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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Nov 1870, p. 1

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a -- a, yor XIII, NO. 44. fe futavio Fhserber, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND Family Newspaper; TR PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, CEYERY THURSDAY MOENING BAIRD & PARSONS, 1 paid within six notoaid within « me. $2.00 Nosub- kenfor less hun six months ;and nopapes 1 albarrearsuse pai ey. when addressed to ered. willbe at ou isk RATES OF ADVERTISING. For eachline, first insertion - - - Subsequent insertions, perline - - - 0.02 Cards, andor 8 lines, per annum - . 5.00 Al nitisements jaeasire din Nonpareil nid charged atourding to tiie space they vecapy. Advertisements see rabhication. without«pes oifie 1nstiuctons rg De tnserted untin forbid, and 8008 ch read + amdingly Rodd (namin will lv taken oul antil puid for, A there! Liscountdlowed to Merchants wid others whi vdvertisehy the year or ialf=yon Pheseterms willin all cuser be sirint heredto. : astantly cae & arin e of the North nl Ni Vin Lenning urding ne lets, [Land Bills, * big Forms. Re 8, ness (i rds. ih y wther er ounty Farfica cam 1 histanee getting and bills &e printed caa havethew lowe Lotake home with: nem J. BAIRD. { H. PARSONS. Cn , SAMUEL H, (COCHRANE, LL.D.. BRRsTER, County Crown Attorney, Solicitor in Chanecey, Notary Public, &c., Brock street, Whitby. 4 fa iW LL &P Mer ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyacers and Notaries Public, Oshawa, -- Office, one door North of the Post Office ; and at Bowmanville, office Mr, Feeter's Block, oppo- vite Town Aull, "WC PARBWELL, B yeeinteve' 1 R. M'GEE, B. A. JOAN BILLINGS, ARRISTER. Attorneys 4t Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conve, jancer, , Prince Albert. Office over . For- man's store. PA HD TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- cery, Prince Albert. Office over T. C. Forman' s Store. R. J. WILSON, ARRISTER, Avorney at Law. Solicitor in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria B1ilding, Brock-st., Whitby. , LYMAN ENGLISH, LL. B,, OLJCITOR tn Chancery. Attorney, Conveyancer, ke, Oshawa. Office--Simeoe street, opposite the post office. ROSS, LAUDER, MULOK & "MIT, ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors in. Chancery, and Insolvency, &c. Office-- sleMillan's Block, Broek Street, adjoining Mr. 4. Holden's office, Whitby. Hon J. Ross, Q.C. | A.W, Lauder. NOAM N Ff, PATEXSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toromo ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. Office in he he building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simeoe-st. "CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Baaicion County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt Honse. 0. CAN W Mulock, G. Y. Smith. | H. J. MACDONELL. "JAMES LAMON fle at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, QGonveyancer, &c.--Lund Agent, &c, xbri Office over Armstrong s Hotel, Main ns dge. Co Juical Saves. I re as etm gpm Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. re DR. WA {10R0NER for the dE ol Ontario, Since Abert Surgeon wd Accoucheur, rs MeGILL & RAE, Ofc soi ANS, Si , &e., &c. ce an Pies King sires, Oshawa. LM DL FAANCES RAE. M. B. " J&B OLVER nn. Goin VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, gor DENTISTRY. BR ED H. L. Harnden, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Ten Years Prperience, OFFICE IN BIGELOW'S BLOCK, PORT PERRY. « RESIDENCE- PRINCE ALBERT. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth, Miuveral Tecth mounted on Gold, Silver and Vulcanized Kubber. Teeth filled with Gold so as to preserve them from further deca Nitrous Oxide Gass administered for the painless extinction of Teeth, Consultation free and all work warranted. Sept. 7 1870 36-1y 1. WA SurgconDanti Cor Nain & Brock ft Uxbuidge ud at prices bh defy compe Also dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy &c. (runds, Rererexces.-- 77. P. Griggs, Port Hope ; Rev. J T. Byrne, ¥ hitby : Jos, Gould, i Ay Bolster, M B, Uxbridge, Uxbrid », Dee 17, 1868, So0-1y rman essere are mreste---- Ensuranse, THE ONTARIO FAKMERS' Mutual Insurance Company Ts Company js now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those Wishing o insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by 'applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. 'Onr rates will be found as of Jay espopsibleMutunl Insurance : The old Registry Office Build- ings, Broek Street, Whitt L. FAIKBANKS, Jn WES=4d ASSURANCE COM.'Y oF TORONTO. C. W INCORPORATED .. ....corunn +1851, Capital = - HON Joun Me: MURY Aus "tiotee Tre. IAJOR & win L COX \UCTIONEERS Fo! R THE CCUNTY OF ON.IAKIU Valuators, Land gents, Lies han': Ke. TS C OLLECTED PROMPTLY Commissio ACCOU Money to Loan at 3 pe cen I MAJOR, W.M WILLCOX. Rinkria PriNce ALBERT 1870, 39 "J... PILKEY, wicensew Auctioneer FOR THE County of Ontario The Subscriber will furnish Blank Notes and Stamps for sales. All sales attended to--on the shortest HON sny wore within the County -- Terms liberal. Bills shaped tree of charge.-- Debts collectedon reasonable terms, Jd. C. PILKEY, Leon P. O THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Anctioneer for the Town- 4 ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in Ontario; Mariposa, ote. ., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be d to. Debts collected in Can- Sept. 26, 26, Physician, Surg Bye) New Process, Te Teeth oan be Ex- racted isos pain, at his office. RD: 0, sor Raat ests nd | ne bis spec 3 F imens. : "Pocth in ro of sets, or whole olf n x oth a the beat Vika ete fn good : is apossiblato masticate food for ie = Sommer there enpsol be good' egnyed teeth, pet them filled. ari: them a. enraged new | of LE rily horly Aone; the, RT i Jan. x 14 nin hou or otfits Wise, and prompt remittances alle WALSHE, the North On- tario Aucti [Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber g leased to above Jotel, Ti gl ted up in sive in d ho with he e a uginess and pros of ith le vi Ilage and gd eis hborhood, and wi francs to the comfort and convenience of the Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. -| Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither abormor Srbenge will be spared in making the the Roy anadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. RE € Housg " MANCHESTER ! pv ei the above hotel, and has furni sid. the Bar with the choicest liquors | MACKIE'S $400,600 iv PROPRIETOR. | PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVMBER 3, 1870. HOTEL! (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor, Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler 'always in attendance, Free Omnibus to to and fir om the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSI UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention A to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling, J. DAFOE, v Proprietor. ©. Gentre Hotel, SAINTFIELD. tERON, Proprietor, OV HOTEL, ALDI WHITBY. A. MASON, - - Proprietor This Motel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the rom- rience of the traveling publi 3 ie ntion will be paid to the table and " ixing and attentive hostlers will have ns # the stables, Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 farmers, Look § ere! D. URQUHART, Agent for Brown & Patterson, of the WHITBY AGRICULTURAL WORKS Would inform the farming conmmuity generally that he is prepared to supply all Repairs for the various Agricultural Implements mannfactured at the Whitby Agricultural Works. The follow- ing can always be found at his re nce. Bore- lin, Reach ; Wm. 8S t; Henry Henders', Many mith's, Eldon, and Wm. Harrison's, Brock, Zt Steel Clipper I'oints and Soles, No, 2=POINTS and SOLE No 4=POINT No. 6=POINTS Brown & Pu Waikerts | d LANDSIDES, wl LANDSIDEN, iesrons Dommion Plow- Points and Soles ving Plow Polis ad Soles. a Cutters aad Fauning Mills, such &e Hale Ohio Sections, Racers, Guards, Brass-Poxe Knives nd Knife. or. aise Junior A The above will by me wt Shop Price and will be consti ly 1 hand on und ater the 150 day of Oltober, 1570 Prompt Attention given to all orders sent by Mai, Cayugn Chief Junie wers wil be Kept ut my resi- de I ig Win ofthe piece 1equived and Saw rw don, vers and pit will te spaced to maintain. and extend the liberal shu of public pateonage which from my numerous Agri wliaral tends DAVID URQUHART. 1 eed to Durid Uiquhar! aticnded | rember 2 1570, oe THREE EXCELLENT Pars for Sale! SCUGOG pe 100 ACRES, being the South part of Lot No. 1, ithe 9th concession--75 acres cleared, with a good apple orchard of 20 acer and a pear orchard of 100 trees, also a number of plum and cherry trees. and grape vines.-- pre-paid alo 1 te punetunl 'There ure upwards of 20 acres of bardwaod on the lot. UZ Price, $8,000. 100 AC 3 adjoining the above on the doutls ing the North part of lot N 1, in the 8th coneession, 70 acres cleared with a good young bearing orchard of about 75 trees.-- i a large frame barn on m is well watered. rms are situated on the main road leading though the township. They are 3} miles distant from Port Perry and are within 1 mile of the School House, and there are 4 Churches ithin a couple of miles, The land in both farms is beautifully rolling and of the best qualitye while the prospect from each of them is delightful having a beautiful view of the lake and surrounding punry with the villages of Prince Albert, Borelin and Port Perry It would be difficult to find a more pleasing lo- cation. The above farms will be sold together or sep- arately torsuit the purchaser. 50 ACRES being the N.W. quarter of lotNo. 3 in the Bth coneession--30 acres cleared The soil 18 rich, and there is a good Jus House and Barn on the premises--P rice $1,501 Terms of payment for the above ih } One half of the purchase money down, and the bal- ance to be secured by mortgage at 8 per cent in- terest and will be allowed to run any length of time to suit the purchaser. 'The Subs riber nlso offers for sale two good DWEL LING HOUS i" i" he 18 40d 19 in the plan pr sctiption. me dwe lig hous. with ® Storehouse and Driv e building aie well finished and ina good sinte rn repair, There isa good well and cisiern on the premises, Price 0. 'There isa large Frame House ¢ on Int 19. it contains '| seven rooms ane is ndminably situated either for a pri- vate dwelling or boarding house, . W.GAMBLE, ProPRIETOR. Address J. W, Gamble, Port Perry Post Offices Scugog, September 14th. 1670. MONEY! MONEY! HE Subscriber has Taz raceived instructions | from several private cdpitalists to invest a LARGE Num OF MONEY tfeal Estate Secur ity At Low Rates of Interest. No C Also uncurrent money bought and Silver sold. Apply to rey JAMES LAMON, SovriciT Rr, &c '| and cigars. Every Whention ia to to guste Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main Street, Spano asi aL are die, June 9, 1869. . 23 astlers always wanda, 8) xbridge, D, 1869. Mrs. Darlymple's Governess. It was an elegant room, a' etudy in itself to any beauty worshipper. The curtaine and carpet were a perfect match, and the furniture just nike enough to harmonize. Every picture bad ils just amount of hight and sha ow, and each vike and kunick- kuuck was scattered in good taste. Mra. Datlymple prded heel! upon her establishment, und it was an oft-repeated boii, tat she never had a person or article in her house having no claim 10 beauty. They were all in the parlor one bright October afternoon, enjoying themselves with perfect freedom, us jevery member of this model household was allowed to do -- Mis. D lrympie was ciocheting worsted, -- Agatha Canton was lying on the sofa, her arms wreathed gracelully above her head chatting in her charming nonsensical man- Mant Ripert ant Mise Beil playmg, Her, Were the one with mamma's olvuman for a curnage and the pano-stool for a horse, the other keeping house in a bay window, with a huge doll and mamma's work-hask- ot. Miss Vane, the governess, was in onw corner, in the shadow of a" on some dain'y hight work, curtain, fEWIng There was uot a fairer face in the room, but its pensive, melancholy expression was pethaps a de- gree less attractive than the blonde beauty of Azutha C Miss face was a clear marble white, with neavs waves of dusky hair, sweeping away back from her broad low torehead. Her eyes were dark - black sometimes, ul (thers a olesr desp hazel - with long lashes casting a shadow upon the colotlecs cheek. were fo non. Vane I'he mouth and O « with full' red lps, Oliv eorved, had in na had | been a man, | could never have resisted. The other wus round und firm, wih a delicate line of de- cision marking i. Taking the face us a whole, it wonderful one. Even Agatha bad said #0 when Mra. Dalrymple engaged her, and added, with a shiug of her plump shoulders, that she had no doubi but that the pour weak- minded lady would repent having ever intvduced her into the family. Miss Vane had been an inmate of the house just three months, an. euch day Mrs. Didrymple was Lieard 10 declure that there was not another governess like her an the city. On alas particular siternoon Miss chin wii 8 ghtly yer pe temptation wh was a o | mean nothing Jim mental and moral wequiremnents. Agatha w 5, an | have before said, talking nonsense, and it ran thue ; -- " Lihuok I shali marry Clark Estos. -- He has got money wnd the finest villa on the Hudeon. What do you euy, Clara 77 * Has he proposed 2' queried Ciara Dar- lymple, arching her prety brows. No, but vont he call day und bing boguets 7 f reguiarly each Waal is that ¢ Now a-days with hosband-honters it means marriage ; with you and we it shou'd Why, Clark asked with, real tetiderneas for Miss Vane yesterday and this morning sent a line volume or poems. What do you now think 2? Miss Canton shot wn angry glance at the frooping figure opposite, aud suid in u low voice 1 -- "1 think her a bold creature to acoept a present from one wo litle known to her.' The governess heard every sylable, as the nsing color betrayed, and turning her large eyes upon her far face, she naked :-- ¢ Are you cerning Miss Canton, that | aceepied Mio Lstes's gifi + Of course not. But I presume you did.' ¢ Then it is indeed presumption. [ re turned the work not an hour mince." Aud the girl, with uniufled brow and smiling Ips, went on with ber sewing. The laws of politeness governed the life of Miss Agatha, otherwise she would have struck her, wher she dared accuse her of presumption, She, a paid servant of her fuend, daring 19 lilt her eyes to one so tar above her | Tue round cheek was cnimaon and the we ovos stu scathig glances to that shadowed corner. «The impertinent hussy «Stop, Aguthn !' For my part I am gin' of it," said Mrs. Dalrymple. "0 Clan I? «Lam. Ste shows you your place bette: than any one else would dared to have doue.? "Only my equals oan do that, Clara." «Equals! Shades of our plebian for fathers | You'll never se the day, Agnth. Canipn, \hat you can equal my governess You can wear a better guahity of silk than she, and sport a set of dismonde, bat it 1s due 10 no wonderlal powers of your awn that you can do eo. You may thank your gran futher. who worked for nine shillings a day, as « machinist, and your father, who, inheriting his father's industrious habits, worked him. elf into the great ion foundry now knowu as Canton & Co's. ¢ Don't Clara ! us go back to Clark Estes. | remarkably sweet things to me. don't have him, why=-? ¢ There's my matchless brother. Gerald I She will hear you. Let He bas maid Bue il | ¢ and on v wind bated, that sot upon her hard dradgaoy Toe Mrs. Dalrymple's | eyes grew wet, and Agatha, in her wild impulsive way, sprang up and kissed her. ¢ Don' Clara. Youn make me wretched.' Al such times the bonds of friendship strengthened between these two. Ciara Dalrymple, widowed ana lonely, loved aympaihy, as Jo the rest of us, and Agatha knew how to otler nt. Besidus, «he wus aiong a good step in her twenties, and no one had the slightest claim upon her, It would be ternble to be an old mand, acd yet how close that dreaded ex.elauce sevnied. G rald Kavanugh had oceans of money, was as handsome us he bero need be, and as for talent, all ihe world acknowledged that he possessed a trifle more his share. Ciaik Estes wae her mantle. Sue wore him 10 hile the luct that she 1utended 10 marry Gerald Kavanagh, as soon us she found tue oppor tunny. Sue intended to show the world this when Gerald came home trom Cuba. -- The »utest channel through his heart lay though bis sister. Agatha knew at, and than nent these loud kisees and embraces. + Clark Eves 1s coming, wamma !" call- ol Behe from the window, + Shall we tetite, Miss Vane I asked Agata, saucily. ¢ I beg 10 suit your conveniente,' replied the governess. gin the steel blue eyes snapped. * You may as well be Nothing ean be gained by Sie a more Apgie.-- her-- quiet, taunting than a watch for you! + Good niterneon, ladies! An, ma petite Belle! How gay you all look. This is Miss Vane !" handsome, dashing wtiuder passed by the languid Agatha end Tue bent graceluily over the slight figure of the govera + You went back my gift, Miss Vane -- How conta you 2 Will yon not nceept it as a token of friendship 7 I will ask no nore." He laid a puicel on her lap. Lu his Lee there beamed the three high- eal (ributes a man can pay a woman, love, honuraund rggpect, aud Agatha, seeing all Lies canghd ner eons an, ¢ You will takv it ' he pleaded, as she lifted her eyes. * Quly us a gilt from a true friend." A lriend ! The full meaning of the word flashed upon her. A full sense of the bit- terness of friendlossuess seemgd tor the mo- ment to overwheln her, and with ming eyes she clasped the (volume aud bowed. Her delicacy came at once to her relief, and with w gay, lorced laogh she turned agin 10 Mis. Dalrymple and eutered into swim conversation. ¢ A preity scene, truly !* sneered Agatha, wn Rojert for a few moments monop lized ths witention, ¢ I dare say your brother will also fal in love with her.' « Dod' be milly." Wiiy should he not ? She was handsome She talked litle and was graceful womanly, but then- Gerald Kavanaugh had caught some Patrician no- doom of tis travels. His fist wile had noble blood in her veins, she bad heard, and he would not wed an unknown governess « her that noble lady' place. But she waa losing her mantle. People had so long coupled her name with that of Clurk Estes that this aroused atl her eal. She (id not want him ~ did not it she could eusnare Kavanagh, but she dd not want him to ran from her 10 w laboring woman, depend- daily Ttere wus where the shos piuch- and educaied. and in, she Ter bread, ed, | hear that Gerald is on his way home- ward," said Estos. ¢« We expect him by the first of next month." «I shall be glad to meet him. Pror 1ellow, he wus 8 peifeot wreck when he went away. 1 hops we shall find him improved." Pigsently Estes went away, with o wnile of tender meaning to the lonely soverness, aud a gay alien to the others. «When ate you to be married, Miss Vane 7' tuughed Agatha, ¢ Allow me to congratulate you. = Clark has a round nal milion. ¢« Your congratulations are unnecessary, Visa Canton ? ¢«Humph I This brought the tears, bot her tormentor did not see them, and in a few moments, lsha went out and called the children after her. Then all for: getlul of the presence of Mrs. Dal rymple, the girl buried her fac in her ha.ds and sobbed aloud. + Why, child! Miss Vare! ° Pool dear! What is it? pleaded the tend- ot hearted litle woman; kneeling be- wide her. ¢ Don't allow Agatha to annoy on? * ¢« Mrs. Dalrymple, it is not that alone.-- { am desolate, so unhappy, so utterly friendless.? " Not while 1 live, poor (child. 1 have always esteemed you as a true lady and as a friends" ¢ You have been very kind; but some times we have sorrows which nothing can alleviate? imaingd {bere until Mre {WHOLE NO. 659 msi | " You speak truly. Wahin the pant two years [ have known bitter sorrow, and not all the oftaringa of sympathy from Find fiends could lessen a pang. The death of my husband came fitst ; two montha later, wy brother with his newly-wedded wife, an English lady of beauty and worth, star ed for home. On the passage, the vessel was wrecked, und all save my brother and two seamen perished. He eame to me al-- most broken-hearted, and for months | lived in almost constant fear for his health and reason." "Your brother 7" ¢ Yer, my brother of whom we were re- cently speaking. llisname is Gerald Kav- He is well known in political cir- cles. You may have heard ot him! Miss Vane's answer did not come.-- There was a sudden movement and when Mrs, Dalrymple saw clearly she found Ler zoverness lying pale aud senseless upon the floor, From the basemsnt to the attic, Mrs, Dalyrmple's house wan a glare of light, and far down the street, the blinking, staring anngh! windows flashed as if some great event was wn preparation. It was only her brothei's welcome home, she said, after his lonely wandering for two years. A heari-broken man he had left them, and standing with her face pressed against the glass, she pray- ed that he might have found peace. ¢ Poor Gerald! Poor Gerald!" she was nervously repeating. 'How [I hope 1 finlyouchanged. My dear, my only broth. er.! Ounce in a while she looked within. Un- der the gaslight by the table stood Agutha, her go den hair and biilliant complexion rendered exquisitely fair by the flowing robe of puiple silk, with ita clasps and but- tons of puie gold. The blue eyes were large und earnest, and glowing with eager expectation. + A beautiful creature," thought Clara, but can she fill the lost one's place 7° A hutle distance on, Belle in full company dress wus trying her best 10 obey the direc. tion given, to «it and not disarrange her hair, but making a miserable failure in con- requence cof the particular attentions of | vertisement attracted my sitention. She desired an vumarried lady. [thought my=~ sell a widow, and in my destitution I ven= tured to assume the name of Miss Vane and apply for the situation. I was successful aud 1 have prudently saved my earnings, hoping one day to earn sufficient to return to my country and friends. 0, Gerald, [ did vot know you lived vntil your sister spoke your name a few weeks ago. I have been praying and thanking God ever since." \ « My poor little wife !* ¢ My darling sister I" fell upon Less. « What will hecome of poor Clark 1" laughed Rupert. + He will say it is the happiest day of hie life,". said the individual who had been from the first a silent observer, ¢Itis as good as a drama I" Agatiia's heart was at low water mark, tut she threw on her mantle as well as he would allow ber, and hid her disappoints ment. She nevar married, for the Hudeony villa found a mistress in pretty Mrs. Dale rymple, and she gave up in despair. ee -- ne And Clare's tears the white hand of her gover-- OVER THE FALLS, AN INDIAN PARTY FACING DEATH. I'he stoicism of the Indians in the face of death has often been noticed, Another in stance is recordnd in a Moutona paper :-- # After nearly three hour's sharp nding we cams upon aud 0 such u manner as Lo calse Us some surprise, abegt midway in the sirearn, where could be peen a hastily congtiueted raft, composed of drift wood joined Gigether by - thongs made of buck~kin and buffalo robes. Upon this strange craft were seen in the cents thire teen braves, whila five squaws were es- say g to paddie the unwieldy craft to the apposie shore, with pices of bark aa sub= stitutes for paddles. Qur pack horses wore wi the river, an also were the Indian ponies, Four of the later reached the opposite A Vie : « This sirange sight bursting upon our the band, Master Rupert, who would insist upon snap ping her ears, and make ber tell who she loved best, by squeezing her fingers. On the sof, Miss Vane, in her best dress ol plain black siik, with lace at the throat and wrists was turning the leaves of a new magazine, and looking unusually radient There was quite a pink glow on her cheeks and her eyes were positlvely black as miud- night. «I rope Gerald will like her," thonghtthe walcher at the window. ¢Forshe is a poor lonely, homelesa child," The caringe came before these thought® had left her mind, and in 8 moment a loud ring sounded through the hall. Clara and the two childien were at the door before he closed it, and with sobs and kisses the traveller was diagged ino the warm pater. Tall and handsome as a prince he looked, standing there with Ine arma around the fond sister and her children. "My darlings! Its ton good to be with you once more, My old lriend Agatha! This 18 indeed a pleasure.' And while she was smiling 1a his face, no one saw the black-robed figure on the ofa. Her eyes were smiling, but other- wise she was as motionless as a statue, No- body thought of her, poor lonely one! No- boty? O yes! It was not like Clary Dalrymple to forget anyone in her bhappi- ness, and as soon us Agetha had concluded her preity speech of welcome, she stepped forward, saying: ¢ Gerald, let me introduce our teacher, and my dear friend Miss Vaue! My brower, Mr. Kavanagh? she was on her feet and advancing, he: iustrous eyes fastens! upon lis ashy face. Fora moment Clara and Agatha held ther breath in wonder, then there was a ory, a rush forward, and Gerald was holding the governess in his arms, and broke forth like a child: «My Edith! My wile, my darling! Tuank God! Thank God ! ¢ Your wife! Miss Vane, is he orazy ? queried the bewildered sister. «No no! I am not Miss Vane, I am Edith Kavanagh I' When the confusion subsided and orest- fallen Agatha had fuund ter smile, and Edith Vane sat at her husband's feet she raid ¢ At the moment of our sepriation in tha fearful storm, | was hurled down into the boiling waves. | was taoght to swim in my younger days, and at once put forth my energy to keep afloat. My strengih was nearly exhausted when some hegvy sub- stance struck me. I caught at it, and die- cover=d it to be a boat. I clambered into it and floated away. The next day | was picked up by an American vessel bound for New York. Mv sufferings had so proa- trated me that [ was unable to speak, and fell wt once into a lingering fever, When I recovered | wae in the city. The caplaia's wile insisted upon my eecompanying her 10 her country home, and seeing no other alternative as | was in a ge land with. out friends or mona JI.consented, 'l re + Dalrymple's ad- view, rendered us, for the time being, n= wapable of action. Al a glance we conld wee they were gradually going duwn stream, tespite the eflorts of the equaws, and al= though our sense for a moment forsook us, tie sharp erack of a 1ifle and the yell of & « sheep-euter," told os that the equamity of our Crow guide was well preserved. Av this juncture Pierre Bernard shouted out t= « Fut Go's sake, boys, don't murder them, they'te bound 10 go over the fails." We looked, and a sight met our gaze which wae: featlolly inpressive. « The raft having been caught in sn eddy, not a vestige of it wae to be seen, it having sunk several inches below the sw™ face, and the Indians seemed like so many weird spirtia floating on the rushing waters. Oue uf the lu 1 ns 10se, and bending hie bow, shot our Crow through the arm, The hot was retour ed, end again a yell of pain was heard proceeding trom a "sheep-eater.', Bernard then told the Crow, in his own dia" lect, 10 stop firing, but he paid no attention 10 he command. Aun he raised his rifle, but a larait skilfully thrown by Pierre beld mm fast. The scene now presented wae one which those who witnessed it will not forget to 1 cir dy gz day, « Indians sented in the circle shook hands and then commenced wailing their always moufuful death song. Nearer, nearer they approached the leuiful abyss, still not a movement was peiceplible on the braves.-- They sat #8 immovable as statues, and did not quake at the King of Terrors, As they "hot swi iy down the stream, our parly insunctively raised their hate while looking at them, aud I doubt if there was one exe cept the Crow who did not show sigus visible emotion, A Revic.-- An aucient and interesting relic of Methodism has cowe into the poss session of Rev. W. H. Boulse, cf New York city. It ia the old church Bible (rom which the Rev. Samuel Wesley aud John Wesley, 'he founders of Methodism, preached im Epworth, sad which remained in thes pan bh {.r over one hundred years. -------------- A ------i--. Giving a wan a herd name~-- Calling him a brick. It is saul that Vanderbilt lost $50,000 on the great boal race. Nova Scoua has produced $1,400,000 worth of gold in the last ten years. ? Il @ man is honest and truthlul, there is very little need of saying much about jt. A young man who was crossed in Jove atteiupled suicide recently, by taking a dose of yeast powder. 1080 ubove lis tioubles. If brooms are wet in bailing e sude once & week, (hey will become 'very tough, will uot cut the carpet, last 'much longer, and always sweep like a new broom. Some untuly boys awakened a slespy eexion at a prayer meeting in & Maine town a lew nights ago, by their untimely uoise, and slanting up, he exclyimed, io the dismay of ihe worshippers--s oasis get op, it's lime to get breakfast, a bs He medinety : corr TIT 5 $29 Ce] RT PE

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