' ® to the faot'uf my bankrupicy, 3 the only definite nharge th, y v f 1 do fot. ; --of : of , 8 gilt worth - rt And to any pur- ei Fn ns complet rah a the ping ci 4 Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 3.-- Three robbers, y i # policemen, -gained admission i p Ll pin Oo Bel doo BR wale t 3 10 il an, © f jea : % . ---- but for which | never received one cent of | ous and wiih all their indignant. ray. | di ' els in... TRONGRSD MAN IN. PRBS se eno §6T 61 ~~ velng:- Sharpere as 'th 'were thay' Te i yet to salsiantiate one | © : | a" appearatice the: most sanguine tit: a i Sununan. of 1701 ai Cig eps 156 87 me Tio bose oma an cas | 1088 Fits beat friends will be more hin |v bas ploabive, on Topraday Ins | A ogtel dnpaid peshibre o 1868 37 wotrs of wd innogent persons-- unless it be | drove to the station: at-the-pariicul | and stole $100,000 special a the paltry crumbs RA from his masters | quest of the y ung lady. . I hal ry ia | Tr h piri " Wy | 5a hiss chance 10. pariive_desiring to. pur- | realized in the prosperity of this._.village. | while si-Cannington, of meeting with 'one | gu "do do ~-1810 201.96 she shave Tha Stock will be | Several very excellent buildings | bave | Mr. McDonald said.to be 1h strongest man lo. Disergiionatios w » ga Binck and Colored Sikocben: lately been erected, "others. are : in; the in the Dominion ; it is said that he can lift ving an apparent gentlemen gompared with this base sco F{single charge against my character, or | "2%0V po : hd Ty de Tor Me sgt even tho excuse of mabey, | 118 of my brother William, who si ply a a arn bn eed "(he safe, 3 noe of $08.74 | ble. li if vm canviet me of im : Siow ot ta real deficiency of dum, 2 gah of vt vo plo sd Be Broker or MM j all wool Sateens ; (Course of erection," while the + {over 1,500 pounds weight straight up swith. | ihe Society, bu Th oy of fan at Meripos; ait w a while ike commas 2 16.53 kgainl 146 Sovioy. v | dishonest act during our resi . i ob. 3.--A London enpatehi y fad ST SSH i lac, Ouro tht uh hr ih Bo fendid | oan ar Fangs |: Of. quite a numberof haadteme 200485 then bas ad sropsmuy ven | 20 Mion tho rien wan received and [Ina when br emu oI WIL bow i pared Al the figating. Co asiury Cott | blocks only awaits the unlocking of the | *2 ev of sur athletes ahease: themasives. |uiopied, andthe mening adjessues fectly destitute, and that to-day if his] most reli Beavers, Wincor, Te, 96, {icy barriers of the opening sprisg. The | M*- MeDonald is a. man, we should / | 'MERFING OF DINEOTORS. | honest debs, were paid he would fo A h opey ] spring ings. The judge, about § feet 8inches in height; ex- The of Directors now met ithe | the bat th t covers Saiflas i tates that Fao a Ia : ; fou igus of Tis village are being laid caedingly well knit with pawerful muscles | President ia (he chair, fed ' _--_e Lira Ty Teiiable' pan : people. of Port | "7 ELIT : ------ doep and wide and unless something very | bor no loose timber. A drank, manly | The by Mr. MoKay ¥ is departure from Uxbridge 11 Who § As sige it, refus: WELL. DUNE BOSTON, : the Don; amARly ; par ge Ni ge Pho Stoek-of Teas is mo; *pring of the present 0 Il well formed hands and | moved hat w] ibis Bs adjourne I) generous neighbors had to provide 1, auf. condemnation { more than osually feet, with a' hight ery gaiteniirely desi | Jiunde osned fill ursday in y : ¢l witness such an 'activit ast F fering family with the necesysr ife, | just?" Now, sir, the actual number who Boston, ement has. did of the FiNEst Quarry. Eix-|anmiooget. bar (ers, masons a : o mest at Scoli's Hotel, Prince [gor at to-day ho dars rt varied. of lle, y PS be le ventee--but one been started here, by several wealthy citi- *1y, Barges offered 10 Foiohasers | men: generally, as is bit rarely seen. The |" of stazah eno :the one hand 'and sloven= | Aiben, at 10 o'clock 8. m= Carried. and pretedd 10 0: the "horse that dra we of whom speaks disrespecifully of us, and | zens, 10 inise $75, pu areprotimaue | of oot and, apwarde, iy Splendid lot ol in contemplation, the materials |'i7@#8 0 the other--may weigh about 180| Capt, Spears, seconded by Capt. Waker, [his worthlese carcass. It is well known only one way pereg il in By deniitae | nd ship lous se bo ato a ri Coal ite, Bo, Hiab, and being laid down, and the works "shout to] i hete, he has been {of golf. respect, us (0 ountenanck the | French, providing the Gpverament will for anki 3 be undertaken, are whfficient of themselves | He is an gteeable intelligent man, gud {DY this Society peel, us, lo goul XRIVin Mad Po0L 81 A hovomentias. | | pounds and appears about 45 years of age. | moved that jehdpte for the prining required | that ev; "i since he came Irom uny of the {a 1.x ond' burden 1g a certain few, whose | | | | " I ¢ | : J 2* | nih a . Uni | vensel 1d oatty theo e A . : d y Tul 4 1y. and his |2i*b a United Sates vease! 8 58 o oy Brombtag 18; Asap th asses of thes swagger abot vi bi | Prin ics i oh Gori uo if hy ey npr ya | ped het CRT y= many promising features of the future of [#0 often p peri lar |S y polly the varios offices. of thie | gy haut, he bas managed to ing circulated the les hand: breadsh of ® FIHERY GURSTION. - 7% this village, there Are none mo; e'encourag- { strength. + : oesiation and denctibe the work 10 be ten- miserable sxiaronee. Fox Hin 10 talk aboat | the coumy, it was. confined fo Port Porry, Boston; Massy Bobo: 1~The. bust. of | ? ing than its Common School and its ; i -- i Jon - Carried, , others bankruploy is tidioulous in thebgx- | and immediate vicinity. Other locali- h ini is 'American fisliing. 'vesmels in Manchestery Jan. 38,1671, The School i , T® CORRESPONDENTS, | The meutiitg theh adjourned. treme, but his mushroom' popularity, pu: fies weresonly too anxi sta record their | the ne:zire wil Pare indebird 0 he Sabecriber i ease Ll ort) an i this the last oll Bajore un vedas Canadian waters, was before ih: protest agai the ily hs that 20 oginlatare sommitiae an' drt pt ~ ¢ $ pis i ; 8 the public in g Are In. sympaibg | jg ion, 1g da . The testimony 'in regard to | : ie best sites wre} a Waitin: Lino iy yout NAME 9. The above Council met ai Canninglon o; my voted Yih the disgraceful aiempt. of afew (0 the recunt Wreanes wis. piesenied lo Tha | : Sh---- ce | taken up, we woul dvise the parties to [* dry up. : C+ | Friday 3d inet. "The Reeve fork tho ohais en inventing pariner, hos been. alluded. to | destroy our 'charactefs. With agequal [commutes ok fi bir ) b 3 i secure one for ihe erection of a new house. NEAGH CoUNEIL: ¢ {= 1) o'clock=Mambers all regent, . | in a alse and contemptibl iv may of traih; he sfates that "not a A DISGRAGCESVL ROW. eR one bi RO al rn ; a : h nt, . Lab a 1 Tow, YoWesor, ars ashamed of win they : iran NEE x > 4 i i : and approv ki . armen n 1 h [ did," y playing the role 'of ¢ ¢ LE Te Fob. Bg Ps | Ton JARRE BAIRD... wDTROR | 08 wetter of ine, ang bat. tine iv 'vor Hoh io Funeilimass on Tumor ie Oo the eb oition,-of ihe Robve ihe stan a of hit partiats sy ave bow ine= leader" and billy, he maniged to ex.f\ New Font ih Bor vena allay use. : 4 : : : ! : ford ty jlicins sos Wi a 4 -------- "8 tly were vesd over: : : qenk Cpaar ss an Mr. fot Padi hd wort from one pligb outh an admission boar the English ship Black Prince "Ifing PRINCE ALBERT, FEB. 9, 1671, Or ore ord swe - GRAND SOYREE, Mr. Wm. R. Milles 'of the Royal Oak WR 'hot ha A: Car i MBDOINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE, i / arth » that he would Avo signed it if lie | 3) hy too of Main sirdet, In ihe course at ; : - Tavera presented his petition for a Tavern Sore lim, , what it ig had known his name waa 16 "appear in [a desperate fight one of the crew named. pupils, all busily engaged, with more or A grand soiree in ion with ihe | License, 1 fig ; jon avidity, in the pursuit of kaowedge. Methodiat Episcopal Church WY be held ai | Mra. Gibson, an indigant party, memar- . be Legislature of Oatorio have been [1° 1s it not perfectly natural that « we" should. piint, This, we believe, is the only. in: | Henry, Rovoolds was slabbed, and, appihek, order d in this | the Nonguon 1 Hous: 6:"tha evening talized the Council gsking for an increase of Fot a few mont chased al the wx pense of other men's brains, > NOL, is rapidiy dechning, and he wif "B. fF.» Too late, appear next week. i soon be Provoke the enmity of selfish individuals. stance, and while he makes such a han- | was throwa overboardy . fier the establishment | dle of i, he fails io give his readers the| * school ¢ ; 3 4 4 annot fail to impress a stranger [of Wednesday pov inet? her allowinte, of the bosiness, ything moved" ulong | hen fit of. the! severe: rimands and FROM UROPR, Jing an immense talking but very little favorably, both as be the skill of toe speaking tala. LB bie Pe Com unicatiane id 'v he tab" amoothly-- our trad i Thy Tnotears efit of. th reprimands an is : " Jsiness sine ounlast. The Crown Lands, | teacher and intelligence of hetwise 'using put forsb by the, committee | Ths Redte statett bat while ni the Coan. | and our friends 10 ly. Alter a time SERVES THEM RIGHT. . « w'Soett Murder at 'Fort Garry, he'| bad the privilege of taking iss Mary. Paxion ind from school, his insolent ig umption ; but villifica. Webb! Bill atid 'other aiatters of more or "OTK; and were well ples «ant the expectation of a fine time, Be ty-Couneil tre liad had occasion 10 examine and I had he plover orc Seuainvnoe, tion and lies Sait his purpose best, and on hand by 6} o'clock and dake partin this file. R lle of the several municipalities and castigations hg received from others, fio # Bordeaux, Feb. .--Ths goreramentat = # ; ' tty pal a th Bordeaus has 1sued a deeree ordering: the Th : cours ; i thy entertainment. he had found that Brock with, some others | which ultimate) ripened into' 4 '$incere | UY reiterating therm, he' vainly hopes to | Hor i ional Assemhly. {o' 4 Jest" idiportiinés, have given oscasion for ini Wie) mutilated 5 he arom hid i samy 2B.cents. See Posters. | bed forwarded teil ina most im perfec aaah ent, U hi ly, being haa make the public belicve, them, 7% glections fot fhe National Aut ag 15 V 1am Jay ¥ iy . 4 ume vi ¥ V rect h " ) io a § Ty 1g beld oF Bethe wp 800d speaking Lat precious |aate, Thin schon) 3g 8" the vi. | rei DOMINION 48D PROVINGLAL | aod ao Sven sotto _" [young ludy. sa ookeil upon y's corny | THiS Tying hypoct very genchobaly tion. to. the. Assembly. any ; ECTORIES, i y | Select. circle as a dangeronssinnovation, and | Offers the columns of the Standard for my tee} te oe of EB mene 0 La x lap : A ak "1 Ttom the sacre titution. a en : ar. ibe Bhd lo tear gi it hgh fie fais forward said as a ) : Chole and Knowing (het your paper has dauble the | fice gy ites, senators coon or the wore meal ru re your coming winhed to. cyl she 1 toot and by enundy | circulation of kis, and thet your subscribers | of Sate nde the Empire, sind Jrotect course of any community, and, affords » |'*Ued 80d ready for circulation. ' Doubt. ahiontion of he: Coney to the fat. that the | orier io accom out No hee SE ehoold | constitute the 'wealth and intelligence of who bave accepied office between the ao-prieiple to guide them, and to bavead- [reliable key "to its hy Another | less they will be in great demand, both failway debentures bought by the fands ofl nor Have been ilie iclim of their wrath. | 'De community, he would gladly Saniise December, 1851, and the 4th September, opted ths Tolty elements of s cheering featirré of (he pragee Cao. | Dominion and Provincial: | No works of | (0i® municipatity bave been defaced byl iggy fading me. impervious 10° water, they | My remarks to bis limited circulation, an 1870, EN mae a 3 ments of expediency, |! o 0 the Sort b fae the kind ever issued in British America. | °™€ Patty and consequently oannat draw | yeiarmined to sow the seeds of dissension, | thereby curtail the exposure. of lis Ire HUNGRY. OFFICIALS SEEKING MARE PLUNG | ovéd i thé risk of riding rough-shod eves wags 0 consists i t very much increas: {the kin ever issued in British America, any iotereat, and this act will enteil a loss by prodneing trouble between. Mr. Pastor | chasectes. * Some respectable persons BUNORY v every principle of right nad justice ; thus | oom ommodation' r 4000 90 the municipality as: the | o7 seth ple ilies reigning over France since 1759, all use, or the use of my friends. The pont] persone way have pad a idiot! Who cannot discern his motives 2 of cial ca dates io past el pork, gid 7 3 J ) the legislation on Railway ypu io {'Fi¢Cus on the possession. of Mr. Burabam may Jean 0s wand Mie skilful teacher: A. good on | dy wore than. any= bla and only worthy of & conclave of Mase pdm the upward and fini culo grannies. They seem 10 have had ired in the Post can for a" moment compare with them, of over $8, 1. ing the Allebatitn of hic | 'd: : : 4 DER CRC Sim (W ut Office, a want which the enterprising 'Post [either in the extent or accuracy of the in- interest on thé' $9,500 invested in" these AEhT rng the uf ns . ran i aden Irochviies A letter from Col, Ducan "Kentry, as re most | 3e dnd peruicions XeM- | Master bas eo abundantly supplied, by a) formation contained: = This may readily {dobenturee, will be lost to this municipality q a Ty plish thar vile | pono it S18 uM oT he sisting tbe War Department at Bordeaus, i anny ations SUT before the somplete. change in the arrangement. It | be inferred, when it is suubictod that fore for main > HE iio aed bie hyd purpose, they were prepared 10 resort to the Fass, of doing LW cindy suys there is an immense reaction in offi: = . ; isa. hopeful feature in . the future of pny (ty intelligent, active agents huve scoured ] >, "| mast dish ble and despicabl means, -- | } i bhi i ircles, and among the pop: % Take for instance the case of tte Wel. people, when the demand forjpostal secom- | the Donsinios, every corner of it, for the Feile for hie acs Mig who shail, ain Accordingly the paragite Mandy aod his | = To consequence of his attempt" to inter- ww roy Provisional % he _popriacy : lington, Grey end Bruce Railway, which | modation - incr . When a people in | past twelve months. collecting information The R h "hod 8 ish A - | associates Mie upon - Mr. [Paxion, and fere in family matters and his effort to] ihe ten millions of people would vote for: came before the Railway Committee on Crease in oumbers and in weulth, and when |for this truly national work men whose Darr a rat "that the partios who he: hy of the Reinas ort ie of pio deeh constitute Limse!l ohief adviser. io matri-| pc restoration of the mpire to-morrow, - Friday! lost. The promoters of this'| their enterprise and intelligence keep pace ooly aim was to get facts and give them | of oq public. documents are personally | ctedit ; and that a deen sense of religious) Movia! affairs, | deprived him of the pring {pron will rcfuse to continue the war, scheme had gone over the County of Bruce | with their increase, then the future of that | accurately, leaving nothing unnoticed which liable. i duty coinpelled them 10 expose ny winiany [0g of this fir, and caused him to pay © CHEAP BLUSTER: ' Ao sod ther counties, begging the Municipal | people is no mystery, and the Post Office | might in any way prove serviceable 10. the ( ¥1r. Da@ira-ate gn behalf of the Toronto & | and warn him of the avgerots Sanss f ibe a balance of account. As usual, Pesth, Feb. 1.--Von Deust, in' the ities: 10 grant tance, ia way of b +| is the prime indicator of these things, public. Ly work will contain 2,500 Nipisaing Ruilway Company gore giBidea of bouniting me to assists i Seog toa ore Jo pay for te 97 gets ibis! yn Bewi, oa to build the road --telliog them that ---------- poges, with & description of nearly 1, the Coungil regarding the purch f a[his ghter, oy wera. even base | he wears, or the foo e eats, his fiiends : 4 the ¢ ange. would be the , \ 1m with the names of their inbabitan(s*| certain portion of a toad allowance which | enough, 1o inform iim, (in confidence ol | werg forced to pay the debt for bim,-- | yesterday, declared bat while the relations. rd Th, hy hls Veg og] PRRAOFOR Pussbram, |e, Wl hemlet het en et EL, RE | ate he of ee fe rr rl hors. Jars the choice of two markets-- Hamilton | ~ One of the most appalliog catastrophi ups i di his-work, with th oe came Velie the Council re-|8c'er, and much mare that is too disznating a iy Iki Ti d os ty 01 b r nL et Wosldhe rsa ve um: and Loronto--the guage being the , | took pi t ds i ilway | several Provincial irectories, was an pe 4 aod indecent to repeat. round in Right, and pasting upon our 5 i Yo oo. would be no So of ay el et dit i a Biv . po in undertaking of no ordinary magnitude, re swf or tone Harper Aut ill 10 no purpose, the mevitable day advertisements bis favorite reproach-- [mon respect: ¢ ; . in going to Toronto, as the cars " iis of uired a stunt heart to undertake it, and a [Tr ers oink no aceount of the agreement cr | arrived, and Miss Pax-on became my wife: | © bankrupt Clnvlie 22 Who gan Jmagine [1 RIOR, PaRis, BD going fo | : 1e cars could run A freight and oil train going south had 9 » being g! arrived, y '1amire contemptible and cowardly trick 2 Paris ia on the v, f starvari Fi : right through. With this idea the people [= 8 . world of labor, energy and expense 10 |condi'ions foun | in the books, 07 mo.ion of | and T have pot fo thank Mundy for my 2 Pe ly 5 the verve of starvation. Flousr went in for the road and consented tn op. | 27Fived at New Hamburg, when an axle of complete it. Mr. Shier, the party waa instineted to PIO Lireasure, What ity be bad aot an | Put itis one perfectly characteristic of the | will be utterly exhausted on. the Sih and Bs | an oil car broke and several 'of the: ears i . inion [£06 fiom the late Reeve and Deputy-- |'"e2stre. What a pity be *" | perpetrator. On , another occasion be. | hor~eflesh on'the 11th. The Emperor has. pretty bandsome bonusses, but only on were thrown from the track, and lay 'over The universal thanks of the Dominion fi'e lon oh 'ate | Other fair brother in-law to provide for-- ALE rd ey ar | ordered flour to be sent. from the mills of 4 A y A ul : "om wissiunere for said bridge-- a ceriificate : cause we refused to credit him with a bar , <condi'ian of having the choice of market, | track over which the Express train {2nd of all outsiders Jesiting i: walfare accepting 'of the work, with the 1erma of | 0 doubt he would have done his utmost (co Corbeil and Chantilly. 'He hag:also order. and thus having a chance to realize more The oil Pr ook fire. | °F 40ing business with its people will be ETermests any aloes tea el? feria of (39 doubt be would b this branch of the | °f $0ap, he parades the "fact of my bank- ed twa millions of meat rations. 10 be send {or their produce. But now, hay; | ag avout to pass, "The oil cars took fire | 20, CIDE E0einon Lovell, the emerprising | 5 y mil r my "marriage. s fmy | UPtey, coupled with a glariog falsehood. | {a tne eite. The Versailles bakers: sre, : eir pi ow, haviog en d. bl i A ion | #atsfaciory, that su order be granted for | family. Afier my "marria , somp of my y trafiped' "th idipalitios Sud and lay Gaming and. blazing across the | publisher, for 1s valuable service" ®hioh | latives minilooted 3 ori ; : ing | "owed 1a cond one thousand four-pounds rafipe . e! municipalities and secured track, when presently the Express comes | he has thus rendered to the community, by the amount, new relatives Manifested a position to One unacquaicted with ¢he changing loaves dail h their bobdses ~uuder Jalse' pretenses, ss ) : A tha » An application stas presented fiom Mr. become very gracious, and seemed inclined J pis i i i oven dally, < : ; J slong at a speed of 40 miles an hour, and placing in their hands works of so mueh |. / Jas pi J 8 history of this peculiar specimen of hu fi + Pergosto well remarked --the Com. ed right into the flames. » There were | imp rd as the Di iea referred to | C.F. Marsh,applyitg for a shop licenas for | to 'endure what they could not cure,-- manity, would searcely think it possible, i pein i ein i Ths panyedomes down whiniug to the Legista- thee sleeping cars attached, witli some 60 | must prove to be. We very much inistake ia Tron Tt ot Mr. Hi. Cony Another event wus about 10 oceur destined | thay this would be exponent of pubic frpdievs M_ Fuvie yo qo ture; ani Jauting Soberidor all ih or 70 sleepers in them. * One of- the sleep. A fap Si Cunndinne ip heuny, pi Li , y to relieve them from this embarrassing | morals and virtue, could be guilty of | Gerainn 'authorities nat 10 allow any Boga promi ey hac made to the people, beg. ing cars was (brown off the track, snd ged.our slippery Legislature to authorize enterprising publisher that he made no | On motion, ta allowance of Mrs. Gib. | PO%ition, and afford them the long sought | grossly desecrating ihe Sibbath day, or lishmen to enter the_city, as he, considera; pality and $10 to the Goverfiment-- Second stroger, they'were only too anxious that his but 'entourage Iraud of the meanest kind-.. . -- : lished at Montreal entitled + The - Alar and and Shops mae Seow i eo uor | The Conny" Come 'of Wgteiion, te Turon Bawetute to wind "Tustin [20d hetn 835 sce. bow we would like it--supposé, for in. {through their Finanes Committee, hare form --owiag 10 some. delay in getting up | Be Report wa i for publicly sacrificing me, with i ing i i i heir lives unsafe, © over a bridge down on the ice beneath, islake when he dared to undertake a work | son was iuctensed 10 $3 50 ¢ month. pretext for pullicly g me, even of indulging in a sacial glass at an- |! 9s 0 : . them. (the Company) to cheat the people | 14 iit ol, a oil car fall over on. the | of oo Brent magnitude. and al' so. vast ot: | Cuomon sims o dincont the hope of expelling me: from the place othei's exp:nse. Fanoying he can hide FEARFUL POUNDING. Sey out of heir money by allowing the Com- top of it, filling it with el, which soon | pense. : ¢ ""'| The Council restimed and by When the dreadful typlioid fever seemad nis deformities, by throwing over them | 'Ta intarior of Fore dsb in afi appalling | pany, 10. build a narrow guage road, apd ok pagiin Jot it all, ith its lig + ps. ACERS allele Pik or ow Samed any the Yicsssy 8 about to exterminate the name of Paxton | (hs manile of-the church be dares sssail | evidence of the bombardment, 0 bat. AL ibius make. the people pay for something {0 freight, some 16 or, 15 in number.-- | ANOTHER CANDIDATE FoR PUBLIC | Whole, and enbmisied; clause by. clause, | broth'r, Dr. G. W, Jones was em: the character of others, without roducing | facks ure absolutely grou powder, bus they never wauld have given a cent bi J ) bodies hans been recovered. | FAVOR, ; there being little or no alteration made.-- | Floyed as a last resort. - Having been a particle of evidence. ry in cor | 'he defences ate not rially damaged. -- wold en so feprstented, This act Lynas ih vie ; or ; ; 2 iret Claes Taverna pay $25 to the Monici- eininentlv Successful in arresting (he de *uption, and utterly destitute of moral or D'lnsy is stronger thao Wea exeept in of €gislature does hot only sanction, NOT A BAD MOVE. The first nom 8 new weekly pul 4 i dh . are position. 5 2 . religious principles, this subservient tool r * aha *" eraft ond jugglery should enable him te |; dy 4 der vt thing for th HOW THE PEOPLE. FEEL, ami $12 10 the Governm ny. supersede ihe family dostor." Asa nav ike ol she. loaves and Jers 'He 4 - New. Xoik, Fob, 3.--A Bordeax des- rose. and repnited, snd | (ura) consequence, the "Lr. became inti- | heen every thing in turn, and nothing | P2ICR 10 he. erald, dated the i lass, $20, and $10 10 the Government, ie, J , 3 8 mate with the Paxton families, which il i says i~ 3 : ots i s : stogce. that "the: Port Whitby and Port ordered a meeting o the Assessors of the | the out--hae highly eredita e APpoaiance The Auditors pregeried their report, which ultimately resulted in his marrying Miss piv 4 thor a a, Apiialation is ided horas» Perey Railway Company were to apply to ips throughout that 'County, ud the matter woh 0 Dei pradvaccled, | was taken up and submitted in detail. Addie. Methodist Yesterday and tosday a devoted | oe hae ag, ACU YSP inate dia making | their elarter amended, 30 as to build (0 take place ou the 17th ivst., for the |in such as cann ng p S of ing to some g | good: Itolaima for ite:foundation thie held i ge: Jn. Blase Ene basis: of Assessment; Sod that the ear or poouhecadaiaing tha. bu ® i "Teel is is quite | Reeves of the various municipalities meet hers." We wieh our cotem, a full shase 5 v ; atify theic fend. sessiny 10 support for election 10.the executiss cars | range ol pom Toil ihe ond consult with thems... |iheores ave / od! [Possession of James hid oo Rounds, To gratify their fiend. | mental ar moral qualification. Ever Rollin, Grsy snccess and prosperity. Wo 'regard the{ A Camary-bird,in ities, these. e de srnment M. M. Gambelfs, Grevy,,. 1 id Fy AN taly of ihe. approach; of higms ; flew into | cise of buring, in effigy, the Jones brothers. | 14; Tr N Soper fiat # Juinous lo the many, as. bulk Louise, when she becomes Mra. Lorne, . - WLAN oP THR RANKS. Jad AL PI h ih) 4 Judices, than all of . G. Crawford, I fully summed up by a_venerable minis. us The devoted clique find themselves | Bupiist--n oredture withaut 8 particle | heldio-day indulged in abuse of M, Fayre BENRAORDINALY MnvrANOR °F | again defeated, and that auober lamb had of ability, preloading ofl the position | and revolved 1 ompose 10 the death al ate Ay deserted rhe fold, their piods indignation | 5p ior, without possessing the first | 'empls lo sever Alsace and Losraine, an; ) { ; y . on prop ' People de | singe ho Gare fo (his ace, his "lying | ponrana and es : : peculation for the Swuéte of the CUTTIAG DOWN" THE SUSFLIES Inbisuivast he OBLIGATION as somasvhat s Eeq:, Brook, escaped from-its cage termined to exemplify 'publicly the purity ourens an, 2 Cortada Bacto i HR mtg ie 'Govern at' 1s hes ye have (0 be broken at 1Vhi The followin , ! ne'y the pu hicanéry" and | y have been the | - 3 on are, thon; neti io bo pandering tao fin March last, and strange 10. tell, returned Nini A Ti Shoah yd or een Le pon Feb, * - swhatidifioal Shor be they are. Bi ; A . mach to idle cmon. er i ashont time a0 Sdmeswhed oxperimen- of tele 03 Di ew. han The SoS) tard a ghia Kering, 1 ial | from Brdsse 1% bo advaniigeoas toa. few It ig proposed to give the. Princess | . 6 arg oh fo hg ther evil Ti, undertaken an obligation fo : iby; ; = en fluttered about, making Mell {It is not , malter, of surpise, that half combined. But why shasld T waste moje | adorn by the Conatitant Assam ie Eo Se ots cman ri | 47% of 400.000, snd pein of $100 | The Toling spiaimet s5pes. i mi wa re Tn Free cn dg 2 rac ing oe mrs | Some hk sen SEA J | per day, or $30,000per avaumn. , Hon. E. Perry, of Cabbie, inthe Prov. | 219 00001 wot esiared 10 ta quondam Sat Se neti dhould si | fy, Character, whish has beon e9 truth. Vewaillon, | © "leady agreed upon at ; "The good folks 'of Greeawich adopted + ney Cr vice the Me. companion, which it had abandaned so oa- | 3 Sa ih rs 28: 3 of 5 ; Bic ayes la y "COMING ELECTIONS," "0 = J . . age in it, as a reli ious - exercise, and a = ; id ato hol eataugn oy| #101100 protesting aginst sch extraser | econsed ak min Sh : a in hg por 4 frie of ad duly, if to all at the "" respectable" de in i Words welt oslo The elections ntato fotake. place on the) J roid iota tile cutalon gaoice, awd assert that it is wojust and un- dink 1 a bo ot a, aithy by. the. aide o few beyond comprehension. ti th A FB aR "| 8th, in Paris; and, on the Bh, in 1, ; ; atau ll (hey dana ao aud Lut 'the 1 ance, fd : dmotnt woRld Hemenn ite once, ; Sempre Sh The. poor paverty atrick tare fanoy- | parte ie vated will be iaikan by Ju { - Legislatare base bh to 7, 80d that the' dmount woul Bs | or. Haring somo curiosity to know who ing he could hide his real charagter, und I Sathde, { he; ow ple of Redoh, Scagog | far more usefuily and beneficiently ¥ ) deceased; | iness, by reason of | were the leaders in tho 'interesting per. | replenish his empty parse brought on -an conditions. / if FENRIS Faden, ed in clearing and eultivating a portion' of [4 1sptightlin y n_example of | formance, [ ste e crowd and | ction pesia bi iof ! asian af of ; i i : the wes's ands ofthe Sut, dnd hereby 1 Tomsiny or not quits nique. "How | identified Chas. Pas Marah, Mundy | doer; bu an igo hy. ied mol "to ro. e Rsilway Charter-- | find work for some. of se who are so : ; 1: i "know-| i d i ; -| ; L : fone sadly suffering for the want of emplopment, 3: F. Taylor, | fime, seems. 10. tins | the. Da Ria, tas Al overages opimion | Fra, : ls 4 , -- lo i e cel leaving a few of -Meuds's 4 respeotable? o space. ] ha irnsting a carefal ; perusal will have the | be fleet of from these fawning and andariog by, rites, the masks by which | L Sadi | ist: Farin: Deol I. [aftorws ¥ endsrsed | ; Id conceal their true pharacte : By C.Trens.--M. Mex | on, Tresenr in Lega liar | approved of his andsipeigd yiese: of, ii Ite Ste uw we Td, OSE rol 3