"un fun ---- A TERRISLE with ia owt wpuowaiiod in England oo A. the shade. A,band af children ; ngins meadow tens' ob wr par + young man passing by by distributed some _'.." coppers amorig the group. He then spoke to a pretty little child uboat eight years of age named Adams, and, according to the story of the other children, endeavored to get ber to accompany him into a hop plant- a'ion close at hand. She was evidently re- MURDER. AL ro Ex luctant to do so, and the man varied her off in hisarms La'er in the day the little &t ow was misgell' by her patents, and on -- play hog. x discovery of hy pool of blpdd dear' {bie entrance. 10 the p the first indications of I WwW. HH. PARK; Oabinet Maker and Undertaker, I W% this of r thanks to hi iene for the liberal share of pr Fe his Pumerous further state that he purchased a he ha Class Alittle further on the searchers came upon ' #he head of the poor child, which rested dn _a'hop pole, then on & portion of her trunk cut open, and the heart scooped oul, and then on one arm, Jeaving the lower part of the trunk and the other arm undiscovered. Fro information gleaned from the chil- «dren a young man employed in a solicitor's office in Alton was arrested on suspicion and a verdict of wilful murder was returned agkigt him by a coroner's jury. In fact re seems no doubt that he was the crimin- al. When he was arrested his clothes were ali bloody, and in a pocket book found "in his desk was discovered the entry made upon the day of the yourder, ¢ killeda young child to day. Weathe: dry and worm.' There is little doubt that the perpetrator of the dreddfil ded 'had first indecently the dboeheed, and afterwards had ,Aotally hewn he ; unfortunate child to soypieces . : The father of the victim is a brick- layer living st Alton, close by ihe spot «where lhe isin took aor, el "Farm for, Sale ! ! dis FO Saisie, Best Son A Pownsiny "OF Reach. Nearly all cleared. A House and a good Frame , with A constant supply of _ good water.-- ly situated b and Utica. Apply tos, MORRISON & SAMPSON, Corner of Church and Colborne Sts,, ToronToO, 14-t April 11887 | THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE . , Insurance Company, STE n $15,000,000 TED hLOARADS, 1a $050,000 uJFive Bigartment. "INSURANCES £rfEcTED ON ALL CLASSES or ProPerTY AT CURRENT RaTES. | FARM RISKS! at! Srecrarty' Repucep Rartze. an 1 wi CC gee) Department, No! EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY. Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or Children are Secure from Seizure by Creditors. Policy for Sun, by the Guaranteed Bonus Asn tem: 0oSts" af tbe' 30, $24.70 a year. i it became payable after § rs, fourth of the Prenitifus are return WITH {the sum assured ; if after 20 years, one-half are re- ; mfter:30 ye 78, { ; after 51, the sum assured is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2,000 = of Claims payable one month after proot of death. &.F. C.'$¥VTH, Resident Suratary, MonTREAL. M. G. ROBSON, ' #1 Agent, Prince Albert THE ONTARIO FARMERS' 'Mutual Insurance: Company. "YYHIS Company is now fully organized and is T TTS Company le ii rigks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents ;vof the Company.; Our rates will be found as 'low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance rena oh he he Id Re le fi ce--" ol gistry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. ry L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. one- ] ¢ v WA »" i pe 2-1y HAPS AND a Sal: OR TO RENT. Ty a Stand hy one Ma of A tot Shei "with an ne lent yi of water. It is situated about 4 mil les fr bridge on the Main Road between U. bridge i Brock, Title indisputa- Posassion on' pn the frst day of Jugtary 4 down--the rest in three eq: ual instal with interest at € per cent. For further + id apply to the proprietor fa No. 18, 1 ih poly SL. hi al tte: a Is. mn. ra cl by ¥ pre- Reach, Sept. i or . 48 , DIVISION COUTS HEARSE, decorated in the latest style, with double Sets of Plumes lot of COFFINS kept constan! d. A large and ont rrp a \DNGS or Randy Sn res aiid on' , and for sale, Cheap for Cash. X39 FUNERALS ; d to with di h. Charges mod The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Lumber. ber the Place--O) ite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and 3 | =] = l= CAUITIO IN. y, 10 be HEREBY notify the pnblio g y and intendi i cautious with whom they po iy Bargains, Li they call at the ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Where they will find on hand a quantity of first class Carriages & Wagons, factured on the ises of the choicest ial and first class workmen. Call and see 5 pi would also re tomy numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. Work Warranted or mo Pay. JAMES EMANEY. 51 Prince Albert, May 22, 1866. FURNITURE ------ () If you wapt good and cheap Furniture, made of the best material, and by first class workmen, eall at N. PHIPPEN'NS, BROOK LIN, ONT. Where you will always find a large assortment on hand. COF- FINS made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, Pine, &c.,--extra finish. =~ A HEARSE to Hire..y Motto--Cheap as the Cheapest. Brookuin, Oct, 9, 1867. HARRISON MAW & SON (OVIRACIORS & DULDER PORT PERRY! ARE prepared to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to call. (Plans and Specifica- tions made to order. HARRISON MAW, JOHN H. MAW, Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866. TORONTO urseries The Subscriber would beg to inform all parties indebted to him 394m either by note over due, book ac- count or otherwise, that all must be paid immediately, otherwise they will be placed in Court for col- Jectiont. J H E. HOGG, « ¥ &' <¥ Box 75, Port Perry, C. W. +. FOR THE pe era oi Cotinty of Outarle. Reach aud arivrght rer wns Oct. Tat, 1861 JoBN Ee Yo: h = 0% J, 198% { 5 ;. Fousialiip . Prince . Nov. bo -. ss bette 38-5wd" 4, Uxbridge,e.e. 5th, ; wy " o "wo ¥ poe CAL 7, Athetly, Z. BoRNIAN, W . H: MARSH, ge PRIN ALBERT Whitby, Sept. 3, 1867. 87 a eave T, ; Shouse Sarin, J. HEAL'S nan ny Ornament Celebrated Itch Ointment Pp a INTE R. Tor tantly a large quai tity or his Ctldbunted Tich 'Ointment. x LIAR: of business at the " Ontario Carriage '| cure warranted. Price. 2 Benge & box. Factory » Paper Hanging, Flag and Banner ! + J. HEAL. "Painting, & he 34 Pine Albert Dee. 5, 1866. | Tailor , Prince inh April 24, 1807. 15 aire aso ang ss wend 4 : ELIA ART . > i SET ph : mw edeQ oir "» Gp NOTICE! IN PRICES: a G wh LadND Wagons, Carriages & Implements PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. T= Subscriber begs to announce to his atrons and the public generally that hé has made a great reduction in the prices of Carriages, Wagons, Cutters, Implements, Horseshoeing, &c. CALL AND SEE. (= All work warranted. Je Hii { say that he is now manulacturing 40 Cutters, good style, which will be sold cheap. Particular attention paid to Horde Shoeing. aud General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, Oct. 1, 1867. HAMILTON NUBSERIES II WARREN HOLTON, Proprietor. GEO. B. FAINT, Agent,--Brooklin, P. O. 0. The Stock of Fruit Trees in these extensive Nurseries are very complete in every department. Particular: attention is paid to raising HARDY Varieties of Winter Fruit. - To parties favouring us with their orders we gurrantee to bring them FIRST CLASS NURSERY PRODUCE and NOTHING ELSE. Orders or Communications carefully attended to. We would call the attention of intending Fruit Growers to the substantial Testimonials below. East Witney, Jan. 5, 1867. I have «no hesitanon in recommending such Fruit Trees as | received from the Hamillon Nurserijs.-- They are fully as good as represened. HENRY GRAHAM. Watsy, Jan. 7, 1867. T received a quantity of Frait Trees at Brooklin, which I had ordered from Warren Holton's Nurseries, Hamilton, C. and { must say that they were just what his Agent, 'Mr Faint, reprosented them 1g be. In fact all the 'I'rees that | have seen fiom these Nurseries ae fine specimens of the different varieties. THOMAS ARKSEY. East Wurrsy, Jan. 3, 1867. I gave my order fur Fauit 'Trees to Mr, Fuint, Agent Brooxrin, Jan. 9, 1867. 1 saw some very fine Fruit Trees, &ec. from the Ham- ilton Nurseries, delivered at Brookli, by the Agent, Mr, Geo. B. Faint. J. B. BICKELL, Reeve of Whnby. RacraN Micra, Jan, 8, 1867. Mr. Faint, Sir,--I haye great pleasure in stating that the Frait Trees, Vines, Shrubs, &e., I received fiom you are the the best I have received from any Nursery yet. They all seem to have been taken up with great care, as the roots are in excellent condition. MOSES SMITH. Brooxuin, Jan. 8, 1867. Mr. G. B. Faint delivered several boxes of Fruit Trees ot my Hotel, Brooklin, last fall. They were carefully packed. and seemed 10 give general sutisfac- tion to his numerons customers. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Waitsy, Jan. 5, 1867. 1 do hereby certify that Lreceived a number of Apple Trees from the Hamilton Nurseries ; they are first class ees in every respects stating that I was well satisfied wath the way in which it was filled, The I'rees were very large, well formed, healthy, and in good growing condition. HENRY DEARBORN. CorLumpus Minis, Jan. 4, 1864. 1 hereby certify that Ireceived a number of Apple, Pear and Plum Tiees. from the Humilion Nurseries through the Agem, Geo. B. Faint, and have no hesita: tion in recommending them to intending Planters, as Trees of the very best anpli ROBERT GARDNER. AMES GOODMAN. THE OLD STAND FOR EVER. HE Subscriber takés this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage lor the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prevared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON 5 WOOD SEED HAR- HOW made in the latest improved Scotch styles. Parties desiring to purchase woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing else- where. Having bought his Stock for Cash, he is determined not to be undersold by any other manufacturer in the County. WM. STEEL. All Wark Warranted. Manchester, April 10, 1866. 14-1y "M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage 2% Maker NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET ,WHITEY I GOOD of Buggitaeonant iy on hand on hud mad trom best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch, Particular attention paid to repairing (= ALL WORK WARRANTED. A. SINCLAIR EGS to inform his friends and the public generally that his FALL STOCK arrived, consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS and a CHOICE LOT OF GROCERIES. Wines, Brandies, and other Liquors of the best brands --Porter and Ales. Wines, Brandies, &c., for medical purposes. | He would say to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine his Stock to be convinced that they can do better by buying at his establishment than at any other in the County or out of il. Come, see, and be convinced. A large assortment of FISH will arrive next week. Prince Albert, Oct. 17, 1866. NEW WATCHES ew Cloc has aly wn pt New 0 Joioh, & : Sito pra "BROOK L I N. LR, 3 BT & 6 SF Hair Tooth Nil Brushes; Combs, Sponges, and for the Humilton Nurseries, and have much plemsu ind, Ss! Fo 11 Thomas'. Nw Building, South of Gibbs) Life-Like hm i on Ean = - 4 Hoitt's Phiograph 6a OSHAWA. Either Plain, finished i nln India nk, Oil or Water Colors. Prince Albert Gallery Of G. MASSEY, of any size or ye of finish known othe Arte, Call and examine § He OITT. 3 NASSEY. April 17, 1807. 4-1y Insolvent Act of 1864, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. In the matter of William Dudenhofer, an Insolvent, Y Virtue of the Power vested. in me 'as Offi- cial Assignee e Estate of the above yamed Insolvent under thé provisions of the said Insolvent Act, I shall offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction at m, "office in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on Friday, the Twentieth day of December next, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, All the right title estate and interest of the above named Insolvent of in and to the follow- ing proj ory, Dandy: :--Village Lots numbers five and six in the Village of Atherly, being part of the north-west quarter of lot number twenty- nine in the tenth concession of the Township of Mara, County of Ontario, having eight rods or two chains frontage on the concession line divid- ing the tenth and eleventh concessions of said Township ; thence parallel with the side line of said Township five chains southward by said two chains in breath--containing by nd- measurement one acre of land be the same more or less--upon which there is erected a frame dwelling Jiguge, formerly used as a hotel--and a frame stable. Dated at W hitby, this 8th day of October A, D., 1867. JAMES HOLDEN, 39-2m] Official Assignee. Money to Lend IN SUMS OF B300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Iulerest. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, &c. Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45-2m ANDERSON'S UNRIVALED HAIR DYE. The manufacturer of the above Dye takes pleasure i in informing the publie that he has sue- ceeded in discovering a Hair Dye far surpassing every other Dye ever before offered to the pub- lic. "It possesses several properties not possess- ed by any other Hair Dye. 1st. It can be so used as to make the hair al- most al ny required shade, up to the most beauti- ful blac 2nd. It will not color the skinin the slightest degree. 8rd. It communicates a Jeautitil gloss to the hair, and renders it soft and plia Agents wanted in all Sg of the Do- minion. Apply to - WM. ANDERSON, GREENBANK, REACH. Greenbank, Aug. 23, 1867. MANCITE NEW STGVE AND TIN SHOP Be i Ge flansd ) ER as ed dor to MY. Wrig Wrights NR EE Sobaorls I py tion of T oh Mp Fe, bit opin ) FACTORY, and extensive Stock of COOKING & BOX STOVES . NOW ON SALE CHEAP. 13 All kinds of Jobbing | done, and Tin and Sheet Iron work made to order: lg Highest Price paid for Sheep Skins and WM. BRYAN. TR B. Cheese Vats and Dairy Gans Wade to Parties wishing to get up Cheese Fac- tories, can obtain all necessary information from B. BRYAN, Acent, ON THE PrEMISES. Manchester, Sept. 25 1867. PRINCE ALBERT 38 RE ihe places to buy your BREAD, FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First class Confectionarnies. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer vse ;. and Fruns in their season. Wedding Cakes made to order. He is also prepared to furnish Soirees, Tea Meetings, &e., on Jiberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13, 1867. fed LL Voluntegrs ordered to to . the Frontier! J. BULLEN HAS REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. ¥3 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. RULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 13 HENRY GRIST. Departmental, Parliamentary, and Patent Agent, OTTAWA. Transacts business with the Crown Lands and other Governmental Departments ; Takes ont patents for Inventi Obtains' Incor for comfianies by Letters Patent; Drafts and takes charge of Private Bills during the Session, &c., for parties residing elsewhére: REFERENCES: Hon. A. Compbell. Commissoner of Crown Lande esses, R. wis, & Son « Simeoe ; Hon, J. Carl- HOUSE PAINTING. HE subseriber is prepared to undertake House Painting in all its branches, and by strict attention to business and moderation in charges he hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him ia the past. WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince August 1, 1867. ST.AND AROUND HE subscriber having returned to Reaeh, has got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the . : . (G-Tailoring Business In-allitsbrafiches: 'Gurments entrusted to his care will he made up in the latest styles:and nothing will be left undone by him--in way o neatness of fit, moderation in charges, and care- ful attention to orders--to obtain and secure a large share of publi¢ patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly. JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. 4 BR. WOOD, PROPRIETOR OF THE Ottawa Cancer Infirmary, STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, OTTAWA, C. W. CANCERS CURED By a New, but Certain, Speedy, an and near. ly Painless process, and without the use of the Knife. The cure will be guarantteed, and, as a proof no is is required, until the cure ud plete. "The moment a eancer is discovered, it should is ours Sued, 'ms it will cost less and is more WW Shontly when of longer standing, and Hl hi a to gain, and everything to lose by Selay, t now seems a harmless ump in reast, i negh, ve Syed or elsewhere, or small W LYdO0d 'Io[Iey, e[qBUOTYSET 'Xd4dad x MR. A. BARRETT, King St.» Oshawa. PIAToGR: APHS in the very best style are mauufactured in our gallery. Entrance through Mr. Carswell"s Con- ectionery Store. Oshawa, April 17, 1867. : i FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for Sale the west-half of Lot No. 11, in the 5th concession of the Township of Reach, Containing 108 acres, 85 5. cleared and mostly free from stum This farm is situated half a mile west of Manchester and is Sartainly one of the best farms in the Town: of Reach. For further particulars apply en, premises. ; PETER CHRISTIE. Reach, dug. 21, 1867. he 33 shah Sy ey po Fog' given to parti n 5 , Burnham, s Sued man Sours vs, sad vi oud CLER ain DIVISION COURT, Ani, ieathy, Commun Drompliy ini 0 dgza0me Me Bigalow's St id X :No mo; in " A el the ror 2 Caries \ ir pros PORT PERRY, €. w a 3 Ll + Ld &) Bg Re THOMAS, SADDLE Harness. Maker Block, Simcoe Street, OsHA wa, of farmers and others is pt To of heavy and light har- ds, of which is new and. at superior make. no there will be fond a eho .ce sclession of saad tranks, anteaus, * Figg Tonio in the ee Ld TOF order on the shortest notice. Repajring done neatly and cheap!; rs a4 'R. THOMAS. 42 5000 APPLE, TREES B20 per Flundsod. AM,' wis Lop an as o Wh 1h Jane 24, 1867. di i Li Brooklin Prog Store. JOHN DAWES, BEALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &c Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal N oRookLIN WILSON, [30% i L INT. \ AE ¥ ] rs f X yes fn' Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffa, Bafats, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, | & Pritico Al y «3h Ar ail 5aniHe aK Ret ie oo an Clfcks ndatly repaired iy WARRANTED. DRT PRINCE ALBERT 1 Special wan, To preparation a and dispensing of wry Physigiauy prescriptions, ' Oshawa,' Jon. 23, 1867, 3-1y pur] A > Hoan Land Catile Medicings always Photographer