PL a _ discomtinwed wutilallarrears are paid. ¥OL. XI, No. 311 Ble Autarin Flasher, 'BAIRD & PARSONS, . out until paid for. nies A WEEKLY "POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER IS PUBLISHED AT THE WICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, y . COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVEY THURSDAY MORNING TERMS : -- $1.60 per annum, if paid avithin six months; if not puid within that time, $2.00, Nosube « 'ription taken for less thun six months ; and no paper + 7° Letters containing money, when addressed this Office, pre-paid and registered, will be at our righ. RATES OF ADVERTISING, & For each line, first insertion - . o° Subsequent insertions, per line - Crds; under 6 lines, per annum Advertisements measured in Nonpareil acording to the space they occupy. Advertisements received for publication, withontspe- cific instructions, will be inserted until forbid, and crarged weordingly. Noadveitisement will be taken A liberal discountallowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. Al ial Notice, the obj ( which istopromote y benefit of any individual or company, to i advertisement, and charged accord- 4 hese terms aiicases, be strictly ad. t hered to. The constantly inereasin importance of the North hlication ofthe Opskrvek ight, and condemning Riding ofOutariorende a necessity. Ever advoe wrong, it will constantly t neralimteresis of ne ven, will be unsurpassed way local paper published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT, Paraphlets, (land Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bil deads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books. Cheek Books Circulars, 3 Bull Cards, &e , &e., of ed promptly. and'at lower lishment im this coumy. fartie<irom a dissance setting hand bills, &e. printed san hare them done to take home with them, J. BAIRD. | H. PARSONS EE ----E-------------- Business Dicectory. Drs Jones & Jones, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, &C., BY, OULD respectfully advise the public that they have formed a partnership for the practice of their profession. All ealls received at their respective places of residence will be promptly attended to. V Jox Late re Oakley, WARE, the County of Oufario, n, Surgeon and Accoucheur, e ort Perry. NORONER J Phys Prince Albert Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, PRINCE ALBERT, Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs. , Whitby : 1 | Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge "| Ostlers. J. D. Cottingham, SEER DENTIST, FER BORIELIA, CW By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office. J.D. C. is prepared to execute all operations connected with his profession with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine his specimens. Single Peeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTANI).--Attention to the Teeth preserves the healt Without teeth in good order it is impossibl masticate food for the aud consequently there cannot be good health. Ifyou have decayed teeth, get them filled. If you Lave any out el them replaced by new ones. I'rices low, and all work warranted. If the work is not satisfactorily done, the monoy will be refunded. Qilice hours from 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Borclia, Jan. 15, 1867. English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vulcanite Base for Arti- ficial Teeth! O.D. WALID, SURGEON-DENTIST, Paint, Trbrivge, LL Dental operations performed w utmost skill and care,warranted to give sat- isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy competition, Rergrexces.--Rev. Dr. Short, and I7. D. Griggs, Port Iope; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whitby : 2-1y h the PRINCE ALBERT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C.W., THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary 27-1y Licensed Auctioneer. YHE Subscriber, holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, would beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatevem| business is entrusted to his care, will he prompt- ly and carefully attended to. Chargea moderate. Terms; Days of Sale, &c., &c., arranged at the Observer Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 Brandon Brothuys Manufactirers of BISCUITS CONFECTIONERIES &.C. Wholesale and Ret] Dealers in all kinds of Biscuits Coufectioneries, &eo, 2 CANNINGTON, C. W. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! ue. PROPRIETOR. HAS purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- Stages to and from Whitby call daily, Careful ostlers always in attendance. 8 B. PLANK,... "COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, Te subscriber wishes te inform the traveling public that he has taken the above hotel, which he Las fitted and furnished throughout, and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, can always be found. -- Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. 6-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cers and Boats. HM. YOUMANS, M. D. * Physician, Sumgeon and A cooucheur, PORT PERRY Drs. McGILL & RAE, PRISONS, Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. WM. WGILL MD. FAANCIS RAR. M, B JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER. Auoiney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c., Prince Albert. Olfice over T. C. Forman's tore. COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &e. Prince Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. FAREWELL & McGEE, Birraters Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- Office, one dvor North of the Post Office ; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town /lall, J.B. FAREWELL, L.L.B. | R. J: WILSON, TD ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria 3uilding, Brock-st., Whitby. i 2 eed mena NORMAN F. PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, 'Taronto ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in, Chance Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. Office 1a the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attoriteys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt House, 4. C. CAMERON, | LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Allorney, Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. C. N. VARS, RACTIICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W, N Dental Rooms directly opposite the post sffice--entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP Clack for Reach, Convey- ancer, Commissioner of the Court of Queen's Bench, &c. Business carefully attended 9. Office--Manchester. a MACK!'E'S HOTEL (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Sireetl, fort Hope. Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. THOS, H. WALSHE. ICENSED Anctioneer for the Town- 4 ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Narinose, etc, in. the Conny of Victorin. Residenco-- 'annington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts collected in Can- R. M'GEE, B. A. H.J.M RuYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W. FUE largest and most commodious Hote! in Town. A special conveyance to the Rail- way Station. Stages depart from the Royal Iotel daily to all places north. Attentive host- lers always in attendance. + JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. DAFOE HOU UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied witl the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stablirg. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREE1 WHITBY, C, W,, GEOKGE ROBSON, - - « PROPRIETOK. HE Subscriber begs t announce that he has ". leased the building fomerly known as Scrip- ture's Hotel, for a term of years, and that he has n d an furnished thesbuilding through- out. The premises are plasantly situated, op- posite the Post Office, in tle centre of the town. The Railway Omnibus cils at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning, IF" Careful Ostlers alway: in attendance. ; 2 GiO. ROBSON Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - IROPRIETOR. Biss most respectfully to inorm the inhabi- tants of the County of (atario, that he lias leased the above premises ately occupied by Sindy Perrie. which be has nwly furnished and , and he is prep to date the travelling public. The bar stocked with the choicest liquors and cigas, and an at- tentive ostler always in attendance. J. C. PILKEY, Licensed Auctioneer County of oniarie i J. C. PILKEY, MRS. DECKER, 2 WATCHMAKER ! JEWELER, &C., Prince Albert, Ont, . ---- Epa P. O |- Cannington, April 17, 1867. 14-1 MONEY Datels, &t. (PRIVATE FUNDS,) y err A -------------------- | To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent eres LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa, 46 TQ Tr HIOUSE PAINTING. HE subscriber is prepared to undertake Iouse Painting in all its branches, and by strict attention to business and moderation in charges he hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him ia the past, "WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince August 1, 1867. 30 Nover, "er 21, 1866. a [ARSH. W. H. PRINCE ALBERT, House, Sign, Carriage, any Ovnantedttal EGS to return thanks to the public for past favors, and would beg to state that he has opened a Shop nearly Sipostie the "Prince Albert Carriage Factory," where he will be able to execute all work of the art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov. 26, 1867. 47 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | J. BULLEN HAS = REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 25 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived, J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 12 Marriage Licenses, (BY AUTHORITY.) Teen at Port Perry. Office ihe: HENRY CHARLES. + 13. the Scueoc Za 23-1867. iloney to Lend IN BUMS OF $300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGEE, » Solicitors, 4 Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45-2mn MR. A. BARRETT, Photog: apher King St.» Oshawa. HOTOGRAPHS in the very best style are P mauufactured in our gallery. The Subscriber would embrace the presen rtunity of returning her si ks td the Inhabitants of Teach and the ermine townships for the liberal besto Arr pV Sh woul Ir 8 8 the business in all 8 renee i ik Parties indebted to my late husband are e or otherwise, and prompt remittances Tondo. Remember-- IF ALSUIE, the North One ario Auctioneer, ' qed to pay up said indebtedness without fur le! . Prince Albert, Nay 27, 1868, 2 Entrance through Mr. Carswell's Con- fectionery Store. . Oshawa, April 17, 1867. | Ontario Hotel, BROCK-ST., WHITBY. C. DAWES, ProrrizTo THURSDAY. AUGUST bas been subscribed, and Ten per cent thereof paid into one of the Chartered Tak of this Province and the acting En { gineer of the saia Road certifies that th | Ine of Rai'way lias been located =s herein after mentioned, and the grading has com menced, that the sum of Ten thou-ane dollars of said debentures, be forthe with handed over by the Reeve to the said Railway Company ; that when the Road is cert fied to by the Engineer of said road as being graded to the extent of one half of the entire grading required (10 prepare the road for receiving the ties) a further sum of Ten thousand dollars of the said debentires shall be banded over 1c the said Railway Company ; and that tle further sum of Ten thousand dollars of the said Debentures shall be banded over to the said Railway Company when the grading of the said Roau is completed ; and the remain ing 'Teo thousand dollars of the said Deben tures shall be handed over to the said Railway Company, when Three miles of a Brauch or extension of sai Railway in the direction of the village of Uxbridge have been graded and the ties laid down 3rd, That an equal annual special rae of Four mills and six tenths of a mill in the dollar, in addition to all other faxes, shal be levied and raised upon the whole rate. able property of this Mumeipality over its full extent, limits and bounds as it now stands at thetime of the passing of this By-law in each and every year during. the period of 'Twenty years alter this By law shall take effect for paying the said Deben tures and the interest thereon, 4th That this By-law shall take effect and ccme into foree cn the 'Thirty first duy of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight. 5b. That eommencing at the Village ol Purt Perry in the Township of Rench, the said Railway shall run in such a direction as 1o cross the Filth concession line be tween the centre of lot numb r seventeen and the centre of lo' number eighteen of the said T'cwaship of Reach ; that a Freight and passenper station shall be built and maintaived where the said Railway crosses the said fifth concession line or where the said Railway intersects Suncoe Street, thence in a Sou h Westerly duection crossing the Gravel Road at a point in the third concession, said point of intersection of said Gravel Roud to be North of Charles Thompson's present residence and Douth of the fourth conces- sion, at which point of intersection a fr ight and passenger station shall be erveted and permanently maintamed by said Railway Company, thence to a, oint in the first (Conees:ion between the Western limit of Lot number eight and the western limit of Lot vember Giteen of the said Township of Reach. 2 6th, That the vctes of the qualified Electors of the Township of Resch on this Dy-Law, shall be taken on the nineteenth day of August, A: D. 1863, commencing at nine o'clock. A. M., at the following places, viz : in Llectoral Division number one (at the School House in the Village of Utica, in Division number two in the Hotel lately occupied by the late 'I'homas English in the Village of Epscm. io Division number three at the Temperance Hall in the Village of Greenbank, in Division number four wn the Storehouse lately occupiea by William Mackie in the Village of Borelia, and in Divisi n number five in the Public Hall io the Vi lage of Prince Albert; and that the following persons shall be the re uroing of- ficees for the several Electoral Divisions of the said Township. Charles Edgar lor Division uumber one, James Allen, for Division number two. Fraicis Holmes for Division number three, Harris Burnham for Division number four, and W. E. Yarnold for Division number five. JOSHUA WRIGHT, Reeve, EE ---- A d | A BY-LAW to aid and assist the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company in the constiucltion and equipment of a Railway commencing at the Town of Whitby within the limits of the Port Whitby Harbor and terminating at or near Port Perry on Lake Scugog, and to make and grant as a honus fo the said Railway Company therefor, the Debentures of the Corporation of the Township of Reach for the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars. WwW HEREAS a Company having by an Act of the Parhament of the Province ol Ontario been duly ncorporated under the name of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company with the purpose, power, and authoity under such Act, of laying out, constructing, and finishing a Rarlway from within the Tunis of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby or the limits of the Port Whitby Harbor in the direction of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, so as to secure a favorable connection therewith at some convenient point within the said Town, thence through said Town, the Town- ships of Whitby or Kast Whitby or both, and the Township of Reach, toa pdint on Lake Scugog at or near Port Porry, has gone into operation under the provisions of the sail Act. And whereas by By-law No. 417, of the Municipal C uncil of the Corporation of the Township of Reach, the said Rail- wayCompany bas been authorized and em- powered to cous.ruct a Branch of their Railway under the provisions and subject to the conditions contained in the Railway Act. And whereas the Municipal Council of the said Corporation of the said Township of Reach has resolved 10 substantially aid and assist the said Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Cowpany in the construet- ing and equippg such Railway as by the said act of Parl.ament they are empowered to do, by granting and contributing a bonus to such Railway Company to be used and employed by the said Railway Company in and about the construction and equipment of such Railway ; the Debentures of the Corporation of the said Township of Reach for the total sum of Forty 'I'housand dol lars to ve issued as her-inafter provided in sums not less than One huadred dollars, nor more (han Five Hundred each, the in- terest at the rate of six per cent per an- oum, payable h.lf-yearly. And whereas the total amount required to be raised annvally by a special rate for repayment of such Deben ures, and the in- terest thereon, thereby to be created and incurred, is the sum of four thousand, four hundred dollars ; and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said corporation of the said 'Township of Reach, beng according to the last revised assess ment rolis thereof, is nine hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars irrespective of future io- crease. And whereas there is no debt of the said corporation of the said Township of Reach either for principal or interest. And whereas the annual special rate in the dollar for paying the interest and instal ments of privcipal falling due each year or for creating an «qual yeurly sinking fund for the payment of the principal of the said debt hereby intended to be incurred ac-- cording to the Act respecting the Munici pal Institutions of Upper Canada is four mills and six~tenths of a mill. 1st. Be it therefore enacted and it is here- by enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach that the Debentures of the corporation of said Township of Reach to the amount of the sum cf forty thousand dollars, wm sum: of not less than ove buvdred dollars nor wore thao fire hundred dollars each, bear ing interest at the rate of »ix per c nt per anoum, payable at the Royal Canadian Bak, in the city of 'I'oronto, shall forth with alter the passing of tis By-Law be wade and executed by the Reeve of the said corporation, and by lim duly signed and sealed with the corporate seal of the said corporation, or by such other person Leing a member of the Council of the suid corporation, ss may by any By Law of the said corporation hereafier mude and passed for that purpose be appointed to execute and sign the same ; said Debentures to be so made and executed that the sum of two thousand dollars of he said sum of lory thousand dollars,for which Debentures are 10 be issued as aforesaid together with the interest on the whole amount of Deben(ures 50 issued and no more,shall become payable in any one year there.fier, and the whole of such sum of forty thousand dollars for which Debentures shall be issued shall be made payable io twenty qual annual in stalments of two thousind dollars each, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum payable bali yearly on the whole sum remaining vopeid on the first day of January, aod the first day of July in each and every year, and po part of the said principal or interest shall be made poyable at a time more than twenty years from the time this By-Law shail take effect. 2nd. That when Ope hundred thousand dollars of the capital stock of said Railway Reach. July 21, 1868. JOHN CHRISTIE, TownsHip CLERK. TAKE NOTICE That the above isa tive copy of a pro- pored By-law which will be tuken into con- sideration by the Council of the corporation ol the Towuship of Reach aiter the same shall have been first published at least four times in each of the newspapers printed within the limits of the said corporation, vizz. the Port Perry Standard and the Ontario Observer, und after one month from the first publication thereof, the date of which first publication thereof was the twenty-third day of July A. D. 1868, and that the votes of the Eiectors of the said Corporation will be taken thereon, on Wednesday, the had of August, Commencing at pine o'clock a. m. at the following places, viz: in Electoral Division number one at the School House in the village of Utica, for which Chailes Edgar is Returning Officer; in Electoral Division number two in the hotel lately occupied by the late Thomas English in the village of Eprom, for which James Allen 1s Retarning Officer 3 in Electoral Division number three at the Temperance Hall in the village of Greenbank, for which Francis Holmes is Returning Officer; in Electoral Division number four in the Storehouse lately oc cupied by William Mackie in the village of Borelia, for which Harris Burnham is Re- turning Officer ; and in Electoral Division 'number five at the Public Hall in the vil- lage of Prince Albert, for whieh William E. Yarnold is Rewrninz Officer. JOHN CHRISTIE, ,Townslip Clerk. 294w Reach, July 21, 1868, > 0. (Written for the Observer.) ELEGY, To the memory of Dorcas Richmond. Que mortus est Anno Alatis b (Suppo-ed 10 le writien by her mother.) Oh! how dear tome in remembrance of 11 O my daughier! my darling! wy ang child! Now thy niem to sing, and then fondly to eli To ea guoiled. Sore and s Are my ing, fie As in Tauri a ved, for thy dear, parted shade, In deep sorrows 1 wade for thee, Chusla-ma- chiree! . When 1 see the sun ise in the clear--vaulted skies, Then I think that the five in my child has been | quenched ; And the moon never shines in the bright sianry 8, But tells me that my darling from me has been wrenched. Pure and bright was the flame, from thy life- lamp that came ; And a radiant halo neound me it left : But, alas! a thick cloud did my morn-light enshroud, When grim death on me preyed, and of thee | | me bereft, Then the Winter's bleak form on my path spread storm, Which my beauteous promise destroyed in the oom ; Yet I cannot | Qhus, forever to lie and corrupt in the tomb ! Ohno! no! for did shine an effulzence divine In thy mild saraph-lace to rewind me of' this ;-- That thee death could not st could not bring To corruption thy sweet form, made for realms of bliss. 3, nor the grave But thon cans't not be lost: 'midst the golden wing'd host From corruption redeemed to eternally bloom ! In the Heaven's above, by the Saviour's love, Shall ihy body be fiee'd from cliaius of the tomb. Now, to cease my lament, this fond prayer I present. . That thy spirit my gnavdian may he, To bring me, hy thy loss, to the fuoi of ihe eros ; That the face of my loved one, in Heaven I may see! NUGE SWINDLING OPERATIONS PARTIAL EXPOSURES ~HOW A RALROAD CoM- PANY HAS BEEN ROBBED FOR YEARS -- ARREST OF THE 5UPPOSEE PRINCIPAL, From the Detroit 7'ribune, 21. By the werest accident in the world, last week one of ghe shrewdest and most successinlly executed robberies--or rather sortes of robberies -- was paitial'y nnearth- ed, and twe only has been requiad to oring the whole thing 10 a head. We have for keverai days been quite fully prepared to expose the winding scheme, bit at the particniar request of the railroad authorines, we Lave, 0p lo this time, sand nothing, mm order 10 give them a chance to arrest the leader of the gang, und get the whole, case properly into the coorts. The company that has been systematie- ally robbed the Michigan Central Rail- road, and it has been accomplished in this manner: According to order the condue- tors of all passenger trains on this road, upon their arrival at Detioit, deliver all tickets gathered by them to Mr. Thomas Frazer, we General Ticket Agent here, ro that they. | can be properly disposed of it. It has hap- pened very frequently that conductors have omited to punch or cancel many of those tickets, and they have been stolen from the office of the agent aud resold 10 travellers by private partics. This business, it now appears, has been carried on tor years, and su extensively tha thousands of dollars have been pocketed and the railroad company has lost just so much money. Several duys since a young man named Shaw, who has been in ihe employ of the railtoad company tor a num- ber of years, and who hus always ore good character, was artested and pleaded guilty. This clerk is, we really believe, houest at heart, but in an evil hour, any when sadly in need of pecuuniury aid, ac- cepted a tempting offer, and was thus made a tool of by a destzning man for a crimina purpose. He was the principle clerk in Mr. Frazer's office, and had the han hog of ali the tickets returned, as belore sated, by the eouductork. He 100k those uncan- celled whenever he choosed so 10 do, an =old them-to: Mr. Burustine, of this city, who, fiom all appearances, has been th prime mover in the whole atlair. An we stated 1n the outset, we have for several days carefuily suppressed all these facts, but to do eu longer would be eriminal. Last night Burnsiine was arrested, and he will bé™ examined at no distant day, a which time all the facts will be very fully developed. Precisely how long this robbery scheme has been going on, we, of course, know not bus circumstances point 10 yenrs gone by. and 1t is presumed that $10,000 or $20,000 may have been made aliogether, The ai- rangement has not been confined entirely to Detroit, but the ramifications of the plot extended over considerable apace and time, and the developements thus far made im- plic: te many persons, although it is possible many may be able to show to show a clear record. The unneancelled tick=ts have boen sold at the differentrmirond offices in the country, but the fact that they were duied 'would seem lo indicate that parties selliog them must have been cognizant of .the 'thefts, or they would have nothing to do with them These are speculations of our own, however and we hope will have noweight in any exarminalions or trials thal iby take 'place unless lolly borne out by "sworn tes- timony. © ate informed that Burnstine, who who gurchased the ticke!s ol; 8huw, did so in almost every instance at reduced rates, and then disposed of them at their foll valve. a" There are Bvt other developements yet to be made, which we are uot yet in a pusi- 2 , my elic of thine which my sorrows be- | he void in my heart, and devoid | of their life-giving blood, fiow- {a eae till nearly four ms 10 have been the euly person | ver. i318, IW E No. 561 rrr. [ton 10 give an wkling of. They will, in {our opinion, show much rasealiy, and re- | 3 [sult in brnewg wut a few noses to the enndstone, The way in which the robbery was first discoveredwas this: Shaw's sister-in-law stole two tickets from him, an! sold them at the Grand ticket oflie, and one was pur- Trunk | chased by a traveller. This ticket was | xen by an officer of the road, who recog | mized it as one that had 'been missed, and | upon making equities, traced the matter | lo Shaw. ee -------- | Tue Prister -- A Prater is the most co- rious berg hving. Ho may have a BANK | and coins, and uot be worth a penny ; have | sMALL caps and neither have wife or child= [1en. Ohers may ron fast, but he gets along swilter by seTTING fast: He may be making IMPREss TON without @ oquence ; may use the Lye without offending and yet be ling the trath ; while others cannot stand while they set, he can sir standing, and even do both at the same time--use FURNI= Ture, and yet have no dwelling-- make PI, and never see a pie, much less eat one [during his life--be a bhuman being and a RAT al the sawe time -- may PRESS a great deal and wot ask a favor ; may handle a | sHooTING 1RON and know nothing about a | cannon, gun or pistol: may move the | LEVER that moves the world, 'and yet be as far from moving the globe as a hog with [ vie nose under a moleln --spreads tH , without being housewife; he may lay his FORM on a BED, and yet be obliged to sleep {on the floor; he may use the without shedding blood, and from the earth may handle the *,*; he may be of a RoLLING selieve that thy corpse did me leave | H*Porition, and yer never desire to nev 1; he may have a enkee's voor, and not be | deformed ; never be without a case and Kvow notuing about law or physic; be al Ways CORRECTING his Enrons, and growing | worse every day; have ps~=s without | ever having the arms of a lass around him ; | have his vorat locked up and at the same [ume be free from jail, watch house or any { other confinement. eee --ini jrow A SMALL LAWSUIT GREW, Mr. A.V. Stout told «good law story-- (that 1s zood for the lawyers-- on the Long | Brauch boat last Thursday. Mr. Nehemiah | Perry, ex-member of Congress, of Newark, | went past Mr. Stout and his groupe, * Who is that 72 cued one. Tha', said Me Stout, * is Mr. Perry, who sued A. V.Swout | & Co, for tniny seven dollars, some twenty- | five years ago. We defended the suit, took itup unnl we paid the lawyers twelve han- dred dollars expenses. ¢ Mr. Perry," con- [ae Mr. Stout, ¢ called on me one day, and acked what expenses we were at? and I told him. He said that was about lus amount wo. ¢ Suppose," says Mr, Perry, | we pay between us the outstanding ex- poses.' Agreed, then," says Mr S out; and the lawyers' books and the court bovks were wollen up, and the parties paid -- ex- penses six hundred doliars each, making eighteen hundred dollars expenses to the maa that clanmed tie thiny-<even dollars, and as much lor tie man that refused to pay. The thing was closed, the orginal amount tn dispute nol being even mention= ed, . - a YOUNG LADY DROWNS HLRe ELF ON HER WiLUDING NIGur, Miss Grapper was a goung lady of pre- POEs eB appeatai ce, Was about nielven years of ago, and was engaged to be mar- tied to Mi, Meckie, a well kuowa citizen of Memphis, avd the day of manage having been fixed and preparations weie commen= ced. Qu the nighi of Monday, Miss Grap- per attendee! a party at tha house of Mr, Gopel, accompanied by her tended hus= band, and it was observed (that she was the auyost of the gay. lt was the anniversary ol her bithday, and she received the eon= wiatu ativns of ber nuerous iriends with a couenance beaming wilh smiles. She dance ly und sang aod joked, and talked, and pone were mote joy tal than this young laly, did wot leave this festive clock yesterday moining. White ail gazed on the features of this bLeautilul guly, nove for a moment magined thal, belore the rising sun had made one wore revolution, the bright, gay and handsome girl would be eold 1 death, and her body Hoating seuthward with the cuient of the Missi-sippt, She left her anele's about six o'clock yesterday evening dressed as if for a promenade, and walked in the direction of Foie Pickenng. When sie got duwu to he edge of the biuff she entired a procwry Kept by a man uamed Shelby, aud procured a pencil and paper, wit whreh w wile a nots. This note she addressed 10 her uncle, and calling a linle coloied boy she gave lim twenty five cents, and directed him 10 Tedve the note at her uele's house nest to the Green Tre Hotel. The boy weni on tis eiraad, snd the; girl walked again down to the bin; stood gaz- tng into the placid river Dowing by fier feet tor a few minutes, and xas observed to lay down her parsol on the bank, aod taking off' her hat and silk cape,she looked around her for wu tnstant, and then plunged wito the river, "Her movements i been watclied from a dismance by several persons, but uone of them appeared to have the shghtest idea that the young lady was about to com= wit suicide, . The momen, however, she made the fatal plange, all rushed forward, but she liad sunk beneath the waters, and no trace could be observed. Boats 'were immediately procured and persons progeed- ed to grapple for the body, bat up ta dark it had not been found. la the meantime the letter nddressed 10 her uncle had been're- ceived at bis bose, aid upon being opehed it told a sad, sad tale. It was to the fol- lowing effect : ra "Dear Uscrg,--I am tired of life, and Am now upon the bripk of the river, where 1 am about to put ni life," ° will be the last letter "Wt, ever writd you. Ido wish thal you will 3th ye Give my love 10 all, and now farewell. Ta and sis Your lo¥ing A rural poet, in describing his i leays--she 1s' nx gracelnl as a wal while her breath smells Like an armful His case 1s certainly appr RE ag prs Cm