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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Feb 1871, p. 4

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WI wie ates ult 20 1 Bands Javad w "FOR since commen hes induced me to add a epartinent « ng ume Es an es oon first or, and am now Tunis Clothing got vp in the Totes Te . he] ' e135 CP eis et Wanted. TRIE Soh Subjeribers have Ta: e sums of money ir hands for the jnvestment at the lowest Save finds on hend at all tim depe 06 thele ne money vith the ES Wanted to Purchase as -- of Mortgages, for which the high wil be all We art io spPrassere r the Oi oda ir mdneént A Buliing Bere "the Rr and IER as Bought and Sold. mire ov Sale. £3 * Agents or several first class Tire Tiisare ance Companies. le and » general agency busi- aE: ness B&F" DEBENTURES - BOUGHT. "(Bl JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Aguas, R. E. FORRITT. Office over T. O. Forman's!Bfore, Prince Albert | yan myo piohest price given for every descrip- Prince Albert Dét/2, 18%. 50 tion of Farm Prod : 14 3 May 17,1870. 20 "STOR EH re LATEST STYLES' oF FIRST ¢ At which he sells them. WOUXBRL GE ie un a taken occasiSi to shr0noR) t he has opened a branch of his business PuxBRIDGE, andes othe § En Ds ow ee, a up in est os rh nd nd employs Bony can iy always relied upon. 53 Lopairs executed with promptitude and & | atspateh. | db Soond:h -hand open and nd preted buggies Fem pas] SAMUEL LEE, 'Whitby and Uxbridge, Jul§i15, 1869. NE W AND CHEAP SUN DERLAND, BROCK. HE undersigned 2 would respectfully su- pre that ho has now ot ate his New Stdre at the hE of f Sunder 7 and is pre- pared to supply inhabitants * 2 rock and surrounding townships Wi 0 DRY GOO DS! Embracing ond Gand Decesgacy for Ladies' ALSO a FINE, "ABBORTHENT, OF A CHOICRST OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible tales And Jastats him Jineelf ha that he: can meet the wishes of tl and surrounding townships, oh of roe! Quality of Goods and the rice gaponsr em STOCK OF STOVES TT Notth: of Whilbly, just arrived if Mm, "THE BEST 'LOT OF Stoves in the County ||' i USP ARRIVED AT MANCHESTER. , STpVES OF ALL ALL KINDS, AT Toronto Prices AT MANCHESTER. A STOVE-PIPES, TINWARE, COAL OIL! A CLASES: &C.;~ VERY pairing dons Jit neatoess and ae CASH paid fof Sheepskins. a Rags, Oopper, Brass and Metal taken in COOK & STEPHENS. Maxichester, Dec. 15, 1870, HORSE SHOEING Blacksmithing = ALL 178 TS BRANCHES. We DAVIS, ' MANCHESTER. MON EY #10 LOAN! reigned propor io effect. Pat doiulé Set lis in layge or small sums, at i Bre Cent Interest. CHEAP! AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS Girosgdios; Hardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO D,CUIPBELL, CANNINGTON. Cannington, Jan. 13, 1870, LAZARUS, MORRIS, & 00. FPEIBTARY ax oFRLISTS, ~+ MONTREAL, Have) with a view Romestihe} increased demands /| Golobantod Rerfosted Spostacies Dr. Joncs & B Brother, DRUGGISTS, PORT FEEIRY, in 4s Se Agents for this place. are clog needful i PCH or, goutiden of their agen th nd Lk tines 3 ro. An oppor- Re-payable in one sum or oy Instalments wig be d be he ed to procure, at all No Commisipy Charged. mes} by, an for their ng to their superiority over | w BY car fan Worn. There! 8 er Ti wavering of the dizziness, or other un- Loans 4 the sansa the V peculiar « 9 € ¢ é fev and fa 8 A RA fi to enArer, | De the | sig Te tbe Ba » open tf Fresh Grocéries| pr ot i | ne me HA A 4 BI ree PUMPS! PUMPS]! You ca. get the best Sndehehpeet Pi Pip in Kiki At J. IRYLIN'S PATENT PURP: BORBLIA, See the Prices : | FORGE Bustp-A coiiplate Paipiand Fire Eagine. With, Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pamps at 50,cts per foot, * | Common' Log Pamps: 8140 cls per foot, | Common turned Suction Pumps cfs per foot. : Cistern Pomp, a complete Pamp, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump at 'Hqually Low Rates. ' i aking in the 1 " Canada and the Untied aio, BiB REI AL oe ly he eis ¢ will favor him bo oh for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise Promptly o Dd to. : Please: Jidrem; JOHN. IRVIN, Bons. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1. W.Hep install oe WATCH - MAKER, And Jeweller, Em. BIROOKLIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Alsoa great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. os Willing sny<thifig in bis line would do well to call-and examine before purohag:" | ing el where, PAL kinds Brooklin, Ogt. 5, 1870, Ravi nuh - The undersigned is prepared to advance loans vf money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rue of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 05= Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with 1 description of the security Sigel, to W M. COCHRANE "Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. of Watches and Clotks neatly repaired and a 40 Port Perry, Déc, 4, 18617. HARRISON MAW, Contractor and Builder, PORT: PERRY! J3pre ard to Contract for and -put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood et or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, w' ith all the most modern i improve~ ments. Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call. (%=PlansandSpecifica liopg_ made to order. HARRISON MAW, Port Perry, May 12, 1870. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE Greneral Agency Office. TE Undersigned having receiv, / ye appointment of Official Assignee for North On tario, is prepared lo give prampl attention to all matiers in Baukopiey or Insolvency . Promissory Notes and A speadily , and promptly made MONEY TO LOAN, On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest, Special attention will be given to the ne+ sotiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon having ther applications attended to promptly, and ai small expense. Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. relosiranons affected in the Outario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. . MAJOR, Official Assignee and Valuator Orrice.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadizn--Banis, Port Perry, 1st Dec., 1868. DIVISION COURTS IN THE - No. 1--Whitby, No. tli Soles shoeing done. All Work Warranted. =~ . nm, Ever Vofforalte the 2 poblic in North Ontario, manufactured oy TA AAS AMA. ATER $2 "the best workmen, and from the choicest material. To be Sold at sucu Prices as will Defy Comp tition Prince Alberf, Nov. 24, 18707. 7 Furni "Cost Price for Cash, br 220 t---- The subscriber having just received a large Stock of frst class Furniture, will sell the same for the next two months at Bost Price for Cash, { = COFFINS Z every-descvyton kept constan try on y found. : " "The best Heats | in. North or South On-& tario. Charges as' cheap as the cheap- est. 0% WANTED immediate 8 quantify of Basswcod, Pine, and Bernt. * Ww, Ho. Lai | Paince Arsert, Feb'y 17, 1870. 'BROWN & PATTERSON'S. WHITBY. o the Farmers of "the. County ly of Outuri io ? surrounding country. VW E BEG TO"CALL Youx ATTENTION 70 OUR } Harvesting Implements We are now manufacturing the JONNSTON SELE-BAKING REAPER ! If the Dominion We warrant it to be squat} in Juish and workidiship to any machine puilt. It will cut Lodged or Tangled Grain Wherg no other will work. Itis warranted to give gatisfaction. 'We also manufacture the Ohjo Combined Reaper and Mower And have made some very VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS for the harvest of 1869. Our CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER is the standard Mower wherever it has been introduced The above Machines are being made of g: material and with due regard to efficiency and quality. 35 Send for circular, which will be sent free of charge. ¢ BROWN & PATTERSON. Wairsy, June 9, 1869. PORT PERRY. ------a N ¥ returning Haake | 10 his numerous friends and' 'edomert ran avon, he ob would inform: them, and the Tome generally, that having on hand the ARGEST STOCK OF SEASON ; inthe; County of Qutario, he is ufacturing » Carriage: s, And all kinds of Agricola plements, unsurpassed' iu btyle or finish in' the k | lowest rates, AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Fmproved Farm. aiid Tow. : Yropert Wy. bout PY THE | iil | Imperial Building, vings: ad Tivo 'ment : Company, ' For Periods extending ffori 'THREE to. TEN: YEARS, to suit Borrowe Re-payable in Monthly, Hali-yearsy oryensly ins OFFICE=50- CHURCH: st, HONONTO. 3 of $500 andy a peso 3 noe C, 8 a ards and the ext ow rate of 6 per evnt Bec @hnui-h but if the | be re-paid in Smite telmenis only ag fos | cent is charged, Fp if 5 Jntiutment instal "| only 6 6 pay both rcent is asked, $0.25 per nines will principal and interest of a loan of 500 in 10 years. Other amounts jn a Sor- responding ratio, The Full Amount of the Logn is avant i+. | without deduction. Conveyancing charges Feduced to the, very. E. MAJOR. AGEST,., + © pORELIA P. O--BEAQI. Sept. 15, 1870. LAND! "WILD AND , LAND 3 SEVERAL good Glarsd Forms for oY on casy te: SE VERAL 7 "HO USAND ACRES! Of ch ild- y non ond {on sulesin Shmooe. Gounties 2 Apyly to JAMES LAMON, Main street, Uxbridge. ii .--Over Armstrong's Hotel. N.B. The above lands wil Royal 'Canadian Bank Stock ol i be clhunged fr xbridge, June 9 sk 23 aie isn) STILL PROSCERING 1 Reduced. ed Prices HE Subscriber Soro to say that he i T pared to sell all Rindsof 2 Pree * [LANITURE As Chean -0t) || nib er 0. My stock consists of Which we confidently believe to be the 74 an 5) 1] os TEE ; SIDEBOARD, BEST HARVESTING MACHINE CURLOARDS, Ry SEDST "EADS, Ss z 2 NDS, 'OOD & CANE SEAT CHAIRS," x ROCKING CHAIRS. 4 A large number of Steel er Ta ee Engravings, ramed Special attention paid to Una t ng refi do pu | my SRE fers DOUBLE. SET 'OF NEW PLUMES, an outfit and ou as reasondble, terms as any hy i : WE COE dn contami kept on band, made of aluut Oak, Rutter 4 good selection of Coffin iy on Seley from 8 the jo pest arliets, , Pine} ck Butternut,' and ati Eee: N.B. 4 = Borelis. Des, i fale " ob sionee / Brooklin Drug Store Store' .IOEN DAW gL ALERin § Dawe z ¢ Medioins, ) Fife, Ott, ye Oromo . Bost Wines and Liquors for medicinal Fn ORSE & PATE REDD] ES, always on hand, hi - h hea > "HORSESHG OE Ei done on mproged grivciglon, « : ig 2 -- SABLE wi nah constantly on hand made from best wislesiali work J. & WM. HEARD weno Prince Albert.and Manchester; Feb. 10,1870 WE wm, WHITE, § FIRST OT.ASS ee 4 ansorbtioh i a compa to oider i Bigger conn fr ALL WOR RK SVARRANT AosiiGens a pr. Particular attention, puid to repairing! 1am prepared to attend Funerals with as good tug ¥ '

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