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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1867, p. 3

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4 v 4 > « | L | e---- ts, THOMPSON & PAXTON will Address the Electors of North Ontario, as Ro = follows : MANILLA, Tuesday 13th inst. ATHERLY, Wednesday, 14h. MILLINGTON, Mara, Thursday, 1511, BRECHIN, Friday, 161h. BEAVERTON, Saturday, 17h. ' Chair to be taken at 7 o'clock, p. m. " Yung * "The Hod. M. C. Cameron, and Malcolm Gillespie, Esq., are 1espectfully invited to attend, EE -- _- WELL DONE PRINCE ALBERT. That bealthful and ancient game " Quoits" is becoming quite a favorite in these villages. On the 3rd inst, half a dozen from our village went to Port Perry aud met a similar number from that village where a friendly game was the result.-- Prince Albert proved more than a match for ort Perry, which could not get with seven points of their skillful antagonists.-- "The following is the score, RINK No. 1. Prince Albert, § XN; Stevenson, 7 '¢ W. Scott, 7} he : John Phillipe 7. Port Pe ry, § G. Gimblet, ? 146 3 RINK No.-2, : { Robt. Boynton, 9 Prince Albert, 5 R. Daynes, 2 12 + Pa § J. Eosign, 8 Port Perry, ¢ A. Platten, 4 : RINK No. 3. , john La 11 Prince Albert, § wa Gin" 11 {oe > RR. M¢ Michael 6 Port Perey, § A, Dénis en { 17 The Prince Albert players were enter- tained to an excellent supper by their Port Perry friends, at the Royal Canadian Howl, Port Perry. up in fist rate style, and was well enjoyed by tbe party, W. Boynton, Sen.. and E. Williams, Umpires. W, M, Cochrane, und Thos, Johnston, Seoters. eat ---- CRICKET MATCH. At interesting match at Cricket was played at Uxbridge, on Wednesday, the 31st ult, between the married and single wen of this place. The game was very spirited and well contested by both parties showing that there is considerable cricket- ing ability in the Village, and it ouly re- quires prac'ice to make this club one of the best in the Cougty. The bendicts snatched the laurels from the brow of the bachelors, having 12 runs to spare. MARRIED--1+t Inuiugs. John Bascom, run 00t......... 2ud Tunngs., bh Gitpin.. 5b Galpin bE ] art A. Henderson, not out Byus 8, Wides 3. SINGLE--4st Li H. Bustin, bh 81 Stun Ed w, b Bolsterld--14 ic SheEe tiyes d, Wides 4... Ele. 1) -- Communicated. Wercome [{omMe.-- We are proud to know that our worthy townsmen, A. Ross, and M. Currie, Esq's., returned frém Eu. rope, on 'Tuesday, 6th inst. We have not had the pleasuce of seeing - Mr. Currie-- we bave seen Mr. Ross, and be appears re{reshed and invigorated by his trip. We uaderstand that they made the most of their time, a portion of which was speat in that world of wonders, the Pazis Ixhibi- tion. ee -- To CorrEspoNDENTS,~-¢¢ A Lover of Fair- play" will see that we would not be doing justice to the party whom he wishes to de- end by i 2 his ication By. Poor Mac.--Mr. McGee held a meet. ing in St. Lawreace St., Montreal, on the! 2nd inst., his polite audience however rather disapproving of his course enileavored to convince him of the fact by such arguments as suited their capacity, viz: stones and eggs in an interesting state of perfume. These arguments proved too weighty even for the orater, who was forced to beat a hasty retreat from the rescue of such bar- barism. : "ANOTHER RIDGEWAY VICTIM. We are sorry to record the painful intelligence that Captain Prentice of the Columbus Rifles, died on Monday, the 5th inst. Exposure when on duty at the lime of the Fenian invasion last year, brought on that sickness which has ter- minated his existence. ~The fuberal took place yesterday. His re mains were interred in the Cemetery in connec- tion with Dr. Thornton's church, near Oshawa. He was burried with Military honors. The Officers of the Whitby, Oshawa and Columbus Companies, and many of the men from each Company were present. The deceased being a member of « 0. order, a large number of the bretheren were in attendane, among whom we obsarved Messrs. White Scott, and acks, from Prince Albert. The Funeral was a most imposing solemn_sight, Col. Fairbanks was in: the firing party, Universal symp: is' exress- 3a fr the bereaved widow and- fia 0... i command, Capt, Dartnell was in hits of | The game was a, most agreeable one---the supper was got | © Tbe DIED. * At Manchester, on" Thursday, 31st ult, 1saac youngest son of Mr. Henry Thompson, age: nine months, : DIVISION COURTS. FOR THE Countp of ontario. In the matter of Andrew Cowan, of Uxbridge, in the Province of On tario, an Insolvent. HE Creditors of the above Insolvent are notified to meet at the Royal Hotel, in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on Monday the Nineteenth Wow day of August inst, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, for the Public Examination of the said Insolvent, aud he Order ing the affairs of the estate generally. H. T. JOIINSTON, sa Assignee. Uxbridge, 3rd August, 1867. Masonic Notice. The regular Communication of Prince Albert Lodge, No. 183, of A. F. & A. Masons will be held in the Masonic Hall, to-morrow (L'riday) evening, at half-past seven o'clock. s G. W. JONES Secretary. Prince Albert, August, 8th 1867. HOUSE PAINTING. FPHE subscriber 1s prepared to undertake House Painting in all its branches, and by strict attention to business aud moderation in charges he hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him ia the past. WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince August 1, 1867. Insolvent Act of 1864 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. N the County Court of Province of Ontario, the County of Ontario. County of Qutaiio. In the matter of THOMAS BODEN, an lusolvent. On Monday the twenty-third day of Septem- ber, 1867, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of said Court, for a discharge under the said Act. " THOMAS BODEN. ge, July 13, 1867. THE ONTARIO FARMERS | Mu ual Insurance Company. pus Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and_their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Fakir of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Oftice Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary. ERRORS OF YOUTH, A Gentleman who suflerered for years (rom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all ihe eflects of youth on, will, for the sake of suilering humanity, o all wha yh ceipi and directions ing the simpl ich he was cured, hing to p y erin ts expericiic can do so by addressing, in| onfidence, 17-1y JOLIN B. OGDEN, & Sueet, New york, LYST 'LI Lup 'uaqry eouw, ud = = = of =) |] 2) « 4 j=l >? NY 'LYIETy IONIEd Money to Loan. A Xr quantity of Money to Loan at 8 per LX cent interest. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, Office over T. C. Forman's Store, 4 Prince Anperr. or To JOHN ADAMS, Toronto Street, 'I'nroNro. Prince Albert, May 1, 1867. Money to Lend - IN SUMS OF $300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Iulerest. + FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, &c. Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45-2m THE LIVERPOOL &; LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company. . Sem------ INVESTED FUNDS, $15,000,000 INVESTED IN CANADA,.... $250,000 Five Department, INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES orf ProPERTY aT CurneNT RATES. FARM RISKS ar Srecrarry Repucep Rares. Life Depavement., Yo EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY... ife Doli the benefit of Wife or Claldren are Seeteg from Seizure by Creditors. olicy for $1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus ystern costs at age 30, $24.70 a year. Should it become payable after 5 years, one- fourth of the Premiums are return wiry the sum assured ; if after 20 years, one-half are re- turned ; after 30 years, three-fourths ; after 51, the sum assured is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2,000. 54 Claims payable one month after proot of death. : G. F¥, C. SMITH, Resident Secretary: . MONTREAL. { M. G. ROBSON, rless chile > . Agent, Prince Albert. At Columbus, on the 5th inst., inst, Capt. Prentice, of the Columbus Rifles, aged 35 vears. No. 1, Whitby, ... ....June 1st, 1867. Doh Tol tiers | - ooo soy hl» : 3 y ) Mele Aevtisements.| © ovine dou, © ee - '* 5, Cann Aug. lst, " ET 7 | ws, Beaverton, i tN " 17, Atherly... MERLE NG Insolvent Act of 1864. "© 7. BURNHAM. -- 3 : Judge C. Whitby, Mar. 27, 1867. - 5 PROCLAMATION To all whom it may Concern ; K3ow all men by these Presents, that it AN having come to the knowledge of the un- dersigned that there are certain individuals resi- "dent in and about PORT PERRY! Who contemplate ERECTING DWELLING {TR vouses &C. In the aforesaid Town of Port Perry. Now this is 'herefore to notify the aforesaid residents of Port Perry, that I am prepared to BUILD, ERECT AND COMPLETE In a substantial manner all such buildings, ' whether of Wood, Brick or Stone. And Whereas having Leased the Sash & Door Factory, I am prepared to furnish Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Scroll-sawing, Wood-turning, Face-Planing, aud Flooring on the shortest notice and at reason. able rates, Given under my hand at Port Perry in the Township of Reach and County of Ontario, this 4th day of April, 1867. (Signed) GEO. ROBINSON, : BuiLber. A few thousand feet of Seasoned Floor. ug for 5 New Avveviigementy, ¢ rons: ---- ee] for some years past. Currants, Coffee, Tea, &c. Prince Albert, August 1, 1867. Farm for | DR Sale that ex ellentdfann consisting of the south-half of Lot No. 8, in the 5th con- cession of the Township of Reach. rly all cleared. A House and a good I n, with a constant supply of goo Conveniently situated between Mane Utica. Apply to = MORRISON & SAMPSON, Corner of Church and Colborne Sts., Toronto. 14-tf N 3 April 17 133 HE members of this Band embrace this op- portunity of informing the in nts of North Ontario that they will hold ti i readiness for engagements for Excar nics, Concerts, &c., &e. Charges mod x 8. B. FAWSITT, Late of Dodsworth's Band New York. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO,C.W, nnn 183 1. INCORPORATED... ....ot Esq VRESIDEN Pick-Pri Sec' aNvT GEOaMICHIE ON. J. MeMURRICH {NARD HALDAN, Esq PRINGLE, 1 Capital, - - $400,000. 1 ( Travelling Agent, 1 County of Omario To Consumptives. w-sufierers the nicans of cure, re it, he will send a copy of the pre- of with the "direct fon which they will find win, Brone } at a riser ted, and scription 1s 10 n which he ile e tive tof the the v may prove Fikiy tuligh-otimailgw il ply L REV. EDWARD A, 17-1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. Brooklin Drug Store. JOHN DAWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufls, Groceries, &¢ Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, (= Horseland Cuytle Medicines always on hand. 5000 APPEE TREES FOR SALE. $825 per Hundred. I. RURNHAM, Lot 31, Tih Con. Whuby. % June 24, 1867. MONEY TO LOANH $100 000. NE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars to Loan on Mortgage security, in sung to suit borrowers, at a very moderate rate ol interest. Apply at the far-famed Manchester Warehouse, lo JOHN HODGSON. cus kindly permitted to 'T. N. Gibbs, Esq. Wid yi EC Canoe, Evga Me I, gv 3 LJ B Worrell, M, A. Incumbes 4 Ta Whibys Hove LB Cadwell Myr dam Gordon, Esq., Proprietor of the Man. 3 chester Warehouse ; Robert Mobius, Esq., Borelin Sinclair, Beg. Port Perrys Joseph Reeder, Esq. Sengog ; John Clark, Fsq., Manillu; Jonathan Hodg- soi; K8q . Oakwood orge Brabazon, + Wick; Malcolm Gillespie, Esq, Brack; my Henry Brethour, Esqy James Spier, y Vioomanton. Manchester, Sept, 5th, 1866. 32-3m J. HEAL'S Celebrated Itch Ointment RE EL ay cure warranted. Price 25cents a box. J. HEAL. 3 & = and Brandies for medical use. at cash prices. poe = | Ww. h! OULD embrace vince Albert, May 22, 1867. ~ SPECIAL Manchester and Whitby, July 25, 1867. IT || Candidates i ES a A == H.. Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, PRINCE ALBERT, his opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous friends for the liberal share of patronage he has received. farther state that he purchased a First Class HEARSE, decorated in the latest style, with double Sets of Plumes A large and choice lot of COFFINS kept constantly on hand. A large and wawees complete Stock of COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description always on hand, and for sale, Cheap for Cash. 3 FUNERALS attended to with dispatch. Charges moderate, The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Lumber. Remember the Place--Opposite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and Blue. THAN a ---- We prefer minding our own business just now, and have in announcing the receipt of the first of our FALL THPORTATIONS CURRIE & ROSS. RE SIL 0 LIQUORS. A large and choice lot of first class LIQUORS tonsisting of BRANDIES and WINES, OLD RYE, MALT and COMMON WUISKEY, of the best brands, PARK; MORE INTERESTING POLITICS! ~ Recently bought by M , ROSS while in England and France, consisting of fine Broad Cloth, Doeskins, and Fancy 3 Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Prints, Shirtings, Grey and White Cottons, Hollands, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &ec. Call and SEE these Goods. 05= We have also received a lot of Dundas Cotton Yarn and Cotton Bags,--much superior to anything sold Also abundance of SUGAR, Rice, Raisins, i & J. GAMPBELLS, MANCHESTER. They now offer the balance of their, Summer Stock at a Great Reduction in price. BARGAINS In Dress (Goods, Parasols, Prints, Shawls, Factory Cottons, Mantles, and in Millinery Goods, in Bonnets and [lats, and a large Stock of Realdy-made Clothing, in Men's and Boys' Coats, Pants and Vests, of their own manufacture, 03 Also a complete Stock of Groceries, Crockery, and [lardwore, First class Wines ef. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, for which Goods will be given R. & J. CAMPBELL. He would mes 19 pleasure /T'rouserings, lection: Port Perry, July 10, 1867. TORONTO Nurseries =, 'The Subscriber would bég to inform all parties indebted to him either by note 'over due, book ac: cotint or otherwise, that all must be : paid immediately, otherwise they will be placed in Court fot col: J H E. HOGG, Box 75, Port Perry, C. w. ' FRESH ARRIVALS ! -- ul Tell === Prinec Albert,Dec. 5, 1866, Tarlor Prince Albert, Feb. 13, 1867. FURNERN! ATI J. COX OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL. PRINCE ALBERT. 18 SELLING ION! MENS' GOOD COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90, To make room for Spring Stock. Women's and Children's wear also very low. 1 Cash Paid for Fides. PLASTIQUR & Greatly Red MANCHESTER, June 19, 1867. The Subscribers have just received a large lot of EXHIBITION SKIRTS! Which they offer very low. Also a new lot of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Borders, Parasols, &c., Grey Cottons, Muslins, &c., which they offer at uced Prices. Brown & Christian. FE Subseriber would embrace this oppor I HE Sut of thanking his many friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him since he started business in Reach. He would inform all whom it may concern that be has erected a FIRST RATE OAT MEAL MILL ection with his FLOURING MILL on kn Reach--between Manchester and Utica. He has got his Flouring Mill in a first rate state of repair. Gristing done on the shortest notice. First class Oat Meal always on hand to exchange for Oats. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. : 53 Parties ordering Flour, Oat Meal &c,, in the neighboring villages, can bave it delivered at their residences. ANDREW PAUL Reach, June 5, 1867. MACKIE'S HOTEL, (LATE BRODIE'S,)) Walton Street, Port Hope, Wn. MACKIE, Proprietor. Farm for Sale, OR Sale that First Class Farm bemg the North-balf of Lot No. 10, iu the 12th con- | Nosth-half of Lot Ai i eon | MONEY TO LOAN. T LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Apply to MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Prince Albert. MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., a. Nove ber 21, 1866. 46 ALBION HOTEL, East Market Square, Toronto, Good Stabling and every accommodation, af moderate charges, BOARD $1 PER DAY. W. SHORT, ProrrieToR. Toronto, Mareh 20, 1867, 10 Ontario Hotel, DBROCK-ST., WHITBY. C. DAWES, - ~ = ProPRIETOR. ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W. rE largest and most commodious Hotel in Town. A special conveyance to the Rail- on. Stages depart from the Royal aily to all places north, Attentive host-* lers always in attendance, JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. ee Sai, Ig Bi RR Township of Reach. 90 Acres cleaved and in a high state of cultiva- tion, and well fenced. There are two good Frame Houses on the property with good out- buildings. There is a capital young orchard of choice fruit trees and an,abundant supply of water on the, premises. : For further particulars apply to the proprietor -- Aaron Bagshaw--on the premises--il by letter e-paid. Deepa AARON BAGSHAW, Proprietor. Greenbank, July 3, 1867. 26-tf STAND AROUND! TE subscriber having returned to Reach, lias got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the (G=Tailoring Business 'In all its branches. Garments entrusted to his care will be made up in the latest styles ; and nothing will be left undone by him--in way o neatness of fit, moderation in charges, and care- ful attention to orders--to obtain and secure a large share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly regularly. yn y JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Ogt, 18, 1806. 4 Flour and Feed Store. 4 Lit Subscriber begs to intimate to the in- habitants of And surrounding Villages that he has opened a . Flour and Feed Store, OppositeCowan'sStore Where he intends lokep constantly on hand a ty of quan FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, BRAN AND SHORTS. Wheat, Oats and Corn taken in exchange. HH Parties ordering any of the abave artie! 1, Ry them delivered at their residences ooo Cash. Terms ~- - Marriage IT.icenscss (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Offic the Scuao& Houss, HENRY CHARLES. Jan. 23, 18617. 3-4 HALF A MILLION JMoney to Lend. HE undersigned has completed arrange- ments, whereby he is prepared to lend $500,000 of Private Funds, on good mortgage security, ata low vate of interest. The borrow- er can have his own time to pay the principal. Iam also Agent for two of the largest mone- tary institutions in Canada, that lend money from 3 to 10 years, at six per cent interest. No Commission charged. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold: Apply personally to - JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Notary Pusiic, Land Insurance, General Agent, &c., &e. Orrice--McMillan's Block, Brock Street. Whitby, Oct. 3, 1866. 3 PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER I" E " : | PRINCE ALBERT, Bakeries ! RE the places to buy your BREAD, A FLOU RIOAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First olass Coalectionaries. : Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer vse; and Fruits iu their season. He is al epared to furni Tou Mts Fi on liberal hish So THOMAS PASCOE. o Albert, July 9, 188%, 21 CHAS. HISCO Feb. 13, 1867, Wedding Cakes wade to order, BT CRITI FE Se Ee oe RT 7p AX CTIERATE i ¥

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