Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Oct 1868, p. 3

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For terms apply to the proprietor on the pre- Y mises. a ---------- | Money Saved is Honey Gained ! AT THE ~ "| MANCHESTER WAREHOUSE" Te simerons cust unusually large dh Sto etbll and d Winte 3 th an i no' : an [PEE & of this establishment. A choice selection oF Goals is now being offered at very low prices. The Stock comprizes a large lot of the best 1 f Dress Goods, in a great variety of a Nw 0 I "1 C i oe and patterns, 5 Jn 5 Sat Ta Ready | | " made Clothing for men and boys. n exira quantity of Boots and Shoes, and the ughal Stock | ven that a By-law. of Cheap Groceries, Crockery, and Hardware, r PRs sr en Sa of { Among the bar aing ofied ia the rious Je nship of Cart| partments wi found Factory Cottons af el Bl Cutell of he Fytenshis and 7 cents per yard; wide, Washi Prints at 10, 5 and 15 cents per yar large lot of Cobourgs at 12} cents per yard om pply). Downe fold Wincey at 124 cents per Sen French Merinos at 50 cents per yard--a Monday, the Second day of November, 1868, for the purpese of ems yoda a Gy " Fisued he 50 anada Tw at ESTABLISHING A LINE OF ROAD, cvs res ard, i. Ladies' Calf Skin Boots at $1 per pair. Men's heavy 8 at Between Lots No. 16 and 17, in the 5th con- Linen Bags at $3.50 per doz. cession of the Township of Cartwright afore- I nL bois $3 to Co nga A good heavy said. winter Suit of Clothes for £8. A targe lot of the new 50 cent Tea which is now having such a By order of Council, ; run--Ladies try it. A splendicl lot of WhiteFish W. LUCAS, and Trout in half-barrels, fresh ard cheap. And # Township Cert a large lot of Granite and other Crockery ware Cartwright; Oct. 5, 1863. 4w | at unusually low prices. Price i for good Butter 21 cents por 1b.-- Goods given in exchange at cash prices, ' T_T o Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats and Pork' wanted lye To in any quantity for which cash will be paid. ADAM GORDON. -- () ee Manchester, Sept. 23, 1868. BEST Madder, Extract Lodwood, Biue| -- =" A Vitriol, Cochineal, and all other Dy Stuffs or colori 'with reciepts how to use them given Batehase your Dye Stuffs at the MEDICAL HALL, Adjoining the Store of T. C. Forman, Esq.. PRINCE ALBERT My stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Per- fumery, is complete and will be sold at the lowest remuncrative prices. Every article waranted pure and genuine. NOTICE County of Ontario, S hereby given, that the TO WIT: Court of ~Assize, Nisi er and Terminer, and General Gaol will be holden in and for the County of Ontario, in the Court House, in the Town of AV. A. TOMLINSON. Whithy, Princo Alber, Sept. 10, 1565. ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1868, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all em ----------te i FARM FOR S ALE. Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and «ll others 4. | cone 1, will take notice and govern them- { selves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS. Sheriff C. 0. ow" SS HE: Subscriber offers for Sale that excellent Farm being the North-half of Lot No. 2, Con. B. in the > . Townshipof Mariposa Sa oy o. Te LINgON: Containing 100 Acres, 85 cleared and in n good De 36 8 of cultivation ; with suitable Buildings, and ¥ Nuits, Sept, 9% 1863 i "rr PRINCE ALBERT = ALEX. McLEAN. Mariposa, Sept. 29, W608, L 39-tf, 7 . MR. A. BARREIT, PIUTLRE fo Photographer| ciiizay King St.. Oshawa. ee The Subscriber would in- MOTOGRAPIIS in tho very best style are | fom, thy taiabitants of ala mauufactured in our gallery. that he has opened the above Gallery over the Entrance through Mr. Carswell's Con- | Store of Wn M. Wightman & Having JSectionery Store. spared no pains in fitting up the Oshawa, April 17, 1867. prides himself that he can give entire satisfac- ? 1 jion to all all who may favor him with their . 37-0w . rT i patronage. C ards of I hank 8S, Fictires of all kinds and sizes, finished with water colors. » f I5~ Pictures enlarged to any size desired with Lot 7, Con. 6, ity, } the Solar Camera. Septembef 3, 1868. Photographs $2 per dozen, ~ ver M To thie ann BIS 4) Directors Bedver Mutual Lettergraphs 25 cents cach, Gentlemen, --~T hereby acknowledge the | 3~ Call and examine specimens. Haymen; of Four Hundred and Twenty-five Dol- G. BURCE, ars, being a very prompt and honorable settle- ARTIST, ment of my claim for loss of my dwelling house, Prince Albert, Sept 20, 1808. 39-2m insured under policy No. 19897, and burned on -- : the 17th August, "ames GRAHAM, MRS. DECKER ; < Lot 5, Con. 5, Mariposa, September 4, 1808. Received from the Beaver Mutual Fire Asso- . ciationof Taronto the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, being the full amount of my insurance burned I 2 Sr bouts Bf Sete Sutin No. Sogn 2h WATC H MAK ER ! . MURDOCH Me¢DOUGALL. JEWELER, &C., Prines Allert, Sept. 1808. Prince Albert, Ont., Received from the Beaver slultal Fire Asso- Begs to announce to the oli that she Te «ation of Toronto the sum of Fom: H'udred and [77% secured the se es of a Fifty Dollars being the amount in tll for the . outbuildings, insured under poliev Nu. 17712 [First Class Watchmaker. having been burnt in eonzequence of being 4 struek by lightning, on 14th Dos lagt, said | All work entrusted to his care will be warrant- fnsuranee settled sceond day afer claim papers) ed to give satisfaction. were made out, ) sont I he would also embrace the presen M. G. ROBSON. a of returning her sincere thanks to ------ the inhabitart? of Reach and the surrounding The above 4ssociation also insures againat | ty nships for the liberal patronage bestowec er--an Joss by the death of horses or cattle from any upon her deceased h "Shand i Decke QUEL would further state tht She Intends carrying on M.'G. ROBSON, the business in all its branches. Agent at Prince Albert. Parties indebted to my je lmsband are ro- C. W. MADDER, |e to pay up said indebtedness without fur ther dela; 4 Agent al Jaghin Prince albert, Sept 23, 1868, 38 Sept. 9,1368, Hi The Substribirs beg to adyise their frignds and ; the public generally of the receipt of 15 Cases Boots & Shoes, Cases Canadian Tweed, 1 Case Gents' L. W. Shirts and Pants, THE BEST VALUE = THT MARKET. asst 0 POF 0 brain Brown & Christian. GREAT" BARGATNS| of the subscriber : lo bd] | "Small SB a quick returns" being the | |W ML WICH " 2 ASSORTHENT 4 allDressGoods THAN & 60%. Late COWAN'S, Importers, PRINCE ALBERT. oo . LOR "8981 'I 1:050y 4uaqy sautig 'NOSE0Y 9 I MADDER, LOGWOOD, Extract of LOGIFOOD, REDWOOD, CAMIWOOD, (SANNJ ALVAING) - 'LYIATV IONIE (Port, Perry, July 30, 1868. i 1 { Ml Ud § Iv "NV0T 01 1 Ww Avveriisements. Fai, IpontaTions Currie 8 Ross Will open, in a few days, their pRimyTa: Of COODS, : received by Steamship ¢ Hibernian." Poster] notice will be given next week. WANTED 50,000 BUS. BARLEY, "WHEAT, d| Any quantity of Peas, Dats, and Butter for which the highest price - will be paid. Prince Albert, Sept. 3, 1868. Th oi A splendid assortment of Gloves of all MANCHESTER, Sept. 3, 1868. 35 IW BONINON STOR; The Subscriber has new to hand the LARGEST and FINEST SELECTION OF GOODS In every department, which he has ever lad the picasure of offering fat the " New Dominion Store," the prices for which will compare favorably with the same class of Goods in any City or Town in Canada, and will be sold either for Cash, or Credit to the Ist of October next. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: Beautiful Dress Goodsiin DeLaines, Lus- kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cot{on, Berlin, tres, . Popplinetts, Bareges, Alex. and French Kid. andria Cords, aod Stripes of all kinds, | 5, extra lot of Tweeds, and the Cheapest from 12} cents per yard upwards. in the market. Some of the very finest French and Eng-| Ziis a well k fact that he berber. solid lish Prints ; also Hoyles'. Dailey & |the Cheapest Tweeds of any House in the Trade Gravel', and other makes of Prints ; | {24 £all, and he is prepared to do so still. Brilliants, Muslins, &c., from 123¢ An immense Stock of Grey Cottons at old + per yard upwards. prices, 10, 12} and 15 cts per yard. |The finest selection of Ladies' Mantle |A large Tot of gentlemen's Hats in Felt, Cloths fo be found, in all colors. Straw, Silk and Wool. Alarge assorfuent of Parasols," from 50c | A fine and complete assortment of Hard- 'to $2.50. ware df all kinds. Ladies' Hats and Bownets of all sorts and | Adda fire bssortuent of Groceries, Paints, #izes. Oils, &c., good and Cheap. The. finest lof "of Ribbons and Aiimuiage A fine and complete Stock 'of School mn Ontario. * Books, Slates, Writing Paper, Copy A beautiful{assortment 'of Shawls of ol Books. Lavelopes, Pens, Ink, &e.-- kinds. Ledgers, Duy Books, Cash Books, Pass Books, oi 4 tT shall be prepared to. furnish parties who' fatend- burkdiog, with Timber of ail sizes, Shingles sawn and split, Nails, Glass, &e., very low. on [10d Sel iting an ly call and examination of Stock. i z ip PG, FORMAN. | Prince A rida) 30, ie, r JUST RECEIVED AT THE wn Medical Hall, ih PORT PERRY! (Hag) §)j5s A full assortment of Dye Stuffs The above havejbeen selected wilh the greatest care and will be ww. arranted the best quality. for dyeing any color will be given to those purchasing dyes, The attention ot Painters and others is called to our la oy. Fur Fresh and Reliable DRUGS and MEDICINES go to the MEDICAL HALL, PORT PERLY. | INCLUDING .THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES: ° {CUDBEAR, ANNATO, COCAINE AL, LAC-DYE, INDIGO, MADDER COMPOUND, FUSTIC, INDIGO COMPOUND, COPPIRAS, LIQUID BLUE, &| A pamphlet giving full i stru en ge Stock of PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE 8, and Varnishes, JON IS S & JONT KS. GROCERIES, PROTONS & LIQUOR Purchased a the best Markets and on the most adv anlageous terms. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Reach an inl ng townships that he hae just opened up his BORELIA, Where everything in the Groe cory, Provisiongand Lignor Ina will be constantly kept on | hand, of the very best quality; and at prices which cannot fail to'satisfy the purchaser, All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchan: ge, for which the bgt market price will | r' REALE, ~ Pronden TOR. be paid. (= A call is solicited. Borelia, Sept 1, 1868. LA DI B Ss' ' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE PROPLES' BOOT & AMOR TURE, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. nL J. COX Has just received an invoice of the most fashionable styles of Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmorals' Gaiters, and Children's wear, ever offered in Prince Albert,which will be sold at prices that will | DER ¥ COMPE TITION DIRECT THPORTITION! Are daily receiving at their Stores, Manchester & Whitby Large quantities of New Goods! Purchased by R. CAMPBELL, on the most advantageous terms in the Britren Mag- KETS, and imported direct. Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy Goods. A large and excellent Vatigty of Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS & SHOES. A lot of capital CROCKERY, and a full stock of First class Wines & Liquors, All of which will be gold cheap for eash. An early call 1s respectfully solicited. a large addition to our premise at Manchester. R. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester, Sept. 8th, 1868. 36. New Grocery, Provision, and Liguor Store, R. & J. CAMPBELL. The Stock consists of a choice selection of Newest Stylesjof In order to meet the demands of our steadily increasing business we are about to make Strayed Cattle * TRAYED AND an : , about the middle of. 3 HEIFERS. One 3 year old Spotted red and Naite an anda'V cut in oneear, Two 2 year olds. One black, the other yellow or brindle. Information leading their recovery be thankfully received Eo the parties pi rewarded. SLAs PURVIS, 38-4w* t, 18, 1868. Intercolonial Railway. TO CONTRACTORS. THE wondarsigned is instructed by he A Government of Canada to inform" Con= tractors that at an early day tenders will be i invited for the execuiron of certain portions of the Intercolonial Railway between | Riviere du Loup and Rimouski, in the Pro- { vince of Quebec ; between Truro and Am- herst, in the Province of Nova: Scotia ; and between Dalhousie and Bathurst, in the Province of New Brunswick. It is intended to let the work m sections | or divisions, ranging from 1510 35 miles, according to the situation and local circum= | sane ces. Li The surveys are now in progress, and in part complete rd, and the object of this notice 1s to afford intending Contractors ample op= f portunity of examining the grounds st onee. The plan, profiles, specifications, condi- tons of contract, forms of tender, and other documents required for the information and { guidance e of contract re, are now being pre- { pated, and when. ready, (of which dua no- tice will be wiven) will be seen at the Rail- | way Engineer's Office, iti Halifax, St. John, | Dathousie, Rimouski, Riviere du Loup, and at Ottawa. SANDFORD FLEMING, Chiet Engineer. Intercolonial Railway Ofiice, Ottawa, 8 12, 1868. Wi, HEPINSTALL | PRACTICAL | WATCH MAKER, AND JEWELER, RL O OKLIN. Ls Amer} can Te er; Russell's Cele- brated and other styles of Watches! Kept constantly, oi g Also a great variety of ss JEWELRY, & OTHER GOODS. v thing is his line would do tine before purchasing elge- PS from kinds of Watches and Clocks repairen and WARRANTED. Braoklin, Sept. 9, 1868. 36-t ! Parties Nin wel HL to ead and | | | WIL MARSH, | shouse, Hig, Carriage, | any Ovivnental | e AINTER. 'B EGS to return Stake to inks to the public for past JY favors, nnd would beg to state that he has opened op arly opposite the "Prince Albert ( where hie will be able 0 execute all Er of the art in the best style. | Prince. tlbert, Nov. 26, 1867. 47 ELECTRICITY IN DISEASE ! i BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that I have procured for myselt' a powerful and very superior Electro- Galvanic 1 1 consider Electricity to be 1 ih appreciated and understood, zent in many diseases, I con~ duce the most astonishing 0. 5, Indeed, in cases were f no avail, the Battery, if scienti- cally and Judietonsly applied, will in namerons instances bring aba nt a perfect recovery: Of , that or that it will answer in every case, as for it ne . But 1 doa prehend that in many ders, some of which Pr it will prod he most desirable consequences. The diseases and ailments in which I consider Electricity to be most serviceable, and as mosy certain of predueing good, are the fo ollowing : GENERAL DEBILITY, « NERVOUSNESS. CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the L Iy- LF, BLADDER and KIDNEYS ; ASTHM 3 DYSPEPSIA, CONST IPA 110N PILES, REEMATISM, NEUR ALGIA; PARALYSIS. CQURVATUR'GS, and other AFFECTIONS of tees PI CONSUMPTION in its earl y stage ; DISEASES ansing from JubURE or IMPo VERISHED £10 D, &c. N.B. Imay add thatthero is no or un 1tness ia du' sing an "the Battery, and that it iL coe currents of Electricity, dig ing and applicable to the sev/ pal disor d states the system, FRANCIS i I {THUS MD, CML, 'Store to Let. | FARM To RENT. Las Store i jt Greenbank, with all the pre- pied by Mr, A iyi, Possoes- sion given.on' or Dr the 19th day of Nov, Lot No. 8, in For Parculars, apply 5 letter pre-paid, to |a term of year--f : % JOHN PHENIX, and in a good state of dutty. ation. Greepbank, Sept, 16, 1868, tt Utica, Sept., 16, hl HE Snteceiher will Root. the North-half of the 4th concession, : React for] > 5 to 80. cleared, |: GREg DAN a adn F TIE. | iii ons at Oshawa, Nev. 1, oe and } An a. ---- seriber, lot No. Ay thn af : 23, Te encom i ER ays LTT # ¥ oA Tr a a i re yf Soy

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