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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jan 1868, p. 1

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Eo -------- VOL. X. No. 62. A Bf Bntavio Phserter, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS: --$1.50 per months; if not paid witl time, $2.00. Nosub- -syriptiontaken for less than six months ; and uo paper discontinued untilallarrenrs are paid. LL tai oney, when addressed to gistered, will be at our risk. RATES OF ADVERT For each line, first insertion . . . Bubsequent insertions, perline « .". 0.02 Cirds, under 6 lines, per annum 5.00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil, and charged sscording to the space they occupy. Advertisements received for publication, withoutspe- ,@:dc instructions, will be inserted until forbid, and eharged acenrdingly. Noadvertisement will be taken out until paid for. A liberal discountallowed to Merchants and others sa m, if paid within six an thi who udvertise or. the year or half-year AnySpecial Notice, the object of which istopromote Se pecaniary benefit of any individual or company, to sconsidered an advertisement, and charged accord- aly. V3 These terms will, in allcases, be :rictly ad- hered to. The constantly increasing importance of the North Riding ofOntariorendersthe publiention ofthe Onsxny x a8 necessity. Ever advocating right, and condemning wrong, it will constantly take the lead in forwarding the general interests of the county; and in the amount sflocaland genaral news given, will be unsurpassed by way local paper published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Booke, Check Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c + &e., of very style and eqlor, executed promptly, and at lower ates than at any other establishment in this county. Parties (rom a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed, have them done to take home with them, * + BAIRD. | H. PARSONS. SE ---- Business Divectory, DR. JONES, YORONER for the County of Ontario, < Prince Albert, DR. WARE, { SRoNeR for the County of Ontario, ¥ / Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, ace Albert rns em mee ee F. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. M., G RADUATE of the University of McGill A College, Montreal, Physician, S and A 2coucheur, Prince Albert. Office and Resi- 2suce--the house lately occupied by Dr. Agnew. Drs. McGILL & RAE, PEISISIANG Surgeons, &e., &e. Residences, King street, Oshawa. WAL. M'GILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAE. M, B, JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, diy Prince Albert. Office oni C. Forman's Store. COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTER», Attorneys, &ec. Prince : Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; ort Perry office--over Mr, Bigelow's Store. NORMAN F, PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toronto ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. Office in the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. : P, A HURD, , ° TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- g cery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &c., Lindsay, C. W. FAREWELL & McGEE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors and Notaries Public. Offices, in the Post Office Building, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. J. EB. FAREWRLL, L.L.B. | R. M'GEE, B. A. CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Co Ontario. Offices: ourt House. T D. M. CARD, SENSED AD OOM EER, «Dxiletor of Accounts on Commission, whether in or out of the County. Remittances made according to instructions. Sales punctually attended any- where in the County, on the shortest notice.-- C moderate. s for Sales appointed application at the Opserver Office. All letters proberly addressed to the Uxbridge Post Office, will receive the promptest attention. J. D. Cottingham, GAR DENTIST, SHR By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office, J.D. C. is prepared to execute all operations d with his fession with abness and J. C. PILKEY, Licensed Auctioneer FOR THE TOWNSHIPS OF REACH AND BROCK. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. W. INCORPORATED, 1851. ..GEO. MICHIE, E -HON. J, McMURRIC! RNARD HALDAN, Esq ES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent; u County of Ontario di 1 Call a ine his Single leeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND .--Attention to the Teeth preserves the health. Without teeth order it is impossible to masticate food for the oo consequently there cannot be good eA! . If you have decayed teeth, get them filled. If you have any out get them replaced by new ones. Prices low, and all work warranted. If the work is not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan. 15, 1867, 2-1y English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vulcanite Base for Arti- tificial Teeth ! C. D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, Jain=St., Trbrivge. AL Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care,warranted to give eat- isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy competition. Rererenoes.--Rev. Dr. Short, and H. D. Griggs, Port lope; Rev, J. T. Burns, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge Dobls, &r. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! B. PLANK,..... PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choigest liquors and cigars. Ev attention pid fo guests. Stages to and from Whitby call daily. = Careful ostlers always in attendance. 8 COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, FYHE subscriber wishes to inform the traveling public that he has taken the Office and | above hotel, which he has fitted and furnished | Way Station. throughout, and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, can always be found.-- Food bling, losed yards, and attentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. 6-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. ~ Saintfield Hotel. HIS house being ftw, commodious, and well furnished throughouty the puhlic favoring him with their custom may depend on finding every convenience necessary to their comfort at- tended to. Good Stabling, and attentive Ostlers Iways in at A iv D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests, The bar su) phed ya the best wines, liquors and cigars ood stabling, . 8 Ts DAFOE, Proprietor. a. C. CAMERON. | HJ. L ANDREW F. McPHERSON, BA nustos, and Attornay-at-Law, Solici- tor in Chancery, &c. OFFICE--Dundas street, 3 doors west of the Post Office. Whitby, July 4, 1866. R. J: WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria 2 Brock-st., Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B, (QOLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, 1) Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. ' C.N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. Dental Rooms directly opposite the post Sfico--entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Jonvey, the 'ourt ol 2 Rey ty carefully attended 0. Office--Manchester. '. THOS. H. WALSHE. 'F ICENSED Auctioneer for the: Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in orth Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of ictoria. Residence--Cannington € Brock. Or- * ders left at this office, or at uie residence will be : ed to. ts collected in Can- © a and pt remittances my WaZS, 'E, the North On- _ario Auctioneer. , MACKIE'S HOTEL, + (LATE BRODIE'S,) 4 Walton Street, Port Ho po Wu. MACKIE, Propnetor. Ontario Hotel : Ontario. WHITBY. £. DAWES, - =~ - PropRzToR. posite THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, - ~ = PROPRIETOR. EE Subscriber begs to announce that he has ¥ leased the building formerly known as Scrip ture's Hotel, for a tern of years, and that be has renovated and re-furnished the building through- out. The premises are pleasantly situated, op the Post Office, in the centre of the town, The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning. 3 Careful Ostlers always in attendance. GEO. ROBSON COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Hage hel Jo HE und ed to announce tha T has ny above well known premises which have been newly furnished and renovated by him, and where the best accommodation go- ing, with careful attention, can always be found. £9 Good stabling, enclosed fniseand atten- tiveOstlers. Charges extremely moderate. 23-1y JOHN MILLER. Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - ProPRriETOR. t tfally to inform the inhabi- Biome the Gounty of Ontario, that he has leased the above premises lately occupied by Sandy Perrie. which he bas newly furnished and renovated, and he pre to accommo- dais Lhe Arar oLng uscd cars, bod an at 1 juors an ih he Sather alwrrs in attendance. Marriage ILicenscs: (BY AUTHORITY.) T5CED at Pat Parry. Office, the Scucos Houss. irik HENRY CHARLES. re Ja 23,1867, WHITBY & SCUGOG GRAVEL ROAD. NOE is hereby given, that application will be made to the Legislature, at its next sitting, for an act to enable the Seago Gravel Road Company to run one or more Traction Engines, for the purpose of con- veying Freight or Passengers, between the fol- lowing places, viz :-- 'Whitby and Port Perry; also between Man- chester, Albert, and Port Perry; also between AM ster and Wick ; also between Manchester and Uxbridge. J. E. GOULD, Manaoxr. 4 hitby and Uxbridge, Oct. 29, 1867. PI . Licensed . Auctioneer. FTE, Subscriber, holdin County of Ontario, an Mariposa, wonld a Licence for the the Township of nld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever bueiness is entrusted to his care, vill be prompt- 1y and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Terms, Days of Sale, Observer Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 Brandon Brothers-- Manufacturers of BISCUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &.C. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Biscuits, Confectioneries, kes, CANNINGTON, C: W. Cannington, April 17, 1807, - 14-1 ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W rPVHE largest and most commodious Hot»! in Town. A special conveyance to the Rail- tages depart from the Royal Hotel daily to all places north, Attentive host- lers always in attendance. JACOB BRYAN, Proprielor. WM. DECKER, WATCHMAKER ! JEWELER, &C., Prince Albert, Ont., QULD beg to announce to the public, that he has just received a splendid Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., Which he will 8ell VERY CHEAP. 5 All kinds of Watches, Clocks, and Jew- elry, neatly repaired and warranted. Prince Albert, Oct. 16, 1867, MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDF,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, * Savas. Nove Yer 21, 1868. 46 HOUSE PAINTING. | HE her ip. p d to: uadertal House Painting in all its branches, and by ct ion to busi and in 8 ha he TE which has been so liberal 14 eres hopes to receive a Son ination of PRINCE agus se, Sign, Carriage, Ts Behamental PAINTER. Birt thd vol Bog lo siaietht fe na ed a P 4 Prin ed rrings Factory," where he will be able Ae Ce he ert sy. - Prince Albert, Nov. 26, 1867. Captal, - - 8400,000. |r BORELIA, C. Wi, -- To the Electors of the Township of Reach. tion with an to strict d Furbo eye economy, an Hoping my friezds will exert themselves to se- cure my return. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, J. WRIGHT. 50-3w po Reach, Dec. 18, 1867. the Township of Reach, -- GENTLEMEN, -- You shall soon be called upon to decide, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W., THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1868, [WHOLE No. 500 et ot win Clean th of a the | take the stage from there on the next morn- lowering of the taxes which are now un- bly high. OW un To the Independent Electors of The Blacksmiths Trial SCENE IN A WESTERN count. In the Antumn of 1849, I was travelling in the West on business. 1 Jeft the Mis- sissippi steamer at Columbia, Kentucky, baving made up my mind fo travel by land as far as Muhle county, where I boats for the Ohio. Late one ing [ ar- rived at the town of M--------, intending to ng. The bar-room of the tavern was orowded with people, and I noticed that large numbers of the citizens were collect- ed about the street corners, appearing to be discussing some matter with more than usual interest. Of course I became curn- ous to know-the cause of all this, and at the first favorable opportunity I asked the q of the landlord. "Ho gazed at me a moment in silence, and then, .with an ominous shake of the head, he gave me to understand that a dreadful thing had hap- pened, but before he had explained to me what it was, he was called away to attena was exposed. About an hour after Hamp- ton left the prisoner came out of his shop and went to the stable, and having saddled his finest horse he mounted and started off at a foll gallop iu the direction Hampton had taken. : Next came two witnesses-- Mr. Simple and Mr. Jordan" both of them respectable citizens of M----, who testfipd as fol- lows :--¢ They had been inte' the edge of I on business, and wét¥'retarning home. At about nine o'clock, on the even- ing in question, they came to a point in the road where a high bluff overlooked the way, and while passing this they were startled by seeing something in the moon- light that looked like a man. They at once dismounted and found that what they had seen was the body of Mathew Hampton, all gore-covered and bleeding. They had not been there more than a minute before they were joined by a third man, who sajd that he saw the murder committed, and that the murderer had fled towards M Simple and Jordan both recognized this new comer as one Henry Bilger, and though nis character was by no means of ever been my ambition to work terests of tho whole corporation alike without | character above reproach--1 endeavored to regard to local by your votes, into whose hands you prefer pl the Tnagement of the affairs of the orporation of for the year 1868; and I em- brace the present opportunity of askin suffrages to return me as Reeve of your Munici- pality for the coming year. 1am aware that in tion I am asking at your hands a position of con- rable honor and of much importan pdst career as your servant, and tion to continue to serve you faithfully in the future--if elected--are only claims upon whether as Councillor or Depat; the best in- ity. Wherever assistance was ve ithas (who until the to other business. I woon found, however, that the * dread- your | ful thing *" was the subject of conversation all around me, and by simply listening I 4 | seeking to be placed at the head of the corpora- | gained an insight into the mystery. It oli i seemed that there was to be a trial for mur- determina- (der there on the nextday, and that the crimmal was a young blacksmith. who had which I seek your support. As your servant | been born and brought up in the town, and present time, had borne a Reach, Dec. 4, 1867. tion lands and tenements thereon, seized by me un most needed it had my sympathy and aun rt, while at the same extravagant expen tek] and misappropriation of the Droperty of the cor- foration were carefully guarded against. hould you honor me with your suffrages, and lace me in the proud position of Reeve of this Municipality I will continue to serve you to the &e., &c., arranged at the | utmost of my ability by striving to promote the | transpired only about a week before, and prosperity of this fair township by every means within my power, and;protecting the interests of the Corporation whether at the County or Towne ship Board. E. MAJOR. 48 To EB : SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Conn ar ct § O) yoann of Fe .D. 1868, rury, at Twelve o"lock hoon, will Public Auction, at ny office in the be sold town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, all the right, title, and interest of the undermens defendant, of, in or to the undermentioned er and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, Tssued out of the County Court of the County of Ontario, and to me directed, viz : CHARLES H. DAVIDSON, anv WILLIAM GORDON, Plaintiffs, vs. DONALD KENNEDY, Lot Number Sixteen, Concession C, Mara. #_° NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. O. Per R. H. ToMLINSON. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, 12th Nov., 1867. 45-3m THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company. iia INVESTED FUNDS,....... INVESTED IN CANADA Five Depavintent. INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES or Property AT CURRENT RaTES. FARM RISKS at SprciaLLy Repucep Rates. en $250,000 Lite Department. No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the ar. ' ife Policie the benefit of or Children Ee Sire gro Sr ty Creo. Policy for Sion by the Guaranteed tem costs af age 30, Bonus A it become be- | forth of the Premiums are Tournod, wir fire the towed upon him ia the past. um assured ; if after 20 are re-: Somer SPOR WILLIAM JAMIESON. [turned ; after 30 yen recone ater 51, Prince August 1, 1867. 30 the sum Sas ¥9 Claims payable one month after proot of death, G. F. C. SMITH, Resident Jeixatary . ROBSON, fe M.G. Agent, Prince Albert » 8,000,000 find out the particulars, but I could learn litle upon which to depend, for different He then asked him if he had seen Mathew the most exemplary kind, yet there was no time for discussion. The body of Hampton was still warm, so that the murderer could and the lawyers shook their heads, and the jury looked troubled and anxious. The pri- soner's counsel did all he could to establish his client's good character, and also to 1m- peach the character of Bilger, but he could not refute any of the testimony that had been given. When the judge came to oharge the jury, he spoke of the testimony against the pri- soner,and of the corroborative circumstances. With regard to the prisonet's story, he suid it was very simple and sounded very much hike the truth ; but he would have thie jury remember how easly such stories could be made. i It was long after dark when the jury re- tired to make up their verdict. They were gone half an hour, and when they returned the foreman showed by the very hue of his countenance that the verdict was to be fa~ tal! All saw it and I could hear the throb- bing of the hundred hearts that beat around me. "Gentlemen of the jury, have you a ver- dict 27 " We have." "Shall yoar foreman speak for you?" " Yep? " Abel Adams, stand up and look the foreman in the face. Mr. Foreman, look not have been gone long. Bilger had no horse, so Mr. Simple agreed to remain by the body while Jordan and Bilger agreed to g0 in pursuit of the murderer. They put their horses to the top of their speed and in half an hour they overtook the prisoner, whom Bilger at once pointed out as the mun. Jordan hailed the young black- emith, and found him nervous and excited. people gave different accounts, and all who knew anything of the matter were too mnch excited to speak calmly. The murder had consequently the event was fresh in the minds of the people. The only facts that came to me on which I cold rely, were that amiddle aged man named Mathew Hamp- ton had been murdered and robbed, and that Abel Adams, the young blacksmith, had bean arrested for the crime, and would be 1 tried on the morrow. Some said that the " Hampton, and Adams replied in the affirm- hands of the sheriff, when upon examining his person, Mr. Ham pton's pocket book, con- taining two thousand dollars, was found upon him, and his hands were covered with blood. ittle court room was intense. at the prisoner. Nuw, sir, is Abel Adams, the prisoner at the bar, guilty of murder or not. Those who yet crowd around the windows shout with all their might, and in a momen? more a man crowds his way into the court room. Ile hurries up and whisp- ers to the sherifl,and then goes to the bench and whispers to the judge. Henry Bilger starts up and moves towards the door, but in an instant the hand of the sheiill is upon him. The most intense excitement pre= ative, but he spoke in a very strange and | vails. Directly the mass arsund the door confused manner. And after some expostu- begine to give way, and four men are seen lation the prisoner accompanied Jordan to bearing on their shou'ders a stafied chair-- --------, and there he was placed in the | a large siufled chaic--and ia hai chaic sat Mathew Hampton, not dead, but alive.-- True, he was pale and ghastly, but Lisejyos At this juncture the excitement in the The crowd wayed to ard fro like wind swept grain-- are open and his lips move. Presently the chair 1s set down before the bench, and tha old physician of the village asks permission to speak. On this fact being known, all is again quiet, v The physician says that neither of the over we thonsend donb, wll? SIR IL S| muvee Vick ie snpclin af Ihe iine | BAAS Mr Hom nt een upon the young man's person, but others |... cq before anything like order could be | were. The blow upon the Lead « denied this fact. Yet all sympathized with | yi50y A length Henry Bilger was | stab in the breast combined to pr the prisoner. He was beloved by all hie | 01104 16 the stand. He was known to state of catalepsy, which icsembles death townsmen, and but few of them could be- | i of ine people of village, and though | 80 nearly that many an experienced person lieve anything of the reports that had crept nothing positive was known agminst him [might have been deceived. Wuen lio into circulation. of a criminal nature, yet he was known to| gave out that Mr, Hampton was deal hs ed to remain in M name from the stage book, and then inform- | 4 hour the people began to flock towards the | court house, and I saw that if [ would secure a place I must join the crowd. I have it [ made a stand near the prisoner's | ,, box. these 100 were crowded. aw--it was one of those bold, frank faces, full of courage and good nature, just such | dex to a pure and generous soul. Ho was palm at every wrestling match in the country. J thought within myself this man is no murderer. And yet we know not to dri gaze of the multitude fixed upon him, but his eye was bright and quick, not defiant, but bold and hopeful in its deep blue light. The trial commenced. The complaint was clear and destinet, setting forth the fact that the prisoner, Abel Adams, * did with malice, aforethought," ete., kill; elc., on such a day, one Mathew Jampton--in the first place by stiiking him upon the head with some heavy blunt weapon--and in the second place by stabbing him in the breast: etc. To alMhis the prisoner pleaded * not guilty?" From the first testimony called up Il d. the following facts ¢ VALUABLE ~PARM OR SALE: will sell the TSE ert of oe 3, ae ot con n of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Sana ing 04 acres, all cleared and moder ately well fenced. Improvements! y Log House, Well, &¢, Roads good and markets Gein beng Toon ort Terms $1800. At least $800 balance in annual instalments to chaser, with igtarest at 7 per cent. HN CHAMBERS, Srapeistor ao hi STonsnt) on " 'Walkerton, Nov 28, 1867. = : N.B, better advan Frame Barn, of 2 he pr ' Ont. 473m 3 The farm, is, now rented of $120 p and also that when. the pocket 'book Ee £8 Rol [fuck and ae ee bach of beak poten Near eundown, one sfterncon, nears week previous, Mathew Hampion topped at the shop of the prisoner to get. hia horse shod, This Hampton was a wealthy far- mer, and his estate lay to the southward, near the Tennessee line, and only abont fifteen miles distant from Me--------. He wae known to have had seme two thousand dollars with him st the time--monsy that he had received at Colambia for corn. It prisoners shop. He took out his pooket book to pay' forthe job of shoeing his horse. This he did within' the shop, and two per- sans were present who now testified 10 the As 1 was in no particular haste, I resolv- be reckless, a wandering fellow, sometimes until the trial trading in slaves and sometimes dealing in had come off; so 1 went and erased my |} o404 and sometimes driving a flat boat ed mine host of my determination. the witnesses' block with a complacent On the following morning atan early | pow, aud gave his testimony clearly and M did so, an' at length found myselt within | pe heard a the sound of struggle accompant- the building, and as good fortune would | oq with loud groaus and entreaties. H ear- Ten o'clock was the hour fixed on |; 15 (he saddle an . Defendant. | for opening the court, and before that, time | was shining at- the time so he could not, every conceivable standing place outside of have been mistaken. As soon as he found the dock was filled. Stagings were erected |, Mr, Hampton wus as he supposed, upon the outside under the windows, and dead, he started lo go after help. Th Atthe appointed time the court came in, | joo 49 that he could gain no assistance and the prisoner was conducted to the box |, way. Said prisoner was not more than five and | hen he heard the sound of horses' feet and twenty years of age, and he possessed one |, returning to the spot he found Jordan and of the most pleasing countenances I ever Simple there. an one as is unhesitatingly taken as an in-| po explicit in all his statements, and at the same time he professed tofeel a deep a stout, athletic man, and carried off the regret that' he was§called upon to testify against a man for whom he felt much re- spect as a prisoner. what extremities 8 man may sometimes be |. 4ory He spoke olearly and with the o. Young Adams was quite pale, and | 0 ory man who tells the trath. He said his nether hp quivered as he found the |; pout an hour after Mathew Hampton was nearly dusk when he started from the Mm own the Mississippi. He stepped upon irectly thus : He was coming down the road towards on foot, and when near the binfl ived just in time to ae the prisoner spring ride off. The moon Bilger was cross questioned very severe- y, but his testimony was not to be flawed. At length young Adame arose lo tell had left his shop on the evening in question he went to the sink to wash his hands, and while there he tod on something that ar- rested his attention. He stooped and pick- od it up and found it tc be a pocket book, and on taking itto the light it proved to be Mr. Hampton's. ' He remembered that af- ter Mr. Hampton had paid him for shoeing the horse, he went to the tank lor a drink of water, and must then have dropped the book The young blackemith's first idea was, he said to keep the book until Hampton came back, but upon second thought he resolved to saddle his horse and try to catch him and restore the money So he set off, and when he reached the bluff his hose stopped and began to rear and snort. He discovered something lying by the roadside, and, upon dismounting and going to it, he found 1t to be the body of Mr. Hampton, still warm and bleeding. He first satisfied himaelf that he could do mo- thing alone. and then staried tGwards for assistance. When he. was overtaken by Jordan and gat, the ing m with him eo 30s Logie force, and TT strange and incoherent manner. When the priaanier s1t down there was a thought it was so. But wheu he found that Hampton was living, he kept it to himseil for fear that a certain man whose |resence was much needed might be¥hissing. Just at this junctare Henry Bilzer made a savage attempt to break away from the sheriff, but it id not avail him. The jary were directed to return to their boy, and then Mathew Hampton was requested lo speak. He was too weak 0 tise, but ho spoke plainly, and in a manner that showed his mind to bo clear. He stated that when he reached the bloff on the hight of the disaster, Lie discovered that his pocket book was gone. Ile stop- ped his horse and was trying to think whera he could have lost it, when some one eame murdered man's horse had fled towards | up from the roadsule. He had just time to see that it was Henry Bilger, when ha f received a blow on the head liom a clgb He had not gone far, however» that knocked him from his horse. Then he felt a sharp, stinging, burning pain in the besom, and with a momentary starting of the muscles he opened hiseyes. He saw that Bilger was stooping over him and ran- sacking his pockes. He could just re- member hearing the distant gallop of a horse--that he thought his body was being dragged to the roadside, and after that he was awoke in his own house, and found the doctor by his bedside. For a little while longer the mi'titude had to restrain themselves. [ remem! ber that the judge said something to the jury, and that the jury whispered together for a moment. 'Then the prisoner stood up orca more, and the foreman of the jury enid: ¢ Not guilty I" Then burst forth the hearty shout of the op'e. The young blacksmith sank back upon his seat, bat in a moment more he was seized by a score of stout men, and with wild rending shouts they bore him into the fiee, pure air, where the brizhit stars looked down upon him. But a little way had they gone when they met a young woman whose long hair was floating in the night air, and who wrung her hands in agony. They stopped and set their barden down. The released prisoner saw the wo- man, and he sprang forward and caught her to his bosom. : ¢ Mary-- Mary--Iam innocent--innocent --~free !" ' A wagon body was torn from its axle= trees--the blacksmith and his wife are placed therein--:nd then they are borne away toward their home ; and long =lter they had passed from my sight J could hear the glad shouts of the impulsive people waging the night air, and reveiberating among the distant hills. On the next morning, before the stage sarted, 1 learned that Mathew. Hampion had detarmined to make the young black- smith accept one thonsand dollars; whether he was willing or not. ; ins Two weeks afterwards, while sifting in the office of my hotel at Cincinnati, I re- ceived a newspaper from Me. Bilger had been hong, ahlon he Pews he Li knowledged his gult. Mathew Hampton 'was slov Toorverns. y and fhe blacksmith armer showed that his story was Belipred. Hat 'the. edge chook bia head » otf the Ry een Bano

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