AEE === eax mainM ONE Y GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF FIND THE VERDICT, a recent session of one of the courts G oth Carolina, an entire negro JUL es : A 1 % onelled. +A case was broug fore NY 7 r the : tantly threatened with TO - LO 2 = i--the witness examined, and the at- ¥ A i fy cr HILEN® S15 tonsa Te subscriber has Le A ! nade theft reepective arguments, o 7 3 -* {made & most determined Raid, resulting in the ' FP -- d g8 after laying down the law and ---- ; y H entire Revolution othisold mus Subscribers are prepared to make ad ing over gave The Tapers . Tn. AT THE . : F 0 cloF vances of nioiey on the security of of the foreman, arather intel- a : : oking darkey, with instructions Prince Alberts ManchesterFactories Woole n y ImprovedFarms pa Ws thoy founda vedio to oS s------ And jms tuned it jo an saceflens i one, i : ¢ y : i 5 . and Filled it with t {est and most Impro ' TAL Jarex more elapsed when | Common Chairs - 7 T 4be pe] lied Yor the manniacie of Flannels, ¢ Asp - - Yioi , Satinets, 'ting, Sheeting, the jory returned, headed by the foreman' -------- Flush Top do. 50c Te Dre AT os Vv ill a £ e Pr op er t y; and stood before the judge. " 3 rem Bent Back: do. * © . 0c prepared do je Customers oo 3 mann In this and adjoining Counties at low swiss of. i J i rn facture i :0 workmanlike ma t " » sud ie loteman appeared \a hesitate, the ADJOINING THE STORE OF T. C. FORMAN; ESQ, 2Slat and Spindle do, ~~ - ~~ The = mum any Ld af Cloth ther ue 17 So suse | Tapeer et VARGd ta purchase gold Hore ue {i : And all other Cabinetware at very low prices. Iolyary (rice for similar work in aiheigarts of |F' yo 4 yw uustier of good Farms, n.d. 2000: aeres ke oes A P R 1 N C E A LB E R T 1 07~ COFFINS of every description kept constantly on hand. i Soauiny div, Tull i of wild lands for sale cheap. : . ie usual Carding, Pulling . y Le strictly wiiended 10 md « APPLY TO #9544 No, Massa Judge, we haben't found ; ; . Babnole Bends Teena | New und Hipoved Preker, vi 5 "em, no how," r=plied iho ebony juryman. : X | The best Hearse in SE BE ee be Eis ADAM, b i 2 ert plain ase, sei) ne Jugs, -- ete 0 , North or Southe On- 3 -- y yw also spec al plienton will be paid r y AN Vinton Sor ' Ie Note hi By £00 Cu' 800 1, HANKFUL for the liberal patronaze extended to myself and brother when formerly tario. Charges as Se--- Prince ALBERT. Bl i) ¥ again. or 5 engaged in the Drog and Medicine business in Prince Albeit, 1 would respectfully cheap as the cheap- s or To JOHN ADAMS, +" 0n 'what ' grounds?" inquired the | sunounce that I have commenced business again in that elegantly fitted Shop adjoining|{ Sees is Noronto Street, ToroNTO. Hoge. 1% took i the Store of T. C. Forman, Esq., where I intend to keep on hand'at ali times a complete est. cue 5 'Prince Albert July 15, 1868. e didn't look into the grounds, Massa Stock of every description of sm ay ee -. Judge," replied the foreman ; « de ossifer y y | W. H. PARK A ( I ) ee h . 3 . Nz lus I * i To didn't take ng our into the grounds, but he -- July 15, 1868. Prince Albert and Manchester. anh en ip TY AN DERSON S took us into a teom an' locked us in, an' 9 4 he } fg i ¥ will not allow me to lack bread 0. the ier essay fuel to tole us when we found de verdict he would 3 9 Heer} smmese | bf rnc =I wf fe = == wake the pot boil. JOSEPH GOULD. HAIR D YE. Jeff us out. Bo we begin to find de verdiot i r 30d 5 A o an? search every nook, corner, erebin, and Chemicals,, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Zo Rnery, Brushes, Combs, Uxbridge. June 10, 1868. in i , &c., eberyting der was in dat room, but we foun, no verdict--no noffin ob de kine dar." Which I will sell at the : te Life on the Dcean Wave." The manufacturer of the above Dye take- pleasure in informing the public that he has suc- ceeded in discovering a Hair Dye far surpassing every other Dye ever before offered 10 the pub- lic. Tt possesses several properties not possess ed by any other Hair Dye. '. 1st. Tt can be so used as to make the hair al- most any required shade, up to the most beauti- A -- ee ? . . . y The editor of a drwnoenst paper, a ba-| do0WeC8E Remunerative Prices Jor Cash Only. chelor, says, the reason why women do not : cut themselves in two by taht lacing is,-- Having a thorough knowledge of the Diug business in all its details and having selected my because they lice around 'the heart, and | Stock with great eave from the most respectable Drug houses in the Province, I can confidently that co bard toy cannat affeet i, yy recommend ¢ article sold by me as pure and genuine, all times 2ive my personal atfention fo the preparation of Physicians' prescriptions, ful black. ve Trae . i v recipes, &e., Will furnish a satisiactory guarantee that all orders of the kind with whic) 2nd. It will not color the skin in the s lightest A Brack Ti. --A nigger wife. --Jud hes, &e., this will furniel sati e ders of the kind with which d. It will lor the skin if the sligh iss i. £3 . Y+ | 1 muy be favored will be promptly executed as well as perfectly safe and reliable. ° degree. ARMY Literature. -- Magazines and Re-| 1 continre (0 manufacture a number of Patent Medicines, among which will be found Tomlin- re Sn d } 3 Ww : . J f 3rd. Tt communicates a beautiful gloss to the views -- Judy $n s Doig Crue form w Pain Hillel onlinsons Worm Dunfections, Tomlinsies Tava Has Just receive 11S mter supp y 0 hair, and renders it soft and pliable. : ! es ri - Lixtraets, Tomlinson's nie and Blac ils, &e. Of which 1 am prepared to supply to coun- " od 1 - Jutinnenst I Ayia Aman fi 2 old- | (y hants, peddlars, &e., in large or small quantities. r Teas, Porter and Ale, Olard's Brandy, TE wanied in all paris of the Do * @SLOUP UN rac Dre i. ve He-oap--,/ Cun. inte the PIONEER iv my line of business in North Ontario, I claim a share of public patron-| Coffe, = | Whisky, Jules Robbin & Co' Brandy, RN Apply to ' Fi * ink youd by w hard on me,' | ave, and wil always wake it my special duty to deserve it by keeping first class goods and selling | Sugar, Scotch Whisky, Martel!'s Brandy, fer Te ww. ANDERSON, as the shark said when he bit the anchor. | at reasonable pr Currants, Old Rye and Toddy, Cherry do. 4: 00k - GREENBANK, REACH. Looking glasses don't he, but they tell Ww. A. TOMLINSON. Raisins, Port Wine, Jamaca Rum, Ws: is ET s -- ? some awful plain truths now and then. Prince Albert, July 8, 1868. 27 Figs, Sherry Wine, Ho'layd Gin, < JEMGLES i Sold by Dawson & Co., Druggists, Prince . Labrador Herrings, No. 1, | Madera do. ; John Bull Bitters. Con ET, RA i Vil Albert; Brown & Christian, Manchester, There can be no objectien 10-2 boll in| TTT IT Codfish, Ginger do. Old Tom Gin, LAO LY ME Mr. Magarch, Uxbridge. ' the house as long as it ie confined to the White Fish, Champagne, DUN bi kitchen. ho Lia , Greenbank, March 26, 1868. : Wines, Brandies, and other Laquors, of the best brands, for Medical Pur 868, b= a If you want to see a pretty toler: ble 4 er ? which can be had at lle) possible price. 20 . s specimen of vauily, consult--your own ' Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. 50 AGENT: 8 looking glass. JOHN NOTT, =- = =~ BoRELIA. ~ . People oftener wan't something taken 4 Adon Pei I mene wt hd away fo make them agreeable, than some- The Leading Pump in America is > Ra 2 hero adder. : 0 POWELT/S g ~ a © There'never was a hypocrite so despised, He v 3 3 3 > Gril ted Yet ome mark or other to be 3 = m ugwn by. : ® cre 3 ? : eb in) / R 2 = LT phe £: gre I) | 33iamc " sry as a red wagon.' q The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in rz = @ S g Old ei sen To Sink that the An- | [ik Whol Ie a id Retail £ 3 $ =) A 8 a umn of nfe should decked in gay color's 10iesale ul etag AD » . ey 2 5 ne olin _ E=t Large or Small Sums ""PiaidA A newsboys lonch *has been established z . BT 8 mn Mortal Tos little fellows eat at first D A W S 0 N S ' = | |On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is S 3 > b G 5 ; : . 4 coLitios a IT =m Eh for wie Le very low and charges are Wodereie, the best securities must be E 5 << 2 a E fron the viear's request that the numbers k I ON'S 16 Eres 3 : : Bord tor card ot or Gl LATE WILSON'S.--SIGN OF THE PESTAL & MORTER, Never: st class fad ir ne gh +24 DS a : avy a ev or first class farms for sale on easy wEI NE o a ol milk and found a small fish swiming in PRIN CE A B B BE ayment. g 5 ~ 1 To it. The milkman innocently said he sup- 4 o Appl Pp Liv . . Cy Z § g < nes posed the cow must have swallowed it. 4 PP y Te yor by letter pre-paid with a description of the Eg» he or » ¢ What is de dift-rence *twixt a watch and AD or pops aD security offered, to >2 S Q th ® HE FOUNTAIN HEAD (for PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS ? ¥ @*@ = a ledder bed, Sam 2? ¢ Dunno--gifi it np.' oS SHES 3 ISHS ed : Y x 3 Bunno gi PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, VARNISHES, the most reliable PATENT MEDI { 2 o> - - -- « Begause de tiken' of do watch "is on de CINES, and every thing connected with the trade) for quantity, quality aud price. Ww. M. COCHRANE, side, aud de ticken' of de bed is on de outside." + Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Girls do yon want t6 get married, and do S T £\ gh I 0 nN B Rn Y Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. g ? v? you wan't good husband< ? Ii so, cease to . » : i y act like fools. Don't take pride in saying | In all its departments at Toronto prices, including a choice assortment of cheap Alburas. I O i PF 1 R S T BD) i A S S ) : "o> 7 PRINCE ALBERT. AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE the places to buy your BREAD, A FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, yon never did housework ; never cooked a PERFUMERY.~ An elegant and choice variety. pair of chickens ; never made a bed, and Trusses, Shoulder B d Surgical Insite 1s of 8 on. Don't tun up your prelty moses at russes, Shoulder Bracee, and Surgical Instruments of every make. Honest industry ; never tell your fnends| Hard's Anticostive Food for Infants. The Royal Unrivalled Washing Abat Jou are not ley to work. When | Crystal. You go shopping don't take your mother (= The purest Brands of Pale Brandy, Port and Sherr Wines, Gins, Old Rye, and with you to carry the bundle. Common Whiskey--for medicinal purposes only, y ye . a -- SMaLL BREADS of every description. a -- : ' = ; y ; "hn le been NeSatimied that 1ape worms| N.B. Physicians prescriptions carefully and personally prepared. i : BR) She. First class. Coufectionanes. may be propogated by impure water as| Truly grateful forthe very liberal patronage hitherto nccorded us we would state that | fl 3! ® In! i 3 i i well as by unclean pork. we stll continne to endeavor to anticipate your every want in our line, and to as o f s : ] / | Patent Swing & Force Toys in great variety , They are making two more steam men | Most entire satisiuction. g i [ ump. For Spring and Summer vse; and Fruns at Newark. oe original one is being Toiy I. Sis DAWSONS' Be [ ( 9 in their season, en to pieces for reconstruction. uly 15, 1868. Prince Albert and Manchester. / 4 x A / i The Sheibrooke corner had seven in GO TO THE Js B 0 W M A N ' Wedding Cakes mude to order from the North of Ireland, passed thio: gh Are Manufactured on the ises of the choicest material and oy first v These Pumps are the most useful, most dur- | poy 13 1867. Mbntreal on Thursday bonnd for the courdy - Fou ji ould the to my numerous ods te this ip Ay Choe Sang able, sass! Yorked Ios, proof und. Yob fans of Huron, Oat., where they intend to settle, Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. to get out of order. The Force pis Sresls last week --all sunstroke. We have ) MANUFACTURERS, He is also prepared to furnish Svirees staiilar reports from all paits of the country. . V 5 G R Y ps ody 5 Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. About 150 immigrants, most of them r O Tr O & 1 y B: "RELI A, CN mT. CHAS. HISCOCKS. + : i its cost in one year ; while being available in two In Egypt, where sunstroke is of frequent Work Wa rranted or no Pay. seconds of time it forms a most reliable fire en- eceurrence, the Arrabs dissolve some ealt TTT rea rs gine, Tiy one, All work warranted. When © in water, and pour it into the ears of the Pa Albert, Deo 4, 1867, . JAMES EMANEY. ordering please sate Soph af well or visit c i osusimaiily soleves TO BLACKSMITHS mm ee i otro. he suffer, . ties wishing to manufacture the above Pumps = A sample of wheat, hewn, to the editor = h mm can do so by making arrangements with the of the Quebec Mercury lately, measured RE " O . D 0 RT © YV Za ' " paculiennsie us Hoslis. : s May, 13 . -- On, 40 inches in length, and is nearly ripe. It n is expected to yield an average of ii 20 PRACTICAL to 25 bushels to the acre. Good for Lower C » 3 8 BA § Cann arriage aker ! 'aoTrey, e[qBUOIGSEY wo co |¥ iy i 7 2 = ge = 'OF WHITBY, eo as, ELE 5 : ivi } Hay ou a 3 . , Have on hand and are receiving a large stock of BAR IRON and BROCK STREET, on HITBY I ae © : Steel, which they are prepared to sell at a small advance on cost. --0 3 35 * . Also A GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best'material. Work | wy os @ SPR INGS PATENT xX etn anier witk Heiner and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing § oT ANOTHER CATING. MACHINE PALEY ARLES 80. Buiness Reviving ! iS: a TO PAINTERS. : ! o 'v0 r DF A large Stock of "James" White Lead, and other first class Leads, Paints, Oils ! ; = g Lv} E PORT I ERRY. : Glass, Putty, Varnishes, &c., Wholesale and Retail, ro Hard Times disappearing, and Better Times Coming !! 5 4 TIVE Subscriber fn asta refering thanks iq 500 Kegs Cut Nails for Sale Wholesale and Retail i The mde he Bat sd i ons Jnsinmers fr thels ® 2 2 D Rn ° WwW © © B 9 1 i ube i! FA - ' tas A, iberal s eighteen years, v Ver iene \ i ber] A large Stock "of House Buildiog, and Hoese F' urnishings, Hardware, Spades, | CABINET WORK will be made and 4 brs My On ey bal as : PROPRIETOR OF THE public | Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, &e. ment in North Ontario. ? Dom 8 } A large Stock of Stoves aud Tinware, Milk Pans, Pails, &e., at the « NOTED » y Ni. < EL |Ottawa Cancer Indrmary, Cheap House. : w ; } B * BTARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, HATCH & BROTHER, Special attention paid S : re : OTTAWA, C. W. : = 0 IMPORTERS, 4 25.1 vz e r Koll she attached, and ha i rn : pu he old micline iu thorout, (hie of re Whitby, May 20, 1868. 20 &Z bees CANCERS CURED z Air, pr Aba parties infrosting i S " om with thei ea I i . Undertaking ! Vers QZ: im) By a New, but Certain, Speedy. and near. siyle, ag Shouter_sotice than at any other : : ro ' ) g > ela Qo ly Painless process, and without, the Mill fa the County. He would also say bit he oe : t id ' ' aman 2 D use of the Knife Ta is this your prepared 10 take any amount of i gS Coffins of all sizes jit Sonstantly beng Sonsisting or Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &e. A first "The cure will be guarantteed, . d ry f 5 : ' B \ k : unerals when req 0) y . * , and, Wool in the Fleece, HE 3 0 B D 8 T AND er x Tae Sot of Coffir Trimmings, Otay aad will be sold cheap. of this, no pay is required, until the 2 a pm And manufacture jt in any way that may be | All kinds of good Lumber taken in exchange for work. plete. The moment a cancer is carores it Sedsed.on shor tice tang at Seascale rates, : ; o . ; JOHN NOTT. Should be sured, 1s it wi Gi Jess and is more Ln i } a 1 : .B. Agent for Monuments and Tomb Stones. oe there fred than when of longer standing, a Cen Ce FOR BVER. [xbammeeer . i fs rah NL sn dn he "ic wil bey 'Cheap for Cash or in ex- * BEE ; : TE rE Sy ot lump in the breast, neck, le r elsewhere, REA 3 ii i . : 0 or small wart or gore on the lip, may, in a fow - TAKE NOTIOR--Parties bringing _{heir| ; X Abriving Village of tort short monthe, become a hideouslsgustipe, adam get all or partof their | prvi Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for| HARRISON MA WW & : SON RE RICHIE STER Ht Bot perio wa geil ler Galle no OT YOUNG: | T their liberal patronage for ithe past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is : i" Hed STO v cured many years aiece, and Who fre now. soul i Tine 10,1568... Ns constantly prepared to furnish them with, 3 ' we PEL 3 here he intends carrying on the and healthy. All communieations promptly : TT gh oh 50S Si 1 eS ga ABEL 1 (Tre oniraclors BiG ers, "lailoring Business|" "i teow cured in advance and a 2 : : y nn : : fis branches." Garments entrusted to hig) 'Wagons and Buggies ! ; PORT PERRY! car gilt be ode wt Shonen J. HEAL'S 7 i% » Ww 2 ' w 3 AS ~ 4 : § : And th Se PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR.| + " hig AY : | in ch d ; i Auf iat be J rw pres 2 CoE $ Yo gal (RE prepared to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all" kinds, whether Wood | raion Shiai mace 0 elebrated teh Ointment bscriber k tant], a earn ay ROW made in the la proved 5 sing do gal "Parties desiring to py haa lado wel 1and inspect his Stock before purchasingelse- Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- iblic patronage, | where. TE Cash, determined not to bo undersold by any other | ments, Parties requiring good work dona will do well to call. (3=Plans and Specifica-- Latest Styles received promptly py manufacturer 3 he RR bid < ; ? regularly, a ranted. Price 25 cents a. box. All Work J. HEAL. ane! y AF odes tions made to order. E All Work Warranted. "* ~~JAMES SQUIRE. : Manchester, April 10, 1866 4! Pines Albert, Dee. 5, 1866, Tuilo ; : J WM, STEEL. | HARRISON MAW, ~~ : "°JonN H.maw. |* : : 14-1y | Port Perry, Dec. b, 1866. Manchester, Oct, 16, 1866, 5