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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Feb 1868, p. 1

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Pr ------ OWNSHIP Cler, - Reach, Convey- 1 v1 cer, Hr xtirlas_Beoeh, Sone A I re an tse ote. YOL. 'XL No.5.1 PRINCE ALBERT, CO UNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W. THURSDAY. FEB. 6. 1868. [WHOLE No. 526 he Gutavio Dhserter,| A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, IS PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTA RIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS: mo ~--$1.80 per aunum, if paid withis Ot pid. within that time, $2.00. Nosub. 85 than six months ; and id no paper digeonti ears are paid. wy Letters 8 ey, when addressed to is Office, pre-p egistered, will be at our risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For ench line, fitst insertion - . . Subsequent insertions, pérline .-.. . Lrds, under 6 lines, per annum . Advertisements. measared in Noy, a:oording to the space they occupy. Advertisements received for publication, without spe die ins ions, will be inserted until fo M A "ind hyrged acdordingly. Noadvertisement will pe taken ut paid for. | Aliberal discount allowed to Merch 1 d wlio advertise by the year or half-year. 0 *ers y I Notice, (heobject which istopromote y benefit of dny individual or compayy, to sidered aw advertisement, and charged accord- agly. Th 80.08 0.02 5.00 pareil and charged de terms will, in allecases, be ttietly ad. Mly increasing importance of the North orendersthe publication ofthe Onsxever y. Eve ocaling righ d condemning weong, it will con Iy take the lead in forwurd g thecgeneral interest: the county; nnd in the amount af loealand general Aes given, will be Unsurpassed by 8ay local pager published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes. Rill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books. Check Books, Circulars, Business Shas Cards, &e , Ke., of L color, executed prompily, and at lower 1 establishment in this county. hee getting hand bills, ke, , pr ted, ates than at a) Parties from a have them doue (0 take home with them BAIRD, | J. H. PARSONS, Busines Directo rp, DR. JONES, CORONER for the Count Ti y of Ontario, DR. WARE, NORONER for the County of Ontario, CU Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert : F. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. Mf NX RADUATE of the University of Mc XT College, Montreal, Physician, Surgeon A2soucheur, Prince Albert, the house late] Drs, MoGILL & RAT, Surgeons, &e., &e. Office and 'uces, King street, Oshawa. occupied by Dy FRANCIS DAR. M, 1 JOHN BILLINGS, DARRISTER. Anorney at Law, Soli ) in Chancery, Notary Publie, Conv &e., Prince Albert. Office over 1. C. Form Store. ID ARRISTERS, Attorneys Albert ofice--opposi Zort I r office--over M wn Hall; NORMAN F. PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterse TTORN Conveyancer, &c., Beav the building occupied by D. Office in " Simgoe-st. P. A, HURD, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- * Th Qonveynueer, Notary Public, &e., FAREWELL & Mc3EE, B ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors and K&D Notaries Public. Offiecs, in the Post Office Building, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. ¥.® rARRWELL, L.L.B. R. M'GEE, n, A. CAMERON & MACDONELL, PBARRISTERS and Aterneys at Law, 0) Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: Court House. Al. C. CAMERON, , | ANDREW F. McPHERSON, ARRISTER, 'and Attornay-at-L , Solici- B tor in Cli &e. re BT Bolle OFFLOE--D 3 street, 3 doors west of the ost Offi Whitby, ¥ 1 H. J. MACDONELL, Bd . J: WILSON, Bids Attorney at Law, Solicitor in , de. Office in the Victoria uilding, -st., Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. B., SLiciToR in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. 'Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. Dental Rooms directly opposite the post ffice--entrance Simcoe i By door vo of the Ontario Bank. JOHN CHRISTIE, ancer, 's Bench, &e. Busi fully attended t oe Manchester, Sess reilly a TH0g, H. WALSHE. . ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- 4 of Bi Thorah, Mara & Rama in t posa, etc., in the Connty of lof i a, itl he ence wi efus Hy ig "Debts collected Can: therwise, t re "emm nt WALSHE, the North On. Auctiol 3 ¢ MACKIE'S HOTEL, 3 (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Street, Port Hope. 5 Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. " Ontario Hotel, BROCK-ST., WHITBY, 2 | Greenbank, Fel'y 13,18 C.N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. T | and renovated, and he DD. M. CARD, ICENSED AUGTIONEER, Coilector of Accounts on Commission, whether in or out of the County, Remittances Yoade aceording to instructions." Sales punctually attended any- where in the County, on the shortest notice.-- Charges moderate. b Sales appointed on application at the Onserver Office. All letters properly addcessed to the Uxbridge Post Office, will receive the promptest attention. J. D. Cottingham, FRR DENTIST, FRR BORELIA, C. W By a New Process, Teeth can he Ex- tracted without pain, at his office, J.D. C. is prepared to execute all operations connected with his profession with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine his specimens. sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND. --Attention to the Teeth preserves the health. Without "teeth in good orderit is impossible to masticate food for the podr, and consequently there cannot be good health. Ifyou have decayed teeth, get them filled. 1f you have any out get them replaced by new ones. Priees low, and all work warranted. If the work is not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded. . Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan. 15, 1867. English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vulcanite Base for Arti- tificial Teeth! * C. D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, JMain=Et,, Arbvrivge. LL Dental operations performed with the AX utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat- isfuction or no charge, and at prices which defy competition. es. --Rev. Dr. Short, and 77. D. Griggs, Zope; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whithy : Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge : Dotels, &t. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! 2-1y = B. PLANK, ROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has LA furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors igars, Frery attention paid to gue Can om Whithy call daily. ays in attendance. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, YE subs 1 trave above hote »Z | wishes to inform the that Le has taken the he has fitted and furnished the best accommodation, 4 ¥8 be found. -- s, and attentive R. A. MURTA, Proprietor, 6-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. ched, and an attentive attendance, Good stable and shed ostler always in Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats Saintfield Hotel. Ee being new, comthodions, and well throughout, the public favoring r custom depend on finding to their comfort at- 2, and attentive Ostlers him with y convel tended to. always in attendance, D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE UTicCA NO0O0D accommodations. Careful attention X to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, « - - PROPRIETOR. HE Subscriber begs to announce that he has .~ leased the building formerly known as Scrip- ture's Hotel, for a tern of years, and that he has renovated and re-furnished the building theough- oul. The premises are pleasantly situated, op- posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town. The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning. I3= Careful Ostlers always in attendance, GEO. ROBSON fg owt minis oe ate Se COMMERCIAL H OTEL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. HE undersigued begs to announce that he has er the above well known premises which have been newly furnished and renovated by him, and where the best accommodation go- ing, with careful attention, ean always be found. Good stabling, enclosed and atten- tiveOstlers. Charges extremely moderate. 23-1y JOHN MILLER. Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - « PRopriEToR. EGS most respectfully to inform the inhabi- tants of the County of Ontario, that he has leased the above premises ly occupied by Sandy Perrie, which he has newly furnished is to accommo- The bar stoeked date the travelling public. cigars, and an at- with the choicest liquors and tentive ostleralways in attendance. Marriage Licenscss (BY AUTHORITY.) Sue at Port Perry. Offica the Scveoa lc. DAWES, ProrrieToR, i Hi y orga HENRY CHARLES. Ja 23 1867. ~g hr Single Ceeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole | TORONTO, C. W. INCORPORATED,...... .ccovnrnivnnrn 1851 4 Captal, -- $400,000. vi iN Pick-Presinex Sxe'Y ANDT REA: GEO. MICHIE, Es HON. J, McMURRICH JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent, u County of Omario Licensed Auctioneer. pas Subscriber, holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever business is entrugted to his care, will be prompt- carefully attended to. Charges moderate, 13, Days of Sale, &c., &c., arrnnged at the er Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. Borelia, Mach, 27th, 1867 amr Brandon Brothers Manufacturers of BISCUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &L. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Biscuits, onfectioneries, &e., * CANNINGTON, C. W. Cannington, April #1, 1867. -- 7 ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, ©. Ww. "WE largest and most commodions Hot»! in own. A special conveyance to the Rail- WA) tion. Stages depart from the Royal Hotel daily to all places north. Attentive host- lers mlways in attendance. JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. WM. DECKER. le LSE eat WATCHMAKER ! JEWELER, &C., Prince Albert, Ont., Wulp beg to announce to the public, that he has just received a splendid Stock of Watches, Clatks, Jewelen, Kr, Which he will Sell VERY CHEAD, All kinds of Watches, Clocks, and Jew- elry, neatly repaired and w rranted, Prince Albert, Oct. 16, 1867. 1 MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDs,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent eres WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y ERNARD HALDAN, Esq County of Ontario, } (\N 0 : ty-ninth day of Feb- ryary, A.D. 1868, at Twelve o'clock noon, will Public Auction, at my office in the town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, all | and interest of the undermen- tioned defendant, of, in or to the undermentioned lands and tenements thereon, seized by me un- SHERIFF'S OF LANDS. be sold Lb. the right, title, der and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, Issued ont of the County Court of the County of Ontario, and to me directed, viz : CHARLES H. DAVIDSON, AND WILLIAM GORDON, vs. DONALD KENNEDY, _ Lot Number Sixteen, Concession C, Mara. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Per R. H. TomuiNsoN. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, 12th Nov., 1867. If you want PURE Drugs AND CHEMICALS | (LATE WILSON's.) in neat jugs, Articles of almost every kind, Stock of Stationery, pri Groceries Do you want a Tea that wi for strength, r i lnss ware, © Our go kets, and wi upon cost. The proprietors are anxious t wants of their numerous custor faction. LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa. "46 Novel Neher, 1866. ed HOUSE PAINTING. IE subscriber is prepared to undertake Mouse Painting in all its branches, and by strict attention to business and moderation in charges he hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him ia the past, WILLIAM JAMIESON. ust 1, 1867. * - Prince A 30 - 4 Eos = W. H. MARSH. PRINCE ALBERT, ouse, Sign, Carriage, » any Prin ! PAINTER. EGS to return thanks to the public for past B favors, and would beg to state that he has opened a 'Shop nearlv opposite the "Prince Albert Carriage Factory," ote he will be able to execute all work of the art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov. 26, 1867. 47 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 25 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- . ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 13 sonally attended to. | Prin Prine tt dan, 2, 1508. "mg EOS [=~] i 2 : [ © 3 7 = 8 z g bs ? . rt ¢ 7 3 QO Hey * 5 QO iz po [BESS Ee Sa : - Ni: BE: Zilia nll > WHioan: © |Aug . £2 111 oraaom Sep = SF 8:1: 0a Jr a= Il SeowlNov. oO ° : : 88: Dec. - VALUAB THF poder jd on i Se . E. part of Lot 22, in the of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, contain- ing 64 acres, all cleared and moder- ately well fenced. Improvements--Frame Log House, Well, &c. Roads good convenient, help Lake Scugog an Shaser, wiih interest ab ¥ per cent. Wall or JOSEPH Walkerton, Nov 28, 1867. N.B. The farm is now rented at $1 GOULD, better advantage. J. HEAL'S Pinec Albert,Dec. 5, 1866. SALE Saturday the Twen- | "Pened the massive iron door, then closed Plaintiffs, - Defendant. Sheriff, C. 0. 45-3m WANTED! AT LOW PRICES, PLEASE TRY DA WSONS' For PERFUMERY,! (new rare kinds Go to DAWSONS'. For Paints, Oils, Brushes, and Faucy Try DAWSONS'. For a well selected and well assorted Try 'DAWSONS?, We have now received a large stock of the New Readers for Common Schools at Toronto 11 just please you ? ase try our 4 other article such reasonable tion 10 our well select- in the best mar- swall advance ter to the in all the above branches and to give the most entire satis Physician's Prescriptions carefully and per- NOISIAIT IHL NI SI¥Nn00 FARM FOR SALE. and me Bares situated on the west side of about 3 miles from Port Perry. Terms $1800. At least $300 down and the balance in" annual instalments to suit the pur 0 Sik CHAMBERS, Proprietor, kerton, Co. Bruce, Ont. | hed nant) on the Farm, 47-3m 20 per annum. It would be difficult to invest $1800 Celebrated _Ttch Ointment T= subscriber keeps constantly a large quan- tity or his Oelebrated Itch Ointment. A -------- A --t-- eure warranted. Price 25 cents a box. The poorest reluctant slave in vice we J. HEAL, |ever saw was a poor fellow who had his Tailor EMMET AND HIS LOVE, Twas in the evening of a lovely day-- the last day of the uoble, ill fated Emmet. A young lady stood at the castle gate, and desired admittance into the dungeon. She was closely veiled, and the keeper could not {imagine who she was, nor that any one of such proud bearing should be an humble However, he supplicant at the prison door. granted the boon, led her to the dungeon, il again, and the lovers were alone. He was leaning against the prison wall, with a downcast head, and his arms foldel across his breast. Gently she raised the veil from her face, and Emmet turned to all that earth contained for him-- the girl Whose sunny brow, in the days of boyhood, had been bis polar star--the maiden who had sometimes made him think the world was all sunshine. The chains sounded like a knell to her hears, and she wept like a child, Emmet said but litle, yet he pressed her warmly to his bosom, and their feelings held a silent meeting --such a meet. ing, perchance, as is held in heaven, when we partno more. Ina low voice he be- sought her not to forget him, when the cold grave received his inanimate form-- he spoke ol bygone days, the happy hours of childhood, when his hopes were bright and g'orious--and he concluded by requesting her sometimes to visit the places and scenes that were hallowed to his memory from the days of 'his childhood --tho' the world might" pronounce Lis name with eccrn and contempt, he prayed she would still cling to hitn whom all others should forget. At sunrise, next morning, he suffered gloriously, a martyr to his country and liberty. And one--o'er her the myrtle bowers Its leaves by soft winds fanned : She taded midst Italian flowers-- The last of that fair band. Twas in the land of Italy--a gorgeous time of sunset in Italy. A pale, emaciated ail upon the bed of death. ~ Oh, it was hard to die, far from her home, in this heautiful land where the flowers bloom perennial, and the balmy air comes freshly 10 the pin- wg coul. Oh, no; her star has set; the brightness of her dream has faded ; her heart is broken. When ties have formed on earth-- close, burning ties-- What is more heartrending and agonizing to the spin than to find at last the loved one is snateh- ed away, and all our love given to a faded flower. Enough ; she died the betrothed of Robert E.umet--the lovely Sarah Curren. Italy contains her last remains --its flowers breathe their fragrance over her grave, and 'ulling notes of the shepheid's lute sound a requiem to her memory. ee -- INGENIOUS REVENGE. The following is amusing the Parisians coming from V cars. Inthe same compartment with him were two ladies whom he had never seen The artist was with him. martial bearing, his hale old age, his mili- noyed and determined to put an ewd to the persecution. As the train passed under the tunnel of St. Cloud, the three travellers were wiaped in complete darkness. Vernet raised the back of lus hand to his oat aud kissed it twice, violently. On emerg- ing from the obscurity, he found that the ladies had withdrawn their attention from him, and were accusing each other of hav- mg been kiesed by a man in the dark. As they arrived at Paris, Vernet, on _leaying. sid += Ladies, 51 shall be puzzled alt my lif by the inquiry, ¢which of these two ladies it was that kissed ma 7° -- - 0 SURVIVING AN EXEC ON. - The Talian journals tell a singular story A soldier who had deserted and taken to brigandage was captured and sentenced to death. eing brought out of the place of execution, a firing party of five performed their painful duty, and" the sergeant com- manding them perceiving that the man Was not quite dead, gave him the ¢ cup de grace.' In the belief that this was really a finishing stroke the body was handed over to the grave digger ; but as night was aproaching, the latter postponed his duty until morning, leaving above ground what he naturally supposed to be a corpse. The unfortunate man was, however, still alive, and the cold night air, by irritating his wounds, revived him. Paintally he dragged himself to the wall of the enclosure, against which he managed to place a ladder which happened to be there, got over, although all bleeding, and his arm broken by the bullets, and de- livered himself as a prisoner to the nearest guard house. The ministers of war end justice each claim this resuscitated victim of martial law, but the belief 1s that he will be pardoned, His wounds are not mortal, and his arm has been re-set. ee ---- i -- ee. (= A father living near Cincinnati, was one evening learning his little boy to recite his Sunday school lesson. It was founded on the fourteenth chaprer of Mathew, wherein he related the parable of the mali- cious individual who went aboat sowing tares. "What is a tare 7 asked the anxi- ous parent. 'Tell me, son, what is a tare." " You had 'em." 5 "Johnny, what do you mean "' said the astonished parent, opening his eyes rather wide. " Last week when you did'nt come home for three days," said Johnny, "I heard mother tell aunt that you was off on a tare." The Sunday school lesson was brought to an abrupt close and Johnny was sent off to -------- ign when peopl always umed at, either in con- . An honest and up- independent! It is a bad imagining they a versation or in po right man walks hrough life amid sland, d rep is not the most satisfied looking, or the fair- est spoken that are often the best men. The hypocrite is far worse than the man who tries to do his best, but does not profess to be better than his neighbor. to gaze upon | anecdote of Horace Vernet [any change in them. > '1sailles to the city in the | previous session "be brought They examined him very minutely, and [o0¢ day and rescinding the next, in fact rominente on hi nite freely, upon his commenied spon him quite freely, upon [at all it, notwithstanding their being enter- | ? mittied the Treasurer's Report as tollows : tary pantaloons, ete. The painter was an- | #0 as ordered they can be rescinded at I COUNTY COUNCIL. JANUARY SESSION. SECOND DAY. Wiitsy, Jan, 29, 1868. The Warden took the chair at 104 o'clock. Members all present except Capt. Rowe. The minutes of the previous meetin wee read, when Mr. Wright ray that he found a great discrepency between the minutes just read and the actual busi- lees iransacled by the Council yesterday, and he conceived that the motion passed yesterday for suppressing part of the minutes was passed without due considera- | tion ; he conceived that the Council did not possess the authority to tnstruct the Clerk to suppress any portion of the minutes and he was confirmed in this opinion by a section of the Municipal Act which he read. r Now as things are he thought the best way lo get over the the difficulty was to have the error corrected the best way pos= sible, he would therefore move that the mo- tion of Mr. Gibbs passed by this Council at its yesterday's sittings requesting the Clerk to dispense, in his mirutes, with all the motions regarding the election of a warden except the last five be rescinded as a fair and lull statement of the transactions of the Council should appear in the minutes. Mr. Gordon said he agreed with Mr. Wright so far, but he considered that the motion did not go quite for enough as it did not fully meet the requirements of the case, as it only rescinded what had been done and did not substitute anything mn its place, but he would ba glad "to go with Mr. Wright if he wonld so word his motion as to meet the case in full, Mr. Fairbanks said that the mover of the resolution seemed not 10 comprehend the clause, that according to the clause re- ferred to and Note L. referring to it, it 1s obvious that the Council has the power to order the Clerk how he shall enter the minutes, and if entered as ordered the Council has no power to alter these minutes. Mr. Gordon said that being a young mem- ber of the Council he could not lay claim to J much experience in the rules of the Coun- cil, he would like therefore to ask if the ruling. given by the Reeve of Oshawa was correct, viz: that after the minutes of Council had been entered, as ordered by the Council, aid Council have no power to alter ther minutes ; if such is nat, the fact there may be some good in proceedthg with lawyer to explain it, and he said it was a pity that all our laws were not equally plain as in that case, there would be no necessity for so many gentleman of the long robe ; and he was perfectly willing to join 1esne with the Deputy-Reeve of Oshawa in this matter, as according to his (Gordon's) read- ing of the law the Council had no authority to instruct the Clerk to leave out any part of the minutes. For his part he conceived that the power that makes the laws can also change Bn unless the laws of this Coun= oil be like those of the Medes and Persians ~unchangable. Mr. Wheler said that the minutes were not entered as ordered here, he submitted the motion of Mr. Gibbs on the subject. Mr. Wright's motion was then: put and carned, 13 y and 8 nays. The Warden stated that as he understood the subject the question now before the Council was, shall the minutes be amended and confirmed ? Here Mr. Feasby asked how they could confirm minutes that were not written. Mr. Gordon sad, he would therefore move that that part of the minutes referring 10 the nominations for Warden be not confirmed, but that the Clerk be instructed so to amend said minutes as to insert the whole of the business regarding the election of Warden. Me. Fairbanks said that he for one would not like to see this motion entered upon the minutes of this Council; he would feel ashamed to see such a motion go fourth to the rate-payeis of this Connty 10 see their Council stultify itself before the Councy by ordering its Clerk to do a certain thing to= day, and structing him to undo it to-mor= ow. Mr. Guy moved, seconded by Mr. Gibbs, that the 'minutes as just read by the Clerk be confirmed.-- Carried. Mr. Fairbanks said that he would I'ke now that the Council would rescind its for- mer motion. The speci! committee appointed to strike thre stan fing committees brought in their re= port containing the following names, viz : FINANCE AND AssgssmenT -- Messrs. Gibbs, Robinson, Brethour, Hol len, and St. ohn. Evvcarion.--Gillespie, Dryden, Robin- son, Gorden and McPhee. Roaps AND Bripces.-- Fairbanks, Me- Rae, Brethour, MeCreight, R. Smith, Wright and Feasby. County Property, -- Grey, Sexton, Smith, (Scotty Wheler, Miller and Rowe. the discussion ; but it such is the fact all thie discussion is just 80 much waste ol | time. Mr. Gibbs stated that if the minutes of yesterlay were entered ns ordered by the Council, the Council has no power to order | He sad that it was easy to sce that should the minutes of a | up and re- scinded when entered as ordered there would be no end to the business of the | before, but who evidently were acquainted | Council as the same business would come up before them day after day, passing thie there would be no good in writing minutes pleasure. Mr. Gillespie said that he understood the | aim of the Reeve of Reach, his obvious in- | tention being to place him (Mr, Gillespie.) | at a disadvantage before the people of North | Ontario, but he would say to that gentle- man jost to go on and make his best of it, he was perfectly willing to give him what- ever benefit he can make of it, he had no objection to have the minutes of the Coun- oil fully recorded, still he hati" woud be a wine aslirse (0 enter 1n the minutes all the child's play that we had yesterday iu electing a Warden. Mr. Holden said he was somewhat snr- prised at the remarks that had fallen from the Reeve of Brock, and he begged to differ widely from that gentleman in designating the business of electing the Warden of this county as child's play. He considered that the Council hdd been about its legitimate business and Just-iing ejay y ought to do under the circumstances hay were-sxar- cising their privilege as members of this Council in uh 10 place a gentleman of their choice in the important ition of Warden of this county, and if they hid a fight it was a fair one, and now they had succeeded in electing one, and he thought that the whole of the transactions of the Council should appear in the minutes, as should the Council have power to suppress une part, why not suppress any part they choose ? and if the minutes were not a faith- fal repoit of the transactions of the Council what were they goud for; they were entirely useless and might as well be dispensed with entirely. Mr. Gordon said he would urge the ques- tion that le bad already put and he would like to have a direct answer, as it w the utmost importance that this o should be satisfuctonly decided at this stage of the proceedings, and he would call on the Warden for his decision oa the ques- ion . : Mr. Bréthour said that he did not con- ceive that thete were any necessity for com- mitting all the minutes, he had thought it was but he l since hearing the matter discussed that was ne- cessary had been accomplished by inserting the names of all the parties who had been nominated to the office of Warden, and as for the effects of giving the minutes in full, he believed that no member of the board had any dead of the consequences. Mr. Sexton said that he considered the discussion had almost entirely gone away from the qaestion at issue; the question was on the right of the Council to aliter the minutes of a previous session when correct- ly entered as ordered by the Council ; if an intellegent decision were given on that point the discassion might result in some good, otherwise 1t is just spending the time to little or no profit. Mr. Fairbanks said that the Counil haa no pow: r io alter the minutes if entered ac cordingso their instruction. Mr. Gordon said he feit a little diffident in giving Lis opinion in opposition toghat of the learned gentleman who doubtless knew law so much better than he did, but he £2 | Gibbs, that the Report id_not belipye | - Prixtine --Gordon, Sinclair and Wright. Mr. Fairbanks moved, seconded by Mr. be adopted.--Car- ried. Mr. Gibbs introduced and carried through a By-law to appoint an Auditor and con- firm the appointment made by the Warden. The Conneil appointed Mr, Lawder, and the {Warden appointed Mr. Dickey, at a salary of $80 each. On motin of Mr. lull the chair ull 2 o AFTERNOON 10N. The Warden took the chair at 2 o'clock, and having called the Council to order sub= Fairbanks the Warden clock. TREASURER'S REPORT, To the Warden and Council of the Cor- poration of the Conuty of Ontario. Your Treasurer would beg to report, Cash on hand... $3500 00 Co, Assessment d Village of haw Town i Availy T'ps of Mara & Aer at Liabilities, not including ordinary expenses, up to the June Session. . Rills payable... . . $3000 00 Debentures due 1st Janus 1 200 00 Coupons " 288 00 t ** "7th March. 180 00 " "1st April . 420 00 $7088 00 Leaving for current expenses the sumof .. cuss sasne ue . ... $1148 31 Bills ciscounted during the part year amount to £18000 00, stamps and discount on which amount to $333 33. Rec'd Int'st at Ontario Bank on deposits 837 22 . " Royal Canadian B. " 41M 84 93 The Warden next read a communication from the Co nmitiee on the Mem rial fo the Volunteers who fell in defending the coun= try against the Fenian invaders. The Warden submitted the report of Mr. B. Foy, Commissioners for Scugog Bridge, showing an expenditure of $129. A Communication from the Secretary of the North Ontario Agricultural Society con= veyiog the thanks ol said Society for the liberal donation of $200 for the past year. Also from the Legislative Assembly re- arding the following Bills now before the gislature, viz: Municipal Institutions, Assessment», and Agriculture. Also a Communication from the Com- missioner for the Narrows Bridge ing what repairs are necessary amounting in all to $400. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the Cop- ieati garding the of* a monument in memory of the Volunteers was placed in the hands of the Finance Committee. Mr. Fairbanks moved that the Communi- cation from Mr. Rubert be submitted to a Special Committee of seven. The Clerk submitted the following peti- tions. From the Trustees of the Port Perry Grammar School praying tor a continuance of the grant. " The petition of Mr. Harris and 55 others for an Won of $25 per annum to his (Mr. Harns') salary. " The petition of John Sperm and 61 others praying to be appointed Inspector ot weights and measures for North Ontario, stating at the same time that id ner had contract ed bud health while out on frontier duty with the Uxbridge Volanteors. G. McDonald's application stating that if the office ot Inspector of weights and mea- sures for North Oatarie be vacant, he would apply for the office. thought that the law in this matter was so fingers in one. plain that it did not require the kill of a Council adjourged 10 meet at 10 olock 10-morrow, Nd

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