A TNE MASONICNOTICE THE Regular Communication of Prince Albert Lodge No. 183, of F.|& A. Masons, will be held (te-mortow) Friday oveuing, the 3rd inst. GEO. W. JONES, Secretary. Prince Albert, Jan 2, 1868. * REACH & SCUGOG Agricultural Society ! NY person having been : kd by the above Society will con- fer a favor on the Treasurer by calling for the same at Scoit's Hotel, Prince Albert, immediately. WILLIAM SCOTT, Treasurer. Jan. 1, 1868. Fg School Teacher Wanted, A TEACHER wanted for School Section No. 3, Reach. Services to commence on the 2ud of January, 1868. Applications stating salary to be made to any ef the Trustees. T. BEDFORD, S. NETHERTON, Jx., N. DYER, awarded - TrusTEES. Reach, Dec, 24, 1867. 5 BRITISH AMERICAN Commercial College ! Prize Penmanship ! Superior Advantages Offered. TE attention of young men looking forward to mer- cantile life is earnestly requested 10 the internal ar. rangements of this College, which affurd every possible advantage and facility for acquiring a thorough pr 1 knowledge of business life and business habits. 13 great charncieristic of this institution is its ACTUAL BUSINESS system. It is not only the fuist College in British America in which the system was established but likewise the only one in which that system is ration- ally, practically, und efficiently carried out. 'The result dis that any youth who passéss carefully through the course, is ready on getting his Diploma, to take his place behind the accountnt's desk. Both, therefore, by «ight of priority and unexumpled sucess this institution has secured. in fuct what by its nme it professes to be, THE BROFISH AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COL. LE One of the direct means of attaiiing and holding this high position has been the consiant und wary selection high ; an g teachers in each department. In the Writing Deen ment t' e FIRST PRIZES for 3USINESS PENMAN- SHIP were awarded 10 us at the Provincial Exhibitions of 1863, 1866. and 1867, the only occasions on which we comjeled. A= this honor Sutloubredly laces this College ar the "Top of the wheel, always #trive to maininin that superiority in th in all other branches of that superiortiy in this, in all other branches of study which are charscier s man.' 'The time requiréd 10 complete the full course varies i ing 10 the ©, attention and wbility of each sindent. Young men, however, are earnestly cautioned aguinst the injurious practice of hurrying thiough the "course from the mistaken idea that they wlll thus be gainers by the saving of money in the 1em of board, Infinitely more advantageous would it be to the student, since his full course of tuition is already paid for. to ineur the comparatively small ional expense ofa few weeks' board in order 10 wake himself completely master of the conrse. and thus | mall present outlay, qualify Kimself for some tiation. 'The erudeness thet such haste en- self, but alsa to the College where he graduates, and Besides it brings opporbrium on Commercial Colleges generally. 'The common practice. therefore, of holding out this crowding system ngan indurement 10 students is most deceptive and highly repreher sible, For penmanship. circulars, &e., address MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, Toronto, Ontario. To the Electors of the Township of Reach. FELLOW ELECTORS,-- T embrace this opportunity of placing myself before you as a candidate for your suf- frages to return me as Deputy Reeve of this Municipality at the approaching ction ; and should yon consider me worthy of your support, and place me in the honorable position of Deputy Reeve of this prosperous municipality I shail put forth my utmost efforts so to serve you as to merit your approbation, by ever sceking to pro- mote the increasing prosperity of the corpora- tion. [I cannot in justificationof my claim point detrimental not only to the student him- | , '" Life on the Qcean Wave." v A. SINCLAIR Has just received his Winter supply of Teas, Porter and Ale, Olard's Brandy, Coffee, Whisky, Jules Robbin & Co's Brandy, Sugary Scotch Whisky, Martel!'s Brandy, Currants, Old Rye and Toddy, Cherry do. _ Raisins, Port Winé, Jamaca Rum, igs, Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, Labrador Herrings, No. 1, | Madera do. John Bull Bitters. Ci h, Ginger do. Old Tom Gin, "White Fish, Champagne, 0G Wines, Brandies, and other' Liquors, of the best brands, for Medical Purposes, which can be hud at the lowest possible price. : Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. 50 New and Useful Invention ! C. M'KENZIE, PORT PERRY, MANUFACTURER OF CLIFF'S LEACTING HAND 100 } For North Ontario. "0% All orders promptly attended to. C. T. YOUNG, Agent. m Port Perry, Dec. 18, 1867. THE undersigned has opened an office for the general sale of Lands, in this and ad- Joining Counties-- THE LOANING OF MONEY At Low Rates of Interest on Improved Farm securities. INSURANCES Effected on all classes of property at low rates of Premium. (= OFFICE--Bigelow's Block, adjoining the Royal Canadian Bank-- Port Perry. J. B. CAMPBELL. Port Perry, Dac. 11, 1867. : 49 CHALLENGE ACCEPTED Toreeas, MR. PEDLAR, of Oshawa, having challenged Stove dealers to compete . prices of Stoves. We here annex our to my past Bible career, neither can I refer to services which I have rendered the corporation as one of its public servants; but while I have done nothing to merit your gratitude for past services as a municipal officer neither have I in- curred your censure for neglect of duty or be- trayal of the trust reposed in me. While I can- not rest my claims to your support on my past record asa public servant, not having had the honor of occupying that position in the past, still I should be acting a most unworthy part in soliciting your support did I not feel assured that I know full well--from long residence in your midst--what this township requires, and low to manage the affairs of the corporation so "that the spublicaeney shall. be judiciously ap= propriated and carefully expeaded, so that the 100 rapidly increasing 'taxes of this Township may be thereby brought down and kept within proper bounds in the future, Stosld you do me the honor to place me at your Cousicil Board as Deputy Reeve, I will, to the utmost of my power, lift my voice against every attempt at misap- propriation or reckless expenditure of the funds of the corporation, opposing every tendency to waste or extravagance,and giving my support-- whether at County or Township Council--to those measures only which are in strict con- formity with the principles of sonnd economy, Trusting that I may receive such support at your hands at the approaching election as shall nlace me in the honorable position of Deputy eeve of Reach. Iam, Fellow Electors, Your obedient servant, NOAIl BATES. Reach, Dec. 18,1867. 50-3w Special Notices. ERRORS OF YOUTH, A Gentleman who suflerered for years fron Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the eflects ofyouth- ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, nd free 1o all who need it, the receip' and directions for making the simple remedy by wlich he wos cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experienc can do so by nddressing, in perfect confidence. 17-1y JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Cedar Street, New york. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP, GRILDREN TRRTHIEGE, 17 litates the ees of teething, by softening bg Soi hug pyle Bulg 2 Pain spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS, Depend upon it, mothers, twin give 1est to yourselves, nn Relief and Health to your Infants, Ce have put up and ald this article for years, and Ph eh on Con furenae and Truth of "it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine~ Never. it Failed in a Single Instance io Effect a Cure, when timely used. Never did we kilow of an instance of dis- satisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, a late deligh'ed with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues, We speak in the mutter * WHAT WE DO KNOW.» after years of experience, and Pledge owr Reputation for the fulfilment of what we here declare In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhanstion, relief will ref fonnd in fifteen or twenty mifutes afier the sy! uy is administered. unless the fac-simile Pike NS. New York, is onthe outside wrupper. Fold by Droggists throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ) OFFICES: '015 Fulton Street, New York. Full directions for using will accompany Snel bodle, ; prices with his, knowing we can compete most favorably with him, or any other dealer in the Dominion, with the mears we have of purchasing. HATCH & BROS PRICE. MR. PEDLAR'S PRICE. 10 inch Protectionisty...ceuu...... 10 inch Protectionist, 9 «. Fonune,...,........ . 9. # Fonune,..... . 9 " Young Dominion, None advertised. 8 « " " 10; Queen City,........ 10 inch Queen City. ......... 22 00 10 « Commonwealth, .. None advertised. - Que " BE 9 inch Commonwealth . 20.00 Si: 4 Clation, iui sen vu vs 9 « Clarion, .. 17 00 30 "« Black Giant,.. 30 « Black Giant 6 25 2B « $5 acinar. RW. « " 4 60 21 « "« 21 « " 4 37 18 4 ® 28018 « " a ==> Be sure not to buy a stove before seeing Hatch & Epo it will pay. We have other Stoves of heavy metal not here advertised. Furnace 1, 15, and 2 brls. [&= Very cheap, Hatch's Patent Dumb Stoves, Stove Pipes, &ec., always on hand. «Also a lot of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Coal Oil Lamps, &c., which are being sold very cheap. HATCH & BROTHER, Cheap Hardware Store, No. 4, Broc k-St,, Whi by, 42 Whitby, Oct. 23, 1867. PIANO FOR SALE. NE new first-class Rosewood T-Octave Piano 'carved legs-- made and warranted by Rainer, ¥3~ PRICE $275. JOHN V. HAM, Wiisy. Whitby, Dec. 12, 1867. 50-3w "L98T 'SI 920 "ueqly eoung ---- -- a P) 3 by CURRIE & ROSS Have JUST RECEIVED a large addition to their Stock in every Department, and have a good many Nice Things! JUST een Suitable for the Seas: r 1€ Season, IN ; . LADIES' FURS, ENS ; d> HOODS, CLOUDS, HoNSUS Dal do BREAKFAST CAPES, do OVERCOATS, o HEAVY WOOL SHAWLS, | ido VESTS do MANTLES, / ® yusrs. do MANTLE CLOTHS, do PANTS, do DRESS SILKS, do BUCK MITTENS & GLOVES, do GLOVES, HOSIERY, do RIBBONS, do FINE CLOTHS, do BONNETS & SHAPES, d CANADIAN TWEEDS, do VELVETS & TRIMMINGS.| do RAILWAY WRAPPERS, BUFFALO ROBES, CARPETING, BLANKETS, &c, &o., all NEW and CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. Also Staple Goods of our own DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM ENGLAND. : 0 Herringe, Whitefish, Salmon Trout, &e. 07 Cash paid for Oats, Peas, Barley, Pork, Wheat, &c. Prince Albert, Deo. 18, 1867. Money to Lend! VE BON PRINCE ALBERT. The Subscriber begs to intimate to his, customers, and the public generally, that he has Commenced Business AGAIN at bis old Stand ; and has laid in one of the largest and best assorted Stocks of Goods to be found anywhere in the New Dominion. Having purchased very largely at the late Trade Sales in Montreal, at prices for below regular quotations-- he is pre- pared to'offer every advantage to purchasers, und can confidently state that {he prices will be fourid to be such as defy all competition from any quarter. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING LIST*OF PRICES, AND COM- PARE THEM WITH WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING : All wool Canadian Tweeds, guaranteed the 'very best, for 90c a yard, sold elsewhere at $1.25. : And a first rate article at SOc a yard, sold elsewhere at Juang Very heavy and-wide Foctory Cottons for 1246 a yd, sold elsew! ot15 to 17%. And the best in store, yard wide, for 15¢ a yd, sold elsewhere at 20 to 25¢c. Wide fast colored Prints, 10 and 12} a yd, sold elsewhere at 15¢. And the best for 15 and 16c a yd, sold elsewhere at 20 to 23e. Beautifol Plain and Cleck'd Winceys for 18 and 20¢ a yd, sold elsewhere at 25¢. Real Aberdeen Winceys, very best, wide and heavy, for 35¢, sold elsewhere at 50e. Beautiful French Merinos at 50c. ; Beautiful Cobourgs and French T'wills,for 18 and 20c a yd, sold elsewhere at 25 to 30c. Black Lustres for 17c a yd, sold elsewhere at 25¢. All wool Canadian Check'd Flannels for 50c, sold elsewhere at 80 and 90c. Beautiful White Blankets 82,50 per pair, sold elsewhere at $3.50 to $4. Very fine White Blankets $3.50 per pair, sold elsewhere at $5. Beautiful Filled Silk and Wool Pailsey Shawls 88, sold elsewhere at 812. A large lot of those beautiful Velvetine Mantles $5 to $6.50, worth $10. Black Cloth Mantles, beautifully trim'd; 82.25, worth $4. Very [Heavy Seamless Cotton Bags, $4.50 per doz., sold elsewhere at 86. A lot of beautiful lined and trim'd Buffalo Robes for $15, sold elsewhere without lining or trimming for $13. A large lot of the best Cotton Yarn at $1.37, sold elsewhere at $1.75 to $2 bundle. 0 With a complete assortment of every thing in the GROCERY, HARD. WARE, and CROCKERY line at prices equally low as the above. Soliciting a 'continuance of that patronage hitherto received, and an early visit from his old friends ancustomers with many thanks for former favors. The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 07 Several first class farms for sale on easy terms of payment, Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with a description of the u rity offered, to *W. M. COCHRANE, Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. 48 Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. FOR FIRST CLASS UTTERS] GO TO THE ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY All Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and by first class workmen, Call and see them. 1 would also intimate to my numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in Prince Albert to get your Horse Shocing done. Work Warranted or mo Pay. JAMES EMANEY. 48 Prince Albert, Dec 4, 1867. IMPORTANT NOTICE . 0 The subscribers take great pleasure in informing their customers and friends, that their STOCK OF GOODS Is now complete in every department, which for ¥ v Quality and Cheapness, _ Cannot be excelled in the County of Ontario. A splendid assorfment of Crockery just arrived. Hardware, Groceries, and Boots and Shoes, always on hand. Cash paid at Atppues Jor Wheat, Barley, Peas, Dore Pork, §ec. i The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. ig ; Mi BROWN & CHRISTIAN, MANCHESTER, Oct. 23, 1867. THE OLD STAND FOR BVER. il} anks to his numerous customers for n iI 7Iin HE Subscriber takes this method of Tetorni intimate that he is their liberal patronage for the SIX S, and SIE era Lips rind to forgish them an beg i g . : [) - lB & Wagons and Buggies! gn 3 And that he is now preparing FIFT Vy Sets of his PREMIUM IRON & WOOD SEED AAR- . #OW made in the latest improved jes. yo Laor fear vid Parties desiring to purchase woula d well to call and Jnspect his Stock before else~ where. hos Bl win Stock for Cash, he ig de not to be undersold by any other manufacturer in the County. ¢ T. 0. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Dee. 4,1867. MONEY TO 1.LOAN! ------ The Subsctiber is now prepared to lend any amount of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security-- or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. The borr ex vau Lave lus own ume to pay the priacipal. T also represcnt three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the Dominioe that lend money at low rates on Farm and Town Property. 05 Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to . JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Laud, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby. Office--MeMillan's Block, Brock St. 'Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. 38 dle ; [Candidates in the Field. ded do T J A ok ME | WW. ©. PARK; Cabinet Maker and . PRINCE ALBERT, OULD embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous \ y friends for the liberal share of patronage he has received. He would further state that he purchased a First Class HEARSE, decorated in the latest style,with double Sets of Plumes A large and choice lot of COFFINS kept constantly on, hand. A large and sey, complete Stock of COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description always ony a. Sane, and for sale, Cheap for Cash. 3" FUNERALS attended to with dispatch. Charges moderate. The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Lumber. i | rr the Place=Opposite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and Blue. ~FR== masse Prince Albert, May 22, 1867. Fi Now is the Time to Replace the Under- standing. a PEL Ak {rR Jg . CC t 2 iT OFTHE {ii } PROPLES' BOAT & SHOR STORE, o ph "PRINCE ALBERT. EGS agam 10 call the attention of the inhabitants of Reach, and adjar ent Tos B% Rie superior Siook'of BOOTS and SHOES, particularly those 1s art Tawaships, facture, which he is selling at nearly the same prices as Store Boots are selling. J. C. would aléo ball' particular attention 1 hig HE Oak Tanned English Xip Boots. He has aleo on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies' and Children' WM, STEEL. All Wark Warranted. 14-1y - 905 Iligh Holborn, London, England. ys Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. --] eo) Sh = (o-oo . -- - : 5 rg ml Pest = To WY & DB =< 3 Sn - Trt @ a= Ce =: VU. 5 NE a: m | = 8 == Si Pie | EC = 5° 3 S 7} a iI - w sR i= EZ == 355 ~ S| Be == iy Tm i = * - End d E : ZH A A J. HEAL'S wp Eo WE a & |gelebrated Itch Ointment Et Z SS 1 ; yi IL subscriberkeeps constantly a large quan- 337.3 BD gp [Tehrani ph Ng : ar HEAL. § & --] Wemm |Pinec Albert, Dec. 5, 1866. ' Tally Manchester, April 10, 1866, rr Cash aid for Hides, o id Prince Albert, Oct. 1, 1867, - =e] fell f=] 5