In pre Tee RO --__--_-- dai ----------r------ Momall, wap # Fe wa a -- Ele Butasio Hhsnber, 5 or PRINCE "ALBERT, OCT. 3 ig adr North Ontario Fair. FIRST DAY. The N. 0. B. D. Agriciltural Sooiety beld its annual Fall Show at Prince Albert, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6th and 7th sist. On Tuesday morning the weather seemed as if it had a teat in its eye, but as the day advanced phabus asserted his Tights'and drove the weeping pluvis from the field. The show of inplements was very light there being only one rcuffler, one KT choice cattle, a cow and a bull calf. They were the subject of general admiration, -- The calf was certeinly one st the finest we ever saw. We undagiand Mr. S. Fralick; Sc¢ogog, has boaght it for $55, he Has got n cheap aniaal itis worth nearly twice the money. Mr. C. Galbraith carried off the 1et priza for his Cow from 14 com- petitors. Wext came the horses, and] there is perhaps no other department con- nectod with our agricultural pursuits of Which we have equal reaconto feel proud as with the advancement that has been made and is still making in this department. Who that looks back only a few years in the history of this part of the country but must feel proud of the rapid advances this with the .other departments of Agricnlture have made around us. There were 175 entries in this department and such animals as any country might feel proud to own. set of éren harrows, and a turnip' cutter.-- There were three very-good wagons ottside and this composed the outside show of im- plements, with a reaper, several plows, a seed driil, &e. On entering the hall to the Tight we have a fine collection of Stoves and Furniture belonging to Mr. B. Bryan, 'Manchester-- there were some beauties. -- Next there is a dwplay of cooper ware, shown by Mr. Borchill, amongst other things he shows a good specimen of the barrel churn very excellent of its kind. The next in course is the cabinet ware, far from being extensive, but excellent specimens of a bureau and centre table, the laiter beifig-inlaid by some chaste inlaying.-- 'These were shown by Mr. Park. The 'cartiage builders gave excellent proof of their ability to supply the community with liret class carriages. Mr. D. C, McLean, of Manilla, exhibited a beauty of a single buggy. A number of capitat carnages from the factory of Mr. Emaney were shown and secured prizes, but they wera entered in the name of the owners and not of the manufacturer. Mr. White also showed 'some good carriages. They also secured eeveral prizes. N. Stevenson showed a first rate Cutter and a Buggy of his own manufacture, both were much thought of. Mr. Wright showed several sides of Leather -- Sole, Upper, and Calf, dres-ed--1hey were gol vp in a style and finish that would do credit to any tannery in the Dominion. The | Hamess and 8 ddlery depart- meut was well sustained. Several good patterns of sewing machines were exhibit- ed. The show of butter was very exten- sive and of fexcellent quality; we ehould think it most have puzzled the judges to decide. The fruits and vegetables were 10 profusion. The arrangement in the hall waa capital but the number of visitors was comparatively small. The hall was hignted up in the evening, and the Reach band was in attendance and supplied the music while the pedple promenaded around the hall and inspected the various articles. SECOND DAY. Oa the moining of the second day a number of fugitive clouds spread themsel- ves around the distant horizon, ang seemed inclined to dispute the territory with old sol, but he had seen too many summers for the fleecy tribe and very soon drove his chariot night through them and displayed his golden beams in all thesr splendor, thus giving a pledge afl security from rain 10 all who wished to participate in the enjoy ments of the day. The guarantee was received with the greatest satisfaction and at an un- usually easly hour Canada's true nobility-- the sons and daughters of toil--might be seen in one almost uninterrupted line mak- ing neir way along the leading roads of our Township, towards Prince Albert, the centre of attraction for the time being, The healthful bustle--the neighing of ihe horses the lowing of the caltle, the bleating of the sheep intermingled with the monotonous grunt of the unassuming but not the less nse- ful poker, rendered the scene one of more than usual interest, and brought vividly 10 the mind the important fact that this is préemmently an sgricultural country and that agricultwial purenits whether in im. proving our siock--increasing the fertility of the soil--or introducing improved Agri- cultoral Implements onght to occupy a <hief place in every community who desire 10 see our country prosper and ocoupy that posilion among the nations of the world which the God of nature has desigued she should occupy amongst the family of nations. As early as eight o'clock the gates of the show-gronnds were thrown open for the re- ception of Stock, and very soon those ex- cellent and commodious grounds were well plemished with such stock as would do credit 10 any country. On entermg the grounds 10 the lei we fonnd the cluse swine. This was not very exiensive, there being only 19 entries but they were good. John Rolph showed a capital sow, large breed, aud James Philipo showed an excellent Boar small breed. On the east end the shdep were Jocaind, of these there was a large and capital slow, there being 108 en- tries, capital animals, C. Pascoe diovejall competitors hard--C. Pexton showed some good gheep--Jos. Moffatt showed well. James Bond was successful in his ewes-- J Jury and Wm. Moflatt showed each a capual ram, che former a Leicester, the Jatter a. Cotswold. Andrew Scott tvok the for two beaunfal fat Ewes~ Mr, This class was well contested, parties who obiamed the prizes richly deserved them ; for in very many instances they wera hard driven. In the class Saddle or Carriage stallions, E. Major's Green Mountain Mor. gan carried off the Ist prize, it is a beauty ofan animal,the better it is known the high- or it rises in public favor, while the excel- lent stock which it raises is a great adili- tional recommendation Three of his colts took a first prize at this show--they are fine animals C. Blakey's one year old filly, J. W. Squelch's two year old colt, and W S. Sexton's spring colt. Wm. Tomlinson and Jas. Jewett showed two capital animals in this class--the former got the 2nd, and the latter the 3rd prize. Mr. Butson's Draught Stallion was much admired. Jobn Bently and Robt. Dobson showed two capital gen. pur. stallions, -- John McDonalds blood mare is a fine an- vimal. Alex. Leask and F. Graham showed each a capital 2 year old entire colt for dranght. 'W. & D. Carmichael's 2 year old Filly was much admired. Wn. and Joseph Moffat showed each a fine 2 year old draught filly. I. Steer and II. Page showed each a fine spring colt and carried off the Ist and 2nd prizes from 12 competitors. G. Hadden and Thos. Lamy carried off the 1st and 2nd prizes for draught teams. There were 7 entries in carriage teams,and one must go a long way ere he would find better. The three prize teams were especially handsome, but A. T, Button's took the 1st, Dr. Jones' the gd and W. J Umphey's the 3:d. Out of 15 single drivers, the three prize animals were the property of J, C. Widdifield, D. J. Adams and J. Jacobs. C. Marsh, M, i the excellent fence and the other arrange- ments are entirely due to the overtaxed generosity and unflazging zeal of the Grounds Commitiee. PRIZE LIST. HORSES, Saddle or Carriage Stallion : 4 entries ; 1st E. Major, 20d Wm. Tomlinson, 3rd Jas. Jewett. . Draught Stallion : 2 entnies ; 1st Wm. Butson, 2nd Jos. Mofatt. a General Purpose Stallion : '4 entries ; 1st Obed Wilson, "Blood Brond Mare : 2 entnes ; 1st John MeDonald, 20d H. C, Lynde. Brood Mare Saddle or Carriage: 4 en- tnes ; lst John Curtain, 2nd, Jas. Holman, Draught Brood Mare : 3 entries ; 1st Wm. Jack, 20d R. Franklin. Brood Mare for General Purpose : 14 en- tries ; 1st John Ferguson, 20d H. Harper, 3rd T. Coates. Two year old entire Colt Dranght : 5 en- John Bentley, 2nd Robert "Dobson, 3rd T Common Barley : 16 entries; 1st S Neth- erton Jun, 2nd Robt Dobson. Oats--large white: 4 entries; 1st] W Sqnelch, 2nd S Netherton. : Oats--compmon : 4 entries; lst D Lark, 20 James Brown. Pear--large : 2 entries ; 1st J Holman. Peas--small : 10 entries; 1st John Corn- ish, 20d W & H Reynolds. Indian Corn : 20 entries; 1st James Gallo- way, 20d W & H Reynolds. White Beans: 8 entries; 1st John Parker, 20d Jas Phillipo. Turnip need : 2 entries; 1st H Haight,20d homas Lamb. Flax: 1 entry ; 1st H Harper. Tares : 1 entry ; Ist R Franklin. Clover seed: 2 entries; Ist Thos Love. Timothy seed : 4 entries ; 1st S Nether- ton, 2nd W & R Burd. ROOTS. ; Turnips: 29 entries ; 1st T Munro, 2nd R Franklin. 12 Mangels :11 entries ;1st H Haight, 2nd John Rolph, ? tries ; Ist Alex. Leask, 20d F. Graham. Two year oll Entire Colt General Pur- pose : 4 entries ; lst John Lowman, 2ud C. Westlake. Two year old Entire Colt Saddle or Car- riage : 2entries ; Ist J. W. Squelch, 2nd C. Galgraith. Pwo year old Filly Ceneral Purpose : 7 entries ; Ist Andrew Scott, 2nd John Stones. Two year old Filly Drauaht : 5 entries ; 1st Wm. Moffatt, 2ad Jos Moftatt. Two year old Filly Saddle or Carriage : 6 entries ; 1st W. and D. Carmichael, 2nd R.@1cCully. One year old Colt or Filly Saddle or Car- riage : 0 entries; 1st C Blakey, 20d Robert Brevener. One year old Colt General Purpose: 3 en- tries ; Ist J. C. Pilkey, 200 Wm. Coates. Two year oli Colt Draught : 2 entries ; 1st D. Gregg. One year old Filly General Purpose : 8 entries ; 1st Wm. Pascoe, 21d Wm. Coates. Two year old Filly Draught : 2 entries ; 1st Jos. Moffatt, 20d H. Harper. Spring Colt or Filly Saddie or Carriage : 12 entries ; lst L. Steer, 20d S. Page. Spring Coit or Filly General Purpose ; 14 entries; lst W. 8. Sexton, 2nd J. Curtain, Spring Colt or Filly Draught : 3 entries ; 1st Jos. Ward, 2nd R. Franklin. Spring Filly General Purpose ; 5 entries ; Ist H. Harper, 20d Thomas Buchanan. Spring Filly Dranaht ; 4 entries ; Ist John Ferguson, 2nd R. Franklin. Span Draught Horses ; 3 entries ; Ist G. Hadden, 20d Thos, Lamb. Span General Purpose Horses ; 7 entries; 1st Chas. Rennie, 2ad W. Sheir, 31d John Curtain. Span Carriage Horses ; 7 entries ; Ist A. T. Button, 20d Dr. G. W. Jones, ul W. J. 12 Cartots--Red : 8 entries; 1stJohnRolph, 2ad S Netherton, 12 Carrots--white: 15 entries ; Ist R Netherton, 20d S Netherton. 12 Blood Beets: 15 entries; 1st Dr. R Jones, 20d S Netherton. 4 B Onions : 7 entries; 1st F Rain, 2nd W & D Carmichael. Potatoes--pink eves: 3 eutries ; 1stJas Sharrard, 20d C 'Sharrard. Petatoes--cups: 11 entries; 1st Joel Foster, 20d T Lamb, Potatoes--any variety : 14 entries ; 1st Jos Wilson, 20d H Harper. Apples--winter: 33 entries; 1st RR Scott, 20d A Thomson. Apples--summer ; 20 entries; 1st T' Munroe, 20d Wm Ward. Pears: 10 entries ; 1st Thos Lamb, 2nd W A Temlinson. Plums--blue : 2 entries; 1st P.Curmi- chael, 2nd J Jury. Plums--auy variety: 5 entries ; 1st B Yarnold, 20d [1 Haight. Grapes: 8 entries; 1st B Yarnold, 2nd Ruben Way. Tomatoes--Rell: 7 entries; 1st A G Sommerville, 20d C Sharcard. Tomatocs--yellow: 2 entries; Ist A Sharrard, 20d C Slerrard, Cabbage: 14 entries; 1st J Wiight, nd H Maw, Garden Vegetables: 1 entry ; 1st John Parker, Green Ilowse Plapts; 1 entry ; 1st F Rain. Umpbrey. Single Driving Horse ; 16 entries ; Ist J. C. Widdifield, 2ud D. J. Adams, 3rd J. Jacobs. Saddle Horses ; 18 entries; Ist C. Marsh, 2nd M. Vernon ; 3rd J. Plank. Vernon and J. Plank secured the prizes from 18 competitors for their saddle horses. "There were some very " excellent animals whose owners we cou!d oot find out. There were six entries of Lady Eques- trians, but only three come to time, viz : Miss N. Ww, Fairfield,--Miss Phebe Vernon--and Mrs. R. Jones. Miss Fair. field was the most suitably mounted. -- Miss Vernon's horse showed an entire absence of ambition--we had almost said animation --while Mrs. Jones' had too much lie and would not come under sub. jection. The ladies however did them- selves credit 'each of them deserved a prize. Miss Fairfield, Brock, took the first, Miss Vernon the second, and Mrs, Jones the third. Well dore Brock. -- Port Perry swept the tables in the com. petition in Gentleman Equestrianism, and they did it well. Phillip Foy took the 1st, Jas. Paxton the 20d, and Wm. Paxton, juo., the 3rd. We did not hear the com- petition for the prize amongst the several Bands of Music. This brings to a close one of the most successful shows ever held in the County. It was matter for congratulation to 'find over 3000 people assembled to do honor to the annual show of the N, 0. E. D. Agricultural Sdeiety ; and notwithstand- ing the unusually large gathering every- thing was conducted with the utmost good order and harmony. The society 1s much indebted to the many friends who came from other divisions to assist us in ourshow. We should have had much less success had South Ootario, Cartwright, and Mariposa, withheld their support by remaining away from the show. The chief part--almost the entire--of our eff. cient staf of Judges were outsiders, and a very consideralle portion of the spectators reside in those places to which we have referred. This is as it ought to be, and while it does credit to those who have kindly assisted us in successfully carryin, through ofr show; it Taysus under an obli- gation to reciprocate. similar feelings and to lend our presence and assistance when au opportunity presents itself. To say actributable to the indefatigable zeal and industry of the able President and his effi- cient staff of Directors would only be echo- ing that which is asserted by all who have witnessed the manner in which every thing Coates did well in his show of lambs. The Cattle came nextand in the opinion of com- pelent julges, thus department was .con- sidered well.up. There were in this class and the contest close one. "Wm, | 5 'also an ex- Win. Tale showed and Geo entries [made of the very efficient Secretary to ed {0 bea | whose unwearied exertions much of that hard for | order and dispatch which characterized all many in- | ihe proceedings is largely indebted. We [understand that the proceeds of the ad- wittance to the Show and Conoert amount | 3, by to upwards of $400. Tbe grounds and "Him oil shed snemre the por . Geo. mirably--they are splendid "grounds every covnected with this exhibition has been condncted. Special mention should be for the purpose and the driil 'admirable Floral Hall-- |, ve cost the vil- pa grants--about '$700. that much of the success of the show is | j 2nd G Fields. Rolph, 2nd Philppo.. onion oa Sow, small breed; 6 entries 3' 1st John |" MeDonald, © © f . purpose most ad- lake, 2nd Lady Equestrian ; 6 entries 5 1st Miss M. W. Fautfield, 20d Miss Phabe Vernon, 3rd Mrs. R. Jones. Citrons + 19 entries; Ist Jolin Darker, 20d C Paxton, Squashes: 5 entries ; 1st Jas Phillipo, 2ad H Haight. Pumpkins : 14 entries ; 1st G U White, 2nde Jas Holman, Cauliflowers: 12 entries ; 1stH Haight, 20d Andrew Torrance: Gent Equestrian ; 12 entries ; 1st Philip Foy, 2nd James Paxton, 31! Wm. Paxton, Juar. CATTLE--~DURHAM. One year old Bull: 8 entries; 1st Wim Moffatt, 20d C Paxton, 3nd John Grego, Bull Calf: 2 entries ; Ist Geo. Hadden, 2nd Wm Moffatt. Cow ; 5 entries ; 1st and 20d Wm Tate, 3rd Wm Moffatt. » Celery : 2 entries ; 1st G Currie, 20d John Parker, DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter : 32 entries ; 1st Mrs S Reynold, 20d Mrs E Blow, 3rd Mrs F Rain, 41h Mrs J Camplin. Cheese: 1 entry; 1st MrsJ Holman. .__ DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Tulled Cloth: 8 entries; 1st J Mee Donald, 20d Mrs C C Jones. Two year old Heifer ; 1st Wm Tate. One year old Heifer; 2 entries ; 1st Chas Paxton, 2nd Wm Tate. Heifer Calf ; 2 entries ; 1st Wm Tate, 2ud Geo Hadden. GRADE CATTLE. Two year old Bull; 2 entries; 1st F Ward, 20d Geo Bradazon. One year old Bull: 2 entries; 1st F. Elliott, 20d John Lowman. Bull Calf; 12 entries; 1st F Ram, 20d oa Lee, 3rd David Gregg. Cow ; 14 entries; Ist Chas Galbrajth, 2nd F Rain, 3rd Wm Ward. Two year old Heifer ; 12 antries 3 1st Robt Scott, 20d Wm Moffatt, 3rd Win Coates. One year old Heifer ; 7 entries 3 1st Chas Paxton, 20d Wm Ward, 3cd John Parker. Heifer Calf ; Sentries ; 1st and 20d James Diamond, 3rd David Gregg. Yoke of Oxen, 6 entries ; Ist John Jacobs, 2nd W & H Reynolds. EIEEP -- LEICESTER, Aged Ram, 7 entries; 1st John Jury, 20d Thos Coates, 3r . aStioe | ? Shearling Ram, 4 entrios ; 1st A Sharrard, 2nd Thos Beatie, 3rd R Netherton. Ram Lamb, 16 entries ; lst and 20d Chas Pascoe, 3rd C Sharrard, Two Ewes, 15 entsigs § 1st C Sharrard, 2nd G Fields, 31d L Steer. Two Shearling Ewes, 8 entries ; 1st Chas Paccoe, 20d James Bond, 3rd C Sharrard. . To Ewe Lambs, 12 entries ;: 1st John Stonehouse, 2nd Chas Pascoe, 3rd Jos Mof- fat, COTSWOLDS, Aged Ram, 4 entries; 1st Geo Fields, 20d Win Moflaut, 3rd Andrew Scott, Shearling Ram, 2 entries ; stand 2nd Wm Harris, - Ram Lamb, 6 entries ;. 1st Wm Coates, 2ud a 4d 3rd Wm Harris, jun. Two Ewes, 4 entries; 1st Jos Graham. Two Shearling Ewes, 3 entries; lst Chas Pascoe, 20d Jas Bond, 8rd A Thompson. Two Ewe Lambs, 3 entries; lst Chas Pascoe, 20d Wm Coates. BOUTHDOWNS. Ram, 5 entries ; 1st C Paxton, 2nd John acobs. Two Ewes, 2 entries let and 2ad John Jacobs. Ram Lamb, 5 entries ; A G Sommerville. Two Ewe Lambs, 3 entries ; 1st and 2nd C. Paxton. Two Fat Wether, 4 entries; 1st E Blow, Two Fat Ewes, 5 entries ; 1st A Scot, ¥ H SWINE, ; Sow, large breed: 2 entries ; 1st John | 2 rn Moflate. : Boar Pig; large ; 1st H Harper. 433 Boar, small breed: 2 entries ; 1st James Boar Pj 2 Th capital condition ofthe grounds sad Pager | Jewett. ; | Wax Flowers: 1 e Tlanuel--white : 4 entries; 1st Mrs C Rennie, 20d Mrs R Lund. Flannel--colored: 9 entries; (1st Mrs R Bell, 2nd Mrs W & D Carmichael. Woolen Blankets: 3 entries ; 1st MrsR B Way, 20d Mrs G Brabszon. Coverlet: 9 entries ; 1stMrs.R Bell,2nd Mrs W Baird. Yarn Kuitting : 5 eutries; 1st Mrs C Sharrard, 20d Mrs J [olmau. Counterpane : 2 entries; Ist Mrs R Bell, 20d Mrs J Holnan. Mits--uwool : 5 entries; Ist Mrs J Mof- fat, 20d Mrs J Christie jun, Gloves--wool : 2 entries; 1st Mrs J Sharrard, 20d -Mrs M J Christie jun. Socks---wool: 4 entries; 1st Mrs J Christie jun, 2nd Mrs C Sharrard, Rag Rug: 4 entries ; 1st Miss R Har-- per, 20d Mrs D Jeunings. Rag Carpet: 2 entries 1st Mrs J Hol- man, 20d Mrs W Scott. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Gent's Shirt: 2 entries; 1st Mrs C Forrest, 20d Mrs Bowman. Lady's Bonnet: 4 entries ; Ist Mrs Fawcet, 20d Mrs [empbill, Lady's Dress: 2 entries; 1st Miss Mary Ann Nicholls. Lady's Mantle: Mrs Faweet, 20d Mrs J P Plauk. m= Child's Pinafore : 2 entries; 1st Mrs E Majer. : ' Childs Dress: 3 entries; 1st Mrs G Paxton, 20d Mrs H Smith. : Piece work Quilt : 6 entries; 1st Mrs E Major, 20d Miss Catherive Baird. Crochet work : 7 entries ; 1st Mrs D Jennings, 2nd Mrs J Jewett. Kaitting : 7reptries ; 1st Miss Catherine Christie jun, 20d Mrs J Christie jun, Ewbroidery on Muslin : 3 entries; 1st Miss Caddie, 20d Miss Cath Christie. Braiding : 1st Mrs E Major, 20d MrsD Jennings. : : Berlin wool work--raised : 5 oatries ; 1st Miss Mary EE Campbell, 2nd Miss R Harper. 0 Berlin wool work--flat: 8 entries ; 1st Mrs J Jewett, 20d Miss Cath Christie. German raised work : 3 entries; Ist >: 'W I Marsh, 2nd: Miss Sarah Stone e. i" r " 'Tatting : 5 Ata 1st Mrs H Harper, 20d Miss Scott. Omamental Needle work ¢ 4 entries » 1st Mrs J Christie jun; 20d' Mrs H Har. | Tr. Ro Leather work: 1 entry'; 1st Mrs C C Jones, Straw Hat: 1 entry ; 1st Mrs S_ Neth. 181 C Weel | erton juor. « | Hair Flowers: 1 Bph 1hompson, RL. Bl Jonesy lfc for on 1 8) 1 Wheat: 19 entries ; Jat v gil gid ) H . . ald i it: 2 ries 51 y y 2d Samuel' Netherion,'3rd Silas, ab Mise Lap 1. st Mrs Zephyr Flowers : 2 entries ; 1st Miss Mary C Campbell, 20d Miss E Bell. "Paper Flowers : 5 entries; 1st Mrs D Jennings, 30d Mrs E Sharp. Berllo wool Flowers: 2 entries; 1st Miss E Munro. : Fancy Basket : 2 entries ; ~1st Miss E Muaro, 20d Miss R Nickerson. Lady's Cloud : 2 entries ; 1st Mrs S Page, 20d Mrs E Major Farmer's Wreath: 2 entries; 1st Mrs D Jennings, 2nd Miss Rennie. FINE ARTS, . Oil Painting ; 3 entries ; Miss E. Bell, 2nd Mrs W. H. Marsh, Painting in Water Colors; 4 entries; Ist Miss E. Bolster, 20d Miss Agnes Nicholls, Flower Paintings ; 2 entries ; 1st Miss E. Bolster, 20d Miss Agnes Nicholls. Pencil Drawing; 8 entries; 1st Mrs. Obed Wilson, 2nd Miss Agnes Nicholls. Crayon Drawing; 4 entries; lst J. R. Youmans, 2nd Chas Marsh. Mapping; 1 entry; 2nd Miss Agnes Nicholls. Specimen Fancy Printing ; 1entry ; lst Baird & Parsons. y 3 ! Specimen Plain Printing ; 1st Baird & Parsons. 2 IMPLEMENTS. Donble Cariinge ; 2 entries ; 1:t B. Yar- nold, G. U. White. Single Buogy ; 5 entries ; 1st DonaldMe- Lean, 2nd T, C. Forman. Double Pleasure Sleigh ; 1st G. 17. White, Cutter ; 1st N. Stevenson. Wagon (wood axle); 3 entries ; 1st Samuel Pangman, 2nd Wm. Young. Wooden Plow ; 1st Paxton, Tate & Co. Set Tron Harrows ; 1st Gibson Greenwood. Pump ; Ist James Bowman. Scufiler ; 1st Neil Stevenson. Turtip Slicer ; Ist Neil Sinclair. Churn< 4 entries ; 1st Thos Birchell, 2nd J. B. Lezier. Horse Rake ; 1st J. B. Lazier. Grain Cradle ; 1st J. B. Lazer. MANUFACTURES. Set of Ilorse Shoes: 4 entries ; Ist Wm Il Warren. Side Sole Leather ; 2 entries; 1st Joshua Wright, 20d 8 Parish. Side Upper Leather; 2 entries ; 1s Joshua Wright, 2nd S Parish. Calf Skin, dressedg 2 entries ; 1st Joshua Wright, 20d S Parish. Men's Te Boots, (calf skin) ; 1st Low & Bertram. Men's coarse Boots, (cow hide) ; 2 en tries ; 1st Daynes & Swell, 20d" Low & Bertram. Ladies' Fine Boots, sewed ; 1st Low & Bertram. Ladies' Calf Boots ; 1st Low & Bert- ram, Sct Farm Warnes § Ist T Courtice. Set Carriage Harness j 1st T' Courtice. Set Single [Harness § 1st T Courtice, Side Saddle ; 1st T Courtice. Gent's Saddle, 2 entries ; 1st T Cour tice, 2nd Jas Harrison. Gentleman's Coat ; 1st J Squire. 11alf Thousand Shingles ; 1st Marsh & Trounce. Specimen of Cooper work, 2 entries $ 1st "L hos Birchell. COBINET WARE. Centre Table, 2 entries; 1st W H Park. Bureau, 2 entries ; 1st W H Park. MISCELLANEOUS, Ten Ibs Maple Sugar, 3 entries 7 1stC C Jones, 20d J W Squelch. Six Ibs IToney in the Comb, 7 entries } 1stA Cooley, 20d J B Lazer. Fifty Ibs Wheat Flour, 2 entries; Ist A Paul, 20d Marsh & Trounce. Fifty Ibs Oatmeal ; 1st A Paul, Six Sheaves Flax in straw, 2 entries ; Ist H Harper, 20d Jolin Rolph. Graining on Wood; 2 entries ; 1st W IT Marsh, Bent Stuff' for carriages and Ist J B Lazer. Copper and Tinware Stove Furniture } Ist B Brayan. sleighs ; Pair Turkeys, 3 entries ; 1st Thomas Coates, 2ud R Franklin. Pair Geese: 7entries; 1st T Coates, 2nd Thos Beatie. Pair Ducks: 7 entries ; 1st T Coates, 2nd T Lamb. Pair Barn Yard Fowls (large): 3 ep tries ; 1st Thos Lamb, 2ud Jobn Jary. Pair Barn Yard Fowls (small) : 1st J Jury, 20d W I Hayes, Collection Confectionary : 1 entry; 1s1C Hiscock, / Jar Fruit perseryedin sugar : 10 entries; 1st Miss E Reynolds, 20d Mrs T Lamb. . Jar Pickles : 6 entries ; 1st Mrs W A Tomlinson, 20d Mrs H Maw. Jar Jelly : 8 entries ; 1st Mrs TG For- man, 20d Mrs E Major, Loaf Bread: 8 entries; 1st Miss C For- est, 2nd Mrs R Lund: Best specimen of Horse Shoeing witn corks ; ' 2 entrys ; 1st Hall & Bailey, 2nd A Watson, ! JUDGES. OnGrain Seeds, Roots and [Torticulture --H. Bickell, R. Harper and Jos. Wixen. Dairy Produce, Domestic Mannfactures, Ladies' Department and FineArts,-- Mes. srs. Thwaite and Hamilton and Misses Lynde and Shier, of Whitby. Sheep--Wm. Storey, G. Hickingbottom and Jobn Smith. 'Cattle--John Dryden and Win. Leask. 'Horses--C. Mathews, W. H. Thomas and W. Coulthard: Implements and Cabinet Ware--A.Ket- chen, J. 8. Sprowle and J. B. Bickel. :Music--D. P. Wyatt, E. Walker and 'Mundy. aad 3 G The Judges on the horse shoes request us to state that the best specimen of horse shoes did not obtain the prize because they bag i wore or less filed which isagainst "| thie rule. y this office. The Diecretiouaty prizes will appear as CONCERT. . .~ A Concert in connection with the Agric cultural Society, was given in the Prince Albert Public Fall, on Wednesday even- "Tbe Uxbridge Band left nothing to be desired in the way of insjrumental music, while our Whitby friends'also in this lent their, most valuable assistance in the persons of Miss Lynde and Mr. Lowery who kind- ly consented to lend their valuable assist. ance. Major Forman was called to take charge of the platform, and the Concert commenced by an overture by the band. Mr. Lowry isa capital singer, the best we have heard for a very long time; it is the first time the people here have had the pleasure of bearing him. [Te 1s already a encores followed every ne of bis perform- ces. Miss Lynde bas an excellent voice with a well cultivated taste and manner. Miss Spears Is a capital singer, there are very few who can epual her mn a sweet Scotiish song. The Miss Walkers--the Miss Planks and Miss Harper and the Mr. Rookes sustained themeelves well. The valuable assistance of Mrs. £. Pungle was highly appreciated she is an accomplished hand ot the Piano. The Concert was a complete success in every particular, the house was literally packed. Want of space forbids us to enlarge. ent rere BROCK FALL SHOW. The Brock Agricultural Socicty's FallShow was held at Jones' Corners, 6ih Concession Brock, on Friday, 2nd inst. A better day could not be desired ; in fact, everything was favorable for holding a first rate Fair, and our Brock friends were not slow in tak- ing advantage of it. A larze number from all parts of the Township and from the sur- sence that this society is worthy of their support and eonntenance. There was a very fair exhibition of live stock, and if the show mn the Floral Hall and of Implements was not quite so extensive as one coukl have wished there were some very excellent articles in these departments. Immediately after dinner the judges went ta work in order to award the various prizes. The judges were R. Foster, Reach--A Plank, Uxbridge-- C.Hunter,Reach( Horses, Swine and Implements). On Canle and Sheep--J. Graham, Reach --James Thorn- dyke and Geo Wallace, Mariposa. Floral Hall--John Hodson, Manchester--R. Gil- phin, Usbiidge--S. P. Edwards, Brock. Draught Brood Mare with foal at foot or | evideiioe of foal : 4'entries; Int prize, James Doble, 2ud prize, Julius St John. General purpose Brood Mare with foal at foot or evidence of foal: 7 entries; lat A. Brethour, 2nd Geo Brabazon. Span of Horses for Draught to be aiiows in harness : 2 entries ; 1st George Hadden, 20d Henry Brethour, Span of Horses for general parpose, to be shown in harness: 4 ontries ; Ist Wellington Shier, 20d C. Rennie. Span Carriage Horses ; 1st Alex Reekie. Two year old entire Colt for general pur- pose : 3 entries ; 1st Wm. Gordon, 2ud Geo Brabazon. Two year old Geldini Colt for General purpose ; Ist Malcolm Gille spre. Two year old Filly tor general pnrpose : 2 entries ; Ist John Stone, 20d Wm Shier. One year old Filly for general purpose : 7 entries; lst James Doble, 2ud Julius St John. . Two year old Colt or Filly for saddle or carriage : 6 entries ; 1st J W Squeleh, 2ud W & D Carmichael. Foal of 1868 for gereral purpose: 8 en. tiies ; 1st Jas St John, 2ud M. Gillespie. Carnage Horse to be shown in harness : 10 watrigs ; Ist John Tipp; 20d H Brethour. Oue year old Colt or Filly for saddie or carriage : 6 entries; 1st Samuel McCally, 2ud John Allen. Foal of 1868 for saddle or carriage : 7 en- tries ; Ist A Brethour, 20d Ja Duble. Two year old Ball: 2 entries; 1st Geo Hadden ; 20a Geo Brabazon. Yearling Bull : 3 entries ; Ist Jas Doble, 20d Daniel King. Boll Calf: 2 entries ; 1st Geo Hadden, 2d Wm Francis. Miich Cow : 5 entries ; 1st Geo Hadden, 20d Andrew Hill. ' Two year old Heifer : 4 entries ; 1st Chas Rennie, 20d Geo Tocher. Yearling Heifer: 1st Geo Brabazon. Heiler Call : 4 entries ; Ist and 20d, Geo Hadden. Fat Cow, Ox or Steer: 3 entries ; 1st Geo Brabazon, 2ud Geo Tocher, Two Fat Sheep; Ist John Allen. Two Ewes : 4 entries ; 1st Chas Pascoe, 2nd John Allen. Two Ewe Lambs : 5 entries ; lst Chas Keeler, 2ud Chas Pascoe. Aged Ram: 3 entries; lst Chas Pascoe, 2nd, Wm Francis. v Chas_Keeler. : Ram Lamb : 6 entries ; Ist and 2nd Chas Pascoe. Boar : 3 entries ; lst C Speiran, 20d Wm Gordon. ' Sow : 3 entries ; lst John Allen, 20d H Brethour. ao Ten Ibs or more of Butter? 11 entries ; 1si Mes H Glendinning, 2nd Mrs A Brethour. Teun Ibs or more of Cheese ; 1st A Me- Phaden. 50 Ibs of Flour ; 1st Chas Speiran. Two dozen Apples--not less than 4 varie- ties : 3 entries ; Tr Jas Reekie, 20d M Gil- lespie. « £ Half-bushel of Potatoes: 4 entries; 1st Jas Mosier, 20d A -McPhaden. Dozen Turnips : 4 entries ; 1st A Brethour. Dozen Carrots ; 2 entries; 1st A Hill Dozen Beets: 2 entries; lst Peter Car- michael. . eck Of michael. Six heads Brethour. + * Coverlet : 2 nities ; 1st Wm vay. Piece-work 'Quilt; 2 entries: 18t Wm aitdy i) Tata Tn Five yards Fulied Cloth: '8 entries; 1st Jou Hart; 2d R B Way, Five yards Flannel : 7 entries i lw ge: 2 entries ; 1st A 'as they are arranged by the board. D Carmichael, 20d John Hart. favorite with all who heard Lim, rapturous 2 rounding townships showed by their pre. | entries; W & D Car- [ably Pair of Blankets : 4 entries 3 fot K B Way, 2nd John Hart, ~~ i ' wi + 5 entries; 1st Geo Harty 20d W Way, ? : Plaid: 3 entries; 1st Geo Reekie, 2nd Wm Baird. fee, Side Upper Leather; Ist N MoLeas. Side Harness Leather; Ist N MoLean. Set of Heavy Double Harness: 1st R Maybee. : Set of Single Harness ; Ist Thos May. Pair Men's Calf Boots : 2 entries ; 1st N McLean, : Tron Plow ; 1st H MeDonald. Wooden Plow ; 1st H McDonald. Wagon: 3 entries ; 1st Valleniyne; 2nd W Young. Pair of Harrows ; 1st McDonald. * DrscreTIONARY.--~Mr. Wm. Gordon give. two prizes $5 and $3, for the two best sutking colts or fillies, sired by his stallion 'Farmers' Delight." Patrick Keenan Jook the lst prize, and Joseph Barker the nd, % out any of the animals shown ; but parties . who have seen the show will bear us out, in referring to one or two. The two year old colts shown by J. W. Squeleh, and by W & D Carmichael, were beauties. splendid Catile. Geo. Brabaaon is sue-- coe bronght on some eapital sheep aed - carried off a nun.ber of prizes, 'J. Allen. showed some good sheep. The Class Horses was well represented;. and those e terprising men who bave the: energy and liberality to procure and! raise good stoak 'n any locality are public: bene factors and leserve the thanks of the come munity. The lately metalled proprietor of the Brock House, Mr. john A. Campbell, did everything possible for the accommodation and comfort of the continued rushof guests which passed in and out during: the whole day; while his good lady showed: her skill in {gelling up excellent tables. Mr. Camp. bell is a kind and obliging host and will | doubtless secure a profitable business to " Brock House." HOW TO OBTAIN 10,000,000 ACRES OF LAND. * tt * * "Whatismore important for ive promoters of the work to do, is to get ature of every responsible man in the In to their memorial Pour in the peti~ tions. Keep public opinion well informed. -- Keep up good courage, I the land is not to bo had in one district, it may be found in another. Petitition! Petition ! L- Petition [1 1"--Foronto Daily Telegraph. Our enterprising neighbor of the Tele- graph will find that after they have done all this " pouring in petitions' that some will be curions enongh to enquire whether there may not be a better route for the pro- poeed Canal than either of those proposed: by the Company, and sach an inquiry ean- not fuil to be disastrous te the Toronto routes. | A very slight investigation will show thea [ha proper route for the proposed Canal is throngh {he County of Cntaiio. a © -- Cartwright Cogngil in our next. 4 A ---- AUCTION BALES, Ou Thursday, Oct. 8, on lot 10, 9th con. East Whiby,-- Stock, Farm Imple- ments, &e., property of Mr. R. Warder. L. Major, anctioneer, On Monday, Cet 12, on lot 18, 3rd con. of Reach, -- Stock, and Farm Implements, property of Mr. John Lowmau.,--E, Major, auctioneer, On Monday, Oct. 12, on lot 11, 6th con Pickering--Stock, Farm Implements, &e., property of Mr. Isaac Linton. J: C. Pilkey, auctioneer. On Friday, Oet. 16,0n lot 8, 13th con. Reach-- Stock, Farm Implements, &.,. property of Mr. Joseph Graham.-- J. C. Pilkey, auctioneer. On Tuesday, Oct 20, near Claremont, Piok- eting,-- Stock, Farm Implements, &o., property of Mr. lsaac Jones,~J. C, Pilkey, anctioneer, On Friday, Oct. 23, on lot 4, 1st con. Eldon, --~Stock, Farm Iniplements, &c., the property of Mr. Danniel Manning.-- R. Hungerford, auctioneer. On Saturday, Oct. 10th, on lot 15, 3id con. of Reach-Stock, Farm Implements, &e., property of Mr. Moses Vernon .--. E Major, Anctioneer. On Saturday, Oct. 17th, at Saimfield,- Store. Goods, Farm Stock, &e., propery of; « Mr. James Harlow.--E. Mjor, Auc~ ticneer. | .sirTHS y i In Port Perry, on the 8rd inst, the wife. of H. L. Ebbels, Esq, of a son, In Prince Albert, on the 5thinst., the wife of Mr. Boynton, of a daughter. At Brooklin, on the 30th Sept., the wife off Mr, James Powell, of the Globe Liotel, of sah MARRIED, At Borelia, on the Gthinst., by the Rew. @.r Jamieson, Ezekiel Young, of tho Ti At Whitby on the 19th nit, the Rev. Mr. Sater Mr. Duel Lark to Miss & both of Reach. et eee, REACH MARKETS, Prince Albert, Oot. 8, 1868, Fall Wheat, $1.20 @ $1.25 4 bush. (i Spring Wheat, $1.12 4 bi 1 Barley, $1.08 ey, $1. A Peas, 80 4 85. . Clover Seed, $4.75 § bush. . Oats, 50c., : Eggs llc: : At. Cord Woon---dry §2--greon $1.50. 'Wool, 24¢ @ 26 ¢ per ib. AL 8 Hams, 12} ¢ per ib. Bacon, 10 ¢ per B. ' rd t---- DOG LOST. A N the 1st Oot., a large Black Newfoundland er Lia. Ay. vein urning him to sul or tion that will lead to rewarded 1 ELA tay W. H, HAYES. 14, 2 " Reach, Oct. 7, 1608, =" 4 Wl po Bodie eH Ta K ou ND GOGE Drones a Somer Jones. Tio undersigned, ' Jd : 2 J. BRYANT, Reach, Oct. 7. 1868, Mr. Geo Hadden showed some. cessful in raising first rote stock, - C. Pas. - thot large and well appointed. Hotel, the - or Lot. No, ; 1st oon, Reagl y - ez 1t would be almost out of place to single © » y : Sidney, to Ziannah Gerow, of the Township. Shearling Ram: 3 enfries 5 1st and 20d | Reach. 4