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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Sep 1869, p. 3

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yBancams N. BROWN'S CANNINGTON. > --ago-- all and Winter Stock ; Ahave determined to have a / Clearing Sale Of my present Stock AT COST! Up till the first of Cctober. IJ" Parties wishing to secure first class goods the present opportunity. NEIL BROWN. v * Cannington, Sept. 13, 1869. 37-2w Toronto & Nipissing allway, $7" ENDERS are invited for the following works : Suthe line of Railway from Searboro' to Co- onk (-- '1--Clearing and Grubbing, 2--Grading, 3--Ties. 4--Fencing, J --Stone Culverts, 6 -'Timber Bridges. » PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS ean be seen at the Company's office, corner Bay and | Front streets, Toronto, on and after the 20¢h SEPTEMBER; and Tenders wi in be opened on 11th OCTOBER. The Company do not bird themselves to ac- cept the lowest or any Tender. The names of food aud sufficient sureties to the extent of one alf the amount of tender must be given, Tend- ers to be endorsed on the outside with the des- wxiption of work, and the number of the section 10 which the apply, to be addressed to JAMES GRAHAM, Secretary of T. & N. R. Co'y Toronts, 4 bh September, 1869. 364-w - M tt Ee Fe he = &A fa) 3 Ox > | ANE Fon b= 0. = KF J | -- Be | o Eom se = ] © _ OD , OQ £4 vr [> . - o oo Ee uh gE wm © .. au ~ #0: _-- 2 | ® > . = ---- £ a { -- = = E A ro = 2 < < | = § ad x Nor ICE County of Dusaria, § 1s here ehy given that the TO WIT Court of As: Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and general Goal Delivery, will be holden in and for the County of Ontario, in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on } Wepyiadey, October 6th, 1869, | at the h oners, Justices of the Peace, and all others con- = fed, are required to take Hotes and govern 1 selves accordingly. . NELSON G.I. LYNOLDS, R. H. ToNUNSOR) Sheriff ©. 0. eriff's Office, 1st" September, 1869. 35-td STRAYED PONY. 2 NAME - "into! the Promises of the Subseriber 0 weeks ago A.BAY PONY ¥ About 14 hands highes7 Fears old. N The wlbr fs requested to claim property, pay expenses and take it away. THOMAS LAMB, r of 12 o'elock noon, of whichall Cor- SGREBAM i order to make roont for my unusually large oo EB s at cost price will do well to take advantage of Pew AIVertiscments. 1869. 1869. @ URRIE & Ross HAVE" THEIR ALL 1D ITER cK Dry Goods & Groceries Direct from the ENGLISH MARKETS COMPLETE. Our Stock for STYLE, QUALITY, asd CHEAPN ESS, cannot ~ be SURPASSED. "We offer the following DRESS GOODS. Figured, Broche, Tartan, and Barathed Repps. Corded, Plain, and Figured Black | Silks--do. Colored. Figured, and Plains Irish Poplins. French Merinoes, Thibets, | and Winceys. Cloth Man:les 81 25, Velveteen $2, newest styles. Shawls in end | less variety, = 30 Pieees Mantle Cloth, very fancy, from S7c 10 $6. A full assort- went of Dress and Mantle Trimming. Cloths, 100 pieces, Tweeds, Dilot, Beaver, Velveteen, Silk Mixed, and Waterproof. Ready-made Clothing Suits made to order by a First Crass Workman. 50 pairs Herse Blankets.-- 150 Pieces White, and Gray COTTONS. Hollands, Cotton. und Linen Bags.-- Cotton Yarn in Red, White, Blue and Orange. Full Stock of Groceries. Fres T Teas, new crop, from 50¢ to $1.30. (5 Paiots, Oils, Hardware, Bocts and Shoes. We invite a thorough inspection of the ab ve_Stock. ¥3= Wanted, 50.000 bushels Wheat, 50,000 bushels Barley, and any quantity of Oats, Peas, Pork, and Butter ; for which the highest price will be paid. Five cents per bushel, cash, for Teaming Barley. Prince _ Privee Albert 16th h Sept. ey 1869. 3 RB. & J. CAMPBELL Beg to announce that they bave now received the Great Bulk of their Stock "pur- classed by ove of the Firm iu the 3: BRITISH MARKETS COMPRISING OVER 200 CASES And Bales of Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready- made Clothing, Teas, Shelf' Hardwar 2, &c. And baying come to the Rlosia that to Sell Goods really Cheap and keep up to the times, is to buy for Cash and Sell only for Cash or Produce, aud from this forward that is the system they intend 10 carry out. 07 Parties baving accounts fare requested to call aud square up by the first | of October. (5 Cali and examine Stock, acd see if the CASI SYSTEM isnot the best for | all parties. R- & J. Campbell. Whitby & Maochester, Sept. 16, 1369. | | l I | =a : » " . Er P - £ 2s B 2 cs2 S : au £822 & 0 - = Fg = Sa = . iy S = 59 = =3 Sm --t & - i " e £38 = z <& ez © Eg " w °c el 5 > T= ~ [2 ~E2 = : | = Eos ET ES ==5 = < Cy 2 SE = STZ = = 4 > £ SIE TT = EXE =*8 < g 2= = : 2 EE E = . = c - €c58 =. = An, T=23: 3 <= xr EW 52545 B= w 6% Sy = clmm©™ -- Em 2H § - - EE © 'e Ee ZL 2 ye = Ss FIFE <5 I my 3 3 = . = Tye #E woe £ eS oO Sh = = ~ Lo £9 £ 4 De BE, nd es w - ERE =< EZ yl. r = = © = , . » E = = = - Ba ee e 8% 22 = vz sk 2 = - - 85 2 cL 0 - n © par". = or oi § v RS a 8c >, by ER] T = -- E £ = == e s £ $23 f° s 2 3 £5 22: mm £ SEE ZF ES, ef 8 Ee ENEP Ep Wz ZZ r &<¢ z Er af w gE O.E8 3 z Z (55x, 2 pd bo pis 3% 2 Co cme ° E--C A Ho ST REmE | 8 gezg £8 Ea E = & EE = : { fo | | THE NCRTH ONTARIO DRUG, GROCERY! Liquor Store! Lot 22, in the 3rd eon of Resch. Re 1,186! 35-4w he 3 x op, £7 Z EE T-- BALDWIN & WILLCOX Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opposite Scott's Hotel, Nome is hereb, y given that application will be made to the a atare of the Province of Ontario, at its next session, for amendment of He aa of the Toronto & Nipissing Railway Sond pray Shy wich the uid if Oompidy will be Fad seg granted OF ere here- , Tt od i ipalities for the con- a Pa 0 wards the building of 'tom a point on the Grand Trunk ilw, A Kak of Scarboro, to Cobo- £ es 8 sel h mous a 4° 'may require to be used said points, on the line of the Grand . Trunk Rattan 4 poip the to of 0, and 50 to extend the time for the completion of said Taf And natice is bereby ven that RJ 0 alba 4p ed that ORO n to the Risen Tad Rai i of ta Dye Stuffs, Pamts, Oils and Varnishes. Thoroughly reliable Patent Medicines. ranches to assess themselves for the purpose of Eranting a beifis or bonuses towards the con- wpe tion of gugl Torgnto and Nipissing Rail- "lou? i : JOIN LEYS, 3 . Solienor, PRINCE ALBERT! Invite the special atiention of the public to their extensive cewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol- land avd Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- Jobs Bull Bitters, &e. £2 A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. 05 Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We _guarantee that for, excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. A choic: lot of 'Tobaccos, Spices, Picklés, Sauces, &e PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, (Zr Books and Stationery, Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected." Everything in Stock is of supertor quality and will be so'd at the lowest Temadera tive Prices. Remember the place opposite Seott's Hotel, Prince Albert. BALDWIN & WILLCOX. : T.&N.R: C. Toronto, dug. 24, 1860. 34-6w . PAXTON LZITONES ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR NEW GOODS FOR THE WHITBY AND UXBRIDGE. | Totes Via business Fall& WinterTrade! Hp Where will be found Bu cove and other vehicles of Tis ma oo §&= Their enfire Stock will be opened out and ready for inspection wists ues am: th Ey Repairs executed with promptijude sad at the Whitby establishment for sale. Everything in the way of C: JOSHUA WRIGHT'S . Whitby and Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. } THE Subscriber has ; JOHN BILLINGS. . § MONTREAL WORK. Former Prices, Present Prices, Reduction. § 3 ™ Mens' Fine Boots... +... 86 00...... $4 Torseesn iB] 25 Meus' Fite Boots from. ....... $3 25 and upwards. J. C. PILKEY, Womens' Kid Gaiters «. 3 00.100us 2 50..ssons 0 500 crern Gar Eeords 3 3 ) 050, Women Lace Boots from... 100 Simon for sic A sie aide to te Children's Heavy Lace Boots. . 40 a on hand. As he uses none but the ; in a FEW DAYS! tre and repairs Stithded to at Wi FOR THE : £3,000 Meus' Kip Boots « 4 75..0000 3 T5to $d... 1 00, Men's Kip Boots from........ 2 50 i Licensey Auctioneer Womens' Calf Bulworals 2 75...... 2 25. shortest notice--any where within the County. -- The above quotations are for CASH ONLY. and employs none but the best wi STkpe: tbe {G= Full particulars next week. dispatch, nr athe usual, All work warranted Fall "Trad Fy -- 2 Mens' Coarse Boots, ... 4 0...... 3 925........:0 75 Meu's Coarse Boots from. ..... 1 75 ". FOR THE 1 a, 1 Wouiens' Lace Boots .. 2 25.,.4.. 1 90,...... «0 Terms liberal. Bills shaped tree of charge, -- JOSHUA WRIGHT. quality of his work can be always rel PORT PERRY, Sept. 23, 1569, PAXTON & JONES A few second-hand oven nd covered buggies SAMUEL WALKEY. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. HOM MADE WORK. Mens' Gaiter Bootseses 4 00...... 3 00103 2 Womens' Gaiters from ....... a5 " County of Ontarie Boy's work at 15 10 20 per cent reduction. Debts collectedon reasonable terms. J. C. PILKEY, St FOR CASH, ge Prince Albert, Aug. 5, 1869. Epson P. 0. New Fall Goods ! PROM GREAT BRITAIN, Per Steamer 4 = Patrick," } M. Wightman & Co's New Scarlet, White, and Fancy Flannels, New Prints--New Winceys, New Hollands and Table Linens, New Shawls--New Fancy Skirts and Skirting, New White and Grey Cottons. Also--A igs assortment of Canadian Goods. 1'weeds--Satinetts and Full Cloths. Searles Flannels--Home ade Flan- nels. Canadian Cottons in all widths and qualities. Cotton Yarns, White--Blue--Red--Orange WM. M. WIGHTMAN & CO. Late J: & W. COW.AN PRINCE ALBERT, UF WITH THE TIMES | Centre House Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Factory, DIRECT New Dress Goods in great variety, | I. returning my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the very liberal patron- age which they have bestowed upon me during the many years which I have done ~- business in this village, and whose steadily increasing demands have compelled me 10 enlarge my premises, | have now the pleasure to state, that having thoroughly over- hauled and fitted up those excellent aud commodions preruises lately occupied by Mr, Wiighit=1wo doors noth of my late place of business. 1 have npw opened oul one of | the largest und best stocks in the county, consisting of . Silver Ware, Crystal, China, Stone Ware, Crockery, &ec. Every wuriety of The Sabscriber respectfully calls the attention of the inhabitants . of Prince Albert and the country surrounding, to the flew Store Teas, Coffees & Bp known as the " Centre House," where will be found a choice as- Ot the very best qualities. Ihave purchased on the mo-t advantageous terms, one of the sortment of Largest & Best Stocks of Liquors {| | ) To be found in the Province, consisting of the best branils of BRANDIES - GIN, HOL- AND and OLD TOM--WINES, PORT, SHERRY, CHAMPAGNE, ec. elc. Wo KY, MALT, OLD RYE, etc., ete. r F IR ST CLAS SSPORTERS &ALI iS. Lota ie Teas, 1g Green, and Japan,--Sugars, A full supply of the purest and most reliable Wines and Spirits, for medical purposes, | Coffees, T obaccos, Bacon, Ham, 1 York, Flour, Oatmeal, Corn- BH 31 tnoderaty priced, starch, Biscuits, and Cheese ; in fact everything in the Groce, A TOT 8F CAP ITAL FISH ¥ and Provision line. Particular attention is called to his Stock of - ERE TT QUT ORS! Just Sine to hand, cheap. Bd fything m stock is of excellent hs und will be sold { Wines, Brandies, at such prices as wili make it an ys for the purchaser. +' SINCLAIR, Prince Albert, Avg. 18, 1860. 8) Which are unrivaled for quality and strength. Ale and Beer, etc. The Subscriber trusts by constantly keeping on hand a GOOD uasariient of Liquors and Gro-. to to receive a portion of your patronage which is respectfully solicited. ¥3~ When you come to Port Perry to trade, give mea call,--you will all find it to your advan- tage. E. WORTHINGTON, ; £3 AND MANCHESTER Imported direct from the best Markets in Britain, ee wif dos been Jurclinsed before the advance in New Goods] ft I HB po Perry, Sept. 2, 1569. We take pleasure in dneaocing the aire] of our olions we are lem wi Bakeries ! ur So naan sn. eh Taste smal gel 'store, wie en.| WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER | PORT PERRY. Direct Sor British Markets. * | Prine Abert Wah, lc, Jewel, be, Esblshomt PRINCE ALBERT *FPALL STOCK OF GOOBSVY abled us 10 get up Suits of all kinds, (made by first class workmen), at very low Driocs, aD DEAE RE tha Pisses fo bux your BREAD, A choice selection of Dress Grods of deseription and of the t patte posed in FLOUR, OAT MEAL, RN MEAL part of Wer Gavi Plaids, vg ee Sg 'Cloths, biack. aad Golored Lustres | Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, |§ SMALL_BREADS of every desatipupn, Cobourgs, , Fancy Goods, &e. 'First elasa Confectionanes. In Shawls, our ns LT arge and well selected, and will be sold at prices which eannot LL of the newest styles and of the best fail to give satisfuction. A workmaaship, and dat prices as cannot Toys in gr eat : variety ai fot of Sead als Voto sad op nie out ow ero by good workmen. to secure purc| 2 4 Jarge Siock of of chwies Toh other Groceries, besides a full assortment of Gi , Hard-| Watches, Clocks, ley &c., repaired with | For Spring and Stmmer use ;; and Frate wire Boota and Are be Tar ientuenides oll Assortment of Lime, &¢., con neatness nad dispaton by 3 trarouebiy nts their season. 8 workman, Wedding Cakes nei to or, He is also prepared to. furnish Soifees; Tea Puiiddy yes liberal terme. Tr 4 Yaberak discount will bx made to Cash and prompt paying customers. (7 The highest Cash price paid for Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oat k, Butter, &o. ry : BROWN & CHRISTIAN, All work warranted. Charges moderate. MRS DOLL, (LATE MRS. DECKER.] Powee Albert, Sept. 8, 1869. X 36 CHAS. HISCOCKS. 25 Feb. 13, 1869, ; = Manchester, Aug. 26, 186¢. Prince Albert, June 23, 1869, oe E --s | Rum, Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskeys, Old Rye, Dublin Stout,

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