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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Mar 1871, p. 2

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- ' RESCOTT.-- Hamilton ........... 1 PRINCE BOW, RD--Suiker. 1 RENFREW, N.J -- Dong 20+: |aytableof it is false, notoriously s0.-- | wil rise over every othe consideration, | P Every school boy knows that all the and that allegiance to country, *and devo. 1| Sandfield McDonalds [in creation Passing | tion to its claims will take the place of i which appears in this week's issue. The doctor's repatation' as a skilful and PRACTICAL READING, In ihesedars when Books, Perediesle, > E y by i § : # ' tesenses 1 O|Successful practioner is so well known Pamphlets, &0., Woy abogad Ales terday wil bé considered ss 'one of the p ; DS Tid Ae bm St deo rota allegianée to party aad devotion to party SCOR Ae. sma ad d msm. iight early figmiest boues Es Sones: i RIN under present circumstances - ake jeaders. ; ..|simco be expected that a great diversity of fitera- is mistress of Par , France: 8 : 9 800 ir. ug a Bein and that when If there be one feature more aseuring RM: a1 woud be obras, lm ond to vr tose Lil msi ad his ios . . pleases 10 Becessary | than another'in the late contest it js that bad--that worthy of reception and that on) '| insorree sh b ext or Toe wy - step, the Hon. Joba 8. or say other John panty oo sunk pn has | vic NB roke oes eee fitted to be cast away. Its ince apes purpose. WA pro to.our Gordon's could not prevent bin from obtaining _ the [come to the surface. The name Conserve. VICTORIA, 8.R.--Wood..... y $16 wore of less steng in oa, Jat Commun haribo by : ¥ dsgren, ; {tive and Reformer having Jw thet ideniy | WA NR Springer in proportion. to the amount of good which el) ie ea Jus wrought -- ' . Further on Mr. Paxfon mokes his|® fart least as the Looal Legislators goes, WELLAND = Carrie .. ov. rs. many ated to accomplish for the come Bonapartes." x © .. Manchester. wiles er vol: a from his | '1® rallying ory at the elections has been | Wt. t hear munity. ] Senta seat," (0 ods { lay aside your tiaras, WELL x » i 1] HE Pubic we ally notified thes » ye g y docbtless continue to be the battle ery ol Ww 1 [i vals oly The world ia much indebted;to the writers Loxpox, Mareh 19.--Special despatch. , ishers es to the London journals that Gen. . and publ of & certain class of periodi Tans slo an uy The report - " 0 descend from your lofty. thrones, and pros- the Assembly. The quality of the meas- NTWORTH, N.R.--Christie..... 10 Yas ictiber Se rovsived Jake ai- Arate yourselves at the feet of the Great ures will be the grand criterion, and as all | yoy! RORTH; SR.-- Sexton... ] : Yo RE, ER © Gro to the front amongst the" practical reading yas sop yot been confirmed and is not cred- + E.R.--Crosby . & les of Tom, let the earth tremble and ti howlers | men cannot think alike, whatever may be| YORK. W.R.~Patterso, of the day--we refer 10 our Agricultural : : | } ' HATS, 7 er silence for the Great Mogul has [the complexion of the measures introduced YORK, N.R,--MeMyrioh. , : publications ; and in this connection we i hls woh lg 1 Eo TWEEDS, Shins, arisen from his seat) " to ridicule the Os, yi Sevutsman hens wi Slyerss be al al Ee pend the winter st Beller » Hor hi i od taitn oY our poses Io martre have seized and Jon (osuny. te a . BOOTS . opposed eno ou af : edical College t rionaral periodical, the general-headquart, ¢ i SILK TIES, Si valhiing Juare us Ww adit of healthfol OHPUition Ig the proceed-| From the above it will be seen that the HioBa. to be fall "otha times % 'rmey. "his important monthly | (he National Guards of Parnin tho Pracs BOWS, that paper is a failure and. 2 Cisgrace ings in our Counties' Councils, where party | Parties in the next Hotise are likely to be | 'IONS: 80 as J up } w. ought 10 be a regul weloome visitor | Vendome. ; : - : ~~ and OTHER GOODS | No doubt Tommy knows enough of the Is entirely ignored, and where the sucoess | more evenly balanced, a large number of | the scientific treatment of disease, © [in every house'in thb Jand, and especially DARKER stints © 3 E Saitable for Spring and Summer Wear, | tricks of trade, or rather be supposed that | or dofeay of 8 measure depends entirely upon [the Government supporters during the late |aoticipate for the doctor a succesaful career | should every fai ped | all of which 'will be sold cheap for Cash. in seeking to ran down the OBsgrver be : household receive and peruse it with care, It may be read with much profit by every inmate of the house, INURGESTe PROCLAMATION, . Panis, March 19, via Lonpox March 20, The Nationals have placarded 1wo pro- parliament bave: been unseated and their in Port Perry. Places filled chiefly by Opponitioniste. If its merits LR SAT gegh price Paid Yor Baer, "Ege, | is running up his own paper, and thus doing | pig ig ag it ought to be. The Govern- I~ ---- SEMI-ROYAL MARRIAGE. zo % a a clamations. The first one issued says the - a little illegitimate business in a small wa i the Government retain their seats it will be ' old and young, male and femaje. We French people waited calmly. until t- o : ADAM GORDON. [44 our ox I, such is nothing EE Eatin ly orn oe much as a bargain. The Sloclore of | Spud ay, 91st inet., the imposing [ "°F ftbing in the asssriion that there is Ronpt was made. to py e "ll. of ho Wanchester, March 14, 1611. oew for him, on our Statue Book, the passage of which Dotatie ray voy Sousa in Youit ceremony of the marrisge of the Marquis of | ® #i0gle number of this capital monthly | Republi. The army did not 1siss is hands i : . Mr: Paxton mks bis\ paper 80 on to would do credit to any, Government. We [°*'i™8te of the present Government an during the whole year, which doss not cone 'vey more 'practical information to every farmer who carefully reads jt than will far Lorne to the Princess Louise, was celebrat~ ed at Windsor palace with much-eclat. At noon the bridegroom, accompanied by y Earls Percy and Lod Gower, arrived at Tie mua! sebeogioh - off 8 ie palace and were conducted to the oha every farmer's table, and the mall ra : $1 per your will pot it thepe, . The number for March ia full of impor- tant intormation, the wonder is that so much oan be given at #0 low a price. We will be glad to show any partly the number re- ferred to. : » . i ---------- * The Board of Directors of the Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society met at Plank's Hotel Maneheste 18th inst. 'The' Preside inst the of the liberties of the : pablo, the _ Government that can close the ia A jatasiony sue nl war. The are convo communal nie otis The proclamation is signed by the Central Committee of the Naiional Goard, und dated at the' Hotel de Ville. ' The second Jroslagiahion is as follows: =To the people of Paris,~ Yon have en- trusted as with the delenee of the, rights of Paris. We have driven out the Govern- ment which beitayed ws. Our mission ie Tr bave evidently cast their voles in-such a Way as 10 jeopardize ite stability and threat en its overthrew. . Jt may be that the Treas- ury Benches'will (ha gpoupsnts at the commencement of another session. atl ah ! Cepel be told that the best of these measures say that Mr. Paxton was cheered to the | may } oy oi. ; k bis 'seat amid d originated with the opposition-- we care not se a LK N sof ap. where they originated, none but a Reform ee Why, what would be the ood of hiring Government would pass such measures ; &he Butaria Bhserher, damb dogs they were. thers for the Be {carro werered tha th) used thon ! measures because they would have lost pose of howling to the echo, and they are | their seats if they had not--this, eo far JAMES BAIRD... Ep1Tor | only echoes at best, paid for howling or | from weakening our argument, only tends anythiog else that may be required of to strengthen it, as it shows: that not only PRINCE ALBERT, MARCH 23, 1871. t ye the Government, bata majority of the House : EE bor Bat dee are Reformers. We are very far, from as- i MORE DISHONESTY, Je Pasion does op Sate to compive sorting that we approve of every Act passe { : bis reception on' the bustings with fhe 3 ¢ : . - bearty reception which We receifed-- take | 2Y '0° wesent Government ; but the pug: EE git Paxton' Paper of last week he makes. away bis'dozen hired, professional bowlers fEeiiugs SF tau. Wiombers u: IE Paid servants give one of the most Ir frequently crowd a measure through in . Castardly reports of public matters Which Yad tho yeu of ti} SIO Sere Maundy fv wore imparfos siste hae Shere : of bim, ashamed that any man go. wtlérly | wise would have been. When a measuje we ever rr sesiog in the columns, destitute of apnythi recommend bin, Ia broaght jn by either side, and~is-is . © of any journal othing beter could be whose whole stof io trade 'Is brazen id. | 10! to be what jt ought to be, the opposite Bom p76 Sones Wt Wr 88 be is concerned ; |. should dare to place himself be. | party mot unfrequently gets op and chal- t 10 make: his servants write that of P : i lenges the Government, of the o ition, which Sekher they nor their " can oh i Nalgene) Sunstituevey any Stave a en: may be, '0 a pitched om over believe one word, and which the commu- Wa oh 34 Be Tarewell of Tom ", then the strife is to pass or reject the nity at large know to be false as perdition : | measure, to stand or fall by it, not to im. is a stretch of tyranny which but few would a Vpuattubitive, . wnt ©. thu prove I ; and such a curse cannot fail in . day, which we sincerely hope is not far dis producing vicious legislation, atid only such seek to cory or admire. 0 tant, when a large majority of bis constitu. | could be expected from party strifefia our |G In the" first place he makes his sheet ents will beg of him for God's sake to come | Local Legislature, We have only to cast bow! is (2 Panis) praise in the most ful - home and not make fools of himself and | oor eyes over the field of the late election « some and offensive manner, every second . i joi contest to become thoroughly convinced of paragraph. smokes with some awfully stu- "hes 03 longer, We will gladly join the the truth of the remark that party politics pid lsudation of Mr. Paxton. Ye ----t------ have ceased to be the battle ory.-- { . Take the city of Toronto for instance, here or xila bi Mr, Fasten _~ iy 54ert, AprSa ™. Barns, we find-men of every creed, religious and uagl MY paper, | a A 5 Wheler find Another Election contest is o'er 3 the | political,guing to the polls hand in hand anu or been foolish enough fo promise him (Pax- 0% populi has again been heard and the | voting Government of Opposition be the ton) bis support ; notwithstanding the fact Proviacial Parliamentary ship bas got ber | ©a0didate who he may, Aad what took that Mr. Wheler had publicly denied crew for another vo, " Em ge other | Place in Toronio took place almost all over having made any such promise, and on the crews. th » age. d and of | he Province though perhaps in-a 'less de- public bustiogs before the assembled the - °y nn 8 ba an oe ._j@ree. Electors asking no questions excep! electors, challenged Mr. Paxton and "big Lo Worse: Same Juve soup oar i as4o confidence or want of confidence in servants'to come formard and state |*'°" for the pay, others for the casual ad- the present Government. This is exactly vantages, many for the honor of the as it should he, an issue which all can han- + before the people J ever he prinle) thing, and not a few for thy safety 'of the | di, there is atbing metapbyaioat about if, any such promise. Dare they ship. Whether the same master and ofi- | tbe sots of the Government were before the ajert i thera? No | they were ute aa) %0: Whe retained or ot, remains to be [electors sud if they approved of them gon. mice, but in the next issue of his paper he seen, or whether. there shall be a mutiny, | erally they would naturdlly support ihe reiterates the assertion with as much cool it is bard to tell. The selection in the Government and if they disapproved they sffrontery as if it were true, Doubtless present instance, really did not rest on | "Ould Support the apposition. The baile Mr. Gordon and others asserted that Mr. TO ssp . ; At 12:15the bride came, sccompanied by the The Contest in North Ontario, Queen and suit, in five-Garringes, and were The contest or rather the farce in North (joined by the maids, (Ladies Camp- Ontario has resulted in the only way in | bell, Cecil, Bujler, Masisge Sete aus whioh it was possible for it to result under |X» Gordon, Seymour iiagerald)= the ciroumatances, there being almost no All entered {he chspel and, moved up the opposition. Mir. Paxlon was elected, | 18798 amid sweet airaine af the eveir. Tne Mess iL h kept ili iis 10 was sup ened by 1Ke"QuseB, "Price field juat long enoughto ruin the prosppois of Wales and Duke of. $axe Coburg. The of both; after which the former. resigned bride was seuted on the Jou 15s sa and the latter let the election go by defanlt; | The ceremony ~ porion 7 b ot Non ment hrs was. ag-sociep Jn L1GP of London. Tho Quen gute the bride North Ontario except it may be in the [BWAY- FR ; 4 . Tawnship of Reach, and that was not can- | The bride aud bridegrcom sot' ont for vassed exoept in the interest of Mr. Paxton, | Claremont at 3 o'clock. They will spend The following is the state of the poll in| the honeymoon thee. the township of Reach : fbi The bridegroom did not wear the High- Pixron: Warent land costume, he was dressed in the uni- 0 11 |form ofthe Argyleshire artillery. A thousand guests witnessed the ceremony. Two day's festivities are to be given. . ' FALLING IN. . The Telegraph's special on_Satur- day the Tegra in a Nr he latter -retarned the, fire, a saton } tmes were wounded. Gen. Vino Siren nr ebro Hs, le be, 22 mpi irtual . > Sighcbouse, eyes Beuley wi Mott, wine ahope are open. Drovkorness re Board went into committee on 1 omen med. Gono) rize Li i in i ---- og his ar in Pais, was Prize List, the President in the chair, as os his 8 by Bb re The Secretary seconded by Mr: Holman | jy je anid will bo sbot te-day. All persons § moved that there be no premium offered | of prominence are Bying from Jari. 2 ! "Pars, Majeh 19.--The Natio In Gras or Seeds at the coming Show.-- Gund on ioe is mastor of Paris, The arried, . \ | depantmbnts of the Interior and Justice and On motion the Prize List was adopted [the Prefecture of Police are seen: by the a Eo Sel VT Mr. Holman seconded by Mr. Nether- troops, Election for Ihe Commune lakes J ton moved. that the Spring Show of this Siac _So-matiw, he members of i iers' Go nt by to Versailles Society be held on Tuesday the 25th day | { micron with the wile diflomane pe. : of April--Carried. "4 (Signed) " Wasusvane. or RELIABLE FRUIT BEARING TREES, 5 szena- a ga B08 Our readers will find Mr. C. C. Kallett's new advertisement in this issue 3 'he ad- A deducted . will : x i leave Mr. Paxton's res: mujotity at 61 votes of nae fin San Pos boars On a very smal] majority indeed when it is son- | me! Trees, h &o. a sidered that he had fhe ganvils nearly all [low purchases whish one makes, in which The 2p Young of Juigss Was next pro oor Moaun» his own way no one going to his meeti ings | the buyer is so much at the mercy of the | °° hl, er which, on motion, _ the Mo BL > s re h . Board adjourned till the morning of ¢ Now York, Match 20.--A «pecial dee fo oppose him. And when jt is known that seller an in the purchase ot young trees, or ; 8 aloh, dated Paris, 20th, 10 a. m., says Gen the township of Roth ten poll in the neigh- [in other words, there ate fow transactions Show, then fo meet at Scott's Hotel, havsey was sen! with a large body of borhood 6111200 vase Mr. Patton's 5apop- | imswhich the purchaser must depend so | Prince Albert at 8 o'alock a. me rorabe lo Moatmarte to sappréss the meus larity, even in his own townrhip, is made | much upon the honor of the seller, as in| ES Swi pine fd cbimeidiond iy abundantly obvious in the fact that not one | he purchase of Fruit Trees. All young (A BODY OF HOWLERS BREAK wot. Hike Brisas taken To the garden of orth of the electors: wanted him, and frees, good, bad and indiflaent; luvs, voots] THEOLCH, A FLOOR AN Ams: » Rosiery, Monimarte, where the "1 course refused to cast their votes for him, 'and a stock pretty much alike, and the ING SHED ry iar. Central Revolutionary Commtice were sit-. Of course if the Votes polled for Paxion in | moet practised eye oan scajeely distinguish : the other ween the good and the worthless--no |. ting, and after a short trial was shoi. Am ong wae at A a he ed 10 his majority "in. Reach the number one, in fact, ocsnj confidently tell what he | ----s broken it would have been little loss, vine ag the un bly py would be increased considerably, but then |, buying, be is obliged to fall back upon | but it is a pity the innocent should Fifer there was not even an Spology for a content | pq recommendation and veracity of the | ro, ne goillyi res in these townships, no eflort being put forth agent who selects his own trees frum the h will sit to-morrow. General Duval is at the head of the insurgents, and in, leading them on their wild and mad career, dl ii 7 ; : ; g he followisg 'from Tuesday's | . . EXTENDING. fois of J ; by snyoue on'behalf of the opposing can- and who, { al observa. We copy t ig y 2 x > party claims, but on a side issvo--sthe | "7 "38 Seseialy a3 ve, no party bad didato--so that after deducting ail the. sen Jyraaeys rom Jan vii yecom. | Globe : . Lowpow, March 20.-- ht io ¥ the i Wheler bad promised to assist Paxton, and supportor overthrow of he presentGovern | C**° '° ©0mP oy sho lsu sud sv one) LLNS 4 townships, aud the vote of Pax-| mead thom. Sows people say that it |, A Ministerial meeting wae held at Lucan Pore} Wotement bos in. pr ig | i us F A n - * i ri a are . 80 doubt they believe that such a Promise | oot, and with the exception -of about a AI bi ton' own village, his real majority will makes little difference who the agent is ; eiday to Influsyce Ry ee ol ron to on Thiers' Fn dnd was made, and there is evidently some mis- : . ; ;| #tand at 61 as given above, Of course he fot ifn t grow they won't be | Carling and a ber of other G ) al to Tours. his said dozen constituencies, the squabble could [of ineir approval as shown by their votes 8 he trees don't gro y p understanding betweed them and Mr. . ith the ti if ihei ¢ | will likely toll the readers of bis own paper for. Very true, but time is money | Partizans [rom London were present. The the Germans decline to mierfsre with sffairs = Bo a scarcely be digaified with the title of con- or if their votes declare them to be unworthy peid for. Very trae, but time is money meeting was very disorderly, and Mr. Mo. | 1 Paris, Report from the Frenoh caper Wheler as to what. be really did say ; but test ; and if appearances 80 for anything, | then those who happen 0 be in the minor- | hat he had some hundreds of a MBJOFity | 4nd hore is one year that the ground has Mahon; of London, was not sllowdd 1o says the gearmis collected No | bow far any misunderstanding may effect the time is not far distant when party pol. | ity will have to acquiesce in the superior | bv what do they all amount to, there is no been tuken'up to no purpose, besides there | finish his speech. During the noise and provinces by Gen. Vinoy have deseried and the matter between Mr, Wheler and those | = ; wisdom of the majority, and turn in and | rouble in gelling voles when there is no quite & difference between a atunted, | stamping the floor gave way, and about one | joined the insurgents. . ; + | tics will bave no more to do with the : ; : one opposing. We are willing to allow | p lose od 5 d | hundred pepsons fell together into the driv. i who believe that he did make the promise | tion of a member of the A mbly tha work for their country's good in whichever hi oor io. , sick y, use tree and, a vigorous an ing shed under the hail, 8 distance of some DROWNED... § which they say be did. it does not in the they bave now ia the selection of 'a path wy they deem besijeither as Ministerialists grumbling . | good vos, Me. e. us well Foows twelve fos. A team of torses and : buggy tt i i : 4 itioniste, REPUTATIC 8s a reliable agent (and, his trees give the |in the s to the fall. . : pr Yigusk Ssgreioe. fie e416 sf Paxton | oo ster. It is mot a great many years " ae 4 Yaw IREVIATION, _ Ti ' . pani vey wil Sharactor gneved hose a2 Juny Io Liitiay folsi Wihtone.. who write for bim, for every | . to the Provi but fi 2 ---------- i --ee ow struggling together in "frenzy, each | Hepburn, ¢ & \aoty hand, was drown, In, one will believe that they are stating as on Food we ig rn MERUENS SuecTH. To an cicer sltat of the ou in 4 OUR NEW cousins, a pag hiseels fall Hund Sageg River, on Saturday last show ak i - J » 9, 3 4 true what they know to be a falsehood when monicipal election as it came round, the <5 prolsssional reputation of so much impon -- acted in a very extraordinary 'manner, try | hock Pen. Whiio. and. 4 + y they assert in their paper that which they animated contests between the Con ance ad ite to the medival prastitioner, | rug parrase COLUMBIANS MAKING THEIR | ing 0 tear off the siding in cider 10 ssoape | Line famed While and deceased were to state on | blie bustings |" imated contes ois . '| CONSTITUENCIES. and in no is there as a dit- - TERMS. . into the street. After the excitement, | descending the river in a. oance, thigy had were dared to sta be public busting profession is the great Ml ys | ) ; servatives and Reformers, each party doing k in buildi nd professions! | xd | which lasted fof several minutes, it wae been at Lindsay and were selling put for before the assembled Electors,but dared not its very best to elect its ticket ; and in & | fioulty ia building up » sound p The following are the conditions upon | fynnd ses life bey aged ten years, son of | shanty about 5 miles down the' Hveh-- doit. This is a specimen of bow the ing |'*® "7 . ? ADDINGTON, not heard from. reputation as there is in the medical pro- which British Columbia will cast in her lot Mr.Galloway, founder, had one of his thighs : a ; . + | very many instances the end was expected ALGOMA fession. The reputation of a medical man with Canada and an aim broken. A railway laborer They had Just set out and were arranging manage things. to justify the means, at least the means BOTHWELL--MocKellar ... cannot be the result of accident, it dan only 4. C i wlithe uvamed O'Mara and Samuel Quigley each oe. ont in the canoe when it Oaptized ' Again, look at the report which Paxton {bad mach need of somethiog to jusufy | BRANT, N-K~ Finleyom be seoured by perseverance,ntelligence and eh orp must assume all the present or Torin rn pal Toi ye throwing-them both in the water. White. H makes bis writers give of the procesdiogs | hem 3 but these days bave gone by; a BRACRVILL Go peed... skill. It is, however, a something weli [debt of British Columbia, at the nomination. Paxton is the alpha oaught hold of the canos and was foecued, Ay man would now be laughed at who made | BRUCE, N. R.-- Sinclair. ... Hepburn was drowned. + and omega" of the whole concern, his party count for anything in the selection | BRUCE, 8. RBIS. | iiirnser rambling tissue of falsebood and nonsense, CARDWELL, not heard from, showed very. ugly cole and braises. Mr. Melahon also received some /injnr os. but it is hoped*not of a serious oe, 2 worth contending for, not 80 much for the | 20d. Canada to pay them $35 000 per pecuniary advantages whioh it secures jo | anoum ss a subsidy, and 80 cents per head he practitioner, as-for the general goud" of | for every inhabitant of that Province and : MARRIED, f icipal couacillor, neithe there | CARLETON --Mook ......... . | x ? 8 1 i whi be digoie by the title of speach, | be any goed resem way cor eT CORNWALL Massoud va rt vse bo oie | ih Bw eres il rpms tl al ELG Eh hati, a : - who s increased to 400,000 a a Isabella Mo-: but to which the electors would Bot give party to influence our choice in the select DORR, Sook iii has succeeded throughs long and success- thé aooual per capita iio will bel POOR FRANCE. Dougal, of the City of to. aby attention, is said by bimself to bave|ioy of 5 representative for the larger | DURHAM, W. R. fol career in 'thoroughly establishing his : A STRONG APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM, The Government bas issued another pro clamatiop repudiatiog any intention of » coup & etat, warning the Communists w seek to pillage Paris that they will ruin France, a appealing to the National 5 been a "rating speech," and to have | Council the Provincial Assembly, The | ELGIN, K R.=Wikea......... been "" well received" by the electors. -- | ime of the House could be much ESSEX - Prince 0! My Sumi | Dest be Sean & lie! profitably spent in devising and work y . the intelligent electors of Nort tario | out measures for the Country's prospenty | GRENVILLE, 8. Ro by assertiog that they are (willing 6" re. |, fighting porty:batiles. A beaithfu) | GREY, N. R= Soot... | ceive such rubbish. : 3 $320,000, 'and bere it will continue. reputation, is just! tded as one of the . chief bisssings pi -- important requi | 3rd. Canada shall provide for the pay- sites 10 8 prosperocs community, For a |ment of the salaries of a Licutenaot.Gov- patient to have full confidence in the relia- | ernor and of Judges--the expenses of the bility of his medical adviser; is half the Postal and Customs Department -- Fisher- We wish the contracting parties a long and happy career. : NOTE LOST. Y, N. : i ' py Guards to put an $0. the condition of opposition is of the utmost importance, but GREY. & ho Joard fom, a liy ule. iW pet yo pun Mist we ase Ju Aha ies; Militia-- Light ir aad in fact al. anarchy into Wht thy bave plunged the The meeting in the Towa Hall ia the that opposition oo confined 0 ob HALTON: vo bead rom," bas id ee 4 dy ow ie Souk evosyshing ssoept Wearing p= capital: Skin ni evening being a Paxton production, and |jectionable measures fod wot to men.-- | HA WEAN. ....v ve bands and unhesitatingly allow him to steer onsi ' ; TERS thoroughly under the control of his hired When party politiésdegenerate 108 séram. HASTINGS, ». wi Gort us; through The Ilrterties cod Nengemol 4th. Canada to grant pensions to all At 9p w it; was reported that Generals | Sfter da bowlers, fornishes Tom and his clique [ple for the Treasury Henched, itis nearly | HASTINGS, N. R.-- Boulier the disease. On the other hand, should we | 0° British Columbian Nabobs who nay fall into the bands of sn unekililol-or even | 108 their places in quence. of the doubifal guide, we fallow his sdviee with | change in tbe position of the Province. ihe worst possible grage--shuiting our eyes| Sib. British Columbia to have three and opening our mouth. and follow our [members in the Senate and six in the own whims or those of some one else, with , £ Lg about ss much confi Comte and Clement '1 homas, the latter ly der-in chief of theNation- al Guards, who were ea, tured in the morn. ing, bad been that bp insurgents after a summary trial. news sprea Sternation through the city. Gears! 4 Vinoy's staff, all the troops of the line and the entire nd quite a rigmarole, which they digaily with | played out, and the geoger it is eatirely so | HURON: N-R. ~Gibeon . the specious title of report. the beiter for all. Would it. not be-a KENT Dawson. ........, We did not get to tke meeting til it [step the right diveetion, were three ot oar Robinson. . was more than ball over, and were of every four of the members of our Local Ae pudse ... d the torture of lstesing to Tom's [ Parliament seat bome, or in other words, | LANALE. 8.R.-- Code he | it 20 to! DS & GREN, N. R. -- be tells us in his last issue that | would it not be wise to'curtail the number LO SsoREN N.Y n of oor Local members to 'ons fourth of LENNOX Grange what it now is ; this would hasten and very LINCOLN Ryker... erpsber as : -- Ca ruch improve the legishation of the coun. fits EX. Efile. to ou 'He [try and dimiuish the cost * by 75 per cent;| M B--Sauh....... hepa A would] SNC nor bout "OLonsle.. 1 3 only pay one. This, Lowever, is in the | NIAGA i Hihuts ess 01 futae, od fo th messtime we sunt dent| NORTHUMBERLAND, "5. Weii 1 with such laws as we bave, not such as we [Ly 4) i Yetomh *

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