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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1868, p. 2

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«Insolvent Act of 1864 # « | « NY 'Township of Scugog, a -- "N Reach, Sept. 5, 1568, pon -- Uxbridge, "An Ixsorvilhr. In the matter of William of the Village of Sire fom he creditors, Sanctioned lonor Jue urn. ia ie of One PUBLIC AUCTION, UX BRI DGE VILLAGE, At ANNAND'S HOTEL, - oN 'Wednesday, the 16th day of Sept., 1868, At the hour of ore o'clock P.m., the whole of BOOK DEBTS, NOTES, AND ACCOUNTS due to the Estate of the above Insol found in bis Books, aud open, for inspection at ce. Dated at Markham, County of York, this 31st August, 1868, A. BARKER, 35-2w] Official Assignee. FOR SALE. HE Subscriber offers for Sale part of the front of Lot i 5, con- taining TEN ACRES. On the premises there is a good frame use and barn; the land is all cleared aad under a good state of cultivation. For further particulars, as to terms, &c., ap- ly to the proprietor on the Premises, DANIEL KAY. 35-5w in the 9th concession of Reach, Sept. 2, 1868. Farms for Sale IN THE CONTY SONTARID At Extraordinarily Low Prices. ay pas undersigned offers the following valu- able properties for sale, at low prices, and on long credit. L.--TOWNSHIP OF REACH-- East halt of lot No. 13, 7th concession of Reach, 100 acres, 40 acres under cultivation, log house, two frame bras, aud a frame stable--good rowing orchard, well watere crossed at He south end by the Nongquon River. ' a1. --Weni-qnarter of lot No. 10, 2nd coh. of Reach, 45 acres cleared, and undera good 'state of cultivation, excellent frame house vith stone basement, good frame barn, good bearing orchard, well watered by a never failing spring. HIL---TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING -- South-east quarter of lot No, 17, 4th con- cession of Pickering, containing 54 acres, 50 acres cleared, good Stone House, Frame n and Frame Stable, and an excellent Orchard. AV.--TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY. Parts of lots 10 and 11, 4th concession of East Whithy, containing about 80 acres, 50 acres cleared, Frame Bion New Frame Barn, well watered, and is better known as the " Morris Property." WV.--COUNTY OF VICTORIA'-- Town- 10 ---- G0 DIRECT THPORTATION! "=R. & J. CAMPBELL Are daily receiving at their Stores, i 3 Manchester & Whith Large quantities of New Goods! Purchased by R. 'CAMPBELL, on the most advantageous terms in the BRITISH MARKETS And imported direct. * The Stook consists of a choice selection of Newest Styles of Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy Goods. A large and excellent variety of Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS & SHOES. CROCKERY, aad a full stock of First class Wines & Liquors, All of which will be sold cheap for cash. An early call is respectfully solicited. In order 10 meet the demands of our stead a large addition 10 our premisas at Manches Manchester, Sept. 8th, 1868. A lot of capital ily increasing business wo are about lo make ter. ELECTRICITY IN DISEASE ! ---- I BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that I have procured for myself a powerful and very superior Electro- Galvanic Battery, I consider Electricity to be a power, but little appreciated and und | R. & J. CAMPBELL. 36. A ------------ TIONS. Currie & Ross Will open, in a few days, their MANMNOTR Of COODS, received b Steamship * Hibernian." Further notice will be given next week. Ww ANTE D 50,000 BUS. BARLEY, i " WHEAT, Any quadtity of Peas, Dats, and Buttes for which the highest price will be paid. Prince Albert, Sept. 3, 1868. p y and as a curative agent in many diseases, I con- tend, that it will produce the most astonishing and satisfactory results. Indeed, in cases were medicines are of no avail, the Battery, if scienti- \fically and judiciously applied, will in numerous Sopoe a. IB Yereby given that the Corporation of the Township of Reach, Atits first meeting to be held Susans bring Ait . oriust recovery. 1d course, I am very far trom desiring it to be After the 17th day of September now imagined, that Electricity will supersede medi- next, cine, or that it will answer in every case, | claim for it no such power. But 1 do a prehend Propose to that in many disorders, some of which De it will produce the most desirable consequences. The diseases and ailments in which I consider Electricity to be most serviceable, and as most certain of preduciug good, are the following : GENERAL DERBILITY, NERVOUSNESS, CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the LIV- LR, BLADDER and KIDNEYS ; ASTM DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA- TION ; PASS A BY-LAW To stop up and close as a WAY, PUBLIC ROAD OR HIGH All that portion of the original allowance for " road Betwoen Lot Nos. 6and 7, in the 81d Concession Of the Township of Reach, and vest the same in John Brown. JOHN CHRISTIE, Townsuip CLERK, 32 5-w PILES, RHEMATISM, NEURALGIA; PARALYSIS, CURVATURES. and other AFFECTIONS of the SPINE; CONSUMPTION in ils early stage ; DISEASES arising Jrom IMPURE or Reach, August 2, 1868. Smie or Ors--Eest-half of lot No. 7, 1st concession Ops, 100 acres, ' WIL.--TOWNSHIP OF ELDON --North- half of lot No. 20, Tth concession of Eldon, 100 acres, 20 acres cleared, log house. _, All of which will be sold very cheap. The buyer can have his own time to vay the pur- chase money. 55" Titi INpIsPUTABLE, For further particulars, apply to the proprie- tor-- ir JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary Public, &c., &c., Whitby. OFFICE--Second Floor, McMillian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby, Sept. 3, 1868. A MILLION AND A QUARTER OF 35-3w Moncey to Loan. ---- HE Subscriber has received instructions T from a gentleman who has a large amount of money invested in English securities, to in- vest the: same for him, in this and adjoining Counties, on good Farm Property, or Deben- tures. I &fill continue to represent three of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominfon, that dend money on the most advantageous terms. , JF" Also a large number of well cultivatéd Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for sale cheap. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, 'Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary Public, &¢ , &e. OFFICF--Second Floor, McMillian's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. Sept. 2, 1868. N.B.--I am also prepared to invest in al kinds of Debentures. Greenbacks bought and sold ; also a large quantity of Silver for sale, * JAS. HOLDEN. Farms for Sale. (Being Estate of late John Clerke.) PARCEL NO. 1, Breve lot No, one, in the eight concession . of the 34-t CUNTAINING 104 ACRES, About-60 acres under cultivation. Log house, 'Inrge new barn, young orchard, and plenty of "water, PARCEL NO. 2, Being ; North half of lot No. 4, in the 5th con- l 8 'Townshipof Pickering, 100 ACRES More or less, abort 80 aeres under good J eultiva- tion. Large house with excellent cellar; two barns, two shels, horse-stables, turnip cellar, cattle and sheep stables, together with other outhinidings Son supply of goo ter, orchard. Yon Both places are Waenvinybersi] ly arranged ; plentiful and 4 acres of young and possession of them will be given this fall. Terms very reasonable, long tine being given. For farther particulars and for apply -at the office of this paper, or to James lolden, "Esq , Official Assigme, Whitby, 'Whitby, Ang..13; 1868, - 33-2m Cordwood f for Sale. HE Subscriber has 180 Cords of Seasoned "A Hardwood on his premises--Ilot 22, 'in the '14th concession of Rexch--which he offers for Sale at a reasonable tute. Parties buying the whole will get it at a rgdin. THOMAS CLARKSON, J IMPOVERISHED BLOOD, &c. N. B. I may add that there is no pain or un- pleasantness experienced during or after the use of the Battery, and that it contains six different currents of Blectricity, differing in their effects, the system. FRANCIS H. BRATHWAITE, MD, CM, Medical Electrician, Prince Albert, June 10, 1868. 23-1y Facts are Stuborn Things. AND IT IS A FACT THAT JRGE FLINT AKES this opportunity of returning thanks T to his numerous friends for their liberal sup- port since his commencement in business. And itisalsoa fact that he has been refitting Lis Fuctory and putting in NEW MACHINERY; PRINCE ALBERT, (PRIVATE FUNDS) 10 LOAN, AT § PER CENT. M. G. ROBSON, B14.90 Prince Albert, August 1, 168. And he is now prepared to furnish anything in his line as good as the best and as CHEAP as any establishment in Ontario. He continues to furnish the following articles, first elass material - sand patterns ; Cutter Bends of every description; - Bent Shafts; Buggy Seat Kails ; Bob-Sleigh Runners---heavy and light; Iron Bow-handle Rakes; . Fork, Rake, Hoe, Broom, and Mop Handles of every variety ; Barley Forks of superior make, He would particularly recommend his justly celebrated tevolving Horse Rake For which he was awarded the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL EX. HIBITION ! Broolklin Drug Store JOHN DAWES, J)sALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &c Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, (Horse and Cattle Medicines alway hand. __ Special Potices, Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILBRRR TERTHIMG, fGreally facilitates the process of teething, by ning 'he gums, reducing all ivflammation--will allay Avz Pawx and spasmodic action, and is 'RE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS, depend upon it, mothers, wi give 1esl to yourselves, a Relief and 'Health to your Infants. We have sold this article for years, a Can Say in Con and Truth of it what we have Mever been able to say of any other medicine Never has i Failed in a Single I to Effect a Cure, when timely used. Never did we know of an instance of dis- satisfaction by nny one who used it. Ou the contrary, @lare delighted with its opegations, and speak in terms of ion effects and medi r * WHAT WE Against a host of competitors. He can furnish Testimonials of the superiority of these Rakes from above 400 farmers. -- CHEESE BOXES Of all sizes and superior make. A large supply of superior Sawn Shingles Ha i) and for sale. CABINET MAKING in all its branches as good as the best and cheap ds the cheapest. COFFINS kept constantly on hand and a HEARSE in readiness. Job work, such as Planing, Matching, Sawing, and Turning done on the shortest notice, and at low prices. G. F. feels nfident that i his Jot fes be ccesstully com) WI manu in establishment in the Province of Ontario. (= Orpgrs SorscrTeD. AGENTS FOR FLINT'S HORSE RAKE: Mr. THOMPSON, Hardware Merchant, Uxbridge (Mr. BAILEY, Blacksmith, Greenbank. Stouffville, March 11, 1868. ot 10 i! its Yilia, wre speak in the » after our 10¢ here declare. In ie infant is suffering from bis iof was to he four d in fileen or e syrup 1s administere. directions for usi wilt accompany each bottle. wine less the. fac-pumil of & PERKINS, New York. is on the outside ne pper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world, x PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER ii OFFICES? yor 218 Fulton Street, New York. 205 High London, England. ERRORS OF YOUTH, 41 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. a AG who suffered for years from Nervous To Common School Trustees. Debility, Premature Decay, und all the effects of youth- | indisc , will for the sake of | humanity, | eo wi nh, tak of suferiup Suaiyy for making the simple remedy by lipo' wi was Sufferers wishing. to profit by the adveriiser's experin do B kireming in confidence. 1° JOH 1B, OGDEN, Aly New York. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y 'TORONTO, C. 'W. INCORPORATED ............ 1851, $400,000, A MALE TEACHER holding a First 4' Class Certificate from the 0, f Ontario Bose of Public Inrucon, wud having some a school. Sq 4 Address ¢ Teacher,' - Observer Office, Prince Albert August1, 1868. : OTISE is Herehy giveii th pool ion. willbe | FNRI) Euiamentor ie on a ; at HON. next, Li Rix nontia from the dats of tna Tove, ne 'Aleit | Capital = of Prince Albert in the Lat p2, 14th con. Reach, fr Jones of the vil Prin ty of | a 0 aah Briviues i es Jones. by h Broside {maiden nme known as Ans Catharine ny ' : ond sl uiieys. sv CORDON BIGELOW, Aorney for Pelitioncr, GENERAL AGENT. Toronto, Aug. 10th, 1863, ¥ iat g . iy = and applicable to the several disordered states of Cy ~ ST RE Two Capital Fifty Acro ARIS FOR SUL, TY HE Subscriber, wishing to retire from farm- | ing, offers for sale his TWO FARMS | CONTAINING 50 ACRES EACH. JU f The one is the South-east quarter of lot 14, in | the 14th concession of Reach. There aro excellent | frame building on the premises, con i Dwelling House, 2 Barns, a Drivin MADDER, ing Jaen, Stables at Wend She Avo LOG WOOD, excellent Orchards, and and abunds supply o rv a good water. The land is all cleared, aud in a Extract of LOGI 00D, REDWOOD, CAMWOOD, capital state of cultivation, The other is the South-east quarter of lot No. 11, in the 14th concession of Reach. There are 20 acres cleared, 8 acres cedar and 22 acres hardwood. A never failing stream of good water runs through the lot. Terms easy. The above have beeh sel for dyeing any color will be For further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises lot 14, in the 14th con. Reach. pe. For I JOHN WILKINSON. Reach, July 1,1868. 26-3m Port Perry, July 30, 1868. Dew AVY ertigementy. ' JL LE The Subscribers beg to advise their friends and the public generally of the receipt of 15 Cases Boots & Sh oes, 2 Cases Canadian Tweeds, ' " 1Case Gents' L. W. Shirts and Pants, THE BEST VALUE a, IN THE MARKET. ¥ CASH paid for any quantity of BARLEY, WHEAT, PRLS, OATS, &f, Butter 20c per Ib. Brown & Ohristian. A LARGE ASSORTMENT | NewFall Dress Goods Wo. M. WIGHTMAN & COS. CEIVED AT THE Medical Halls PORT PERRY! A full assortment of ected wilh the greatest care and will be warranted the best quality. given lo those purchasing dyes, . The attention ot Painters and others is called 10 our large Stock of PAINTS, resh and Reliable DRUGS and MEDICINES goto the MRDICAL HALL, PORT PERR Y. MANCHESTER, Sept. 8, 1868, 3 -- ' Late COWAN'S, . Importers, PRINCE ALBERT. EE i Dye | Stuffs INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES: CUDBEAR, ANNATO, COCHINEAL, LAC-DYE, INDIGO, MADDER COMPOUND, FUSTIC, INDIGO COMPOUND, COPPERAS, LIQUID BLUE, §¢ A pamphlet giving full instruction OILS, TURPENTINES, and Varnishes. JONES & JONES. ORL The Subscriber has new to hand the LARGEST and FINEST SELECTION OF GOODS In every department, which he has ever had the pleasure of offering at the New Dominion Store," the prices for which will compare favorably with the same class of Goods in any City or Towa in Canada, and will be sold either for - Cash, or Credit to the Ist of October next. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: Beautiful Dress Goods in DeLaines, Lus- kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cotton, tres, Popplinetts, Bareges, Alex and French Kid. andria Cords, aod Stripes of all kinds, | An extra Jot of Tweeds, and the Cheapest from 12% cents per yard upwards. in the market, oa "NEW DOMINION ST ---- Berlin, Some of the very finest French and Enz-| fig well known Tact that the subscriber sold lish Prints ; also Hoyles', Bailey & Se Cloapest § fie x ny Howse in the Trade Gravel's, and other makes of Prints ; Brilliants, Muslins, &c.; from 12j}c per yard upwards, The finest selection of Ladies> Mantle Cloths to be found, in all colors. A large assortment of Parasols, from 50c An immense Stock of Grey Cottons at old prices, 10, 124 and 15 cts per yard. A large lot of gentlemen's Hats in Felt, Straw, Silk and Wool. A five and complete assortment of Hard to $2,50. ware of all kinds. d Ladies' Hats and Bonnets of all sorts and | oq, fine assortment of Groceries, Paints, sizes. : : Oils, &c., good and Cheap. The finest lot of Ribbons and Trimmings A fine and complete Stock of School = Ho, Books, Slates, Writing Paper, Copy A beautiful {assortment of Shawls of uli Books, Envelopes, Pens, luk,dc.--< kinds. Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Books, A splendid "assortment of Gloves of all ! Pass Books, &c. 07 I shall be prepared to furnish parties who intend building, sizes; Shitigles sawn and split, Nails, Glass, &e., very low. 05 Scliciting an early call and examination of Stock. T. CG. FORMAN. with Timbergof all Prince Albert, April 30, 1863. & r LADIES' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE PROPLES' BOOT & SHOE STORE, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. J. COX Has just received an invoice of the most fashionable styles of Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmorals' Gaiters, and Children's wear, ever offered in Prince Albert, which will be eold at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION Prince Albert, May 6, 1867. a aT ap YARN To Consumptives. 1860. 1868 The Rev, Edward A. Wilson will send (fret HENR GRI Sn AE, EAL ED Y , rections foi Py Pnoe imple remedy by which he was cured of a * sak (ude dees omnis] TENT SOLICITOR. AD DRATGHEGMAN, t is enel affiicted ay . 5 ho ote irr on try Dus prescription i ei CANADA, Citi as it will cost them nothing, may ve ts business with the Patent Please address : ak her departments of go San Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Se 4nd he ocr ratte Marko B24 No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg, New York Designs procured. Drawings, Brecifientions, -t 3 RMA tetits of 1a vention Jrevared receipt 3 * Informati INIORNANIN. urine Douek 9f She fr > . x " on uce a ini TOW} Of Bair Shon = Dad menaced beardless| REFERENOES. ace, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Tg on Sappbell. Postmaiot Benerdl; 'Ww, Blotebes, Eruptions, «ic. on I SSVIRE] John Langton. Ev Andorra @ sa s \ 5 Ww Esq. Ontario Bank: tained without charge by hig tr or ic Work, Proyiy ing, Mniste:

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