Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Aug 1868, p. 1

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B 8 i f -------- So ---- A a-- ° JOHN oid . OWNSHIP Clegk for Reach, Convey- T acer, ; NE kk foc id Cony 3 M S. Wr ante LT anal pe + bio Yo ds 08 bag erav old ©} syn - - : re J i : ¢ 3 Ou - { Jin H Te Fp ; - = Rd PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY.OF ONTARIO, C.W.,. THU AUGUST "13. 1868. FW HOLE No. 562 ei eng, (Ble Wutavio Bosker, Sal it ERT ry vw -PILITIGAL; ABRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, IS PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, | ' COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVEY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, # ORRMS t'-- 81.60 pér aimum, 1¢ paid within six thes if not paid within that time, $2.00; \Nosub- Wription taken for less than six months ; and no paper discontinued untileliarrears are paid. . ir Letters conlnining money. when nddressed 10 Mis Office, pre~paid and registered, will be at our risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. enth line, first insertion - - - $0.08 bsoquent insertions, per line' - . - 0.02 rds, uader 6'links, per smmum - . 5,00 1 iARveHineméhtd mehisured in Nonpareil, aid charged acordingto ihe space they occupy. Stee see ceived for publication, withogtspe- ¢ .instructios Will be inserted until forbid, and chapged neonedingly." Noadveitisement will be taken out until paid for, Aliberal discountallowed to Merchants and others whoadvertise by the year or half-year, _ Any3pecial Notice, theobject of which isto promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company, to ba cpnsilerudan advertisement, ahd charged uceord- agly. ' His 'These terms will, in allcases, Le strictly ade hered to) Wal - The cogstantly increasing importance of the North Riding ofOitariorendersihe poblieation ofthe O8sExvER ®uecessity. Ever advocating right, and condemning wrong, it will constantly, jake the lead in, fvrwarding the general interests of the county; and in the amount of focal und general news given, will be unsurpassed by aly local paper published in Canada. 5, JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Haid Bille, Posters, ¥ Bil, deads, Forms, Receipt Books, Check Books. Circalars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c , &c., of very givle und color, execated proinptly. and at lower ates than at any other esiablislunent in this counmy. Partidsfront a distance reiting hand bills, &e. printed an have themdone Lo take home with thenr, J+ BAIRD. | Business Divectory. CWT TT priest e-------------- Drs. Jones & Jones, «PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, &O., QULD respectfully advise the pie that . they have formed a partnership for the Practice of their profession. All calls received at their respective places or residence will be promptly attended to, @, W. Ji ne, io. RR. JONES, M.D, Corarler, or ntario, nee of Late residence of Dr. Prince Albert. Oakley,~Pomst Perry. DR. WARE, ORONER for the Courity of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aeccoucheur, Prince Albert truer Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, PRINCE ALBERT, Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs. M. YOUMANS, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and A cooucheur, PORT PERRY Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &c., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. WM. M'GILL, M. D. FRANCIS RAK. M. B. JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Atomey at Law, Solicitor in Chancegy, Notary Public, Convey y Ee. Prince Albert. Office over T. C. Forman's re. "COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &c. Prince Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. FAREWELL & McGEE, ARRISTERS, Aftorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers ad otaries Public, Oshawa. -- Office, one dvor North of the Post Office ; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town Hall. * J.B. FAREWELL, L.LB, | ' 'R. J: WILSON, ARRISTER, Atiorniey at Law, Salicitor KL) in Chanery, &ec. Office in the Victoria Building, Brock-st., Whitby. rei tat od NORMAN F, PATERSON, (Late of Millar & Paterson, 'Foronto ) TTORNEY-at-Law; Solicitor in Chancery, : Conveyancer, on. flice "the building cvouploa s Wilson, Simcoe-st. R. M'GEE, B. A. H. PARSONS | J. D. Cottingham, SER, 0 ENT 1ST, FER, BORELIA, CCW By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office, J.D. C, is prepared to execute all of ns connected with his profession with dl operations dispatch." Call and examinethis specimens. Single eeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND --Att m to the Teeth preserves the health. « #W t teeth in good orderit is impossiblg to masticate food for the body, nd consequently there cannot be good alth. If you have decayed teéth, get them filled, If you haye any out get them replaced by new ones. Prices low, and all work warranted. If the work is not satisfctorily done, the money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan. 15, 1567. English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vulecanite Base for Arti- " ficial Teeth! CG. D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, PAain=St, Trovrivge. ALL Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat- isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy competition. Rerknesces.--Rov. Dr. Start, and 77. D. Griggs, Port Ilope; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge . Batels, Ba, "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests-- Stages to and from Whitby call daily, Careful ostlers always in attendance. 8 COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, 2-1y B. PLANK,.... HE rubscriber wishes to inform the traveling public that he has taken the above hotel, which he has fittéd and furnished throughout, and where the best dati with careful attention, can always be found. -- (Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. R. A, MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. 8-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Freq, Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. RUYAL HOTEL, : WHITBY, C. W. TE largest and most commodious Hote! in Town. A ¢pecial conveyance to the Rail- way Station. Stages depart from the Royal Hotel daily to all places north. Attentive host- lers always in attendance. JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D dati Careful to the réquircments of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars , Good stabling. ~~ : J. DAFOE, Proprietor. THE KOBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITEY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, « - - PROPRIETOK. HE Subseriber begs to announce that he has leased the building formerly known as Scrip- ¢'s Hotel, for a term of years, and that he has renovated and re-furnished the building through- wt, The Promises are pleasantly situated, op+ posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town. The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning. r= Careful Ostlers always in attendance. GEO. ROBSON Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, = - PROPRIETOR. EGS most respectfully to inform the inkiabi- B io ti Cont Y Ontarle, tus be above premises la by Sandy Perrie, which he has Bi furnished ti 35 nhNBTY "CAMERON & MACDONELL, : ISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Salleitors County Counell Ontario, Offices: Lourt House. od and renovated, and he ig «8. C. CAMERON. 1 'H. J. MACDONELL. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B, QOLIITOR in, Chauncery,:. Attorney, Conveyancer, &¢., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street; opposite the post C.N. RS, . RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W, Dental Rooms directly opposite the post Sffice--entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. .' 0 6 Gu ns Bench, &e. Sutinsea darefuly attends MACKIE'S. HOTEL! sini rr at (LATE) BRODIW'S;) i) THOS. H. WALSHE, "F TCENSED Adctioneér for thie Town- | I of Brack, Shoal Mara & Rama in Fotth Ontario; sete, in the County lof en empor V-LLSE. The North On: OE date, 'the yavelling P io." The bar stocked with the choigest liquors and cigars, and an at- tentive ostler always in attendance, or wo J, Co PILKBY, + diconped Auctioneer am iol FOR TH! County of ontario 4 : J. C. PILKEY, 4 * Erson 'P. 0. } ag ber on 1 \ "| WATCHMAKER !| JEWELER, &C., ? Prince" Albert, Ont. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual 'Insurance 'Compdny S Qompany is now fully organized and is Drepare 10 accept risks on Farm Buildings' and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents OF she orupany, Qur rates will be found as low ag those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry' Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. i. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., 27-1y. - Secretary Ticeénsed Auctioneer. County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever business is entrusted to his care, will be'prompt- 1y and carefully attended to, Charges moderate. Terms, Days of Sale, &c., &e., arranged at the Observer Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 Brandon Brothers Manufacturers of | BISCUITS CONFECTIONERIES &.C. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kindé of Biscuits, Confectioneries, &er, CANNINGTON, C. W. Canniugton, April 17,1867. 14-1 MONEY '. (PRIVATE FUNpS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa. Nove her 21, 1866. 46 HOUSE PAINTING. FUE subscriber is prepared to undertake Ilouse Painting in all its branches, and by strictattention to business and moderation in charges he hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon lim ia the past. WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince August 1, 1867. 30 eres W. H. MARSH, PRINCE ALBERT, house, Sign, Carriage, any ornamental PAINTER. B EGS to return thanks to the public for past favors, and would beg to state that he Las opened a Shop nearly opposite the * Prigee Albert Carriage Factory," where he will be able to execute all work of the art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov. 26, 1867. 4 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier! AND J. BULLEN REMOVED Frem his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. : x3 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. nt Marriage Licenses (BY AUTHORITY.) ' Tren Poit Perry. Offica the Scucoo Hovks. Bn uid HENRY CHARLES. Ja 2571867. Vt A : 13- Money to Lend i IN SUMS OF | $8300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest' FAREWELL & MEGEE, ; . Solicitors, gc a, Nov. 14, 1866. 45 p---------------------- Photographer King St. Oshawa. JHOTOGRAPTIS in the very. best style are Bi rs co ionery Store. er a 17,1867. Ontario Hotel, BROCE-ST., WHITBY. TUE Subscriber, doading a Licence for the |" 0 W . f LW h A BY-LAW to aid and assist the Port © Whitby: and Port Perry Railway Company in the construction dnd quip t of a Railway commencing at' the Town of Whitby within the limits of the Port Whitby Harbor and terminating at or near Port Perry on Lake Scugog, and to make and grant as a honus fo the 'said Railway Company therefor, the Debentures of the Corporation of the Township of Reach for the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars. y HEREAS a Company having by an Act of the Parliament of the Province ot Ontario been duly incorpotated under the name of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Rarlway Company witli the pufpose, power, and authority under such Aet, oflaying oat, constructing, and finishing a Railway from within the hmits of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby orythe limits of the Pont Whitby Harbor iii the direction: of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canaila, so as to secure a favorable connection therewith ni some convenient point within the aid Town, thence through said Town, the Town- ships of Whitby or East Whitby or both, and the Township of Reach. to a point on Lake Scugog at or near Port Perry, has gone into operation under the provisions of the said Act. . And whereas by By-law No. 447, of the Municipal. Council of the ob of the Township of Reach, the said Rail way Company has been authorized and em- powered lo consiiuet a Brauch of their Railway under the provisions sud subject to the conditions contained in the Railway Act. ' And whereas the Municipal Council of the said Corporation of the said Township of Reach bas resolved to substantially aid ahd assist the said Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company in the construct- ing and equipping such Railway as by the said uct of Parliament they are empowered to do, by granting and contributing a bonus to such Railway Company to be used and employed by the smd Railway Company in land about the construction and equipment of such Railway ; the Debentures of the Corporation of the saidTownship of Reach | for 'the total sum of. Forty "Thousand dol- lars to be issued as hereinafter provided in sums not less than Qne huadred dollars, nor more than I'ive Hundred each, the in- terest at the rate of six pep cent per an- num, payable half-yearly. And whereas the {otal amount required to be raised anovaily by a special rate for repayment of such Debentures, and the in- terest thereon, thereby, to be created and incurred, is the sum of four thousand, four hundred dollars ; and whereas the sinount of the whole rateable property of the said corporation of the said Township of Reach, being according to the last revised assess- ment rolis thereof, is nine huodred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars ircespective of future in- | crease. Aad whereas there is no debt of the said corporation of the said Towuship of Reach either for principal or interest. And whereas the anpiml special. rate in 'tbe dollar for paying the interest.and instal. meuts,of principal falling due each year or for creating an' «qual yearly sinking fund for the payment of the yirincipal of the said debt hereby intended ito be incurred ac~ cording to the Act respecting the Munici pal Institutions of Upper Canada is four mills and six~tenths of a mill. 1st. Beit therefore enacted and it is here- by enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach that the Debentures of the corporation of said "Township of Reach to the amount of the sum of 'forty thousand dollars, 10 sums of not less than one hundred dollars nor more thaa five hundred dollars each, bear- ing interest-at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at tle Boyal Canadian Bank, in the city of T'orouto, shall forth with alter the passing of this By-Law. be. made and executed by the Reeve of the said corpgration, and by Lim duly signed and sealed with the carporate seal of the said corporation, or hy such other person 'corporation, as may by any By-Law of the said corporation hereafter made and passed for that purpose; be appointed to | and sign the same ; said Debentures to be so made and executed that the sum of two) thousand dollars of the said sum of (ory thousand dollars,for whieh Debentures are 10 be issugd as aforesaid together : with; the interest an the whole amount of Debentures =o issued and po more,shall became payable in any ope year thereafter, and the whole, of such sum of forty thousand dollars for which Debentures shall be issued. shall 'be made payable in:tweaty aonual io. stalments of two. thousand dollass each, | with interest at the rate of six per cept per aonum payable bali yearly on' the whole | sum remains uopaid on tbe first day. of January, and the first, day of, July,in each and every year, and po part of che said | principal or interest shall be made payable at a time wore than twenty years from the | time this By- Law shail take 'effect, 2nd. That when One hundred thousand , tario Auctioneer, he. Hy a Ryo, be townships ifor the n Bese wd ee was toad Toten Deoker_sd to busi in ll its branches, |. SA Tt: Prince Albert, May 27, 1368, a C. DAWES, -- * dollars of the capital stock of said Railway y has been subscribed, agd Ten per thereof "paid" intd 'one' of the' Chartered: 4 Badkwiof ¢his Pruvioce and the adting! din {ling o Bpilway has been located as herein being a member of the Council of the said |. x. 0 'cen ginger gof » the sain: Road 'certifigs that the] alter hentjoned, and the grading bas com ieticedl," that" the" sii "of Ten thousand dollars "of said) débentures, 'be forthe with 'handed i--c by. (the Reeve to the zai ilwag, Co 3. that when the hand Bo Thed to by ho i) hen of said road as being graded fo the extent of one half of the entire grading required, (to: prepare the road for receiving the ties) a, further sun of Ten thousand dollars of the said debentures shall be handed over to the 'said Rdilway. Company; and thiat'tle fut (lier sum of Ten thousand dollars of the said Debentures shall be hanged oter to the said Railway Company when the grading of the said Read js completed ; and the remain ng as dollars of the said 'Deben tures' shall 'be bfided over to the said Railway. Company; when Three miles of a Branch or extession of suid Ralway ia the direction of, the village of Uxbridge have been graded and, the ties laid down. 3rd. That an equal annual spécial rate of Four mills and six tenths of a mill in the dollar, in addition to all 'other taxes, shall be levied and raised upon the whole rate. ablg property of this Municipality over its full extent, limits and bounds as it now stands at thetime of the passing of this Bylaw in edch andl every year during the period of 'Twenty<years after this By law shall take effect for paying the said Deben- tures and the, interest thereon. 4th. That this By-law shall take effect and come into. force cn the 'Thirty. first day of" Aligust, in" the year of our Lord, one thousar{l eight hundred and sixty-eight. 5th. That cogmencing at the: Village of Port Perry, in the 'Lawnship of Reach, the said Railway shall rua in such a direction as td cross the' Fifth concessfor line be tween' the centre of lot numbér? seventeen and the centre of lot pumber: eighteen of the said Tqwnabip of Reach ; that a Freight and * passenger ~ station shall be built' and maintained where the said Railway érosses the sail fifth concession line or where the said Railway intersects Simeoe Street, thence in a South Westerly direction «crossing the Gravel Road Lat a pote it te' third cobicession, said point of intersection of sald Glavél Road to be North ,.of Charles: Thompson's present residence and South of the fourth conces- than I would bad you been a queen. WHEN 1 mak %o! dir wey ¢ vir ad {eaten n,do 1, mann to. matry 2-=Welly (ef i wd LAS SEER W is idle ta dispute with fate ; | "Bit if yon chodse td hear mh: gl, 10 Pray listen till } fix'the dads «+ Wien @atighters raed 'wiih eager feet 4 A ii os toil fo shape; an make the pudding which they eat, . ' And hon seek ewig ey wear; Wheh maidens look upon a man Ma As in himself what fy sbould marry, And mot as army soldiers scan 4 sutler or a comnissary. When gentle ladies who has got: The offer of a Jover's hand, , Consent to share his ¢ earthly lot."" ' And do not mean his lot of land. When young mechanics are allowed -To'fihd and wed thie farmers' girls, Who don't expect to be endowed: With rubies, diamonds aud pearls. When wives, in shart, shall freely give here hearts and hands to aid their spouses And live as they were won't to live Within there lites' one-story houses. Then Madam --if 'm nct to pla -- Rejoiced to.quut this lonely life, 1'11 brush my beayer, cease 10 scold Aud look about me for a wife! tei THE RED SLEIGH. After mother had gone to bad I went up atairs and brought down my writing desk. There 'were some-sheets of paper'and some delicate envelopes, which had been there for months stored witliin, and a silver pen ang pen handle, which had been a birtliday present in my school days. I took them ont and the ink-bottle also. The ink was thick, for we did not write much--uwither of us=and I brought the vine- gar cruel from, the closet aud thinneds it to my liking Then I sat down and looked at the paper. Then I weit to the stairs and listened to see that mother wae nat cominy down. Then I actually seated myself, squared my elbows, and began to write, This ia what I wrote : Dear Miss Marion :~I am' a coward. Not, 1 hope, in one sense, but certainly as regards you. For a year I have loved you. Yet I no more would have dared to ay 80 or- haps because 1 do not cherish a hope that you like me, To-morrow you and 1 will ride together. To morzow I had made up my mind to try my fate, but I knowl shall not dare to speak, so [ write, Iwill give you this letter to read arhompaclitheabswer be * No," it will © i aie . . : ill yi sion, at which point of intersection a freight bo sas AS J igh snd and passenger station shall be erccted and | ggy 9 i Company, thence to a point. in the fiest Lot number eight and the 'western limit of Lot fiftaber Geen of the said "Tolwdsbip of Reath. ny oF 6th. That ' the votes: "of the lleach . on this By-Law, shall be taken on the nineteeyth Avgust, A. D. 18683, commencing at nine o'clock. A. M., at' the following places, viz : in Eleetoral Division number one at the School House in the Village of Utica, in Division number two in the Hotel lately Village of Epsom, in Division number three it the Temperance Hall in the Villdge 'of Greenbank, in Division number four in the Storehouse lately occupied by William Mackie in the Village of Borelia, and in Division number five in the Public Hall in ficers for the several Electoral Divisions ot the' said Townsbip, Charles Edgar for Division ' nbmber one, James Allen, for Division number two, Francis ilolmes for Division number three, Harris Burnham for Division number four, and W, E. Yarnold for Duyisiop' umber five. . wi, A0SHUA WRIGHT, Sih : ny Reeve. Reach, July 21, 1868. JOHN CHRISTIE, . TownsiiP CLERK. TAKE NOTICE 'That the above is a trie copy of a "pro- posed Byslaw whichiwill be taken sto con- sideration: by the Coungil of the corporation of the Township of Reach after the same shall have been first published at least four umes in focjhastithes newspapers printed within the limits of the said corporation, viz: 'the Port Perry Standard and the Ontario ' Observer, and 'after 10 enon ll th 1 publication. pof, the date fom, ba fun Pabiication oi grad twenty-third duy' of Joly A. D. 1868, and ahat the votes of the! Eieciors of the said Corporati willy briraken thereon, on, Wednesday; the 106 day of August, Commencing a, nine v'clogk a. m. at the tollowitig o, viz ? of Elson Division punaber oe the, Solon 0) Hisgeen the village tica, for which Charles Edgar re iors Divi guaiber two in the hotel lately by the latg, Thomap English in.ihe, Congessiop between the, Western Jumit, of | for you. my way in the world as other men do. 1 am young and strong, and not utterly ignor- ant. some sign--give a line, your name only, . anything to show me what you mean. If 1 qualified Electors of thes Township of [am to be miserable-- well then make me no answer. day of | bot bear to see you or speak toyou after that. I possessed, and wrote name on the back, and hid it, and the: desk from mother's ayes. ye - : Jed.after me, anxiously as I drove away the Village of Prince Albert; and that thed wi, '1g Dobbin find the litle red sleigh following persons shall be the rewrning of | yng following evening. petuionently muintamed. by: said Railway | 7 ove you better than I do my life, and 1 wll do all man can to make life happy With a little hope, I can make If I'am to have that hope, give me Silence shall mean "no" I could This is an awkwark Jove letter, no doubt. [ am not used to writing letters of any kind of late. Jove to any one belore. excuse. nM pel could not mean more. For I offer you all the occupied by the late 'I'hiomas English m the | Jove in my heart. ever felt or shall ever know. I never wrote or said a word of That wust be is But were 1t ever so elegant it The only love I have Arsonp Craia. I sealed this note in ellaintiest envelope lepsey Horrow's Sharp eyes thatdeok- She was ready for me, My mother's hint was in my mind, and | Jooked at her dress. All 1 discovered was that it was blue ; but her turs were good, { could judge of furs. « She mus! marry a rich man, or ane on his way wealthward," I said. +¢ She shull too. I've more to start with than Washing- ton had." And I tucked her into the sleigh and drove off to the meeting, It was a pleasant drive, and a merry fl dance and supper ; but as the time went on 1 felt glad that I had written the letter. For I could not have syil what st said for me. It was at the last imo dnving homeward that to ask: her for the litle reticule she carried, as the other girls did, with a brueh and some flowsrs in it, I think, for they had to torce up the curls and braids aller the windy nde belore the dance. nt when we were mustered courage « Why do yo want it" she asked. «To put something in it which you midst not look at till you reach home," I said. ( « You arouse my cutiosily,"' she ans- wered. I ghall look the instant I have a lamp." ' G + And as she spoke I had dropped in the corde 1 . Not a word more could I speak. But at he door 1 tried, for the first time to kiss her. er lips eluded mine, and'I dared not re- letter and snapped the clasp. peat-the attempt. _ I 100k the; red sleigh 'home and waited hopfully, as I knew afterwards, for an an- swer.! None came--a day, a week, a month Then all | hope wrs over. 1had seen her. smileless bow. She had given me a litle cold I was rejected. . "6 Mother," 'I said tha night, « we must have sume tne to farm the place, I'm going village of E which JamesAlleh Hearn Offtobr; in Elocior Division owt b hres 1p somy city." i : at the ugioruaco slut ihe vilege! of Gr k, for which Francis es is Aen oon he sctoral Dion sufober 'four ' inthe' Storehouse lately oo* upigd by William Mackie in the yiilageot rs for which Hausie Burnham is Re tdfing Officer 38nd in' Electoral Drvigion number five atthe Public Hall in the wil- lage of Prinee: Albert, fof which William 'E. Yarnold is Bewrning Officer, ' JOHN CHRISTIE, ... Township Clerk. | Why 7 sard she. : «To make my fortune," I eaid. : « For that girl--the seliool ma'am 1" ask- wy mother bitterly. © i on « No," said 1, «never for her." Mother kaélt' down beside me as I sat on a'low stool, She: shoulder and looked 1n my face. Sho didnt dare refuse you?" she said. your mother. Tell me." 20-w4 Reach, July 21, 1868, ¢ She dud not a. opt me," 1 aids > 3 3 TOU] 8 her hands ou my |and Capada thisties, I would beta fe lig dol . Fitmy Br Bh ae «Boy, I. kvow you are ia trouble, I'm J « The naughty minx I"? said my mother. "[ --." 'hen she burst into tears. i #cAugd that's to part us?" she said. « Not if you'll go with me," | anawer~ ed. ! Y "But she would not leave her home, and I weut alone. | In Je frosty morning, am [ wrod 1a. ook kat the rr from the top ofthe old stage, I saw the chil- dren filing at the, school house Jog hed Feawpht a glim, 4 dress, knew it. Een wan ringing, bht it did not say « Turn dgain™ tome, as it should have done had I been such a prophet as Whittington. I madd my fortune. ~ I'had a cousin in New York who was deep in the mysteries of Wall street. Ha (helped, me; #0 did Lugk or Fate. In five years I was modg~ rately rich man. My "mother Wanted no- thing bot my presence. She would not come to me but urged me lo come 10 bers, At first my heart wastoo weak to be trust- od dtnong those 'old familiar scenes. To have mat. BoPay ond have been too much to bear. ut Time helps vg all end of five years [ wrote o o gl ult the "I am cdiming home again, since you will not live here withmte. Expect me to- morrow, Aud on the morrow I went. My mather had not'altered much. But [had grown a longy light beard, and was a youth ho long- er--a [act which troubted her, There ware hades in the place too, - Girls were mar= ried. © Old pedple dead. The tallest, hand- somest maa had remembered, had met with on acaident and crawled ab ut 8 wretched ceipple. The church was pi a. and the hotsan the hollow had been bagnt. A factory had risen and the fyctory, peoples houses were abeut it Instead of, the old frame' setiool hotse was a brick buildidg with many windows and a cupola, 41g Who was the teacher? Was she there Hépsey Harrow ? I dare not ask. Idly 1 sauntered about the house, painted and refurnished sow ; and idly in the everd- ing of my second day at home [ went out to the shed where the little red sleigh stood, the shabby old 'thing with the green patch upon the cushion. ¢ ¢ It ain't been touched since you left, Al- mon," said 'my mother. * Poor old Dob in! 'How smirt he used fo take it round I-- [ fait as if I'd lost & friend sehen he died. =~ Remember my patchin' the cushion 2"? She liffed 1t as she spoke. From behind it dropped someting. What? Of leather blue with mold, crushed by its long Ilys under the cushion, but a reticule forall that. Hepsoy Harrow's reticule | I opened it. There lay a comb and brush; an aruficial rose--how welll re- remembered 1t in her hair !--and m, a Yes my letter, that she had never read,ney~ er sean, never known of. « What's the matter, Alnon ?"' asked my mother. ' For a few moments I did not know, At last I spoke. «It is Miss Harrow's reticule." " She must have lost it when you took her a sleigh riding," said my mother. "Just like her, to loose 'it and not know, extravagant critter. She's teaching yet; likglytoo-- she aia't married no doubtshe'll be an old maid, and serve her nght." The rest my motlier said to herself, for I waited for no more. I look the reticule in my hand and went over to the long forgotten path toward th, school house. School was over. A figurh stood alone near the gate. I did not know itat first. Bat on a pearer view 1 found that it was a more mature edition ol Hepsy Harrow's slender frame,not so slender now, but pretty --just us prety in the face and fresh and baxom. L waiked up to her. She gave me a puz. zled look. Then ber cheek flusheds wt « Mr, Craig?" she said. « Yes, .Miss Harrow," I answered,' «1 am here to restore your property. YouJost a reticule in my sleigh five years ago. To- day I found it. There is something in} which I asked you tolook at when were alone. 1 make the same request now. May I see you this evening 7" Sha bowed. I walked away. That night I went once more io see her. She had been weeping ; the letter lay upon heg knee. : « Such an odd relic of those [foolish olt times,' she said. » 1 took her hand. i > "You never answered it, Hepsey," i said. "Will you answer it now 7» @ Atter all this time ?*? she said." * « Yes," 1 said, : 3 dnikd ol She said nothing, and I kissed ber, . 1 ,, Our wediling was a quiet one, an lives huve been quietly happy fom otis to this very hour. wn law ovg ia Lard THE NATURAL HISTORY og s GRASSHOPPERS, © +7 -- 5 tol BY JOSH BILLINGS. void we Wei When the grasshopper begius to hve 'ahk are verry smal, but in a hile while pig gits lo be plenty of them. Tha only live vue year at wo'i06, anll then go back aud begin again, raid "Thare best gate are a hop, and wi wind oo their quarters tha can a rithihe gud time. | ' SSEHIOT Tha are a sue kiop 10 vaze; by 9 yeers tha raze more than wines, § vo oon some flelde a full of vsem that'sba cuddent stick nuther in bo. ned him oft to a rig Shpsagul} When tha git so very planty {fia 's ot wu sagt, and then Ma become a téaviing min, a eve the road i ad the inside of a one ds week da, © ConA SE : Gr pets dow't seam 10 beakianlly ------ our Cnppintey bi Res we dont 'even kuow what hod t 1 don't waul grasshoppess Lo. give hh, {ie- ly out. nat if tha ure a b bik abv hought' (tw If if: org Smt rk Yad hokedes ©.) 4oai ai ulbatiiny * But my judgement would be grasshopper, ~~ Gd Re ¢

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