Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1868, p. 3

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PRINCE ALBERT Picture Gallery. r HE Subscriber would inform the Inhabitants Sa ; mi i : . riots et and vicinity rsaparilla wherein all the Curative properties of TH &a Pictures of all oil or water colors, Pictures enlarged to any size debired with i reearge 1348Y Photographs $2 per dozen. | Jeettérgraphis 25 cents each. 3" Call and examine specimen. G. BRUCE, ANTED a Servant Girl--one that can do gencral house work. Good wages. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. that have afflicted i for years.-- MRS. T. C.; FORMAN. : _-- Itisa powerful Remedy, but is innocent » Aye. 27, 1808. | TIME AND ITS LESSONS. |of harm.~Itis unlike ll preparations of ONEY {rose mnie. Hobsons . Twenty Years Experience and Study in. P a ercfove, a as - Radway's ' u Modine Sere fro fom of Hagpitc: Tt no other--see that Ye Rap Tolle 16 Millions! 1 ord Sarsaparillian is on the label of each wonpmRrUL BienovamENr | |bolli--und K. T. R, Rasovent pus dndersigned is prepared to Jon, iorsums to suit the convenience of ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, (Private Funds, On good Mortgage Security, ata very. Low Rate of Interest. gig % mows) is J 4 Helis several Lots of thPRovED AND WILD LANDS FOR gy EASY TERMS, Apply at 11 Kaown Gheap Store PRR i By 4 Go Ll JOHN HODSON, VArvaTor, &c. Manghester; Fabs 4. 1868. 5-3m MONEY TO LOAN! HE Subscribers are prepared 16" make ad vances of money on the security of ImprovedEF arms Village Property, In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of interests. Also wanted to purchase good Mort- | gages, 5 A number of good Farms, and 2000 acres of wild lands for sale cheap. APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, Rear ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT, VALuATOR, &c., Prince Avert. or To JOHN ADAMS, - Toronto Street, TokonTo, Prince Albert July 15, 1868. W. H. MARSH. PRINCE' ALBERT, fhouge, Sign, Carriage, any Ornamental 5 FAINTER. Bs to return thanks to the public for past favors, and would beg to state that he has opened 'a Shop nearly opposite the * Prince Albert Carriage Factory," where he will be able to execute all work of the art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov. 26,1867. = 47 ANDERSON'S HAIR DYE. The manufacturer of the above Dye take- pleasuré in informing the public that he has suc- ceeded in diggovering a Hair Dye far surpassing every other Dye ever before ofiered to the pub- lic. It possesses several properties not possess- ed by any other air Bye. 1st. It can be so used as to make the hair al- most avy required shade, up to the most beauti- ful black. 2nd. It will not color the skin in the slightest ree. * 3rd. ft communicates 8 beautiful glosa to the gr ers it soft and pliable, Ae swanted tn'all parts of the Do- ni . Apply to WM. ANDERSON, ho Store of W. M. Wightman&Co 4 "! Bimal taki ho n give entire Satisfaction To all who may favor him with their patronage. kinds and sizes finished with, GREENBANK,' REACH. Agent is; by Dr. ay's new largely into the Composition of Glands, Nose, Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Complaints, TWO TEA SPOONS. SARSAPARILLIAN other parts of the root are inert 'and useless.--This : process, extracted from the root, and enters Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillian--Resolvent. = | \ DOSE for all ordinary Skin Diseases, - - ONE TEA SPOONFUL. Chronic Diseases--Old Sores, Ulcers, and Eruptions; Diseases of the oS &c.; and Kidney and Bladder root reside--all tant Curative He A GREAT SENSATION. A GOOD SENSATION. mw RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Dr. Radway's newly discovered process for seeuring medicinal extracts (in vacuo), from | vegetable substances, adds greatly ta the dm- | pr nt ofthe Ready Relief, « | £3 IN AN INSTANT it stops and cures ile most violent PAINS, AC SPASMS, with electrical velocity. It removes every Ache, Cramp, Spasm, or Pain EE. We She INSIDE or [OUTSIDE of Man, Woman, or Child. HOW TO APPLY IT. Rub the part of the body where pain exists freely with the Ready Relief; soak a flannel in the Relief, and lay, it across the | where there is a pain or Inflammation. arts are too sen¥itive for rubbing, bathe the ly with the Relief with a sponge. Pain the most excruciating will subside in a FEW MINUTES. ' . Re CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder,--and in all cases where there is inflammation, thio Relicf should be applied freely, either with the hand by rubbing, or a sponge by bathing, or by a flannel soaked with Liclicf, and laid across tho painful parts, In a few moments all pain will cease, and the cause that occasions the pain removed. TAKEN INTERNALLY. 'Ten #6 80 drops in half tumbler of water, will in five minates, stop Iain, Cramps, Spasms, Colic and inflamma tion of the mucus membrane of the internal visceras, this dose repeated every 16 minutes, will cure the worst forms of Canada Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Liarchons Dysentery, and all painful discharges from the we! FEVER & AGUE, CHILLS& FEVER. If exposed to the malaria of this poison, take 20 to 30 drops of the READY RE- LIEF, in water, two or three times a day. If seized with it, rub the spine of the back, hands, head, fect, &o., and take large doses of Radway's Pills, 6 to 8, every night,-- this is a certain cure for Fever and Ague. It fs better however to prevent it--by taking the Relief in water, and one or two of Radway's Pills cvery night. LARGE BOTTLE, 25 Cents; Radway's Ready Relief, 25 cents, con- tains morc than 3 bottles of the 15 cent Pain Killer--one-third morg than the 25 cent bottle of Liniments, Pain Killers, &e., and will do more good in less time, and answer' far better purposes as a family re- medy, for it can be used with the assurance of doing good, in all cases when suddenly Sarsaparillian and its Associates. Re BR, Re [| om |r I curative es, SWEAT URINE parts If the comithuhi dating its through the BLOOD, and other fluids. "One tea spoonful in ordinary cases is a dose--T'wo tea spoonsful in chronic discasps THE GENII OF HEALTH BOTTLED UP IN RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, The Properties of its Ingredients. SARSAPARILLIAN,~Tho properties of this wonderful ingredient (which is the ouly true cumtive parilla), cleanses the blood of vitiated expels from the system the tain of corrup- tion--rapidly removes from the fesh PIMPLES, BLOT- | # CHES, PU LES, NB, BLACK SPOTS, 'ORMS AND INSECTS, imparting beautiful clearness to the skin, and the roseate hue olhealth and besuty to the complexion. A fow doses will make a remarkablo change, LEXTVE FUCK. Tula axtrordinny agent, aso: tated with 8) LARILLIAN, Stes effectual; astonish knoss, all vari ne rs, Bwellings, Fever Sores, Mercurial Sores, Rheumatism and Wandering Pains, and the worst forms of Skin Diseases. Asa specialty, it 1s king of reme- dies for these complaints, and its association with the other ingredients in the Resolvent places a cure beyond the possibility of a doubt. PAREIRA BRAVA,--This marvelous agent, like a new sun, shines with such effulgent light upon the 'world as to m er u cast shado all other roots posed t similar properties, Extolled by the most eminent practitioners of Europe as a diuretic, diaphoretic, alterative, lithrontriptic, supetior $0 Buskn, Dnsibelinn Juniper, Tuxpeutine, Copaiba, Cabebs, fc., it cures tho worst forms of Kidney, Bladder, and ary Dis A Its effects in Gravel, Bone in tho Bl , Bupprossion or Retention of Urine, Diabetes, Chronic Citarth, Tenesmus, Inflammation of the Bladder, it relieves almost instantly ; and in cases where catheters have been used it will procure a quick dischargo of Urine. Its association with ci illian, aud other diy restores func ional harmony to tho secreting vessels of the kidneys, and secures tho secretion of the proper constituents ol urino from the blood. Persons whose urine is thick, cloudy, morbid, turbid, depositing brick dust, albumen, and other deposits, will after a few doses, witness the disappearance of signs of terror, and their water cl «1 to a clear amber and healthy color. Bear in mind that the Resolvent is the only contains Barsaparillian and tho pure Pareira Brava. NEWLY DISCOVERED ROOTS.-- Tho propertios of these roots excite a powerful action on tho kin, augmenting the action of the excreting orifices and vessels, to expel retained excrementitions hpmours that, by frritating tho skin, cause sores, pimples, spots, &o. 'These, combined with other agents, secure # quick pulsion of all hwnors from the system, ITS HEALING PRO and healing properties, nourishing waste and dec: --Tts tonte the blood so that the of the body is Sopplist with new and sound material, is the best preservative of life and strength for those wasting away under consumption or other weak- ening diseases. A teaspoonful is sufficient to stop the hacking, distressing cough ; to loosen the thick, adhering phlegm and mucous; to clear the throat, air cells and lungs rom tho deposited matter that obstructs and clogs up tho air-cells, Persons who were supposed to bo dying with consumption, years , Are now enjoying good health through the Wonderful efficacy of this medicine, Its power is wonderful, Tho ingredients are so com- pounded and associated as to onizo and assist each other, Wonderful cures are daily reported! Prico 81 THE GREAT PHLEGMAGOGUE, A CURE FOR DISEASED LUNGS, Few persons but aro troubled, more or less, with dif- culty Ap raising Phlegm, a thick hamor or matter that obstructs tho air passazo and glands of the Bronchi, &c.-- tho of this matter 1 ad tuber- "SPRINGS; PATENT AXLES, &C. Wholesale and Retail, DAWSONS' LATE. WILSON'S--SIGN OF THE PESTAL & MORTER, | PRINCE ALBERT! HE FOUNTAIN .HEAD (for PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, VARNISHES, the most reliable PATENT MEDI: CINES, and every thing connected with the trade) for quantity, quality and price. STATIONERY In allits departments at Toronto prices, including a choice assortment of cheap Albums. PERFUMERY.--An elegant and choice variely. A Trusses, Shoulder Braces, and Surgical Instruments of every make. Hard's Anticostive Food for Infauts. The Royal Unrivalled Washing Crystal. : 05 The purest Brands of Pale Brandy, Port and Sherry Wines, Gins, Old Rye, and Common Whiskey--for medicinal purpoges only. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully and personally prepared. Truly grateful forthe very liberal patronage hitherto accorded us we would state that we still continve to endeavor to antizipate your every want in our line, to give the st enti tistacuon. most entire satlislacty DAWSONS' Princo Albert and Manchester. July 15, 1868. ei IE MARNIE RITE Iron! Iron! TO BLACHKSMITIIS. HATCH & BROTHER OF WHITBY, Have on hand and are receiving a large stock of BAR IRON and Steel, which they are prepared to sell at a small advance on cost. Also TO PAINTERS. A large Stock of "James" White Lead; and other first class Leads, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, &e., Wholesale and Retail. 500 Kegs Cut Nails for Sale Wholesale and Retail. A large Stock of House Bulling, and House Furnishings, llardware, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, &c. A large Stock of Stoves and Tinware, Milk Pans, Pails, &e., at the « NOTED » Cheap House. ' HATCH & BROTHER, IMPORTERS, &c Whitby, May 20, 1668. seized with sickness, or in case of accidents, Burns, Sealds, Sprains, Strains, Bruises, Bites, in fact whenever some accident or illness takes place--use the Ready Relicf at once--it will always do good. -- Price 25 cents per botlle. R. R. R. SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT. People who have to take medicines for a length of time, to remove Chronic diseases, like to know the ingredient, they are taking, the formula of Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillian Resolvent is published in full, in FALSE and TRUE (a new medical publication by John Radway, M.D., that may be had free to to John Radway, "M.D., 439" 8%. "Paul Street, Montreal Tn this advertisement we give a brief explanation of the ingredients that enter into the compo- sition of DR. RADWAY'S SARSA- PARILLIAN RESOLVENT. * «f::' The uniting of medicinal su 80 RE 414 Sold by 118 Co., Draggise, Princo Albeit liristiany, Manchester, ao sbridge. || the cure of all Chronic Skin and organic * Ws heresfivo the olfef ingrédionts that | perties of cach ingrodient, so tho intelligent a8 to secure an harmonio, tion, sist each other in Br elite over disease, is of the first importance to the Chenaiot,--Man persons question the £ and as. rative powers of one remedy for so many disease, not thinking for a moment, that iseasn can be cured only by purifying the form this wonderful remedy--with the pro- reader may at once seo, how perfectly 1t is REC hn ent Dr. Radway's Sa illian i of charge on sending one 3 cent stamp | En rie ii THE OLD NST. © "FOR BVER. And that he is preparing FIFTY & Ws made fi the tut manufacturer in the County, All Work Warranted. Manchester, April 10, 1868 HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is - constantly prepared to furnish them with = ~~ Wagons and Bug Sets of his PREM Scotch styles. A | Parties desiring to pu | where. Having houshthis Stock for Cath, be. 18 Ere a or, Ute patient sufers goon z 222 ~ (The Leading Pump in America is , emoved, i u Resolvent will loosen the Phiezin and enablo tho pationt o |° g CE Cy The Leading Pump in America is to expectorate with caso. Every person troubled with | & be POWELT'S Cough, Bronchitls, Catarrh, Tightness of tho Chest, | & ~e oO Phicgmn, Inflammation of the Lungs, on, &c., | 2 |] | should take a tea-spoonfal of tho Sarsaparillian at once, | 5 >» and batho tho chest with Radway's Ready Relief. It the | § |5 8 Cough {3 constant, take tho Resolvent regular-- threo or | 2 = four times a day--or whenever a it of spastic cough [5 3 =z Zz I « where thero 3 FS a In Von hal - a €onsiunt 'wasto of the Jnngs, % Y 2 g os] =] ious disgen, 1 Tad } sound material mado from pure, rch blog we | |S bil:e jet! a 1t secures a good appetite, sound and healthy TT 4 flesh and fibro, gives stre and repairs tho tig: | = wast with healthy anaterial, Let not the Consamptive : Be 8 [©] neglect this warning, nor reject the hope held ont. Exclu- 'iv By Ld Z sive direct remedios, that act only on the lungs, will never > cure ; they may &mooth and soften the path to the grave, =. <] O but never will they restore tho patient to health, It is g: - Q foolish for people to reject a remedy that cures so many 2 ope C diseases. 1t it not, tho remedy that makes tho cures--it is i So the BLOOD, and Pure Blood will cure tho Consumption " a4 certain a9 it will remove Pimples, Blotches, and I = ustules from tho Bkin--and those who wish to have their 5 = eystems invigorated with Rich, Pare, and Strong Blood, p. Oo @u mast ue Dr. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOL' " i oil A ve | Price, $1 per Bottle, Six Bottles H ZZ for $5. . 3 3 Sold by oll Draggists. Persons who are unable to pur- N asl chaso this remedy at tho drug sfores in their respective a + = towns or villages, will address Dr. RADWAY & Co., 439 t=: St. Panl Strect, Montreal, On tho receipt of 81, one bottlo al pi will bo gent ; on tho receipt of 85, six bottles will bo sant, [Aug with a copy of Dr. JOHN RADWAY'Snew medical book, at - "Illustrated," called " FALSE AND TRUE." SZ -- Sep. -- ST o bes N, B--ASK FOR DR. RADWAY'S BARSAPARILLIAN | & 5 =10ct. RESOLVENT--TAKE NO OTHER, aR © uw iclNov a») Important to persons advanced in oI! ww Decl ' Years. Troubled with Constipatod Bowels, and difficulty of passing Water, Imperfect Digestion, 3 Food Converted to Water, > i ---- ES a EEE gE Letter from a el nen shiz of Ohio. Mr. J. |i) - A : OA SAPLELD, Os Maken 21,1868, Patent Swing & Force RATWAY:---Boclowel yon will find one dollar. Send Lu as ode rs adr Pills - on can Pr ump. afford. I wish your Pills and Resolvent. I like them a. very moc] recommend them to others. Our drug- J B 0 M have none ; they say the run is so great they have AN EE Ae W : ver found. : thera is nny danger IF Ehoy Ate retain Th tO Aye fox MANUFACTURERS, a Bom ps or BORELIA, ONT. 4 i aro in of These Pumps are the most useful, most dur- ie How everat year been n tronliied Sith Contivanssn; able, easiest worked, frost proof, and not liable 50 Chil ove fyjcrvions would: a re Sawin. 3 to get out of order. The Force Pump is worth with. Qischarges of wind. As th er fintugncys its cost in one year ; while beingavailable in two afflict] with urinary digicultieg; * times it almost killed Bstonde of time it forms 2 Wosk Jeliable i Kok me ass 'y y other times gine. Ty one, Work wapran! 8 n jt alinost amounting to t Ay iE please state depth of well or cistern.-- ae i 88. X tried everything 1 thonght world dh food; i All orders must be sent to the mancfacturers, = ee 4 Pha ~ are no box of N. B. Wells dug on theshortest notice. Par- no sickness, no pain. Took two at bed time, ties Sis toymanytctury the Hoye a procured a stool ; sometimes wonld take " can do s , making arrangements wi py es an, wih ER or Sovorel Gave, : AGE Areas at 'Bortia, tony pills. fl and trouble from hih Suasct JOHN NOTT, Bo Borelia, May, 15 1868. 4 i A : » 1 - » + : ; CY fined , HILDRETH. N' DD = : Volunteers ordered to| ST AN STAND © ots! AROUND! i AND ? 4 ® wt N T= subscriber having. , g returned to- Reach, s a i " J + has got himself comfortably located at the HAS aul thriving Village of . k I : Where he intends carrying on the 4 From his Old Stand to one door . von . o 5 Whi _ |0G=Tailoring Business SSIES ! th of the Red ¥ - te & Blue. In all its branches. G z 0 A d to his a - + 41 |care will be made up in the latest styles ; and 120K & 700 SEED ian.) . AIL Garments made in; the nothing will be left undons by himeis was of PF) : Bn neatness of fit, moderation in ¢! , and care- J atest ty es and a Fit war ful attention to orders--to obtain and sec se woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasingelse- . 1 ; Secures determined not to be undersold by auy other | Fant : : 4arge sharg.of public patronage, Wi Spring and Summer Fashions just re-| The Le Styles received promptly ved. land regular . WM, STEEL. J. BULLEN. JAMES SQUIRE. 4 14-1¥ pringg Alhort, Match 26, 1866. Y| §f Common Chairs TT 450 = + Flush Top' do. | - JELOE. 50c * 1: © ad Bént Bac do. I tx an ™~ I 2 Slat and Spindle Vy 2 - oo. T I Al Prince Alberta ManchesterFactorie 0 70c ] Tbe 41. And all other Cabinetwave at very. low prices. 07 COFFINS 'of every description - kept constantly on hand. WPI AT, 1% . a i st Hearse in +7004 CAN ERR } iF t H North or South On-4 tario. Charges as'® scheap as the cheap-. est, LR A) ARK, 2 BRO "I Life. on the Ocean Wave." A. S1 AIR. Has, just 'received his Winter supply of NCI. Te 5 Porter and Ale, | Olard's Brandy, ih , Coffee, Whisky, 37 (30 L Jules Robbin & Co's Brandy, Sugar, Scatch Whisky, . § 4}, Martel's Brandy, Cc te, Old Rye and Toddy,. | | Cherry do. Raisins, ...| Port Wine, Jamaca Rum, 9 8,0 4 i * + | Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, v tbrader Horringsy No. 4, FMadéra do, John Bull Bitters. dish, 4 © | Ginger do. Old Tom Gin, White Fish, Champagne, 05 Winesy Brandies, and other Taquars, of the best brands, Jor Medical Purposes, : which can be had at the lowest possible rice. Prince Albert, Deg. 18, 1867. 50 MONEY T0 LIND! The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 0~ Several first class farms for sale on easy terms of payment, Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with a description of the security offered, to W. M. COCHRANE, Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. CLASS Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. FOR FIRST CRRAG, THON dC. ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Are Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and oy first class workmen. Call and see them. 1wonld also intimate to my numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in Prince Albert to get your Horse Shdeing done. Work Warranted or ne Yay. JAMES EMANEY. 48 Prince Albert, Dec 4, 1867. M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage 2% Maker ! BROCK STREET, WHITBY | GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing [% ALL WORK WARRANTED. ge es in attendance at Funerals when required. Ch: Borelia, Nov. 13, 1867. Business Reviving ! Hard Times disappearing, and Better Times Coming! ! HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numecrons customers for their ral Support for the Inst eighteen years, and would say that every thing in the line of libe; CABINET WORK will be made and sold as good and as Cheap as auy in otaer establish- : ; : ment in Nerth Ontario. -- rr 'Special attention paid x | Undertaking! vey! Ey ENR Si CBs A SANA nsof all sizes kept constantly on band consisting of Walnut, Oak, Butternat, &c. A first arges very low. Just recejved 4' Lio tity of Matin Tris (latest styles), and will be sold cheap. i od Lumber taken in exchange for work. y All kinds of go JOUN NOTT. /B. 'Agent for Monuments and Tomb 08, N 'Agent for fon b Stop " HARRISON MAW & SON Contractors & Builders, PORT PERRY! to Contragt for and put up Buildings of all Kinds/ whether Woot # ARE Pofared 'Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most (oder improve= ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to call. (Pls and Specifica-- tions made to 'order. / HARRISON MAW, JOON H. MAW. ! Manchester, Oct' 18, 1866, Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866 : §

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