one 1 TTT Ea Am 1 [rE TEE: VOL. X, No. 48.) PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W., THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1867. WHOLE No. 496 Eb, Gutavia. Dhsorber, D. M. CARD, ' TOENSED AUCTIONEER, Coilector of ARE THE CHILDREN AT HOME. arranged tiny vials, glasses and cups of cooling drink-- her face very palo. "1 beg your pardon, ma'am, bul there is a woman below who has just dragged her- morse which never slept. Treverton who lived on, the victims of a re- There is a lady in London the tones of whose voice are so silvery that her words A WEEKLY y | Accounts on Comission, whether in or out Bats Hy Wao the glow of sunset Edith, Vero, is much worse j whore is | self to the door through the storm, and she vr Phi. pass for ehilimgs. oy of the County. smittances made according to ades in the western sky. sdec: hes take § caw . ni s . ef eee POLITIC AL, ABRICULTURAL, | instructions. Sales nak attented abv-| png . ; ; 4 : that medecme the doctor left for to be tak- | says she has a confession 10 make to you [HOW TO MAKE GOOD BUTTER. Somebody says a wife should be like roast fed 3 | wherein the County, on the shortest notice. -- nd the wee ones, tire playing, enin caso of extreme danger. Quick tell | before she dies. Please, ma'am tha house- oo ' lamb--tender and nicely dressed. A bache AND { y FAMILY NEWSPAPER, I8 'PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORN] NG, Charges moderate. Days for Sales appointed on application at the Opserver Offi All letters properly addeessed to the Uxbridge Post Office, will receive the promptestatiention. J. D. Cottingham, FER DENTIST, EER Go tripping lightly by, I steal away from my hu-banl, Asleep mn his casy chair, Aad watch from the open doorway Their faces fresh and fair, Alone in the dear old homestead That once was full of lila, me --there is not an instant to Jose !*? ¢ Medicine, mamma ? 1 laid ton that tabie I"? said Edith, her hips growing white as sho saw the deadly chéligo that had come over the infant's face. "Then where 1s 1t Bdith ? it was placed in your charge." ¥ « Some one must have taken it away," keeper says she thinks she's going fast I" + A confession I"? Mis. Treverton, curiosity struggled with annoyance in her mind. «What can the poor thang mean. Well, I suppose I may as well go down and see her." : . said "She's a dreadful looking old creature, ma'am," said the servant, as he followed | The great breadth of pasture in Canada | places us in a position to produce largely of | butter and cheese, ahd 45 both are important | articles of consumption we should exercise | the very greatest care in making them, and | thereby take a prominent place mn foreign | markets. Yetcirculars have recently been received showing that onc butter is wonh elor adds, ¢ And without any sauce." -- - aie It 18 said tint some mothers in New York have grown so aflectionate, that they give their clildren cholroform previous to whip- ping them, reins imme sa A country editor describing the bonnets now in} lashion says :--¢ They have a downward slant that reminds one of a vis- : - WwW Ringing with girlish laughter, rom BAIRD : & PARSON SB ORELIA, C. Echoing boyish stiite, ? id Euith, nervously, opening and shutting | bis mistress down the softly-carpeted trom 5 is i per gant less Ura that of Ire- | cious cow with a board across her eyes. - : i wi i { aiti : the drawers, opening and shutting the | stairs. and in the Liverpool ard London markets. , | [ Tr---------- TERMS: --$1,60 per annum, 1f paid withi .| ~ We two are waiting together y Opening 8 : T : We A mothe; if not paid Within tht time, $2.00. Nosub- By New Process, Teeth can be Ex And oft, as the aa Cone drawers and examining every corner of the | Even with this preparation, however, Uiider these circumstances we would call and BAe oi hear) Waking Sebend soription taken for less than six mon discontinued untilallnyrears are paid. wg" Letters containing money, when addressed to ds Office, pre-paid aud registered, will be at our risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion - - -Bubsequant insartions,perline + . . and no paper tracted without pain, at his office, 5.D.C. i 1 te wil With tremulous voice he calls ne, .D. C. is prepared to execute all operations . oy 1 connected with his profession with neatness and It 1s night ! are the cluldren home 2 dispatch. Call and examine'lis specimens, $0.08 0.02 Single Teeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. ¢ Yes, love !I'T answer him gently, ¢ They're all home long ago' table. #1 certainly placed it here." " Edith, you aud you alone know where wis." said Mrs Treverton passionately. *¢ Are you derermined to let my child die before your eyes? Confess at once that at the ghastly presence of her strange visi- wor. Pale, attenuated and shrunken, with Mis. Treverton was indescribably shocked | the attention of our farmers to a speech | which a Mr. Todd, of New York, recently laddiessed to the Agricultural Society of tattered garments and eldricli hair scarcely | "at State, at a meeting on how to make confined by the rude net she wore, a wo-! good butter, as follows :-- men may be considered sull worse treated when he asked for a young lady's hand and got her father's hoof. te e-- 8 ~---- 07 One of our Westesn exchangas says : INDERSTAND.--~. i g YE : : A ) "WwW te} i > : s, under 6 lines, per annum - , 5.00 i DERSTAX 2 ALS ion to Di Teeth Aud I king, in my quavering treble, you have concealed the medicme--do not | Man lay gasping oa the bed in the houss- | ¢ Butter ia not that ring-streaked, speck- Wis noite inn luisa J ns pun. i Ni Y Yes 4 ) 1 ' 4 keeper' | le rizzle ateri ati : : : 7 and eharged | order it is impossible to masticate food for the A song 8 soft and low, burden your conscience with so dreadful a keeper's room. | led and grizzled material that is transported | Lamb, ~ Another Seriptural prophecy in A in aceording to the space they, occupy. A ise eceived for publ wific instructions, will be i ywithontape- ted until torbid, and body, and consequently there cannot be goud health, Till the old man drops to slumber, If you have decayed teeth, get them filled. With his head upon his hand, crime." " « Mother," sobbed PEdith wildly, "as « Sand them away," ¢he whispered to] to New York butter markets in vessels that | Mis. Treverton, motioning towards the ser- - resemble au elegant swill pail more than a process of fulfillment--¢ The lion and the lamb sh.ll lie down together, and,--after charged accordingly. Noad: sement will be uke a T ' . : i whilo--a little chil eu © when | yr vou have any out got them replaced by new | And 1 tell to myself the number surely as 1 stand here before you, I have | vants. The lady obeyed. redt butter tub, and it consists of the fra-|2 hile Lild shall lead them. Aliberal discount allowed to Merchants and others | Ones. Prices low, and all work warranted. Home in the better land. of's th v ' i Mat! "You have forgotten me, I seo," said |grance of green grass the aroma of the eames eh not'seen the medicine since I left it on that AuySpecial Notice, the aliject of which is topromote we pecuniary benefit of any hdividual or company, to econsidered an allvertisement, and clin uccord- who advertise by. the year or half-yca b These terms will, in all cases, be *rietly ad- nored to, 'The constantly increasing importance of the North Rid riorendersthe publication ofthe OBsEry Ex If the work is not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan. 15, 1867. 2-ly English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vuleanite Base for Arti- Home, where never a sorrow Shall dim their eyes with tears ! Where the smile of God is on them Through all the summer years ! I know !~yet my arms are empty, table. Tt must be here somewhere. Do not speak so harshly to mo; you know | would lay down my life for my baby broth- orl? But all seaich was vain and before the | she, when they were alone together. 1 | am the nurse who was with you when your boy died, ten*years ago. Don't start lady | --let me tell you my story while strength remains. [I hava done a cruel thing in pre- {serving silence all these yeas--and now clover fields, tho exquisite nectar of new mown hay, collected in glowing globules, like sparkling dewdrops on the petals of | May 10ses, by fairy hands that are never soiled by dirt and offensive odours ; and | the delicious essence is imparted in an at- A pair of those valuable, entertaing ladies who seem to carry on so large a businsss in the way of procuring subscriptions for new s, and who are so delighttully impore tunate, so sweetly ¢ boreous,' called a short time sineo at the office of a young lawyer a ny Ever right, and 3 Ment f ~~ ] doctor could be summoned from the neigh- { for the purpose of getting: him to subscribe. Tp SL Saily wks tne fond i aA Yada) Tesh! That fondly {aldee egven, boring village, the babes brief life was over | with Death pulling at my heart strings, 1|[mospliere as sweet and pure as other, | *[nde2d, ladies," said he, ¢ the partnership ®. 38 u e Anon SN ------ Ape thi od oo " ie i Slogal and general news given, will ue wisurpassed by or Ty SAY And the mather-heart within mo and--only « litle waxen corpse remained | Would lain make what little amends 1 can. | Wrapped 10 a napkin as clear as the unsul- if wijeh 1am bot x hombie member has y local paper published in Canada. Ue .. AT . Is almost starved for heaven. lis your step-daughter here 27 ted snowdrift. Dirt, fu odours, infected Rely ben go Inprident as lo feslio 8 NSW : JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters. Programmes, Bil) elonds, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Check Books, Sireu Busi Cards, Bull Caids, &e , &e., of ules thanat guy other establishment in 1 county. Bi ---- ses SURG EON-DE NTIST, JW xin=St,, Srbrivge. _LL Dental operations' performed with the £ utmost skill aud care, warranted to give sat- Circumstantial Evidence. BY AMA RANDOLPH. 10 be laid in the stately funeral vaults of the Treverion's of Treverton Hall. Mies. Treverton was sarrounded with sympathising fiiends in this her hour of grief ;. words of comfort were whispered in with shudder Mis. 'Treverton shook her head. « [tis well," sand thé woman, ¢I could not confess were she here to listen. Do | you remember tiow the medicine disappear- air, pestilential earth, a butter, are per- fect antagonisms. Soap greese, shoe grease wagou-wheel grease, which we see in such vast quantities in the markets in butler Negatively, do not allow, Pat work themsclves, which, in consequence of the enormous expense uttending its l= lustrations, embelli-hmen's, &c., has com~ pletely enpelied us'? « Then perhaps," replied the angelio canvassers, " we could rocure yon come subscribers. What do body having resolved to build a new church, Parties (i I ce ge i isfuction or no charge, aud at prices which defy i | ¢ Miss BE F alie iki : rtioyizem § Fivimiios ping hand. biliace. rue, i Bk no charge, aud at prices which defy RE li wien La lier ear, and gentle hands bathed Ler brow | ed ? and bow Miss Edith was beligved to | firkins, approximato about as nearly to but- you call your work?" « Well," said tke J. BAD, 1 t TARoNS Rererexcrs.--Rev. Dr. Short, and I7. D. Imm i Jus in perfumed waters and smoothed back the | 12V0 destroyed it, lost her brother, who stood | ter as old mother countrymen's pie crust | lawyer, * we have not fully determined a: -- Griggs, Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whitby ment--please do ! dishevilled © tresses fiom hor tear | between harand the possesion of all these shortening, which was extraoted from the | Ye! but I guess Ull let my wife. have het A = | Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge | The white satin coverlet, fringed around | *°N¢ S08 i acover? I know that Miss suet of hay : own way and call 1after me~Charles E 0) i " 5 ' 2 Tul face. But, Edith tho heiress, sat estates,should recover new that Miss | suet of skunks. This is the neoative and Henry." The ladies left us nels Wivectory. Te rr > - ™ with snowy swadsdown soft and pure as ' . Le . ul hearts blood | aff iv id y. he 1a . coi Soa f \ Vark | + alone, in asort of bewiidered trance ;| Edith would have shed her own heart's blood | affirmative of butter. Now, then, tha nex!, --i-- : ; i o > ea foam, was thrown back, so that the rather than that a hair of the child's head | consideration i vha 1 ak li Tt DR. JONES . Hotel Kt : [people kept aloof and regarded har |rathe L S ] 18 what to do to make deli- | Wyar Tur Sueenern Din. --A religious i a + * cool air might blow upon the fevered fore- | should come to harm. Miss Edith was as | cious butter. Prince Albert. DR. WARE, ORONER for the County of Ontario, (CORONER for the County of Ontario, uC head of the little occupant of that rose wood crib. He lay there all flushed with the burnivg pulses of disease, his blue eyes glittering with unnatural brightness, nud the "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! B. PLANI,.... PROPRIETOR. For Mrs. Treverton had turned upon her in the first wild tumult of grief, denouncing her as a murderess., " To be sure" said the servants, whisper- the babe nnboru--the world wmnocent as Listen, | may know it now ! land unjust woman. recollect, was left upon a table, wrapped in hard-hearted The midicine, you nor Dick nor any one else to do tlie milking alter grooming the horses, dusting the pig | gery, or kneading the compost heap, with- | out first giving is hands a thorough ablu- the pastor was about begging very zealous- ly, accepting not only the widow's, but the child's mite. In the Sunday-School, one Sunday, while instructing them, he com- pared himself to a shepherd, and then in- Physician, Surgeon and e --r-- i i ing i Led awa ly + A : : : Prince Kibert ! : GE HAL purchased the above hotel, and has allie soul of hig le 1d - ing togethen,tit all seems ns thou Bidith had | Paper. After the doctor departed | arrar tion in soapsuds. Then set the milk in an | quired what the latter did with his flock. furnished the ar with the choicest liquors | from the baby brow. edith cot nol planned it out beforehand --after Master ed the table and removed a pile of old pa- | apartment as neat and sweet as a bechive ; One brizhit-eyed little fellow replied, «he F. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. M,, and cigars. ery attention paid to gues avert the hot toueh of fever that little Vere pers that lay there The circumstances v; ; : | if possible let the cooling breezes from the | shears them." RADUATE of the University of McGill | Stages to and from Whitby call daily. Careful |, =~ i Vere, Miss Edith was to inherit all this pro- | ia S---------- J or atwava in ptiendancs verte, heir to the broad estates of the : SR: + . R aiodn Lille vase i : G College, Montreal, Physician, Surgeon and patlers ulways in auendnnee, B| Wevonen) peity--and it was so easy just to burn the gas +o tiifling that I did not even remember | green hills pass in ono window, over the | Wife and I were looking at some pictures Hall, could purchase no indemuity to suffer- Accoucheur, Prince Albert, Office 1 Resi- oF A $1 = ine Gowders hes. dose & i ) Si avs alte or vhen, | milk, and ot another w ; i hic i ce 4 A ren ; a a i Re Je oh COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. ne! medicine powders The doctor said they | unit ome days ter the funeral, when, » and o it at ano her window. As soon in whic h some litle naked ahgels were tr sisted dalion rhb ah Mis. Trovartonl fnalt Uasids iin. watal would have kept the dear sweet. innocent | 00 looking for some missing article, I found asa thick cream has risen remove it, with Jou onsrosne Bay a e {he shantion 9 . S A . Treve kne! de h ateh- : Te iain dit weailontl as §i Me. a rraatinnlie so of our wee daughters to them, and remark- Drs. McGILL & RAE, FEPYHE subscriber wishes to inform the 2 lalive, il they hal been given in time--only thiat packet of medicine slippedsby accident | as little milk as practicable ; and the sooner ed, * Lorie, rl if yoo are a good girl and the Xe traveling public that hie has ta ing with agonized earnesiness every quiver among the papers which 1 had myself tuken | the cream 1s churned the better the butter HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and : N Furnishe ; : | think of it"? 00 to heaven, you will be like these angels." : Ne 53 hy 8, above hotel, which he bas fitted and furnished | of the little mouth--almost counting 1} i ' « i h ¥ f Re &, P Rosidences, King strect, Osha. throughout, and where the best ace mmodation, . bs of the rind i st 51 ; € ji | «But dear me," sighed the lady's maid, away. Through my carelessness your son will be. Never allow the cream to rise in Lizzie looked up with a hip that told at once WH WAlL WB, 0 YaaNcis kag. M. 8 | with careful attention, can always by found | thiols of the mpi puise--with her, cos > {4 to think of her pretending to be so fond ol died, and Miss Ldub's whole hfe was | temperature above 61 degrees Fahrenheit. | she didn't appregiath the promise, and said, 1 BR | i I ing, enclose rds, and attentive | silks sweeping al ns | | ; gine ul ; JOHN BILLINGS, ting, oorlond ya nd attentive [silks sweeping the door around her os blighted. Lady--even then I dared not | If can be kept at 60 degrees the Lutter | * I want to bu better dressed than'that when | Master Vere all this time, and she so pret. ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor 3 in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, es Prince Albert. Office over T. C. Forman's tore. > "COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Bl one" Attorneys, &e. Prince ; Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. NORMAN F, PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, 'Foronto ) R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Fel'y ne, Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. attached, and an attentive s in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Bos ible and she ostler alw one they had been rags. She was a tall magni- | ficont-looking woman with large bla eyes, and hair darker than the purple gl of a raven's step-daughter wing. Edith Treverton, h leaned over the top of the ciib, with eyes of pitying love bent upon the child's face. A slender graceful young blue blonde Lthihg of seventeen with soft eyes, fairness, and a complexion of would have thought it impossible to | | | } ¥ el ler very blood; but there ty and meek-looking too! 0, the crisy there is in this world I"? Edith heard the whispers, aud they ehill- Lipo- was deeper humiliation yet in store for her. Chailes Melton called a day or two after tho funeral. Edith was sitting in her deep mourning weeds, beside a window, appa- or of a rently watching the stormy spler y g i avow the truth. I feaied that you would | will be all the better for it. Kill me iu your hot a left the Edith. away from he Hall so abruptly --you did | it with her pattering trotters to tread out not know all! Since then I have never the buttermiuk as a donkey tempers clay at | After churninz | No--1 basely instead of throwing the golden ectoret] umny upon Miss | globules into a dirty wash tub with the fire shadow of ¢ You were surprised that I went shovel, and allowing Biidget to mount on | known a Lappy moment, and now, with the | @ brick Klip, remove the butter with a clean | A | damp of death upon my brow, | confess to | ladle into a clean butter tray or worker, | you the seciet which has followed me like | never touching it with the bare hauds. | | seen, but when I loo I go to Heaven.' ee esr------ i ----i An Irishman was speaking of the excel- lence of atelescpoe. * Do you see that wee speck on the edge of the hill yonder ? That, now, is my old pig, though hardly to be at him with my glass it brings hun so near that I can plainly hear him grunt.? a i What name would an auctieneer mention to make his audience more speculative 7 TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Qa CT to ot +... | Deccinber sunset; but' never its {a grim skeleton 22 Then with the sharp edge of the ladle make | Obadiah [Oh, bid higher. . 54 (help loving Etith, tw arls ' | et ee eee Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. ( ! Saintfield otel. | be Ip, loving 1 } Bat hen Charlh | alory. As Charles appro slo rose and | Mrs. 'Freverton had grown very pale, and | deep gashes all through the butter and the | the building occupied by Dr. Wil -- | Treverton upon his desith-bed execoted | 37 Pi | vais ; ' = {a hile harvesting kept his gun piss, Ho karen - rm house bei i \ | % atl b hi ; Se fi rq | instinctively extended Ler hand. He did not now, as dying woman placed in her | buttermilk will flow into the gashes thus {ek man a ane le pn b gai ere sneePy A HURD, - 23 shed thy t- the py! cd Ye jij seating is eyes oy ake it ever.' + packet of medicine, folded ! made; and when the gorge is closed the | > Ne . ui e i TTORNEY at Liv, Solicitor in Chan- | Tin wii ETF ef dpb Ef roy wR Thon, in vise of tira Hake x Jiowgves A a a 2 : S0rge is zw 1€ | reached out and took the gun by the muz- | ¢ Edith," he aid coldly and gravely, ln us ttered a wild ery of | liqud will flow away. 2'e , and drawing it towards him, by one $28 SA rn - tended 0. tions Alter buttermilk has ! tended to. Good 'ere's death, to Edith, the daughter of his L cer, | gun went off, and the contents re 4 Big RESIRN ae SE Oonveyancer, Notary Public, &c., Lindsay, C. W. FAREWELL & McGEE, BiRaTas Attorneys, Solicitors and Notaries Public. Offices, in the Post Office Building, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. J. B. FAREWELL, LL.B. | "CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Oflices: Court House. 4. C. CAMERON. | ANDREW F. McPHERSON, BARBIES and Attornay-at-Law, Solici- tor in Chancery, &c. OFFIOE--Dumlas street, 3 doors west ot the "ost Office. Whitby, July 4, 1866. R. J: WILSON, Bit Attorney at Law, Solicitor ul R. M'GEE, B. A. H. J. MACDONELL. in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria ilding, Brock-st., Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Atorey, Uonveyaneer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Smeoe street, opposite the post office. "3 C. N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. Dental Rooms directly ofiposite tie yost 3ffico--entrance Simeoe street, third doer nerth of the Ontario Bank, : JOHN CHRISTIE, rOWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Covey- ancer, Commissioner of the Coit of Queen's Bench, &c¢. Business carefully atended 0. Bice Manchester, Hi . WALSHE. / : EA for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in NoAnatarios Mariposa, ete., in thelonnty of Victoria. Residence-- Cannington, Fock. Or- dersieft at this office, or at his resides will be punctually uieriiod to. Delis el) grading Jae ington, or otherwise, and prompt rel onde. Remember-- IVALSIE, tp North On- ario Auctioneer. f MACKIE'S HOTE L, Walton Street, Yort Hope. War: MACHE, Proprietor. cea Ontario Flotel, BROCK-5T,/ WHITBY. C. DAWES, - / ~~ Prormitron, always in attendance. D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. DAFOE ITOUSKE, 00D aceomm C to the requirer The bar supplied Sit cigars Good stablisg. = J. DAFOE, Praprietor. 1 sts, we best wines, liquors and PHE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, PROPRIETOR, 1% Subscriber begs to annourice that he has A ieased the building formerly known as Scrip- tures Hotel, for a term of years, and that he has re ted and re-furnished the building through- cat. The premises are pleasantly situated, op- posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town, The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning. . i: 17 Careful OStlers always in attendance. 3 GEO. ROBSON COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. HE undersigmed begs to announce that he has taken the above well known premises which have been newly furnizhed and renovated by him, and where the best accommodation go- ing, with careful attention, can always be found. 3" Good stabling, enclosed yards, and atten- tive Ostlers. Charges extremely moderate. 23-1y JOHN MILLER. Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, ~- - DPRroprrieTor. Bre most respectfully to inform the inhabi- tants of the County of Ontario, that he has leased the above premises lately occupied by Sandy Perrie, which he bas newly furnished | and d, and he is pr 0 ac date the travelling public. The bar stocked' with the choicest liquors gnd cigars, and an at= tentive ostler always in attendance. Marriage Ticenscs: (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Office the Scvcoe House. HENRY CHARLES. rg Ja 23,1867, UPECA It Careful hs | | first marnage, he unconciously kindled the | tire of jealousy, which had burned fiercely ever since in Mrs. Treverton's hieait. | How {could she love the who was perchance o profit by her son's death ? "Do let me take him urzed Edith, softly. ¢ I know it would reiieve the wd I would hold him so carefully." mamma," pain Mis. Treveiton made a movement of im- patience. "Go back to our lover, child,' she said {in accents of irritation." What is it toyou | whether my boy lives or dies? except indeed, that when the sod is heaped over him, you become a great heiress." Edith's eyes filled with tears. ¢« Mamma she exclaimed, passionate- ly, ¢ you are unjust! I would die to save him." But Mrs. Treverton only curled her lip scornfully, and Edith, with swimming eyes and a full heart, passed into the adjoining room, where her lover, a handsome man of about twenty-six, was carelessly turning over a porifolio of engravings. « Tears, love !"" said he, lightly. ¢ Nay let me brush them away before they fall." « [ am very foolish Charles," said Edith, trying to emile ; ¢ but mamma is so unkind and 4 « Then dearest give me a huspand's rights to take you away from her cold domin- jon. I promise you there shall be nothing but sunshine in our home." "But Edith shook her hend, sighing. "could not leave dear little Vere wvhile he is so sick. O, Charles, if Heaven would be pleased to restore him to health I should never be unhappy again.-? Co « And how much longer must I want for my promised wife ?"? said the young man halt jestingly, half vexed. + ¢« Don't ask me now, dearest Charles ; sometime perhups the hour may come. But hush ! there is mamma calling me."' She hurried back to the appaitment che had just quilted. Mrs. Treverton stood be- fore a small malchite'table, upon which was | than mere | Can you give no exple | cisumstances Vere 1 only to despair « autil this dreadful doubt of suspicion is removed between us, we canueve Acquaintances to on ther. ion of the strange erton's death 77? « None save what I have already given,» said Edith, with a calm voice that belongs "[ eannot account for the disappearance of the medicine; but oh! itis dreadful to be charged with hastening the death of a brother whom I loved so tenderly --so truly, Charles, cau it be possible that you 100 suspect me 27 "You must parden me Edith," he said "af demand to receive back the troth 1 pledged to yon a yearago. 1 can never call bythe dear and holy nane of wife one upon whom the blight of suspicion rests." "You are free," was Edith's reply. "The only way I have of refuting this hoi- rible accusation is to live it down." Years came and went-- gray winters pil- ed ther dufts of «now around the pillared mausolem where Little Vere Treverton slept amid his haughty ancestry, and smiling summers wreathed it in roses and rich mantles of verdure. Edith a pale broken hearted woman whose young bloom had fad- ed long ago, was in Italy, vainly hoping that the sunny skies that bend eternally the blue waved Bay of Naples would re- store health to her broken-down constitu- tion. Ere she left home she had pleaded vainly for ber step-mother's blessing; but it had been sternly withheld. And now, in foreign chmes, Edith Treverton's heart, which had endured the obliquy of so many weary years, was breaking at last. It was a wild and stormy night in Feb- suary, Mrs. Tieverion sal in her luxurious budoir, beside a glow of a shining wood-fire reading. She was as stately and beautiful as of old, but around the curves of a small red mouth the deep lines of pride and sorrow had left their indolible impress. But there was all ber old imp in petulant motion with which she turned to listen to a servant who had just entered. be more | | fruitless remor | «My husband's danghter--and is it thus | i 1 the ch oteet her 2? | have fullitle arge he Lad upov me to | ehetish at | i , Mrs. Treveiton and | on their way to Italy 3 The next morning ! Charles Melton wer oa the worn out penitent, who had gpoken | 2, was al rest | after so many yems of silen wot death, in the peaceful sl The beautiful s above the land of ora two voy sojourning. Edith was s She welcomed :- tune had long wien aught pditaining to earth o was glowing nd palm, when ed the the gers ae rity where them with a faint smile gone by could interest her. ¢ I knew the mystery would one day be clared up,' she said calmly, when they re- counted the story to her. ¢Or rather I thought God would not let mo die under the burden of so great an-injustico. Do you re- member, Charles, I suid I should live it down.' . «But you must not talk of dying!" sad Melton, earnestly. ¢ You must liveto make us all happy. 1 wish, dearset, to take you back to our native land as my beloved and honored wife. 1 have never ceased to love you all these years I" Edith shook her head. ¢It is too late," she said. * The roses are already in bud, which will be strewn over my grave. Do not look eo grieved, mamma, [ have forgiven you years ago! The doctors say I am in a decline ; they talk of con- sumption ; but 1 kvow I am dyiug of a broken heart." The smile with which she spoke was like moonlight over towbs--so wan, so sadly sweet When the violet-root has once withered under jhe mid-day sun, not-all the balmy thus it was with Edith. She died, and was burried under the murmuring trees of Italy, the sweelest martyr that ever perished from the face of the earth ! But she was happiar in her blossom- rains of April can revive ita bloom ; and | once been liberated by gasling the buutter | Means the itis not practicable to confive either water! An in or buttermilk Neat- | the butter. { ness and the proper temperature are funda- | and informed his v mental requisites in making a choice quali- ! ty of butter." | -- et § te - } LUST TIME, | Let any man pass an evening in vacant idleness, or even in reading some silly tale, | and compare the state of his mind when he | | goes to sleep or gels up next morning, with its state some other day, when ho has spent a few hours in going thiough the proofs, by facts aud reasoning, of some of the great doctrines in natural reience, learning truths wholly new to him, aud satisfying himself, by careful examination, of the grounds on which known tiuths rest, so as to be not only acquainted with the dectrines of them- selves, but aleo to be able to show why he believes them, and to prove before others that they are true ; he will find as great a difference as can exist 1 the same being-- the difference between looking back upon lime unprofitably wasted, and time spentin self-improvement ; he will feel himself, in ono case, listless and dissatisfied--in the other comfoitable and happy ; in one case if he did appear to himself humble, at least will not have earned any claim to his own proud conscience of having, by his own ex- ertions, hecome u wiser and therelore a more exaulted nature. tl ene THE GRANDEUR OF THE BIBLE. If you have ever tried it, you must have been struck with the few solid thoughts, the few suggestive ideas, which survive the erusal of the most brilliant of human books. ew of them xan staud three readings ; and of the memorabiilia which you had marked in your first readings, on reverting to them you find that many of those were not so striking or weighty, or 'original, as you thought. But the Word of God is solid ; 1t will stand a thousand readings ; -and the man who has gone over it the most {requent- ly and carefully 1s the surest of find new wonders thero'-- Rev. James Hamil- covered grave than Charles Melton and Mis. ton. reepect ; in the other case, he will enjoy a passed ned Lis head without injuring him, As soon as ho had sufficiently recoveied fiom the shock, he the house of his narrow escape ; to which the good woman, who is noted for her economy, raised her hands and ex- claimed 1 a tone of regret, * What ? did you lese the charge 1 - a ee A man who won a [at turkey at a rafile, and whose pious wife was very inquisitive about the method of his obtaining the poul- 1ty, satisfied her at last by the remark that the ¢ Shakers gave it to him"? et O-------- A prudish spinster, in describing what kina of a man her husband would have to be, said that she would not only require him to be «strictly religous," bu: also of good character." BE A short time since a surgeon was called as a witness, for the purpose of proving damages npon an action of assault. He do- posed that he had bled the plaintiff; and being asked if bleeding had been necessary, candidly answered, We always find it ne- cessary to do something when sent for. a --rrn The following 1s smd to have bsen the the verdict lately returned by a negro aCor- ner's jury in Kentucky :--De deceased am believed to have drunk himse!f out of hfe, den to hab been fataly injured by the cui- ting off of bof his legs by the, railroad train which run over him; prebiously and sub- sequently to which be rolled oft the bridges receving a mortal wound by huting his head on the-pier; from which it appears and being washed ashore was frozen to det, which am de verdick to which we come crim con. - -- Machine vs. MuscLe.--Two cradlers and two * binders" in Westminister un took for a wager of $10 to compete with a reaping machine, followed by four « #ind- cutting down of two acres of oats. After a very keen contest, during which it was nn was declared to be on the reaper's side,-- The time in which the work was performed was, by the reaper one hour and twentys five minutes, and by the oradlers one hour and forty-two minutes, being only a differs ence of seventeen in favor of the ma- chine.-- Strathroy Age. dat he fell into de water and was drowned, ers." The work to be performed was the certain what the result would be, the victory .