+ B Anal GORDON, Manchester, to his' u us © uality. An arly call is 3 ba Wie will excellent in quality, varied y Elega Dress. red Silks, and Poplins. Some fine Wedding Outfits of which parties interested will please -take notice. A beautiful lot of Hats ay Bonnets-- 1ktest styles--trimmed and untrimmed. A large lot of nicely gotup Velveteens and Mantles-- very cheap--all materials for making do. Flow- 5 Feathers and Ribbens in great variety. A full assortment of Switches and Chignons of neatest styles. The cheapest Factory Cotton indie Dounty Good Red Flannel only 20 cents per yard. splendid lot of Real Mink and Furs--very low. Clouds in great variety and very cheap. Au immense stock of aad Shoes from best makers. Ready-made Slathing. in Jreat variety and very low. 4 lendid lot of Over-Coats and Tweed Suits. -- made up to order on short notice and on ble terms, A fine lot of Cloths and to select from. In addition to the above 1 be found the Ssual Complete Jin of Gro- rockery and Hardware at lowest prices. Also Salt, White Fish, Herrings, &c. Parties indebted by Note or Book account are Jeshactfutly requested to pay up in full, in conrse of next month, as all accounts are considered due on the Ist of Oetober, interest at the rate of & Good Value e Cash. the inter Value' for the. 9 et in this, sndithe various offices allows ly | ed to tender for 3 { Trensurer'or Clerk, as the case may by, ved (have got to Lind, bottom of their pant pocket, uatil they get _ Ia sly opportunity of slipping it into a friend, but making the public pay for it. In cal- culating the costs in the list as published tho charge made for advertising in the Chronicle was eight cents on each lot, Thiv was by no means an extravagant am- ount and certainly would not have been Suunglao EA" interests of the publis net "con- k. Our County ! 1] > infernally selfish and con- about every petty job 'which they give, as 10 wear it at the very in the issue of the 6th inst, we find that which on 600 lots would amount to $48. -- worth one half of the dodging and trickery practised by these worthy officials to get the job sneakingly placed in the Chronicle office. But the Gazette gives the history of the plot ; being go near the lug of the law, he got wind ol the plot ere it was completed and borst up a beautiful arrangement by which the Chronicle was 10 have had $600 for the job.-- The other offices of coursa were kept in total ignorance of what was going 'on and the Chronicle and Gazelté/were allowed to run Ten per cent will be charged on all accounts not paid in course of October. Cash paid for all kinds of grain. Buller in any quantity wanted and highest price paid, ADAM GORDON. Manchester, Sept. 22, 1870. The Mutavin hse, the course alone, and after a week's march- ing and counter-marching, tendering and re-tendering, and dancing attendance gener- ally at the wheels of the official Charriot, the Gazette succeeded in bursting up the pleasant arrangement of $600 and reducing the atwount to the above mentioned $48.-- So for so good and had it remained at this JANES BAIRD: BDITOR no one had much cau:e of complaint, un- PRINCE ALBERT, OCT. 27, 1870 "less it might be these offices which had Te a _ | been so shabbily dealt with as to be kept a TAX SALES, . in total derkness till the farce had been played out and the pet office had got the Job all right. But judge of out astonish- ment in looking over the following issue of the Chronicle to find that it has multiphed its charges by 3} and in place of charging 8 cents per lot as was pretended he charges 38 cents per lot, and tell us that the charge is owing to Clerical errors. This 1s de- cidedly one of the freshest pieces of official impudence which we have cver known and whoever is the suthorof it deserves the pillory for his pains. Who dares at will ald 30 certs to every lot and thus charge the people more than they Mave any lexnl right to pay. The chances ate that whether it 18 Treasurer, or Co, Clerk, or both, they will have to pay the Jiflerence out of their own pocket, as the parties concerned will have no diflicu'ty in collecting it from the authors of the plot, and it would net be at all sur- prising wera it really proved to be a Clerk ical error. It isto be hoped that the Our readers are well aware that lands re" turned as non-resident, on which the taxes whole or in part bave not been paid for a period of five years are liable to be sold for these taxes. The adverusement and sule of these form a part of the duty ofthe Coun- ty Treasurer. Before selling however he must advertise said lots in some newspaper : published in the county in which the lands are situated for thirteen weeks in esucces- sion. For this the Treasurer receives two and a talf per cent on the amouit of taxes glue ~1his is in addition to his regular sal- ary, and is charged against the lands, Be: piles being advertised as above stated they must also be published in the Canada Ga- zette--1his costs 30 cents per lot large or TIONS. _ % Men's evil manners live in brass, their virtoes we do write in water." Col. Grey, in his late foolish attempt to toast the Educr of the Toronto Globe, got himself done a very dark brown. The Globe some time ago said some naughty things about the gallant Colonel, which threw him into a towering passion and caused him to invoke the terrible terrors of Eg -- ,, : MORAL FACTS AND LEGAL FIC-|and sought to marry rich man cheated poor P C were a common olden times very unsuitable for | not be quite convenient were parties to come ta jour stores now, purchase a quanti. ty of goods and bring in an ox in payment, and get a couple of sheep back as changes The Sulableness of Gold a Tin of exch wages, but the acob out of his ay, or at least gaye bim Leah, not Ri hel, ds be promised. Cattle, he said, oh exchange in ut such transactions would be se times ; as it would bi nd Silver, as a ists in their being the law on the head of the unfortunate edi- tor who had the impertinence to tell the people thatthe Col. was spreading on the casual advantages a little = too thickly. All the world knew that the Col. was ably representing in the HouseYof Commons for which he was ably drawing a handsome salary.-~ It was also known by many that the rame gallant Col. was at the/samoe lime drawing the trifling salary of $3,600 a year as codi- fier of the laws of Canada. Many people also knew that the omnicient Col., besides drawing, year after year, both salaries above mentioned, was a! the same time drawing a third salary equally fat, viz:i-- a handsome Salary as Dominion Arbitrator. But few people were prepared to believe that this nabob with three tails (and each of them of rather formidable dimensions) would farther seek to bleed the ocvuntry to the tune of $160 by one of the most flimsy , well fictions, ever sought 'o be palmed ofl on an ovenaxod community of simpletons. From the above it may easily be perceived that the Co'anel must of ne- cessity have many particularly tender epots about his numerous corporation, and while the Globe was thiowing stones-+ somewhat incautionsly we admit--he happened to hit the Col. such a rap as made him roar and demand the immediate annihilation of his adversary by means of a libel enit. Du « there is many a slip between the cnp and the lip," and the Col. learned by sad ex perience that while revenge may bo sweet 10 the taste, it never fails to bring a cap bo! bitterness ; for ten of the twelve jury who «at on the case wished to give a verdict mm favor of the defendant. Listen to the Col's own oath-- before the Court, Mr. Bluke-- Does tra statement, nolice- able for his zeal in collecting mileage, apply to you? Col. Gray--TI don't krow ; I presume it was intended to apply to me. | preSnme 11 applies to my drawing mileage the second session I was in Otawa, when [ drow £40 mileage Jue jo ms by law. [ came up to attend tu my official duties as arbitra- tor and codifier, and had been staying = a hotel two or three months ; remained there declaration on smpll-- this 100 is charged against the land : and whe only further charge made is the .amount for advertising in the news- paper whatever that may be; and this i the only charge not fixed by law. This is hi between the printer and an undue advantage over Te reaRuly, io | 3 g taxes are in airears ; because should the County Couricil will see it to be their duty --in the interest of their constitnents--10 Jiscover the source of this error and have it rectified and its author or authors brought to book. 5 et AME -- THAT CRUEL WAR. > m the seat of war still ! make. Prussia is act vansalisfactory during the seesicn and have been there ever since. 1 did not travel from Ollawa to St. John and St John to Ottawa in re- | spect to that Session. | hala bonse in Si, John, but it had been rented, and my fam- ily were living at Ollawa with me at a hatel. Mr. Blake.-- Did yon not, in the declara- 'on made to diaw mileage, state eaid Treasurer have a pet office to which he Wishey to give a fallish sop at tne expense oi be Pibkie he has the means of doing so at will, making 1he most barbarcus exact y handing over the advertising of these lcts | ions, and shocting them down like dogs i 10 his pet office at the printer's own price ; [they attempt {o resist, gh tkus patting a handsome sum into the pock- | the present invasic tof the printer at the public expense ; or | to that of Atilla, King of the Huns, in the eveat of a Treasurer being infamous impiously styled himself the Seourg noogh-- and this is not wirhout the range "od, and boasted that grass Never again possibilty. he might go sniucks with the | STC", O° ite path where bis borse had printer, allow him to charge just what he sodden: Cesdinty lhe presest wor Las plossed and balf the plunder, Such ros. put buck the clock of Europe at least fifty 'eality would be beneath contempt but not yea. all beyond possibility. Of course a Treas- urer who wishes to deal fairly with 1 public and act justly with the ry abe Moreh eh as ol oye, #18 in the county, and at the same iime ---------- defend himeeif against the chance of im.| LOTS OF SEASONABLE GOODS. 'plication or appearance of connivance in Araud will be careful to let out such adver We direct the attention of our readers to ising by public tender--iho only Just and Mr. Sinclair's new 'advertisement which Aqui way of dealing With tachs rk will be found in this day's issue. This es- We are led 10 these remaiks from the | desirable place for the purchase of anythin appearance of a somewhu! formidable ad. | '0 the Liguor,Giocery,&e., &o., lines, See vertisement of a tax sale which appeared in ihe Wverireinenty ---- the Whitby Chronicle of the 6th inst. in which eome 600 lots are adverticed for sale 80 of these are in the Township of Brock 'on which the arrears of tares amount to $586.22 - 9 are in the village of Vicoman- ton on which the arrcars eee -- {5 Remember the County Plowing Toe ONTARI0 WasmiNG MACHINE -- columns of to day that the 'manufacture of the rSutarie 'Washing Machine" has passed into the hands of Neville & [urd a cy tho aren wre $135 Fp 2 | of this Pace. (See their Advertisement.) hg ion | Cuingre ; s .-- The position which this machine now oc-- $725. or Brock.-- | cupies in the estimation of the public, es- The Township of Reneh bas 22 lots on pecially of the many hundreds of people which arrearages of taxes amount to $670.73. | Who now use it, renders any praise on our The village of Dorelia has 116 lols, with an | Part altogether unvecessary. All we arrearage of $118.84. Prince Albert has | WOuld fay is that this machine ought to be wseven lola, with an arreaige of $32 59. | iD every house, aud the time 1s not far dis. Manchester has two ic, with aD arrearage tant when it will be. p . ™ of $5.77, making a tota! for Seach of | yo WISHES TO RENT A Fir sT $1002 12. Scugog hs two lots and $29.15 Crass Farum ? ies wishi o -- Parties wishi; of arrears. Uxbridge Township has 20 lots a first class farm will find 4 He igs and $297.82 of arears. Uxbridge vilisge |su;t them elsewhere io this issue. (See hes seven lols and $28.36 of arrears, and | Mrs A an Pound's advertisement, ) «0:00 with the other townships, amounting in all to some $14,610, Two and a half per Eaivvs ACTIDENT: On Sundey tom Mr. $s Wm. Michell, living west of Utica, was manger oa the defenceless inbabitan(s or conquered cities and towns ; robbing them | Mr. Blake= Tammy. The conduct of | 3 n may well be compared who | becan e of [the la son, in the Wesleyan Church, Pri - bert, on Monday evening, 24th oe 4 en--nanl _ | of fact-- f z question 10 the Hon. leading counsel in the house. | [Y thst youn resided at St. John, N.B, distance by the ail route about 800 miles from ---- _Col. Gray.-- More than that,=1 offered 10 ive a cheque for the money, and leave the 4 Mr. Cameron or any took it perfect metals, the difficulty with which they rust--their great va'ue in proportion to their bulk, and the difficuliy with which they are procured, preventing any great fluctuation in their va've, hence these being the most convenient representatives of wealth have been generally adopted as a medium of exchange, and vastly more con. veritent than the old system of barter. -- "Lhe speaker said that he had been told by a brother midister not lang ago, that a member of his flock had Waited upon him Mi informed that it would paid in cash but two shillings and sixpence it paid in preaching ; such baner he said was not very desirable especially for the The Rev. gentleman here raced our coins trom the rade and nvsightly con- dition up to the beantitnl coin now In nse after which hs introduced the subject of pa- per being used as movey enumerating many evils which have sprung from 118 use, as- serting at the eame time that the commerce of the world wonld be very much circam- soribed without it, The sabjeet of Banking was next taken up ani discussed in the mos! lucid manner, dwelling upon ils canyen= ience and great ithportince to the trading world, dealing specially with the monetary Aystem of England. He consilered it vain to attempt to deny Fe minister. w that almost all people, love money not by i" any means for what it looks Hike what is on it, or wh t it is, bat wat it does, So very much is it loved that men: will walk for it, they wi'l run for it, they will work for ity they will sing lor it, they will plead for il, they will lsciure tor it, they will fight for ir, and he would like 10 whisper in the ears o the ladies that some men will even marry for it and for no*hing else, gi greatest loathing. A number ol instances were given in which money is out of its place ; and the speaker wound up an inter ecting and instructive lecture by ennmerat- ing the principal uses of money ana the great good whish a proper di position of it can accompiish, We regret exceedingly that the number was to small. Such a lecture deserved a packed house and those who were absent missed a rich treat from an accomphshed leg urer. We would re- frain from giving even a synopsis of the lectare, as tojknow any hing of 1 1t must be beard, one must look upon the leciurer an. listen 10 h's flowery siream of eloquence. -- Ta give it even vebutim would te as far beneath the thing itself as the «forts of ne mute 10 make himse | understood are be- neath the refined eloquence of the accom- N plished orator TION. cori In giving the Prize List in ovr last we é "Boar, 3 Veanning, Sow, 4; 1st C Trick, 20d E | Mahaffey. : 5 Pate Spring Pigs, 4; 1st J Trewin, 20d in. Hg oe v Two wer, 831 Axworthy, 3rd Thos Two Shearling K 20d J Whitfield, 3 Thos Two Ewe Lambs, hl Teas. Whitfield, 3r¢ Wm id POULTRY. "Pair Fowls, 8; 1st" Mrs Thos Manning. ; Pair Geese, 5; lst Wm Thos Manning. ; Pair Ducke, 4 ; Mrs J Goggin, 20d Mrs J Lummis. DAIRY TRODUOE; * 10 ibs Butter, 7; 1st Mrs N Marlo, 20d Miss Matlow, 3rd; Mrs Forder. .. 10 ibs Cheese ; 1st Mrs N Marlow, 20d ss Marlow. Calf Skin, 1at Thos Manning. Gent's Boots, 2; lst John Glenn, 20d Jas rguson. Lady's Boots, 1st Jas Ferguson. QRAIN, P Peas, 1st R Wii or, 6 y 1 fold. mbly. SWINE. 2 Chas Hamilton, 4 as Parr. a i u Hh Lummis, 2nd Hambly, 2nd UIMPLEMENTS, RUIT, AND VEGETABLES. Fail Wheat, 1st John Veale. Spring Wheat, 95 1st John Veale, 20d C Trick, 3rd R B dpinks, Bryans. Oats, 7; 1st C Trick, 20d § Guilders. Barley, 5; 1st 8 Gui'ders, 20d R B Spinks. Ist Geo Ward, 2nd "Tho Potatoes, 6 erry. Turnipe, 9; 1st J Parr, 2nd J Axworthy. Carrots, 4 ; 1s' John Veale, 20d J Jobb. Cabbage, 3; Ist Jas Hyland, 20d D ey. 2 Squashes, 2 Pumpkins, 1:1 C Trick, 2nd Geo Ward. P , 1st Jas Hyland. Beets, 1st bv Heoeyy 20d Jas Hyland, Mangel W Onions, Ist John Green, 2nd Geo Ward. Winter Apples, 12; Ist and 20d Mre Gog- Fall Apples, 6; 1st Jas Hall, 20d Robt The wiser vow came in for a feaifu scathing, and was wi.hered right ap 10 af Bryans, cinder and east into ¢blivien amidst tle Fall Pears, urizels, Ist John Veale, 11 G Ward, Grapes, 1st John Whitfield. LA Home made Cloth, 5; lst and 20d Geo Workman. Hlome made Flannel, 3; Ist Miss Hy= land, Mrs Bryans. : Wanlen Coverlet, 85 1st Mrs R B Spinks, 2d Mrs T Whitfield. Cotton Coverlet, §; 1st A Evans, 200 Mrs Alex Smith, t Plain Quiliing, 7; 1st Mrs Conlter, 200 Tike Green. Fancy Qui'ting, 5; 1st Mrs Coulter, 20d Mies Hyland. Blankets, 4; Ist Mrs R Mec- Quad, 2nd Miss Hyland, Gent's Plaid, 5 ; 1st Teas Whitfield, 2ud John Whitfield. Waolen Shawl, 4; 1st Thos Whi field, 2d Mrs Macon, Woo'en 10 yards '" Vu DIEs' DEPARTMENT. Plsid, 1st Teas \Whi'field. dates 1 lahh, 1 i class boys u Graham, $7 ; 3rd John Crozier, $6 ; 41h Wm Coats, $5; 5th John Lamb, $4; 6th John Coates, $2. 84 ; 8rd John Dobson, $3. " goon Th owever was not ih a number of ing men and youth d in the Province wefe. Nor the manly 4 ( Le Sr country" min- pn phe, nged and presently the competi thi igo manly of all s had begun to lay np their furrows, As e work progress the deepest interest was 'byRspectators, in tho coo- | tes | competent partis present asserted that they had never seen better work done iu the'county. It is pleasant to witness the energy of some ot our enler- prising youth in their noble efforts lo place' themselves in the front ran [Reoch has reason 40 foel - prond. of sveh youth and to ook forward tothe {ime when they shall aries were q young agri | the true ich animales the energet- ic voutlt who seek for excellence mn this noble art. ake ars In the clats men there were 9 entries, and | €O he judges found no Jaa difficalty in giv-|8 ng their awards Miers were three fia! 'and two second class, or boys nder 15 years. 3 'The Prizes wer~ awarded as follows : MEN'S OLASS. 1st Ralph Mowbray, $8 ; 2nd Stewart ac de FIRST CLASS BOYS. \ 1st Orr Grahem, $6 ; 2nd Thos Lapib, SECOND CLASS BOYS, 1st James Summerville, $5, 20d Jobn Ewing, 84. James Summerville obtained Mr, Wai. Scatt's prize for the fastest time, Jobn Lamb obtained Mr. Win. Scotts 1st prize on best team, und John Coates the 2nd. In our ignorance of horse flesh we considered Mr. John Coates' team the best on the field. The Judges were Mr. James Rennie, Brock-- Mr. John Davidson, Whitby, and Mr.-James Kitchen, East \Vhi by. At the close of the match, the Board of Directors met at Scott's Hotel, the Presi: dent in the chair. Present--the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and Messrs, Mowbray, Dobson, Holman and Nether- on, The President rising, thanked ths Judges for the favor they bad conferred on the Society by their presence and services on the present occasicn. 'The President then "moved the following resolution :-- Resolved.--That the therks of this sc ciety are due, and are hereby tendered to the following parties for their generous do. nations in aid of the present match, vizi-- Mrs. Moggridge and Messrs. G. Currie-- E. Major--T. Courtice--Neal & Todd. shawa=and Wm, Scotr;wof the Victoria the Ist prize and weil even We also omiited a Ist prize given to Mr. Jokn Nott on an wind picture frame. : In refening to the hsndsome wagons exhibited at the Brock, South Ontario and ee the law gave it tn me, und wh w gives me [ will have, Is it possible to conceive of anything 3 more humiliating than to find one of our law makers, a member of the Commons the Dominion Arbitrator, en Laws, draining the country of a united salary of a' least 86000 a by the most shabby weans the merest logal trick, to Ji try out of $160. year, seeking imaginable, by ddle the coun- If the Col. can reason himself into the belief that le bad a ghost | of a claim to that 8 160, his logi of a somewhat pecu ; OBS ust ie liar nature. To claim mileage for travelling 800 miles, while he | tablishment bas been long known as amos | 9id 00t travel one yard of it, but was in | Ottawa all the time receiving three hand- some sa'aries of the country, is far from being O.K. This is carrying the joke a little too far, and is certainly no credit 10 the author of it ; and we do hope that, for Our readers will find from our advertising | tbe sake of the morality of the country, "" Cartwrights fair diughters, aye and repeated, anil e member will again so gnity which ought to be- tion which he occupies, as such an act will never be that no honorab! far forget the di long to the posi to ignore moral facts and fall back upon while Messrs, Mason and Tooley were tke contemptible subterfuge of legal fiction io order to wring a few paliry dollors out of the reluctant grasp of the'people. ITad a poor man, with a salary of some two or three Lundred dollars a year been guilty of any such trick, it would have been re. garded and punished as a serious crime, ---- LECTURE. According to announcement, the lecture | Jot on ** Money, its plice and power," wag James Devi. was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Stephen The Rev. Mr. Reid gave out a hymn, + [for it was the finest wagon we ever su, | Cod fier of 20d J J Watson, 3rd John Forder. 1 North Outario Shows we in more than one instance gave Mr. Pangham 1te credit ol obtuining the 1st prize «n his wagon, the narne inal such instances should fe Mr, Conboy. He centainly deserves all praise L ee A CARTWRIGHT FALL SIIOW. y ! The Cartwright Agricultural Society | beld their Fu'l ELow at | Friday, 21st inst, {our Cartwright fiends made the best of it by turning out in large numbers to par | ticipate in thepleasures of the show. There were 57 Horses shown, most of | them very fire animals. There were 30 [Catlle and 32 Sheep shown, Mrs. | Marlow and her davghter swept the board Williowsburg on | L The wea'her was | on Dairy Produce. 'I'he quantity of Grain shown was particularly good for the sea- { te [mothers too, gave abundant evidence of their industry and good taste. Everything went off in good style. The clficers, di- rectors and judges bad ther hands full, ) { Pa doing their very best for the comfort 2nd convenience of their guests, 'The Agricul ural Dinner was prepared by Mr. Mason and was IT ? The following is the PRIZE LIST. MORES -- DRAUGHT. + Brood Mare and foal, 4; 1st R Axworthy 204 R B Spinks, 3rd Wm Marlow > Two year old Gelding or Filly, 6; la n Mahaffey, 20d Robt McQuaid, 3rd One year old Colt, 6; 1st John Egerton, GENERAL PURPOSE. > Team, 6 ; 11 R B Spinks, 20d A Taylor, Woolen S 2 d Mss Trick. Mittens, 7; 1st and 204 Mrs C Corfter. - 4 Wool or V Mrs Lamb, 20d Worsted Work, (flat), Tet Mis Waol or Amb, Embroidery Br id Work, 3; Coulter, 2ud Mrs Lamb. 4; Ist Miss Trick, 2nd Crochet V Irs Lamb. Fancy Netting, 2; Ist and 20d Mrs Lami Faney Knitting, 2; 1st and 2ud Mrs amb, Embroider eautiful for the seasn of the year, and| Rowan, 20d M Bead Work, 4; 1 Miss Spinks. "MR Wax Fruit tockings, 4 Vorsted Work (raised); 5 Miss Coulter. 3 Vork, y 8 Lamb, » 16t Miss Green. Wax Shells, Ist Mrs Coulter. Anificial Flowers, Coulter, 20d Miss" Green. 3 Int Lamb, 3rd Miss M J Spinks. salon Mr Puluing in Water Colors, 1st Miss Coul- Gentleman Leather WV. Seed Wark Hair Wren Beilin Wool Work, 1st Mrs La mb. fi. J.H.G nel of Bis. i (home rade), 85 1 Mn 0) BN rea ouiysud J Tui or pif ; 20d Mrs ryans. Reed vs. Harvey. Seduction. Verdiet FaL ,» not wax, 's Shirt, 4 ark, 1st and 2nd Mrs Coulter. + Ist Miss Green. h, Ist Mrs Lamb. L EXAMINATION, The Fall Examination of School Teschers {er the County of Ontario took place a: Whitby and Manilla on 'Thursday and Fri- | | day the 20th and 21st et, ' fi'teen applicants presented themselves a1 Whitby and fifty at Manilla. The appear- ance and conduct of the applicants were N most encouraging, and while the majoruy pif; Geo Lount, of the papers were not perbaps equal 10 ; some former examinations yet taking the | Rai'way Company. examiuation all in all it was rather encour-- aging than otherwise and the Board express. ti ie bearing of the 3pplieatis, hitby Town, Bast Whitb, Pickering, Jatyigs, Seort, ut o received cerlificates. Tha" cent on this will amount to $365. This Iy kicr-ed by cue of his h goes to the Treasurer and must be added to. ik i pa aide unmedisiely re and Rv. Mr. Jamicson engaged in prayer, 31d & Bryans, £3 mush sabia + +ahe above amount, which will raise it 10 | (he siomach, one 1i> was broken, and the | alter which Brood Mare and Foal, 6; 1st John Jobb,| or | 814,975. Then:600 lots ai 30. cents each lang Sousideribly jared. Dr Siuihwaity R. Lund, Esq., was called to the cling 2d R Hyland, 3rd T Darcy. nintment, the io u wae at once sent for. We are plensed to dt iT fear old Geld iy, 4; be i t Ube Canad Gazelte's charge) makes [learn that the Doctor Nhinks HEL will Whe. fet a itv prelimioary remarks, jo. Togor 2nd 4 vane 3d Faris ln 4 . ) 88 cents for each lot, ns dlinrged [rooner. e lecturer to the audience. One year old Co't, 9; 1st J Will : aly the Chronicle, makes $228 these added i p---- The «pec ker at once entered upon the [21d 8 Anderson, Bid J Jobb, amean, | piecent wera the "40 the above amoonts, make the lita] am. TO CORRESPONDENTS. sabjcct by remarking that while his subject eAtmiace ¥ taxes and cost, $15383. The| J. N. The! -_ was « .loney, its place and power," what. A Reach 880 . a 3 . N. wo articles' , 4 Team. 3; Ist A ; Shall vgog. are that we never would have noi botd entered by the snme to ze ayer Le witht 3} uoiy could not {3rd Jus Pars, Topler, 2nd i wn anything of these sales. or their pub- | th same nama, but the jodges put a Tat | Arise fro any practical knowledge whieh | Two year old Gelding or Filly, 2; 1st § on, but for the fearful rumpus created prize on each which of course could not be be bad of it us possessor 'to a0y extent ; (Allin, 20d C Devitt, » 2; 1s " of our ootemporaries with regard 10 | aune carr red Dom ax a Lat & 2ud 10 the | for it bad never taxed his arithmetical | Quy year old Colt, 4; 1st Juhn EA To Niliaes 4 £4] * o 4, i] al H <1 the excessive cooking which the matter in | Wit id BOVIS wit Sieg. 10 vol kaoelelss A op whaisrer of that 20d J Lummis, 8rd Gro Patterson, gaiton, | Sev iw - Bit has received atthe han.ls of the et -- nod y ba come into 18 pos- Single Driving Horse, 7; 131 Jas Bill, 2nd 10 Steves 08 some one forhim. In hosting ANOTHER FEARFUL DISASTER AT SE , Sut wherefu prasticel knowlecze | A Evans, 3rd Wm, Teylor, fli igo s g 4 SEA, : nt, imagination can easily sup i : dames ¥ 4 copy.of the Chronicle of the 6th, we -- : the deficiency, Here the speak y etn, GW Bia found the advertisement referred 10, as large | The steam ship Cambria lost off he Irish | the definitions of the term Hii po atl Chae Tron. I Cs he Jon Lining, 2nd | & Fine "+ as life. The first.enquiry which suggested [0028!. The Cambria left New York on | by mony learned men, as Carlysle, Herbert, | 2 year old fivifer, 8 : Int ToL : aii + 1, Mell fo' our midd was, what right has the [the 8th inst. bound for Glasgow she had on Hood and otbere. The iufluence of King | A Smith, 3rd W Hambl oe Laie; %0d Bo Jos "County Treasurer, the/County Clerk or any hoard. 150 parsengers besides her orew | Cosh was mext averted to with capital| One voir od Hotel Sta Laon other public servant to take the public rap | 100. atic Tesh hehe Jom 5 10 sheet, bi great power ard influence ;as | Wm Hawb'y, 3d John Forder, 354 204 Dranate Wusiner nt 20 Large 1 k ring | exemp!, i : ; and. 'their own special pets, entite- | the Irish coast they were just in the act of ty, putes 0 the various grain i socie- | Yoke of Oxen, 45 1st FE Bryans, 2nd {olen Cameron ly their employers congratulating each other on their near ap-| yay , ® 10 the heg={Chae Trick, ; - of cuoking by | PPo3ch to the termination of a Yong r. 11 refers to the so called good old suze Alex Hard, in "8 7 | passage when ali'at once inthe midst. of | \0:¢% When the Prt: of commerce] Ared Rory. 5: 2a hea Wild: Margaret Smith or Co as boen car- | the aform it dashed upon an stand. off the | "?8 carried on by means of barter, and|T Dan arly i Thos Wildifield, 20d | James Humphrey 1 Jar nwugh "if they know [coast and was speedily shive) in pieces tinstunces the famquas barter with the | y ad id J Forder. £59 More Ms Sweyi hh ¥ ! Sooughy Jhey hud botie by the dusting w ves, only one out .of the heptord dacoiroud te wealthy fi ! ariicg Ram, 3; 1at B_ Spinks, 20d W Ame hens t on brakes or they t| whole (n --gsome two hundred and | DOW the former bartered awa; ] Ta i | deiivie hid pd wo an ; red away seven years A q : Seu 1 rn oft the trash, Why {thirty or forty--lives to tell the sad tale, of his Libor for the daughter of the latter, GLa 41 1 Wa Hamil, 2nd 8 monte FRIAS had sour ai x with the {65 a Sag io Fit A, HW Ferri Kate Parion' . Fist B. R J Mitchell Fusan Reus Ymity Amol) Archd McGhe L A McLean Secoxp A. Rolen Hi JA Steven if mes lass Wm Cantlon John Harrison Wellington Crosby Secenp B, 3 1st Miss Hyland Ist Mus on Muslin, 4; Ist Mrs R McQuaid, 20d 3 1st Mre , seconde r. Dob. 1st © son, moved the thanks 'of the Society ire hereby tendered: to the judicious and impartial fi the matter of Plowing. -- AGRICULURAL SUPPER. " Mine [Joste" of the Victoria [otel, got up the Agricultural Supper wn hic usual excellent style, ASSIZES, York vs. King Slander. Verdict for If, $500. C. Patterson, Q.C., and Jas. «amon, for p'ff. Ion. J. H. Cameron, up eron = drowned. and several vessels were wrecked. wife of Mr. B Paterson FE urd, and G y PA HC ~ erdict for "p!l], yf a son, and C 4 3 "Schell vg. Sree. Verdict for deft. H 5 ith for e vg. Moan. Ejectment.-- t for piff, - Hector Cam- Cochrane, far deft. vs. Jeffrey. Crandell vs. Paxton et ul. Ped'ar vs. Barns. vat [referred.] 'H Cecbrage, for deft. consen P A Hurd, Tor piff 3 John Billings, 2 . Action on ar. award. Verdict for deit. P A Hord, and Cameron, for plft ; H L Ebbles, and C Patterson, for deft. © Nanckeville vs. Cochrane et al. ; 'dict for If. J. Billings, for piff Ebbels; and C S Patterson, for deft. or 8 Iz Action on bond. Verdict for pil. J. Billings, - for plff; P. A. Hurd, for deft. and brought a bushel of potaioes, and Ry Pactle W DE imal y faire the when hey sa them down at the door. The ouble Wagon, 1st Wm phrey, occup) sminen in all other - Ls er nd the price ond was DOMESTIC' MANUFACTURES: tora of th township a well as on tho tented | Graham vs. Cochrane et al. Action be two shillings if] Harness Leather, 1st Thos Manning. | | field ; and v 1 h that more of oor|promissory note. Verdict for pli, by Bi ] would catch'a spark of consent. J Billings, for pif; HL Ebbels, for defts. : Action on ac- RJ Wilson, for plff 3 Spelimgn vs. Ferguson. Action gn count. fr. Laid over to County Court, S H Cochrave, for plf; G Y Smith, for ER -- AUCT}ON SALES COMING OFF. On Lot No. 5, in the 1st vcnceesion Reach, on Thursday, 27th October, the Stock, Farm Implements, &o., belonging to A Brown. eers. . Major & Willcox, Auction At the Centre School House, Scugog, on Tuesday, Nov, let.,-- Farm Siock, Jm- plements, &c., the property of Mr. C. Msjor Auctioneers, Curreley. & Willoox, Qn lot 21, 11th con. Reach, op Tuesday, ls¥ Nov.-- Farm Stock, Implements, &c. the property of Isaag Clemers. & Willeox, Auvctioneers. Major At Dewart's Hotel, Nonqnon, on Wednes- dey, Nov. 2nd-- Farm Sook, Imple- ments, &ec., the propery of A. Tanner. Major & Willcox, Auctioneer. At Lattermore's Hotel, Enniskillen, Ca't- wright, on Thursday, 10th Nov.-- Cat- tle, Carriages, &o., the property of the Rev. Fluke, Liq. Wm. Logan, and, James Win. Barton, Anctioneer,. On lot 6, 2nd con Reach, on Monday, Tth Nov.-- 60 Acres Timber, on the lot, in from one to ten scre--ihe pro & E. Major, E.q.--Major Auclioneers. TERRIBLE STORM ny of: illcox,. IN CUBA. New Yorg, Oct. 24.--I[lavanna corres~ pondence give details of a terrible storm which desola'ed Cuba 'at week. one to 1wo t* enarnd p opl- were killed or 1,200 heud of catile were lost, From In Matanzas alone over 400 houses were de-- stroyed. Among the most horrible features of this calamity was the uprooting end [ering ol the corfires ihrongri 'ie' country. Coffins and more or less decom posed bodies were scattered for several hun~ dred yards by the wind and water, presents ing most shocking sights afier the watery were gona, and filling the air with an. in= suppoit«ble stench. i BORN, On the 22nd inst., at Cedar Creek, SAMUEL H, COCHRANE, LLD. ARRISTER, County Crown Solivitorin Chance Brock street, Whitby. >" TY P iN Attorney; ublic, &o, G. Y. Smin, for deft. Cluxton vs Wilson. S. H. Cochrane, dett, Cochrane vs. Steele. Verdict for p!ft.-- S10 Cochrane, for piff; J. J. a Kdill vs. Npisng Railway Co. Ver- Verdict for det. for pif; Geo Dormer, for for p!ff, $275. diet for pif, $ . Keir, for pif; Leys, and Hon. H. Cameron, lor AT i J 2 Sullivan vs. McSherry. Action to re- cover ihe value of 81 cords of wood, Ver- dict for deft, S$. H. Cochrane for pit; Ciuthers, and J. Tut, for deft. Kitchen vs. Stephenson. Verdiet for for will - be prepared to Prize Money, 0% and after the Ist day of November next,. ay all premivms. -awarded at the late Show of the Reach & Scugog Agricultural Society ! Parties will do well to call for the re the expiration of the present he same bey premiums uncalled for by that 3 be merged into the Soeiety's funds, time wii WA. SCOTT, Princé Albert, Oct. 26, 1870. TREASURER. 4 >. H. Cochrane, for pif; There were and f Porstant to ap- e 1d met at kl uesday 25h inst. for the Pipe my vestigaling the results of the E: and granting certificates, of m- Xamination The members | | Local Soperintendenta 5 f ys, West Whitby, | Brock, and pphcants 54. list of the succes, iy owndidates, | oe di Jui whether the p'fl. had fulfilled his || 2nd, whether there had been an ni between WF an 3006 oh Ar fried 4 (Bigelow? the contract. The Jury, retired, and after a tion, retnrned and delivered th Ist, pif. 'h ff. and act '110 for deft. Verdict for pil, (by consent.; S M Jarvis, and P A Hurd, for p'ff; S C 8S Patteron, for hh 2 8 by tim on account of m ction was bropght, wi ) nd 2nd, that Se Eo: done. Pifl. proved by a gi i'nesses that the bi in a good and workmanlike m Hector Cameron, Eq, counsel mae a long and eloquent address: H. J. Macdouell, and C § Patterson, Q C., Canada Landed Credit Co. vs. McLean. or p'fi ; 11. J Med, or deft, Il, and C 8 Pant , lin Farm to Rent. The Subseribers offers to Rent that first class Farm, being situated the 7, 8th, and 9th concessions : Reach, containi Molar viiifonntl ic g 8, Rech) sou ining 220 Acres-- 3 \ Hc 2: : r pif J Blevins, and J 'Tin, for deft, For particulars, apply to ANN M. POUND, Shirase, and This action was bronght 1 nee due pif. {rr the conatrn ocks in Port Perry, and i ished by deft. leaded -- 1st, thal at nombe Sd iven and the ret of ihe wi ry. The Judge left the Jury to 3rd, whether p ned damage on account of ied with material if ep, to ad completed bis con 8 Mr. Bigelow muel settle thei counts. - 3rd, plfl. has sustain the amount of $200. = Balance due on Work Damages . or o10ver 400 Sold_ LABOR « SAVING | MACHINE! facture the HING NEV] Qe, 206, 1870, ONTARIO Moicuine of Suter vs. Williams. Veidict for pif. rp ecm pa. On the Premises. 1 and Heitor. C , for | Reach, Oct. 36, 1870, adwe Thursten vs. Port rs Port Perry TIE GREAT ery, fi 'fi, -- : $556.42. Heclor Cameron, Mekorin: to furs é ? 5 Reach, the: ¢ Gilbert Wood, of a daughter. ba