apn WN (a, I ---- = A ---- S~ was at once ticket-geller, door-keeper, EE aBUTTER Hii Ti ve dical Hall Indbon. Himself, his med and tennis '] aaa! The Subscribers will pay CASH ¥ quantity "f good Butter. |" *'The workmen have not want ' HE Ag2 visting +o votive fro firme anything. They had only to le his : A poo #nspovE" TW OF ARMS : ; | Oe Somers Due a 23 & a3 CA IPBELL CONTAINING 30 as ue A full assortment of Dye it ap) could net t tien. | | y i or a were mitted Ie Blatt uty In order to affect a cleats; ofer ance of » Stock at ' he 01g I aceon marter of X in "~ INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES: . 6 for ittee rovide: y 1 i 8 wpe do a in dom wr. Pcling Ho use 1 py yy Ia MADDER, | CUDBEAR, 4NNATO, .D . Yours very vib a a 4 we a aT _COCHINEAL, LAC-DYE, ; . 3 CHUROmLAY, | {| excellent Orchards. nd an ang dah ; of LOGWOOD, | | INDIGO, MADDER COMPOUND, : Thanks to our rt 30 st rl C el ae of otitis Wl &« .. 4 » REDWOOD, } FUSTIC, INDIGO COMPOUND, i A tT RE 'The other is the South-east quarter of 16t No, silly WE NA oAwoo), R opPERis, Lav BOE, 8 a8 Mr, Tamim thd duiskh ut pleds- | | 11, in the 14th concession gh so Xo The above have been selected wilh the greatest care and will be warranted the best gtiality. A pamphlet giving full instroctien Fa akdaihcton o nf bain Soothers. - ; ' a ah fo dhred deste, acres Ro for. dyeing any, color will be given 10 those purchasing dyes. bn hes Jenchuctor, ctor, and society is unjust if : Until the 20th din ; A UGUST. water runs ty rim '. The attention ot Painters and others is called to our large Stock of PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINES, and Varnishes. : w ite-- or Mr. ROBERT CAMPBELL has left (qin, to purchase their FALL & Go artes uriion 14, Tarsapik pio the pr abecibes 38. For Fresh and Reliable DRUGS and MEDICINES go to the MEDICAL HALL, PORT PERRY: - he a of ina im WINTER STOCK, which will be-finuch larger than asval. Roh, JUV 1.1935, JOHN WILKINSON. | Por Poy, July 0000. ; JONES & _-- the written examination on unghis| 18-- Gt ' - Pm Se = -~ - = _ tory Weel not" 'given Ist week with the Wines & Liquors, Whi: e and Retail. ; TO TRE A RE a others. ugene Bday took the 1st Rize par Dde notice will be given on arrival of tht Importation. aw a. *o D the 2nd. Ly fe THé highest proce paid for Butter, Eggs, & , oRoWDXD ovT. A call is respectfully solicited. ; y ; ) "A full report of the proceedings of the R. &J. CAMPBELL. a) , PEON Manchin d Whitby, July, 15, 1868, n Township Council will appear in our next. - . UXBRIDGE WESLEYAN M.S, 8, AN« E n bod Tate J. < W w. /. Cowan. i] NIVERSARY, J L A D I 8 ° Very interesting services in conneo- i The following lots will be offered for gale std at he toes Stores of the the Subscribers, at Prince Albert, this day tion with the anniversary of the Wese~ . ., and the following days of this month. A leyan Sabbath School, in the above place uM 1 Case 54 pieces Printed Delaines, wise goods, 8)d 3 por yard. 1 were held on Sabbath and Monday 2nd A 1 Case 22 pieces Striped Cheai Lustres 61d por yard "atid 3H ind. The Rev. Wm. McDon-- 1 Caeo 43 pieces double width mix'd Lusires 6d per yard. .| tf. rs sgh of Cartwright, proachadjowo exce- oumivER TaN £vep mig zest Mee Ls ELH P I, A lent sermons on Sabbath, the morning's © A lokal Ladies' WH Laup Haggkerobiefs a1 2d and 3d each. . i "Yext were the words of Solomon, " My \ ' 4 A lot of Lawn Hanckerchiels with saloneg Borders 34 aust, | 5 san if thy heart be wise, my heart shall : A job lat of New Kid Gloves, Black and Colored, 1¢ 34 per pair. ; . | rejoice even mine;" "the evening ub A lot of Ladies® Enameled, Marseils, and yaoked Faper O Collars, one copper eal 3 Fc ea ho regu ad eu 3 bn Lr Se OH io '« k glory of Christ. "On Monday afternoon \ Thousands of La Jott Bolt Buckles af ach. » ; - a the children of the school with a large Opposite Scotf § Hotel, ince Albert. Thousands of Bo uf Geube 'Paper Collars at 4}d ®, fitimber of their parents and friends as-- Py-- Thousands of GiltyJett, Crystal snl Bog Ouk Brooches aad seita from 83d to 1s 104d a set. X X 3 sembled in a 'beautiful grove, south of July 15, 1868. _ 4% i Wor. WIGHTMAN & Co., (Lata J. & 'W. Cowan), Importers, Priace Albert. hes the village, to engage if the enjoyment . . i a of their annual pic-nic. Seldom "do so ~ Ea ES £L 2 msny, particularly at this busy season Ji asi ing nono tht i ths onal | Has just recived an invoke of the mdashionablo: styles of New [yvevtisemewts, , there are a goodly number whose | Ladies' Polish Boots, Bamorals' Gaitelind Children's wear, : =] oh Ament to this world hinders them ever offered i in Prince Al rt,which will bid at prices that will wet Ee i 5 i not from symipathizing with shuns with ; ! Ls : oy ht especial reference to the world to come ; a * Laid : 8 pit i manifested in these an- DEF ) ig COMPR'I TION 3 i ] i | | \ RI Currie& Ross | attended them as well as the| Prince Albert, May 6, 1867. ; ar. minicial result, could not but encour- hk lly / (4 ! : ? AT LESS TH AN . . age the officers and teachers in their : olent_enterprive, and simuinte(F'acts are Stubyrn Wish to inform their numerous cpstomers, that our Mr, G. n ating ° |B hi EN ACHOM In san Things. b L ETR i 0 i TY Currie, left on Saturday, the 18th inst., by steamer 'Nova Scotian' | most exalted of charities. The public AND IT 18 A FACT THAT for Glasgow, Manchester, and Tondo, t6 purchase ¥ . ¥ | & ing which was held in the church Tn i Re Senin was a compte ese. (3 EORGE FLINT Iv ISEASE «Chair was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Poersin, puso of tho congrngaion. Ad: TAKES hs fre, ent, ks | T BEG to {my many friends, and the CK In order to Clear out the balance of Stock. - lly, that I bave procured dresses were delivered by. Revds. McDon- | =, since his commencement in businéss:| And | for myself a plil'and very i Brody ugh, Thornton, Williams, Miller aad Dou- | {{'i; aig fact that he bas been refittig his | Galvanic Bat{ T consider Electricity to fits." hw bwin vuh ici and Ht Factory and putting in a bower, but Hepppeciaied and deo, of Dry Goods and Groceries, which we met to be + the Targest N BE W n 3 J S ! 1 N S 'on- ¥ Toty largannd inteiligen audience. Mr, J. NEW M ACHINERY ; | end thatit whiuce the A astonishing [and best selected ever brought into Reach; by 'any ofié house in : etn Seerctary, road the wnnualrepons | Ee 1 |e meoriite; Indesd, in cases Were ly) o'tynde. Their arrival is expected abant the 20th 'or 25th of : 5 hvail, the Battery, if scienti- The school in in a flonshing cond ion. -- | i0G, : \fically and ju d CHEP "y and) lied, will i There ra 185 names on tho Roll To | 1s ite too us the best ud uo CHE ns cally and utbioppio, wi rocgeery. or | month, of which due notice will be given. In order to i most interesting feature of these sarvices | furnish the following artiles, first class merial | COUTSE, J am (far trom desiring it to be room for this | ih was the singing of achoir of juveniies sslect- and patterns imaginéd, that Ficity will supersede Hedi; . A ed from the school. They' were under the | Cutter Bends of eve: deseril ion; h answer in every ca { 3 loadarsbip of Mr. T. Bolster, Jr., and we ir Oy | an piel | bs gai "ut congratulate that 'gentleman. op Buggy Seat Kails : it will produce fost desirable consequences. A well 'trained band of little songsters, -- i The diseases if El a t serviceable, and as most Monday night, sannot fail 10 inspire the [Iron Bow-handle Rakes; certain of predukood, are the following : most, deeponding: with hope. ~ The aged | Fork, Rake, Hos, Broom,' snd Bp | GENERAL MNLITY, servantejof the, choreh are departing. One Handles of every variety ; after another of the workmen of the Lord are finishing their labors and entering into Barley Forks of superior make. CHRONIC AkCTIONS of the LIV- 0 Ld rest. At onr ve annual g Heorgould, Particulasly. recompiend his july ER, BLAER and KIDNEYS ; = Si 8, cy KK the places of some whose ieart beat in aym- . . A ASTHMA, D : oO : pathy with onr movemente are occupied by Revolving Horse Ral . TION ; [EPSIA, CONSTIPA- . : ; x 0 d qulif; ing ners fo stand in thelr Sionds and grovss | + Bor which ba was awarded the | | PILES, RHEFISM, NEURALGIA; Such an interesting gathering as that of Bob-Sleigh Runners---heavy and lig}; Elegyicity to Fiments in which J consider F n $1 $2 D rom fo per ress. A id MNOUSNESS, oute the same work in which they wero on- | FIRSY PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL | PARALYSIS. AUS £2 We have concluded to sell the balance of Summer Coods at|{100 Bundles Best American Cotton Yarn, at lowest Market price # i 8h of the ] fl, We wish this school every success. mt ot toms. re oan fur ,(CONSUMPTn its carly stage ; : . ° BROWN & CHRISTIAN. ) t ort! § : ET Ee oh, DS pGy ERs SAME URE or Greatly Reduced Prices. Manchester, June 25, 1868, { & » Near Borelia, on the 6th inst, the wife of N.B. I dd D1 ; Chas, Macsh, Hsq., of a daughter. CHEESE BOXE pletaasinee exper during Graf he we | We wish the public to call and inspect our goods and compare 3 : = : all sizes and superior make. uments of lec dirt hie ili, prices. . a 3 icable to thy ered state * , | neg SUPILY. of supetior Sawn Shingl th pL ! EY 1g highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. | CABINET MAKIN 8 TIALS 90M Pridos Albert, July 22, 1863, . sa Bu : ' " & in al fis branches ae ood ast as fhe beat and Be Prince Albert, Jundiggs, + 28-1y yd #in . i 3 as the cheapes N ; P ; oo Ws, > : L Pend and a HE ATSE in readiness. io . 2 Eh : ~ : x asked rd UBLIQNOTCE 16 nr Ww TO LOAN! BE 3 : ao : "G1. fess confident that with his cilities h i tery ee trisation wil fore] Sa ) a a : | & 8 hry ve st he © ration of the | 12 catablishiient in the Dr vince bf Ontario, For cry Railwaympany to the A : / A o : " A. 5 ) 53 Onorns LE Bia : Ben Fo es ae ital 11 ] The Subscriber is now prepared to lend ay amount of Money, fi 4 -------- Al 'el . 2 ownshiy of Hoc oR "PRIVATE FUN | _ Atits first meeting to be held ? Jon wa iii erehams, Uxbridge ea LS 1 oy = Tbe. Subscriber bas new to bund the LARGEST and B After, the 17th day. " September. now Mr. BATLEY, Blacksmith, Greenbank. esd ak of jhe posed ilway un-| oo | rT yz On good Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a | > hidnie «FEE SEE FINESTSELECTION OF GOODS | room ye : : : me to Jin "then or of Fake In every department, which he has ever had the pleasure of offering at the * New Very low rate of Interest. p ASS A BY-LAW, eayjeman who ured for yeard from Nervous fed advisable. And ko Eo 218 bp consid. Dominion Store," the prices for which will compare favorably with the same class of . AER Decay, and dus she tociut you rust a df ars Abr rom. such polat tupon. Goodsiin any City ot Town ia Canada, and wilt be sol 'either for The Borrower can have hus own time to pay the principal. . ery , whe veud it, he recipe ad Sheesioin of Uxbridge w rights, t J : - PUBLIC" AOAD. WH Hig HW A Y, Epi yl a ihe ET | eifeges, and under ILLS amt Cash, or Credit to the Ist of, 'October next. I also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the : i All that portion of tie: rigindl gio a * SOHN . by adie Sco ps foot cunifide New York, a rid for laying cut PLEASE | EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, A Z: Dominior that lend money at low rates on Farm snd Town Property. i Between Lot Nos. and 7, in head Conoossion i yn Jono sels me bell. EJ. WILSON. Bit Daviacdvis in DeLaines, Luv i kode oh, {Cotton Rgrlin, "03 Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low { OF the Township of Reach, and vest the same [#2 * ion thereof next, fier the ¢. hha 3 4 may, io s 'opplinet areges, ex. and Frenc . prices s ta don Bows, OREN CHRISTIE) ! fmt i A a Rasy 20m andria Cords, aad Stripes of al kinds, Au extra lot of Tweeds, and the Cheapest Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Wid d z 'TowNsHir CrEnx or fom le on caer A : TL bred a a inthe Sua rubseriber sol Apply personally te : | en as Ann artin, on v nch an It ie a well known hat Roach; Atigust 2, 1808. 82 few | FOAL. coRbON BickLOW, INCE: COMP'Y ry th Freer Buiky & fhe Oho Teves A ean ii JAMES HOLDEN, LIST OF LETTERS remain in the | "Toronto, Aug. 10 1088, "PY ®t Petioner. i Graver, and ober makes id Pri Ft, and ho io prop edd i Oficial Assignee, Land, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby ci» Prioce Albert. Post Cie, dug: 12. X 9. W.| prising &e,y from 12}e Atiagege Sigh Grey Cato tl : 3 J Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St. " y M Id Joha' 8 : hor Wes frkest Wan, i MON EY 4 | wining 891, The | est selection of Ladies' Mantle A large lot of gentle, ws Hate i in. Jal, Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867 28 oon ) Mhtoer D. afi ad $100 000 .- to be found, in all colors, traw, Silk gad X : : Tamey HY Nesbit Rew J 2 i 7 f ii dersigned s rope Vohionos o to a - 4 wai : Sng ret of Fmt from 06 A fine and TH fete oe of Bara D. Y. DAILEY, 1 Nethete as Bes ? dom cMURRICH SH a { ware of all kinds, i m i Bee Wn Lid "AMOUNT [3 NONEY, FAI | Paid pad Bogs of ull hr snd | And Gneawortmens of rare Puss, HEN RY GRIST. D Y Thos |i (Private Funds) Cetus Aakir,, |The i of Ribbon and Trini El. sey] HTENT. ECLGINOB 0 DRAIN, EN T 1 S T! ol Jo ik a Security, ats ry. | : i 0 Ontario, » EA foe snd complete. Stock of School | OTTAWA, CANADA, PRINCE ALBE - 4 Sal My Tow 'Rate of Interest. "To 'Consul ives. : Tata of Starls of oll 1 o fine, ¥ Eee Sony ge sy with sient Og nd L RT. | i anaes v-- i the Paten A ORYS i oh Greeny Wesley Jopny 00" He has several Lotaaf, | | or gesTio aad A. Yon will send id EMI A 1» fey ligt, Cy i Books, a ep a Bone Phe gu x ape, i bo Graham ne Alog, / Waren Goo. ) IMPROVED Ey "LANDS |» goto ee i fon A splendid' asso ment T Gloves of all ' | - Pass Books, a d the Rogpuisio Drawings, Speci py nh + apkiop T rd Jom. i cor To A100 pon saLE OWE lA! n ured of a lung Kr 1 shall be prepared to furpish part wha intend buldifz, with Timber.of all {208° ther" Do necessary to securé Pac Tend En © pa J Re war TT xl . ae Sn of | 2g pected au | sizes, Shingles sawn and split, Nails; Glue, EI Chik a ta | interac a avendon Tce Tet of the Double jot Spmy ; N Zi) i § REGISTERED ol Messrs, R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to | hop is '« 67 Soliciting an early ¢ call and examination o 24 Ay : REFERENCES, + : for the Btenotion of i g . NN. Mi ; Geo Vivian + «8:4! Cy A% bles Re in iis prove a ia . ' 8 I : Hs Son J Cagapoet, Posumasier Gen. o en); w. C. eeth without Pain, we ) Rev, hy WILSON, {EI pp bi eB ORM AN. [ee Radin aa oie Cony | ; Tn H. McCAW, Poptmagter, er Feb. 4, J 8] 1 fou Second eet, osha os vos Prince Albert, April 30, oot ty Cure Fis dria as - V. DAILEY a :