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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Feb 1871, p. 1

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Va ' tleitfe, Riank F ys a * ve i Rhes on Tin Bhs, Ua wiERLY Aa . gamily. Dewan; H 4 0% ve HOBUISHED AT THE VIOTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE AupERT COUNTY OF UNTARIOY =~ ° EVERY. T HURS DAY M DRNING 'BAIRD & P PARSONS. TRAMA 81.5 Soper smn 1 paid wit wi 1 Lime osub- sid 48 ar Toth Ly Bibi ibe; awamopre: hs Oe eaaTe Pa i. naddiessed © ra ad eter el be at oul Ay Rn. pr OF ADVERTISING: #6r each' Jihe, first insertion... $0 Pubieaents sortidhs, per hie Ronin r 6 lines, per anhum. din acaurding othe: awe they oecupy. . it aud ehirged EAR bd i iy will be Jucepied until forbid, and oul wil paid for. Aliberol liacow hallowed. To Nerchante and others whtaidvortise rad hewear or hid heredio. ia ey Lainey RS aiuy importance of theNorth | (: ERVER Riding " acess. RA Tong. i g right, an Eos take ine lead bo forwarding the on herp HA sounty; and in the amount ot Toca lund general news given, w illbe uns pussedby uy Thali pRiieHie din Col Caulnda JOB DEPARTMENT. © im hlers, ou ills, Posters. Programmes, Bill Rec aint Books: Ciieek Hooks. Circulars, Busine: arin all Cards, &e , &e., of very sty le and col exeemed promi wmicut lower rates thunat any other establishment in thikcounty, Partiesfram a listanpe getting bind bills. Joo, printed BRE ThiaKe home withshem. J. BAIRD. | H: PARSONS. se -------------------------- _ Professional, Cavs. "Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, 1, Surgeon, and Asoousheur. PR Phy DR. WARE, NORONLR fur the "ud ol Ontario, envy' Thesetarms) rid i ul oben s be Atrigtiya de} {Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. Hy H.X. Harnden, L.D.8. it; a Se Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. | {fides and nel aud p Of the |" Of Wen Years Baporience, tots sighhond dha oH oe OFFICE 'IN BIGELOW'S "BLOCK, po attention d to {he Table and the Bar. Stables und attentive Hostlers. PO R T: PERR XY: RESIDENCE PRINCE, ALBERT. sgtenton gives given. to "thi sequin | Neither le nor expense will be spared i making the Royal £ Sanadian * Hotel worthy of 1 public patronage. HENRY FOY.. "Port Perry, June 16, 1869. NINE 1 ivr OLD,' BY PANRYIL BARTON, I'm nine years old to-day, Almost growh up, you see; And 1 know enough 1otell That nine js three times three. And what are three times éeven Lo 1{ you can't tell I con ; It means cis feet and freedony 5 wedud.every ingha man. . 1 think 1 know my fables Very perfect for a boy 3 " of Chi i Tee! y Mineral 1 a oth In i iad on Gold, Silver, aud eth ed wilh Go Gold so as ta presel ve, "REVERE HOUSE. » RARORESTER. n PLANK,.. pr PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished Se tl Eh a Bar with the choicest Niquers ud cigars. guests.-- ERA li r smite for the | Stages to and from itby ton Brine & CarefyY % 'ostlerg always in attendance. Consultation free and alls work Sept. 7 1870. C. N, VARS RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Ont.-- DentalRooms directly opposite 'the post le entrance Simcoe street, third door north of he Onjaxio Bank, boo ira 3 e NBUTANGe, ely ~ Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Wa. MACKIE, Proprietor, we tt's Hote 1, RENT STREPT, LINDSAY. * yun dstabl and shedattar ttached, and an ostler always in rps nd > ¥ THE ONTARIO FARMBLS' '| Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. Mutual 'Insurance Company PAS Qompany is now ow fully oxmniied andis AI AFORE HOUSE UTICA (Xen the a prepared to accept risks $n Farm Buildings and their contents, conntry School Houses and 3 Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby d Careful i Jequirements of travelers and guests. The barsupplied with the best wines, liquors and support a Home Insurance Company 7 HAVE HOW | an Sppartinity of doing so either A aj y Argh ying the Head Office, or to any of cigars Good stabling.. of the Company. Our rates hy br on is J. DAFOE, Proprietor, ow as fogs of ai aus leMutual I Pompany i n eho x (Registry Office Build- Ce entre tel ings, BrocksStreet, Whit] Buy H o ? SAINTFIELD, * JAS CAMERON, Proprietor. ALBION - HOTEL, WHITBY. A, MASON, - Proprietor This Hotel has underggne a thorough renova- L. FAIRBANKS, Ios ly WESTERN ASSURANCE LOMPY TORONTO. cw sD tyucian, Wo Jeo] JLL & ES & ' om ad] PR: Hoon, King et Are sea os 30a 8. FRANCIS WAR. M; RE REE YL 0 Su SP AT 'SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LLD: ARRISTER, Coun Crown _ Atto B Solivitor in in' Ctiances, Notary Piblic, & or Lidkuires/ 37 hitby. " i) 'R. J. WILSON, Bis A Atiorne Bidirig, ph ey at Law, Solicitor, rif 8 the Victoria ENG Seri Be bi 5 hancery i a Fen hie HE Oshawa, Of ons SMITH, iL 3 | A ony Fostieshor, Nosy Pub | i ak Street, Whit 572 LEAN - lie Ly, On' ~~ CAMERON & & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS. 'and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: B.'| Secretary | Assu rance - Compan y! Boy tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- 1 ORATED .. ... cocosiurnenisn 1851, fort 1 convenience of ys trav cling pubic. = = attention wil ail the table and Capital = - $400,000 bar, while obliging and attentive hostlers will . ------ have charge of the stables. . President sun: ON. JOHN MeNURRICH Whitby, 20th June. 1870. 26 Vice-Rrésident.. i... C. MAGRA i, i r AMES, Sah alban i Genray AGuNT, MOVER TH LAND! REDUCED D RATES, ttf" AM now prapitted 'to lend wny' © BRITS AMERICAN FIRE, AKD, MARINE, : r Oldgsy, Charered Upper Canadign Company. 1 Rife of Money on thesecurity of Gabd yor Pro HEAD. alert 2 SUTRGH AND gygtive Town, Properly at the, Low SA ostible Whi} NTO. Cinyid rate of ibterest ih sums 4 rier $o-'suit bor BRN R rowers. Srneipal 'can be rea by peasy Link o g siyimgits Irn, ong, sum, Boat oF PS ng © 'W. Allan. Geo. al well cultivated Farms andy 'ta of 08D, Hori Peter Put ~ wir Land for salé cheap. on Tavesthients made in' Debentures, fol, 'orien filo gle Rabilison, Bart. 3. Ho Rafe: ford] Thos § But | g them, be certain, Wae not a:special joy. + However, that's all over, " And I'm just three limes three ; Nearly as tall as you mother Almost grown vp you see. This morning father said That years don't make the man-- That vothing but the heait and mind Makes vue, or ever can. But give me three limes seyen, And I will risk the rest ; Thoigh imothersays hat fons life The boyhood is the best. a 1I'm-uine years old to-day -- Ahnost grown up you wee ; And whatever may be lacking, Thore?s ¥Phaby abot mey 1 mean to study herd, And learn everything | can ; Sv thai when I'm three times scven 1'IL be evgty inch a man. -- pert THE STORY OF HOBBY. One time, long ET smenhete about the year 1690 --a little orphan boy wae brought to a faitor to-b an apprentice. officers came 10 their humble dwelling. -- -- dmner. ee The good people of Niton'néver heard of all this'; thoy always supposed that "poor Hobby was drowned.' Years passed away, and he tailor and' his wife became old | people ; when, one day, & party of naval They were in very' Ehowy, 'elegart ani- Jorme, and they came 10 (he door sud asked Tl he two old peopla w re | measles hem « OPPOSING THE didn't even lake the cork out--1 sucked it fin-- and. prepared to dle. Bat shddenly 1 discovered the tab 4 Od Rye! an it. -- The label played the rnischief with my 'intentions. 1Lit hado' been for fhat label ! 1 laid down ¢ on the floor, olled over and immediately got up. A d many people who are 'depending 'on me--for various 'sums = hearing of my dangers-or thew MATOH? 'BY MARY at E. WAGER, The lagk of good Catnee and jodgement A that many fathers and mothers display if' regard to the niatrimonial 'alliances of thelr "* children; amounts, in very many inglances, : 10 rank idiogy. If they wish to + break offa love affair," they employ the very agept for * FEN d at this n| to their house, and wished i it were party ¢ ham and eggs was all they could offer.~ and other luxuries to the feast, and they begged iis old people to Bit own with them." Ld When the dinner was finished, the Ad. wiral stack up gu old song--ono he used 10 sig when hie was a boy. ' "The eld'wo- man listened with an expression of sad in- terest, Then she burst ino tears. ~~ ¢ Poor Hobby !* she said. = The nextinstant the Admiral's atms were round her neck. dhe saw, indeed, her dear Hobby again. The news quickly epréad, and there wa joy all over the village. villi of Niro, hey 1011 fj story of Tob by, and point out the comfortable building which the Adiifal booght for his old friends | and whietiiy sill 'occupied by their de- scendants, i -- THE VICTHIS EL) ASTROKOMER. +" Plai; J The Ri & Oregony lates the following : a " In the High Schogl Ooservatory, the ather day, one of the professors thought he would urike an examination of the spots of the sun, bout which so much had been said recently. So Ire adjusted his 18lescope and applied his eyee to the glass. He, was re. The story | um going to teil happened in Eugland, at.a small fishing village on the sea shore, called Niton. 'The boy's name was [Tcbson, but hé was called. Hobby: by way of a pet nams ; for not only the tailor and his wife loved him, but he was a great favori with all tne people in the village. As he grew older he was kind and cheerful, and always ready {0 serve any ope 8 good tun, Wlhivp, 100, hethad a niow vaige lo s pd when ver {he men wore going on ine expeduion | they wanted tlobby to go alongr + But one doy there was great grief in the village, for | abby was missing and caild | not be found. His hat was picked up on (ha; beach, aud 1wo.or threg days alley, Abe washed ashore empty. The tailor aud his wife mourpeld very, mpgh . for their dear boy, and the neighbors wept with them ; hod dor p loug time the name of the lost was nat 1pentioned without sorrow. Arsrgages, and other Securities. Silver and Greenbacks bought and: sald. For further particulars, apply to on JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. EO es Block, Brock Street. Whitby, Sept, 29, 1869 39-t1 Govamons 62 Perceval Riot. Deny, Goyenior : Peter Futerson,, Trustees : 1. 11. Ruherford, Hon Ww, oa ley, Thos D Hurris.® 2 Murine Depariarent : AV m. Stew. ord, Fire Inspector : B. Roby O'Brien: T, WV. BIRCHALL. Managing Director. DAVID J. ADAMS, "AGENT, PRINCE "ALBERT. i PARSBT TOLASS Curt Hones | 1. J. MACDONELL. } JAMES LAMON, TOR RNEY at Law, Solicita r in, CL Ali onveyancer, &c.--L ir Agen se.) Main rg AW Office over Antings otel, SRW rs HoGiE, : TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- | Ki = aad No wed taries Public, 0 Gata or ng a the, Post. abs aa we office Mr. Feeter's 'Block, oppo sis pete B . MGER, B.A. JOHN BIL RGIS Attor ni Solicitor B in ie ihr Notary Publie, Conveyancer, oy Office the Royal Ln dala i ef EEL ed o HARNESS Auctioneers. 3 MATOR & (WILCOX, AUCTIONE EERS ¥OR THE COUNTY OF DNTARIO, Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. WM. "THOMPSON, . Saddle: and Harness MAKER, MAN CHESTER OULD embrace this so tit opprtanty pL return. 1 their Tih) gn Money to Loan'at 8 por ont rr and herensing promnze chun woud in E. MAJOR, i W.M, WILLCOX, | a % eave their ord x! Hn 10 BORELIA. io BNE AJNERT. | with Wit: ter... Ho" ules 3 § "a mal 1] Ww Spph 20,0870, cu: . 39 LE and wha 2 si ln C.TILKEY, Bieeyurs ; - rey a THE JGREATD:: ' a i: SHG pin LOM 6" Rol fosans pu ACH EINE! ' ver 40 Sold. within" the "| od EN ey ke Ti a i e------ 7 TY ai ing_parshased, ho exclo- 4h right to manasa he THE ONTARIO Mine yopaising Yoo i [i Avert Log ' But Hubby was not dest. he hid chang: ed 10 see the English squadsoig sailed by down the Chaune. The, temptation was 100 much for him. Hg, dropped ia work, ray to hus boat, and, Bez his oars, made lor the ips, 10 4 faw minutes the wind t ok off biz bar, ~ but on hie went, nor stopping 'or that, Presently (he atiention, of the! Aiton was called to his Loy iin. a boat, trying to overtake them. Hobby came up alongside | and begged #0 hardao be taken aboard. thu his request wan granted. © His title boat was cut adiift and 58° a brought up to the deck. The squadron was. in the service of the Qugen)-- QieonsAune--and was , going 10 fight the French. The next day they mer the French fleet, and a bawle commended at once. The fight wag terrible lor two hours, and then Habby, who had no idea what it was all about, asked a eailer wha these ships were fighting for. "Do you see hat r {there 7 anid the caifor, pointing to the fog oan the Jobst of Frenoh shi ip. ' ¢ Kye, dail Hobby. = * ¢ That must come down,' aid the sailor. « Ob, said Hobby, ¢ if that's all, PIL, bee what 1 can do." The flag ships.ol the two admiral,» were close together; iodved, their yard 'arms "ruched, and beth, vessels were . wrapped in» complete, plond of smoke. , lostanily 'Hobby eli mbedsup: the stiromis, and crohged along the main yard of ibe French sbip.-- Phe smoke was thick below him and he wis 'nou seen. He seizml the fl 3. avd ship. | ['wheriv Wwhe'gone. arose fromthe Brtiali ship) uddithe French | thorigtn eit officers had eoriendered. Con | rusiowr Tollowed, and the British went di | her. and eapiored "38 ge od mp what on 'Ihe little boat Lig used lo paddle ubout in was 'qoitkiy ietarned fo the dev uf jhe E: pi i Very soon, however; the" saber Hot was dbsarved that the French flug 7 "The 'ety "of "Wietohy "insamiy | rectly aboard the French: uimicaPe nip Still, Hobby" Hever irene that' we nail ; 46 'anyihihg ini paricular. Theré he | sw. stood, on the deck of the British ship," with the | Fienoh flag wound' rodnd' his asm, Wok 'have: way: 10icke eh | 1o-peroeive an HMMense #pol, ov: ering a fourth or fifih of the entire surface of the sun. The professor sat down and calculaled that it was billions on billions of wiles long ; and when he got his figures straight, by telegrapied to Washington Ob. asivatary about it,' sent a dispatch 10 Green- wich, and wrole a long article about ¢ cav- tiga? aud | ¢ gages' nay. + solar combustion' 'awl the prob bility of the extinction of the 'ath of -Unye: Then, be, went down and brought ail the membets of the Franklin Tustitule opp dnirgor the High Sclivol "boys ardund mg and: "delivered a lecture and went teating Urboht asf 'he had found & old mine.' "The Franklin Institute f f.llows all" Enid' thut' tley couldnt sve the dpot through Weir felaseape. = But the professor said that was, because' he Institute was fupiher south, perhaps. ¢ Apdethe £pol's there, isnt it 2 asked the professor. tripm- phamly. (This kind ef) thing had been going un lor two or Alired days, when gome- body accidently disobrorsgihal a Uastardly sdooudrel had visted u' great Big: pisce of ourl plizier over the end of the telescope, {and hi at" Was wha The pr 0} pasor had been waking all this fuss -- {But perhaps ihe Piofessor wasn't mad ! Mad ? Why he just pravced nround the igh School with "pulse 'wt 197 'dud griting his 12elh inte bode-dost. ~ Every low minotes'a dis- patch wonld corfie'in® fron 'Washington, or class till he eouldu't stand. saw. a man so sick of Asirongmy sick | Perhaps be will huve fo for the boy that stuck' that court Plaster { ou that gon!" ' LITTLE WOMEN. a --- aeiglibors might. and el me what gome b back and then yo will gb sod va! RUE ad ihell Well 'gétds "mad "as" in x) 'power to sel a nice dinver before them ; bul | Tue officers, however, had brought wine And now, at tha Giednwieh or Pufis, fiarkeu™« dotleet,' and' asking him about thie spat. Amd then the profeasor would groan und teas his hair, sud would whip one of the smallest bays in: the Yon, never eo awful iveress and perhaps he Wot tnaceraté iim 'with'a élub and 'put some very ilenging ypu Joie wo | piest mafringdh'dte of those Hetweeh whom had? 5 Thtee little girls were playing among ithe 4 poppics and sage-brash' of the back yerdi~ Two of them wero making believe" keep house, 'a "litle way spat, aw fear At 'last one 'was overs héard bayitiga the '@hdest "of "thie lo "There, how, Nelly, 3 fou go 'overt Sarah house and sfop there alittle' 'while, and' 1alk us fag) ag ever yon cau, apd then. you he says about, me; and beg» LU} {alk about her vl 11 sd, danger--came in 'to. fell me Whai they didu't know was good for the lothache, but. begged me to do something, oe i, they were euie | was not prepared to go You The ladies sympathized wilh we. One said she hod nut had. the toothache for many year ; but she baun't a toojh in her head. . One old maid declared she had it iu her front teeth very badly only day] i before ; bat '1 know, privately/Ahat all her veut ate false. All Yo white'my tooth, 'with the. epirit of a Hundred aches, was beating time to the mufic of Fisher's oinpipe. 1 snptehed the tongs and ran up stawsand worked for fifteen mi to pull the achihg tooth, but iv woyldn™ budge ax inch. 1 had a nolion ta go to the dentist, but Fin 1 gotalraid Thal he might pull it, Tt means business to go there, Bat | started three or four times, hoping it would stop before 1 got 10 our gate-- which it'didn'. Finally | crammed my hut over my eyes, 100k my face in both hunds aud then siart~ ed. . "1 was cragier than I ever wasin my life, and that is saying a gooC deal. 1 met a fellow I owed and paid him---1 was out of wy head 1 neayed the dentisi's door. 1 nerved myself up --so did the Tali and with a heroism worthy of a betler cause--went past, aud round hume again. I thought of the river ; then 1 thought of the young lady who had mistaken me for & single man, and then went back to the dentist's room. Shut my eyes"and went in. § asked him what he would give me to let him pull the tooth. "He said laughing gas, 1 told- him it was no laughing matter, ant 1 diduo't want of his gas. He told me, 10 sit down and enjoy myself, and bed pull itanyhow. I begged tim 0 pull easy on it. "He got the farosps on it 5 then'l awked tum what he'd wake W.ipt. me off without pulling the tooth. He told me to hold on. 1 held on his aim. A second and I though, my heal had been abombshell, and Had busted: 1 asked the dentist if my back=} bone bad come np with ity aud fell my foce 19 see il it was all there. But the tooth was well out, | Tt was the'firet time in his life he had aver mad the mistake of pulling the right' {tooth at (H first trial! © Yee) there™ on the lable lay my little suoph stil} sehing! = It wag (rue 40 ifs instincts. \When the dentist asked me for bis pay, I told him to charge it. 1 wassure then I had got my Tight mind wgain, My lade hus gone down again, but | flatter myself [ have still enough left 10 do usiness on. wit te fnterisest promotion = opposition, Tne" 'stronger Tht Sphinn. TH grows the 9: 08 wha hee. rit hay be, | that aliracle the Youiiz peo a such a thing ae! reasonable si and sucha thing as unreasonable opposition. In either ere, f+ can be employed with happy 1esults, only by. skillful and intelligent use. ion, so often, mistaken by pecple for Toye, i is an rooted pla will die of itself in tim will very probably ive ns fools depth in the" soil of election. ; y tie y one of the 'severest trials between the beginning and 'the end (f life, to rear a child with great care, and then at manhood or womanhood, behold the isbor. worse thruti lost, 'as it seems to the parents. It te ms bitterly ungrateful. A terrible blindness seems to hyvTaline like a pall - upon their child's mental, nigral end spiris~ ual vision. lt would be like abetting the tolly, not to make an effort to avertit, Tg must not be; they ory, and violent and de-" cided measuics are resorted to. " It is an exceedingly rate thiug for'a son, or daughter, who has been reared in the confidence of father 'or mother, to héaitlgskly violate tlieir wishes, even n- what most | directly concerns him or her. But it often happens that children who have come 10 & .. knowledge of the greater things of lite en= * tirely outside of the guarding end helping power of their > love and confiil do outrage filial duty and regard. My attention has been drawn to this topic, by a rumber of social revelations notjpleass Ming to hear, and which had theif origin in, parental opposition. Private mayrisgl are i 103; ate entered upon ; and oj what ds sill more sad and deplorable, , the Jives of brave and high-hearted lovers shadowed | for. life. As a rule, no girl'ought te marry udder. 3 twenly-cao years of age, Widiweu1y-(ive is quite young enough, Beforamhe is Awenty~ one years of age, any m however. . eligible, should Ee locked upon with dis- favor. Dot ufter'this 'ngs, 'girls Who have ' teen propeily eduomted, sie quite ae apt to kuow what they:desire in' a man fora band, us their parents, &nd' unvasson xble apposition' ls aarfonlish us ir is unkind. Tv in ¥ery 1are, indeedy that a pair of: young people; however 'drdent their sfledtion, wilt! persist in ignoring the plea of their friend (0 wait," il'only a kind "and sindere n=' iereat'is ifasted in their well The! ordinary way in which pareiite and guard«* + iuns treat the fove ufluire of those under their charge, is most reprehensible. / In« stead of being weeted in a serious and sen; sible manner, as befits berious things, they are' rather 'regarded 'as; comie amuse | ments. 'Young'men would have the cous age to act manly, instead of like! + sticks,' and young women more womanly, withont the inevitable *¢ giggle," it oly people ofly stimaluted thém by ph When the spirit of opposition leaps adie in purental heaits} it. would be wel to ase these quesiions r--Would marriage be the: worst thing that could bappen ? Is myop=;, position fostering thie beet result 7 ls it my ambition, or my child's happiness, 1 am seeking to promote ? Has not my chiid the same right of choice in a'life companion that Ww De rh a are SONS EARLY MARKRIAGES. « Buy your cage before you catch yous bird."' -On this tigne-honored adage Mrs. H W. Buecher makes some sensible remarks in an article in the Ctinsuian Uniep.. For example, she.says : « This old proverb sounds very wise, and if taken literally; may, for aught we know, be gerrect -doeigine ; but when. used ne. a A warning, inthe conmection. which .our triend suggests, we: don't atore than ball | believe in it. Wa are to advocate for very long or bly early § |marriagge; but we do believe thar the hap-| Another thing occurs at this point * she} cannot well refrain from protesting' against. 1t is the folly-- and nothing less than folly-- that charoéferizts "the 'conduct of lar too many parents in regard to their children and especially their daughters, « Who, n some weak moment; have behaved wm Jia- + 3 cteel'y'ind possibly shamelally. A 'ebild. RTH ithe love was arly plighted, snd that close observation 'will proye that' such are the ost likely fo Stand the 'Yebt of time, add ngs through thé many' rotigh ond Hazard- us paths of married life "with 'the most cheerful fortitude. Those who have delay- ad marriage ti till Their habité have become 100, rly established fo yield Kindly 10 anol et's wishes or pecatiatities, 'have not, we think, 80. sure prospect of 3 Plea nt and' harmonious Fifpr 2 a 18 a olildy anid no act of a parent eas ineke it 'otherwise. Disinheritguce, anger, ans: indriess and ubuse -ouly nggravale such: that 1 8 ha hs anghgemen | private famly sorrow, becomes a pubio abl won't'epask 'when we meet, just as ou wey hot chatmin, of lite jn 'a dra Hel litle. ud a tegulir 0. K. Sh i SE, KUO tie mothers db, you know | and thar' be such Tih -- won't it 172 # Hadn't these little miss Shiefs five fo some: purpose? and' were | 'obsbrvers and' apt scholars, §' ifticatet for the' cliiet: Busitens now | FAD: phe woorsomE, | rhading Te Veatditay: That tgoth of mine held a bushel ol chad doit fo fh 1060 my boot; Ebr Wry fice A Scie alaar | ie, mich watss top dal; so ling 'the help) viehm that uot even a whole lifetine of remores and rep 'can i in bing oul: ihe blot on het The friendsanyd latives-of an ale (roman § ably act an if they were the greatest soflor~ urd in sich oasesy and thatahe victim hers] self-has no. (cling in the mates | {t would, ibe well, mavy times, if she. bad not, for ally Ripe | in regitded. Tike iuiin elie suet | dagger in her heart ar once, od. mn: herselh from: thoeeorn of nen 16 the. of Gop, iia but. a proofithat she 0 dh na es cage.' i So a egin real "together. "Prat is ah true way, a the streeter and happier if yo begir small. "The legs style and dieplay the more hi will "have to] harhoter' of the "one the epled oy a coth pinion for fife," ap) porfiinity, To learn easily to¢ bear and Totbear, 0' fone peculiarities as are not condugiveXts mut confidence and batmo! all charactefs wi ws or there will him To ~it is quite slyupanitier, and hie! | ight shere eR ve--but by castying she | CIO a pin 3 «of their ame goulleness and covyiesy ik Ag hile jan di the days, So

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