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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Feb 1870, p. 2

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em -- - - i - - Lhd i -- Horniman - ----- Pen Of! WHO CAN MINISTER TO A Township the healthful influence would SOCIAL AND LECTURE, The total value of ihewites and school Yous congregalivns lo appoint the elders for| The Anowal Meeting of ths Coty h . NB. PIIEAsED} soon make itself felt at all our public meet- We had the pleasure of attending one of | houses is $1700, and thé value of Mbps, | tiemaelves, : Or rh e of West Durham wax bith a : @he Fntario Wheerher, _------ a, JAMES BAIRD... . Bente Goi the ahg- f ora ed the wg. nnedy os ings, and the proper method of conducting those highly vacial (in the pro sense of | 8.» $89. Ai ; public ineetings and public discussions the to ar wh By of| There aie iwé Sonday Sohosly with 108 goin us. Tp frequent oourtence in these times, We|PUPilt and 14 aps oe 0 J ving wi Were Hs pe Vi FUL Dad © h> a, d the benefits L800 LANE SFr antl : tion o Me won. the fol- Sevege 0 s Dy Ei he " "the d ; 1 t I J appoinied, viz; motion the next Annual Meeting of oo enter " be highest commer 1 Mosers, Hern) Barn, Parker, pia this Cointy Lodge was appointed to be ap] 4 ag " * a gure, or Bro - bid te vil Orono on he lu he pleasing fr such meeting ery » next busines Brought before the | Tuesday ry, 1871 at 129. m. Stn i; : g : wis » matter beiwesn the con-| h as said thaig ore Tow Outi rey of ihe Shania seni 8.4f Cartwright and Enniskillen, a le. kof 4 ther; : Presbytenan ( rch. met at the Presby- matter see : ind sitch December alive 19 thie importance of Railway commu- [B8ly a wreck of h er solf; reason members of the different, denominations, or terian Church, Prince Albert, on Taesdey, tar sorceli' a rd prow soon: bin das, John Mortson, aged 54 years. wt i i fh i n io ibe ' tang y ination ies whi lbaving been dethron soma, csuse or : ties cari rub up so closely to esch other ; a "bai ®ication, and those localities which have nother and she now ies eg fo the| ' $10 Bills on the Rank of Com- wi friction, or sheke hands mor . | 8th oe. No tutte Pleasure of being aio know iat ia do with on ir al ison ny , One' nr 4s Canadé hes never 0p | ~s-- 1g # lamentable sight. She has, . , The whole county is becoming | been a fine looking woman, but fiow shd fs ; Minas been Fugues uf Bush Counsr, ed 10 prévent tepifrom injuring herself ot | ™® or being circulated in London, Ont. | giatly than around the tea table. Here : Rev. Mr, Windell's flock left the fold" wird + Whose distance from market 1s 9p I " ome one else. She is exeved gly violent They, ay come east. the principe of Women's Rights js carried| . AFTERNOON sEatiox. . ~"_" |relused to return, and were consequently consume from 20 10 30 per cent of all they by mes, but her heaith is fast #nkin Attlee "110 1ts fullest extent and a line farther; aa| The Moderator-- Rev, Mt. Smith--Bow- left without pastrol supervision. That said L raise 10 bring it to market, while they lose y sR A POPULATOR LOST. parfies, by petition, applied to the Presby- o ---- 3 sibili ville, 100k the chait at 24 o'alock, and p fii 1 #24 though not mcr® sane, she has not the -- the larger share of _labot any' responsibility | Pp : Ki th aa Feat ini A = to » Se Spas wr Shy ' «Mopsigur Pi fefof M. P. for Kamoury reste upon the ladies, while the success of | 'he Clerk, Rev. Dr. Thornton, read the oy Re Mr Thom of a to | Toronto & Nipissing 'Railway y ie Nin y i 5 aska, died ont h inet., having seen 99 iolv dos 4 y ae aoant. . less violent. There 1s perhaps no sight in » ° , g. the undertaking almost entirely depends | 4p proved, such times as might be conveiiient and a- : irresistable i I it i : : Pes Pn a A Lefidenay; a draw tani feelings of sympathy | eweeld of 100 winters. Ho leaves behind As is too [iequently the care with us, we | calls about 10 be spbmitted 10 the Preaby- | en con ation, The prayerof the Jotition strength, and consequently she is becoming minutes of the morning session. Minutes come to Cirtwright and Pidach fof them as | better day, snd 'éah look forward to the id 8 ; ! 0 3 ay, Natdre more humiliating, or has a greater {summers come and go, and tasted the "pon their enterprise and skill, Rev. Dr. Thointon moved that the three ['greeable to the minister and his Enniskill- SPECIAL GENERAL ; MEETING with their now favored compatriots wh of and compassion than the woeful rains of $m S00 Shir 30 oF a. ditect, 146 arrived late at the tea meeting 'above re- tery be now taken up and, disposed af be- gn icabytery suilonizing the the hi ; + The oth: tan-- Ms. | gtand children, and 43 grander, or gest | fi ing to of siness, -- ied. wiekillen' 10 go to Canwright and 3 . : © human aund; « The other woman-- Mrs. |g ) grander, letted lo. The party wate ail seated and | ore proeseding fo other business, Carried {esd the stray lusabe a4. frequently and a Stockholders. i. i ths onto wou A >i ----=~though tar from boy of ghond gaa Sinden: A somewhat numerous prety. well advanced with heir fepast ere Wits het ie, fam the congregation of | much 'ae fra Pléased, The consequence They see the time fast approaching when mind, is Ne (aay onlrageons, | er Menta : we enteied, anil the'sight was a pleasing sy I ale. was that the Rev. gentleman set lo work bt -- £13 "the voting engine will as it were piek"dp development is evidently defective. She is Sear oo one. The thtee long tables in the base- The deputation from the congregation re- Bia) ho grates} eller aod applied dis TAKE NOT B iuik aula Wd place thes itm a couple | Father frank: and kindly in her manner, T™R AR os . ment of the shurch were ¢losely strround- Prengnted the Jueiing > ihe SouRegation an Thang en pth olay an o" anily < ; & IC : : of hours distance of the best markets of the | °Mi!!ish and simple in gener, though a | - ypp..i the learned Pope Gregory, caught [ed by a eheerfol~we had almost paid Sr sly tu Lal oat | Reet Wnts, en iio, Tota Befial Gonetal Nesting ch I, Shee. . Dominion, Thus tripling the value of (hair | 'I!!@ Violent by times. She hut 'consider- the Equiuioxes running wildly off ahead of | minthful-- company enjoying 'the pleasure | sgn eluding the grant, mar ied: oro subi, Zn the Sumat Company ills be bud ag Com ls tees, ably recovered; so' much so that' it was time he xerzed hold of the of each others convetsailon amidst the 4 ' great wheel and : , On motion 1he Presbytery sustained {he : | SDE pf sonsidered thot she' might safely leave the Jerked it back eleven revolutions, in order | Steamy colnmus of the cheering cup,-- | call ; and the Clerk was instrugied 10 notify Rr he oor hb eel itd Preset to Tuesday, the 15th day of March next, Prison ; bat just: at the timo she became | 5 sanare the acogunt, In hike: Manner our | That cop which does not affect the' head, | Mr. Tate of the tesuls, They Rey. gentleman willingly complisd | At sub ¢dlock In te Atertioon for the purpose' violent 'and' 'bunted her head againgt the parliamentary calspdet 1s apt to get out 6f'| but bas a marked impression on the heart] Kev. Mi: Bennie submitted a report to | with their request and commenced regular Sf authoniting ey Bonds hh a wall lo auch 'an exrént ak brodght the blood i : and: tongue)' sofignirig the 'former and add. | the effect that he had in compliauce wuh | guttioes at Enniskillen, and here com gen. of the Act of ihe Ly x : Play now and then and requires a; resetting, | SIO ep v Culroction {rom Presbytery, 'preached ai|ced a lively promot match, (what we | porating suid Confers cure of Ontario ncor- from her out); and nose, and pecessitatod ench we believe the coming, seamon will be. ing rapidity to the latter] The fair daughters Canningtod nd Mautils; und' had on oe ay Blots i ay. (Wha _e poriting said Conipany ; and for other purposes, lands by adding 20 per cent to the valge of their products, . We do not assy that every Railway will produce soon resalts or any: thing hke them-- short railways pever can be of great advantage ; in fact, as the die tance fiom market dimimehes the atlvan- iy / 3 1 : ' By onder, tages of the road 10 all a, decrease | ® P " tin jul. "Tt a) Phe Ministerial Programme will be a jn: | of ovr village were gliding around on fairy | \igned the cotigfezations, according 10 the | it been between two editore) which culmin- % pede hbk 10 an equal ratio, Whit we have saill of | Beat misiortunie that there 16 not 'a room, in teresting one. : foot replenishing the rapidly exhausted id oro; feguding their cho ce of a od in the niatter being brought before the JAMES GRAHAM, . ih eo o a ; astor; but as a tation con of i h iV f the advantages of Railway communication Jai fitted to receive such Bini and hers memset hs Wiis and iy ato supply increased Mr, Pier ea boii po Mi redbytery on hie oecusion, Toronto, Feb, 2, 1570. Sow 810 the moving of agricultaral products, | 'hey could Mot mjure thema=lves if they A RAHE CHANCE, the. intensity of tite converea on. from Cannington; was present he might | The sul ject bein brought before the Pen |e era may, with equal, il not more force, be 'us. | Yould. The walls might easily bo eush- " Aner esti Sonijuny i 10 the | diey Rath tiog.the report in fall. A ey wai sevalion sorted of manufactures. And is many | 'ned i Soffciont height 9 pena Mr. Geo. Flint manufasturer of Land Saige far the purpeus of taking part in the wu ioe Jeing calla ia tie 3p Paivéa deploring ths. unseemly state of alla la ow distant from the chief markets, | 87Y possibility 'of persona injury. The ex- . ike: ; re. , , ) " a8 they now exist betwsen the Carwnght i ; pices p " . BlaLte 10 Ii on pense would be only trifling. Boletationse Rekes. bc re, Stobiville, The Rev. Mr. Heid occupied the chair. |'hey were. unanimous in their onl for | 00g unickillen Congregationd-- dnd gH Where manufactures could not five, let offers for sale by auction at the Queen's A = dh thie 'Chairman Mr. Corrie, and were prepared lo guarantee iributing the result to some tisundarsiang. AND Tailway communication be established and TALKING RAILWAY. Hotel Siouffville 30 of his first €lars Land | Alter singing und p Ty "he | one haif of he salary, $300. {10g of the Presdyiery-s action on the part of : they would live and thrive, and very don yr © | Rollers and 35 Horse-Rakes (see the ad- | introduced We letitrer. Wo Vied thei "yp Sup being culled anid Ne appeared [ ie Bumiskilon pastor, but at the same H R k | We would see springing up every here snd| We find from the Northern Light of ihe | vértisement in this issue.) manner in which the chaitman performed | on bebait of the Vrormauton and Cat.ning. | titne exXoneratiug hin from all blame and - orse axes! p 4 : : this daty ; it was in capital taste, and con- | ton congregations ; that they were wnani- there throughout what is now siyled The 4th inst. that Mr. Fowler, of Raifvay No- % ' Gaels a tavorbly with the Taldibrir mous in their chofce and each congrega: | aminm carefally and prayerfully whether Back Country, manufacturing centres, en: loriely, is egain coming to thefrontin| We direct the attention of our readers ye y ty inflicted bouh | 1°" "8 Prepared to' suarantee $150, which |. nis woing to Ennickitlen 4 in response to | Ope of the greatest opportunities' viching ibe country, and gathering argund to J. & Wim. Heard's new advertisement | "hich are not unfrequently inflicted both pBether wih $300 from Manilla" made up | a rincers Macedonian ery, und if in thin he ever offered to a I'arm- also inviting the Canwright pastor lo ex- them hundreds of industrious artizans and Railway alters, Ion Jones TO Tp Nowts, in this day's ise. Their New Dominion | ©" tke speaker &nd his wudience, by par- | the stipend of $600. 16 actuated by « zeal for souls aud & desire r i their families who would . thus get only ern Light, he states 1 at he in about 16 lease Carriage and Wagon Factories Priace. Al. | tes making a great palaver and tryirg to) On motion the Presbytery su«tained the for the glory of his Master, mg community. $0 Cehliey of Population and industry, the Port Whitby and Port Perry Riley qert and Manchester are. io full blast.-- | make a.lecture of the introduction § some- | call. : Rev. Me. Thom protests against the : sol -- ¥ converting our raw materials into valuabte| °F 'erm of 25 years, at an annual rent o [See advertisement.] limes éven taking up the subject of lec- | Mr. Carrie--the party to wham the cal worcing of the resolution, as it cont 4 hu Is received Instructions manufactures, and thus add greatly 10 the $15,000, pdid half-yearty in wieise The -------- ture and spreading themselves on it ere -- given, being present; adgepted the several statemidts 8f variance Wit fach. -- from", : wealth of the country, but they would also | COTPINY 10 pot on at Ieait'$40,000 worth ANENICAN NEWS, the lectater touches it; hus rendering Rev. Mr. Bennie, on behalf of ihe con. | He denies that there is angthing a i FLINT S$ create an active home consumption for the | °F ©/linG stack, and have the road in ran- We sincerely sympathise withthe un | ""®™seI%es ridiculons, boring the audience, greations concerned urged the Prasbyrery | bout the Enniskillen dongregation, ff there I J y produce of the far. Take the Village of | ""8 order by the Tat day 6f Avgust next.-- p . . and anoying the lécturer. 10 hasten on the ordination and widaetion at | it is the first tinse thal he ha heard of it,and{. . WF ii Pasi Cannington for instance, and where contd on The ofter has not yet been scted upon by | fortensteMormonites om their future Jonely The lecturer was the Rev. WV. Jeffors, | 2® €Arly a day as possible, he has certainly failed to see it. He denies ' wv y 8 betier site be selected for the establishment | 'D® Company, further than the appointment pracpests. Seat Coli Vid inlfoduced D. D.-- and 1h& subject--+ Our Dominion." | Here Mr. McTavish suzgested the pro- | that he had acted trom any misunderstand. / of manufactures of almost every description? of @ committee to conter with Mr. Fowler [a Yo eonlive Brigham alle, 1g traternily It is needles to say that the subject was | Priety of Preabyterial covuregalional visits, | ing of a minute of the Prexbytery, but thai A . ; . on the subject, to the mere pittance of a ple wile, an a mot interest ng one; and parties know- | **1d that the eystem could not be introduced oir the contrary he had acted in accordance be oe, an where every facility is oflered for the sue' i : 1 h inflic:ing a punishment of . 100 soon, as he believed that a thorough in- cessfnl and profitable prosecution of manu- Conse Ea earn, tha five gears imprisonment for every 'ottempt | '08 4nythitig of tHe abilities of the lecturer epection would result in much good 10 the Atd. R. Brown's, " Queen's Hotel," facturing enterprise 10 an almost unlimited . to increase the number. This may all be | weed of Bis'told that he gave us a nch|chorsh: the Presbytery, es conveyed in san minute, : Pp ,Who leases the road for 25 years al $1;800 very well as far as the fature 1s YY ee [ treat ; and' enkindled within our minds » Rev. Mr. Kennedy said the ruggestion not alone in accordance with his wi Stouffv ille » with the direct instruction or command ef extent, except its distance from the chief per annum. reading or interpretation of the minute re. v ] © i -- | to cover somethin, that was no i i markets, and this forms a drawback suffi- ------------------ ed ; but it will puzzle them sadly to find! warmer attichment for our country. apheares ng NOV] ferred to, bu! in acooidunce with the read. n : 3 ; ght, it liad an air of suspicion about ita. |; ; ; ciently powerful tojretard tou great de LOTS OF CASH. yu: Loy to dispose of their present surplus i iy id hh or slguiepseavd. - Woorne dotrgregations aired rob looked ingand miss Roan SF tha. Modernist ane ol gree, everything in the line of manufactires'; pe ) a a wall op epus fone iugwding ory 37 Sougregmiondeiied 2 £5 | sure the Presbytery that if he is capable of Wednesday, 2nd March, 1870, and so much does this limit the extent apd| If the contemplated scheme of the F) Price AritL ICE ARTHUR...) ii..0; [ner tutte, ' We relisi from giving oven a Taoy woul oo a pay Fonign (oft down anything in' geed fib, ho neve: A112 gl rine Arthur's short but brilliant visit | synopsis of the lectare ; 10 abridge. wonld | 'hey ought by all meais have all they wish sted moregwo in his life. He would tell hin 2 @elgek, noon, diminish the profits of those which are car, | hanee minister should. ever come to matur:: to the States bias had a pleasing effect on v ad of it; but it would be an abominable sys- hing ° : | i. y 8.800: i as i be to mutilate, to be ated it mos: be 3 Sam) RevXl, brother who moved ite resolution | 30 Land Roller { { ried om, that that which ip' a very short | ity, there will be no limit to our Bill aveo: | 41) classes of the community." His frank a i Cy Ag Rev. | om Io have adopted sndiscriminately, and that it he -- Mr, Thom --hne done anything | and 35 HM Rak : 1, § {oy aa d le in band | but mealy bearing added to es ob - A he fe dengin that 001 u member of bir {15 this matter deserving of blame, he doee | n orse Rakes: time would become a thriving Prosperous | modation;in fact it will stand peop! en an J eg. Bryer os in. | lecturer' conferred an obligation on the congregution. would submit 16 snything of a ok' to Barer rr on uske at | The Land Rollers are the largest size fn use: a town, is obliged to struggle op in its state of | to lay past oll their used postage stamps, | wie vi eh A Bl rs audience, and those who wero the meats the kind, = "+ "| their hands is simple justice and no more, --.. | with 2 drunrs 3 feet in_ diameter, sinsed, 8 fee villagehood. Well may the iobabitaats of { sad such like materia). Sir Francis pur. & went ; and while his et he io this | of securing his services deseive the thauks| No motion having been mada the die. | And now he would wish 10 ask the Presby- aight uxictres ih pi Yale le i. Brock long for, he day when the. fienthsh | poses. treatidg us 0 an issue of 4.000.000 | rexpect js yaluable, ifs tendencies ate ait i | of the community. Tope" Foul of ler. and plowed to ninon te protch 1 te pare "con: | amt and othr parts of Kehr de sof | | but welcome {whistle of "the leeomofivé ¢hinplasters of the denomipation of 23 | ihe right direction and must be productive The time for the indutifon of the young | 8regation er wot! He wishes a distin: | ThellorseRakes are the celebrated " Flint'sRe- i shall echo through ber woods as' it hurries | cents each. We suppose that wsedwup | of good. OUR scHOOLS. | enmtetas being biought up, Mr; Piper, se: ig dug question. ied Yiftins Frame Made t wbost the Loni Held ' Nr \ ---------- - le r. Smith; moved that the jn. ev. Mr. McTavish does not consider is no patent aboot the Land Rolf: ou, bearing ber precious" treasures fo ihe | postage stamps onaey other sort of serap 'RED RIVER, From the returns of the various school | duction of Mr. Currie take place at Mant | that the rerolution seta forth the faint he. | £13 thes are a Fractical and elu) irtigie: one whieh cvery Farmer wants, ted. best markets in the province. We arg | paper will do. . The ostensible' porpose of sections for the past year, we find |on Thursday, 24th instant. cave, juasmaoh as it asserts that thd slate of i leased to know that the indust ter- | the scheme--if mncere. ~is a queer one ed | vid mallets between the cangresations is tn. si i i pa ol Je Muatrys en 4 ery . * eral, and the Winnipeggers in particular hat the total number df names enteled on Rev. Mi. MeTavioh suggested that the seemly, while no attempt has been made ie Ae dis $3 daily nt of' prise, in'ellizenze and wealth of this. fine | $iz :--the driving of American Silver out ; ? the school registers of Reach during the fesolution shouli ¢ontain "the Difwied that lo" ovis that stich ie the fact. if {he Novembe by furni ve vee frou OF sicuvny dey cet se bec | J SEE aT lr smi one Eh ge of Rev Garg le i a i | Sr She ys P| PATTEIRON, we view it, no friend of that township] Bimed at ; but it can only 'be on the prin=| complete disorganization which - prevails | Were boys and 1082 girls. There were 25 resalution carried, a aga iwte Hames ve the Stouffville; Feb Auctioneer. i i i ¥ i ] Be 10 - 5, . 2w would willingly throw the slightest olista. | €iple of ad nauseam or reducio ud ab. there. 'The confused mass of contradict. {'eactiers empioyed, 13 of whom Wweie Salo Rov. Mr. Boatie wan appointed fo preach. { mean any thing else than that Mr. 'Thom uve Feb. 5 189 hid y : i Y i : surdum ; for, as we view #, the shic {ory and irrecenslable Dews coming from (and 12 temales. The total value of all the Rev. Mr. McTavish inted / i i : En cle io the way of the accomplishment of ' : Abe seat'of contusion, bales all description, | school houses and sites an the township | side, Rev. Mr. hr nade ou go uu preach Jo 1b Dartweigh EPSOM To say the Red River Territory in gen: this importaat werk ; and we bare not the [Plasters will have an opposite ICHIENEY BY Fay wrtters on stand, however, Riel and 1 i i ; . } ivy . 1420, and he M { | minister, and Rev. Mr. Bennie to add i : na ) slightest doubt but that everything will faoding the mafket with an additional four | jig party are st masters of the situation doin SU, iin $854. ey the people. Sing 3% 2 be uamhinly Fe ng properly b admigion NSmi thy ! Jet come right in this matter. The op | Millions of worthless scraps. - The real | ind more. Latest accounts represent the | nuit 10 School Tesctiers 'was $6318.| Ou mation of Dr. Thornton, Rev. Mr. 10 go and preach in the teighborkood of AXD P 5 i . ¥ 1! . position now offered is not against the road | object of the scheme, we. should Judge, '1 | insurgents plundering the SOMpany's stores, [:r., ton) amount #pent in schools 'was [ Se0lt was appointed the alternative in the bis brother minister of the "same deaomi: ULTURAL IMPLE by any 'means, but simply os account of the | to place at the disposal of the Finance SU becomug Woke definbuiny ever. The | 0060 66025 of this was raised by tax on | °TO" ©f disappointment. vation, and at the same _boar 100; #s has AGRICULTU. AL TIP); MENT SHOP Misister an additional million of dollars. | £°07€0tion naw in session has not yet come | oremhe Clerk read a letter from Mr. Cam- | been dowie'in this instance. For bis "part Good News for the Farmers nature of the security, and 10 make certain decision, the ratable property. ; that the 'road shal be obtained There We hope the schema wil uot be pushed § nT Sec a PPsen: wiate y There are 15 Sunday Schools in Reach, pi Soup gte an Sled te the Beaver. he would-regard such xOnduct as a delibe L 8! it 1s a move in the wrong direction and % cp : , i. | with 118:tenchere; including Super, 110 ApDOIEE Sa FICE | cate wutrage, not to be permitted by this | The Subscriber has much pleasure in stating few, if he 4 otis Bois cannot long hold such a terri. | with 118 teacher y ne! g Soperatend appoigt the I0th day of Murch for hie | ave few, il any mew in the township more ought to be discountenanced, *.. 3 ; es ber of scholars is 1136 inductio. Presbytery ; while at the same time he that she has secnred the services of her som; in favor of the road than many of the lead tory, it must pass into more powerful | ents ; the mumber of scholars ' : ; would not by an means. sec ommend thay { billip Morison to conduct the tiusiness for hee, - e y bands. Add to these a well appointed and effi [ , Of motion of Rev. Mr. Sco, the 10ih i 5 i Road the Pri ; A Ws of the opposition. ELECTION Jbl Sark. Re ta... sentry Eh Cron enn _ Resch . argh un) -- Mi juined oe a Tn eptod fin? bo I i ne. pp : gdol™ ? . 4 ' induetion of Mr, ' a ) al Tr ndill's ver: ws, Ek The fotfowing from the « Globe? of Mons}. The election of Warden throoghout the BonopEAN XEws. will present a very fair record 1n her pro- 2hangy ofthe Beaverton Ce gragmish bs. door. . 2 ? Woven Hareowd] on 10 3 ne ; Ee a ye! «| A Y i . i ) ional urrte, who hae just been called to Mana)! L Mr, Jon i 3 ; ; mi SS, 2S opto to en i ota a gh AE Rr MF mrt | ST labor during the Plesent gear than ov any thioge just een theoive. 3. prsons Loy compare most favoratly with any other is 10 address ra minister gb Reve Mr goHen, that Mr. Windell cease preaching Whiffletrges, Chg 3 Teunk Rarjuag ro ah Bryden of the Gard "previous occasion. The County of Oumar 1207" ive just been pes sud all in the Piovinze in the extent aud Quahity of {. McTavish is to address the people, in Enniskillen snd that Mr. Thom con- |. Sleighs, 2 an . of 88 (ho Directors of the T. sf 'carried their Warden on thedicat ote while iapisonment for debt baying been abolish | Lhe provision for the thorough education of{ On inotian Principal Willis was named te his services in Cartwright to' voce o Cutters, L150 of ) Grey & Bruce, and Toronto & Nipiss ng Rail~| tbe Warden for the united. Counties of Norih{ gg, This is as it ought 10_be. If not in. | the young.' . . 22 fem Modotatvt ofthe Geers Assembly | month, . : Patent Hay Forks, 5. AT way Compames; to tinatly Glosé 'the gon- amberland and Durham was carried on # | variably, ning. times out. of ten the deast | Wo treated largely on the schools of {Lhe Can feebytenian C urch. Mr, Piper moves that both parties be Aoreshosing, Jose on the most approved : hs Symi in Bn ns bord hd sacond vote ; donfesting'thi honor tipos Dr. guilty birds were caoght while the merit. | Resch two weeke ago. Rey, Mr. MeTevish submitted a : Heahy Shnolscd propo. al blame in the matter as |" or AL Wear W AB RANTES 1 & 3 fi $5 91 1 JBL, . if mand : . ot up addre i { i i action hii 11 3 Tionk Company with regard to. running | Gould;ef Gramahe, Ua |oriops villains uniformily essapeds if their| THE SCHOOLS OF #CDGOG, . fowie syn pat: Tor the te A Spe i growa out of tie. action of SARAH MORTSON, were over the latter line from T only fo) | Tbe Dr's addrdbi be' Eiven by 'the. How | raft could net proteut'thev could run Tor | The Sctiosle of Scugog for the balf-yeer, { Church in the tess they sustained in | "od ing cit Epsom, Jan.6,1870, C GT edton, and Seabors' respectiv. Ve anvil Statesman dobs Kirk mach oreds |it: Geterally bowever their craft wis 'suding 318t December, 1869. ,. 4 being deprived. of the lo connel and | Ret. alin: Damo 'woild 'oppose re Wu noderstand Mr, Biydges mere ihe "Nath ow And proves ie Hr pont OF ability. Ls 'tnoré than a match-ior the creditor. ti No of "| "Agkregate | 4 of, | Wsistance of dhs Inmonted sad decensed biman parties foi' preaching under like I 0s FOR ; d Ba Ts am oe] eran to 4 over Tra]. The mehr of the Beil, Buinmen| on. | EES aS, [Ember he ie | cieumisocer. The Res." gonemon| J! FO 4 ed upon. § 8 good ode. The. rial Ww : . © 1 {ues a ietian grades bad, endeqsed | went. X isastroms "conse. fot $ ® a Seats tuition, bums or uch. an widress containe sbVeral mend trons eet or he pvt aanh rng thom od : 2 a a a ; fren ah with whom he Pol contact. { quenced likely 10 follow a retest] 10 front me " i ¥ i san . a ch Lo ad sie i bes ; 0 LT sal to grant | N., Y y addin of oondiderable im . "the unit- | ¥ : 3 un oo 206 Me. Pier meved for the appointmen; of | su ¢ 4 . pial wheypina GALS og Touets oi ing | 6 Counties alone, bat nf n his ved es) asia Si Lr Gt fn ntigs a FH paca iivey to 1h Genutal Assermply, . I ae soved in ome hel oT ARO Ft circa. Co fusen over the Grand Trunk, the. Naow{: hei Province. The recommendation fo. iog the pres Tecan of atdention ym: 4 bh 4 Ai 12348 ar "The Clerk athleil that this Probyte had effect that alf pried be "ex flowy. i f ra 'S§ 5 i uge Direetors sncceeded in maki io] d pram vaiuslore! in 68: 10 & thorough tira gl i 14 Th fialf- year's grant . nods A right, from 'their numbsrs, to six Te all blame. A AEE TEE rt Xr , ; Ataigets with Recah yojer 2 Se -equalikation sfthe Ooutity propeHy is a good ve Satay Revicw Sopaiectul yrs. i81380, spposiahmenaie pkpition lo | | nISlives ae ministers, und sli elders. Meo. Kennedy would suggest to the x y AJL Pay. aa - ie rod dation | isd : "hy ar | average atlendance. # Mr Thon thoved uf sis PAE, ould suggest Lo | the Thi wis rn Toragia acu Sod Yu uf va sim Li " es fisulusion Bills for eaulating the Ballots su the if {20 oN SHEE SEL TI ol 5 2s |, Jub. Ms Toons hited th of so Sinbad ie Te might add 3 Vote of Gitecri rrr. ee keer bay 1s TAR ramen nr oro Whoskd Fodge, | to ofParktat st the og This divided by tiree,' di er of py on rece from the % : s roceries, to make it unnbeedsary' for the' Com- would: be a.betier vecormeiidatidi, ae' : "7" schools, hind 116; the 'ember 'of teaching | Rll, acoardin. i Agniorily,. Were | HL CL ; h for dhe ggg © 10 ) : i tly for | REP. Mr. Ken | he was abe A er Juaicty dd vamos Jorhat pir County bine genetosfarto the dogh Wiiay, OPENING OF THE BRITISH PARLE days in the Nall-yexr, gives 351 dently for on ihe Jist, but he wool oy beaten "and the | Raval 0 comiletion of « his'| We'lind Lhatuek emsil refised Oy lL Ae ane 8 tbe general average for:eash schoal, or 106] Dv fons... The partes appar the omgidal. motion "MY. Piper's Railways, Bie ade sameralibandrad | ta, 800 the plavgy: care mrost pay Tor" ther] "010 0 Lo ler ite three sehoole for the hall yeur.-- | Dr." jan, Bev. Mr. Hl emendiaeot Wht dncares avrins i men bave Sp dai hel marron' Ho flaametly: - Wi 'would fdbdig. | "THE Scoud sessica'of' the presestt par- Aud 1948 divided by 116, the 'numbet. nt Rev. Mr. angi. ;, dan ol 1 iy AL ASAEINENS i i ik St rw Oy oy end doiblingatiopries. "The Hal fosin- fwenent Was opened on Tuesday last by | teaching days inthe half-year, givés 106} a lntowing ----y 'uo they were before ard mr. ole fencing and the works ar now h ade | Wendatlvh af us. Warden is 's 'most sdsen.| BOTs! Commissions, 1) motif § and $40 divided: by 10}: gives: 80 Boogie abd har: Sire Bom ih we ¢ SF | ig wl dn hi] Th nig ore shel ont to us Sn Fd Ms Mn cert rg a 3 tt Pi o ere {rom : Spring che buikling of f 0530 £10 1b8 rifles af ouler. Thus, ai the' gentle- |" Queeil's "Mas read by the Cota fof gratifor the full half year's attendance. 5 ; as] i the EE Th fel ra daira i oy aS LL BE ain A a 01 yo hk 'now! bests il -q0¢ies fu properly eamdoeuing tbe' ¥ of f ' : 240" promitient {thy oA, {Wo of whom were s ud oie * ited | phi the Gehstil ierdtor replied: that be regarded it in that £ id by the ; Av receive] of aify pablivabsdy, wnd Hof an ih ou [PHO fhe Bepah messy of 720 omar tid the malay ye .e a Yuin 1 {light aud considered that ho was aut 3 A 1 4 : eondocting: average. andl bike ble : 30 Sf a, 318 . i cy Pon 5 wilt our Foul) Cod, | 16 lt i ad an araiage were: 285] Mi: Pipet,eaid Ahi would be dl repis. logon, foto H 0% . iF Bl vara] OW 4 Well. the va of ode should Sacgiouis op fm 44 pr eet ih hy Vrs 0 4 -------- 3: 0 ony 4) igated nem énteted onthe mthpol registers eéntation and. he woull move'in smend'] ~'Mri® he. dollar. esiebiistiod ily | « Reforms g fhtilitaie Thi wo, | 7 10 bE subi; dass nd es by (tax on dateble proper of hide' congregations whose minibier hay | igi "Ths abject of Uifersiy, Tests is again i. Bho sola sponses of the meh: for been appbiated. ooo 0 'obeara su 19 Some 9p. A wat $1801 g.0t this $68 was' paid] © Mv. Formpa, said tha. the better "yl a J fn bara These are the maid feature 'of thie Sigel) RE irra eye "awit 621 would B10 name. 6 congregations ond #llaw | proce bh ry if cad { yx mae mail Bib ew ob med to maw 1 gietuionds bp durin, Ae thesyar; 132 boye end 438 girls. Thi nent 1hat wo gldore bo appointed from aay | WOES We CT es i: ¥ -Fentére 4 3 the: Apring! at #0" Gi (Gb Ta [ " ndda JoEibhe DT SeMRGY (1s PA § mdions | faa er psa of IBEW BE WoL : a wr pd aon Hany X ¥ "igo an A isn! uyetn of Huan $a oH vdw © a shy Beliaic 3 o' snla . : BL pions oh HA Jia nih tL pp 2 « grinuse a : 5 Sag dad ASEAN ADL Ji vr eR 4A aha maw wag vee big aiid ON Amba stebat ud or amdnam 68 1am ot al oh of actatsao ad! We . Wi ais adi aemal spd: 83 4 (aaa Rapa) : » HE me® . i od tag o. si Fal i ¢

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