Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Jan 1871, p. 3

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1 3 Li _RRINCE ALBERT, | A ON CR RR ---- | ' i Mortgages Wanted. ag dB Tome are Teques SHIER, _Gounty Master. M.. a, Secretary. af; Brock, Jan'y do 1870) 7.0 | ARRIVAL! | New Waichos, .. New Clocks, 1 ND a Fancy Jeiry CHEAP FUR CASH, AT, ohn Diesfeld's, Prince Aver, Jan'y 18, 1871. . CALL AT SUNDERLAND. CH E AP DRY GOODS, : GROCERIES 3, CROCKEI RY, . GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &e. The large and steadily increasing patronage bestowed upon me since commencing business . at erland has induced me to add a Tailoring Deparment I have just finished a new mio Shon hoa: and ave ls the services of a first class Tatlor, and am now preparel 'o Surnisty Clothing sob u up in tho latest style, and Farm Far Produce of 1 of all kinds taken in exchange for G d for Hides and Sheepskins. Gui fut J. Wo H Sunderland, Nov. Bundestind, Nob. 20,180. | 1870. Wo URD, © c3aly In ths of n 4 pig loge, au * a oo ir 0 Joperics aud fae, sve depe Yosible ory. Wanted to Purchase number, of Mortgages; for which the high- a wily on gers for the Canada x i Wea a ap Sociely, the cheapest and t Monetary Institution in Canada, "Paid Mb onpital S500, 000., Instalments re-payable n from 2 two 20 years. ¢ Lands Bought. and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. £3" Agentsforseveral first class Fire Insur- anée Companies.' Collections made and » genera agency busi- ness transacted. BEF DEBENTURES. BOUGHT. "Bi OHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, ? on General Agents. T. C. Forman's Store, Prince Albert fry Dec. 2, 1870. 4 50 ARGEST STO CK, OF, spe North of W baby, dst arrived "4 fofhag HE BEST LOT.OF ; yo Stoves whe) County Just ARRIVED, ouisrin. | To enable Sustomers FES Boxes, Spices, Syrap, Rice, Pot Barley, Fish--Herrings and T' Ladies' liv wid] COST. are left. ado hao, Dec. 13, vk re in In a becoming, manne 3s of {pr vided, ERLE Fl! prpvigha Jory on Liver Raisins in small Currants--old and new Porto Rico Sugar, Refined Yellow Sugar, Crushed and Ground § Jandied Peel, * [Ladies Kid Skating H Te a of Lo Fu on hi ke | brate this wl Tv! a Jo chil | Superior Teas--Green flack Pure Coffee, ed feet aq. Gents' Over-Shoes-- pid} "Rubber; - ; Buffalo Robes.' DISPENSING DRUGGIST, Calls the Rjention of the inhabitants of the County vf Ontario, to' i Drugs; Chemicals, . Pn Medicago, i --------------. f GEC each we "11 would now fut mye eustdmors and, , public from Bond a large and completa i i 2 rd i Paicylae attention gifen th tho selection of TEAS, TOBACCOS, &o. Silver, Crystal China and Stoneware. ry Stock is as canaot fail 10 secure large Holiday purchaees. 05 Absolutely Pare Wines, Brandies and other Liquors Tor Meoféa "Come along and have your Holiday i filled. .. SINCLAIR. al Purposes. : | Princes Alfiert; passa; 18700 on __W. A. TOMLINSON, = his large and complete Stock of | Stuffs, Perfumery, = + Bb and o Sool Books, . Stationery '. J ¢, he best Stock in the County and sold .as Cheap as at any other house in Cdiiada. B Remember the Placer Forman) s Blogk. 5 : : fp dam yy Rm wy PF 3 CW. M. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opuosite .Seott's Hotel, JRINCE eae rite the spec ntion of the public to their extensive vewly imported Stock of IEST BRAN: PURE LIQUORS, ome, of ' Brandes, Giris, Hol. land Old Tome Whoa, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Ola" Rye-- JiBull Bitters, &e. arge and well selected Stock-of Fresh Graceries:of superior quality. '3 Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We gurantee, that Tor excellene i in| qfi and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. oic? lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauced, &e. RE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chalets uffs, Paints, Gils and Varnishes. 'I'horughly relisble Y'atent k:Madicings. » Books and S ery. peior 'ulty and will be sold at "hes lowest remunera. 2 Hotel, Prince abet. w he 8 WILLCOX. sed puis | HAS ouT A Ee AND ES OF G &.y he C daily that T have just taken Stock ot i "Sin Dry Goods, «| chases will find it to their advantage t6 give usa call. I QT always on hand during their 'seas. "Lots of choice Fish, 3 ol dta gad ttle, ipi¥ticalaily Good and d will b be s oat su such: Prices 1eaugpked ta-ca settle As anfinducement to the public to 'patronize the regular trade, ; instead of buying of dry goods merchants, thewhole of the above RESITTT AT COST. Hemlock Bark. ing customers. appoitunity is seldom met with, like this to quote prices for eveything we liave in Stock, Canadian Fall Clot, heavy at 60c per yd, Men's L. WV. Sbina and Canadian Tweeds, good, 70c per yard, Scotch Tweeds and other makes, at coat, Heavy Over-Caatinge, $1 per yard, 3 [Winceys, 7c per yard, . Prints, 80 per yard, Yfinty Orvercoats, for $3," y low, . Pt Métinos, genuine, 40c per yd, 'Tartan Plaids, 25¢ per yd, All parties indebted to the account, which were Hus first 6f 'Ootobor, will please Wake "MANCHESTER, Nov. 10, 1610, fn Sen R. & J. CAMPBELL'S - MAN CHESTER. We are giving the public the full be full benefit of our superior facilities or buying the best class of Goods: at the lowest possible prices, Wo have an extensive Stock of Nuw Goons every avay adap to the season, both for quality and price. Groceries, &e., Province, and parties making We offer inducements which cannot be excelled in the Christmas and New Year's pur- "Any, quantity of Bulter wanted for which the highest market price will be given in Goods at Cash Prices. 0G Try our superior Teas, Wines and Liquors. . Parties indebted to us aro respectfully r reminded of 88 fact and R. & J. CAMPBELL. MasBnerrn a AND Wares, Dec. 3, 1870. Having just received 20 Cases of Men' s, Youth's + and. Boy's COARSE BOOTS ! - lot will be sold 7 The highest price in Cash paid for Tallow, 'Beef Hides $7, J PSUs when, Prince Albert, Deé¢. 1, 1870. Sheepskins, and 20 C )ALE il CIS tEres {he Ty take 'great plensare Premises lately occupied by A. Gordon, Eeq, Largest and best assorted 8tocks in the Co The greater portion of which has Markets, and on aceount of the lo sell the whole Stock at a small i!vance on the Sterling Cost, to Carty Hicawoaee. & in announcing, that they ee Siwived ot where they have opened one of he anty been Tmportad direst by ourselves fiom, the British price of Grain and poor crops, we ha'yq concluded 10 and Bargains will find © 4, 2 dink As it would be impossible in a Small advertisement you will pease accept the fol- we intend doing, he All who are dexirons of securing F lowing us part of what Drawers, Men's Couree Boots $2 per paix, '8 Coarse Hoots, No. 1, $2. 50, Women's Baits, goo, 81, 10 Ibs Bright Sogn for 81, Good Tea, 45, '+ Aud every thing else Proportionately low, A large lot of Crockery composed of Granite | *°U 2d China Tea Sets, and Common Ware Sagi SL a great reduction and {or sale fo! lund 90c, and over 100 pieces to select from, subscribers either by note or book immediate payment, BROWN §. CHRISTIAN. rl | M Robt ~ $3,000 (PRIVATE UN DS), id for ope alii i Station of the Nipissing, Ra ins uS mali xu lite 16 Company of Toron! n on Buifings 0 | Prati ww HENGE 6 i if 3 RL #48 DEIN GI! | OoT = mn NS 53 Good -- one week. I~ Clip out and present to Brooklin, Nov. 3, 1870, THE Subsorlier of offers for roperty at Vereibie Garden, lot contains a la nitmbey ruit-bearing trons 3 abundant gu sapely pears, 0ose! 30 30 huts of the Ee eriem fe es, e.' Over . sling out in Spring. The title is ind| session will ba N.B. For farther Sens Port Borelia, Nov. 30, 1870. 1 CED at Port Perry. sii) EN! HAR Port Petiy Nov 11th. En re Les. : Store 10, Let Xr ---- or § ph prove dey Ar sold ho farther oti ul pa Jupther p por ti torn "THIF IF by lief pre- ab M CCONNELE, OR 10. WM, RENN DY. Reach, Nov. 30, 167, Lik, AU cbridge, ta ee Large Arrivals! - NEW £000 IN EVERY VARIETY JUST RECE EIVE ED rt . BY THE SUBSCRIBER! T. 0. FORMAN. Piince Albert, Nove nber 16th, 1870, Se = CHA S. HISC OCKS, BAKER CONFECTIONER! DEALER IN CANDIES, BISCUITS, CAKES; FLOUR, OAT ATMEAL, : 2okd ToBsTEls) NEAL, Faris 0 -_-- T0YS, &C. Wedding Cakes mde to orde® He is algo preparéd to furnish Soirees. Tea Meetings, &o., on liberal terms. He hopes by al the lowest re, and all orders, to merit, as 1 Je patronage. ways keeping a large stoket a punctually attending to heretofore, a share of pubs BHOPS: | Prince Albert and Manchester. CHAS. HISCOCKS 'rice Albert end Manchester, arch 24, 1870 } 12 Ps ! The Subscriber desires t to thank h ous customers for their kind thie past twelve vears that he en enguge . in business, and would take this o opportunity of is fipuage treating his friends to per cent Discount Tickets ON ALL GooDs SOLD DURING hristmas Hollida ye. NG TWENTY PRR crxp" ? DISC OUNT OFFS WATCHES, Clocks wd Jew clry. W. HerinsTaL. Sev: 25th, 1870, Ww. HEPINSTALL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Brook viv, Ont. 449w ---- A Valuable Yroperty OR SALE! rs for Salo that Borelia, Yotow i po lou: 1t contains ove; with a comfortable dwelling hand 2 T ot young shrubs, &c., &¢., Vielding a oa the' most choice apples, Black R bear pext year, wilh ry a3pharies hlants fit foe Also 20 t class bearing trees fit for ar 208 ho Tosa uly . the heat Eiri and the location all that ENMS REASONABLE, lsputable, and imediaia poss ARRISON Halen, partion; on. McKinley, Borello, te 0 ar. ort Perry, en arriage Licenses (BY AUT the Sera Sale or to Rent ms THAT VERY DESIRABLE FARM FEE Fide ot payment, CH tom dom Ey » : : : & Hil REL a Fl PPT Pm YI

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