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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Mar 1871, p. 4

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Bes ERR EE v ot them « :eneof bis fellow boardei S---- LEFTIANDED TIT T-ai Wi 2 The Sutaday's sn. Clarke, the late representative of South Grenville | } -- 'wing, but in somewhat awkward Mya. The Ldader styles him -- the i politicians. his is a a mendation, (he Teast promis da half, of what: they rise, and certainly the mosj.~promising "yaitet be & dangerdue costomeri-one honest wosth len fair promises. Fa 2 "eoind 1x sumo, Le "The 'Turgnto Leader, in its fotelonoos " Goterfores with thief péopie's businers. It has just been leotoring the Markbamites "for not discarding their late representative, Crosby ; and in order to induce them to take new bait, has offered them a bite of a * plump Nova Scotian. Merci = pour ns len. Mp: Leader, please mind your own . business, take azure abdomen on your back, it may be that East Toronto will want him dor the Gommons nex! year. A SNEAKING RASCAL, Strathfore, March -- Aprepossessing youn | of fifteen summers, named Henry Chaplin, Jetely arrived trom Liverpool, and appren- ticed to the tailoring business, went through 10 the tuue of over " seven hundred dollars. was caught on 1 drains ase of Paris, on'his way to Uncle ions When taken by the con- both pistol ;and knife.' The G Joetor be Io 'secured, and he was handed over to the authorities at Fort Erie. In bringing him back he made a bold start to get free, and jomped from the train, but was , ®ecured afier a hard race and brought back with the handoufls on aad lodged in. safe quarters, where he will not Likely fo any 4 Whitby.and Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. 28 ¥ gee pee WHITBY AND WBA DGE Rifle ay ng opm pagaounce UZBRID an, Where will be found Bi and other vehicles 3 Puss pd gr od and up in the latest and best style, and ay : ot on hand. i nom Dons] buf the best mat best workmen, pe work ean tie always relied upon, executed with promptitude and ap few Bene open and covered buggies at the Whitby establishment for sale. Everything in the way of Carriage manufac. ture ory ropa atisnded to at thy a8 usual. All work warran! SAMUEL WALKEY. | NEW AND CHEAP STORE SUNDERL AND, B ROC CK. HE undetsigned i wed respectfully an- nounce that he has now got into his New Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- pared to supply the inhabitants of rack pe surrounding townships with X. LATEST STYLES OF Ir a b he BIRLA BL Jin he AR. B 0 'R BL I A. 'See the Prices : FORCE PUMP A complete Pump and Fire te Eogive with. "\Hose and Coupling compleis. for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pamps at 50;cts per fook, © Common Log Pamps at 40 cts per foot. | Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 ote per foot. $i v 4 Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 vp to $8; "RE Algo every other description of Pamp at, 1 4 2 ; Equally Low Rates. Having tad ong experience in "Pamp-making in the la; utd States, an oxperi feels confident that he can perfect with a t factories in Carada and the satisty all t at -will favor him All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. YNI.Hepinstall WATCH - MAKER, And Jeweiler, JOHN IRVIN, Borevria. misobief for some time. Steamboat Notice. THE STEAMER ANGLO SAXON ILL be prepared, on the opening of Navi- ation, to do all kinds of Towing and Freightin ng between this geon and Fenelon ~ sonable rates. ¥3~ Pic-nic and Exoursion parties taken on the most favorableterms. I. BIGELOW, Masten. oint and Lindsay, alls, at the most rea~ Port Perry, March, 9, 1871. Patronage ! \ Subscriber desires to thank his numer tomers for their kind Jaironage durin past twelve years that he hag been engage Rie and would 8 te this S Poona of tre#iting his friends to 20 per cent Discount Tickets OR ALL GOODS SOLD DURING Christmas Hollidays. TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT OFF § Clocks 'ana' ia Jewelry. 3 Good for one A W. HEPINSTALL. Dec. 25th, 1870. Kr" Clip out and present to W. HEPINSTALL, Wettimaker and Jewgler, ¢ © Bhooxiing On: wat en. 0 3,187. i deow TIN 10101 Mortgages Wanted. f Subscribers ave large sums of money -placed in their hands for the investment on Improved Pans, Village Properties, aud other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have fafds'on hengAat all times Borrowers can depend on _getti eit money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Parchase ber of Mo fi hich the high- Aw ber 4 on oF Fun) te tip 'We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the and £7 Oaplat3i co on Institution in Canada. Paid tal $1 nstalments re-payable Po 31wo 20 Lands Bought and Sald. Beveral good Farms for Sale, 33 Agsuis for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and a general agency busi- mess transacted. B&F" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "(Bf JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T. O. Forum's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 18170, : 50 Valuable. Property as Haight's om Sabre ofr or Sl at excallent | deb pert, known t Borelia, FOR SAT EI : CLASS -- Shi DRY GOODS! Embracing everythin necessary for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, © ALSO: A FINE. ASSORTMENT ox. Fresh Groceries| Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that ne can meet the wishes of the people of Brock and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them, R. E. PORRITT. 3 The ghost price given for every descrip- oduce. tion of Farm Pr Sunderland, May 17, 1870, , 20 CHEAP! AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS SHrovericy: "Hardware, Crockery, s+ Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO JL CAMPBELL CANNINGTON. Cnningtan, Jan. 12, 1870. Marriage Licenses ! Tssued by Authority. E. MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 CAUTION. BE! JAMIESON, f the Ti ] Reson lot 0th con, dca ios ad lori 9 all' parties "| account, Bares ein not be responsi bts tracted by her, she P havin my. . aad board without any just t GAUSS OF Pprovo- ' ROBERT JAMIESON, sc, February 11, 1871. T-4w NOTICE. WM. THOMPSON. sha "THOS. BROOKS. | guns ey = Witnesses. IRR ad Ha | 11s Yr nto conten y. SR ' El ye avy whos Subordo io fre of the 'materials and of the most approved makes. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand, Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. Parties wishin, thing in his line Would do well to call and ine befire purchas- } ing elsewherey RIAL Siasof Watches and Clocks neatly Bae and WARRANTED. . * Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. 40 MONEY TO LEND. The undersigned is prepared to advance loans, of money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the fute of interest i very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 07 Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with sfosssiption of the security offered, to WwW. M, COCHRANE "Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Port Pert, Dec. 4, 1867. ¢ HARRISON MAW, ! Contractor and Builder, " PORT PERRY! | ared to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern i improve- ments. Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call. (J~Plansand Specifica tions made to order. HARRISON MAW, Port Perry, May 12, 1870. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE General Ag Agency Office. To Undersigned having med IT appointment of Official Assignee for North On tario, is prepared to give prompt atiention to all matters in Bankruptoy or Insolvency 1. y Notes and A dily d,'and MONEY ' TO . LOAN, On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. Special tention will be given ta the ne- o| 8otiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon having their applications atended to promptly, and ai small expense. Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. {Insurances affected in the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Yasurnse Company. E. MAJOR. Official Assignee and Valuator Orrice.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadian Bank. Port Perry, let Dec., 1868, . 4 promptly made b : 4 10 per cent \ (As T am d "lattention to 'BROOKLIN. © CARRIAGE E FACTORY |Carriages, Than any other establishment in the County, for Cash or. .C ordwo od] ned'to. sell Cheap Jou may depend on 'geting 'as the times are hard. 05-1 ould call "the Undertak-. ing department. Coffin Trim mi g ofall kinds. "Coffins of , Ne "size con thy "on hand. a Ne piel 2 | Also 'the best hearse in North or SK) is Pm 'SouthOntario. Charges moderate LABS BI {JG A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. "W. H. PARK. good arg Bator Aspens, March 1, 1871. Now Ready! AT THE ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY i 'Largest and best wsiortad Stock of = CUTTERS! Ever offered to the public in North Ontario, manufactured by the best 'workmen, and from the choicest material. 3 To be Sold at suca Prices ag will per cen per annum; according posit, Port Perry, Jan. 25, 1871. f A some E08 log ho trees bearing. . | a, Clos- 1 Interostaliow ved on Dosa Foie dod Fre i SH . W. H. SMITH, alin & a § 3 THAT VERY DESIRABLE FARM Being the west 'half of Lot No. 20, in Re Jatin concession of Reaeh, containing 100 50 acres cleared and in a tion, first Sluis whéat Iai a the other 50 acres. is good and mixed with sufficient pine for- | bi Dallding vod land On the premises 2 is a ouse and stable, and a Young ( will be sold ch and on easy ! PRL payment. * Title Indlspatable. t For furthet particulars apply if by oe J aid, to the Be PrOpHletgre, "As MeCONNELL, On the premises: Or 10 WM. KENNEDY, + © Plank's Mill--Uxbridge. 'CALL, AT J lin SUN hrvLAND, CH E AP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, "BOOTS & SHOES, &e. 1 an Jug Seulity increasing an. at Sunderland has induced me to add a Toailering Department ohne I have just finished a new Tailor i n = ad secured the ST, 2 first class \T: ail or, and am now upnish Clo gob op in the Intest Rr olpie ba saa Defy Competition, Prince Albert, Nov. 24, 1870. JAMES EMAN EY. BROWN & PATTERSON'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS WHITBY. To the Farmers of the Counts y of Ontario and surrounding' country. WE BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Harvesting Implements We are now manufacturing the JONSTON' SELE-RAKING: REAPER ! 'Which we confidently believe to be the BEST HARVESTING REA CHINE In the Dominion = We wagrant it to be equal i in Jrish and workmanship to any machine puilt, twill cut Where no other will work, Itis warranted to give satisfaction. We also REY the ---- Ohio Combined Reaper and Mower And have made sbme very VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS for the harvest of 1869, Our CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER is the standard Mower wherever it has been introduced. The above Machines are being made of good material and with dde regard to efficiency and quality. 33 Send for circular, which will be sent free of charge. ' £ BROWN & PATTERSON. Waitsy, June 9, 1869; ~ PORT PERRY ™ fetgrnn g hanks to his numerous oie and and customers for past favors, the sube seriber would inform them, and the pubhe generally, that having on 'hand the LAKGEST STOCK 'OF SEASONED LUMBER in, the County of Ontario, he is manulfactuning And all ¥inds of Agriculiotal Implements, unsurpassed i in aye 'or finish in the country, and as cheap % the cheapest. ) oF 293 SESHORING done on improved i Part, Parry, Juoe 16, 1869: £3 GU. WHITE. b x Mer 5 <§E F ne 0 | asap lie 8 ings tLe gE 851 Om fe pEl pli chi onl 10 spp? Slpeliynd hi Basis i gti iE BE . 38 $i 8 ia | gi Ze i 25.1 we df ie NX 'N EW DOMINION » IR RE oe Abr and Bape ti ce ors, tors. STighs, ond Tagen maeied op class Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted: WAGON Sunes, IML '0. . DONOVAN, 'PRACTICAL tis G57 Cail e 3 Maker! ad RG THE TOWN HALL, .. . BROCK STREET, WHITBY I TENOR honzge or Tangled Grain a Good fie t areantety % ram rodnce of ali kinds taken in exchange for J Cash pid for Hides and Sheepskins. | J. W. R! Sunderland, x 30, 1870. 48-1y MINE 5 PER CENT, : improved Yom and Town Property, - 'BY THE ' Imperial Building, Savings and Invest- ment Company, For Periods extending fi THREE t YEARS, to suit re Re yibie Monthly, Halt-yearsy or yearly instalments. oFFICEL 50 CHURCH-ST., TORONTO. Loans of $500 and upwards are ne; otinted fe eriods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at eroded 4 ow rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the loan be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 5} per cent is charged, and if 'in monthly Teatalnents Y only 5 per cent'is asked. $6.25 per month wlll x both principal and interest of a loan of } 500 in 10 years. Other amounts in a cor- t responding ratio. The Full Amount of the Loan without deduction. % Sven § Jorvsyansiag, charges reduced to the very lowest rate; E. MAJOR. AGENT, BORELIA P. 0. REACH. Sept. 15, 1870. LAND! LAN D, WILD AND CLEARED. SEVER food Cleared Farms for sale on easy terms. Also, SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRES! * Of ch 1d 1 Py Poterton A hl] 8 oS Suntiera o Apyly to BT --__ JAMES LAMON, | Main street, Uxbridge. Orrios.--~Over Armstrong's Hotel. | NB. Ti ys dae shove lands il bo esclanged for < Ixbridge, June 9 18¢9. 23 ee on™ STILL PROSPERING ! Reduced ed Prices HE Subscriber oto. to say that h T pared to sell all Rinds of 18 pre, FURNITURE "hii ny Nor i ---------- te ; TABLES, "Ok sonst of BUREAUS. SIDEBOARDS, Cc UPBOARDS, WRITING DESES SEDSTEADS, STANDS, WOOD & CANE SEAT CHAIRS; ROCKING CHAIRS, &c. EE Brag Heed ~ « \ 4 Undevtii my Hearse with a Bi DOUBLE! SET" OF NEW PL PLUMES, am prepared to stiend nd Fuscraly eit as An on uifitand ou Ry in Nori hero uth ih 15% Coe made orion Ge Butler CA | ah, Yd DT = (Pr sri WM. HE, ARD Se ensisions] Feb, 10,1670 | YK 4 Ta made \WORK order with neatness and di; ts WARRANTED, spatch. Particular attention paid to Topaing, A; 7.46bb oe Alot Wir conga on} hard it from best malofial. Work Bios, Birgh is 'N.B. Agést for monumentsand Borelia, Dec. 9, 1868, "i Sa sions. ag

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