0) : ] x i 5 ort Lah | id Dew Poa : : New AVveriigements. "| TEL 1 : UY ACCEPTEDP OLITICS rh ei fe ------ » - An impos tant ¢ T= above large amount has been plhced at the "disposal of the Sadie to be Ls Tra, ss Be Arya Bre ra loaned upon good Farm Security at the low rate of ; Perens, Mg. PEDLAR, of Oshawa, having challenged Stove * i onl Stan extensive busiiiess hose, but even ofa Auother dimincies future of tis Caloge lathes sh 1 dealers to compete prices of Stoves. We here annex our ws = 1 E GC EE N p prices with his, knowing we can. compete most favorably with| We prefer 'minding our own business just, now,. 2 have plesive hemes of that SRE x Somme 3 him, % any other dealer in the Dominion, with the means we in annduncing the receipt of the first of our EE En the : + Jue, payable annually, in sums fi $500; upwards--Ifor 3, 5,8, or 10 year. have o purchasing, y £ £ toi is te foe ike ee i auchs : HATCH & BRO'S PRICE. MR. PEDLAR'S PRICE. Raion: : , AR G w 0 Winch Protectionist,. ...... Cay $20 00410 wach Protectionist; . wer beinesn oo: 370 00] fn [oh Ee Vous pon Boveri ih mn 1 # PortUlen...caverecic.iss 190019: « 'Fortuve,.......... 0... 00 i hough Ue course fram the mistaken i wr ~~ 2 " Young Dowmiuien, .... gain te 17 % Nou advertised, . i be by the saving : The time ie 10 svmplety the full course veiied As the money is obtained from a resident of the County of Ontario, na delays occur in . \ obtaining the funds aud wil transactions ean be completed within ove WEEK from the [10 Queen ORY icanivvensive we 21 COY 10 inch Queen City an htteisre 22 00 ly Pu fo in Tac the compari ely mal oc time of upplication. Borrowers Will find it done coNvENIENT both in receiving money [10 « Commonwealth, ......... 23 001 None advertised. : Recently bought by MR, ROSS, while in England 'and France el compietely master of the course ; aid thus, by from us well as paying interest to a resident of the County, besides the advantage of | 9 EMS senna ooo 19 504 QinchLommonwealth .uuses.... 20 00 ' sama) Lge ou Jini, eves y himaeil for sone incre dealing with a neighbor i iu case of default. oD " Glaions dailies nse toe 18 4% - . i cis Xraeirase 17 2 consisting of fine Broad Cloth, Doeskins, and Fancy Trouserings, igh! Suman. iy to the le Ne) ianty. . : q ant Loin ' tothe ge, where he graduates ; and, besides, Apply Bolu od has » 4 0| Plain aid Fancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Prints, Shirtings, Grey |xnesaireiiun sn Commercial Collges genera ' ve 21 $ arners arid crowd in' students is W. M. COCHR ANE, 18 € amie « wien . 30 and White Cottons, Hollands, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &e. EE . -- We were again awarded PRIZE at wg 354, Queen Strect, Port P erry. For Penmanship, Circulars, &e., address 1 - Be sure not to buy a stove before seeing Hatch & ine Provincial' Exh the beat Ey? > So icitor, ETE Brother, it will pay. Wethave other Stoves of heavy Call and SEE these Goods. FHT aii 2 Fae - gan \ Reach, Cat. 23, 1867. 42} etal dveitised. ey a mess vot barf lyastios [IZ= We have also received a lot of Dundas| SEsGiors & flr, ; : WEacH ARIES Farnace 1; 15, and 2 bls. a= Very cheap, Fai Prince Albert, Nov. 1, tech W M. DECH LER, "Hatch's Patent Dumb Stoves, Stove, Pipes, &c., always on hand, Cotton Yarn and Cotton Bags,--much superior to anything sold WwW ANTED: ' fan heat, $200 8 017 buat. = Also a lot of Hardware] . Paints, Oils, Glass, Coal Oil L amps, for some years past. Also abundance of SUGAR, Rice, Raisins, Harley, 6c @ os. &c., which ate being sold very chea '. Currants, Coffee, Tea, &e. : GOOD Servant Girl, --one capiebld of Peas, 68¢ @ 0c. ' § P- . general house work. Noue other lov Sued, $6.00 § bush. H TCH & BROTHE CURRIE & ROSS, sage Good wages paid." ATES 500 49 ¢ | 4 A R, : Prines, Albert, Apgeet 1, 1867, : JOHN A. Show, Jitter, le. wite. yn. ; hd HS 10 Cheap Hardware Store, No. 4, Brock-St., ry AMT oy ' rw fing N Wool we 107950 Bi 4] Whitby, Oct. 23, 1867. Oct. 33.1867." [42-3w) Manchester id Ly "aRget A a aE a RGE A RRIV LS| ®ova: morEz, | 0 np LA RUYAL HOTEL, : Rely Mbectisemets AL A NS witty, cw. : --_-- SWATCH AKER! 1 IM + 54 OF iE largest and most commodious Hotel In bi mm Town. ial conveyance to the Ral f i tion, from the Royal A FIRST CLASS JEWELER, &C., i, Jo Attentive host \ . ho je: 8 in atte / 4 | farm for Sale, Prince Albert, Ont., The subscribers take great Toros in infirming their customers gf i Vo ey JACOB BRYAN, Proprieter. ; yo OULD be oo li¢, th Ti i : \ T. Subseriber Ea half of ont excellent Ww he Pn Asin cp dei took a and friends, that their .. \ Fam ing ihe a8 t- of Lot No. 12; in Wy 3 . | Em STOCK OF GOODS, 3 [Sig Township of Brock; Clocks, 8 - Containing by ad to: artment, which for blip , * fing 39 pm 1 em 0) Jewelry, &e.,| Is now complete in every dop i j|Fpicensed_Auctioneer. Jose 3 Lie i Sasi o mi Which he will Sell VERY CHEAP. : 5 he { table with several out-log -- 4 . | Tien cial Youne orerael. "Fv ood | £3 All kinds of wuehes Clock, wa ov | (BD up A REG QM d Ch CRAPNESS, fea to announce the dirivol--st their WHITBY; and MANCHESTER TOR IE Smet. hdl fo Foy o ; ils with Yn. be the ii Se is al B g Prine root. 7 2601, 4 4 ~--of their Fall Stock, having been: purchased--for Cash by one of the firm, i in the | Mariposa, wonld beg to aan to Farmers and N illic [Ee RR Cannot b# excelled in the County of Ontario. B.itish and French Markets. They feel satisfied that they are in a position to offer others, Fequiring a serv meet v TITLE INDISPUTABLE. 3 a f 5 . their customers and the public ly and esréfully attended to. Chai Barges moderate, £4 Terms $3000--$1000 down, the remainder in 3 mm A splendid assortment of Crockery just arrived. Ilardware, i : G 1 |ovsrne oa 3 of Sale, &e, ke, , Arranged at the - J ay Groceries, and Boots and Shoes, always on hand. The C heapest oods in the Market ! er Office, Prince %. Majok. kL Jettet pre-juid to J. G. TRUAX = g pr---- Cash paid at all times for Wheat, Barley, They would direct attention to_ their Stock of French Merivoity, Empress Cloth, Bor, March, 274k, 1867 1 » x : rock PO. 3 -- > Poplinetts, Black and Colored Silks, Winceys, &c., and to a special lot of Fancy Brandon Brothers IF Brock, Nov. 5, 1867; ddl OT = a buck Peas, Oats, 1 ork. & C. Dress Goods. ge. Also to their Stock of eivty and Factory Sond lice are Manahectnrors of 168 z i --Fiannels, Blankets, Counterpanes, arpets, Window Curtains loves, 15 = The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. extra cheap 4 : 0 FECTI NERIES, &C + wy f12 0b , -- [osiery, Boots and Shoes, &e. (= 10,000 Cotton and Linen Grain Bags--chiap:- BISCOITS, ON 0 v 4 i A - = | MANCUES TER, Oct. 23, 1867. BICWN & CRISTIAN. "They would call the special attention of Genslemen to, thejr immensé Stock of | Wholsale ard he rn in i Sf acu, b t= 2 a -- = ty Cloths, Tweeds, fats, Caps, Collars, and READY-MADE CLOTHING, --the CANNINGTON, Cc. Ww. ine : I= 3 . Ss = rns == largest and most complete Stock they ever bad the pleasure of offering. Clothing Canin Apel TRIG0T. id fi | p = : i : OGY wade to order if the latest style of Fashion. ani es pri gh B { tario: ote i i « 'Alson large assortment of Fresh Groceries. A Fresh Stock of 'Teas, Sugars, Le gy, : i Sub q h he in- o b IV Ste EE = So o } Fruit, "Cobaccos, &e. A large Stock of Crockery and Glremate, Just received from Cc. p AT SICH. 874 ta f 'ownships, that he has purchased a first class 2 ' the Safordshire Potteries. : -- man . ] Boar--SMALL G GRASS BR ED rom the Coun- Lo Se Te ten agp | FRE soso beets go siber| OQ == © MONE Y u 9 LIQUORS. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y / Servic 75 cents ¢ 3 = Al d choice lot of first cluss LIQUORS consisting of BRANDI and WINES pl . ( Ls Hin ta en ig a tn ey Dor OLD RYE, MALT and COMMON WHISKEY, of the best brands, iret class Wines TORONTO, C. W. 4 ! and Braudiow for medical use, . \ ov. 0.1 Yoat. I=) = . : _ ANY QUANTT ry or 2 863. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, for which 'Goods will be giten| INCORPORATED, es. | ---- . 5 i % at cash prices. E ) | ¢ 3 g A call is respectfully solicited. Remember, bf CAMPSELL Captal, - $200,000. --] ; iF . & J. CAMPBELL. rn ® p i bi ; 1 9 Magehester and Whitby Sept, 2 25, 1867. hil bin NL MMU RIC Hh penser] HH f | 1 QF # ? SKC'Y ANDREAS RNARD Bikoa, Esq . - u : GR SE AE A Ro rt tT JAMES PRING Ll . m------ ¢ Travelling Ag, 4 oo ; 1 County of Oniarie ix deial otices, . Yn Let i 59 Y |v _ Sprial 2 GET The subscribers are in a position to lend any bf First Class Sheep for ! hs The Confessions and Es Experience of an quantity of Money, : . : ' Sale. | 3 blished for the benefit and Caution to ; : ber of : FE erage Son (Private Funds) BE Seber pt gee wad { Jebilit >ren ne ecny of anhood, & ) b sunply ie ho same ih The Means of Self ' | i OP i 4 O A N ' LEICESTER EWES ¥ A i 0 ho red hims or un- i | i ne Shi chy. Ehsaan i . By Imported Rams. Toru Cath ' | 8 308 te , f .- al 3 8 per cent Ber Ann um, § Sm Lao] Loto 1h 1h Con Boneh, i NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., 3 : The Subscriber is now prepared to lend any amount of Money, Reach, Sept. 25, 1861, : 33-3 iron N.¥ iver 35-0m Brooklin, Kings Co, N. ¥. Interest payable yestly and no payment required : " : The most Bopular Remedy ever : di . To (Con aptiy Sil SN pcan padvanenn, i ton fe yen P ™wW A TE TU NDS: pi offered to the "Public-Y~ F< IN Tung sd Epi WA ire AER x They are Ro Agents for the largest money ; r 9 Sey IN i N'S With {he sections, Lik kiag aud sng the loaning institution in Canada, which loan money z ar of . : or I OM L NSO! afeetion. rd To rea disease Consumption. = Mion 2 to 15 years at 6 per cent, and payable by » i On good Mortgage Security-- or Debentures, at a x : C 3 3 to be cted and i Sire vil ty tis rescripiont equal yearly instalments. ' Pr h : Pain: Ure, { \ { a tL othing, a may, prove a vs if > Kk ; : " *, A J Blessing, Please wires, bee or Morty: ages Mought and Sold. 2 ] ; ¥ ory low rate of Interest. r. FORMERLY | ) : A re Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, wl iF . \: 0. ou i Second Steeet, Williamsburg, New T : A ? 2 Jaa hsm New Yo Sis of yd Lands and Improved Farms for . {The borrower can have his own titié to pay ie principal. s , 1d - Efe : Q ale and to Re 3 ; ! f . . BEE ao ae 1 Suan 2 ApPLY TO . : & ---- J ; I also represent three of the Lorgat Monetary Companies in the J ! | i [Loud only be jossipsin Tigi fits, aleo Eracire Fe the phi #0 Pimeie 0 DAVID J. ADAMS, ¥ Q. i Dominion that lend money o low rates on Farm and Town Property. : 1 rom those who uve acd the the same soft, clear, and 'beautiful, can be ob- LAND AnD INSURANCE AGENT, VALUATOR, &C.y i i Fain both io *i5 = Ee 5 I d Tarms for Sale--at extiemely low For the cure of Fain: » * {Patent Swing Pump. tained hk cn Oficadver T. C. Porman's Store; ! = Several good mprove ly : S oi Internal. fi Oy f 23 New York. | Prixce ALBERT. : d old: 2° Sh ds ct tans TTT Tor or 10 JOH SEER s i Silver and Shes ug 50 ne diontest Tein Clty tal yet seventeen of the most impdrtant eounties in ERRORS 4 1 : T » pply personally to . i 3 to P er all od . : 3 oronlo Streel, TNrONTO. er Wi re ain wa, pn bad hn oy Ae Pinos Albert Geta 10,1607 JAMES HOLDEN: of nat [gost impossible ; [as the forcing Spats cant J to al Tule Jor he she Ty 2005. Official phd, 'Land, Insurance, and General Agent, WW hithy. applied iff one minute when it will throw a | go AS C0 siuple 1emedy by wich he was cured. ea - McMillaw's Bl Brock S Ht, HA doin of shh. Pua Sudictously ond co bre ot ot hes ob | Bere Neitests Buk Dove Sl) ab it oe ota x w laced in'a villize would render extensive con-, 17.1y JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Cedar Seer, New rok. Li . : L A ; : Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. 38 : ogy Se Imyst impossible. | dil : 5 pee wy A pe rit uth ht, most dur- Mrs: Winslow's No Ww 18 the, me lo 4s sskiiededd Bave used Ha Wh TH arr mara for ut IN he Und shi ema of thi Cuts oben aid ui fr exer. euirnd | SOOTHING SYRUP. Replace the Under- el alae of am amine. / FOR di . : Tr Sa braid . : : J. BOWMAN, Johit k iy i 3 Totent Swing Pump Yamuictorer, | THLDREN TRETHIAS, standing. : Simos sind se Ht I art ret | na : Mansacturd by he propristor, Prince: At and spasmodic action, and is 3 » : Ue $e "ONTARIO ) RIO BANK. 'SURE T0 REGULATE THE BOWELS. |: fn ' CC i = ETRAYED -- idend No. 21. Depend upon it, mothers, it it will give test to yourselves, : a8 - 3 ORSES 0 NG TRATED fos ho rom ra wu EN > . | Relief and Health to your Infants. | "oF THE |IN PRICES OF H HOEI Sh Bo Re 1 i. OT! Ris iiereby given given that a dividend. of | we haveput itp aud | sold his art article for years, dl concession Reach, t the lst , \ ith nn fe) aid up Ca) pint Can Fay 1 Coup ence an LY, of wh awe lave : AND 2 y. li C ' nstitution for t urrent 5} = | never been able to say of nity of pom | been declared, and that the | it Failed in a Single Insiance io Efi a Cure, when earan a ves ! = he: ae 40 lh, and | ch Sha y Wa gons, Caria ges& I mplements oma gly ing fe it + 8 st. | ) A apd after Hor 2nd o Somme Li tei i A ! r ATT THE a. oy Any ; arn giving Sach § jobs a ] # mbe, t. eT ouk Bt the er tion as w to their recovery will ' i rt tn o Et Eh PRINCE ALBERT, [PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. |Eg sian ii rr bk 0 the 30throf November, inclusive. is exhumaion, eit willbe, foun I in fitceu or EGS again to call the attention of the inlyibitants of Reach; and adjicent Townohipn, | EE Reach, Oct. 23, 1867. 42-4w | By order of the Board, twenty winutes afiel yp B 10 his superior Stogk of BOOTS and SHOES, particularly thosy of his owt manu- bi di bii rally that he has - eto To ny, Tok Ths facture, which he is selling at nearly the same prices as, Store Boots ate Sebiingy TE Subscriber Veg 10 nnownc 0 s pritone and {i ha pul io So tno, ; M 0 N B Y » * Ontario Bank, i PERKINS, New York, 1s EARS Oliside Wiappers © J. C. would al+o call particular attention to his ® Td ng Seinction AN D SEE Fon Wpriaget Wousun. & ibe . ' (RRIVATE. FUND#,) : $i Fold by Droggists throughout the world, i H » ls i ae De Ny PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Oak Tanned English ¥ip. Boots. He'wouid'siss 03y Yak bo Jy naw' maciliiving 40 Cutis, goot style, whith w Teint fn Syer suk wen LB CAMPBEL y din i He has ¢lso on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladiew and Children's wear, * Pacicsar attention paid to Horse Showing and General Job ' Barrister, §¢.. ' A eh New: Yorks 3 Cash P ia for Hides. - GEORGE WHITE. Se ensed Auction eX, | 205 fligh Holborn, London, England. as . 4 Alber, Oct. 1, 1867. - on orecsarar, 10st . THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 441 St, Bani Street, Bini, Janadg. ' Prince Albert, Oct. 1, 1887, SH Fico Alben, Oct. " dnd x iy THR +N . ; : 3