VOL. XIII, NO. 15, { PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1870. {WHOLE NO. 630 Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. remote cannon as the scene of my labors, -- my leet, ary says :--¢ May his father-in-law die rich "A gentlemav asked a lady known to. be ev a icharind GC DD WAID TAKE THE P _-- 3 . APERS. i ing : he Butaria haere, SurgeonDentist,Ccr Main an A EE nig a fe isd Batis ina Li 00 Du Bere 10g SATS kL abu dg % ' ark, an is general ap-!is death ; t i - - i : ; i WERRLY LL Dental opzra- . BY N. P. WILLIS, Petrance roman. 3 y = up- | is death ; 0 go back to my hut is ruc: Frid wois teil ofa govdjoke, at th J utterly ignorant of languages: ¢ How did » . E : A aad : ; oki) n ed voluntary respect. tion. Iam unharmed. These men would 6! goody e ex-| you get on when abroad to make yourself LITICAL, AGRICULTURAL With. the utmost, skill why don't you take the papers ? He lived in a hut above a cavern on the |think no more of killing me than of crash- pee of a well-known collectot who called | understood 1"-- Oh, my dear sir," replied varranted to i 9 i he : . y AND 2 give oe arranied (0 SOE Hay rie Hite of ous delight ! He of a neighboring hill. This place he {ing a fly." These thoughts came and pas- at a sraall house the other day to dun a hard | ghe, with quite a French air. "we had an Family D.ewspaper 5 Which" don i ik 24) TIL And then I read for spite. ad selozied for a residance some lime sed in a moment. susiomer, where, gilop knooking for somo | interrupter with us"'--The same lady, have i YE PUBLISLED-AT TIE Hoy. peu RCD ' previously. Ile was never seen digging [ Where should I go ? minutes at the door, a, fegble voice Was | ing arranged somo statutes in an adjoining VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT | 4/80 dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy Ag a oe ? sentie By ee Jaleaiar and it was gene-| 1 could only think of the Spaniard.-- 5 » Witliin, suying, You can'tcome | room requested lho same gentleman to 'step 4 y d you be afraid rally sur r.ised that he hail some mysteri ivi n. i i . couNTY OF ONTARIO, " Gro0ds, &c. For canh fhus 0 be ey font BY y visey 1 hail some mysterions Without giving another thooglit 1 tamed | "50 po 0 0 loo Tn, said 4 into the next impartment and seo her an~ VET Tors ay NING mms trp | IMIR ne neighborhood of am lel. My" movements were wer. |, sat oe oloet ie" Giron { y : . £ : or, : 2 Bolster, M Be Dab ould, Esq., and J. ' the cavern, I was discoverel. With a loud and savage | Yo ; 1 an A orb ---------- - Usxbrid s, Dee. 17, 1868. So-1y Go. then, and take the pape:s, I dug on patiently for some months, and shout they ran after me. Six bullets whiz- u can't--1 am sick. gyman at Cambndge preached a BAIRD & PARSONS, TET TT in Ad pay to=day, nor pay delay, gained barley enough to supply my wants zad past my head, bat fortunately none « Oh, that's played out. Open the door Sermon which one of the auditors commend- otis ree : R Ait oe Ta. ny No last Js lutein, with the necessaries of fife. I began to be | touched me. It ever fear lent whigh it was or I'll open i for you," el. ¢ Yes," gail the gentleman to whom Eg MS: --81. i : 5 8 AC 3 _ 4 grey. o ot] " n Fol 0 iW o « it we 5 RL ibinsis :ntal Room: i isty Manawa, Ont. 3 rey greatly discouraged. One evening [ sat | at thal moment. 1 bounded down the path u Meow 4 it will be at yout peril." it was mentioned, "1 was a good sermon, th \ $2.00. Nosub 3 directly opposite the post 5 3 « yr « Pl risk 10,2? but h » : ae or juss that $i meio sand nopater » ce Simcoe street, ira door north An old neightor of mine, moodily near the place where { had lost | and down the lull and op on the other side tiak 1," sand the collector, as he ut he stolo 1." This was repestedio tha T= Latters sontaining money. whew addrears Arlo Bank. Ww hile dying with a cough, all hope, For three years I bad gained ab- toward where the Spaniard lived. turned the door knob and entered tho room, preacher, who resented it, and called on the , 10ney d to -- Desired to hear the | ! : leis nen i ala EHSUTAY While " Ee haw solutely nothing. I heard them call on me to stop. > ere be was amazed to see the debtor gentiomanto totruct, se} will," replied the 2? AEs oF ADVERTISING. ow su ance, gumgulL « Euneos dias, Senor.' ¢ Never mind," cried another voice, which sanding in the mudJlo of the floor with a | nggreseor. «1 said you had found the ser- J es a == - 8008 Til: ONTARIO FARMEIS ~-- I took the paper and I read Looking up, I saw the Spaniard. I bow- I recognized as that of Pirate, ¢ we'il get white auket folded round him, and his mon. | find I was wrong, for on relernng Jards, undor 6 lines I co hh Mutual Ini u of some new plils Iu Totes ; ed and was silent them both tozether this time 1' ace -- which wore a very demure expression | 10 the book from whenoe [ thought it was ' annum - . 6. pulug A ¢--and i ' 2 = . --- i ¢ i . Advarisemouts a En aid ail nsurance Company i Shy je he dead ? «You have avery deep hole there,' hie On, on 1 ran. The clatter of footsteps Sorersy wim Soil plone fer, ick taken d fond 4 the " i aceording to the space they occupy. rEIIIS Company is now fully {red n d . anid. was close behind a nung, snd he sick man, So. A --e ec \Avonicerentaraceived rk oteran es : ) v fully organized and is x 3 clos i fously i A Missouri editor calls upon deli aaa ED aca. Lo | Tad Prepared 10 accept riska on Farm Buildings I knew two men as much alike I should thizk co, T replied. fue of debparation Dyatitel mt the omniously pomting to the blotches. Abseribors ih aie fen Oa inquent churged wzenrdingly. Noadvesti 5 LA Gon tents, country School Houses and As eer y ctw : 3 Suan « What's catching cried the i 1 era In thig harrowing way. Oh, chs iamnibigly. "Nobiveitheninl willie Token ra he I ane ALT arty alr eer you saw two stumps, ¢ Are yon enconraged, Senor? Pardon | Spaniards dor, My pursuers were cloee g?" cried the intruder, | 1, iio onough to sicken the soul, the h Aliberal liscountllowed 10 Merchante and others Spare Home Jeance Company have now oe ii itenologist could find me, bu! you 'e.k ish ar cued, | think.? | behind me, aghast at the appeatance of the man, tk i 1 I ; 2138 en wialustel lissonitie wed to Mure! er ppportunity of doing so either by applying difference in their bumps. : ! | : . « The small-pox," cried the other, so! ho gizard of the etoutest and smuity~phizz- 5 Plicse terms williin all cuses, be stristlya lo the Head fn, of to any of the local Agents I have reason to be. 1 have gained no ¢Letme in! Save me!' I shonted. mot 3 ? 80:71 od editer's devil. We need money to refit. ' stlya se ¢ Company. Our rates will be found as One takes th is li thing. tle: ie place." iod lootste » i 4 amily, } > iY Vbitiiuiag Lippmiance vr Erato low as lose hy rea roalaatatie] Load as no i erile paper; 90) his life mg. 1 mus Jewes this place. Hurried footsteps eounded within, The Tho collector Vanished iu We are pocrer than Job's unfortunate tug- shatly ogtoneing Tmt | Company in Canada. y ppier than a kina's, The Spaniand's eye lighted wp. ¢ Nao, | bars railed. I heard a heavy sound, I was tor vanished, aud the deblor, | yop whose bone led A al rior Head Office--The 011 Registry Office Build- His children can read and (write, Senor, do not? alled. violently inside, tt ' who only required a few hours time. in yy Waose boris sailled a castaviet aceam= idvstadvosming ightsatd emuiomuivg lings, Brock Street, Whitby. And talk of men and things. 3 ' . pulled violently inside, the door was bang- whitch to ™ skola «sal I pauiment when he gabblea. If whete eure nowy Hud it te mony L. FAIRBANKS, Jr Do not 2 why should T waste my time | ed and secured just as the eager blows of | dite 5 10W a a on the grocery stores were selling for a blue post- x ae Cia ue wususnecedby | 2%.1y Socotary| The other took no paper, and Inger?' my pursuers fell upon it. other side of tho Strate. A bit's worth of |, (amp apiece, we could'nt b ------ eee While strolling through the wood, « One must ba patient, Senor. «Just in time !" be murmured breathles rougoand a white blanket have procured | p ap Y fi n . mi boy. an. ems JOB DERARTMENT. , WESTERN ASSURANCE co | A tree fell down and broke his crown . YN Ea 4s : aa dale less: |) in a receipt in full for all indebted pty mackrel kit! Friend! Good Friend! ahiots Hand: hile Liars. Pu Lr : 1] P Y And killed him very goods ) «Yee, but patience has ite limits." ly- «Up stairs, quick !* E6aiil in ini for at bier ness, Sweet negligent friend ! Don't Iny this pa- ol wik Paring, Receipt Books ek 1 : oF . ® The Spaniard gave me a lovk of the He held a lantern in his hand. By its] Two la'vyers were walking oul © per down and think we mean some other evsrytolo | colar, exceuted bros, ney TORONTO. C. 'W Hay bo been reading of the ngwe, decpest meaning. light 1 saw a rude ladder which ascended | mer morning; When viey wor hd individual | 1's only "two dollars and a at any otherestablishment in thise v. - t home, like neighbor Ji « Senor,' he sa 3 7 2 ra Ir a 5 es ore mel by an 4 hs croton iisemmnys 4 INCORPORATED sot Maly me, 1 8 ve ghber Jim, 2 Senor he sand, if you are wise, you [10 an opening abov. . r clambored up as | [rizhman noted for his ready wit. half." but a thousand such trifles make BRL tang AI LL Bt ll . ro . We oor lire one rat im wiil wait and woik yet longer.' I was directed, The Spaniard came upp & Good-morning Pat,'® says one of tl $25,000, and that's a big thing for a news- 3. BAIRD, | i. parsons. | Capi ! " I looked inguiringly at him, but he turned | fier me Bly : Ae : SONS. apital = - y q gly at him, but he turned © . lawyers, who ha raibal paper, enovgh to put us on our feet again; feito RN : --_-- 360,009 Why don't you take the papers ? away, and before 1 could speak, had gone. | ¢ All right,' eaid he, as ho gave me a 4 the a Pay op! Pay up » Bu viutors" Cary HON sons NeNURRICH B Nor from he pies wish; As 1 looked up, I saw close beside me the meaning glance. his friend some of Pat's wit ng lo ehow eae A rT A gg MAGRATH, Iisq ecanse you boriow fiom his boy in bel Ione: vidantfv y ow . ne 3 . Four GENTLEMEN --a B ler COCHRANE & COCHRANE Kaithi SS a A paper evety week. trio before mentioned. Tuey had evil n'y The wen below hd dealt come tremen-| « Good morning, yer Houor," says Pat." | i M ot Shi 5 aplist, Presbyter TY ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &o , > RINC » overheard one thort conversation. T .ey [dons blows at the door, which yet held on « Pat=my friend d . an, Methodist and Roman. Catholic met Jia [Eh Tne i Sige GENERAL AGHNT. For he who takes the papera, were exchanging glances. 1 turned av however. | | beard them 'eagerly shonin | quite . _ He " an nyeelf have had | by agreement to dine on fish. Soon as Port Perry ofiice--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. : c Aud pays his bills when due, and began to whistle. In a fiw moments || to one another. They said Tot a word to ui ore BU pent bai 2 ° Whe- {grace wag said, le Catholic rose, armed ------ a in pei 3 : 5 et . : or there ever was on [tishman in Heaven | wi i FAREWELL & McGEE, 0 ye n DE gd and man, | w Set my work again, and they had gone |us. * No qnarter," was their motto, or not, and we have concluded to ask or win 8 Fie and Soe unt luelg ake one * ad scarcely given more than a dozen | A lew minutes of sile In VA as sh, coniprising the head, re : ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors : id bln Ig carte y 8 % ow winutes of silence elapsed. They 1 or? : ai B veyancers and Nir Public, lors Don 5 > blows with my pick, before I heard a had gone ofl. They soon returned however upisicn on the Tao 9 say moved 1110 bjs plate, excleisuingsie beast Oise; ohe done North of fie Post Office ; and Rin THE GRIZZLY. loud ery. 1 recognized the Spaniprl's I heard their heavy footsteps. . fe h there was one,' says Pat. down, with great satisfaction, ¢ Papa eat site Town Hall. r. Feeter's Block, oppo- EN n- voice. It was in the direction of hyfhut.-- « This'll fix them,' raid one Na hip be args fa got these 7% aap epstesier (Ese Fave ia the head of the 3, - > FORN ' i . a s 5 per. at » i inp | ahurah odimte H ¥y FAREWELL, luBiB. | R. M'GEE, B. 2. 5 TE A CALIRC RAIA TALL. To #eize my revo'vers and to bound forward A moment after a teriible blow as il oe er in i phasis ine sal a > iki i ly Slow 3d selbeuint ain. ] Ri JOHN BILLINGS, Licensed Auctioneer. Siting in the loxntions apartments of my in the direction in which 1 heard the voice, | dealt by some huge beam, struck the door. | «.Well,"" continued Pat, "there vas once Jats Mages ay es Wnself io about ISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicil -- : ee re was but the work of The hinges yielded. But i A rme-thindy any = this: Olona} Ops, i PLL » Solicitor HE Subscriber, holding a Lic fi noble mansion on Fifth Avenue, I often re ie Work of a momen), he hinges yielded, Bat in a moment fy good old Quaker who had an Irishmen &e eo Tr oe Touts of Ontario, and the' ownaiap. of call a scene in my life, the very i tol There stood the Spaniard with the three | tremendous growl sounded out and drown- | jiying with him, and the Quaker told him ns ig oe) he roby man's Store. ' ype i] 1 Sate to Fame und which fill ma with or st men around him, He held a keen knife in | ed every other sound. [i wasa wild, deep, | tliat if he kept on and served him as faith- oak OW | howe ENON out Lime In business i asted to iis care, will be ProurDL. i t i his hand and stood at Bay. They were all | teriific roar. My bleol ran cold within me. { fyily as Lie had unl he (the Quake ed Se i i "yr P, A. RY », an ly and carefull attended to. large: moderate. 1 wis not Jom to piece, [was well | red with axes. I bad Lieard the sound before, but never so : J pW . ke hi Ghe 2nd et) ies the fish la his plate, exclaimed, tin Media TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- | Terms, Days of Sale, &c., &c., arranged at the sducated and extremely poor when I com-| ¢ gaint Senor I' sh I the. Spani a \ 89 | that he would fake him to heaven with him. | est veritas' (truth lies between two ex- V Sse vrines 'Albert. Office over T. C.|Observer Oftice, Prince Albert. menced life. At that time, justwhen I was| lp! Senor I' shonted the Spaviard, | near. Then there aiose to heaven shriek | 1; course of time the Quaker died und the | tremes). Our Baptist brother had nothing : Te. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 E. MAJOR. seriously debating whetker I should teach | g Back, you 1 Jor) fool I* shouted Sing | uftershriek and piteons calls for mercy. liishman went to heaven with him. Bu: | before him but an empty plate and he R. J: WILSON, A school or © ; . ing," waving me cil. The ouly answer was the terrible roar! when i ¢ 5 i ran : . LR I ba = \ pen a retail grocery store out oe : Shin SEs : ) when it was known that there was an [rish- | prospect ofa slim dinner ; and snatching up ARRISTER, Atorney at Law, Solicitor THOS. i. WALSHE. ot the earting Tiling cama of the You murderous villians !7_ I exclaimed, | which had first sounded, and sounds as of | man in heaven there was a great lime, and | the bowl of diawn (melted) butter, he dash- in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria ICENSED Auctioneer for the T ii el o : : levelling both u.y revolvers. If you don't | breaking, crushing boves. Tu few mi 4 : i ; B ilding, Brock=st., Whitby. J ehips of Broek, Thorak Sor Ree great gold discoveries in California, which | nage tra ke double quick on ii glares. lu a lew min: the N89 ordered to J ave, but he refused to | ed it oxer them all, exclaiming, ¢ Ego bap YY MAN ENGL LL NorthOutario: Mariposn, etc., in TY Connty of | 8€t on fire the brain of the world. I yielded | joave this place alive I? r 3 : Nise all was still. The Spaniard descended | eave, unless he was put out by a regular | tiso vos' (I baptise you all). . OL : Si, LL.B, Victorin. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or-|to the potext influence of the brain lever or : He was not long gore. course of law j and they scarched heaven -- -----: R in Chancery. Attorney, |dersleftat this office, or at his residence will be The men lell back, cowed completely by | ¢ IV' all over I" ke said, returning or. but th divil a lawy Louk not msurnfully into thi td Y Gonveyancer, &e., Oshawa. 'Olice~ Simcoe punctually attended to. Debts collected in Can- | 8t €N€e and was ane of the first who went my teniible revolvers. The § santard smile : ' . over, but th: divil a lawyer could they find iy n e past; it street, opposite the post office. SA CA a oT SR reuittances to tha new ¢ El Dorado." 1 sailed out in | og carcasticaily, t ee i » - o y [ descended. There on the floor lay the | so there was ono Irishman, but never a bit | comes not back again. Wisely improve ti ------------------ re etre. nnn 8. nher-- WAL Et Nort) - \{ cally, bowed lo ne, turned away AR «iti i 3 R033, LAUDER MILOJK & SHITH tario Auctioneer. , the North On-} 0 ocee) which, from the ho'd to the 2an- | ang diss peared swan ihe. trees pe nay mangled bodies of the three wretches, | of a lawyer," tho present ; it is thine. Go forth to meet ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors te -- dles, was literally crammed with human Iked vr sowli 8 EE 0 {aud in the corner was the gigantic form | WS er ihe shadowy future without fear, and with Fonees. Al He Ee Om JOIN HOCKRIDGE tae antares on ie stigte ol} walked off, scowling and muttering. I,100| of ho largest giizz'y bear that 1 ever Miss Joip, of Elizabeth N.J., owns up|ga manly heart. sleMillan's Block, Brock Street, adjoining Mr. J : ) Sigs 8 he shee': the em- | turned away, AW ; 10 being an old maid. She has just passed el 0 eee J. Holden's _ office, Whitby. --~ ETERINARY SURGEON, and General bryo city of Sen Frareisco, with scarcely | A weck passed. | worked on. At last + her one hundred and fourth birthday. The New York Express gives this role : . P " Hon J. Ross, Q.C. W. Mulock. yy Horse Powter, Epsom. Can be consulted at | 4 rag to my back het i : I left the but and never saw the Spaniard hundred and aun for testing a Christian : *¢ Set him t loc! A ne ara . a SAV . 8 $ - AY Le Lu i Y, smith. on rt Bhan 1 hurried off to a p'ace just then discover i os Ho i ns ch od Again In u fow weeks L lind my gold al! A negro in Kentucky has had twenty-two | jing y Tol mismaiched on i : pe NORMAN F. PATERSON very reasonable charges, N. Bool purpose bes . ap Jus e orge iat "time =-- the (nome nt when the | safe in San Francisco, and was prepanng to children in thirty-one years of married life gop Pipe, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Torout ) ng at Armstrong's Hotel, Uxbridge on Friday | #9; and whether a large crowd of human | hopes of years, the longings ofa lifetime, | ym tothe East and the County has remtted bis t "in leoep tom 91 Fan bout, (JF hu yuneaWest, Milla) yon, Toronto of every week during the summer. ings -- sntativ very nati ¢ fu'file ! : EL ! ited bis taxes, "in | py'y seasoned." TTORNEY-at Law, Solisiior in Chancery, | Enss April 14, 166 151g | Doip® ad iby raion ny tified Belot ve Mr eT yy thy | sideration of distinguished services done |" eee <3 SoRveyansen &c., Beaverton, OMce in | wee r- under heaven-- had assembled! Convicts It was sunset. The clonds were all a recent trial at Ashburn, N. Yo, the, 0 gia10.92 An Irishman, swearing before a ma, ia th: bailding oceupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. i a -------- | te ; . i : 0 | for the Gove or severely 8 Hinle, y 8 8 thy biilding'oceupie hy Hr, Ho0% = ghotcls recently escaped from prison, and broken | aflame. The niver rolled gloriously by.-- counsel for the Government, after scverely et -- trate, aginst his three sons, thus concluded x . ni ) : By / SAN EROY & MACDONELL, La BREE en down lawyers; ipkiet of leavo men from | The trees tossed up their branches in the cross examining a witnees,sude ly putona | Tn a party ol ladies, on its being reported | hig affidavit: And this deponenl further Y ARRISTERS and Atommeys ot Lov: Royal Canadian Hotel Botany Bay 2 Norfolk Leland, with im | evening wind asthough bidding the day look of severity, and exclaimed, ¢ Mr. Wit- that a capiain Silk had arrived in town, they | swith, that the only one of his children who SF Selictton : PY 5 | poveristed ¢ ergymen ; retired orgon grind- farewell ; from the forest came a burst of | 5% has not an effort been made to induce exclaimed with ong exception « What a{ghowed him any real filial affection was his X .C. CAMERON, | H. J. MACDONELL, RY. ers, ai gradeaies of Houpesn universi- | melody. you 10 tell a different story © ¢A differem | 127M¢ fora soldier!" --«'T he fittest nate | youngest son Larry, for he never struck him A JAMES LAMON, He Soterasinving deisel to above Hotel, Hess 3% Jar where i Ravel now » te There [ stond, a rough, ready miner, in ey fiom what I have told, sir? ¢ Tha in the wold fo 3 Saptals, TEjoined the | when he was down 2"? TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, has. ited up in a style in keeping with the | ¢© ured into the | the bottom of a daep, wet, muddy hole.-- is what I mean." ¢ Yes, sir; several per: wilty one ; ¢ for silk can never be worst re mma Re Ha Youre panes, Serhan in ae oly aa ine sud plosperty of the midst of such a crowd gf desperadoes. But | There I «tood with thrills of rapture shoot- | fons have tried to get me to tell a differént ed." TAKE YOUR HOME PAPER: ? 0 otel, Main | poo J ceni [ myeelf, was a desparado, i son Z Fr ---- er ---------- We, ; Btroet UX ; ference to the comfort and convenience of the yee, Pp jug through me. All my soul entianced, }1°7Y fom what have told, but, they | 10) editor of a Columb An exchange says: 'Take your home ; I chose, afier a long search, a place in aj all my gaze riveted on one fitting mass at | oonldn'r." ¢ Now, sir, upon your: oath, I ia, paper sit gi i s ' 2 giiting 8 isle > ' » 1 having recemly got married, a contempor- paper ; it gives you more news of immedi- : wish to know who those persons were ? ate interest than New York or other Jupers; ie it talks for you when other looahties : I roical EAs. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. er ra Neither labor nor expense will be spared in | Horo I made my rude hut and proceeded I was master of I 1d « Well, 1 think you've tricd about as hard king the Royal © ian ; pi ster of weall \ pinto! . ' ¥ a 5 hard as . i I Dr. Brathwaite, bi iy anes win worthy of} |) jig. - There were neighbors around me. After the first burst of Ty a revulsion | 40, one.' Ee you ; 2 stands up for yoor rights, sou al N FOY. i cult t i i ee ee pe ways have a champion in your pe tn fact it wae difieuli io aveld Deightere, | same, Ihad found my treasure, but hoW | pogpipgp pon a Stomst.--A few nights |a railway station."? and those who stand up for you should cer- tainly be sustained. Your interests are PRINCE 'ALBERT, Port Perry, June 16, 1869. even if it had been desirable. No matte could 1 secure it 2. How could 1 carry it ago a Mr. Bodkin, who had been out tak- nn tl A --eet Mr. Copley, the celebrated portrait paint- kindred and eqnal, and you must rise or fall Physician, Surg and A h > DR. WARE "REVE 1 where a man would go, some one wou!d be { away unseen 7 Where should I take it 7=" |; : i d {1oR0RER for the County of Outario, BE ERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER! «ure to track him. So I made the beet of | Or, it I did not zarry it away, where should ing bia gliee and pipe: ob going hohe lus or, and father of the late Lord Lyndhurst, together. Thatetore > Jeol in. i? Bhysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, AVING purchased the above hotcl, and has it, and put up with the precer.ce of others. | I hide it? 5 tong 1 a h s ©°® | nce met a lady wn the street, who said to pn yout ey, a En Prins Abert i oo Y Junie ho £48 With She shofooet Sayers Take them alin all, my neighbors were | These thoughts, with the rapidity of light Tet io SoL5p in bed, nd him ¢ Ah, Mr. Copley, 1 have just seen a s. ang ploy cant . Dray MoGILL & RAE Diageo nd fom uy daily. Careful about as Vigoss 3 looking set aa I hud | through ny mind. I etood now overcome | \wiui ure you doing with that \hiing 7? yous Skenonif sod Fsisssd Hiseavte it was | which will amply pay the expenditure "* h ever seen out of jail. One was a negro of { with perplexity. said she.--4 Why, my dear, [ expected a so much like you,"--¢ And id it kiss you FROZEN TO DEATH. in return 172--¢ Why, no" was the reply" -- PrSIoAN Sargeons, &¢., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. aM. MGI Ma De FRANCIS RAE, M. B. Jewett's Hotel, enormus proportions, black as a coal, with the expression of an untamable savage in I heard a movement above me. Looking up suddenly, I thought I saw a dusky fig- very heavy storm to night,and so came pre- pared." i Then," eaid Copley, "it was not like me." The New Brunswick papers relate the following sad tale i= J.B. OLVER, M. D., KENT STREET, LINDSAY. his bratal features. Anotlier was a long. | ure glige suddenly among the trees. "It is oy hn " ' : TE VIOTORIA UNIVERSITY, Le e-- thin, cunning merchant, w ho, (as I after- | th 1 » I thonght lew days ago a gentlemen whose pro- eet eee y £ 3 fo.and » ' » ! at Nigger, ght. i re On the 10th of Merah, about nine o'clock iy Surgeon and. Accoucheur, [Good gtahie on Lied attaghed, si o5 stoekifes wards learned) hed been confined twelve | 1 was a Tovely place. There ware the boscis bad been fost, was invited out lo tea. AN Astiuanc Resars.~-John Randolph, Wo morning an e derly woman named 5 Free Omnibus to and from the Oars and Boats. | years in the Sing Sing prison for an atro | is and ihe Spaniard--no other peightors « My dear," said the good lady of the | was one day, while panting with the asthma | Ajrs. Wolf, left her home at b eee | : . eke house to her little daughter ¢*1 wart you to | looking out his window, and was almost | Cove near Musquash, taking with her a cious crime. Another was a short, thick-| org near. Bhe first were dangerous, the + & y a of granddaughter, a little girl over four yeats set man, with a heavy beard, which almost | | yer helpless. My strength Jay in myself. be very particular, and to make no remarks | G2 ened by the nose of a bawling fellow 2 age, to go to the house of JamesWare, jr.s about Mr. Jeukins' nose: Gathered | who was selling oysters. «The extravagant | (hijds father, at little Muequash, a road oh DAFOE HOUSE UTICA" (OOD accommodations. ms. Careful attention of WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. : Wit. MACKIE, Proprietor. concealed his features, but addedto hie ferocious expression. Among all the wil) respectivel; by the name of " Niger," « Sing Sing" and Pirate." tend my efforts. On three different "ocea- sions I removed to new places, and actual- ly, each time, encountered these men, who had moved on before me. It looked os My resolution was soon formed. [ would bury as much of my treasure as I could It was ten o'clock befere I had baried all that, 1 wanted in my but, and covered up have its effects. I fancied I heard foot- steps. A 'momen: after I reached forth to gel my revolvers. which, in my hurry and around the table, everything was going well « the child peeped about, looked ra- Mr, Jenkins' nose ; he hasn't got any I"? barber--¢ I am delicate about the skin.-- Shave me without cutting me, and 1 will give you a sovereign. Cut are two loaded pistols 1" The barber, no- me ond here rascal 1"? said Rapdolph ; he has wasted in two seconds as much breath gs would ped at a restaurant in Washington, and noticing that the waiter was uncommonly 3 sg : \ MACKIE'S HOTEL ! I tried to get away from the neighborhood | the hole to my.satisfaction. The intense | And Engheh gentleman entered a bar- We theres (LATE BRODIE'S,) of these men, but a fatality ecemed to at excitement of the occasion already began to ber's shop st Calais, and addressed the serious, asked him if he were ill. « Yes" | and, very curtly, "1 is"--¢ What's the malter ?' | found, a few rods oft --« Why, sir, Washin'ton's the wus place 'ever | see. When il's dry" you can't gee where you're going, and when its wet you can't go I"? distance of one and a half miles, t being only a foot th and through and a barren, and being somewbat d woods : to the requirements of travelers and guests. bar with | i hom [ tered i | GERRI SLES rman whom 1 cxsanant, vom or oy orc eb ed eh sped nid he | fa, mo me ene J. DAFOE, Proprietor. all night. why did you tell me to say nothing abolt| A Yankee editor relates that he once stop- The eo day, Friday, Mr. i came to the house of his d that bis wife and child had foun al fei balf a mile of his own body of his wife, and in their little granddaughter, | had left bi agatation, T had left in my tout some hours before, The weapons wera gone. A cold sweat buret out upon me. I rosh- od back ta the hole, hoping to find them He had day before. Mrs. Voli, U woman for ono of her years, had ih bad one of thm aad & nl the weather bein, cold, they bad Became chilled. The s nied them wi entre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, ' -ALEX. CAMERON, Proprietor. thing daunted, shaved the delicate skin with admirable skill. Humph;" said the Englishman, ¢ then my pistols did not alarm you 1"? «No, mr"? « ¢ And why not 9" «1fmy razor had slipped," said | though I was actually following them, So 1 tried to, get rid of my aversion, and turned myself to work. At the last place to which we cama there im aren eee A browbeating counsel asked a witness how fo he had EURO serlain place. « Jost Tour yarde, How was the reply. Marriage Licenses iE - (BY AUTHORITY.) was a very: remarkablo man who | (here. A tall figure étood there. <r ORI had been living there forsome tite.-- | my pistols in his hands, displaying them, |the barber, ¢ I should bave finished by | exact, my [rend 1 ¢ Te waesiod companie i them wi : cutting your throat." The Englishman | come fool or other would ask me, and so I|tears were jo d = OY Burien : | Dts" og 1 Fig Y CHARLES. Port Perry, Nov 11th, 1860, : with a (riumphant gesture to two others. : litle and Pirate. CR He was a Spaniard, was tall and well form- A ed; with 8 wonderful expression of resolu measured it ay 11 was Nigger, with Sing Sing Q 1 i oSp1 rs . \ Tan.'gT 18 disappeared.