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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Dec 1870, p. 2

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iH Pork | Pork ! Pork ! i 0 oh wt pt Oo Apam ( ~~ Mamchester. As prices are likely to decline as the season and Bonnets, and those about to trimony, are requested to call and @ce the splendid Stock of Silks suitable for a Wedding Out-fit. Also great bargains offered {2 Gentlemen in Over Coats--Fur Caps,--Suits Wanted to purchase in unlimited quantity-- 'Wheat, Oats, Peas, Barley, Turkeys, Geese Chickens, Lard, Tallow, Hides, &c. All parties indebted to the Subscribes uested to call and i= up without further a8 cash is much wanted fo keep the running smoothy. ADAM GORDON. Manchester, Nov. 24, 1870. Dos Ein gnimio Furie EDITOR 1870. 22, TT PRINCE ALBERT, DEC OW THE MOSEY GOKS, A statement has just been published, of tke Receipts und Expenditure of the Province of Ontario for the current year. The amouuts are doubtless less than thei might bave been, bot in all conscience they are sufficiently high for every practical putpose, The 1eceipts amount to about two and ove quarter million dollars, and the Stoendunre ove one and one 1hird mil. oh. ? BROCK. It will be seer. from ths report of the late session of the Brock Council as given in another column that the Council has bought with pant of the sinking fund $2,500 worth of their own debentures. Having purchased them at 94 cents on the dollar ibey have thus: eleared $150 or nearly six and two filths per cent on the amount invested. -- This is a pretty good transaction for the first. In the first place it is a clear guin of $150; snd, next it withdraws $2,500 worth of the debentures fiotn the market, and no more shall be heard of them either principal or interest; consequently in place of $3,000 Watest nat year there wiil only be $2,850 o pay for interest, and $2,500 for principal, in Bl $5,350, Bat the $150 ee on yoar may be applied on the payment, con- sequently there will only be $5,200 10 raise the next year to meet tha requirements of And should a similar pro- car the amounts as follows : the debenigies. e through each ie ir would 1 Thus by pursuing the excellent course in- Wedgeud by the present Council $53,200 pay the whole bonus principal and interest, or less than ten ar at ve rate given in the by-law will pzy off the whole Should Mr. Gillespie and the present Council be allowed to work this matter through the municipality will bare no reason lo regret that the business wos left in their hands; wuch business tact bas been displayed in the first move, and we Yvan much if there is a man in County better qualified to carry the township safely through this which at one time appeared to be a somewhat dark Muir He keeufd issue of the " against the' Railway Company bas bronght an avalanche the head of the Reeve and'Couacil, especially the former. This: is certdinly unfair, the Reeve and Council bad no private interest to serve, they only did what they conceived to be for the interest of the municipality ; and it remains yet to be proven whether the advantages gaived to the corporation by the suit be not greater than all it co:1, inasmuch #8 it bas brought the Bond given by the Company to the front and Yiaued in a proper position by puttin, legality beyond a doubt, a ne the ants d their defence upon it, snd thas had its validity acknowledged by the Courts. 'Ihe suit is now past, the cost® have all been paid, nad nothing fur er remains than to provide for the pay- of the debentures,th y only now re- to _be provided for, and this can be much better by some than by others; the best method of investing fund, by skillfully ma money ten times the amount of the of the suit may be saved ere the de Wa off and there is no in the tows ter qualified to accomplish this than the Ee L Reeve. patties are equally anxious lo have the and io fact this very anxiety hi not the only cause of the bet £ 1fiEee 4 pif the iii LOCAL LEGISLATURE. A WebAEsbAY, Dec. 14th. Business commenced by the presentation of seven petitions. motion was Speaker of the a to prevent the sale of uesting the 80 that if their whistles, the sly. ; spiritoons li in the hon. members. eta they will have to take it on _ A little cross-fiting and documents ht by Mr. ors nd Yup the business of the day. 4 i v Taursvay, 15h. Mr. Blake moved that the House go into Trout | Committee of the Whole Lon the 22ad re- specting Municipal Exemptions. He pro- poses 0 introduce resolutions which will (sweep away all exemptions. The At.-General uffsréd tro obyection to the the motion, bat the valiant Tem Fergu- son sought lo pat his foot in it. consi l- erable fight took place over the mous, but, the feeling of the House is eviderily agzinst the exemptions, and it is vs wonder, for the exemptions have heen «hamefully abused. Even ministers of religian, own- ing more than one valuabie property, sfter having been exsmpled from the property on which they resisie, have sought 10 be ex- empled . for oiner properties which they have ren'ed other parties. The carr, 03 Yhus regulation finished the business of 8 | Reeve. 5 | Graham, 6 | remarks and adsised a * | opportunity- of fully ex| their vie: » | on subjects necessary A reins | such occasions. It was: fi { that candidates for reeves! tie day. Fripay, 16th. Mr. Wood moved for the introduction of the budget on the 20th. The Att.-Genera| moved, «nd Mr. Blake seconded the pre-entation of a congratulatory address tv His. Excellency Baron Lisgar, congratulsting him on his elevdiion to the I ge of Great Britgin and Ireland. The subject of the dealings of the Government with the settlers on wild land occupied the greatur part of the day, and brought out some big spreads. A general disposi- tion however is manifested by all to deal generously with this class. Monpay, 19th. The business commenced with the pre- sentation of four petitions. Mr. Blake's Chancery Reform 'Bill occupied consider- able time and was withdrawn. This was the principal business of the day. THE EASTERN J Much uncasiness is felt regarding this eternal bug bear, and busybodies are on the alert for every unfavorable symptom which may rise before their frightened vision ; Lut there need be ne uneasiness if a con'erence is determined on there need be no alarm » nd one will be hurt till after that ot east. QUESTION. -------- More Money.-- Our readers will find the new advertisement of John & D. J. Adams, Is7~., General Agents, Prince Albert. The integrity and thorough reliability of this firm require no commen! where they are known, (Read the advertisement. ) Don't forget the E'ection Meeting to be held in the Prince Albert [all on Sat. urday evening (see advertisement.) Nominations. It there be one thing more than anothoi which goes to prove the value set upon our municipal instiiutionsyit is the great anxiety manifested by the variohs municipalities at the nominations of candidates for Reeves and Councilors, and the searching mvesti- gations entered into year after year regard- wg the acteof thd retiring' Council. his 1s as it ought to be, and far better is it to hear a little uncharitable criticism than 10 see things taken in the happy go easy rys- lem,--an institution is on its last legs when the people cease to take an interest m the conduct of its aflairs. The tiling which takes place on Nomination days tend 10 purily the municipsl aimos- Phere, just as natural storms puri- y the psical atmosphere ; bul however high municipal contests may run, and should there be even a spat or two uve: it, this feeling should never be carried out of its sphere, it shou'd never be allowed to interrupt our frien lly relations as neighbors and townsmen, REACIL 'I'o say that we bad a lively time of it at the neminations would only be making an assertion which all are prepared to hear as this is uniformly the case on such occasions and this was no exception. A somewhat unscruplous Limb of the Law who hails from the chief town of this County wicked ly stated some years ago: ' I'he orators of Reachiare more numerous (hav useful The first part of the assertion stilt bold: true i. e. regarding numbers, and as [ r the second part this may be consider:d a mat. ter of taste, Ou Monday last the Free and Independ- ent might be seen seeking their way to- wards the municipal capital of the township, in order to luke part in the impaitant trans- actions about lo transpire, Exactly ot the time provided for by law, our worthy Clerk had taken his position, and haying gone through ths unecessary preliminans, called fur nomination-, Mr. J. Craig, seconded by Mr. J. Muaro, nominated A. Gordon, E q., as Reeve. Mr. D. MeKay, seconded by Mr. T. Graham, cominated E. Major, E«q., for Reeve. : 3 Mr. G. L. Robson, seconded by Mr. J. H. Brown, moved N. Bates, E<q., as Deputy Mt. J. Nott, seeonded by" Mr. J. lanson moved A. W. Evers, Eig, as Diputy Reeve. The following gentlemen were nominat- ed as Councillors, viz :-- Messrs. M.. Weir; J. Tipp, D Town, J. McLaren, A. T. Cor- son snd -- Archman. i The nominations being over James sq. was appcinted chairman. The chairman made a few approp-iate ision of tlie ti so that all candidates might have a fair ball, an hour each, D.. es fifteen miou'es aod Councillors ten minutes. "the County Council. iho | | Corporation oliancery in ,ordér 10 obtain that remedy his signing a requisition 10 apply the $10, 000 on the mair: line was only on condition that a central station be secured so as to benefit ce Albert, Manchester and the west of the towaship, but if the change were only nominal he would oppose it.-- |: Only on one other condition ould be give the $10,000 Laat is when the Company. is Prepared to go on with the branch,and give t only as the real work weot on, and oe no other conditioti Would Le surrender it ex cept dt the of the sword. As for the third $10,000 on the man line he would not give one cent of it until he was satisfied that the grade was of such a nature as to allow trains to pass overit. [Ie depreci ated the position of his oppouent being a servant of the Railway Company, he can- vot serve two masters. He would vote aginst any notion brougkt before the County Council to grant $20,000 to the railway. Mr. Major was next called. He express- ed moch pleasure at again meeting with his fellow ratepayers on an occasion like the present. He had served the muuici- pality for a term of thiee years and no charges had been atiempled to be brought forward, and ail that his opponent could lay told upon was his being a Director of the Railwad Compuny, but noone could charge him wilh ever wasting one cent ol the township money, and as for making bis connection with the railwuy as a charge against him, what purpose did it serve ? for it is well known that whatever is wrong bet ween the rmilway and the township, 1s attributable to that by-law which his oppo- nent was the meafs of cariying thiough in 1s present shape, The Rmiway Company have no intention to apply for the $10,000 for the branch. With regard to his action in the Council, he had always acted for the good of the whole-township, and in making appiopriations, it had everbeen his aim to do jastice to all parts of the township, Mr. Gordon rephed that it was the people of Port Perry who are to blame for the trouble in railway matters, and they had pot acted faictly. = Messrs. Ewers. Bates and [lolman the nominees for the D. Reeveship each one in bis turn spoke briefly but well, As nominees for Councillors Messrs. Weir, Archman, Lipp, "Towa and Corsan each took the stand and did very well for beginners. Messrs. Campbell and \Vright were both called and spoke to good purpose affer which a vole of thaoks was given to the choirman, oud the usual loyal cheers brought proceedings to a close, BROCK. k The nominations of Councillors for the township of Brock "was held-- pursuant to statute --at the School House, Sunderland on Monday 19.h inst, M. McPnaden Esq Cierk of the municipality took the chair at 12 o'clock and called on nominations, A large number of the fiee_apd independent tured oul 10 execrcise their prorogatives 48 {ies men and say whom they desired tv put forward ds fi "and - proper percons lo represent thom al the council board ju the coming year. The following nominations were made in due form. KE. Swizdt Esq moved aud Mi, Thos. Rogers seconded M, Gillespie as Reeve. Mr. R. Doble moved and Mr. Jas. Speir-, an secon Jed J. 11. Tuompson E:iq MM. P as Reeve. Fo: Deputy-Reeve Mr. James St. Juhu was moved by Mi. Jos Bagshaw seconded by Mr. E. PUSwizer. Mr. Cowan moved and Mr. Wm. Harrison seconded Mr, Geo. Shier for D. Reeve. The following are the nominees as Coun- cillors, viz : Messrs. J. Amey, Adam Snier, las. Paivis, 11. Brethour, E. P. Size, Joseph Thompson, Alex. Back, Thou Walker, Jenn Edwawds, Arch'd McKay, and Geo. Hall making 14 in all-2 lu Reeve --2 for D. Reeve und 10 fur Council Chis closed the nominations and afrer the arnval of the time appuiated by the statute the poll was ciosed und ths formidabie host of admirers and supporters made their way 10 Campbells [Hull to air lheir elogience and expatiate on the leading topics Leaiing wi the preset and future well-being of the 'nuuicipality. In the Hall the Clerk to k the Chair and and after considerable eparring, it wus re- solved that movers and seconders do not be allowed to speak and thut each candi- Jate be allowed half an hour, and taal the Reeves be allowed to reply when all have spoken. M. Gillespie; Bq, was the first ca'led apon to address the electors. He referred in terms of thanklalness to the long contin- aed support which the ratepayes of Brock nad accorded 10 him onso many occasions n the past, and expressing full confidence that they will again retarn him ns Reeve of the a.unicipality by a large majority. H refers to his course ol action in the pas, and determines, if elected, to continug to serve the mnuicipaluy to the best of his ability and to guard their interests with the utmost care, whether in the township or au He went on to slate his course with regard lo the railway deben- wires, and said that all were aware that the Council of last year had pledged themselses, 10 a man, never to pass a by-law or sign the debentures until the municipality was cured that they #hall have a road nouey, and had they remained true the reqnired guarantee would have been granted, the road would have been much further advanced than it is now, and the township would have been saved the expense of a law suit. Bul seeing that the sjority would not adhere to theif promises the electors showed their disapproval of the acls of these gentleman and left them at home. The Council of the present year believing, ss they still believe, that the ratification of the by-law by the late Coun- oil, and the ssaling an signing of the de- beutvres by Mr. Thompson were illegal acts consequently not binding ou ihe Ccrporation, took advice of ong of the beet Council in Toronto and were advised that the Corporation would have no difficulty, under the circumstances, in obtaining 'an injunction preventiog Company from' ing use of the debentures unl conditions = sought were complied d a soit in -- Heuce the and which the Wl ' 'Fhe Nomination contest amongst ins Company and a majority of the then Coun- eil--not excepting threate--1o get him 10 give up the bond but all failed = he went Br lic op nity of bh le had received $30 to Lire teams to cdl tae tbo hd gran fan of it to Me. D. Carmichael and the rest he had handed back 10 the Company ; bot he never Lud a. & cent of their money. In 00 far had he (Mr. Gillespie) got in Wisfavor with the Company uocoont of the etand on which he took in behalf of the Corporation, that Mr. McMaster and Mr. Chisholm had the impertinence to move and second a > solution at one of the meetings of the Directors, declaring him (Mr. Gillespie) as unworthy of any public position, and that his appointment (0 purchase the right of way is hereby canceled, Tue speaker dwelt some time on the inducements which Mr. MeMaster had held out te him' ii order to get him 10 withdraw his demands for seowity. But he (Mr Gillespie), in jusiice to the town- ship, could not do this; he did not op pose the road, all he wauted was lo see that the township would get the road when she paid Jer money. Bul he 'would warn the ratepayers lobe upon their guard, for a turther b-uus may yei be asked, and unless considetable care is laken tn the selection of the men who are 10 occupy, the seats al the Council board, the township may yei be saddled with anather bonus, Considerable complaint has been made (Ly a lew who know better, regarding the township tax tor the present year, while the fact is that the moet rigid economy has been exercised in every department ; but the bighways of the township must be atiended to, men must get to market, and roads and bridges cannot be muintained on' nothing. Iu is well known that an unusually large num- ber of bridges had to be repaned--many of theni had to be rebufli-- during the present year, the expenses of which was coneider- uble, $150, $100, $90, and so ou, (the speaker went ou to describe the bridges). -- le next referred to the new town hall, and said (hat some even buught to raise a cry over that, but this was only a feint. le would ouly ask the pariies lo consider a moment who are the parties that are oppos- wil to himself and the 1est of the Council ? why, it is the emplogees of the Company, Mr. Carmichael and the Messrs. Cowan, and Mr. Amey too 1s in the ring, he wen! so far towards being a contractor and backed out of it. Tue spenkersaid that his course "ad been (from the ime he learned of the doabis concerning the validity of the boud) straight ag unst letting the debentures go nh il the towriship was secured, and all hie speeches as well as his actions, have Leen tor seonring the Corpoiation ere the Debeu- wires were baaded over. The speaker went on at considerable length, urging the claims of the present Council 10 a renewal of the coiifi lence of the rate payers, declar- ing that Mr. Thompson and those working with him are the Railway Company's coan- cil, while he (Gillespie) and those who work wih nim wie the Counerl in he terest of Brock. Tie epeaker submitted several docminents, bul our space is lwo lunited 10 extend, Mi. Thompson was the next to addiess he meeting, he spoke of the large share of public confiJenee which he hud enjryed at the hauds of the people of Broek wud the long time which he hud served them in vaiiobs publio eupacities, Hs refers to seveial defeats he has sustsined in seeking 10 obtain the position of Reeve, and the reluctance with which he hud consented to present himsell on these occasion and even P.1 now he had only consented to stand at rhe urgeny solicitation of- u large uumber ol ratepayers who are angious that he should ve Reeva of this township for the 'coming year; aud lie believes that they will place "him iu that position : aud should he have the honor of being pluced at the head of the corporation he will sve 10 it that the iuterests of all pans of the twwnship are pioperly guarded, He considered that the R:eve of a corporation could not resist a majority of the Counc, aid hie has no right to set up hus wil in_oppoeition to the Council to control it. He considered that a Council onght lo weigh well the consequences inl have a good chance of success ere thy) take the Jangerous leap of going into law. Members of Council ought 10 act in public maiters as a pulicions individual would uct with his own under similar circumstances, ne for oue did vot feel inclined io waste the public money in feeding lawyers, who may laugh at our simplicity for all we kuow, aud care very little for the 1»sult, -- He felt well convinced ere Broek bad en- tered the lute law suit, how i would go, and he opposed its being entered. lle con- -iders that more costs may yet. be incurred should the present Reeve be re-elected. -- ie speaker read the rem «rks of the Chan- celor on the daty of the head of the Council, and declared that the Reeve could ouly ae with and uot against the Council. Speaks nt : > Pali 26 the dirastrous «ft cls of reckless legisia- tion, aud asseils thal he would tesist any attempt at a ur ther bonus to the Railway. -- Ines eaker was severe on Any one lam- ering with the Assessment Roll, and tam- pering with names in order to deprive any one of the franchise. Ti liad been hinted 10 him that parties had been circulating the report that should he be elected Reeve he would remove the Grammar School irom Manilla, but he could ouly say that this wmor is as false as il is contemptible, such gn nlea never entered his mind, and he would do nothing of the kind. It was objicted, he said, to his' being Reeve, thal his position as member of the Commons would prevent him fiom giving pgoper al- teution to the former, Lut this by no means follows, for the meetings of the one will seldom or never interfere with the other, ih, they Jo sv, the Council meeting may be changed to suit; ~~ Mr. St.John followed. Alter dealing with his opponent on the singular course he has choseu 10 adopt in coming out, the speaker took a retrospect of the action of the Covel from the time that the bonus was first asked for till the present prime and held the au- Jience completely still during the fu l'1ime allotted to him 18 speak. He handled his subject exceedingly well and maintained a cheetful as well as an attentive nulishce.-- Having been tov geverous with those a'rea- dy 'given, we ore lorced to shut down till our nest. Messrs. J. Shier, Amey, A. Shier, J. 'BE. P. Switzer,-Jos, Walker, 4 ou & pod ere 5 there 'munteipak spar dfn 2 inioy this matter. | kihat one * by the following formidable list, put forth by the electors as fit and proper persona io represent the municipaliy at the township ol Lis own and had it registered.-- | and county bouid. : 2 4 He had h good deul said by some of | yg fojiowing gentlemen were duly om his bavi money to carry the long. 2 so reilway by- he was glad of this R co % + i * bt § | For Reeve, Messrs. Sexton, Gamble an Huoter, ~~ Tw lt For Councillors, Messrs. Ba bitt, Williams, Savage, Cl ray H, ter, 8. Pratten; Coiliue, Davy gud 3 » : y L - in D | canrwricat. "P'be pominations for the township of Cartwright were conducted fora coosider- able part of (he time under a sharp fire and quite, a weight, of metal flew around. Several prefty "severe bayonet charges were male, and the contest ran pretty i wishing well to the community will do, so soon as the contest was over the stnfe ceased acd friendly feelings again prevail ed over all, and 'the following candidates were elected by acclamation--tbe other nominees having withdrawn -- For teeve R. B. Spinks Exq. for D. Reeve Mr. W. "Taylor--for Councillors Messrs Parr, Goggin and Hylands. That is all the old Council except Mr. Taylor who takes the posi.iou of th: deceased Mr. Hooey. The electors have shown their good Judgment 1u the seleciion of their men for the municipal management of this corpora- tion is both efficient and econowical while sectional feelings aad favoritism receives no countenance at that Board. rr etl A -- BROCK COUNCIL. 'I'he Municipal Council of Brock met at Campbells Hotel, Sunderland, on Thurs-- day, 15h iost. . 'I'he Reeve took the chair at 10 o'clock a.m. Members all pre. sent, "I'he wioutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ou motion of Mr. Walker, an appro- priation of §10 was granted to improve a certain part of the Tih concession and D. McI'baden was appointed Commission: er. On motion of Mr. Walker, certam ar- rearages ol loxes returned by the County Treosurer agamst certain lots «in the village of Vioomunton--the properly of Col. Vicoman--were ordered to be erased from the list, satisfactory prool having been furnished that sord taves have been paid. On motion a dollar was refunded to I1. McPhaden, who had been assessed for a dog, while he had none. cil for a further grant towards the comn- pletion of a certain job on a side line in that Joeality. © On motion, a sum was appropriated, bringing the total gran to $13, aud Win, Buird was appointed Commissioner to expend (he same. On application of R. Mooney, an ap- peopriation of $10 was granted to repair that poriion of the 2ud concession, oppo- site lots 20d and 3rd, and R, Mooney was appointed Commissioner to expend the sae. On motion, the sum of $161 was re funded to Mr, Locher, Le baviog been overrated in that amounts 'I'he following came before the - Council claiming the following amounts for Sheep destroyed by dogs, viz :--Mpr. Ruckle (for Mr. Neelan), 3 sheep valued at $5 cach. Mr. McPbaden, one sheep at $4. Mr. J. Brandon two at 84 each. Mr. Thos. Rewan, 6 theep and a lamb. all val. ued ut $40. Mr. Park had one killod and three worried, be said 83 would pay the damage. Patrick Keenan, $4. On motion, orders were gran'ed in each case for two tuirds of the amount. On motion, an additional graot of $3 was given to Mr. Rutle for repai ing a briuge in the 9.h conce:si n. Several small accounts were. presented and on motion ordered to be paid, G:o. Walton, an indigent party, was granted $10, being at the rate of $2 per wouth since June last. Mr. Sharp--the late Treasurer-- cams before the Council, claiming $12 for go- tures into tire Lands of the 'T'rus'ees, of the Voronto & Nippissing Railway. The Reeve stated that there must be some iuformality in this transaction, as be held in lis possession be affidavit of Messrs. Alan and Cameron, two of the Trustees, declaring that thy debeutures had been delivered over by one lleory Brethour, and it appeared rather singular that Mr. Sherp should claim &12 for doing that which the I'ru-tees themselves claim bad been done by another, and in view of this fact Le (the Reeve) would advise the Couucil to delay actin on the matter till a future time. ; : Mr. Shorp repiied that he did not care now many docu:nents the Reeve might held 1e the contrary, he (Sharir) held in his poss: ensivn a receipt trum the hands of the Tins- wees for the delivery of said debentures, ard if the Council give an order now for his claim he will return the amount'il he can- not prove 1 deli deben- claimed, besides were it necessary he could 'prove by others"who were coznizant of the act. But he (Sharp) does not. believe that the Reeve has any such document as he 'pretends, as he is confident that there is not ~nch a document in existence. Upon: this the Reeve requested the D. Reeve to take the chair. lu a few minutes the Reeve returned to the hall with the. docoment re~ ferred 10, this Tully sustained the Rueve in all that oe had said, yuasmuzh as the sig- 'natbres of Messrs. Allan and Camefon aie both attached to the dogument which states i sy Brethour" delivered the Jebentures into the hands of the 'Trusiees. Aftér some further discussion oi the matter ; on motion at: order for $8 in full was grant- ed to Mr. Sharp, he foljow roiey mit 'on Jnolisa, refunded the amvuats' Of their dog lax been assessed on ahey having been as for 'while they had none, viz: Messrs. Barker, Oi end Hore. ~~ Bs bac ion, the aeconnt of Mr. wen. lola tor : ta Wikia hE bigh while it lasted ; but as ull parties Mr. Win. Baird came before the Coun |! ing to Toronto to place the Bopus Dubens tures into the hands of the Troslees as : , Cochrane; ai ni i ons coma ve GEOR acon! Sump bel son, lois 2, canogstion, wpe onlered:to be paid' -- Communicated! Ruddy's bridge. Alter rectifying two 0! 'Thompson for services as gcommissiouer 3x Sl chy po t a To he v y al es as would ha he loa, ad Foold ) ie sy mpithies of an n dear dear iimb of Esculapios to have been mui making bills than in curing pal in for a merited scathing. This sor . fancet bled poor Lauchy 10 the tune of $20 for-one visit to his better hall; this Luuchy wanda as vutiageous, and he was al no loss to find adjectives sufficiently expressive (0 set out 1he man of pills and charges. On came of the client. Mr. R. Edwards got an order for $3 for posiages stationery, &c. . : Baird & Parsons account for $9.50 for printing was presented. ' der was granted for the amount, An order for $8 was granted to E. El- wards for grave! taken for public highways. Mr. N. Biown was appointed patlimaster in place of his brother who has left the locality; the by-law being amended (0 suit the change. SAN * Mensrs, Copp, Clark & Co's account for $18.19 for Rolls &c. was presented, and ordered to be paid. "The commiltee, consisting of the Reeve and Mr, Thompson, which had been up- pointed at a late meeting of Couneil to pio- ceed to Toronto 10 deposit in the Bank of Toronto funds sufficient 10 meet the interest on the Debentures given by the Corporation to the Foronto and Nipissing Railway Com-- pany, lo invest the sivking tnd, and lo pay the cosis incurred in the suit, Brock us. the Toronto and Nipissing Raitway Company, brought in their repoit as follows : Cash recvd from Mr. &hier, Collector. $3100 00 wes the Trensarer, 11cts discount on Greenback ..... "paid to the Bauk of Toronto, one yeu 's interest on $50,000 (Bonus) ul 6 per combi. v + puid note given fo rock va. the T & N Railway + paid for Writ and Luterest suNote 19 00 Bot $2.500 worth of I Radway 3 Debentuies, at 94 cel i the 81 2350 00 Loaving & bulunce to retain to the Lreusuier Of seuss 151 70 t ----$0592 89 The balance being to small for invest- ment in _Debentvres, the Commitee, re- commend that suid balance be iivested some other way in the interest of the Sink- ing Fand. * Vhe Committee would "further recom mend That thd Treasurer be instructed 10 opea a separate acount for the Sinking und. | Mr. St. John, seconded by Mr. Bagshaw, moved that the Repoit just read be adopted. --Cariied. : Ob motion, the Reeve was instructed to deface the Debentures purclipsed by ihe Municipality, und having delaced them, to band them 10 the Treasurer for sule keep- ing. --Canied, After some further travsaction in the way of paying: ofl officers wud the like, the Council adjourned sine die. SCHOOL' EXAMINATIONS. The senior division of thie common schoo department of the Port Perry usited (Grammar and Common Schools was public. ly examibed on Wednesday 141th inst. and gave a good account of rtselfevincing much skill on'the part of the tecucher and intelligence in the pupils. Mr. Pringle has dove good service in this schook during the year and the parents' present at the 1. | Superintendent's lecture in tho evening were not slow in acknowledging Mr. Prin- gle's efficiency. The School in Sehvol Seetion No. 3. Scugog, taught by Miss Fairweather, was examined on the forenoon of Tuesday 201h inst. 'L'be school 1s in good condition, the pupils are orderly and intelligent and give abundaot proof of Miss Fairweather's sue-- cess as a teacher, A public examination of the pupils at. tending in School Section No. 1 Scugog, took place on Tuesday afternoon, 20th inst, 'Lhe number cf visitors was not large but the intelligence of the section was well represented. The classus presented did themselves and their feacher credit and were bizhly ereditable to the sectivn.-- Me, Hg bas done well for this school and the people are aware of it. At the close of the examination the frustees and parents preseot expressed their entire approbation of the manner in Which the school is con ducted and the progress their children are making. We were much pleased with the proceedings. . ---------- SCHOOL EXIMINATION. An examination of the pupils of the Manchester Schoo! was held on Wednes day, the 1dthinst. There were a lurge number of children present more, we thought than shonld be congregated in that room with due regard to the keal'h and convenience of 'both teach r und but not so meny as there should be on such an cccasion. The examination. of Mesors. - Slater and | Gordon. The pupils 'acquitted them [selves ¥emarkably well in the classes in which they were examined and answered the questions propounded to: them io a mantier that give evidence. that they thoroughly uuderstood what they had were not a mere parrot like repetition. _ After the examination' was over, a few cursory remarks weré wade by some of the visitors, who expressed themsel . being well satisfied with what they bad seen and heard. These were followed by a capital speech fom. Mr. Gordon, He 'upon the: necessity, and es reaped {rom it, the facilities af- van! ing wh ton expres xpressed thei bi Dg rine Wt per and Jed by giving: liis his' temporal " wo by siaging. ¢ G An order for 85 was granted to Juhu, "have. put" learcéd | not have on. rot motion an order for $4 was given toLauchy's | On motivif an or- "ment, being av pupils, "I'here were glso sereral visitors, | the varicns classes was conducted by Mr. word, Fire been; learning and that that their answers| forded for acquiring it snd the duty of of the ad. |. bi OF al WO A PUBLIC MEETING of the E vdore «LA of the Village oi Prince Alben sud neighborhood, Will be held in the PUBLIC HALL, PRINCE ALBERT, On Saturday) Evening,i24th inst, When the Candidates'tor Municipal honors will adUress the. meeting. : Chairto 58 taken at Bigtt o'clock ».M, ~ * . Sui :. E. MAJOR, * Prince Albert, December 21s1, 1870. Mortgages Wanted. FHE Subscribers have large: sis of momey laced i Yeie Minds, {3 Be dnvestuenrt on Improved Faims, Village Properti au other Securities in this aud Adjoining es at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hond at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Parchise. Any number of Mortgages, for which the high est figure will be cae jee We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable. in from 2 two 20 years. Lands. Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. L3~ Agents for several first labs' Fire Insurw ance Companies. Collections made and n general agency busls ness transacted, ' BEF" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "(Bl JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, . General Agedts. Office over TP. C. Forman's Store, Pringe Albert. Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. 50° Electors REACH. (GENTLEMEN In accordance with the wise provisions of our Municipal Law, aspir- ants to the honor of occupying a place at our Conncil Board can only obtain that posi- tion by the suffrages of their fellow rate-payers. This is as it ought to be, and with' a view to - this object, I now come before you, soliciting your suffrages to Floveme in the honorable po- sition of Reeve of this municipality for the com- ing year. For several years past your conf: dence in me, as manifested by your vo p dorie me the honor of placing me in you) = cil os Deputy-Reeve of this tewn: ever sought to prove myself North '¢on- have fidence which yon have placed in' me, by en- deavoring, to. Joo best of my ability; to rcs the. duties of the of in such a mapoer as might best conduce to the general prosperity of the township. It has always been my endeavor, with my fellow Conucilmen, to conduct the fairs of the Corporation on the most economical principles counutishle ith efficient m - | tines careful, so fat aw in, my power, to see that appropriations' Were ouly given, to such places as really required them, and that the grants were expended to the best advantage, , Your generous support in times gone by, in- duces me to believe that you will again manifest your confidence in me, by electing me as Reeve of the Township at the proaching Bleetion.o And should you do me {i Jouor placing ub i ih eat, of your Council for the coming Joar. will endeavor by every means in my power, lorwerd the Tee every part of the townshipiand Susquraé and support such men sures ouly as shall'tend to the welfare of this important municipality. . . 1am, Gentlemen, Your ohedient segvant, E. MAJOR. Borelia, December 21st, 1870. BAITISI AMERICAN Assurance Company ! FIRE AND MARINE Oldest Chartered r Canadian Company, & HEAD OFFCIE- CORNER OF CIITRCH AND TORONTO. Boyd, lon, Win © &om, (3. Peiceval Ri R E. HB. Rutherford, Thos Street, i : G. 1 Rid ASV, G. Perceval Ri out, Depo Tenstees 3 15. TH. Rutherford, Hon W. Harris. Mmmger Ma: ine iment : W tor ni Roby O'Brien, T. 'W. BIRCUALL: Managing Director. © DAVID J. ADAMS, o Whi a Prince. ALBERT. For Sale or to Rent resp REL

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