I SG = A SO SE ------_-- ~~ uow TO owas A "HUSBAND. ..00ata onto--ope of them broke oph, and the * this side of the ceiling. ss A woman, who Se frequently to be! beaten by her husband, went toa man, to inqllite how she might cure her) spouse of this barbarity. The sagacious soothsayer heard her com-! plaint, and after prononneing some hard. words, and using various gestulations then _ filled a vial with a colored liquid, desiring her, wh er her husband was in passi to lake a 'mouthfal of the liquor, and Se m- in her mouth for five' minutes. The woman, quite overjoyed at the sf plioity of the semedy, strictly followed the |W} directions given her, ami by her silence escaped the -usual chastisement. The con. tents of the bottle. Bing at last expended, she feturaed to the o ning man, anxiously begging to have another p d of the | (2 ERIACES, * WAGONS, BUGGIES. WHITBY AND UXBRIDGE. igned takes oceasion to announce "TE ade epi: a branch of his business UXBRIDGE, , covered and « il be bo found Puggies, covered and open in the ions Aad boot ke t = le, and Frases ihe es SS ie and poy his work can be always relied upo: _ 3% Repairs executed with promptitude Sl same virtue. ¢ Fooly? said the man, ¢ hele wae nothing in the le bat brown sugar and water.-- When your husband is in a passion, hold your tengue, and my life for it he will no! "lay a finger npon you.' JOSH BILLINGS ON HOTELS, Yu will diskover the follwing diskrip- shun a mild one, ov about 9 hotels, out ov 10 between the Atlantick and Paeifick ©oshuns akrost the United States in a sirate line. Yure room is 13 foot 7 inches by 91oot 7 inches, parallegramly. It being court week (ez usual) all the good rooms are emplog'ed bi lawyers and aindges. Yure room-iz on the utmost floor. * The" ckrBet is ogTaim ingrained with "dom, kerosun ile, and ink spots ov four generashuna. ; Thera iz two in the room tew hitch other pulled out and iz missing. The buro has three legs and one brick. The glass to the buro swings on two piv- ots which hev lost their grip. Thare iz one towel on the rack, thin but wet. The rain water in the pitcher cum out of the well. The soap iz about ez wf to ware az a whetstone. The edap iz sented with cinnamon ile, ,and variegated with spots. Thare iz three chares, cane seeters, one iz & rooker, and all three iz busted. /Fhare iz a match box empty. * YThare iz no kurtiog to the window, and fhare don't want to be any: you kan't see out, "and who kan see in. The bell rope iz cut orph about six inches The bed iz a modern slat bottom, with {wo naltrasses, one cotton and husk, and both harder and about ez thick eza sea biskit. Yu enter the bed sideways, and Wan feel every slat at once ez easy aa you could the 1ibs of a gridiron. The bed iz inhabited. Yu sleep some and roll over a great deal. For breakfast you have a gong and rhy doffee tew kold to melt butter ; dried pota- toes which resemble the ehips that a two inch auger makes on his journey through a oak log. Bread spoiled, beefstake about ez thick ez a blister plaster, and az tough az a hound'e ear. Table covered with plate ; few scared to death pickels on both ov them, fly in- doreed pickles on the other. A pewterinktom castor with three bottles in ily ene without any pepper in it, one without. any mustard, and one with about two inches of dround flies and some vine- garin it Servant gal, with hoops on, hangs around u earnestly, and wants to know if you want another cup of coffee. Yu say 4 No mom, TI thank you," and push, buck yure chare. * Yo hevn't eatenough to pay for picking "gure teeth. FRANCE. A TERRIBLE FUNERAL. . The remains of three hundred victims of the recent battles were buried in the eementry of Pere La Chaise on Thursday. They were followed to the grave by an immense procession of National Guards and citizens. . G) BETWEENS, The party of conciliation are redsubling their efforts. Several placards devoted to their object | have appeared, all of which liberty for Paris. Hopes are. entertained that an armistice of 48 hours will be concluded for ap exchange of prisoners. Le Temps proposes to despatch Louis Blanc to Versailles to negotiate with Thiers the condition of a new election law, £0 embrace the convocation of the electors for a choice of a constitutional assembly. AN IMPORTANT CORPS. A pew corps called Paris Avengers, is in course of formation, the members of which are to operate 8s skirmishers, All the large sbops have been ched_ Ly A few second] hand open and covered buggies at the Whitby establishment for sale. ing in the of Carriage 'manufac- we ne in aviendod to g Whitby as usual. All work warranted SA AMUEL WALKEY. Whitby and Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. 28 NEW AND CHEAP ST a RE SUNDERLAND, BROCK. HE undersigned would respectfully an- nounce that he bus now got into his New Store at the Vil lage.of underland, and is pre- paced to supply the" inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with thie' LATEST STYLES OF FIBST * CLASS Embracing everything 'necessary for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Fresh Groceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he oan meet the wishes of the people of Brock and surrounding townships, both as 'to . Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them. R. E. PORRITT. 33 The highest price given for every descrip- tion of Farm Produce. Sunderland; May 17, 1870. 20 _ _ FOR CHEAP AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO JL CARPBIELL 'CANNINGTON. Cannington, Jan. 12, 1870, Marriage Licenses ! Issued by Authority, E. MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 . order of the sub central committee for men di serve in this organization. Brooklin Drug Store 3 HN Di AWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicins, Paints, Oils, Dye-S{uffs, Groceries, &c | 1c Wines and Liquors for medicinal paTTIE tay on 8 MEDICINES, MONEY I MONEY! A Valuable Property FO R SALE! en ELSE TE lot ans Sportal £ Soun a fruit-be "trees, shrubs, ke. ey ding | an abundant ° supply of <4hem Sholos apples, c. Over Yeady to BE ear, ith, 1000 0 plas oe oy bearing trees fit far, die Bg ES The land is fot the best locatio hg tion, aud the n ia TERMS REASONABLE. fsputable, and pose ARRISON HAIGHT, flora for Sale that excellent CHRISTIE, P CLERK for Resch, Cone FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engive willy DRY GOODS!" [CARRIAGE & PUMPS Es PUMPS IY rr EH You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Provide At'J. IRV I N°S PATENT PUHP FACTORY 1 B o R B LIA. Nee the-Prices ¢ Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 clagper foot, Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot, Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up fo $8. £ Also every other description of Pomp a Equally Low Rates." had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and ¢ ie Union Hinton the Hy fecls confident that he can perfectly satisfy all that will favor ith a eall > A rar for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, Borevnia. Borelia, Sept. 209, 1870. ~ W. Hepinstall PRACTICAL WAREH.- MARES, TZ And Jeweller, - The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other .stylesd of "Watches . Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. Parties wishing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before purchas- ing elsewhere. #5=All kinds of Watches. and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. ; 40 MONEY TO LEN The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money In XT.arge or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 07 Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with description of the security offered, to 3; Ww M. "COCHRANE Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. HARRISON MAYV, ! Contractor and Builder, | 7 PORT PERRY! Is prepared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish of ip the latest styles, w ith' all the most modern improve- (=Plans and Specifica HARRISON MAW. ments. Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call. tions made to order. Port Perry, May 12, 1870. OFF ICIAL ASSIGNEE Greneral Agency Office. HE Undersigned having received or appointment of Official Assignee for North On- T tario, is prepared to give prampt attention to all matters in Bankruptey or Insolvency Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittances promptly made MONEY TO LOAN, On good farm security-at 8 per cent Interest. --Speeial attention will be given to the ne- 5) Sotiarions of loans, and borrowers can rely upon having their applications attended to promptly, and at small expense. Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. (Zlosurances affected in the Ontario Farmers' Mutual-Insurance Company. " E. MAJOR, . Official Assignee and Valuator Oryice.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadian Bank. Port Perry, lst Dec., 1868. 4 'ous. 0 sy 100 ap Jo fo opp ww dd 'we finand uodn suvory wiopun aml INVOT OI 28 fo so ma 7, -- *0L8T 'OT yo4vpy "fissdd 140d pood es ---- "hbdog rod --3pojg smopdig huvdwoy souninsuf afvy rommpy souvipy oy 4of 1uasy OST wo sup se. SPUD SYEALLT 0 4 USS UUULOY) 0 a wns suo or shod oguz jue) 100 & is pos 40 954m) hupduoy ays fo funy 23 fig paxy & D 'quad als 'ANMOAH "H 'MN pons -ST SaSNZorT aoviyavi osTV 10 per cent © BROOKLIN. - | LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER (Carriages, 8 'S = & 3 wt a Bh of. Agrenlutal plimonts, Snsuipassed in syle or finish in the country, igs HE) a 4 £3 RSESHOEING done on Woes incites, w ; G. U. WHITE. = Fo 1 . id Port Yon, Juve 16, 1558: HI a SR Sd A Be 35 a ----_ rY, ---- Ts i isi datas ipa y = 3 - a Every description of Furniture on on Fog will ool caper) Than any other establishment in the County, for Cash or Cordwood As I am determined to sell Cheap you may' depend on ri i eg woul good bargains, as the times are hard, attention to the Undertak- ing department. Coffin Trim- mings of all kinds. "Coffins of eyery bize constantly on hand. Also the best hearse in North or SouthOntario. Chargesmoderate 0G= A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. W. H. PARK. Prince Arsert, March 1, 1871. Now Ready! AT THE ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY The Largest and best assorted Stock of Ever offered to the public in North Ontario, manufactured by the best workmen, and from the choicest material. To be Sold at suc Prices as will Defy Competition, Prince Albert, Nov. 24, 1870. . JAMES EMANEY. BROWN & PATTERSON'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS WE IY. o the Farmers of the County of Oniciin Go surrounding country. We BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Harvesting Implements We are now manufacturing the JOINSRON SELE-RAKING REAPER ! 'Which we confidently believe to be the BEST HARVESTING MACHINE In the Dominion We warrant it to be equal in finish and workmanship to any machine puilt, Regen or Tangled Grain Where no other will work. It is warranted to give satisfaction. 103 We also manufacture the Ohio Combined = Reaper cond Mower And have made some very VALUABLE _-- EMEN 78 for the harvest of 1869. Our CAYUGA JUNTOR MOWER is the standard Mower wherever it has been introduced, The above Machines are being made of good material and with due regard to efficiency and quality. ¥33= Send for circular, which will be sent free of charge. BROWN & PATTERSON, Waitsy, June 9, 1869. "PORT PERRY CAR RIAGE E_ FACTORY | I returning thanks to his numgrons i ened ~ customers for t favors, the sub seriber wauld "inform thom, and the py. 10 generally, that ha ving on hand the in tha County of "Ontario, he is { 'manufactiring Wagons ! : Le Suyum, Boeoring niavin® diel PERRY | ery Clos REIOR HOURS) Qsitto'm on Deposits 2 ath Four tomo Th aan: : SUNDERLAN D. DRY GOODS, "GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &e. The large and Meally increash Dato bestowed gd upod me sini sitet at Sunderland fi ep toads Tailoring Department To my bussness. 1 have just finished Tailoring Shop, ang ove jus the pan 8 4 of a irst class and am now prepared 'o Tail ish Clothi th up in the lates! 1 prnish h thing g got up 0) t style, and 5 Farm Produce of all kinds taken fn exchange for Cash paid for Hides and Shussags J. HURD. 48-1y Sunderlandg Nov. 30, 1870.. Improved Farm and Town Property, BY THE Imperial Building; Savings and Tavest- ment Company. For Periods extending from THREE to TEN YEARS, to sit Borrowers, Beparalls in Monthly, Halt-yeariy or yearly instalmen OFFICE~50 CHURCH-ST., TORONTQ, Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for Patiods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the loan be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 5} per cent is charged, and if in monthly lutte. only 5 per cent is asked, $6.25 per month will 4d both principal and interest of a loan of 500 in 10 years. Other amounts in a cor. responding ratio. The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced without deduction. _ ; Conveyancing charges reduged 10 the very lowest rates. E. MAJOR. AGENT, BORELIA P. 0.--~REACH, Sept. 15, 1870. 37 LAND! LAND. WILD AND CLEARED. QEVERAL good) Cleared Farms for sale. on casy terms. Also, SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRES! Of choice wild land for sal the: Counti Peterboro, Victoria, Se oy Bl Apyly to JAMES LAMON. : Main street, Uxbridge. Orrice.--Over Armstrong's Hotel. N. B. The above lands will be excl d Royal Canadian Bank St os RsoEsd ior xbridge, June 9 1869. 23 STILL PROSPERING ! Reduced. ed Prices. \ |e Scvseribie bmg to say that he is pre. pared to sell all kinds of FURNITURE As Cheav as anv_other Establishment in North Ontario! My stock consists of BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, CUPBOARDS, WRITING 'DESKS | TABLES, SEDSTEADS, STANDS, woobn s CANE SEAT CHAIRS; ROCKING CHAIRS, §¢. A large number of Steel Engravisgs, tramed * ither with wood or gilt. ing DOUBLE SET OF ELE routing to Ritend Fun and % Nor - of all si aad, Jo of Walnut J sod selection of oma po ------ 12 ceired § rom ¥ best TED. --B, 000 fact ood i Sehdonied Pine. irch, Butteraut, ai Based Lumber. N.B. Agent for mosumen Borefias Dee. 9, 1868. a fies pas |, THE. NEW WACOM SHOP Prince Albert and Manchester. a eolic si dadpanst 1 Wagons, , Sleigh, Sevicieia nplensnis mangoctred iris, Poems Oui gis. and dgridui : [J Fit olass Horseshoeing done. All Work Warmanted, El A ourt o attended [rT "HEARD Provrietors. | & WM. 'Prineé Albert and Manchester, Feb, 10, 1670. SHOPS, BROCK STREET, WHITBY I M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL. er ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, 00D of Bug y on on pd made from bést material. Work I censes (BY AUTHORITY.) SUED at Port: Perry ySfficey" Dio th nas cua Pot Perry, Nov. 11th, 1860, __ PATENTS IR VENTER, the Sng proTeriyas rN ERT Sears, oe HENKY GRIST, « Orrawa, Canada, Marriage ne 10 Ai with ho nd teh. iri Bir ALL WORK WARR TH dispal oh Partioular attention pd to fepiiiing Mec eal Trg Solicitor of P Digi roe hd $0 HE AP. +3 ie