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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Feb 1871, p. 1

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#8 PUBLISHED AT THE hab, i-inr OUNTY OF ONTARTO, EVERY THURSDAY. MOANING BAIRD & PARSONS.| 42 ERMS: Yi ia yritlin » -- STAs Sogn monn aids 00. enfor less than six mob agi nopaper » ecriftion takenf 4 ia ry Ahis Office, RAXES OF ADVERTISING. Bret Tuseition « 'Foreach Tine, REE HO N Sab wl L002 Oirds, 'under 6 lings, per apm... 5 00 "summne 5, p ry P ) BRY. RESIDENCE -- "PRINCE ALBERT. ixd Particular Attention giver given fo the lati S wg 4 tian amie int er ders od so will be spared in el the Royal Sher § Hotel a of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. of Obildven's Teeth. Vulcanized Rubber. «Teeth filled with Gold .80° 88 ito preserve | them from further decay. i 8 ex! Consultation free and all work warranted. grin nn : N ry out HE gy Alibersal Jiscount allowed to Merchant and othe we bythe year orhalf-yent. These lors willin all cuses, be awictly a ue 10. he aoastantly (niteduihg importance of the North PifingofOutariore de ders thepobl ont 0ioftheOBskRVER Eye HE tu slaiged] Arps ous and willbe taken Hf Bobts 7.1870. -36-1y D WALID. nS WALLY. LL Dental opera- re ons 'performed with the utmost skill J- {and care, warranted to give satisfuction or ho charge, and at prices Nhich "defy competi ny rows oi A re | di in forwardin i itl conmianih {ake ine og hs ralinféresis of the county; ay loca lpaper published Caupda, JOD DEPARTMENT. Vaimphlets. (and Bills .Lastere, Br Proj fleads, Bluik Forms, R Citeulars, Business "Cards. eck Book: 1H Cardy , Ke. rutesthan atmiy othe) esiablishimentiu thiscounty: Paci ALi ud | lee, uted SEE as rive | 3. Biri. © et wy rg xX Aviston Carys. atl in the mount | of loculund generalnew vagiven,wiileuisupassediy rammes., tin Usbrid , &c., of every 3 16 und color, executed thpearupiisd "andut lower prin dealer i in all tds of "Jewel, Fan , TY), id a 1 Port Hope ; Re Wb To By roo a> Hh seg or Esq; ped Dee Snes. Bo-1y Ensutance, ---- THE ONTARIO FARMERS? : Mutual Insurance: Svmpaxy HIS C: y hm now fully _ Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver aud : Nitrous Oxide Gass administered for the | g less extraction of Teeth. |ostiersaiwars in i Ny "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER B PLANK,....... BROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars, 'Every ention paid to guests.-- tages to and from I daily. 8 Careful Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jowett's Hotel RENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and gn attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA '00D Careful i X to the requirements of travelers and gests. bar supplied wit with the best wings, liquors and a ik opd stabl ing 5 . DAFOE, Proprietor, c entre Hotel, . SAINTFIELD; 3 "SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LLD.. C BERT qh NEA Bs iE prepared to accept risks an Fai ¥ Siri j| and their opens, Sonpuey ool Ht Houses ee | Churches, vi / te and iilietetey [sup Shea a Home Adin Com, Dpoktutity of doing so iter y ap i ing JAS. CAMERON, Piopeietar, ALBI ON. S10 TEL, Tro T---- I ehall never foiget the ui position that 1 found mywell in free a use of. thet uoroly m y the tongae. 1 was young fellow hen, ¢ clerk in a London. bank. My father was an offi: ble, b 100 1 cer ii the »rmy, and be often told us boys that etiing each of ge in some or profession was all he could do for sabe scanty pittance be wobld leave. him: must belong sotély to his mother snd sister. But yo and [ were: energetio' and hopetul; Solotig as each "day brought us money enaugh To eatisfy out daily Wants, we reckoved little of the future. . =, One bleak, dold-January morning I was. greatly surprised; on my arrivalat the' bank, to find my father pacing up and dowd before the building. "1 was aot hing &t home just then, and His presence there made me fear lest something was wrong. Can you pare n me thee mi; ules ica "Do ait Ipok vy styriled he paid. « No thingie wrong. You know Mr. Fosheriy 1° ¢ Oh, you .uesn the half eracked old man who is so awlully rich, aud is my godfather, sas well as a cousin thiny limes removed ?* [asked. ¢ Yes," was the reply. ¢ Well, last night I' received 4 lelter from him after years of silence, in which he asks sfter you. But stay, 4 have the Jejtgy with me.' "Thereupon ensued a fumbling aud turu- ing inside out of the paternal pockets, well ag two uuder ones, were very ume: fous. ¢ Hee it is ! he exelaimed. Tomkin's bill, it, my boy. 1 tok it, and perused ds follows : -- " Dear Williams - It is years since J heard of you, but yoo are not forgotien ¢ Noy that's Here~10= nu -- yes -- road Philip," he began, * are you in time ?-- | smooth him down in-atyle? | said Jack. Ghee ¢ Oh trust me,' ssid I Lames _ ¢ Nova whiff,' said 1. continued Jack. ¥gs nned,. Jack. under my: pillow," said I: sail Jack. only' CE pat,' eaid Juck. * Yes, yoo, my boy. claimed, of my pipe goes out in obscurity. object 10 smoke, sir 7? rigs and newspapers. ys ¢ 1 do object very much,' spoken reply. " ¢ Vary sorry, sir," said-I, head out ol the. window then." cident. Yoo will have'to please him, Philip,' |: said my compaoion,' ¢ You must rab' him | down the right: 2 whe «Oh; leave ris, for that,' 'said I.-- ¢ Butter wor't: 'melt: in' my mouth. rn ¢1 am not quifess dave bog Pity ¢ You must. not smoke,' py ak, i "4. Nor smell whisky as you do now, BE 4 . Never tasted spirits in wy tifoy oe: «Or talk [0 olan; as you gts aowp "le ¢ Always sleep. with Murry" Grammar vm 3 Or'draw oaisicatures 'aud whe, sarin,' ¢ Oh dear no,' I sopliedra ot eb wiile ohy mns + Or play practical jokes," said jack, ¢ Don't even kuow wat you mean,? snid ¢ You seem to bave your lessous pretty! All right I" 1 ex- ¢ Well, it's .a shame if I don" secure a good smoke now, before the light 'Do you "This latter question' was addressed io the old gentleman iv, the corner, who appeared, which, as my' lather wore & great Cont, an a chirious mass of seedy old so; milway w 8 he way vi keep my Sbame seizes me when I recall this in- | In lieu of suending to the old but I'm not ready with love Spapctio vonveta fof the lair, neioe." ides began to. amase us ma. laughed and talked loudly over il the old 'mai' who had alla ner. He 'got wngty und atonn iw reso Midi bp Chait "on - havisr ended, had not the old man fing himasll in the corner, saying--*1'm a{foal walk to them, slemen, and know no better. Witti that the pulled. a silk handkerchief out of hie na wie i odia laos ie with the * v| Wen of a | driver Gn the | plied. / "Tis oy Hien miles avons he . » ual, and | donot know pu in] They ate not gen- | h oy ghd Yeupitond sr, ? gov = «vi phe, sit' he ' Indeed. its En, Mr. Fosberry 'in very rich. P he bas'iwo hundred thoveant a 10 leava it he! %. pany besides. this pig: {audy T'aaw fis" splendid 'estais snd, the. £200,000'all 'my own, and was bh } Wing what } would.do_wheén I was rufer: Driving through i «waco, pe gates, we diaw up pocket, theew it aver hie fage, and began very -soca-10 give evidence of slumber. | SNS Hai his example or the mo- notonoiis 'tioiss of the irain as it speeded along, or'that our powers of chafing were exhausted, T know ngi, bul anyhow we 00 began, fo fegl.i inelined for. a aap Bus "| having 'tio. such yellow bandkerchief la keep v@ahe light, we found the lamp an y with ie i baronial hulk wit inkesive ®t . eis, audliige low windows, all pena gray; aud® very impressing iin okighty of the moon, which' had' riven ody drive. My driver jumped down and pulled the. belt. The peal resounded: through, the, 'man in livery fling open R37 dbot, and f was admitted into a hall glowing with lighs + wy flickering. light. ¢« Bother it | exclaimed: «Not if we oracked oor cheeks. But I've a 'notion ?* cried our ready wilted Jack. Hand me the old boy's haj.? « Whittaver for 7? 1 asked, handing him the article in question, , It was worn and custy, b well brushed and . well shaped. f To make a0 extinguisher of,' replivd Jnck; and 80 saying, he fitted if on 'to the gmp, making the globe aot fike the bal! head of ihe owner of.the hat. It fitted to a nicely, and so lightly a 10 keep well 4 is place'. The ura Can't we blow it out ¥ 1 and mth, snd then shown into a large brilliantly lighted drawing room. A young and lovely girl elegantly dressed, rose from the piant as I entered, and bowing gos fully immediately withdrew, U this iw the neice; thopght | living berth will Elysivm.: 'A moment later and the tall footman ves sppesred. He apologined fu bis master'y and requested me 10. obey the instructions of a note which he handed ., me from a maseive eifver salver. . tore ii open, and read : t "Mr PurLip Fospegpy Winuiapis.~ The next time you travel by rail, 48 not 'smoke splendidly, dad tot! "glimmer of light was 10 be seen, ot annoy old: gent! 3 do not. make is firmities of age and seeming povaity yor © laughing stogk ; do not tell your friends of | house lik the clang of w wap, A feat : J y I~ aaPortunity of Join Ee A MASON. - i Proprie $0r | by, sans uid fiieud snd commde. I am. an man's wishes, | cooly lit wy pipe, and When the trail stopped at Swindon, we | your great. \expeciations ; do:not plot to mays TH rt E, of the Company. Our, rates wh be found iE Tis alls apres uth 4 aged man now, aud live as | always though I knew the wind wonld blow the |awoke anit rushed out of the cartinge 10 get | ty « a-hotrid,ugly old neice ;' do not spas of n Sahl i 18 aves rath s AumsELS, Fllorneys, So Soir Con- lows th Ee Cy reap fon ang been fitted EE the som- have "lon, quite alone. 1 fhave ov "eke vig oe ha yea Sogn Lhe bi fe, § ro g our fellow your crack ghia 3 § Thy » X eh Ra val 0 : i ; 3 'gro g with rage--puffed on heed- | passenger and his hat. i guishers of 0 ntl Then oar oH he i Office ; Be ich Behe la Regi try. Office Build- Hvery attention ience of ihe } Hg Jbl pe relations, except oue neice, who comes Ic ge--p passenger X a g we 's 3 at Sauwmaniilly, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town ¥, PARBWELL, LLB. ] R. M'GEE, B.A. L. FAIRBANKS, J&., 27-1y Secretary bar, while obliging and atientive ' Lostlers will have Shnrge of the stables. Whitby 20th June. 1870. LINGS, I i néy at Law, Salicitol Ae, P BIAS aioe Slee iy Shah Notary Public, Conveyancer, p a 'Ofice: over T. 0s For: TITORONTO, C. 'W , WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPYY P. A. HURD, TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- INCORPORATE 1851, Hobs i Albert. Office over T. C. Capital - - $400,000 ne, torney at Law, Secretary ARD HALDAN, Bi C ancry, &o. Offs 1a" in the Slice ? JAMES PRING A Esa Building, | kest., bh - GENERAL AGixT. MONEY 10 LD} REDUCED RATES. AM now SrerRad 1 Je to lend any amount of Money on the security of Good Farm, or Pro- ductive Town Property at the lowest possible rate of interest in sums and manwer to suit bor rowers. Principal can be repaid by yearly in- LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L B,, INP TOR in Chancery, Attorney Corveyancer, &¢., Oshawa, 0fice~Simcoe BRITISA AMERICAN street, opposite the post office. @, YOUNG SMITH, LL. B. BRkisres, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub: ic, by, Ontario " CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law Solicitors County Qouncil Ontario. Offices: ourt House. 0. CAMBRON. | H. J. MACDONELL. ! JAMES LAMON; ' TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Ohanstry: Conveyancer, &c.-=! . xhridgs: Offceo Seer Armstrong Hote, Main treet, Ubi &e., &¢ oe--Moltillaa's Block, Brock Street, Whit- Assurance Company ! FIRE AND MARINE, Oldest Chartered Upper Canadian Company. [EAD OFFCIE=- CORNER ~ OF CITRCH AND COURT STREETS, TQRONTO, a * Beary o¥ Diegcrors.--Hon, G. W. Allan, Geo. J. Boyd, Hon. Win Siew jos. D, Harris Peter Patar- son, G, Perceval Ridout Sir Jus 1 Robin E, H. Rutherford, Thos. Street, son, Bat, Governor : G. Perceval Ridout, Deputy Govers,or : Peter Patterson. H. Rutherford, Hon \V, Cayley, Thos mnuger Marine Le iment ; Win, Stew- vedi Fire Inspeetor : E, Rby O'Brien, T. W. BIRCHALL, Mauaging Director. DAVID J. ADAMS, - Fevical Cavvs. 'Dr. Brathwaite, _ PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeop, and :Agcouchenr., AGENT, PRINCE ALBERT. Auctioneers, doNER Tr Ay of O ORONER [ur the County ntario, ¢ fo n, [Surgeo 'wm Sh, - . IB, OLVER, Mm. be Bhs in hh a and 'Accoucheur, & RE oes a A old FraNcis maken. io + VIGTUNIA. FuIVE RIVERITY™ MAJ OR & WILLOOX. AUCTIONEERS] Al THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Valuators, Lead, Age ats, Commission pF D. Gottingham, Rr "DENTIST, B o ORIBELA ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. | . | Money to Loan at 8 per cent. or in one sum. Several well cultivated Farms and Lots of Ww id Land for sale cheap. made in Deb a other. Securities. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, apply to . JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. OFFICE--McMillian's Block, Brock Steeshs Whitby,Sept. 29, 1869. tl MONEY! MONEY! HE Subscriber has received instructions from several private capitalists to invest a LARGE SUM OF MONEY 3 Worignges: ON teal Estate Security At Low Rates of Interest. No Commission charged, Also uncurrent money bought and Silver sold. Apply to JAMES LAMON, SoLICITOR, 8c. in Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main Street, Uxbridge, June 29, 1860. TUE GREAT LABOR - SAVING MACHINE ! The und i ed havin, aroheed the exclu-) "Sve right to mavafaoture the THE ONTARIO ASHING Mice From Hird & Lazier, are now nish to order ii nlaber, i rol. to fu E. MAIOR, re W. M. WILLCOX, best material, ted . Borertk. PRINCE ALBERT. to keep fn | fn 'erfect re- : oy 29,1870. ¥ > 8h Trom the. ie + 3.00: PILKEY, 3 ieee ors ! Brory dese fon or Waod Work an repaifing | ee in shorf notice. \ NEVILLE & HURD. [rine Alves, Dd, 30, 1810. rod Over 400 Sold wi ithin the last few] visit me vow amd then, Heirs Jirect | have none, nor many more years to live. 1 regret | have never done anything for my godson, Philip Frosbeiy Williams, and should like 10 see the g mao. Send him to me on a visit. can humor the fancies of an eccentric old man, he will find him worth his while.-- Do as you please ; itis nothing to me.' « Yours Fagthfully, Puiie Fosperav.™ ¢ What a queer o'd boy I' 1 exclaimed. ¢ What does re mean 2° ¢ Mean P? cried my father, wexcitedly, snajching the letter from me, and crashing it into' his pocket. ¢ Mean! -why, he means to make you lus heir, Plulip-- his her I" «Whew I' eid I, Vises: ¢ that's 0 good idea.' + You must apply for fave a and go off at once,' suid my father. ¢Suike while the iron is hot, 1's a splendid chance 2 Use it well, and yout forlane is made." So 1 thought, spplied for leave, and set "ff for Paddington Station soon after, with my eats unging with a legion of instructions tor pleasing old wen, given me by. my fel ow clerks. The oudy vne 1. could olearly remembers was, 10 rise whenever he came into the room, and then eschew every comfortable arm chair for fear he should want it. 1 felt borsting with imp He will find it dub | here, but he can hunt and shoot ; and if he ng. leesly. 1 should be surty to cited. ihe old man alter a time.* «I'M tell the guard," said he. him heat.' was the hotly spoken reply. ¢ don't gel excited. now, are you butter 7' gry wasp in a cobweb. 0 a close, secured, and Juck Was moody also. denly-he burst out with, +1 say, we've forgotten the neice.' ¢ What of her 2' | uekéd. ¢ What of ber,' bp remarked, Jove, | sea it all, akked. he and aclually treated mysell to a glass of hot whiskey and water at t:e refreshmem room. How T wish my father bad not for- bidden me tg travel second class! ' Ua had money eriough, 1d go in spite of him,* for it's awful cold,' 1 thought. « Hallo, Williams I' sudileniy cried voice. ra ¢« Why, Jack, what brings you here 7° 1 replied, recognizing a friend of ine; Joho Evens. #1'm going down to Glodcester? said! he: ¢ Where are yoo off too 7" «Oh, to uch luck I" 1 ered: 4 1'm off beyond Hereford, to ig an old geotle- man." Shik : « What 2*"gnid Sack: 4 « Come along, and I'litell you ull about it," kaid I." ¢ Second class ! Yes; all right. Here we ate. Aftet'wé were settiod in pot 'places, an 1 exclaimed. of that, ~~ You are lo marry what you are 10 go down for. gerit by marrying her.' so highly gifted 'with this facelty.'" oBar Why'fio 1 mention in this letter for?' he asked, « How do | know 7" + Nottie? said Jack pogiively. I Not hater? avid Jack. bel so tude vow, but yo, see | was young and very ex- ¢« Ltold you I ubjeeted to smoke,' growled ¢ Well, oir," sid I, ¢ you'e not smok- ¢ By nll means,' said I, ¢ if you can make * You'rd an impudent young scoundrel,' ¢ Come, gently, old fireworks,' said 1,|d d There, I Lave done He did uot reply, but sat quietly in his corner muttering and growling like an an- The shor: Jandary afternoon was drawing and very soon aller we were dependent for hight on the oil' lamp that hung from the centre of the carriage rouf.-- 1 hal been sitting silent, thinking over my good fortune, which I already looked on as Sud- + Why, by 1've got it in a nutshell." ¢ Got what in a nutshell v | instantly « Why, your heirloom --yonr inheritance,' ¢ 1 think you've had some whisky,Jack," ¢ Look here,' said he, ¢ the old gentle- man--your 'worthy "godfather--means to leave his money fo his neice ; I feel sure .her--1that is You. won't be his heir, 'bul this neice ; and you are to LJ Imaginative Jack,' said 1, "but whol: ly. improbable. « I'did.not know you were What "else 'should be * To fil up ihe paper, perhaps,' said 1. + Well, thep, Wine he's #Jonatie,' said nly found they both had flown, Soon after, however, among the' passengers on the platiorm we saw our friend vaisdy ende i voring 1 put on his hat comfortably 3 iv rolled off twice, and nartowly escaped bertig 'crushed "under foot; for the hel, owing'to is 'having been plaged on a round, werm object, had become perfectly circular, and as a hat is vsually oblong, it would consequently pot fit. At last the poor old gentleman, wearied with the cf- fort, crammed his hat tightly doway and Pr into anather. hie fist at us, for we had our heads out of the windgw, and were laoghing loudly at the sucoess of our poor, milly, crael trick. At this juncfure the guard came up to us and said. «If you Flease, young gentleman, a party tells me you have been smoking apd annoy- ing him,' «Smoking 7' exclaimed Jack. ¢ Bless my heart, no. We know better." ¢ Annoying him! Quite the other way, ! assure you, guard," I said slipping a shilling in bis hand, Jack did the same. ¢ All right gentleman,' replied the venal * | guard, with a wink and a smile, as bowen! off. i . When we anived at Gloucester, Jack left me. had a cold, lonely journey to my destination, a little station just below Here- ford. When I arrived, it was nine o'clock ; a dark 'raw night ; | was sleepy and tired. For some moments T could not find my portmanteau ; then my hat box wpe missing and while 1 was searching, the guard wav exclaiming about the delay of the train, Al lagy ll 'was found, the guard whistled the train' maved off, and I was left standing on a little sopiney platform in a strange place... s Any di of flys to-be got here 2' I ask. ed the; stalion master. ¢ Dear me, no sir ;' was the reply, * Bot we can get Tomebing down in the town, -- Where ia it to sir «1 want to get to Mr. Fosterry's of Cas- tleton Han,' I replied. + M+, Fosberry's 7' said ode of the porters « AW'right sir. Why, his carriage was here 3 minute ago.' « Here #* said 1. + Ok, it's for me, then, I L expected him to meet me." «Noy eit j least ways it gone, and a gentle- old'main got in. ' He wits pobrly dressed anid' wore green shbde over Ghe ¢ eye, whilé his other looked weak and drooping. d| We granted our stiong disapproval . at his entrance; and made mutual grimances; bul as tis blind oye was foward 'as, 'théy were 'As 1h Train move' | Martie. d i eft th raed tp SE i tario Auctioneer, iy eto w o] v # (BY AUTH tye ro a Baa Se Office. the Sova 1CENSE Auctiohes aL to AENRY Sa ti 2 Lite orm Li ie in Port Perry Nov 1th 1869. ds off, I told Jack i my. ory, Which you know alieady: Hames « Well dons "philip! on bread ic buttered for you,' he exclaimed, when be "JOHN CHRISTIE, Ty Tl rad B El CLERK. Er pur gant SE Be of Dh { should St oun, heard me 10 the: end.. s41Whatoa glorious 3 -- | ¢Aad' thes,' ie) ""M plague, Phil! 1imbst set "oy rasugination you half" your Toney. present or futare, whicheyer gan prefer, that he, is as, sharp ona fox. , Those qneer old boys aifays are. oil Yow [ Well, th 0,' aid' 1, I'm to sabe vb ia the, lieice, and to worry hor, But sop- pose she: won't-have: me,' Jack J «The chances are that she with? ho res turned, FE . Thorasedtels ly and old,' said "J, 2 « Phil, Say; do yy 159 Seated ; Yon are note HR iy de} «Bet Speen! hi poseibi endure hut topo bin to make a will" in" your favor! And (ben, said I; q feral Chiov you 0 workionge mate. | Obj: give his mpl} HR pS have, the dented \dmited lledtev: « Promise " may or? anid Nk ond d man in it,' said the man ¢ I don't see why unless it's himself. «Whats. bore!" L exclaimed. ¢ He musi have thought 1 was fot. coming. And all throughithe delay ol looking for that blessed hat box Pin + Like pls pray ¢ Well," said 1 ¢ feloh me a trap." 1 paced tlie wretolied linle station. ull it came, with my mind full of tbe coming pg by Sag Li wh lo. my miles.' Mir joe fa Es + 1 got in, and we bowled. amom Janes nil afier ball an, hour's: drive drove dim ig very exlensive;p The is cracked, and be bimenlf pop » - Thete's a romance for 0yo.' after a while we oliete sini "wide | he kegislature, as well us Jf Jota pate Er Fo Y Pu not nourish vain tiopea of {ohenitin mei' and finally do not lose any time in Toavitg forever the house of your ¢ old Hreworks' of a fellow ipaveller. Puiuip FossEray. ¢P, 8,--1 enclose a #30 note to ey your i wxpenses." flow I got out of the aqure-- bow 1 o> back to the station' and spent a night in «2 wretched inn-- how 1 returged (0 town and + told my entaged relations my woeful tale; wherein I pluyed such a sorry pari--how my abject letter of apology was returned 8 | unread I cannot tell. ' only know old Fosberry died worth the * £200,000, leaving his neice sole heiress, snd that 1 goarrelled with Jack Evana ' about it; nor have | ever spoken to him since. = 4 ee ---- A Heavtny Inpivipuar.-- The following is the last thing written by the late Artemas Ward ; -- « Oniil quite recent I've been a healthy individooal, I'm nearly 60, and yit. I've got a muecls nto my arms which doa' make my fists resemble the tread of a cans ary bird, when they fly out send hit a man, Ouly a few weeks ago | was exhibiun' in East Showboygan, in a bildia? which bad formerly been ackepied by a pugyliet--ene of the fellows which hits from -ihe shoul. der and teaches the aanly ait of self; And he com and said he waa goin' {in tive, in consequence of previ'sly ockapyin' sed b'idin, with a large yellor dong. He sed, «Oh, yes. | ged, ¢ Oh, no.? Ho sed, ¢ Do yaa want to be ground to powder 22+ I sed, ¢ Yes. 1 do, if there is a powder. grindist handy,' when he struck me ® digs gustin' blow in my left eye, which caused that eencern 10.close at 'once for repairs ; by! he didn't hmit me any 'more. | wen} for him gevically, 'His p lived near by, -and 1 will simply gate that 1S minutes after I'd gone for him; his mother, 'seein, the prostrate form of her son approschiin' | the house onto a shutter, carried by fone men, run out doors, keetfully looked: hum: over and sed ¢ My sun, you've been foolia™ round a thrashin® mashieen. You went in, at the end where they put the grain in, and, came out with the etraw, and then 'got in the thingumajig and let the hosses an you my son? You can imagine by this what a disagreeable reson } a heh P'm angry. Sr er---- A -------- A colored member of the Louisiana lag. islature raid he could load 'a 'shot gun wit said he looked awful queer with no head' above his mouth, There is a. bi: appesr to make aman sg more than uenal to be aleoled 10 the py ES Inture down that way, $i A nice, [ious old. -- wiver : out dismobnting from his horse. His ow 8 : A

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