«t Ny - ~C, DAWES, ~ = TT 2 VOL. XI, No.23. PRINCE ALBERT. COUNTY OF Ole fntari hse, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, IS PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORYA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS : --$1.50 per annum, 1f paid within six months; if aid within that tiv 00. Nosub- i r less than six months ; and no paper ¢ Ieliarrents ure paid, +3 Letters contining money, when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and registered. will beat our risk, RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion - . . Subsequent insertions, perline - Cirds, under 6 lines, per annum . , $0.08 - 0.02 5.00 Advertisements measared in Nonpareil and charged accord gto the space they | for publication, withoutspe- e inserted until forbid, and Noadvenisement will be taken occupy. charged ae out until paid for. Aliberal discountallowed to Me who advertise by the year or Notice, theobj which istopromote uefit of wy individual or company, 10 be considered un advertisement, and charged aceord- gly. 1.4= These terms will, in allcases, be strictly ad hered to. chants and others 'The constantly increasin Riding ofOutar ec ning ding I and in the g Ibe unsurpas: a, JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, and Bills, Posters, Prog ammes, Bil dewls, Blank Forms, Receipt Bool cek Books Cirenlars, Business Cards, all Cards, &e , &e., Yer. «d promptly, andat lo estalilishy nent in this tounty, i hand bills, &e. printed ave them done to take home with them, J. BAIRD. | H. PARSONS Business Diverto ry, Drs. Jdnes & Jones, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, &C., Y OULD respectfully advise the public that they have formed a partnership for the Practice of their profession. All calls received at their respective places ot residence will be promptly attended to, G. W. JONES, M.D., Rn JONES, M.D., Coroner, Co. Ontario, | Late residence of Dr. Prince Albert, Qakley,--Port Perry. DR, WARE, ER for the County of Ontario, n, Surgeon and Aecouchenr, F. H. BRATHWAITE, I. D,, C. M,, Gi RADUATE of the University of McGill LX College, M y Accoucheur, Pr dence--the house | M. YOUMANS, M.D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, PORT PERR Drs. McGILL & RAE, ns, &e., &e. Office and eet, Oshawa. FRANCIS RAE. M, B, JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Atoiney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, & Prince Albert. Oflice over T. C, Forman's (Ts. mn I COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &e. Prince Albert officc--opposite ~ the Town Hall ; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. NORMAN F, PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toronto ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &e., Beaverton. Office in the building occupied by Dr. V Ison, Simcoe-st. -P. A. HURD, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- 2 cery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &c., "Lindsay, 0. Ww. a oe CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: Court House, AW. C. CAMERON, spe et amt ANDREW F. McPHERSON, BARRISTER, and Attornay-at-Law, Solici- tor in Chancery, &c. OFFICE--Dundas street, 3 doors west of the Post Office. Whitby, July 4, 1866. R. J: WILSON, Bitte Attorney at Law, Solicitor 1 1, J. MACDONELL. in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria ilding, Brock-st., Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, 4QOLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. C. N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. Dental Rooms directly opposite the post >fice--antrance Simeoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. JOHN CHRISTIE, : OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Convey- Po Commissioner of the Court of Queen's Bench, &c. Business carefully attended +0. Office--Manchester. THOS, H. WALSHE. 'Y TCENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of +, Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- * ders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts collected in Can- * nington, or otherwise. and prompt remittances vmade. Remernber-- VALS. ZZ, the North On- tario Auctioneer. as A aa Untario Hotel, BRUOCK-ST., WHITBY. FER DENTIST, FER BOREBLIA CW By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office, J.D. C. is prepared t connected with his prof with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine'his specimens, Single Teeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted, . UNBERSTAND --Attention to the Teeth preser the health. Without teeth in good orderit is impossible to masticate food. for the body, and consequently there cannot be good health, Ifyou xecute all operations » decayed teeth, get them filled. If youl ny out get them replaced by new ones, Press low, and all work warranted, le work is not satisfactorily done, the unded Sa.m.to5p.m. . 2-1y English Pink Dental Eubber; New and beautiful Vuleanite Base for Arti- ficial Teeth! C.D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, ror A jo Fxin=St,, Trbrioge. A LL Dental operations performed with the AX utmost kill and care, warranted to give sate isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy Dr. Short, and I, D. or Rev. J, T. Lurns, Whitby ; #1, and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge Motels, Kr. : "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! B. PLANK,. PROPRIETOR. ed the above hotel, and has Sar with the choicest liquors ivery attention ps 1 in attend, ji 8 " COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, FPYHE subscriber wishes to inform the traveling lic that he has taken the above hotel, which he Las fitted and furnished throughout, and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, ean always he found.-- rood stabling, enclosed: yards, and attentive Ostlers, R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. 1y Greenbank, Fel'y 12,1866. Jewett's Motel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. «d attached, and an attentive 8 in attendance, Good stable and sl ostler alw 51° | Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. RUYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W, I' most commodious Mote! in ial conveyance to the - way Station. Hotel day to all places north, lers always in attendance, JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. Attentive host- DAFOE HOUS UrTica 00D accommodations. Careful attention XA to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. ; J. DATOE, Propriétdr. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, . ~ |DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEURGE ROBSON, - - - PROPRIETOR. mie Subseriber begs to announce that he has ~ leased the building formerly known as Scrip- ture tel, fora term of. years, and that he has renovitted and rnished the bnilding through- out. The premises are pleasantly situated, op- posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town. The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning. ¥5= Careful Ostlers always in attendance. GEO. ROBSON Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - ProPriETOR. Bros most respectfully to inform the inhabi- tants of the County of Ontario, that he has leased the above premises lately occupied by Sandy Perric. which lie has newly furnished and renovated, and -he iz Jive to accommo- date the travelling public. The bar stocked with the choicest liquors and cigars, and an at- tentive ostleralways in attendance. Marriage Iicenses: (BY AUTHORITY.) Som atPort Perry. Offica the Scucoe Housg, HENRY CHARLES. Za 23 1867. . rg VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. RIE undersigned will sell the N. E. part of Lot 22, in the 9th concession of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, contain- ing 64 acres, all cleared and moder- ately well fenced. Improvements--Frame Barn, Log House, Well, &c. Roads good and markets convenient, being situated on the west side of Lake Scugog and about 3 miles from Port Perry. Terms $1800. At least $800 down and the balance in annual instalments to suit the pur chaser, with interest at T per cent. : ply ply . OHN CHAMBERS, Proprietor, Walkerton, Co. Bruce, Ont. or JOSEPH GOULD, (Tenant; the Farm. Walkerton, Nov 28, 1867. ort im N.B. The farm is now rented at $120 per Prorrietor annum. It would be difficult to j mans ult to invest $1800 to J. D. Cottingham, | THE ONTARIO, FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, Churches. Thos support a Home Insurance Con, 3 an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in C Head Offic he old Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whithy, L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary 27-1y Licensed Aiictionecer. HE Subscriber, helding a Licence for the County of Oatario, and the Township of Mariposa, wonld heg to st : others, requiring his ser business that whatever will be prompt- ree moderate, arranged at the of Sale, &e., &e., y Piince Albert, E. MAJOR.' Terms, D: Observer O Borelia, March, 27 h, 1867 Brandon Brothers Manufictun erscof BISCUITS CONFECTIONERIES &.C, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in he Kinds of Biscuits, oiifectioner esd CANNINGTON, C. W. Cannington, April 17 . 14-1 MONEY, (PRIVATE FUNDs,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent ere LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa. Nove ber 21, 1866. 46 HOUSE PAINTING. HE su criber is * Painting i strict attention to 1 charges he hopes 1c that patronage which stowed upon him ia the past, WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince Augnst 1, 1867. 30 a A Y W. H. MARSH. PRINCE ALBERT, Fonise, Sign, Carviage, any Orpaninntal PAINTER. EGS to return thanks to the public for past I favors, and we beg to state that he has opened a Shop n the "Prince Albert Carriage Faet "where he will he able to execute all work of (he art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov 1¢ Volunteers ordered to the Frontier! AND J. BULLEN HAS REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blu. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 3 Spring and Summer Fashions Just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866, 12 J. C. PILKEY, dicensed Auctisncer FOR THE County of Ontario J. .C. PILKEY, Lr:om P. O. / J. HEAL'S Celebrated Itch Ointment mT subscriber keeps Constantly a large quan- tity or his Celebrated Itch Ointment. A Price 25 cents a box. J. HEAL. Zailor cure warranted. Pines Albert,Dec. 5, 1866. NOTICE? i 6 itting "of th TOT enytos the fis siacag of on Il for the . vee Township of Scugog, For the year 1868, will sit at MR. I, FINLEY'S HALL, SCUGOG, N 0; SATURDAY, THE 23rd DAY OF MAY, Atone o'clock p.m., of which all persons inter- ested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JOHN FOY, ONTARIO, C. W., THURSDAY. JUNE II. 1965. Te undersigned is prepared to loan, in snms 10 suit the convenience of the borrower, < ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, (Private Tunds,) On good Mortgage Security, ata very. Low Rate of Interest. He bas several Lots of IMPROVED AND WILD LANDS FOR BALE ON EASY TERMS. ply at the well known Cheap Store of $8. R. & J. Campbell, Mancheste r, to JOHN HODSON, ] Varvaror, &e. | Manchester, Feb. 4 1868, 5-3m Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, ari D. Ca MPBELL, Proprietor, FOR SALE rly at present ocenpied by n Prince Albert, consisti A Large Two Story Cotta With Woodhouse, Driving Honse and Stables, All in first rate order. Also a thriving young orchard attached. The above property would;be exchanged for v property in Oshaws, jor for farm property in North or South Ontario. For further particulars inquire if by letter post paid HUGH CARMICHAEL, Oshawas® 0. Oshawa, April 1, 1868, MACKIE'S HOTEL, (LATE nRODIE'S,) Walton Street, Port Hope. Wa. MACKIE, Propnetor. Money to Lend IN BUMS 'or $300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicito &c. Oshawa, Nov. 11, 1866. 4 1 ANDIMRSON'S UNRIVALED . It communieates a Leantiful gloss to the hair, and renders it soft and pliable. Agents wanted in all parts of the Do- minton. Apply to WM. ANDERSON, GREENBANK, REACH. Sold by Dawson & Co., Drogeists, Prince Albert; Brown & Christian, Manchester, Mr. Magarch, Uxbridge. G h 26, 1868. THE LIVERP00L & LONDON ¢ GLOBE Insurnce Company. INVESTED FUNDS, ... 15,000,600 INVESTED IN CANADA,.... $250,000 Five Department, INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES oF Prorerty ar Cunkest Rates. FARM RISKS ar Specianny Revuvckn Rates ite Department, No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY. Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or Children are Secure from Seizurely Creditors, Policy for $1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus System costs at age 30, $24.70 a year. Should it become payable after 5 years, "one- fourth of the Premiums are returned, witn the sum assured ; if after 20 years, one-half are re- turned ; after 30 years, three-fourths ; after bl, the sum assured' is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2,000, a Er ising payable one month after proot of eath. G. F. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, MoNTREAL. M. G. ROBSON, Aget, Prince Albert What's the News 2 Just Received at DAW SONS', (Late Wilson's) DRUG STORE, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Varnishes, Turpentine, a farge assortment at the lowest prices. HARD'S FOOD {FOR INFANTS! I3" Mothers try it. Just the thing for your babes. Tis anti-costive and nutritious. ROYAL WASHING CRYSTAL. & Housekeepers don't be without it. Clothes, Z/air, Nail and Tooth Brushes ; Al- bums, Dye Stuffs, and a host of useful things. Old Rye Whiskey, Common do., Port and Sherry Wines, Pale French Brandy of the purest Brands for medicinal pur- poses. TE AS.--Just to hand part of a direct impor- tation from China to Toronto the first ever made. Growth of season 1867and 1868, Beiter than ever at the same low prices. Please give us a call. J 4 1 of | . Gents Hats! styles in The only tolerated murders are the lady- killers. An angry country-- Ireland. A popular cure--Sine-cure. Juvenile warriors-- Babes in arms. A strange noise at table---a fish ball, Sanginary ships-- Blood-vessels. Musical ornament-- bugle trimming. An essay on man-- A women's attempt to marry him, The best exercise of memory-- Remem- ber the poor. A cynical batchelor thinks the honeymoon a sweet lunacy. Pyrotechnical remedy for erying infante-- rocket. The science of numbers-- Knowledge of the people. I When is a cat like a teapot? When your teasin' it, The most cruel revengo is the disdain of a possible vengeance. Smith found a dollar the other day in an alley. He calls it alimony. Heaven and earth, advantages and ob- stacles, conspira to educate genus. A self denying woman--One who sends word "" not at home," when she is. The truly generous is the truly wise, and he who loves not others, lives unblest. An elderly maiden, who had suffered some disappointments, thus defines the human race :-- Man 1s a conglomerate mass of hair, tobacco, smoke, confusion, conceit and boots, Women, the waiter, perlerce, on the aforesaid animal A large assortment of the newest" Silk, I'ur, Wool, and Straw. LADIES' BONNETS, Trim'd and Untrim'd--the Newest and Nicest. LADIES" STRAW HATS, All the New Shapes, selling at and under cost. Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Dress 'lI immings, Shawls, Silk Mantles, Jackets, &c. a -- ee JOSH BILLING'S" FAX ABOUT BUT. TER?" A fresh supply of all the above Goods just received by CURRIE & ROSS Prince Albert, Jnne 4, 1868. I sincerely wish that the sarpent that was 80 konspicus in the fall ov our fust parents wood try eum of his séductiv wiles on our present high price of butter. We went one week without it up to our house, but at last, giving wa to the clamors ov the the child- ren and the tearful entreaties of mi wife, [ morigaged my hous and lot. 0), 4 a kow. Buuter 1s very skeerce. Kows ar az plenty az ever and give just az mutch milk, but the avaricious farmist pax his butter up for a big thing next winter. Tha don't konsid- er that the world ma gum to un end before that time, and thare butter spile on thare hands. A farmer bro't a teakop full to market yesterday, and he kame near losin' his hifi Bi bein' smuthered ta deth bi grocers hoo crowded around and offered him fabu- lons sums for it. I modestly offered him m1 life and sakred honor for half and he arkst ma with a sarkastic grin if [ thonzb 'his batter waz strong. That waz 1 pretty | strengthy earkazm. fe finally sold hiz | i ! ' 'r butter tu a man for $18 in stamps and a | smale dorg ; the cup wuzzent thrown in.-- § | There hez bin sum very skaly butter in cir- i culation within the past few weeks. I got a roll sum time ago for an old gold watch that wuz left tu mi wife, with the strick in- juukshun that she shoodn't part with 1t un~ less it waz to get something 10 eat. We koodn't eat that butter; I hired a powertul man to carry it fur into the country and bur- ry it. Cam io find out, that roll ov butter had been made ont by arikultural girl Jg. Co | to an old flame of hers nr plas. Has just received an invoice of the most fashionable 5ty1e8 Of [favor ov 'the barter win expressive ov the Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmorals' Gaiters, and Children's wear, | strong "lov she bdfe him. She had also seat him a lock ov her hare very skilfully workt up in the roll. . -- ea WaatHisdVire Sa1p.-- When trade grew slack and notes tell due, the me U's face grew long and blue: bis dreams were trou. bled throagh the night with Sheriff's balift all in sight, All this bis wife unto him said: "Rise up at once, get out of bed, and get your paper, ink and pen, and say these words unto all men: «My goods | wish to sell to you, and to your wives and daugh- ters, too; my prices they will be xo low that all will boy before they 20." He did as his good wife advised, ahd in the papers advertised. Crowds came and bought up all he had ; his notes were paid, lus dreams made glad ; and he will tel] you to this day, how well did printer's ink" repay. The other in a place as tight, contented was the press to shght ; and aid not let the peoples know of wliat he had or were to go. His drafts fell due and were not paid ; a levy on his goods was made ; the store was closed until the sale, and for some ima he was in gaol. A bankrupt now, without a cent, at leisure he can deep repentthat he was foolish and unwise and did not freely advertise. er es---- i ----cot Said a fond mother 10 a young hopeful of eight i= ¢ Tommy, my boy, fetch in that stick of wood," ¢ Ah, my dear,' responded the youth, ¢ the grammatical portion of your education has been sadly neglected ; you should hove said, Thomas, my son, remove from that recumbent collection of combusti- ble material on the threshold of this edifice, one of the curtailed portions of a defunct log. A young lady with blue gaitets, blue dress, blue sacque, blue lace collar, blue hat, blue feather, blue parasol, blue fan, bive kid gloves, blue stockings, blue eyes and torquoise bracelet, necklace and eur-rings, attracted attention a day or two ago on one of the New Yerk ferry boats, ¢ Three aud sixpence a gal I' exclaimed Oflice--MecMillan's Block, Brock St. Mrs. Partington, looking over the prices 38 current. * Why, bless me, what is the world coming to, when gals are valued ot only three and sixpencs 2 Porurar Errors.--That editors keep public reading rooms. That they have lens of time to talk to everyboey. = That that they are delighted to get anything to fill up the paper with, A California editor says he lately met a grammanan who had just made a tour through the mines, cogitating thus :--¢ Pog)= tive, mine ; comparative, miner ; superla- Lapis' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince #Albert. eines 008 0 40 rors ever offered in Prince Albert,which wiil be sold at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION: TO LOAN! 0 The Subscriber is now prepared to lend any amount of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. * The borrower can Lave lus own time to'pay the principal. £1 also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the Dominio that lend money at low rates on Farm and Town Property. 05 Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices _ Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. - Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Land, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby 'Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. MRS. DECKER, NOTICH Canty of Outario, { I hereby given that the tive, minus.' WATCHMAKER ! JEWELER, &C., Prince Albert, Ont., --------e The Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of returning her sincere thanks to 0 Court of General Quar- ter Sessions of the Peace and County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden in the Court House, in the Town of WhitBy, on 'Tuesday, June 9, 1868, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all An exchange has discovered the Eve was the only woman who had never threst= ened to go and live with her mamma. Puty she hadn't before the apple scrape. A young lady from the country now visits ing in New York, writes home the inhabitants of Reach and the surrounding | Justices of th P C. pa Ae toed townships for the liberal patronage bestowed a I et ie natables, ud eNoweuy isn't hw a Y os upon her deceased -husband--Wm. Decker--anid govern themselves accordingly. ¥ old up har 'the lier would further state that she intends carrying on the business in all its branches. hold' 'era up the mofe you are notion Pin NELSON G. REYNOLDS, cabinet at fii rs o A gen Parties indebted to my late husband are e- Sheriff C. 0. asked Poy a Hookat ' id i Stor whellier, dig hepuested to pay up said isdebtedness without fur Shaslts ORs Per R. H. ToxLiNsoN. man of tho noses tn a fg Township Clerk. Scugog, April 22, 1868, 16-td Prince Albert and Manchester, } May 14, 1868, 19-4 Prince Alber, May 27,1868, - 21 Whitby, May 26, 1668, 21-2w | teplied, ¢ No my wife is." [WHOLE No. 543 a I TI rs i IS RT gr ake ih KN