Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Aug 1868, p. 3

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A Y A €©14.900 I Tg TOR SALE, I fi dope 3} : Beir" Estate of [ate John @lerke) «rl PARCEL, NO, Ln. | | BING lot No.-one, cession | CEL eat ownship of Scugog, vig CONTAINING __ ©; roi "'1J04 ACRES, 4 fhe how a. er "0 PARCEL NO. 8, Being North.half of lot No. 4, in the 5th con- ¢ cession of Township of Pickering, 100 ACRES, Toe or Yess, about 80 acres under good cultiva- in, Large frame house with excellent cellar; twa barns, two sheds, horse-stables, turnip cellar, and sheep stables, together with other ildings conveniently arranged ; plentiful supply of good water, and 4 acres of young ¥ Both placesiare unencumbered, and possession . ofa ace be given this fall. re very reasonable, long time being given. For further' particulary and for te apply -v.abthe office of this paper, or to James nh + Beq , Official Assignee, Whitby. u y, Aug. 13, 1868, . : Insolvent Act of 1864 "AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, ---- 33-2m In the matter of James Barbour, tin Insolvent: Creditors of the Insolvent are i wok jomeet at the office of the undersiznéd in mn of Whitby, County of Ontario, on , September 11th, 1868, at two o'clock in he afternoon, for the public examination of the Insolvent, and for the ordering of the altars of + the estate generally. 'i JAMES HOLDEN, * Official Assignee. Dated at Whitby, 11th Aug, 1868, 33-2w am cE, hal \ © ERENT : 000 AT Sercby given that the Corporation of the Township of Reach, _Atits first meeting to be held After the 17th day of September now next, Propose to PASS A BY-LAW To stop up and close as a PUBLIC ROAD OR HIGHWAY, All that portion of the original allowance for Tot Between Lot Nos. 6and 7, in the 2ad Concession gr fhe Township of Reach, and vest the same i wi. a JOHN, CHRISTIE, Townsutp CLERK. Reach, Angust 2, 1868. 82 5-w PRINCE ALBERT, 10 LOAN, AT § PED CENT M. G.ROBSON, Piince Albert, August 1, 1868. Brooklin Drug Store _ JOHN DAWES, PELLER in Drugs, Patent Medicires Paints, Oiley Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, ic - Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal v ; Horse and Cattle Medicines alw ay gi Special Potices. ab The Subscribers, will pay GASH for aiy. quantity of good Butter. R. & J. CAMPBELL Tn order 10 affect a clearance, offer the balance of theit Stock at : Until the 20th day of AUGUST. 4 Mr, ROBERT CAMPBELL bas left for Britain, to purchase thelr FALL & 'WINTER STOCK, which will be found much larger than sual. Wines & Liquors, Wholesale and Retail. p@~ Due notice will be given on arrival of their Fall Imfidrtations. * (Zr The highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, &o., &c. A call is respectfully solicited. Manchester and Whitby, July, 15, 1868. LADIES' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE PEOPLES BOOT & MIOE STORE, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. hI O 4 J. COX Has just received an invoice of the most fashionable styles of Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmorals' Gaiters, and Children's wear, ever offered in Prince Albert,which will be sold at prices that will R. & J. CAMPBELL. Cost Price!: hard N ling stream of good ari di pe the ot. o ead¥, y particulars e subscriber Ton the Premiee lot 14, in t! P 4th con. Reach E_ Subscriber, wishing to retire from farm- T in, hos for sale Fao dh 298 TWO FARMS CONTAINING 50 ACRES EACH. The one is the South-east quarter of lot 14, in 90' acres cleared, 8 acres cedar and 22 acres JOHN WILKINSON, 26-3m Reach, July1,1868. | Two Capital Fifty, Acre FARMS FOR ULB Thereare si ¢ . 24 being on tbe remiss, smalivg of | MADDER, CUDBEAR, ~~ ANNATO," Dwelling Bouse. 3 mag Wood Shed: with, two. 5 . COCHINEAL, LACDYE, i iia excellent Orchards, and and abun nt guppy of \ ' Eaxtrict of LOGWOOD, "~~ INDIGO, b MADDER COMPO Ey water, The land is all cleared, and ina | woop, | ; FUSTIO," INDIGO"COMPQUND, capital sate of cultivation. 2 ONO 100 TT coppERas) * ee be Set ene "Firs asé| The above huye bes selected wilh the greatest cara and wil be warranted the best quality: £ pempblet giving' fil instruouen for dyeing any color will be given to those purchasing dyes. : The aiteotion ot Painters and athers is called to oug large Stock of PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINES, and Varnishes, yo. For Fresh usd Reliable DRUGS and MEDICINES goto the MEDICAL HALL, PORT PERRY: JONES & JONES. Port Perry, July 30, 1868. mati WH. M. WIGHTMAN & GO. Late J. & W. Cowan. a New AVveértisements. Prince Albert, May 6, 1867. DEFY COMPETITION Facts are Stuborn Things. AND IT I8 A FACT THAT GEORGE FLINT AKES this opportunity: ef returning thanks T to his numerous frien fot their iberal sup- port since his commencement inbusiness, And itig also a fact that he has been refitting his Factory and putting in And he is now prepared to furnish anything in his line as good as the best and as CHEAP as any establishment in Ontario. He continues to furnish the following articles, first class material and patterns : Cutter Bends of every description; Bent Shafts; Buggy Seat Kails } Bob-Sleigh Runners---heavy ard light} Iron Bow-handle Rakes; Fork, Rake, Hoe, Broom, and Mop Handles of every variety ; : Barley Forks of superior make. He would particularly recommend his justly celebrated Revolving Horse RaKe For which he was awarded the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL EX: HIBITION ! Against a host of competitors. He ean furnish Testimonials of the superiority of these Rakes froma above 400 farmers. CHEESE BOXES Of all sizes and superior make. A large supply of superior Sawn Shingles nstantly on hand and for sale. CABINET MAKING inall its t fies as good as the best and cheap on NEW MACHINERY :/ si ELECTRICITY IN DISEASE ! Sf I BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that I have procured for myself a powerful and very superior Electro- Galvanic Battery. I consider Electricity to be a power, but little appreciated and understood, and as a curative agent in many diseases, I con- tend, that it will produte the most astonishing pa factory results. Indeed, in cases were medicines are of no avail, the Battery, if scienti- \fically and judiciouslyjapplied, will in numerous instances bring about a perfect recovery. Of course, I gm very far trom desiring it to be imagined, that Electricity will supersede medi- cine, or that it will answer In every case, claim for it no such power. But 1 do apprehend that in many disorders, some of which I subjoin, it will produce the most desirable consequences. The diseases and ailments in which I consider Electricity to be most serviceable, and as most certain of preducing good, are the following t GENERAL DEBILITY, " NERVOUSNESS, CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the L1V- ER, BLADDER and KIDNEYS ; 4871 2 DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA- 2 PILES, RHEMATISM, NEURALGIA; PARALYSIS, CURVATURES, and other AFFECTIONS of the SPINE; CONSUMPTION in its early stage ; DISEASES ansing from IMPURE or IMPOVERISHED BLOOD, &c. N. B. I may add that there is no pain or un- pleasantness experienced turing or after the use of the Battery, and that it contains six different currents of Electricity, differing in their effects, and applicable to the several disordered states of ) the system. FRANCIS H. BRATHWAITE, MD, CM, Medical Electrician, Prince Albert, June 10, 1868. 28-1y Currie& Ross Wish to inform their numerous customers, that oir Mr. G. Currie, left on Saturday, the 18th inst., by steamer 'Nova Scotian' for Glasgow, Manchester, and London, to purchase OUR. FALL STOCK Of Dry Goods and Groceries, which we expect to be the largest and best selected ever brought into Reach, by any one house in the trade. 'Their arrival 18 expected about the 20th or 25th of month, of which due notice will be given. In order to make room for this MAMMOTH We have concluded to sell the balance of Summer Coods at Greatly Reduced Prices. We wish the public to call and inspect our goods and compare prices. : as the cheapest. COFFINS kept 1 hand and a HEARSE in readingss. Job work, such as Planing, Matching, Sawing, and Tarning done on the shortest notice, and at low prices. G. F. feels confident that with his faciiities he can successfully compete with any manufaciur- ing establishment in the Province of Ontario, (= Orpers SoLicITED. : AGENTS FOR FLINT'S HORSE RAKE: == | Mr. THOMPSON, Hardware Merchant, Uxbridge Mr. BAILEY, Blacksmith, Greenbank. Stouffville, March 11, 1868. 10 Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP, 'SHILDBEN TERTRING, , Gre he process of teathing, by softenin ee y ALN ai "TRE TO oped vpou it, i Relief and Health to your Infants, spasmodic action, and is 4 ULATE THE BOWELS «old this anticle for years, and} ground We have put up 4d eo) this ariel of i what we have 'mever able wo say of any other medicine-- Never hat Failed in a Si Instance to t a Cure, when «ly used, Never did we know of an instaice of dis- 0 it. On the contr: almost every insta f aston, relief was to be fourd in fifteen : and ox ( or the symp is admiaistere. -gwenty minutes il each botile. » Full direotions for using will acco wd cack hulle; m| Ee ork. Pm wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world, #BIE PNLY 25 OENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES: Ie 215 Fulton Street, New York. 05 High Holborn, London, England. "Al St. Pad Street, Montreal, 'anada. INFORMATION. . i of bic ape a bald head Blotehes, Brupt : 8 clear, and beau! as charge by SOdRLSIS. hers, it will give rest 10 yourselves | si und ERRORS OF YOUTH, A Gentlemar®who suffered for years fiom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the suke of suffering humanity. send freetoall who deed it the recipe and directions for making the simple re edy by which he was cured. Suflerers wishing 10 profit by the advertiser's experi ence, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B.GGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York. PUBLIC _NOTCE ! 8S hereby given that application will be made by the Port Whitby and g vee) Port Perry Jeilvay Company to the Parliament of the Province of Ontario at its next Seasion, for an act amending the * Act to incorpurate the Fort Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company," and extending and en- larging the power and authority of the ny Company in ihe laying out end construct of their proposed lway un- der the said act by giving the said Company the further power and authority to la; out and con- struct such railway continuing and building the same to such point upon the shore or ake Simcoe at or near Beaverton as may be consiu~ ered advisable. 4nd also to lay out and con- struct and finish a branch from such point upon said Hallway as iey may think .best to the vi of Uxbridge with the same rights, powers, privileges, and under and subject to same provisions as are now given and made by the said act, incorporating such Company for laying cut ant ing their railway. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. | I DORN STOR The Subscriber has new to band the LARGEST and FINEST SEEECTION OF GOODS In every department, which he has evet had the pleasure of offering at the "* New Dominion Store," the prices for which will compare favorably with the same class of Goods in any City or Towa in Canada, and will be sold either for Cash, or Credit to the Ist of Ocfober next. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ1 Beautiful Dress Goods in DeLaines, Lus- kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cotton, Berlin, tres, Popplinetts, Bareges, Alex. and French Kd. : 6 uaranteed to produce a luxuriant {§ Apply a or beardless [Megsrs, R, & J, Campbell, te en re Te @ ny cial, can bp obr pi AA en i ta tune ROBERT J. WILSON, pda, reof next, r (he expiration " i A 4 P. W. & P. P. Railway Co'y. rn oa RS oF ri. i ce by Cees 8 Whithy, 24th Tune, S006. ym inthe Province of Doct 'Medi ea he ain 'maiden name knows as Ann tharime Jones b SNA WESTERN ASSURANCE GOMP'Y TORONTO, C. W. Attorney for Petitioner. INCORPORATED ......c.. 1851, 'Toronto, Aug. 10th, 1868. $400,000, . JOHN McMURRICH sis hath on GENERAL AoyNT: ---- - - undersigned is prepared to loan, in sums ~~ "to suit the convenience of the A a Pres NY AMOUNT OF MONEY, iis (Private Funds, On good Mortgage Security, ata very. : . ow Rate of Interest. <To Consutnptives. : ; ' The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will send (free He has several Lots of * | of charge) to all who desire it; 'the L S500 Tree ROVED AND WILD LANDS| with the directions for making and, using the , ; | simple reme: cl cul . FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. affhotion nd that drend disease Consnin fone at the well known Cheap Store of 'His only object is to Benefit the afflict d he JA anchester, to Hopes every sufferer will try this pi ption, ; JOHN HODSON, as it will cost them nothing, may prove a id 5 Varuagon, &e. ; apehesier, Fob. 4. 1868, 5-3m | No. 165 South Second treet, Willi from 12} cents per yard upwards. Some of the very finest French and Eng- lish Priots ; also Hoyles'. Bailey & + Gravel's, and other makes of Prints ; Brillianty, Muslins, &., from 124c per yard upwards. The finest selection of Ladies' Mantle Cloths to be found, in all colors. A large assortment of Parasols, from 50c to $2.50. : Ladies' Hats and Bonnets of all sorts and ~ -sizes. . - The finest lot of Ribbons and Trimmings 10 Ontario, A brautilol jeafiriment of Bhawls of ull inds. A splendid asportineilt of Gloves of all i (7 Soliciting an early call abd examination of Stock. . ble: . Please add: Wy. WADA WILSON: | prnet Abert Api 0, 18081 andria Cords, aud Stripes of all kinds, | An extra lot of Tweeds, and the Cheapest 'in the market. . NL a walk known fact thatthe substriber sold fhe Cheapest Tutte f af House Jol, An immense Stock of Grey Cottons at old prices, 10, 12} and 15 cts pertyard. A large lot of + geritlemen's Hats in ' Felt, Straw, and Wool. 3 A fine and complete: assortment of Hard- ware of all kinds: p Anda firie assortment of Groceries, Paints; : , &c., good and Cheap. 2 A fine whd complete Stock of School Books; Bates, Writing Pape; Copy Books, Envelopes, Pens, lok, e.-- © {2% 1 shall be prepared to furnish parties who intedd building, with Timber of al sizes, Shingles sawn and split; Nails, Glass, &e.; very low. ke Ledgers, TU). Books, Vath. Sotle, Straw Goods! AT LESS THAN Cost Price ! In order to Clear otit the balatice of Stock. NEW MUSLINS Lk SOTTED GREMAD 'From $1 te $3 per Dress. a A i : JUST RECEIVED! 100 Bundles Best American Cottofi Yarn, at lowest Market price - BROWN & CHRISTIAN. Manchester, June 25, 1868. MONEY! TO LOAN! en eet the Subseriber is noi prepared to lend any amoiint of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. The borrowee.can have kis owh time to pay the principals T also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies fn the Dominion. that lend money at low rates on Farm and Town Propesty. (4° Several good Improved Forme for Sale-gt extremely low P Sliver ad Greenbacks bought and sold. 5 Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, Offitial Assighee, Land, Insurance, sod General Agent, Whitby Office=~McMillan's Block, Brock St. Whitby, Septs 25, 186%, . mm aes shaidy D. V. DAILEY, DENTIST! PRINCE ALBERT. : REFERENCES. foe he Extraction of... .: : c/ Teeth . without . Pain. rT + a Liki --_-- HENRY GRIST. PATE SOLCTOR AND DRIVGRISILN, OPAWA, DARADA, Transat the Offiée and odie . Branidbts; with aad ot came ee receipr of us| Dotible on 3 T. 6. FORMAN. Sipe, Boats ete), 30. e Compnny ae: a Aa she Dominion Wan Ear of Puc Wa Proviace of Ontario, | Prince Albert, Aug. 5, a i W DAILEY, © SR RC Ry

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