote of $22,500 10 | Colton the unsuccessful Candidate--a C1 | members of the school --led bv Miss Barber, | ¢aljed upon for an address, to which he re. pes, i Sud alt Sud Langevin purcha-e the slides on the Black River-- ii] 400, Ratwihsnding hat ou on the Melodeon, opened proceedings by sponded in his usual energetic manner, A oehec a ra informed while $10,000, would have been too much = vores J oe 39 * i Jssugy i > singing a beautiful and appropriate piece, Mr. Miller has temperance at heart and |state there will be a quorum of the Privy for them. Mr. Brown referred 10 one of | 47°88 and is determined to ran. So that fg, weq py prayer. Council here by Friday, and that -in ail !wo more voles of Mr. Gibbs, but from way | Coyne and Colton have out their addresses The Superintendent of the Wesleyan vkes a noble advoeate of the cause, probability the writs fora geceral election of accomodation we were prevented, during | 38 conservative candidate, : School submitted an excellent report; speak- | The Rev. Mr. DeGeer was next called, will be, mailed on the 3rd August, It is the greater part of the time from taking| The Conservatives are anxious Wat Cotton {ins in highest praise of the Sabbath School The old gentleman kindles up on this--to | said that they are all ready, only requiring omens at leet 1 rie ; notes. should leave the field but he can't be led Institution, as u'cultivator of the youthful him--important subject. He did not. de. the dates to be filled up. If the rumour 18 at least=ile Looaw, Goveos. laneent Late aa gushing up in our very | "yy oe He-saidthatas My, | 10 sec theypoint, + He says however that he | nid. The following is an abstéact of the| tam the audience long but bis remarks were ( be correct, the elections would come on MENT sbould uot suffer at the hands of its | sticets ; when: the political 'récoids of the Cameron was present and folt desirous of | Will leave the field if the party agree tof pono very appropriate. between the 18th and 24th of August. "declared enemies. They themselves, as | past are all forgotten, all burried in obli- addressing the electors. he (Gibbs) in view | 2ke Mr. Rutherford, from Toronto, who had Namber of names on School Roll.. 114 The Rev. Mr. Smith followed. | My. Reformers had better bring forward their penditure of (ho various Departments, It that howling down a speaker would de- would have been amusing had the affair not Prive the community of its rights, rob them been rather serious--had it not been that | of the franchise and shut off all free discus- the money thus squandered could not even sion=and 1f thew be one position nore de- be paid, but remains against us as past of grading than another it is that of the could be so very sanguine--he could there are plenty of wen, there is no neces. scarcely expect that the Reformers would sity of crowding two places on one man. play so effectually into bis hand, and thus Our Local Legislature 1s the more impor bring about a result which Le so earnestly | tant of the two--us far as the working of desired. Sir John well knew (hat he the system goes--and it must be guarded could not handle the party wuless he wl the uimost viligence as one of the managed to divide it ; but be could vever two great principles m our new constitu- bave succeeded if Reformers had acted | (ion, viz: control over our local affairs, with that wisdom and caution which bas so aud Representation by Population. Strip distinguished them in by gone days, -- the Constitution of these and it would Neither of the three who have joined Sir scarcely be worth the paper on which jt is Jobn had ever given any sign that they | writen. had abandoned one Reforin principle ner --T---------- adopted a Conservative one. After enter- | THE YEAR oF JUBILEE HAS COME. plars Leld their annual Temper: nce De. monstration in Spring's bush, lot 7,in the served up at noon. After dinner Mr. | Pig®: 0 m } : Five Eastern Township farmers supphed Ferguson, Treasurer of the organization the Boston market with P37 sheep in one was called to the chair, and after making | week. ing that ministry they declared then:selves Reformers--and in politics as in law, a man is presumed innocent unless he can be proven guilty --so that till once they bave ignored their principles as Reformers we were bound to consider them as such. It| we may well feel proud that it' has been way well be presumed that they entered | our good fortune to live justin these days that Cabinet on purpose to defend Reform | and in no other, neither past nor future but principles, and to see that the most valu- just at this very fpeculiar and paiticular able part of the new Constitution--to Re- time. At atime when the waters of the If we can place the smallest reliance 'on one tenth of the fair promises and solemn protestations that are now being made by political adventurers all over the country, a matter of course could not expect that | ¥ion ; when we are told on the right and of the very leng time occupied by Mr. | Promised to Mi. Cotton that he(Retlierford) Averago attendance of Pupils. .... 69 Smith is a forcible speaker and never fails eindidsios Ww! Yoelty 3: postivle, where the Reformers would ever think of read. |" the left, in words of oily eloquence that Brown would not detain the meeling wiih would bring into the cortest $2,400 or $2; Number of Officers. ... . 1 iieiesh a cade . beet B hey. ave not y e 80. yf ing them out of the party without suflicient | *!! °F Wrongs are soon 10 bo righted. 'That any lengthened remarks, but before matters | 800: What a powerful argument was this "0 v Visions... op Aficnce on soy subject bel. There ie. n0-news here from New Bruns- % It i ih : hat when th veonomy is to be introduced to every de- Hid Orocon] lurther Bo would wish to ask in favor of the candidate, $2,800 should |... 4p ** Verses fetited by Girls 93 ojond pe: : i wick, and jt is probable the Local Cabinet Reason; appears to us that when these partment of tie public servico ;- that free Mi Biciin iT "he had asserted that sf pe | WOK miracles ; such men cannot fail to be "« % « « wpoys.. 3279 'The Hon, M. C. Cameron followed, he [there is still unformed. ~ men joined ih Sir--Jobn, the Reformers grants of land" are about to be distributed, (Gibbs) denied that he had boasted that he | Worthy of all confidence though steeped to y | fully endorsed the sentiments of those who | There isa desire here that Mr, Frank ua; Wilbstdntioy that any of ten that a homestead law is about to be intro- would spend $20,000 sooner than lose the | the very lip in political Simony. The Total® « « « « {hg School 6672 | declared Intemperance a monster evil, and Tony Morar of Lomo, Sold run for migot deem it uhwise in Reformers to take duced, when every man will be allowed to election: that he (Mr. Brown) would place people of Peel judged it prudent to leave FINANCES, he considered the Revenue derived from a Wy nh ty eh sam any anything to do with Jobn A. yet. Mr. | retain as much property as make him inde- g Mr. Rutherford and his dollars in To- ' i intoxieati Q : : T - : , is " a gentleman on the platform who could i Collected from school children--copper { the sale of intoxicating liquors more loss | in offering for a Lower Canada constitu- Howland and bis two friends had a better | pendent ; when the Tories will be ull sim- i beantiate the fact that he had made a "010, and so Cotton and Coyne B19 bolls | oliections: for all who choose to give a | han gaiu to the country even in a pecuni. |ency, but Mr. McGee who resides mn chance of knowing the necessity that ex. | mered down to Conservatives and the Clear boast to that purpose. Alter some cross | INNING all their might as Conservatives. gopper or more each Sabbath--amounts to ary point of view. He gave a very neat | Montreal 1s offering for Prescott county in isted for baviog Reform principles repre. ria il get the hive taken out of them. firing Mr. Brown promised to ask his ifor- We wonder ji Toronio and oh dollars would $17 24. The subscriptions for 1866 is and pointed address. Upper Canada. " sented in that Cabinet than outsiders could Li nk ohn A.glial sprikle Pleatifully of want if he had any objection to allow his |J08! have ths wool hgas Ip allow one.s08L10) pony $26 00, making the total of the Re- Jobin H. Thom < Eq, Mr. Week Mr. O"Hanly's prospect in Russia are have. In place of ostracising these men | '® Aither Spray so that he may exiract with |, 00 be given. Mr. Gibbs briefly re- | PA¢8 from their absorbing grasp. ceipts $43 24. : igh Psa, Juste. Mrs 6X8, | very good indeed. be Ref: oh as little annoyance as possible the political ferred to the vates that Mr. Brown had cha-| Var much pleased to learn that Robort Disbursements paid for Sunday School | School Teacher Txbridge, and M. Gilles. T liave information. to night from South the Re orm party ought ty hare strength | togth of big opponents and thus render them racterized as bad. He spurned the jnsin- | Barber Esq., of the enterprising firm: of Advocate --papers for the schollars $11 25; | pie, Esp., all spoke before we came and Renfrew, that Mr. French, Sir John A's ened . their bauds--met with them and | powerless ; so that when he sees ft 10 | vation made by Mr. Brown that the amal- | Barber bros. has gol the Womingnon forthe| feo Secretary's Book and class Books | We did not get notes of their addresses. candidate there, will be beaten easily by talked over the matter urged them fo change the constitution he may do so with gamation vote which he (Gibbs) had given Commons in the reform interest in the 850ts ; paid for 80. volumes for Sunday | Mr. Margach, Uxbridge was next call. | Mr. McDougall. Me. McLachlan, of stand by their principles, do what they Soupupiy aud thus got rid of Wat bet moiy |g i fenced byany 'special agreement | 2°uMy of Peel, against Hon. J. H. Cameron School Library $17 50--for other books ed. Ife handled bis subject well while is Arpt, will hardly be opposed for the. could for the cause and that they should | °f ithe "present constitution Local control, with the Grand Trunk, or that be had ever| TY: . | $5 00-- for British Workman--a periodical | remarks were chiefly of ar i ommons there, ' : i : vr § x . y of an amusing nature, : have the whole Reform party at their | Repreecatation by population and A fow-- | 0 coived any favor from that company. Me Robert Smith is the by i Candi-| the children--$10 00. Total Disburse- they never failed to enforce (he Joint The Ontario branch of the Crown Lands backs... Then the party could have gone to him--other ugly features which are | 4 with regard to his vote for $500,000 10, 4ne for the Local House, for Peel. The ments $44 60 leaving a balance against the | dat W wi Depot is pisking up their books and papers 101s. soma lore brok likely to preventhim and his colleagues tho Government buildings, he losked opon Reform Candidates have every chance to school of $1 30, aimed at. We were amused with bis for removal to Toronto, Between Arty. oh Soviyy es ng 3 he airgsse from distributing the public funds when 1t as being indispensible in order to get the AY ia Slogan 3 only requires the Mr. Bullen-- Superintendent of the Bible Bscedcres mi fhe object aimed at was ory znylopees 8° vik ie hd 1 balanx | aod to whom they please. benefit of tha too far nt which has [201d effort of the party to carry both the il hoo rad ept prominently before the people. e reign of the departments do fo" contead not only against the Con- NES shendy been buen oly "We were 44 : Candidates triumphantly. ¥ Shinn Sra Soa Tig pin Rev Mr. Macarthnr followed-- he epoke of | €Otinues. ~ The employees do not know secvatives, our natural opponents, but| We regret . exceedingly to learn that our find that Mr. Gibbs showed no disposition From ail appearances Hon. John H. bo an dnarvolsaty n few months ago ai the advantages that would be derived from | "Hether they will go to the Provinces or, against those whom 'we have unwisely | esteemed find 'Mr. Jonas Smith, Cooper, it : Cameron will require 'a_pretty extensive | mohihis sg i J remain here. There are reports (hat J y og i : to defend the abominable jobbery that had hep whiclt a full report of the school was sub- | a prohibitory law. He dwelt eRrnestly on | cover new offices are to be created. Mr. driven from our ranks our unnatural op- bo A a shmombi Serious 45s been practise d in the construction ol these supply hat Spregiihe substance . so mitted, no report was now given. Another | the necessity for introducing higher enor Tilley, it is said, will appoint a puty ponents. It is all very well to say that | °'¢ ray 26h wit., by which one o buildings--and by which the colntry had to | PPPUIAT With dentists who assert that they pleasant piece by the choir. The Rey mens any ora erjoyiman of ie Minister of Customs from New Brunse they are Burzivcrams and will step to eC ra either side for office--so far the assertion heel of the other foot, considerably bruised, * ly thie progress of Mr. Barber makes John i besides some other severe. injuries, We Ne followed. He defended | 1: Pt on some rather disagreeable airs and a bi Bas a oe od wo oney thar tout - ANEHICAN NEWS, tion ; and we have ng hesitancy in assert: are pleased to learn that he is fast IMPIOV={ 01 Gibbs from the imputations made | °°" UP his face insucha way as to in- 10 enjoy themselves in swinging and other| We then mado a few remarks after which Escobedo has go} the command of the init: ol Yat : \ musements. When all was ready a large that cheers but does hot i an Jog it 'asour belief that notwithstanding | covered to attend to business. " : At the nommnation of the Reform Candi- | Es y the cup that cheers but does not 19" | for the Presidency. that tho'la fg body of Bebormioia have 1c. er ---------- the amalgamation vote, was rather lame. dotes'We fini by the Toms Soe he or and happy family sat down to a first rate Bh, The Reach Brass Band and Marsh's General Grant is being i Divrad a CR Beformers : FATAL ACCIDENT. The gentleman then went on to show that 1a silting all around on a beautiful rich | Choir did excellent service. Tho ten was futore President of the United States, mence 'any of his. old /pravks--more| | 1y becomes our painful de being what f its ad d} Resolved. That 'winle, 1on. the one |of ail proofs hed bess. fthe hvely|that about 150 partook ofit. A. Spring i : ; pies pt M0 ' org painful duty to record the | being wha many of its advocates asserte: a @ | of all proofs en given of the hvely Bor He W oC tributed h to the | ©0Vered in Madison County Philaderphia. , than one, if not all of ihe shies will at once | deat of a young man named George Harn- | --he considered that jt would cost us at 5 fand, SXcept in. some grave and pom por. ppreci of the culinary skill of the a a ays by fort antemiting ry The United States expects io secure (ha quit partoership with im and leave the 3 0p ' 1 h : last near tho village of Raglan --one of the past for representation by | « subversive. of heulthy 0 position, and es- were resorted. ta ; cheerful greetings and | ® Dlessant ons, and we Beligve sh, it wag | M. M. Cartier and McGee seem to have see wil advantage is to be expected from hind wheels passed over his body just under population he could show . that it will ot 4 pecially as leading, without these checks pleasant conversation passed around for | Profitable in the proper séuse of tlie Term. Bot thet mutch in . . Lnsiat Rivis oer oo toil by [the diaphragm. He survived the accident accomplish much as the number: of mem-| mh . Bill ing eieihe 'elon his ancles was badly dislocated and the pay twice as 'much as the buildings wilt] ©2n extract teeth without pain,-- for certain- Mr. Stobbs, Superintendent of the circu of Respmg Avormised Debating Clube | Wick. --lobe. is entirely gratuitous and without founda. ing and will again soon be sufficiently re- against him by Mr: Brown. His defence of dicate something rather unpleasant, lea was prepared and all went oft to en- Mexican Army, and Jaurez is cahdidate Jected 'men--should John A. com. the confederation scheme was very far from | 10Wing resolution was carried unanimously. carpet of nature's weaving. After the besi | 20! up in first rate style. We should judge Immense deposits of tn have boen dis p L dan who fell from a load of lumber on Friday | least $4,000,000 every year moro than the. " litions ds' wanting 3 party. respopsibilty, | ladies, more amusement and more swinging | tention to the details." The day was really [ Islana of St.Thomas as a Naval Station, 'Cabivet. 'We 'cannot for the life of us el il, we sonie time, when the scattered bands were INCREASE OF PAY, 1008 are over, only twenty minutes. He leaves a widow | bars of the house of Commons from Quebec, 4 Tition in the admunistration of the Libeta] | 8g80 assembled to enjoy more sweet music M. Devlin had a meeting at which there and 2 fatherless children to lament his un-f Nova 'Scotia and New Brinswick combined . Province of tig, t on the other [and instructive addresses, I'he Rev. G.| All eoldiers mn the British service who | were above 4,000 people. timely death. The funera) took' place on | will have a majasity of 17 over, the mem-|* band, the claims. of our cause are such Jamieson, wus then called upon for an ad- | have served ten years or more receive an| In view of the immense crowds who wish, Sabbath 28th inst., and was attended by a | bes from Ontario, conseqpently it became x forgot Wi denon uagosnimouly io dress, increase of 2 pence per day of pay and all olan the Sinsusaion Setwed Ne Devin e against . McDougall large number of friends and mourning re- | us to cultivate the fnendship, and not un-| « Government * i 1858, and to extend to| He congratulated the people--the officers | reenlisted men shall receive an additional 3 ; As, : ] against Mr, Howlaud-- latives. Ren ds Hire, "I necessarily incur the enmity of those pro-1 « (he present admin Bri ish oourt- of the schools, the teachers and the pupils, ! pence daily. : rpm fasion fee so that belter order . hg ' u ~~ v : yr 3

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