Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Feb 1871, p. 4

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You can got the best and cheapest Pum 3 AFT J See the Prices 2 FORCE PUMP- A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with - RL work Ee bo always relied upon. Hose and Coupling complete for $25. 5 iy Repairs exccuted with prompitude #ad |, Patent' Swing Lift Pamps st 50cts per foot. 4 for second-hand open and covered buggies Common Log Pompe at 40 ots "per foot. manufac- | Comme turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. at the Whitby establishment for sale. Everything in. the way of O Cistern Pumps, 8 completé Pump, from $3 up to $8. "Also every other description of Pump at Toronto Prices| arms umns hye Equally Low Rates. bad aon, experience in Pump-making in the 1a ot rs in Oarads and the SAMUEL WALKEY. AT MANCHESTER. My ued feels confident that he can perfec all that will favor him Whitby and Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. STOVE-PIPES, TINWARE, NEW AND HEAR Porders for. any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise his attended to. KOnR IRVIN, BorgLsa. ! ef Te LARGE p Noth of Whitby, jast arrived A iii we . TRE BEST LOT OF Stoves i in the County! JUST ARRIVED AT MANCHESTER. HE IE underslgaod sak ke cis Fy UXBRID mon Where will nmuetarersol 'and other ry "Jap in the latest and nd best style, and vy Pay on hand. As * Title re ; oh . AND ! i Undertuld PRINCE ALDER: 7 Ready! * AT THE ONTARIO CARRIAGE?E The Largest and best assorted, Stock : CUTTERS 13 "| Ever offered to the 'pablic in North Ontario, marBfiotared by the b best workmen, and from the choicest materjal. r STOVES OF ALL KINDS, AT COAL OIL!ST O BR Ei ior SUNDERLAND, B ROC OCK. To ne Ee 2 ita hi his New tore at the Vill Sunderland, is p 50 a to supply inhabitants a Brock re . purrounding townships with the | LATEST OF --FIRST| CLASS DRY GOODS! Embracing everything necessary for Ladies' and Gen! u's Wear, ALSO A FINE ABSORTMENT oF Fresh Groceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the will Mes of the prope of Brock and surrounding townships, to Quality of Goods and the ns At which he sells them. R. E. PORRITT. highest pri priee given for every Cegcrip- ang. May 171 11, 1870. 20 pnd SNI. Hep install 8 op ga, WATCH - MAKER, ai BROOKLIN. -- Am The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other styles of Watshes Kept consmntly on hand, Also a great variety of Clgcks, Jewelry and other Goods. - Parties wishing any thing fn in ul jh would do well 1o call and examine before purelias: 9 Repairing done with neatness and dls- patch. (5 CASH paid for Sheepskins, ¥ 01d Rags, Oopper, Brass and HoH save in TE 000K & STEPHENS. AManchester, Dec. 15, 1870, Patronage! . The Subscriber en: to ie his numer- ous customers for el of : Jie past twelve Years tha n busin as, and would "Xs «fn opportunity of . treating his friends to 20 per cent Discount Tickets OY ALL GOODS OLD DURING Christmas Hollidays, & TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUN T OFF WATCH | Clocks and oweIry. e@e DRY GOODS, i GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, . , BOOTS & SHOES, &e? ; arge'and steadily increasi tronage n_me a commen op bosinoss. 5 at gifh 1nd has induced me to adda Tailoring Department fo my a ve just a new Tailoring Shop, and secured the. services of a rst class Tailor, and am now prepared '0 Sueno ing got up in the latest oe and arran : ' Pam Prodnse of Si kinds taken in exchange for Ge Cash paid for Hides and Sheepskins. & J. W. HURD. ing elsewhere. ¥I~All hes and Clocks sHealy repaired and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. 40 . tn. a The undersigned i ig prepared to advance loans of money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rime of interest is very low and charges aré moderale, the best "securities must be offered. . " 07 Several first class farms for 'sale on casy sums of payment. ai Apply peszonally,or by letter pre- paid with description of the security offered, to W M. COCHRANE Bigelow's - Perry, Ont. To be Sold at fUCH Prices as will Defy Competition. ; JAMES EMANEY. _ Prince Albert, Nov. 24, 1870. 3 ; Sandan, Nov. 30, 18' MONEY TO LOAN ¥3" Good for one week. WV. HerPinsTALL, Dec. 25th, 1870. A tepepreg Farm and "Town ¥Yroperty, « ".. BY FRE' . Tngea BIE pe ap l For Periods extending from THREE ta Dayal Ta wa To tion of ¥3F~ Clip out and prgsent to VW. HEPINSTALL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Brookyrin, ONT. 44-9w BROWN & PATTERSON'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS WEITBY.- To the and surr 'ment Suvi YEARS, to suit' Borrowers, » onthly,Halt-yearry or yearly ins instalment.' Brooklin, Nov. 8, 1870. OFFICE~-50 CHURCH: ST., TORONTO. | ee een MOEA Loans of $500 and- upwards are megotintéd fr few of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at rc rate of 6 per cent per ahnum but if the oni? be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 5§ per cent is charged, and if in Donimy aliments. only b per eent is asked. $6.20 per month will. I both principal and interest of a: loan of 00 in 10 years. Other amounts. in a cop-,- responding ratio. v The Full Amount of the Loan is advance without deduction. 2 Conveyacing ¢harges reddced td the very '| lowest rates, 'BE. MAJOR.' AGEST, BORELIA P; Q.--REAOH. IN Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. Mortgages os Wanted. 'armers of the County ly 7 Ontario ing fgountry. HARRISON MAW, ccs and Builder, PORT 'PERRY! 8p ared to Coniract for and put 'up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood |: 150k or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, i all the mos! modern improve- | ments. Parties requiting good work done will do welllo call. tions made' to order. Port Pony, May 12, 1870. HE Subscribers pave large o f laced in their hands or puso money | AND Fins CLASS on Improved Faims, Village Properties, aud other Securities in this and i alee Counties ih nd CHE DRY GOODS depen: ed tag their ie ne the least possible delay, Wailed to Purchase Apt be lh ot Whighy he bigh- ' "We are filso appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest, and largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re- -payable n from 2 two 20 years. u 'Lands Bought and Sgld, Several good Farms for Sale. 3 Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies; . Collections made au a general agency busi ness transacted. ar DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "ll JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, we BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO- OUR Harvesting. Implements We are now manufacturing the JOUNSTON SELD-MAKING: REAPER. 'Which we confidently believe to be e+ Ba" ni BESY HARVESTING MACHINE In the Dominion We warrant it to be equal in in ass and TAT to any machine puilt, Lodged or Tangled Grain { Sept, vn, ate TNT TT ay LAND? LAND ba "WILD AND CLEARED; a8 SEB food Geared, Forms for sale % SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRE of chojce wild land for sale in the Counties Déterboro, Victoria, Bruce apd Simcoe. z Apyly-to Gr ocer ies, (Plans and Specifica IIARRISON MAW, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE H ardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &ec. GO TO J AMES LAMON; ; treol, Usbeldgor Domes ~Over do Hotel." Royal 1 Cantey Bon on 4d be cx 23 General Agents. Office. over T.-C. Forman's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. . .A Valuable Froperty 0. CINPBELL, General Agency Office. HE Undersigned baving receiv s J ihe amon! of Official Assignee for North On T tario, is prepared 10 give prompt allention to all matiets in Bankruptoy or Insplvency Promissory Notes and Accounts speedily mallecied, and roitances, promptly 'made Where no gther will work. Iti il warranted to give satisfaction. We who PLT the Ohio Combined Reaper ahd Mower And hove made some very VAL UABLE IMPROVEMENTS for the harvest of 18€9. xbridge, June 9 Wo STILL PROSPERING Reduced ed Prices. CANNINGTON. Guaningion, Jan. 13, 1870, Our CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWERS: the th heglandard Mower wherever it has been introduced. The above Machines are being made of good material 2nd with due regard to efficiency and quality. ¥& Send for circular, made will be sent free of ch age; i BROWN &; {PATTERSON, & ! £.¥ FOR SALE! HE! Subscriber o iy for. Sale that al excellent ama rig at Borla, known Veale Garden. It contains over al acre of LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO. land witha Sa riabie dwelling house, The = 1ot contains a large number of youn dheiny ny, ge trées, shrubs, &¢., &c; yielding Soendest supply of the most Shatcs ap 0 lums, C. a of tho Doolittle Mackany Raspberries ly to bear next year, with Jo 300 plants 8 f Se eg. Also 200 first Jase fru) Ey fit: for getting out. The J; he best uscription, and the location all Bef ould be desired, TERMS REASONABLE. indi The jitlede i od igputable, and immediate pos- HARRISON "HAIGHT, PropRisTons gE HE Sumer er to. 1 1 Ts ll Yn mg As an «Establishment av otlioe : Ontario! 1 MONEY TO LOAN, On good farm security at 8 per oh Inferent. Special attention will be given to the ne- gotiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon having thew applications attendéd to promptly, and ay small expense. Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR" SALE. 3 lnanraness aflected i in the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. - + E. MAJOR. Officral Assignee aud Vahator Orsior.~Bigelow's Block, next door 10 the Royal Canadian Bank. Port Perty, , 1¢t Dec., 1868. PR « Waitsy, June 9, 1869. Pe My stock consists of BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, . a CUPBOARDS. Vi WRITING DESKS Sw 1 (OPTICIANS AND OCULIST?, MONTREAL, Have, witha view yAbimect the increased demands Celebrated Perfected Spectacles APPOINTED » $EDSTEADS, Se ANE SEAT ORAL a #OCRING AT ORAS, ry with Woe ood o ie Bngravings, tamed CARRIAGE ¥ FACT Yar ti ORY rN Y squaring thanks to his somerousTgeral sd fends and hy for hiv tases would ing on haud the LA Outario; he is 1.3 2 wm fl 2 inform them. and the public generally, that RGEST STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER in the Count! mdnufactaring %] 3 . | Barsingon, Vv agor . | And ait kinds of Auiioutivwal implemen, Frevrpunset' in style or finish in the. soni, i fe "e WF WtaRin BEING dine on | [rep Dr. Jones '& Brother,| DRUGGIS PORT PERRY, AaBals Aus nie for Bacon an id o the io meet | pti uisemonts of to oi: ow i * ; Unequaled by 0 their el Anno} be Sai asto a Gp fo the gh, dcr, contrary, | he ar: ponstru EE ; a of re- x ¢ a ASD 3. gx 1810X. 88 in : 3 : ov Th on hand made from best material, pale: Pagticular attention CAN ey | Tra to iii :

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