Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Aug 1868, p. 4

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AS SHE Thee I AT 'THE COMMENCEMENT AKING "THE SARSAPARILLIAN, w "HER APPEARANCE AT THE 20, §OTTLE, A remarkable instance of Personal Bedutf, restdred fo a lady dis with a frightful disease, cured b 12 RESOLVENI, For the Histo of the Skin, Liver, Kidne this wonderful cure TAN see page 46 of a New Medical Publication called PALSE & TRUE, with a Treatise on diseases bottles of the SARSAPARI s, Bladder and Urinary Organs, &c., free to all by addressing JOHN "RADWAY, M. D., & CO. , enclosing Stamps to pay postage, 439. St. Paul Street, Montreal. SARSAPA SARIN, ONE Bottle at RADWAY'S SARSAPARIL- LIAN RESOLVENT contains more of the Cura- tive principle of Sarsapariila than fen of the largest Dottles of all adyfirta § ul 8 Swsipariise, A Great and Wonderful Discovery ! Astonishing cues of Skin, Glandular, Syphiloud, Ulcerated Sores} and Eruptive Diseases of the Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Tongue, Glands of the Throat, Kidney's, Bladdep and other EOgans, One Tea-Spoofful for all ordinary Skin Diseases three times in the day is the average dose. SARSAPARILLIR ND IT§ ASSOCIATES, PAREIRA BRAVA, - IXIV.E FUC 3 *~HEMEDESMUS INDICUS, NEWLY DISCOVERED ROOTS, ibd other Ingredients of marvellous, fiédieinal Wer enter into the composition of V DR: RADWAY'S LBReARS es dh Coll Wy Dr. de Jor obtaining the active properties from ve i substances. The ordinary Sarsaphrilla decoctions and Syrups | a are mere washes compared with the Sarsaparillian ofthe Resolvent. It is a well-known fact that Sar- illa as ordinarily prepared either as cially a proprietary temedy, never: the Sofdente of medical men, and all tisireputatin] ivenjoyed was deemeyl by well informed Chemists, Physicians, andmedical writers 10 be due to other remedial agents associated with it. The tru curative virtaes of Sarsaparilla for 300 years has laud hidden in the Shyauing principle of orst fori ( stru HE a outh the these hh yo of disease, from lhe « BLOOD, BONES, Ji Sods where i tion, Tumotd; mation, this re at and powerlnl remedy. wall terminate rapidly and permanently. lime ap agents, ed Sapa Keader, every word I here state is true ; the Sard Spar a mistures have gained Populuriiy, me Fo time, causes Rickets, Wasting away of the. dry ess of the synoval fluids ; ; then Stheumatic, Pain, Stifiness "of the Joints, Neuralgias, &c., experienced. Now if you want a truly good, po ud pore nom remedy 10 cleanse, étrengthen aud purify Mn mg ap Asac for $ofula, whether tray ted induced, ad its derful, power in bring t| of thé eyes, E a ud helene: and Reta, a DAWSONS' LATE WILSON'S--SIGN OF THE PESTAL & -- PRINCE ALBERT! HE FOUNTAIN HEAD (for PU PURE RECDRUGS, UGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, T PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, VARNISHES, the most reliable PATENT MEDI- CINES; "and $very Wing confiedted "with the trade) for quantity, quality and price. STATIONERY In all its departments at Toronto prices, incInding a choice assortment of cheap Albums. PERFUMERY.~An elegant and choice variety. Trusses, Shoulder Bracee, and Surgical Instruments of every make. Hard's Anticostive Food for Infants. The Royal Unrivalled Washing Cry: sal rest Brands of Pale Brandy, Port and Sherry Wines, Gis, Old Rye, and a Ar medicinalpilrposes only i sicians prescriptions earefully and: 'personally prepared. jh fol ht very libergl'patronage hitherto accorded us we would state that }, , JOINTS, and in ever gpa Shere Hun nan Icera~, ntlam- Fhe Per-ons who have used dozens ofthe large bottles of the ordinary Sarsapariila mixtures, and Buchus, lave been cured with, from one 10 six bottles of Dr. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN KESOL- YEN [, (nided by the occasional use of Radway's Lutelligent Physicians from all parts of the Pills). world, are writing letiers of thanks to Dr. Radway for his wonderful discovery in preparing the Sar- sapariiian, and rescuing the fame of Sarsaparilia from the odium that has fallen upon it, through the imperfect method of its preparations in the several verind SBarsaparilla mixtures, that are made the mon Satsapaiilla 1oots, and mixed with Corrosive Sublimate (a dangerous agent, hat may remove Sores, but at what a fearful ex- pense to the general system ;) (his agent, reader ib worse than mercury, and yet these me flere 7 x xy wot ile it with Potash, and on these agedis, Sarsapariilaghey-u the C E 'of the a have taken these commol i rsonsg Who Bary, illay IL L 1 A N for a leng pun' $ may tra "He n ores, Ulcers, Sympto a ani: inact © fas t Wile not by URING. but by smothering diseases, Horns fc. accumulates in thgsystem becomes deposited nd like cdlomel, mercury, &c., in the BonestJoints, Glands ofthe system, and in bones, DR. RADWAY'S the Root. Under Dr. RADWAY'S New Process, S A R S A P A R i L L A N SARSAPARILUIAN is secured and 'brougin to » gi ht. and associated with other ingredients, it ful- RESOLVENT. Gils theamost exizavaguat, AAAS Jud ne $ The stomach shold not be over-loaded with a of men,_One qunve of Dr. RALIW. mass of inert and useless Syrup, Molasses PARILLIAN eoutains more of" a A on a ONGIOF {Wo fea-s one of the: iL Molen 0 ciple tIf¥n ten pounds of the extracts (roti the avude LIAN RESOLVE , is worth more than a gal- 100is, as prepured ¢ officially or inthe popular ad- " IN UNION THERE 1S STRENGTH." he uniting of ingredients so as to secure perfent bi ny, and contribute @n assisting power to shes. Avery une ruad @ Faise "and Wea a new medical publication illustrated with figures of the Liver, Lungs ub veys, and Uninar, 1) , author of the, Organs, by John Rad M. reaiies on Diseasesof de i Kid- each other in their several ries of cure, fulfils |V'€Y% Lungs, Liver, Skin, Womb, Biadde # hl Scho the most rie pert the chemist. $n | "PY Wil be sent free of charge on rece the composition of Dr, RADWAY'S SARSAPA. | Portage stan, as. posagey ds Me Pa Paul Rul RESOLVENT this important principle | ICY 'Rk PARILGIA Rou 44 e. YX ecessfu York mot su lly accomplished. is extractél from the Jamaica ( % Sacwny Twenty years ago, this great remedy was first introduced as a medical wi onder, in curing all Cons- litutional, Serofulous, Ulecerated and Eruptive i+ senses. al power over 8 Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Tumors, |g os, Scrofula, C ron: Glau Affections, Nights Sweats, and its wonderful elieacy in cugng Lieuchorrea aud other weakening, harges in ladies, Iis* miraculous ugency in" dei a sickly, discdoted, sallow, rough, § spot. skiny1o a clear and beautify | appearance ins- thie faith and Bonlidghce of the medical pro= ession as well as millions of the people who have derived such important benefit from its use. "Twenty years tore of hard, patient labor and study y in new fields of science, seeking to improve the places of obtaibing thd active rope riies of the nfances nsed in this great remedy, were at last rewarded will success beyond our most extra- vagant hopes, for in this remedy, Dr, RAWAY'S SARSAP, RILLIAN RESOLVENT, new life is secured to millions who are now dying, if they will use it. DISEASES THAT THREATEN DEATH," Consumption, of the Lungs, and Kidgey<--wast- ing discases, where there is a Sisal and drain of the. fluids of the system--are flow within the curative range of this great and remedy -- all of which, itcures tugongh the only natural chan- rough the EAT, URINE nel or SE other fluids of the syste: 2 Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillian CURES WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL, ONE BOTTLE IS ST' Bons LAND BETTER AS A PURIFYING AGEN any OF | THE ADVERTISED RUS AEAIL, PURIFYING THE BLOOD and communicating its 'powerful, TIT fing, seenmbening ud LF nd AAS ER u ir st Pri Ir of storeleeper in your village, address John way, M.D & Coy 439, si. Fo Street, Montreal, enclosing ost Office al ul, wil be pent ou or [ Rin Fay >. re ~1In New oundland : T, Rt gious in the Islaud of Jamaica, and is culiiva~ ig unger the care of a Plasiyr especially for Dr. Radway. It contains neatly 60 ojo leas siarch and 80 00 more of extractive mutter than any other la root, that grows wild, as Honduras, Vera-Uruz, Lisbon, Yucatan and the common root of this Country that forms the basis of the weak and washy mixtures of the adv: Jo lunes Dr. Radway will guarant te of Rudway's Sursgparilian Reso! mere of the curat con- of 1 as 3 fia. And will do eg ciple Tar, er, stronger bl healthy flesh, fibro, viearee skin, stronger muscle, and a sounder body than TEN of the lurge bottles of ordinary Sarsapariila. , make better sounder and nore ALL SKIN DISEASES - Sores, Ulcers, Tumors, Nodes, Hard Lumps, Swellings of the Glands, Ecuptive and Ulcerated Discharges, whether grom the Throat, Glands, Joints, and the cure depends on exterminating the virus or the poison, whether § from the bloods and thiseDr. Radway's Sarsaparil- lian Resolvent will accomplish, and make pure, rich and healthy blood. omb, &c, are generated in the blood, Syphilitie or Serofulous, LIFE DEPENDS "On the supply of the waste of the body with pure and healthy waierial mad from pure, rich blood. impurs und depraved waste is supplied with pure and rich bloody th ws stronger, and life will "be ahs. 2 the whole secret of health aud longevity. Radway's Sarraparillian cures this great pineiple to all who take it, rice, one dollar per bottle, or six bottles for $5.1 0, this rewedy cannot be obtained of the Druggist ad - fr the amount Fequits n th is Dom: Dr. Radbags Sana SH cures wh 31 8 tn Tr Patent Swing & Force X= r. Rad 's Aran iin cures when all Sar- H. * la decoct d 8 fail. ONE TEA- [M Murdo Ste Johns.--In New-DBruaswick : R. . R EET RCV RARE A ia pte pie : Pu Business | leviving RESOLVENT is a dose, and will, very oon land: WK' Watson, Charlgttetown.--ln the | 3 y Jounore, fiom the skipol SLE ations BI ro Uy oa £3 ang Dr. John Radway Co., 57 Mui- Js B 0 WwW M N, SHOTS IANS WORM: SXCT BEY LAR by Druggists and |" A Hard Times disappearing, a ie Better Times Coming ! ! fash Son part &is 4 Tile} 0 ite ct" Sarsaparilia gr Td similar MANUF. ACTURERS, HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanksto his numerous customers for their tive re 5 . are not ; NER EN ERING 1X16 ii CHtCTLATION, | ih thera js no. Sursapariia. under' what over san BORELIA, ONT. T heal ou Woke vile EE a thing he! the ling of HAT IT CAN BE DETECTED IN gi es grated that sey ual or similar to Dr. Rudwa { These Pumps Jave, the most. ngeful, most dur- mad je North Oratts ORIN he 18 AFTER IT. IS illians Lhe word SARSAPATIL. able, easiest wo frost prob robf, and not liable TAKEN. (8¢e Dr. fy Fhewy l Book LIAN is on the abel of each boils, aud the letters | to get oat of order.. The Force Pump is worth , False and. Truehe.'§ #1{ RR Rion the top ul each label: | its cost in ef while being availble in two T, hoe: jucrses nds of time Syme a most reliable fire en- 2 * t SARSAPARILLIAN i 4 air, dynes a lie por: ml betances, euch gine. Try oun. All work warranted. When Special attention paid los, el inj s -- SOLVENT. 2 oh BE or pir tho 0 Joi i Gal diet 1: Al Bi ease ta t to hh to . tie, purifying i flesh. and preve ing d Aono 0 wnoun pan fearany 3 nga on theshortest ii te > To a ores and Ulcers the Sarsaparillian sl disiniects the putrid ind yirulent ot disohvarges from Itis called RENOVATING, because i hh, wove 81 oer pred we 8. and repairs the weak and de- |: Obontic PAL . A OTE: Ho, Hm Fy eds fio THE OLD Leip : te 05 21 AHI 10 intimate, that he is) 4 Buggies nid - STAND R HVER,, ing th thanks 10 his numerons. customers for d to finnish h Ex oe ve 18 endeavor to antisipate § your very want in our line, and to give the 'mosf*¥ntire shtistuction. DAWSONS' 3 July i, 1868. ¥ Prince Albert and Manchester. Iron! TO BLACKSMITHS. HATCH & BROTHER OF»WHITBY, a on fiand, all are receiving a large stock of BAR IRON and "which they dfe prepared to sell at a small 'advance on cost. Also SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES, &C. TO PAINTERS. A large Stock of. "James" White Lead, and other first class Leads, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, &e., Wholesale and Retail. 500° Kegs Cut Nails for Sale Wholesale and' Retail. A large Stock of House Building, and House Furnishings, Hardware, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, &c. A large Stock. of Stoves and Tinware, Milk Pans, Pails, &e., at the " NOTED * Aa HATCH & BROTHER, IMPORTER S, a, gi Whitby, M ' 8 2 The Leading Pump in America is POWELL'S = XQ --¥ ON = BIBYIUTIY --¢ "ON "'hquum --1 'oN 'Buuendid = "ON i soquisveq dug xy 3 10 XINAOD *S9ST avaEa HHL wou ; FHL NI ST¥N0D NOISIATA- EES EE Ltn Tr gi dun 10 = lJuly : [Avg Lon b 0 -- Sep. Fr mnt, HE Ee Le 8 Dec. 'WVHNYNY 'Z a) To Spnp Borel i 15 1868. " JoHN, ALERT: LIST OF LETTERS the I Prince' Albert: Post Office, Aug. 12. ST A N D- fon ER AROUN D! dR Rote o a, LF Ir | Chandler Etizg | FYE sxbscriver having sto, Reash ro" Er chin tan L Das got himself y Jocsted at the sy ts MRL Dunn Me; : Where ho intends carrgingon the Ora Bu |0G-Tailoring Business Gilroy A */ 4 ols oy AG , [in a0 Ls branches, _Gatipents © SR jj Grubampbiey. Alor, ans Geo Rothing will be Ben nde i himo-ip Jos [fat fon oo Stacgea; Sud 2 | Heres 3 ho ou ir ov : ; 18COC| v OF 1 hs | baer 6 A joi a rs 71% e Latest ved promptly ed oan Uanch Jammy § VIRE: Oct a N BEE] H. H. McCAW, Postmaster 4 1 Iron l& || ela Prince Albert Manchoster Factories' ---- WIE ---- i4be 50c « sr kK 'Flush Top do. -- Bent Back do: 70c 2 Slat and Spindle do. he + 1_And all other Cabinetware at very low prices. 07 COFFINS of every description kept hs on hand. The best Hearse in ~* * North or South On- By re = Ce rer] " Life on the Ocean Wave." A. SINCLAIR " Has just received his" Winter supply of Teas, Porter and Ale, Olard': Brandy, Coffee, Whisky, Jnles Robbin & Co's Brandy, Sugar, Scotch Whisky, : Martel!'s Brandy, Currants, Old Rye and Toddy, : Cherry do. 'Raisins, Port Wine, Jamaca Rum, Sherry Wine, Ho'land Gin, * 'Labrador Herrings, No. 1, | Madera do. John Bull Bitteis. } sh, Ginger do. Old Tem Gin, White Fish, Champagne, (Zr Wines, Hrdndies, and other Lnquors, of the best brands, for Medical Purposes, which can be had at the lowest possible price. Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. 50 MONEY TO LIND! The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered, 07 Several first class farms for sale on easy terms of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with a description of the security offered, to W. M. COCHRANE, Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Dee. 4, 1867. FOR FIRST CARRIES, WIGONS, ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Are Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and oy first class workmen. Call and gee them. 1 would also intimate to my numerous friends that this is the Cheapest Housein Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. . Work Warranted or mo Pay. JAMES EMANEY. 48 Prince Albert, Dec 4, 1867. M. O. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage 2+ Maker NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY I A GOOD assortment of Buggies cca on hand made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing f= ALL WORK WARRANTED. S Undertaking ! Coffins of all sizes kept constant], I 35 hand consisting of pula Ot Oak Butternut, &c. A fit EE Jo ov rs dat of Colin Trimming, (ait spies aad willbe gold cheap: WO ints of Ts, yong JOHN NOTT. 45| N.B. Agent for Hommments and Tomb Stones. Borelia, Nov. 13, 186' intign 'HARRISON . MAW & SON Contractors & Builders, © PORT PERRY! Bn paved to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Woo ik Stone, and finish off in the latest st. Er with all the most modern improve ments. Parties. Seuiting goad work done will 0 well to call. (%~Plans and Specifica lions made to ord: Port Petty, Doo. 5, 1608 Wie, JOHN H. MAW. 3 i - Albert; Mr. Magarch, Uxbridge. Greenbank, March 26, 1868, TO LOAN! HE Subscribers are are prepared to Joake ad vances of money:on the security of : _ |TmprovedFarms Village Fropeity, In this this and adjoining 0 Snes at Jt low aw ate of of ee of wild Jands for sale cheap. terests. Also wanted A and 2000 acres APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, | REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT, VaLrvaTor, &c., tario. Charges® as PRINCE ALBERT. cheap as the cheap- or 10 JOHN ADAMS, est. 'Toronto Street, ToroNTO. \ =H. = Prince Albert July 15, 1868. RAS A Ta | gobo July 16,165. rio Albeit and Manchester. ANDERSON'S HAIR D YE. The wisphiitaseg of the above Dye take~ pleasure in informing the public that he his Suse [> 5 ceeded in discovering a Hair Dye far sui i every other Diye ever before of iid h lic. It possesses ET properties ni ed by any other H red 1st. It can be so used as to' pak: most py required shade, up to Ta most, 2nd. It will not color the skin in the sighen degree. 3rd. Tt communicates a Denil gloss to the hair, and renders it soft and pliabl Agents wanted in all paris of the 100 minion. Apply t 3 PY WM, ANDERSON, GREENBANK, REACH. Sold by Dawson & Co., Draggists, Prince Brown & Christian, Manchester, 0 ® = eS & EE -_ ihc a,m nS FOF mg S83: 8 oo] ° $ Q 3 3 Plait BSI 06a fst z mre El oo Hf 3 OB g & TN 0 PRINCE ALBERT. AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE the places to buy iid BREAD, A FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First clasw Confectionanes. oys in great variety For Spring and Sm mer ose; and Froue in their re 80M, Wedding Cakes ade to order. He is also prepared to furnis. Soirees. Ten Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13,1867. L904d 'I0[1B), o[qEBUOTYSBY SNIMHTJ al| IIS HUOPIOH § MUYS 19AO--JOHS 'Xugad BR. WOOD, Stiawa Cancer Infirmary, « #TARKS STREET AND MARIA BTRERT;" OTTAWA, C. W. |CANCERS CURED i . By a New, but Certain, Speedy, and néay. Painless ess, and without "e,, y use ii Knife. The cure will be guarantteed, and, as a proof of this, no pay is required, u; cure mst plete. The moment a cancer is discovered/hits Donid be cured, as it will cost Jess and js more « speedily cured than when of Jonger standin ve snd Yiere, ja otiilny ing 10 gain Sain, and d everythin, bo ms a lump in at en a or reer or small wart or sore on lip, may, in a few By tort short months, become a hi destroying mass of 'disease. 'If requ endes can to givento parties i 'have hen ce, and wi and ad beat A Smead veo fly No money required wen the cure is complete . rm ol y 3 SNL J. HEAL'S "* Celebrated teh * Ointment TE subscriber KeSpoong constantly a large & i tity or his Celebrated i Ointme! a box. cure warranted, Price 25 ce J. HEAL. Pines Albert,Dec. 5, 1806.

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