. 2 - . . f CUM Mr Fr . ny. kh & = RR oa Bers ar meen oa ACL CO. ms ue BH AARP WC IAT THE WZELLINGTON GREY AND | gents pet head we cannot say, but it look- 4 {8 07%. PIR LB, { \ WILL BE PAID FOR 3 Million Ibs of Butter, WM. M. WIRHTMAN & co, PRINCE ALBERT. . 2 » FIGHT, the second section of the road altempled Pass throug the propeny of one Dunba amount which he should receive. =Danha Pany and as they would not come to his of &he Ontario Bharti, ° JAMES BAIRD. EDITOR PRINCE ALBERT, AUG. ly, 1870. ler De sved out an injunction in chancery Prevent the Company fiom proceeding fu $2,000 into court in order to secure M === As will be seen by a Yelerence to the pro- ceudings of the Reacq Council as given this issue the Saturday's session wi the most impo etant of the whole year, viz: the budget "ay, or the day on which the all important subject of taxes was disposed of. With tegard to the taxes for County and Townehip purposes we do Lot remem ber their ever having been in sa satisfactory condition, "The sums to be provided for are as follows viz: Lot $2244 lor general County purposes 4nd $907 for County School purposes -- 3: $402 for geners! Township purposes--4 $302 for the puor--~ 5th $4,300 for interest the Railway debentures up till Avgust 1871 6th $2/000 to be paid in January, the secon fnstalment of principal on the Railway de- bentures ; making inall $9,218 10 be pro- Vided for before this time next year. B we have cach in the treasury amonnting some $1400 go that the amount really to te Provided for all purposes is a' ot $8,500. The total value of the Real and Per- tonal property and taxable income $1,006,869, so that the County rate for general and school purpuses will be 3 cents on the $100, the Towaship rate wi be four cents and the Poor rate three cents on the $100, making in all 39 cents o every $100 of ratable property in the township, and this would be all we would bave to pay (except the special school rates) were it not for this eternally bung ling Railway--that wil! cost us over 62}c on the $100. if the Company be in a po sition to claim the $30,006 ere another year goes round--1we should judge that they wont. The $20,000 already given in likely sll that they will ever be in a position to claim. This is now $20,000 worth o debentures which we have handed over fo the Company, and we bave still $10,000 worth more to give them to make up the $30,000 ; this, with the interest, should jt ever bave to be paid, will amount to £48, 900, quite a formidable sum, but we would amoun it have consented to give that had we got the road when garding this flexible line, made only to be broken or to catch the stray Jollars of the Corporations through which it passes. The Directors appear to be much more anxious to obtain the Debextures than ihe road. -- We bave no hesitancy in asserting that in our opinion, there bias been more duplicity and trickery practised by the schemers and plotters of this enterprise than evcr before come unler cur notice in connection with any other work of this nature, and (he members of the Council of the town of 'Whitby, who have been the means of showing up some rather ugly pranks, de- serve the thanks of the community for at least opening the eyes of tLe public to the 100. BUDGET DAy, was promised ; but we 'find that the glow ing promises with regard to time, bare been like most of the vther promises re feited if the toad is not finished within in as of the Company to be finished in time, an of a it, and prohibits the Compary from puttin, another foot upon his property until ihe either come fo his terms or wail the Jecisio! of the srbitrators ; and no one knows whe: the arbitrators will be prepared to decide th question of damages. The Company have themselves to blam rd 'h of | he through a man's property without first pay ing him the {ull amount of the damag wl 0 it. Aibitration is certainly the most reason . | able way of arranging these matters, bu is rervicos ol a tovl us umpire, then arbitration becomes a farce. -------------- CAUGHT AND KSCAPED, 2 I litle cash down. He went tv the wrong Flace however when he went lo Saintfield ; had he asked a fair price for his mare he might have sold fher, but ii is no place to attempt 10 part with stolen property, The Samifieldites know a good animal when they see it, and they know preity well what itis wortland are willing 10 pay a fair price, so that parties who desire to dispose of stolen property had beiter try another port. [laving no chance of leaving his #loien propesiy 1 that point be soon made tracts. It appears he went from this to the house of ane Mr. Spring where he remain- ed over night, and in going away in the morning mude the slight mistake of taking Mr. Spring's saddle in place of hrs own and steered his course for Sunderland, where he sgain stiempted 10 obiain a re-moant and a little cash to boot; but hie feverish anxie,y to get rid ol his mare awakened the suspicion of the Sounderlandets, and Lie efforts here entirely farted. In the midst of his efforts Mr. Spring rode up, claimed and took away his saddle. Suspicions of the gant of the pany were at once confiim- vd--the mare was locked up, and con- stable Junes took charge of the rider.-- The constable beld on to his charge ull early on Satorday morning when he gave him the slip and made good his escape. We have examined the mare and find that she answers pretty weli to the de- scription of a mare stolen from one" John Collard, Tecmeel ; and perhaps even more closely to a mare stolen from one J. H. Johnston of Pickering. Mr Campbell will communicate with bo:h parties. f dongs of the unpatented bi Those who may not yet have got their eyes open will come fo their senses some time, i( it ehould not be till after the bubble has burst. With all the bounce and bluster of some of the mest noisy advocates of this work will auy of them wag his tongue or travel a mile in its behalf unless he is hand- somely paid for more than he does, either in the way of cash down, stock to credit (whatever that may be worth) or casual ad- vaalages in way of some monoply or othe:? No enterprise could live and stand such in- bleeding. The icipalities have liberally voted bonuses, but these were nol meant {o be [rittered away. to mercenaries whose only zeal in the enterpris is meas-- A FIRB, The unwelcome clatter of the fire-bell roused the inhabitants of Prince Albert and veighboihood on the afternoon of Monday, BRUCE RAlLWAY COMPANY IN A 2k ul Tt appears that this Company in building Wwithoot arranging with him regatding the asked $1000, and the Company offered $400 Mr. Duiham refused ihe offer of 1he Com~ ther with the work through his property until the decision of the arbitrators could be ascertained. The Company offerad 10 pay Dunham in whatever award the arbitrators might make, provided hie would allow them to proceed with the work, as the bonus of- {ered by the Township of Peel will be for- Riven time, and as it will require the utmost haste to complete the work in the specified time any delay will pat it out of the power consequently the Peel bonus at least will be suoiitised. Mr. Dunham however is inflex- ible he euer out an injunction an! obtains in this mater, itis a piece of unmitigated impudence in any Company seekinz to pass which he is likely 10 eustain--not alone for the ground which they may occupy, but an amount equal to that which the property will be it jared by the road passing through when the Compuny happeus to secure the A party named Nighswander, rode up to the villoge of Saintfieid, on the dih inet, on a sprightly bay mare, and very soon set ubout seeking a market for his mount. He was willing to trade or sell on almost auy conditions if he could only secure'a ed preoious like it, and we would belie would be beneath contempt--in fact t 10 m | an indignity offered them. Ee i ATHLETIU GAMES, f- to r- | There were some capital exhibitions Atbletie skill. cided champion in many of the feats ; | fe ed McLennan, and the other a Fienchm that it was eo were it not that such an aot old cows would blush for same ware such The Caledonian Society of Toronto held their anoual celebration on Monday, 8th inst., in the Crystal Palace, Toronto. Dont!d Dennie of Aber deen, Scotland, was the favorite and de- two Canadians, the one a Scotciinan nam named Brazeau, pressed pretty hard upon the champion, and excelled him in several EUROPE; ve . he | the seat of war, aré absorbing all the spa |--1in fact a Liberal supply of war news all that is looked for, and every fine The affairs of Europ, especially from timé abl attention of the civilized world ; | of 80 much 80 that ot her Countries and their | interests are regarded as of small account that is read with the gredtest zest, Liver their own guilt, re | stands, nobly forward itigated hery and tes HOW NORWAY AND sWEDEN MEAN Td ACT. The king arnved here 24th ult, wun 1 ministers of foreign affaira and war; touncil of state was held the next day, which It was decided. is of move of the erafy royal trickster of ut fof conflict ; not one despatch is Sent acre an agents appointed for the purposes, feats. Throwing the stone. and b were Dennie's chief forts, Ile threw stone weighing 22 Ibs. over 36 feet, a one 16 Ibs. over 40} feet. d UNCIVIL WAR, A war of extermination is now ragi amongst three respentable journals of 1h highly enlightened province of onrs. T! St. Catharines Times has undertaken to e 2 y n n © L] 10 a demonstration in completely destroyin work that nothing now remains of either spot; and having sueceeded in demolishir ) «till being carried on al their own Prva no right to inteifere. Revenge 1s sweet bitternesa, the other day, we felt much plessed at 1h Sexton, filled in the earth. Ile appeare, first to select a quantity of loose earth an had covered it all over, after which b so disagreeable to 1h The layer of soft earth laid op ibe tep pre whixre the Seton, like a semi savage woulil get straddled over the grave an roll in rocks, boulders aod juoks of eartl on the top of the bare cover, smashing, crashing and cracking like a park of Ar mourning ones standing around. feel sufficiently grieved to have their dear departed ones buried out of their sight, without having them crushed and pounded under an avalanche of boulders. Who lias not marked the diff rence when stand. ing by the graves of departed ones, observ ing the actions of the mourners-- how wistfully they gaze on the descending cof fin, how tley observe the straps with drawn and how their eyes follow the Sex ton as be seizes his spade. A silent wr. mur is beard as the loose earth patters soft ly on the cover, but should a sacreligious lump tumble in, a sudden ery is heard all around. We bave been in "some other places and witnessed the interment of the dead, if interment you can call ir, it was more like a minature earthquake, where tke unballowed gruve~digger would seize the the 8ih inst, and by the time parties had arrived on the scene it was found "that the flames were already bursting from onder the eaves of Mr. Crozier's kitchen. The people went to work with their accustomed vim, and, notwithstanding that the kitchen is attached 10 the mam building, the fire was confined to the building in which it originated ; and though that was unroofed and destroyed the main building was saved, not however without the greatest exertion Doubtless spade and ball in the lunps with perfect ferocity on the bare cover and keep thun. dering away quite uoconcerned, the only wonder being that the cover withstood the knocks. We have beard of earth to earth and dust to dust ; but this was earth to boulders and dust to rocks: A tidy cem- etery and a pains taking Sexton evinge more perhaps than anything else, the true position of any locality. We have doubt- tinguish ita conlzere of the Journal and all and sundry who may take his part; and the Berlin Telegraph seeking to come 10 the rescue of the Journal-man is last being wiped out. lu fact the three have succeded each others moral an! intellectual existence and so completely have hey dons their | same them except a small but very dark grease tek, and cost it may be that outsiders have the soul but it certainly brings a cup of eet DEAL GENTLY WITH TUE SILENT While at the interment of a neighbor manner in which Mr. Smith, our wor hy spread it gently on the coffin cover until it might throw in the rem ining earth with out making any of that noi-e or rumbling e ears of m-uruers -- | lage before the pubhe, i vented that lcud poise which is made by | dashing on the earth on the bare cover,-- We have been in oiler burying grounds tillery, each crack going to the heart of the They of thore who fought the fire. the stove pipe or chimney had something to do with this fire. The loss is slight and covered by insurance. The stperiority of Irviuls Patent Swing Pump was very matked jo this. instance ; while the common pump on the premises was spurting away, imes bringing water and sometimes not, the chief supply had to be obtained from & swing pump ou another lot. The ease with which the pump wrought and the abundance of water it supplied ocontriboted very much to the saving of the main building. ured by the extent of their casual advan tages, - When the municipalities werv being wheedled out of their debentures they were assured that the road would be run- ning eaily in the present month; but the chances- are that it won' oe running a year from now. 'The Section from Simcoe street to the Grav#l Road las not yet been touched, and is not likely to be till about New Yeprs ; it is most likely reserved for strata. tic purposes. We are free, nay proud op chat the P. W. & P. P. R. Coy and its Board of Directors contain as hon- oruble men as aro $0 be found on this con tinent--men who wold scorn to doa mean act or give cotintenance 40 a random state. ment ; apd it may De that All concerned mean fo act for the best interest Of all, but home. The number of cattle was limited, really some of them bave such a cu™Us| py an unusually large number of sheep way of doing it, that theyact as if they sa.™ Land lambs were on the grounds. Most no one in the transaction except their own | o." ihe oatile offered for sale were disposed special and particular selves, and let every [ of, bX the prices did not seem to be quite other interest go t0------ well, poi! The sav. | satiefac'ery to the seliers--in some in- -------- ee MANCHESTER FAME, The Manchester regular monthly Fair was held on Tuesday, ih inst. As might be expected the attendance was light-- the unusually busy season keeping farmers at ald , stances thee were quite a difference be- ing phrase in the by.law--READY FOR HE the prices sought and those offered. qyEs--ensbled the Company to get There were some %i% ot eight capital buy- second $10,000' worth of our Debentures nt. From $8 to $7 were offered on Saturday last; but bad that phrase -- py Besides 1h number of cattle been expunged, as ought to have been, we | oy ihe fair grounds there wei several stray | Britain on. the 4ih inst. The first instal- less a careful Sexton, and that we bute » most untidy cemetery, is not his fault, be is not responsible for the 'wilderness. state of our necropolis, ---- a YACHT RACE. The lafernational Yach: Race for the Queew's Cup, came off at New York on Monday last. The contest was a good one, but the result shows that the cup must remain with the Americans for an other term at least. The distance rao was 40 miles. The winner made the distance in three hours and 24 mioutes. Franklin Osgood's yacht, Magic, was the winner. The otkers came in as follows :-- Daunt less, Idler. America (which held tle cup last). Phantom. Magic, Sylvie, Cambria (which beat the Dauntless across the At lantic), Fleetwing and some eight more. -- 'called to consider the ex resy £s 'are no pi 2 rule. nd cooking process, should one * of them a ng his he X" lor to any body else, is simply sueh' corres. pose of giving aid and encouragement 1 ng hence the reason why acconnts of th of | matters not whose correspondents sen ig the same event, not usfrequently making wuch other they appear bent on anitiletpg 2 : : ; it out a glorious victory on both sides, -- the 1eputation of ihe ancestors of each, at 5 least 10 the whitd and fourth generations or it | From the Prussian camp we have a thril. may Le to the first prozennor of each. Tas | ling account of a splendid victory achieved war 1s uncivil, unholy, and unprofitable; [ty a handful of Prussians over a wh | te division of French ; while from the Frene 1 fgrand victory for the French arms or a most it may' be that some ouwpost ha been driven iy the main Gouy of ihe Pius sian army ; but that the object aimed a by the French bad been fully accomplished and make them show themselves. e alone the combatants themselves but al. d d struggle and go fizrcely for the . one party or the other, and this feeling not uajre- the facts connected witly struggle, while means not the most honor- able are had recourse 10 in order to place the one party or the other at a disadvan "T'iiis is unfair and . | unjust, outsiders may well afford 10 be 1m rar{isl, and whatever may be said of the leaders, there canbe only one opinion con cerning the contending armies, no braver or better equipped soldiers ever"took the field, and the pity is that they are wasting themselves away in deadly strife, Bad as they are, however, the despalctes com- ing from the French lines are not so much disfigured as those coming from the Prussian camp If trance and Prussia cook the results of their infamous ambition as they do the telegrams, there might be some reason in it. If their abominable falsehoods served any good purpose, they [night plead that as an extenuation, but no no such apology can be offered ; their fibs can in no ways lessen the amount of Roy- al slavgliter, they can't close a wound, re- place a limb or stop the current of life's purple stream as it gurgles from the mortal ! wound, They cannot reanimate the thou | sands of noble youful lifeless forms {laid prostrate ou the bloody fied --they cannot dry vp the tears of that weeping { father, or give consolation to the disconso late motlicr---they cannot restore to those thousands cf mouraing widows, their only earthly protection and support, the Lus bands of their bosoms, or provide for their fatheiless children. For the past thousand years at least, Europe has never been without a team of royal tyrants, who bave kept the world in a stew, clogged the wheels of Progress, v 2 ] h {scanned with the utinost interest, notw/fth- standing the fact that no reliance can be placed on anything coming from the sceie tbe wires fiom either army which bas not fist undergone a thorough cooking by The despatelies from Our own Special Cor- " rom the There is not a correspondeut with either army, except those who have agreed to submit heir correspondeuce to tlie tempt to forward a 'line which had not been so cooked, he would be expelled from the army at a moment's notice, $0 that special correspondents to tire Tribune pondence as the army from which it comes wishes to send ; not for the purpose of giving information, but siwply for the pur. the ary and people from which it eminates; fight coming from different sides (it ikem) give an entirely dferent version of lines the same fight is painted either as a namely to draw .out tlie Prussian forces Not most all other countries tuke sides in the quently mauifests itself in misrepresenting this feartul 18 | terl, FyTeut. Li Aug. 9, (380 p. m.y--The Pari J We tiave won a brilliant, \but bloody i = cb 34) Fe Paria victory, The left wing was the attacking telegraphs thal laly aud Austiia each seu 88 bady, and couristed + of the Sih and 11ib 100,000 mgn to aid" France. Prussian corps, with the 2ud Bavarian. This LonboN, Aug. 9.-- The Pall Mall Gazette of the Prince Royal, the fortress of Weis: bourg and ihe heights between Weisse bourg and Geisbourg. ly defeated, being driven from fw camp. Ueneral Douay himeell was killed. Fi nundred prisoners were taken. None them were wounded; Magy Tureon we umong the captured. The Pin-ginn Gener Kirchibach wae slightly, wouyded, t. litte suffered heavily." EN. Lonpon, August 5 ~The fight at Saa combat. Judging from French accoan ar. THE FIRST CAPTURE. 0 by a French man-of-war and brought to th port to day. BELGIUM MUST NOT BE TOUCHED. d England has determined 10 make the in vasiin of Belgium a casus belli. The Kin of the Beluwiius will summon the Power who gnarsutesd ber assistance as soon as her tertitory 1s invade and England will tespowd. A MISERABLE INVEsTMENT, Mr. Lowe, Chanvcellor of the Etcheqne stated that thd cort of the Crimean war 1 England was eighty milliorts, half of whic! was raised by taxation. The following is the best report we hav e i Braviy, Aug. 7 -- King William sends th following despatch to the Queen :-- Goo! news, a great victory has been wo y our Frirz, We captured 4,000 prisoners standards and 6 Mirail'enrs. y 30 guns, the main army. The contest was very ee. leaving the field 10 us. heavy, A DEVASTATOR. sent from Cherbourg to Nirssboura. floating gun-carriage, and able 10 carry the teet of water. | TAKING fIDEe, people. ol an aitiar.ce, offensive and defensive, for Austria, she remains the Austria of 1811. She has sold herself 10 her enemy, King by the treaty of Pragne. AE victory should crown our arms, Francs will remember Italy, and she will not forget Austria, THE COMBAT DEEPEN, Napoleon telegraphs 10 Pans that the soldiers are lull of coolness and courage, but the tial is a severe one, and will require great sacrifices and great eflorts of patrioiism 10 met 1, The Prussians claim they will have 800,- 000 men on the theatre of war by this even- ng, TOE THE MARK. The British foreign office has an impera- tive demand from Prussia, that England ~hall stop chipments of coal to France, or abandon her pretence of neutrality, The Globe saya the Prussian envoy in- sists on cruminal proc edings against Britigh pilots serving the French war vessels. Tiin- ny House bas refused the demand. THE FIRFT VICTORY FOR PRUSSIA. The first real fizhvand victory for Prussia has just been announced and confirmed. The despatch from the Emperor, annomn- cig Marshal MeMahon's deleat and ce- paration om the main army, has caused and did their best--and with too much success--to make human lifo miserable ; and strange to say, these men, in place of being driven from society as dangerous wad.men, have been patted and praised and called smart. If a poor man create a rompas in the street, lie will soon get the prison cell for, bis pains --and serve him right--but a royal murderer may set the world on fire, and if he succeeds in causing an enormous slaughter, be is not dubbed wu.derer, as he ought to be, but couquer- or; because, forsooth," he has bern the the utmost consternation. According to the Emperor, however, all may yet be re- trieved. The Prussians are over the frontier and advaneing on Paris. The Fieuen speak of a great baltie as inmmiuent, \ Merz, Aug. 7, 8 a. m.-- The morale of our troops is excellent this morning, It 1s impossible to give the exact figures of our losses. The Prussian army, under the commana of the Crown Prince Frederick Witham, 1s advancing rapidly into the very heat ol France on a bee line lor Pars, Gen. Ligie announces MucMahon's loss was great in tee battle, but his r1e'irement was eff soted iv good order. NAPOLEON BLOWING. means of bringing into Veadly combat, teas and hundreds of thcusands of peor men who bad no cause of quarrel against each other, and of causing them to carry fire, sword, desirvcuon and death along their path. The following despatches hate been re ceived from the seat of war since our last: -- ; AN HONORABLE NEUTRALITY. Livertoor, Aug. 4.--A meeting of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has been pedieney of petition Of course this race is oot to with the trans Atlantic race between the Cam. Uri and Dauntless, but it was a good race and Mag.c won it splendidly, and this se- cures the cup for New York for asoiber term, RE ---------- SAFELY RETURNED, 'Messrs, Laidlaw and Manning arrived safely in this country on their return from question very mich if the second $10,000 | oattle in an adjoining yard; whether they ment of the iron for the Toronto and Ni- could have beep claimed for some time there by Lheir ownérs in order 10 PEI TH pissing R. R. is being forwarded to its ing G ol arms and amunition, are responeible for the war are naking fools of themselves and acting like so many ba- bies, telling lie on each other and calling each other hard names each: one evineing the vtmost anxiety to b i (ional evidence against the other. Wilners the secret realy ¢tquabble. Wriggle. as they may however they cannot get out of it, they J party attempts to ériminate the other they 10 prohibit the exportation MAKING FOOLS OF THEMSELVES, The parties in France and Prussia who dred miles from the battle field and midway to his mother. from the front, aod the usiversal cry 1s pi J Miuisters now siting permanently, Vig. orous measures are ansounced for fo- morrow, . 8 hon despatetr em Napoleon wound up the acknowledge. ment of McMalion's defeat with :-- | go 10 the centre of the position." Whoever thought that he meant the centre of the pusition between the batile field and home. He is now at Chulons, sur main one hun- ouly dixpiay the more duplicity and increase The honorable manly colrse parsed by Britain on all occasions belore such a course. 0 declare complete tieteality. The Sweden and Norway press approve of this deslaration. Sweden 1s ut- THE STORMING OF WrisseNBovnd As PRUSSIA force carried by an assault, onder the eyes General Douay's division of McMahon's corps wats splendid- The Royal Grenadiere and the 5h regiment of the WHAT IS AID OF THE FIGHT AT SAARDRUCE- ricken on Soturday lasted 1x hours, and on buth sides 600 men were placed hors du the mutailleuses have already decided the Brest, Aogust 5.--The North-German three-masted ~chooner, Linura, was captured Loxpoy, Aug, 5.--It is understood that neutfality 10 het secon thas far since the present war began, God be prawsed lor His mercy. MacMahon during the fight was heavily reinforced trom vere, and lasted from eleven in the morning til nine at night, when the French retreated Our tosses are A new gunboat invented by Forey, waa 4 Itis a small vessel, in tact, nothing more than a largest won gan, though drawing ouly three it ia weil known here hat Danish ney- rality is only ostensible and temporary ,-- Tue Danish Government cannot withstand the enthusiasm with which Admiral Bover and the squadron huve buen received at Co- penhagen; und ibe known sympailnesol the La Liberte says 100,000 Talians will be fighung wih ue in a fow days, undes ug.ary As William, for the German subjects left her Gen. pressed into service. IMPORTANT FROM FRANCE. he A ui of Paris be armed at once. Paws, Aug. 9.-- Ther rising of the people of Prussian mvasion. has assurance liom private svuices in Par a. | hut the Km even if they are arrested the Empire ig dea Tue Parisiihs wre recetving arms aid afe 4 republicans at heart. ol a provisional government is already alk ed of by tbe Orleanista, ve of re al New York, patch from Londow at 1:30 this mornin aye that Mr. G.adstone's sunouncement | the House that ihe English government ha at last made a specific proposition for Bel uium's protection is welcomed wilh a sly of reliet and a foshng that England na ovuce wore vindicated her position as a Eu 1opean power, Mi, feeling 1s of the House when saying that h fo maintain the neatr.ny and mdepend ence ol Belgium, and tha he accepted ah declaration as au uvowal of a Wise an > REACH COUNCIL. y 8 » The above Council met-- pursuadt 1 sdjournment--on Saturday, 6th inst: J sent. Ty 0 h Pathaaster of Road Division No. 1, bi place that part of the side-road, betwee lots No. 8 and 9 in the 1st con, 2 Company found it.-- Carried: condition that Reach will appropriate a like amount. -- Laid on the table. A communication from he County Clerk giving the amounts required for County and Educational purposes, siz: $2,244 for County and $907.20 for Educational, Nest came a string of Communications in connection with the debentures of the Port Whitby & Port Perry Railway Company. Ist. A certificate fiom the Engioeer of the Company, stating that one-half of the entire grading of the road bad been dope. 20d. From the President of the road, authorizing the Ccuncil to hand over to J. Crawford, Esq., of Toronto, the Deben tures and Coupons which the Company is entitled to receive from the Municipality, pursuant to by-laws passed by said Muai- cipality with that intent. 31d. From J. Crawford, Esq., request- ing the Council to deliver to A. Richard- son, Esq. agent of the Whitby branch of the Royal Canadian Back, all such de bentures of the Corporation of Reach as be (Mr. Crawford) is entitled to receive from said corporation. Ca motion of Mr. Ewers the Cotncil went into Committee of the whole for the porpose of appointing Collectors-- Mr. Major in the Chair. . Mr. Ewers moved that Mr. Joel Shaw be appointed Coliector for the West-kalf. The Reeve moved in amendment that the Committee do now arise and ask lease to sit again.-- Carried. Mr. Major presented the petition of G J. Huburius and others, praying for » grant of $30, to be expended in the 3rd concession line in cntting the bill in front of lots No. 3, 3 and 4, west of the Broek Road. 3 the petition was granted and Mr. T'. Gra bam and the mover were appointed Cem: missioners 10 expend the same. Mr. Holnan moved that the salary for collecting the taxes of 4his town:hip do not exceed the sum of $100. corps is in full retreat towords Nancy.-- Froitsard is falling back frofi Saar River, with Me Mahon towards Nancy.-- His corps sullered heavily. Metz has beeh burriedly placed in a state of defence.-- Every male person in the place has been Seventeen deputies met on the 8th and signkd a demand that all the male citizens ois an immense np Fraute 10 repel he pito is ou the verge of a toliapse The Germaus are expected in Paris, wy The establichmey BRITAIN REING SUPERIOR To THE otcKetoN. August 9. -- A apecialgles- Distagti only expressed the gensral rjotced that the Government was resolved Spirited policy, not less wise because spint- d Reeve in the Chair--niembers all pre- Mr. T: Grahams moved that Br. Hayes, and he is Liereby required to take such steps as will cause the Port Whitby & Port Perry Railway Company, forthwiih to where the Railway crosses said road, in as good a state of repair as it was when the said The Clerk submitted a communication from the Uxbridge Council, fo the effect that said Council had appropriated the sum of $115 to be gxpended on the township line between Uxbridge and Reach, cu On motion of Mr. Major, the prayer of | Mr. T. Graham iattbduced and oarri i through its second reading a by-law to assess the township in the sum of $m for County and Township purposes. ; "The Council then went , into committee of the whole on the by-law. T. Graham In thie chair, ey . The Reeve moved that the blank (for the township) be filled @p with the sum of $402.74. : i On motion of the Reeve the committee arose and reporled the by-law as amended. The report was received and adopted; and (he by-law red a third ume an sealed. Mr. Ewers presented the petition of Jas. Jewett and others, asking for aid for an indigent party. : On motion of Mr. Ewes the petition Was ordered to be submitted to the Comm ssivper of the division, and the amount given 1d be coneldered a special grant, bem ' Mr. Major introduced-and carried throng a by-law 10 assess the township in the sam ol $302.06 for indigent piirposes. Mr. Major presented the petition, of % B. Campbell and others prasitg the oun. vil' to grant the following smounts in con= nection with the death and funeral of tha Inta Willian Jamieson, viz :-- 810 10 4 y Ware--$6 10 J. W. Davis for colfin-- $2 fof digging grave-- $2 for litery, aud 50 gains Tor refreshments, making in "all 20.50. On motion ot Mr. Major, the clerk wad iuatracted ta grant his order on the Tieng: in favor of James Thompeon forthe amount, On motion [of Mr. Major the Clerk was inatrneted 10 give the necessary notice: lor closing vp that portion of the Mast Road as petitioned for by Geo. Currie, E.q., and others, Mr. Major moved ihat 'the Treasurer be and he is hereby required to hand over 10 '[ A. Richardeon, E:q., Auent of the Royal Canadian Bank, Whiby, the debentnres with coupons attached numbering from 1 10 40 inclusive, granted onder by-law 448 of this township--1the conditions contamed in gaid by-law calling for the same having been complied with. . Mr. Ewers obj ected on the ground that the Trustees had not yet been appointed, The Reeve said he did not see any nes cessity for appointing trustees the by-law enya the deb. e« are (0 be handed over 10 the company and that is what the mo= tion calls for; | Mr. Ewers said an the company had ap~ pointed their trustee, the Reeve ought now 10 20 on @hd appoint one fur the townships, On the motion being snbmitied the yeas and nays were demanded when Mo sere. Holman and Major voted yeas, and Ewers and T. Giaham voted nays. Thé Reéve voted with ihe yeas and declaréd the motion carried. On motion of Mr. Exera the élerk was' instructed 10 give the necessdry notice for opening up a certain road upon lot 18, in the lst con. Mr. Ewers moved that the Reeve be in- structed to take the necessary steps with a view if possible of quashing the by-law passed at the late meeting of ine Connty" Council, repealing the by-law by which' the County Council assumed the Scugo, bridge as a Connty work, and thus PO 10 throw the responsibility npon Reach and Scugog of keepiug said bridge in repair, -- Carried. i. Mr. Major moved that the sum of $30 be expended on the side road in the 14ih eon- cession between: lots 18 and 19, and the Reeve and mover be commissioners to ox- pend the same -- Carried. Mr. Holman moved that the sum of $20/ ba expended between the 2nd and 3rd cons, east ol the Nonquon Road, and 1kat KE. Ma- jor and the mover be commissioners 10 ex~ pend the same-- Carried. Mr. Holman moved that Mr. M. Currig' be appointed eotlector for this township for the present year. Mr. Ewera moves that the name of Mr. Curtin be struck off and that of Mr. J, Shaw be substituted. Mr. Major moved that Mr. Wm. Rail be' appointed elector at a salary of $500, Mr. Ewers movéd that the name df Joe¥ Shaw be added and that he colivet the wes? hall, Mr. Major's m tion was carried and Mr. Rail appointed accordingly. Messre. Thos. Lova and John Rail were' accepted as Mr. Rail's secunties. On motion the Council adjourned till tae! 3rd Saturday in September. . fi \ tl h - ¢ ul 0 3 BROCK COUNCIL, The Municipal - Council of Brock met-- pursuant to adjournment--at Varcos's Hall, Vioomanton, on Satnrday, bth inst, -- The Reeve took the chair ut 10 o'clock -- members all present. The minutes of the previous meetlng were read. The doco- ments in connection with the proposed Town Hall at Sunderland were read and commented on, alter which (he minuies were spproved. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the Reeve wan auttionized to grant his order on the Treasurer for the sum of $5 in favor of Jostina Bacon, the wamw being for aravel obtained fiom hita for the use of the corpor- ation, Baird & Parohs' printing ant ndvértis< ng acconnt amounting tn $25.10 was presented, and ou moon ordered to be paid. Cobneil adjourned for dinner: Counerl resnined, we The matter of several lots so'd by the coTporation over a year ago, but, which have not been paid for, was taken up, aud' The yeas and nays Being demanded, the yeas were Llolwan and Graham --nays, Ewers and Major. The Reeve voted with the yeas aud declared the motion carried. Mr. Fwers "demurred at such trifling with the offices of ihe Municipality, as par ties who take these offices under what they between Paris and Metz. The royal baby bas been brought home PARIS FEARFULLY EXCITED, Paris is fearfully excited over the news To arms ! to arms 1" A levy en masse 1s expected of the FRANCE RETREATING. York, A --A special Lon- the latest iuforma. New re. on a shifting eand and tle more one fernoon'confirms tie news of every partic- ular of the Prussian victory. sions to-day occupy where Me ion 7 d from the seat of war tbis af. 'Tbe Pi rus. St. Avold, the place cated on Saturdsy. Marshal MéMabon's | to limit the salary. Currie aud others, praying to have a cer- tain portion of the Mast of Mead's Mill. be appropriated to repairtng the 10th ¢on-- cession line, opposite lot are worth, variably come back to the Council for more. Tle Collector of last year had given good satistaction, and he did not consider it right to throw Lim overboard for another. ; The Reeve said the Collector of last year should have the preference if he would collect it at the amount specified. Mr, liolman said he was well satisfied with the Collector of last year, but in the interest of the Corporation he would like of G. sheep worth $3 dest mvestigating the granted or $2 beg two thirds of the | 01 the clerk was structed 10 notify the pai ties concerned. The mater -f expense ir connection with the late Chancery suit was next taken up 3 and after fully discussing the mutter, the Clerk was instrocted to communicate wirl' the proper parties and aseetlam the total amount ol cost for which the corporation is tiable in connection with said suit, The Clerk presented an account of $26 for services rendered and expenses inenr-- red in connection with the late spit. The Clerk remarked that the expensé in thik matter would have been much higher, but in plage of curring the expend of conv etables" foes for verving ihe witnesses he had pétformed that ¢ only $2 per day for the same. uty himself charging: ordered to plained that he had royed by a dog. After maier an oriler wap On motion the account was be paid. Mr. Galbraith ¢om Mr. Major pr I the p d closed, west Mr. Ewers moved that the sum of $30 0. 10, and that Mabon headquarters were lo- E. Major und the mover be Commission- ers to expend: the same. -- Carried, jomns it stands adjo of September nex. umn, to convey my cordial assist ne, It was nigved' that wheh tlie Council adv" urned till the 1Sin day con thanks to the Monday last so kiudly and' putts out the fire on my our p : Mr. Entror, Str-- Allow me, through your col." friends & x * 6k0. JAMIESON. rte y | < ' 1 y ~ vy *