Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Sep 1868, p. 4

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_-- TOTEACHERS. Annual Fxamination of Teachers, ACHERS within the County of On- , and others concerned, are hereby ed that the Annual Fxamination will ~ within the Grammar School ings of Whith i BER, commencing at 9 o'clock, a.m. ~ Applicants are required to furnish eatis- factory Testimonals, of good moral char- acter, from their respective Ministers, and 10 be forward at the commencement. All Certificates issued by the Board previous to May last, limited in regard to time, are Jdereby recalled, and will hence be invalid, afer the Ist of October. By order of the Board. R. H. THORNTON, D.D., Secretary. Sept. 4, 1868. 36-dw Facts are Stuborn Things. AND IT IS A FACT THAT GEORGE FLINT pars this opportunity of returning thanks TS his numerous friends for their liberal sup- rt since his commencement in business. And tisalsoa fact that he has been refitting his Factory and putting in NEW MACHINERY; And he is now prepared to furnish apatling in his line as good as the best and as CHEAP a any establishment in Ontario. He continues to furnish the following articles, first class material and patterns : Cutter Bends of every description ; Bent Shafts; Buggy Seat Rails; Bob-Sleigh Runners---heavy and light ; Tron Bow-handle Rakes; Fork, Rake, Hoe, Broom, and Mop Handles of every variety ; Barley Forks of superior make. Ile would particularly recommend his justly celebrate bd 3 r itevolving Horse Rake For which he was awarded the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL EX- HIBITION ! Acainst a host of competitors. He can furnish Testimonials of the superiority of these Rakes from above 400 farmers. CHEESE BOXES Of all sizes and superior make. A large supply of superior Sawn Shingles nstautly on hand aud for sale. CABINET MAKING in all its branches as good as the best and cheap as the cheapest. COFFINS kept constantly on hand and a HEARSE in readiness. Job work, such as Planing, Matching, Sawing, and Turning done on the shortest notice, and at low prices. G. F. feels confident that with his facilities he can stecesstully compete with any manufactur- uig establishment in the Province of Ontario. (5 Orpers SoLiciTED. AGENTS FOR FLINT'S HORSE RAKE: Mr. THOMPSON, Hardware Merchant, Ushridge} JAILEY, Blacksmith, Greenbank. ouffvilles March 11, 1868, PRINCE ALBERT Picture Gallery. IIE Subscriber would inform fhe Jbahitants of Prince Albert and vicinity, that he has opened the above Gallery Over the Store of W. M, Wightman&Co | Having spared no pains in fitting up the Gallery he pri Limself that he Can give entire Satisfaction To all who may favor him with their patronage, Pictures of all kinds afid sizes finished with oil or water colors. X35" Pictures enlarged to any size desired with the Solar Camera. Photographs $2 per dozen. Lettergraphs 25 cents each. 3 Call and examine specimen. G. BRUCE, ARTIST. Prince Albert, Aug. 19, 1868. MONEY HE undersigned is prepared to loan, in sums to suit the convenience of the borrower, ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, (Private Funds,) On good Mortgage Security, ata very. Low Rate of Interest. He has several Lots of IMPROVED AND WILD LANDS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. Apply at the well known Cheap Store of Messrs. R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to JOHN HODSON, VaLvaTor, 2 Manchester, Feb. 4 1R6R, 5-3m STAND AROUND by and Uxbridge, respec- | . on the FIRST and SECOND days of EE -- S-A-R-S-A-P-A-R-I-L-L-I-A-N Hidden Virtues Brought to Light. AS SHE APPEARED AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF HER APPEARANCE AT THE 12th BOTTLE. TAKING THE SARSAPARILLIAN. A remarkable instance of Personal Beaiity, restored 'to a lady disfigureu with a frightful disease, cured by 12 bottles of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT. Tor the History of this wonderful cure, see page 46 of a New Medical Publication called FALSE & TRUE, with a Treatise on diseases of the Skin, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, &c., free to all by | addressing JOHN RADWAY,M. D., & CO., enclosing Stamps to pay postage, 439. St. Paul Street, Montreal. SARSAPARILLIAN! | Asa cure for Merofula, whether transmitted or induced, and its wonderful power in curing the worst forms of strumerous and eruptive discharges Syphiloid Ulcers, Sores of the eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat, Glands, exterminating the virus of these chronic: forms of disease, from the BLOOD, ONE Bottle of RADWAY'S SARSAPARIL- LIAN RESOLVENT contains more of the Cura- tive principle of Sarsaparilla than ten of the largest BONES, JOINTS, and in every part of the human body, where there exits diseased deposits, Uleera- tion, Tumors, Hard Lumps, or Si-rofulons Indam- bottles of all advertized pl Sa reapavil) 08. A Great and Wonderful Discovery ! Astonishing cures of Skin, Glandular, Syphiloid, Ulcerated Sores, and Eruptive Diseases of the Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Tongue, Glands of the Throat, | V ; (aided by the occasional use of Radway's Kidney's, Bladder and other Organs. Pills). "lutelligent Physicians from all parts of the world, are writing letiers of thanks to Dr. Radway for his. wonderful' discovery in preparing the Sar- sapari.iian, and rescuing the fame of Sarsaparilia from the odium that has fallen upon it, through the imperfect method of its preparations in the several advertised Sarsaparilla mixtures, that are made from the common Sarsaparilla roots, and mixed with Corrosive Sublimate (a dangerous agent, that may re-wove Sores, but at whit a fearful ex- pense to the general sysiem ;) this ag agent, re; worse than mercury, and ye it with Potash, anil on the: Sarsapariila they use, de, the CURE of the d ty have taken the: mation, th's great and powertul remedy will ex» terminate tapully and permanently. Per<ons who lave used dozens ofthe large bottles of the ordinary Sassapariila mixtures, and Buchus, have been cured with, from one to six bottles gl bud RADWAY'S SA RSAPARIL LIAN RE Sof- One Tea-Spoonful for all ordinary Skin Diseases three times in the day is the average dose. SARSAPARILLIAN AND ITS ASSOCIATES, PAREIRA BRAVA, HEN EDESMUS INDICUS, NEWLY DISCOVERED ROOTS, and other Ingredients of marvellous, medicinal Power enter into the composition of on i hixturesof Sarsaparilta, for a length of ay tiace the new Sores, DR. RADWAY'S S A R SA P A R | L i i A N Ulcers, and disea: Symptoms that from time to Ume appear, to the elie of these destructive RESOLVENT. | By a new process recently discovered by Dr. called « Sarsapa Radiay, Jor obtaining the active A properties Srom substan, The ordinary Sarsaparilla decoctions and Syrups | are mere washes compared with the S8arsaparillian ofthe Resolvent. It is a well-known fact t | saparilla as ordinarily prepared either as ol | oras a proprictary remedy, never posse in the Bon tine, caus dryness of' 1 Mm, aud in the bones, Rheumatic, Neural gias, Xe. is synovi vi the Joints, confidence of medical men, and all the tation ow il you want a truly good, sate itenjoyed was deemed by well informed cl mists, dy to cleanse, streugt | Physicians, and me edical wrilers 10 be due to other | the bloud, use | remedial DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT. The stomach should not be over-loaded with a mass of inert and usele: 3 & The tri irative virtues of Sarsaparilla for 300 | years has laid hidden in the Crystaline principle of | the Root. Under Dr. RADWAY'S New Process, SARSAPARILLIAN is secured and brought to | light, and associated with other ingredients, it ful- fils the most extr: ant expectations and views of men, One ounce of Dr. RADWAY'S SARSA- { PARILLIAN contains more of the curative prin ciple than ten pounds of the extracts from the cvude | roots, as prepared otlicially or inthe popular ud- | vertised Sursaparillas. | "IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH. The uniting of ingredients =o as 10 sect fl harmony, and contribute an assistin each other in their several properties one of the n important Ns of th RA street, Montreal. or SARSAPARILLIA is extracted from the ows in the Isl Jer the care Radway. 1t conta op more of ex il dtaumed by Dr. Ra adwiy, tea (Hed) Sarsapaviia witieny and is culiiva- is most A accompt Twenty years azo, this introduced as a v titutional, Scrofulo ¢ than any othe « Honduras, common tthe vertised Sarsa- that one a root oi this Cou weak and wash 8 Pr. fi etlicacy in eurin discharges in | changing a si ted skin, to pited the faith pr fession as well as millions of the pe Eh who have derived such imporiant benefit from is use Hi Twenty years more of hi | study, in i fields of =| the process¥of obta ning th | the substances used in this | last rewarded with success be vagant hopes, for in this re 1 SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVI secured to millions who are now dying, if they will use it. EASES , Hard Ly IU ofulous, saparils , and make pure, froin th boot, a ! jan Resolvent rich and healthy b aa On the supply of the curative range ol all of which it cures thro nel or re (the vnly natural chun- PURIFYING "THE BLOOD I pues and communicating its powerful, c'cansing, puri- re fying, strengthening and RiP. V1 powers, sy the BLOOD, SWEAT, URINE, and other fluids of the sy tem. Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillian CURES WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL ONE BOTTLE IS STRONGER AND AS A PURIFYING AGENT THAN TEN O THE ADVERTISED SAKSAPARILLAS. ith pure and life ccret of 3 aparithan ciple to all who take it, or ix bottles for $5.00. tine dof the Druggist or storekeeper in your vi ad John Rad- } | way, M. D & Ca., 430, St. Paul Street, Montreal, enclosing Post Ojlice order for the amount requir- ed and it will be sent to any address in this Domi- non or Provi ot 'Taylor, Haul - McMurdo, St. Johns --{n New-DBrans BD. McAsth = Et Johns. --In Piince Innd: W. R. Watson, Char ctietown.--In the Un ted States; Dr. Joha Radway & Co., 57 Mai den Lane, N. Y. N. B.--Do not be persuaded by Druggists and thors, Siar the Sarsuparil1 wixtures are simi'ar to Dr, Radway's Sarsapariian, for they sre vot; there is wo Sursaparilla vider what cver vema 233 an ad rich b ood, he b will be prolc health aud lo secures this great pr Price, one dollar per bott {his remedy canuot == Dr Rudway's Sarsaparillian cures when all Ser- saparilla a decoctions and Syrups fuil. ONE TEA- INFUL OF THE SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT is a dose, and will very soon remove from the skin all discolorations PLM PLES, BLOTCHES, PUSTULES, TETTERS, BLACK SProTs, RING WORM, SAL RHEUM,ACNE, RASH, 'SORES, BOILS and al! forms of Erupe tive diseases. SO QUICK IS THIS REMEDY IN ENTERING INTO THE CIRCULATION, HE subscriber Having returned to Reach,| THAT IT CAN BE DETECTED IN THE designated, that isequal or similar to Dr. Rudway's has got himself comfortably located atthe| URINE IN TEN MINUTES AFTER IT IS |Sarsaparillian. See that the word SAKSAPARIL- thriving Village of TAKEN. pee Dr. Radway's new Medical Book | LIAN 1s on the label oi'each bottle, aud the letters False and rue). I. 1. R. on the top of each label. dq RESOLYEST, be Sosy MANCHESTER gp RgAPARILLIAN ) stil 0m tress moi Where he intends carrying on the LVENT. om r Lilia ol ih Sys Joi I lio el nis, |. RESO ENT. ney. ier ww Gn Testes, &o. Iti likewise an Sage: Jou 0G-T ailoring Business 4 branches. Garments entrusted to sir ht he! ites and raton ta Charge, td care Fy and secure a "Tho Latest Styles reced received rom and regularly, prompdy JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct' 18, 1806, ar HEAL'S Jelebrated Itch Ointment k sepa tOREtE 1 T pix ne BE CR hiner Pinos le Dc. 5.1860. [1 i HEAL. > parilying and cleansi; trid flesh. and ting radon or mo n of th 4 aud tho os areapuritinn she ' hauid be it lie 8 0 wash, it Te 08 all offe aroun tis Si a harges id be sputies or irritating tho srminding parts. ih mek ph because it Jinn cleanses, strengthens and repairs the weak and de- 1tis ninors from the system. Jisprope nies, Druggists and Country Merchants, For Medical nih ustra Dottie, ix advice on oa ber Bol, : ts ota oe Win HE RADE M. D., 87 Maiden Lane, New Y |THE OLD STAND FOR EVER Te: Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks {o his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is 3% constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON §& WOOD SEED HAR py rors t Scotch styles Fiieglat roe ovat oa il and fnepect bis Stack before hi termined not o be waderso t his Stock LO he is de any other i the County. ; s ¥ WA. STEEL, 14-1y All Work Warranted. Manchgster, April 10, 1868 Te NORTH ON DRUG STORE Wholesale and Retail, DAWSONS' LATE WILSON'S.--SIGN OF THE PESTAL & MORTER, PRINCE ALBERT! HE FOUNTAIN HEAD (for {for PURE ECDRUGS, JGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, VARNISHES, the most reliable PATENT MEDI- CINES, and every thing connected with the trade) for quantity, quality and price. STATIONERY In all its departments at Toronto prices, including a choice assortment of cheap Albuns. PERFUMERY.~ An elegant and choice variety, Trusses, Shoulder Brace, and Surgical Instruments of every make. Hard's Anticostive Food for Infants. The Royal Unrivalled Washing Crystal. : 3 om The purest Brands of Pale Brandy, Port and Sherry Wines, Gius, Old Rye, and Common Whiskey-- for medicinal purposes only. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully and personally prepared. Truly g gratoal for very liberal patronage hitherto accorded us we would state that we still continue to endeavor to anticipate § your every want in our line, and to give the most entire satistuction. DAWSONS' Prince Albert and Manchester. July 5, 1868. Iron! TO BLACKSMITHS. HATCH & BROTHER Or WHITBY, Have on hand and are receiving a large stock of BAR IRON and Steel, which they are prepared to sell at a small advance on cost. Also SPRINGS, PATHEN INT AXLES, &C mo PAIN TERS. A large Stock.of James" White Lead, and "other first class "Leads, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varuishes, &e., Wholesale and Retail. 500 Kegs Cut Nails for Sale Wholesale and Retail, and House Furnishings, Hardware, Spades, A large Stock of House Bulling, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, &e. Find ok of Stoves and Tinware, Milk Pans, Pails, &e., at the * NOTED " = | Cheap House. HATCH & BROTHER, IMPORTERS S §e. Whitby, May 20, 1868, 8 Q j= g Q 8 z om --- no) 8 =z Tait | ® g r B I _ fw. H. MARSH. B eld 9 PRINCE ALBERT, "= S| mouse, Sign, Carriage, : a AY Ov ental wi FO PAINTER - v H] Z i) B30 tofelur thanks to do UR past favors, a te tha N fmm = opened a 8 : + £3 | Albert Carriage IF actory," where he wi Bi: ps to execute all work of the art in the best style. = Prince Albert, Nov. 26, 1867. 47 "Z|: = 5 _-- Re ® SE} ~ io, p= us Y BE ing Vv : EE : = ~ 2} H P32 ie JOHN NOTT, - =~ = BoreLiA. E Y TO LOAN! pHE Subscribers are prepared to make ad vances of money on the security of Improved Farms Village Property, In this and adjoining Counties at low Tales of terest: Also wanted to purchase good Mort- Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White Bl ue. All Garments nts made in the "Styles and a Fit war- EA number of good Farms and 2000 of wild lands for walk, olen 2 pees APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, Rear ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT, VaLuator, &c., x Spring, and Summer Fashions just re- Prince ALBERT. /| ments. Parties jequirtng good work do GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF FURNITURE r AT THE Prince Alberts ManchesterFactories™| 0 45¢ Common Chairs - Flush Top do. - - 50c Bent Back do. [ - 70c 2 Slat and Spindle do. -. q0e .< And all other Cabinetware at very low prices. (= COFFINS of every description kept onstantly on hand. The best Hearse in North or South On- i tario. Charges as wddmcheap as the cheap- "1 est. I} W. H. PARK; emmy July 15, 1868. Prince Albert and Manchester. eli J = Has just received his Winter supply of Kan A. SIN Teas, Porter and Ale, Olard's Brandy, Coffee, Whisky, Jules Robbin & Co's Brandy, Sugar, Scotch Whisky, Martell's Brandy, Currants, Old Ry and Toddy, Cherry do. Raisins, _ | Port Wine, Jamaca Rum, igs, Sherry Wine, ' Holland Gin, Labrador Herrings, No. 1, | Madera do. John Bull Bitters. Codfish Ginger do. Old Tom Gin, White Fish, Champagne, » (0% Wines, Brandies, and other Laquors, of the best brands, for Medical Purposes, which can be hud at the lowest possible price. Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. 50 MONEY TO LEND! The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderite, the best securities mist be offered. 0 Several first class farms for sale on easy terms of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid. with a description of the security offered, to W. M. COCHRANE, Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. FIRST LASS Port Perry, Dee, 4, 1847, OR Ir GO TO : ONTARIO CARIBE FACTORY and oy first class workmen. Call and nds that this is the Cheapest House in Are Manufactured on the premises of the choicest ma see them. 1 would 0 te to my. numerous Prince Albert to get your [Torse Shoeing done, Work Warranted or no Pay. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Al bert, Dec 4, 1867. 48 ™. o. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage oy 5M aker! NEAR Tox TOWN HALL - . GR) iA FAVR BROG AB! Ay i A GOOD assortment of Buggies -- on hand made from best material. Work mada to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing % ALL WORK WARRANTED. Business Re Reviving ! Hard Times disappearing, and Better Times Coming ! !' HE Subscriber takes this method of returning' thanks to his numerous customers for thir T liberal support for the last eighteen years, and would sa; Hin every thing in the lincof CABINET WQRK will be made and sold as good and as Cheap as any in ote Tr establish: ment in North Ontario. ------ rr Special attention paid to \ Undertaking ! @offins of all sizes kept constantly on band vonsiiting of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, & Funerals when req uired, Charges very low i te A notiiy of Coffin Tr (latest styles), ad will bé sold cheap. 'All kinds of good ds lured taken in exchange for work. 10 HN NOTT. is N.B. Agent for Monuments and Tomb Stones. Borelia, Nov. 13, 1867. HARRISON MAW & SON Contractors & Builders, _PORT PERRY! RE prepared to Conan for and pnt up Buildings of all kinde, whether Wood Brick orStone, and finish off in the Jatest styles, with all the most modern improve will do well 10 call. (Plans and Specifica- JOHN H. AW. nL or 0 JOHN: ADAMS, J. BULLER. Toronto Street, Toronto, Prince Albert, March 28, 1866, 1 Prince Albert July 15, 1868, '| tions, made to 0 H. RRISON AW, 'Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866 Lo) Aft |

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