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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Mar 1868, p. 2

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. - ' > . , | i CO ------ A ---- et a -- a rr --------E--------I TT TET 1 : ; oi a HOUSE OF COMMONS. | ©! JRVITE A BLAST. > REACH €OUNCIL, aud to donl with any who may Boseling NORTH ONFARI0 JGRICULAVHAL fete orihe fu sod the sid Sool ag = y ' , AN i i rr Tm --_ ihe --- without license as the law directs.--Car- a uk iad ia 100 towards n punds.- . L Great Bar gains. The, House, of Commons is-again ia full} The, Toronto papers of Tuesday describe | This couneil met,pursuant to adjournment, | ried. 710 in! : DIRECTORS MEETING. Op moti of. Mr. Spears seconded by : Tr -- ' blast: * Peutions are pouring in regatd af considera) 'lengthithe av i a the Town Hall, Manchester, ou Saturday | My, D. Ireland, Port Perry, presented a yi Ra } Mr. Fea ve wing, gouiiies was 5 --p---- : "& | a 3 Sat A Ld N A iti i 'a ia'o ted to ct. w of fencin : % i the several iroposed routes for the intercolo- [ted by an Wnusgally violent wind storm | 5 a petition for license 10 yen i new tavern in A meetin of the Dies of e jNorth | { 9 hat the w 5 a Goods Greatly Reduoed In: Prioe | |i iv" Thi seems to be the hidden | which sweph. over the. city on Monday, el Reo ve tock Whe ghai at 11} woloek. | Port Perry, but according lo he shrilions | Graria 0% Aura iva) Sisiets buid, | fx Eroshiy in J, rab, Scott - Af em © treasure for twhich the three provinces oan morting last. We leara that the storm Tog miei of he previous meating wets ution gould not be granted. 3 Piavormuier, on odrmwisf ih _" The, nde *n Po . i i 2a Selling off Balance of Stock at Great |°F¥s have been digging smce the first | burst forth in all ite fury about half-past | read and approved. 4 Nv The Clerk informed the Council that tha} Preside g took The ohuit gt 91 o'clock | ¢ deo heh for "re gal 5 ng x lt dawning of Confederation. Each party | sight a. m.; and witliin a few minutes time Clerk presented's Communication Lususause, on the Town Hall would be out! pmi * 4 stab resonded by Beott, fir. Mundy's - arg lis as bland us a May moraing so'long v.a {created 'considerable devastation. The | fram" the County Attorney. inlorminglihe on Bad sted stat the. Clark be 1% Present--The President, 1st Vice-Prasi-| render was accepted tia : 4 se---- they expect to get these malters made | most lamentable circumstance of the whole Council thar the Legislature had decided | 0% od ogi a ey Eo dent, Treasurer, Secretary, and Messrs, | 0 4000 the Board adj d | : n he | comfortable, but the moment the road takes | ; of : 191° Lihat municipalities in which Drill Sheds had | instracted to fitend 0 the neh! og ot the | poo chy, Brand, Carmichael, Campbell, Thotion_ Lie ljourned to i E Please call and sec the 4 akes | is the death of anrold man named MoKe zie | bencectod are liable for all necessary ex- | Hall, and hat the preference be given to| gc 00 Walker. | et meet again in Plavk's Hotel, Usbridge, at | 3 Cheapest Goods in the aturn they take the petand are ready to| who had the misfortune to be in the Round- | penses connected with the Drawing of | the Co. of Optatio Farmers' Mutual. The minutes of the previous Directors? | ten o'clock, a. m., on Tuesday the 9th { gd County! go home. When Upper and Luwer Cana- | house on the 'Explanade when tha 'whole Deeds and making out all necessary docu-| 'The Auditors brought in their Report. meeting were read and approved. i day of June next. \ ! Un | " da were united ns one province, Cartier | was blown down with a crash burying the | ments in conveying lo the government said | On motion the Report was received. - The Clerk opened the' Tenders for Print- eat lee | oy and his party dragged the legislation of the | unfortunate oli gentleman 1a the ruins ; ho [sheds and the land attached as He low 16-| After a somewhat searching scrutiny by |ing when it was found that Mr. E. Mun- [From the Quebec Daily Mereury.] | Alarge lot of prime Seed Batley, Fife and | FF 0% riot wheel pen | wae picked out in a few minutes, but life | quires. The charge for drawing the docu- | 000 be ot that over $1,100 cash ap- | 1y's Tender was $40, and that of Baird and | ppm CLAN OF THE FRASERS, | Club Wheat and Oats, on band and for sale.-- Dy 8, wo then | og oiinet. The Grand Trunk Railway | ments, conveying the Reach Diill Shed and | poy in" Ihe hand of the Treasurer after | Parsons $41.50. Alar some litle discussion - ; | DN 4 = complained bitterly and with good reason ; | wood shed was blown down. The Grand | land is $44.10. 'paying all claims against the Corporation | the fenders were laid on the table. At a meeting of the ¢ Frasers" of the | , Also Clover and Timothy Seeds. "{tiow however that we hive got independent | 'Frunk encine shop on the: Esplanade, «| The malier was allowed to drop. | for 1867, seemed ,too good to be true and | The President advised the Board to pro- Province of Quebec, hekl at Mrs. Browi's x Ate of 1 | ADAM GORDON. |ofhim and his party, when wa can aflyrd to brick building above 150 feet long and 40| M; Lawrence came before the Council. | therefore the matter was postponed till after | ceed in fixing the days for holding the Fair, | city hotel, on tte 8th Febraary 1868;-Alex- Man heste Feb. 26, 1868 let him splutier and when thére is a teal or wide bing struck by the lighting 'and | Tpo same matter came before the late |it hus been sub n itted to the Treasurer. when' Mr Christie moved seconded by Mr. ander Fraser, Exq., notary, sx Mef o aye r for SABRE. Ly oo . « spat" between Sir John A. and caught oy ibe Bye rus Sackeq vod jon Council. This Mr. Lawrence resides in! Afr. Gordon said that while the Council Lormienae] that the Fall Show of the N. 0. Je fly o Mammon 4, DOW FIR) y i" gE -------- re Tr > . almost 10 pieces, having its rou ed oft | he Township of York, but ewns 300 acres 1 d lof 1 ir- | BD. Agriculiural Society - be -held on | Quebec, in the char; AM. Omer Frase " i Mon. Cartier, we find even Upper Cana- and broken to fragments, and part of 18 {in the Sth ation ol Reach s'this land is Son) a Jude Tbe dn Tuesday and Wednesday. the 6th and 7th | St. Croix, acting as Secretary. | he nhac 481 BT. | dians patting the back of the latter in per- walls thrown dow, a number of men were | ented to one Mr. Cragg, but he has 10 iors, they bad brought in a neat and well| days o October nexts-- Garried. : 4, 1. It; wap unanimously resolved: » meee fect € at the 1dea of his ovsting Sir in he or ENp ns on way of getting i Mrflawiencels oi got upre ort and be wold mare that the ee ut ipa Ami-d Tht "it i Ldesitdthe' thus ts Surly of , it a little I 2 y : ect in coming before the Coun a be allow he ] vided Prac ize 1 nl JAMES BAIRD... DITOR | Joan. They must wait a little longer. building fined up last year by the Grand J some ng of geting out. So ne Da es Aprile |. Funds df theTowuship Society with those of Whi ote! ae, etn mn oat Er TBrat1e IRR The Intercolonial tailway has : been the Fronk company io the Segommedasion ol Here the Clerk read from the minutes the | counts of this Corporation for the year 1867, the County, in the Towyshipgin which the objedt, nd, wit at av ihe now PRINCE ALBERT, MARCH 19, 1868. | chief topic since the re-nssembling of the emigrants was blown down apd glmost | 0 50ion which the late Council had taken | and that the Clerk is hereby authorized 10 County faft was held for oy. yeat.. . oroceed lo such organization, by recom- : leveled t fT I erate | House, 5 bh ot to of the (Son aie be Lia in this matter. ~ grant his orders on the Treasurer lor the | It was suggested by the President that the | ding the choice, f <r YI AN THE TOWN HALL. The Premier says the Government woi't | Northern Railwa fon was blown in| The Council represented to Mr, Law- amounts. -- Carried. place for Holing dne next show should now f° Aen *( of Ihe Démifiidn of Cadada'; Northern Railway station wa P! . break faith inth ik Ra tibire oF "| rence that whatever was done in providing The Clerk again brought up the commu | be decided, and: whatever offers were pre- | 'A Gpief for each Provines ; --- noak-fuith inthe mallet, with a vengeance, and the timbers scatter fi 1d b ? I nication front the County Attorney regard- | pared to be made might now be discusseds i. 1 y Chief f I electoral Uivision: 3 Fhe awkward figure the Town Hall| Mc. Jones, Leeds, advises them not to be ed all over. The lumber yard was eased | an outlet fiom his property would be a pe iS 5 x § A Chief for each: elector y . a ig - Me. , Leeds, 7 ' cuniary bénefit to liimself, and consequently | 0g the Drill Sheds. Mr. Scot sail that he wae prepared to | A Chief for each County ; of thousands of fest of lumber which were y ' q y Pp y 5 eats is certainly po eredit to the Village [in too great haste about commencing a iransported to the Bay in' tha most uncere- the corporation Woulii expect that whatever | The Reeve said whatever was just and (move that the next show in connection | A Chief for each locality and township. of Manchester, while it is a disgrace 10 a $25,000,000 job ; that if Nova Scotia should | monious mantier, Shitgles roofs and fen- | expense was incurred in the matter should be | right for the corporation fo pay they were | with this Society be held at Prince Albén/ | [5 Tita the Chief afl he Porpipion of Ca- Ith vation such as Reach to own back out, as it had every appearance of do- [ces were not a circumstanté n its way. borne by him.' Mr. Lawrence finally subrmit- willing to pay, but he would see that not and that by the Board granting the suri of | {50 be named « taser," and that he bi riacs, and ignly it by the sound- ing, it would be better that the road should Mills large coal shed 200 feet tong had ted the following offer in tenting, viz: That | dollar was paid which they had not a tight { $100 payable at the ume of the ehow, at| py chosen at a general meeting of the - i 18 roof neatly litted off all in one piece and | he woald give'a road 8 rods wide through | to pay, aud he could not see why the Gov- | least three acres of land around the Drul [4c Fraeerd"'! dfiall - the grovidebs'; said be abandoned, as ita coastruction was only,a i in ir fi ey as if it1200 acres of his land~that he would pay | ernment should ask them to pay for these Shed will be properly Jeneed in with a close Whyual be held"oh Mrbvigche hes ing title of 'Town Hall The entire ab- condition of the confederation of all the pro- | ha 'been done on purpose ; then the wind | ll Fecessary efpenses comectod with ma- | conveyances seeing that the paltry sum of | board fetice evght feet high and the vse of the | i) 11g month of May ney, at ten o'clock m ~~ a. | sence of. anyLling like taste, or even order | o.oo nthe Act. The construction { made complete sport of the roofless shed' king git nveviiss, 3 Seivertising the $020 Fan al that He Gabernment coniritols Do She and Pedi Hail will be. given aa hy roi On o ern : e . « . | scatiering: i Id tions. Two'| closing of the road, or #ny other necess- | ed towards the erection of the shed, and pri- | for the purposes 2 stow of "ahy other |, may be designated. . around the building must strike every One |of gaid road would be no benefit to the peo A a Ta 4 wing connect Reith he ransmo- | vate snbectiption hd contributed aboat $400 | meting un connection with the Saciety dur- nay = » A uy g Bhat tip Chief of who passes the spot with the idea that | ple of Ontario. i . on Dr. Jenuinzs ohareh wera blown off aid {10nj and alee {he expense oftsmveying and | The building without the land, cosing ing the time of the Fair; and that by the Ti Be ey 23 ii Ciel of Town Halls sre at diecount in this part of SirJohn A. took a hopefol view of the | yuck into the roof of the. building, this fhying out "the proposed read, on condition nearly $800 and the whole mast be eonvey- Nocibty's paying twenty-five eents per an- a diviniohsroprosented ai meer ' aa i i 9 i Scotian resist- | gausi i { dama, | tliat the corporation shall provide a road oot | ed to the Government and, it seems we are | num they may have a lease of the grounds . : {he world, while the building itself with | case, hoping that the Nova causing quite an/amount ol damages . ' . allud dbo bi t {vy yenrh ) 1g be - chosen fortbwith:. audssthet the 1 from the oad gwen by. ium (Lawrence), | 10 be called upon 10 pay handsomely for the | for fifteen or twenty years IE of tower ro te pronin aw be guiarized ar lang 4 to d Lely be disarmed through | boards were: swept of by the wholesale, 1 3 fhe tear ja 11 895, droned Ta 3 tagged Kind -- Ton many of whiel wre ontely . dgmolished | Baid offer 10 remain open for two years. conveyance $44.10. : Mr. Christie object=d to the grounds re | i, empowered 10 nameghe Ciiefs forsuch coat of china blue, second mourning, can- Meness, rt vi few escaped unhurt, Carpertaraand paint=|* 'Mr! Gordon moted tliat (when hedessary) The matter was allowed to lie over for | ferred to as being wwmnited dor; the, Pipoie. divisions as are nol represented at present, pot tail to create corresponding feelings POSTAGE ON NEWSPAPERS. ere regarded this pan of Whe peogramnie as | the Reeve take legal advise reguiding any | farthetinformation. _ Mr. Bigelow demupred at haying the Jo* [ilie said election shall, however, besutiject J a mitigaled misfortune, This sudden, an=! mater atteeving ties corporatwn. ACarnied. | pe Gora LL lity permanently fixed al the present meet- | 10. it bal {the ¢ Fr 9 of Ah ot --_ y ' i r..Gordon moved that the printing re-| ¢4'1ly. pet y ize ep 0 the approbation of the ¢ Frasers" of the and slmost cast the passer 4 by Dito the 0 ect Was wel' 16 bawr in expected, short bul most severe elgmental{ ' Mr. Gordon moved that tlie Redite be an- | quired by this corporation be tly hE ing; such a coutss' he xaid would be de- [ewan imterested, who will make the, blues when, be looks upon its cold dank Oz subaen ers will do well to bear in {war was viewed with vastiy diversfied foel-! ihorizad fo! eign the desde conveying 10 | aud that the clerk ask for sealed tendes | irimental to the best interests of the Society. Fganre known at a meeting to be catled witn- mind that the new Postal Regulations come | ings ; the majority of the ld ladies whether Timothy OLeaty 'a fiortfon of thie! od 10nd | fram the two offices in the Township, said | It eolild not be denied hl said that there was | out delay, by the Chie! of the Province of skim-milk colored exterior. Were the 9 ; 5 " fon, : ¢ 4 3 into force on the first day of April next. jin pauls or peticoats regarded it, a8 old |, fio warive Earweed Tots "3 nnd 4, in the 41 | {onders to be opened at next meeting of {# sont of rivulry among the neighboring vil-| Quebec, with a view to proceed 10 the no- Worst tile of weed be td anovgh, These regulations make the posiagé on Fattier Time's final struggle aud aventktow. | Coycesdian, indi=u Fa portion of road given | Council. -- Carried. iages,andk if the fairs were located perman= | mination of the Cuiele of Counties com- * but this is ar from being. the case. In week! rs ives cana: periqrariet,. paid Ihe timid shnekedy aod the. biave. 81000 | ty gaid O'Leary.~ Carnal, vo) MCB Sad nerad (ab bBainiones eotly if Aihy oue of them tlie" others would | prehended in the said division, | finding ones way into the interior the first | er yy or thirteen coals yor ating still. 3 Ou wotion the Coungil adjourned for one | be appointed to repair the bridge on the big Te ior fi faociten. 4. Tun Clinte of Counties be obhged to | id : . hour. sway on the 12m congension. Ho sted | 1SSuesury e HRY. | convene also without 'delay, a meeting by ohjects that cateh the eye ute to large not so paid, Parties will do well to bear " DROWNED, Coonet) resumed at 24 o'clock. that up did uot know ah Ba H Se Mr. Christie stated hat an effort had! whieh shall be chosen all the Chiels of par- - pine logs standing on their ends in the | yg in mind, and when taking their first --_ Mr St. Johniniaved for leave tointmylice riquiré to make the necessary repairs, bui{ been made to have the slow grounds locat- | ishes or townships. Tw it ix absolutely necessary that it should be | ed bout midway between Manchester ambl 5 Thar jt shall be the duty of the Chief centre of the building, right inthe centre of | paper from the Post Office in the month 'of A sweet girl of fourteen years, daughter | 4 By.|iw 10 stop up and clo: onion uf 3 2 p R Sy-hiw lo sep apa a A repaired as soon as it gan possibly be done, [F110 Albert, but tht the Prince Art| chionen for # patigh or Wwuship 10 report 10 =D the passage ; so straight indeed are |Apiil, let them pay five cents Pusiage, and | Mr. Orr, London, Ont., was snlidg reading | the road allowance between tots No. 12 and ( ro id soem sond (he off ? ! oy aay 4 i - 3. vi 5 shaRvi=i | #8 iis now in a very unsafe'stae, and thee | PERE C1 vot seem fo second the ello, {yy Clef of lis county, ns early us possible they in the centre of the passage that if | this will pay the postize of the paper fof the | a book on the ferice on the edge of the river 15% R108 Jiingainol Manoies oe oe wis Nor saplogi hows saan th Hits ind hie believed that ~Goisiderable biama he yumber of dn HA in his ove: does: ot take le j anes tun: commeneing, Thames on Sabbuth afternoon, and becom- [0b "C0 void first ime. -- Cariiad. | fabric may give way, and thus neeessitute rested with Mr Seq in this matter. | panishor Township ; and of the Ciel of the" fe ly be led 't lod Ee wg gully fell off the fouce into wheriver| =, qo , ted the petition of Joh | ® 172ely mervanad outlay besides the risk of | Mr.Scott replied that he had taken no | comity in bis towvi, 10 report o the Chief of ry Way: Yolosiunnlely : Deore ng 4 RAILWAY: NBEFING, and was' drowned. ! M 3 Soe Jrosenley ! a pe y - p Co As dane 10 passers. part in it ax he was not in the room daring | Lis electoral division, who will transmit ity, i that his cose is longer than Lis arm froin its iif} § tit eet thei ire, Pray thie Luuuci 3a] the discnwsion, and he would like hat Mr. | gether with his own repo, 10 the Chie! of 3 ose ' : - % Glob not to slap wpor@tose tua portion of road The Reeve susgested that nothing danld Gordon be heard, us He knew "all that he |} news We In " 1 \ y first coming in contact with one of these | We find by the Friday s Globe that a CABLE NEWS. allowgduee at the village of Manchester La be bots i way of wprinog just now, ard | i Er {oF Yong Ta the waiter es Nis ii o foutays : la + : ' ' . ; i Sil + # - 1 2) Wi . Ns Luge logs. Between these Jogs there 1s a | meeting in connection with the Toronto tif twoun tuts No. 32und 13 in the rear of the | perhaps for some time 10 come, but as song 50 0 FEE al Ta Bepitar ng ath Lille i) Plot et £ i Is bi ell ding | and Nipissing railway: will be held at thé! The following resolution was brought be- (dih Concession; + Wut toi throw ward fas it could be attended tot ong cenainly |, Mr, Gorden ex) 2 A A DO ade. nected ou tive Tmustecatiiid X rge' brown: or yellow! stove stanting I Thursday the | (ore the House of Commons, England, on | rod open, as the BO oiened of halon dines did jo dhe megung lle wonid jot Manchester had waited of the. peuple Piles 06 Jeoels ' ei thiday ol straddle over an old box, like a porker Town Hall, Mane! estoy; lon Thursday ihe Tirarsdas last ' ' publig and mierests of tis villagn Tequite auguest a thorongh in-pedtion of the re- of Prinee Albert Th order if pasibif to come | May HoXlgtt the SGU G tO istry : ith bis hind feet in Nisfeed trough. 2ud day of April. hursday last. . ihe additional accommodation 3 while the | quirements of sand bridge." to some wrangement regarding the felons .,6. That, 1 is advisable. ial ihe meéting ie lin eel Tn oun Shishi iso Seems «That the 'dikeontent of Traland 1s | closing of it will shut an several parties. . ; 4 an tian of fair guands Detwegt the, 3 lines fn "Ouvhwa, réprevect i "inl "Whe clan be { Further on there is an elevation in the ALL RIGHT. | source of uneasiness vo' the Bmpirs, and i lid Ye 'tabl Mr. St. John said that he wae willing to | Manchester and Brinee. Alber. +He thd! composed of ail ns divers Chiefs fiom the | floor six. or eight inches, .this is called a The Commercial Bank having been-eon- | = i ba reinedied. That laws for Ireland The petition was laid on the table suns | postpone. his motion, and in the mean tune | iis with a view of resusitativg the Town | Chiefs of Provinces, even to the Chiefs of | 3: 8! : A soliddted with the Merehanta? Bank of Ca- fshookd bs framed to suit the wishes. of ceremonie. : . hie would move that the Reeve, Mr. Gordon | ahip'Soéiery ua muchas acedd Modating the,| parishes or townships incivsively, and any platform 5 aud on either side of this plat. tia the' C ial" Bank "bills aré as | the people. Tnat the * prasent Mr. Stax moved that By-law No, -- re- [ead the mover bea committes to examine | County Society. ~ Tt is" well kuuwn joer Frasers who may desire io aed at | form there are thrée boards standing erect 14a, the, Commarea cl a Chuteh, schook uid land tenure systema are | [e111 10 the stopping and closing up of (the state of the bridge on the 12h couevs- | that" infither Manchustar nor PanrpiAlbest { the rame. : | : > ood as any in the Covutiy, and other unjust, and that, in' the opinion of this | 'he road allowance at the village of Mun- | sion, west of the Brock road, and that sad | has sufficient sccomme dation for the parties | 7. That, the above ré§élutions and the nomina- and a boerd nailed on the ends, of these |g owe 10 not hesitate 10 take them in der Justy a | chester, &c., benread a second time and the | committee be, ant they are bereby anthor- | aitending the County Show, and had the. | tions, which are to tke place, this day, of whic 197 | 'House, thdse wrongs should by righted,' : Ts ¢ A yt v place; this day, of which forming what pissed for two desks. The |pogit ' i] . Council vékolve iteslf into' commitiee 1 the |1z= to appeint a commissioner to expend a | rrounds been located midway the necomo- | may be made hereafter by the Clie "te pro- oue on the north side however. has sunk A ------------re =~ whole thereon.--Catried. . | sufficient amount of money to put said | dation of both villages might have been ! ye sl be considered' ge reli a y and : : y ¥ ' : . Pan} 3 ; o> 4 4 orary, as they are ma vith p A DIABOLICAL AGT. TO CORRESPONDENTS. The Council went into coromiltee, Me. 4 bridge 10,2 proper slate of epair. rried. | available, besides the inflaence of the swe | ¢ SAL Abo Sibi to Sind object i under its weight of cares and is now lying mm Gorden in the chair. MF. Steel moved that the Clerk Ue aud | Villages on. the Township Society would | manner whatever, the Frasers, who 'will be at | on the fl or in a disabled state. Al the i ow | Mechanic. --~We are no} unaware of the r. Wright moved that the committee | he is hereby instroeted to write Hellen hus a beneficial effect and tend to do perfect liberty to reorganize themselves com- - | On Saturday night last a drover from KN 4 3 pier feb] od ns ' ' away with the jealousy which has existed | bletely anew, at the Ottawa meeting. rear of this platform stands' an overgrown | York'named Sykes was coming west by the faet thar Traction "Ergthes have been used | arise and report the By-law fFihout stmend Ninchel ky of the Ree, Sy Nuctiell 10 the injury of tLeso fairs for several years 8. 'That the clan. shall Hot be considered © wash-tub, this serves for Bench, Pulpet,| Grand Trunk ; when about 3 miles from in Edgland for" a considerable time past, | Ment aud the report was received andjand forward her a copy of By-law. No. | eet. . exist until and after the next anniversary or y Be ' 3. hace nd have succeeded well ; this we full \ adopted. : ; as now passed,regarding the road allowakce : Dominion day the first of July next, wader such and Rostrum, Over the edge. of this tubl | Prescot a party advised him to leave the car | % ve 3 e lu} yisq Mr. Steel moved that the By-law be read | between lots 12 and I3in the rear of the 41h Mr. Wright remarked that €ome of the | rules and regulations as will be adopted at the { the Law is poured in all its majesty, and {in which he was silting and join a party m | fourth in an article on, that subject a few |. oi time that the Reeve sign the same, | €ONCession in the Township of Reach, and | statements that Mr. Gordon had just made | meeting at Ottawa ; the Frazers of this meeting | E % ily ai ite i ht t Seonst b 2. "he | Protest -energetieally against #itenti | the Gospel in all its purity, while the out- the smooking car. He had 10 '0cher got rgeks Seo: Tre, Sucorery fe whigh we 210g Gere With the' evrporale seal a ihe! bn re In ns i onto ~ oe ibis hich might Te tributed to them, of tating { oh of ambiticus. aspirants have ap- without the door of the car than the man referred to in a late 1ssue had reference toan |thereto.-- Carried. : conditions wontained in said By-law, either | any obstacle in: the way of coming 10 an Histe will to Huis pamnesales of this Provine » pourings , 0 s who advised him shut the door and held it {improvement on these eigines brought ovy Ms. Steel meved for leave to introduce a aeeephing of rejecting nud conlitions. with- iio with 'Tega 10 vivgee faire) 2 wr Si i A and wi iti : Q al y Hug = 2 4 \ nually thundered over it in perfect torrents. Tad, Ayothes ina:blocked Me entinnte by Mr. Thompson of Edinburgh, Scotland claws Yeas velba oon 3 ie. send in two weeks from the date of said commu- | but they feit that they Jog already done all | above resolutions the better Ee att nd. The i ing i -- | the 'smoking car, While rey a i ine i ; i 3 Rs he Te ation a : ing | that they could well afford in connecti o's} i 4 only aeals barring the, bene bes been waiting on' the platform, presented a tae ion Y Sion in Solel uation of 4th concession of the Township of Reach I A ng 4 eet hous ha Ba nei ae They en 2 Tt Wo wiatar peoviseen of Onigfo, Nove that we found ie the Liall on Saturday pistol 10 their victim's head demanding his [from the om raction ngine, #0 | --at the village of Manchester, m Hellen fied, this council will consider said. failure | 10 an expense of at least $1,800 wath a view | quested to organize themselves, and to sen were two chars both of which had been | money and his ticket ; when botn had been | much so that its manufacturer has consider- | Mitchell, wife of the Rev. John Mitchell, | 2 declinatore of said offer and conditions, | of obtaining the agricultural shows. They had delegates to the meeting at Ottawa, on the four- , . dvhvered up, the fiends then ordered him | od it worthy of a 'new'dame--~he styles it | of a consideration of--6r to sell the same! oro hn n oo ceordance wath the | expended $1,400 on a Public Hall which would teenth of May Joxtythat time haying been se- i lor=--and that the same be read a first time. y never have been invested but with the idea of | lected because in all probability the parliament i " brought to grief, the one bad lost one le i i i « LuTOug ' {10 jomp from the ear, and on refusing to do further conditions contained in. said By-law. | geuring these fairs; and the8400%ontributed {o | Wit still be in sessiow, and the menibers may at- | a ' Road Steamer." ' It is much smaller * and the other wo, und were consequently | so they threw him from the plasiarm, he Bol Inghicr tran the oplingty Teagtion Eve. --Cariied. : = Carried. \ ras partly. for. that jarhoss sg | tend thesession before dispersing. | both lying ip a helpless, and we fear bope- rail 'was doing ata' vapid: ate, and he is The By-law was read a first time. Mr. Gordon 1ahatth licati t that the people there were tired contributing to| 10. That all proceedings be respectfully sub- i r man fell to the ground unconscious and, | vine, arid runs'on three wheels, one before | Myr, Shaw moved tht the By-law be rea r. Gordon moved that the application ol} ye purposes of shows. mitted, to the Fraser family, which is one of the ition. cou h ts i i ing : ; , Mr. Lea 1 r . oc : : i so ip - oe oe " ly he jay ists fn ain, and two behind. - These wheels] are two | a sesond time and the Council rerolve itself Nor oust, for Pp if es vy he Mr. Bigelow pid that if 'the fair was to | Ot Sngient, one of AUeTRoBE Robie, one ot the 1 ' A ye ; ) . 12, t ody of Ale Taf 1s al sutiad aud Nee 1 10] was at onee conveyed! to the nearest house, | feet broad and covers by Vulcanized Tndiiv|#oto'eommntee of the whole therevn.--Cat- | oo cagsion be laid on the table till next be fixed permanently Port Perry was pre | families of the Dominion of Canada. remain #o for the next bundred years, there | 4, 4 medical aid procured. He now lies | Rubber about five' mehes thick. This ag ries Beal 1 Ih 1 masting of Council ; and that Mr. Steel pared hi i SN with s Irspesiios Dat all the newspapers throughant fe is sruffl enough ineach one of them to seat |i us eondition. Unfortanately no i i i ill vabt. he By-law was rand a second time, and | and the mover be a committee to examine | Which he believed would meet the views of | Domiulon of auada, Who Fre sublines bv is gruff enoug hem to seal } in. a prgoario A ¥ we stated in a preceeding article will vast- |, "50, il resulved ifeelf into dommities of | said pit and" report at next" meeung of | the Board--he would prefer, however that the name-of Fraser, are requestedto publish the ao ordipary Hall. And as for" the walls | clteo tlie miscrennis has ye been found ly Tneigate the tractive pov of the engine | 1.6 whole, Mr, St. John in the chair. council.-- Carried. it should not be fixed in any one locality praca te Dosis. proceeded to th . 4 eee i 1 3 . y . fer w h roceeded to the it sa pitifel sight to see the Buxious lath MANSLAUGHTER, asit won't require 10 be geered down in |i My, Wright moved that the blank inthe | yo committee appointed to consitler the | A party at Port Perry he said was preper | nonifuation of the following officers, Who were stacing at one in all directions through fe order fo bite the ground 8s smooth wheels | By-law be filled up with the sum of $500, | ;500100 up a road for Mr. Leask, for which | ed to give 3 or 4 acres of proper grougds; unanimously-ekécted : I. To be chief of the Province of Quebec; We find by the Tuesday's Leader that a [do, The great anxiety 1s the durability of | add in eare the said Hellen Mitchell refuses | po had made application at. the, previcls | fé 1 | a 4 | \ a previdas | fence it properly and Erect a Suitable Flo- v verdict of Manslaughter has been returned, | the robber, if it can be made to last it wil! [10 give $ conwideration of shat portion properly * The Honorable John Fraser deBerry, Esquire, , yy ; % : . of the road allowance referred to, then the one of the members. of the Legislative Council by the Coroner's jury against Mrs. Manion | create quite 4 reovlution in land carriages. 34ame may be sold to any other person who Mr. Gordon moved that a committee con- | arant aisam of $100 and allow the party | 'of the said province, &c., being the, fifty-cight may be desirous of purchasing the | sisting of the Reeve and Mr. Steel, beap- [to resume possession of his land at any Ll Tula de hurried ich ind Power 4 u . + inte Las + Ye as . 2 ful Tord (selg rho fo sumptuously the 3 . ] c Notice. --A ieeling will be held at vag for $500 we larger urbeuut; or the Febued Wexauibainy Ue malier of purr time by bis giving the society an equiva] Eeipéror Charlemagne, sud his Somecrous Hg due more to the tenacity of the thickly | ihe neighborhood of Aun St., Toronto in the Seoavaliomel Seta) is council may dot) it I parcells as it may Shasing 2 70s ae blo Sel i» be th sont lent for the expense laid cut on said |\at higcasile in Notmaudy, in the eight century. § Sy § cession, he er Gi dispose. : . th Le] J, wie i matted cob-webs than to the cobesion of | early pait of last week ; the pate lans of colt) otel, a urday 21st inst., at pri pet " wh Mt the committee | 00 said Toad and at how much Silt: So grounds by the society. : . IL. For the folloying electoral divisions : the plaster ; while the beau fully variagat- which appeared m our Jast issue. She will | 7 o'clock p- m.. for the purpose of arrang- tion of Mr. g e eommillee wept: ba eld. and A TRO at next mete Mr. Gordon said that hie was prepared | Lauzon, --Thomas Fraser, Esquireq farmer, of' . a 3 B i ' . o i of I this By-law with certain | g / : i Pointe Levis ed coldred vaifing frown ombre siiones | be introduced to the bench during the Court | ing concerning the fencing' of "the, Tair arosd and reported 311 council. ~Ca : to offer in-name ofthe Village of Manches- | Pointe I in LES sin 8 Silence R E & 'afendinénts. The Ruport wis received | "¢ ofcouncil.-- Carried ter that by the Sociery's granting them | &ennebec,--Simon Fraser; Esquire, of St.Croix.. over one's liead in wtier contempt of the [OF Assize: "3 | Grounds, &e., &e¢.' Tt is particularly re- > : ; 2 £7711 wiiNgsWaghet"s® art.» The east oe TTT ORRAING. wos iuested 'that Beigen 4 n,out wil on Are Jd lid on ration of Mr. Shaw | On motion of Mr. Gordon the cogncil | gq04 hey would fence in with proper fence | o £2 1 Durantaye,-- Alexander Fraser, Esquire, + © Jarge hill Lins been aitempted 10 be boanled Aa "| this occasion a ii She BY ia as asienden _ read a iid | adfured Ullithe 20h day of May next, tien gp og first rate lund far i f NeFSaY allfery/ 1 7111 ° wpiabout 'three feet higher than thio vest of -- ; * " of ds tiwe adi signed and 'kealed. : to meet as a court of revion. Lh iy Floral all PUPPeSE,T as Laurentides Williany Fraser, Bequite; of ' 'tie het, but'sfter getting half way across, We are requested 10 state that the Borelia | tl tb Lo "1. Mr, Siqale moved fo leave fo introduce a| Council adjourned, provice La) suita ye all, procure 7 axe St, John, Qhicoutimi. ' # either fhe boars moxt tiuve' given oul or | Debating Soetety still. continues lo hold il} ~ ° SCHOOL EXAMINATION. _ |Ry-law lo gpen,np and esjablish a publis ) a : : asters extra tickets may be required, | Granoiile--Jean Etiente Fraser, Esquire, "wi ye workman get tired, fof iliere it stands | meetings twice a week; viz: on Monday So baius tus cele) hig ugh lot, No. 1 ii the registered | - With referénce to the audit we may remark and entertain the judges and Directors (ree | Notary. { "19 | Poatded only "half way across thie hall. -- Tei evenings, commencing at 7} 8 Cumin cm Sonya, Mare 18. ind phihy village ol Manchester, and that that the council seemed to Lave no scruple of charge during the fair, | Groen Island Stadacono,-- Alexander Fraser, ~ ai for emer where fhe conven J" SY pig cision thia | Having 'attended an' exuminasion of the vi be now ad fia) tue, ged the farther with regard to the acoaracy gt the repoit;| Mr. Scott said it was ver, fasy.10 per. Ean. Notart, oy es. Wa Srnied wisdom of ihe si ve EE Sone Sshidbou Fridays T3un irs 1 take To Thu sme Sep next [vin consequence of | made | ceive the drift of Mr. Gordan'ss §ffer, be | sident aud searetary, then a Ye pies we my . hy i dy an Rosolvad i0ip as ho sire in forwarding a short ac-} OL THES 1 Feemetvhat anthoritatively--daring the fate | had not the least idea of liaving to do any- i031 ALEX, ERASER y as elehn us posmbl be bf the 1itelli- | sirable than reputation.' Mr. 8. E. Crao-| count of the 'procdedings, hoping yon will | . The. ted thay he wished 10 re- ek : y ; : A Ying io, Lon0y. i 5 0 AUBX RIASER, nf aut boy y takes Chiatge of Wie'room, is | (yy |, kes charge of the affirmative, and Me!| give it d*jplace m jour olimns. There | mitd alae the, Municipal law Municipal Elections, thet there would be Sing 1s Di ragesing is gin. was Ris OMER- FRASER, ? i "in utter ali'only & dingy, ocked vp comer; | Crandell' ihe negavive' . This is an'{'Wad an' excellent iam eat of parents; and | had und eopsiderable ,alicration dup! Aurpl mic the. yeas s linhilves were rive a hard bargam mith Rlrines Albert | 0 0" Beoretarm v1) my ee ih plaver asshaky, ing uth ae intial axoelient va bf spend an evening, MU] ehiliren, this dflords a: plewsing evidence rg the lig eepsion i Par-{ pid ; while the resnlt of thie hadi shows | and get them to come down wit a stilt + lk LR 1 <0 tive "wa nde of the Targe * | FL foie our young friends to take" oF (e high eMdsin ik whicly the teacher ie |Ipent, enfly do connulling the Diet rtrd hte ohtetelbbdhantred dens | me liberal offer, and fence thi groadf "TT BamwH. 199 2 Thmel ney afl "havh' dove-very wellin yon aggef fy, CC TT 100] Weld.+* 1'Ne cl duwes wider ant w hagough | manuals, rau be fecessary 10 bear this) on-heu after paging all limbiliges- for the | Without asking nt from theSociety ; EE ah pierre | wai di Uy DLA Te aren Nene Bu oF oda LL 01 fg pmmbinion hy AWedeovad brahohe fal | (actin UM Cou ete a Dank yo ag a or hie he | DOA sadiginistaken, as for bus ye oO Bin ee fice rots, | ing ae J i ni pRusduTs, in our common schools andiies hf oM io ge Kilpatrieki handed to the [ council was not prepared, they were bron zht par grmined not to go nactest Th TERT =Clle oie ota ng, and Brig it" jifo soi dort of i -- ER AI 3 ge w] emt inane weging dhe To jon praying thw Gouneil (or aid | 10.8 complete stand still, their. Munizipal | Gawkeone } Ble had offered. | - . . with thie ra 'adv dein conui= From 1 Yiey ide actmulate of snow them. The order o re SAI 10 one WmoBSpeuce who: has bean fiarlially, eyes 'cond not bear this enddp burst of | Sot od ot AAR Rnd Fwtuch we lind, Bit ils undsod pik dise rowllon ad ext piladic ita disolplingd if, metre pefmamently! disabled byn juries | ht and they required a bre hI Colony one aRbtopted Amd " roped i ne appearaticg dnd might ndlrally se' lad. to fpaipaived, 41 Wis, ie Intely voueivedat i Sawing mathine, - before they could say whetlier shix pleasing | My. Carmicharl sacomdnt yl oe En Be so! read 1a ys expec! eo Ab $ujieii bol fhe ¥ preprmedmueh ye hi 18 058 on Mp. Goon a'special grant reanlt was real orimagiiary. - The Wiserep, ed that this Society hold its next shy t Prince Pgh Ww wai. og ei di! wn pia) mme lax tv been ihe cade" itf THis past of ercinesmgiving thei un , LAB BL of con Avis 'gltet ' 10° Y Ya an- | ACY between said alwtement.and the Peaifli Albert, bn tonditfon that they fence ha proper Z wise af the building get a goad {!he country, other paris Bowever have nolihe various.clastes . \ndergoing their 4 FUE Arinion No, Be | -- | of the audit being so.v.ry- grent--n difyry | ANICr or Bhacres with a 8 feel bleh fence ! of good painy 5 and let.a arg as ell. Belleville' suffered severely | examination. Mr, MoCraskén, her of | 2Pecior U. d oe ni {$11 the coureil Ato feel ap] The Sosicty fo'grant them $100 for the purpose. joi il an tegaiativg megs. on thie fois wd 6d tho rivér Moira. ier S. J i Beaty a r. Bog "Phe Reportof Mb. Jotn Nott; Licenks Ins ihe onl whtoly bo gg oh el Me. Suitt wae then tated LEONE outdu-tle uikhng, Aud wishin Jet tho two | ee ft» FUBW hit wero io lof Sepals Noy 13, Hid 1 x8 rl ay the diety, dingy, hungry plaster--reat to pieces as it has been by the thundzring elo. » «quence of our Hume tous orators; and that or Managan, the motlier of the poisoned Jarge quantities more of it has not fallenis | fymily which created such a sensation in meenng of council reported adversely. ral hall on condition that the Society ng tome . anof 4 «pettor for Division No. 2, avd an oder tor d Iie; soimbich bélidr off than « Nera weiting. which hie. 2d; ina the] { of water in thie hotisés, and the {1 Sob of lie exércisds wi | $4--~hulf a yedrs/salury=: were presepted.-- ui inion and consequently ain en Dr a Yo ad ne gi hr Ring the TAV logs. bg cut from the cuir, [Of three fie of water inf! . Dah G He A Tak he Ming. calle oh en mute obiigutbid bake 'theme - Walp oi terse by several of Ihe ivasid Aue ronda mi pads oe 3 pt dhe reports ca oo. irdeto discussion . Mr. Bigelow said, hina emit, hereby A W : al okie | ; : Bio, git fi luis luo arise "Fences, | fie Truxtecs, and: Feachera' oi'th bore t Le perecited irom We rémusks of | [PUDLIC NOTHOE, is g that an hoor kK : Ha away The ito er has | (Mr. McKinnon) as being ; worthy, of more ' k : intend that it sheald be Ceri a by la 1 Ra ia resid] : mn in pt - | Certificate, requi y toge vith 1h ; ; dnd on ol the, tavern & ' Pro Mcsires peigond indebted to al 1.x oa Permaent ly loeas hibisy 'i the unter. Ye Jue "the sinily, lied and hotses ve no fit ? d 4) : i sha eee ov SPECTATOR, dawn selfing without i= People have seemivgly (lure this year, and on that eotidition be With, [nnkeepers will not be entitled to receive Ths Trashate al Clistham. have been the | © smemscmmeNw cv | fan er rl Coryell is'said lo have ogy hr g%oring the b i g i To > Tot Paither IT Soin SATO | oohels WC | iY [| paid no license That year. | Yin eet M0 Goby OF Ah. nck OOF the he Foie oF VR. 'Serio i Tos onmianioe aud :iborporutcd Villages, 65 ship 0' which we all feel pious, | 3 (le. stupe oo v aD ! f , A ERATR . i pe Auk + ha Sw p oy MAA a Ss space with the Topeachiment corfedy abit y,. inure an ascerinin wheher J gizunot understand why thé Tailor; Butcher, fenced in with.a close board fence 8 ton} ight ® "Clark of the Peace, C. 0, 06} ; 10 2 wl i 1 ihe east en | ¢ of buildings near, |actiopls, who spoke highly ip furor, of the |! 'are up 19 fheygquiememeof TT TT TA : 0 itLit the C £ixe : ") wth 4 out olitie_east end ] fami portiohs of" I 9 ; : | : . those whn d= > I [nkeepers within the County of Ontario are ! ' i Mihe 6 the' river" have - beer carried Schaol, net forget { the By - ith AT be nse ' were end-avouring 'to get the oe io pon DATS i. 1; by ra ike, 00) Biol way *, my: Brid, ober. Wig Ty h ) io Den Je It wax sl : by some oft b ~~ IMPORTANT. NOTICE. _ show to Prince Albert that theygdid not beret required foribnith to uke out ttle Liven, Re WAY, béen lotto piéees and ca "of. + No- | credifthan they could find words to expre cil, Be BS ! wiley lie, ; ve ine i in banks of the { ing' Rl way of the title on har hy ue fiugnae' hay nob vont 6ne dolar upwards to take notice, | ¢d. there, "and with this understan ting bh 1 duly appointed to collect die game. Until 5 4 ry iver in vi aisle hd Bo ve esol. Lak) ain 3st : cn op ys ruig, dap gircomstanoes pes necessitate him to collect bis hac no objection that they shoo!d have it} the above provisions of the law 'are. gomnlied ' th-e be able-and prope seats, | Obstacle 18 the profess @ the frighty float- | bid " Vinbié 10 the Pevslty 5 ¢"dochare bills wid some 10. BY it licenses i ot Bhiyaten ; vane skal hvial th J tinh aon pti , * proshy Tahoma to Je would decline making dny offer. p fagic Requbcs, Aiii Shot S10 Naples ip on Liuse- ond ever known in that section of coun- tiie : 3 ; Mi 'own | more haa] , way; fr Per sa o 1! A by y 7 = i » five years, t, 1 --ifa S i Seals Town 'Hail more woulsy ofwhe noble (yy ; bridges have. been swept away hun< | Jy 1" Vommeedy /'worfi ceeupying much) yes o Dit 3 Bt lie iceman Jr Jot Teen oh i schiuite mos ohrat done sR oa, Avr op contig 05 (120105, siRebbdbus, Jovery $100.of ratable : AL ire 40 ange Ker and Marchant should be paid in ffl, posts 6 apart o ' 1a iat the township dud ictouiplishy &o., 8c. 'have buen swepl away in Jarge wil doubtless tail its weary \ for 8 |ail parties mn his division who ape Gemaker and Merchant shobld be paid in fil, peste 6 apm on oe oe Hin " i "i 90st igydsowely i Ati ; "» : ' Jong time to come if it ever gets through. Lptied Sor Tiuetins hive yet obtained them, Prince a orgouen, oe t Oxbridge, and at the frie ane el, Shed Bo ante a, a . Ibert, March 11, 1868, © "1-20w ' and Pul ' ' SROGTEE PE SHG 9 i 7 a wi

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