x Y ~~ Christian HAVE AND PARASOLS IN THE TRADE, As well as the best assortment of LADIES' & MISSES' PRUNELLA Canada and Scotch Tweeds. Prints, Dress Goods. Black Lustres. Color"d do : Black Cobourgs. Grey and White Cottons. Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, &c. ----AND-- JA Prices "THAT CANNOT FAIL TO | Please the Purchaers, : EITHER FOR in Siocle™ aie RRL - i rnd Black Alpacca LASHOR HANH | te sal Plaster, and Water Lime always Black Alpacca 12c ay Black Alpacca 17c Black Alpacca 20c 25¢ Black Alpacca 27c Black Alpacca 4 Black Alpacca 35c Black Alpacca 37c Black Alpacca 40c Black Alpacca 45¢ Black Alpacca' 50c Black Alpacca 75c¢ Black Cobourgs, Black Cobotrgs, : Black Coboupgsy mm, Black Cobourgs, Black Cobourgs, Black Cobourgs Black French Merinos, Black French Merinos, Black French Merinos, "> Black French Merinos, Bla€k French Merinos BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE. BLACK SHAWLS, BLACK SHAWLS, BLACK SHAWLS, BLACK SHAWLS, BLACK SHAWLS. I BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, . BLACK SILKS, BLACK CRAPE, BLACK CRAPF, BLACK CRAPE, BLACK CRAPE. MOURNING COLLARS, MOURNING COLLARS, ' MOURNING COLLARS. Black Parasols, : Black Parasols, Black Parasols, Black Parasols, Black Sun Thats, Black Sun Hats, Black Sun Hats, ' Black Sun Hats. BLACK STRAW BONNETS, BLACK SASH RIBBONS. BLACK SASH RIBBONS. THE BEST ASSORTMENT. THE BEST ASSORTMENT: The Lowest Prices. |n. The Lawest Pfjces. G. CURRIE. Irae ian, oy, 187. + 30¢| BLACK STRAW BONNETS. | New 'A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Spring Good AT W. ML. WIGHTMAN'S & co's, So po, ia PROPELLING POWER: New TinShop AT SUNDERLAND. Immense Stock,=---all WewenPrices Fxceedingly Low. BL The Subscriber would beg to inform the inbabitants' of Brock, Reach," "Mariposa, and surrounding Townships, that he bas opened a very extensive Stock of Tinware, Hard- ware, &c., in every variety, in the rising village of Sunderland, and will be pleased to meet with all who may require § bis wares. Low Prices, attention to business, and good °F Goods will insure a trade. Produce of every description taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &ec. I flatter myself that "with cash to pay for my Goods, and a long experience in the manufacturing of tinware, I am able to offer uncommon inducements to purchasers. p@~ Coll and see for yourselves, ~~ Suxpsriawn, May 13, 197), JOHN W. PARISH. Lehi For ood Sepsis Elirse 6 ta D (CARRIAGES, PBUCCIES. WAGONS, &c. Masufsctared by 'the best workmen, and from choice material, go to the ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY" Prince Albert. el Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. : JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, May 18, 1871. - FREE TRADE IE . And Sailors' Rights. 3 Reasons Why oy JONES BROTHERS & GO. DOING A CREDIT BUSINESS. First. « Bysgffelling only for' Casi OR READY Pax they 'avoid Bap pring INTERENT, ahd REDUCE ALL EXP HL which ef able them to buy and sell their Goods from 10° to 20 per cent i il than Goods bought and sold en time. - 3 Cp » J Second. Having the immense advantage of commencing business with an ExtireLy NEw Stock, selected with great care during a de= cline in prices, their New Goods are 25 per cent-cheaper than old and depreciated Goods. Third. They do not © Bait" by selling a few articles at cost, but offer their entire Stock at the Lowest Livive Prorir, and by rigidly adhering to the Oxe Price SysTEM, they give every customer equal value and equal justice. JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, May 10, 1871. A AL COS" -- 00 CS ---- large and choice Stock of WINES & LIQUORS . | Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for quality and are sold at such prices as make it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Toc onfinue and increase that liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in the past. First class Wines, Brandies, Gis, Holland and Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, Family Proof, &e., &ec. A large and choice Stock of Fresh Groceries. our Teas and Tobaccos. (Z~ Absolutely pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. (<7 Prices to suit the times. or : A. SINCLAIR. Prince Albert, March 15, 1870, . TIMOTHY SEED. seo LPP Pres Medical Hall! - PRINCE ALBERT ! 2 quantity of prime Fimothy Seed. xpected in-a few days Garden, Field and Wh ced. . Top Onion Sets all pure and fresh. (7 Terms Oash. ' W. A. TOMLINSON. Special care taken in selecting Prince Albert, March 15, 1871. |Court of Revision D° not ruin Jour ¢ eye-sight by wearing common spectacles ; ine. tenths of al eye diseasé is een by wea: impropi : glagses, "LAZARUS S MO % MORI perfect. T= Court of Revision to revise the Assess Si Seeding sol th a a LRU ge 1 th, agen gla e juve the sols 9 dy, Yr They ih Township of Reach, cause a continuous and abiding improve- For the year 1871,will be held at theTown Hall, ment in the eyes, and assist your sight most * "Manchester, voted are seul hemselves My numerous customers and the public generally are respectfully informed that my brilliantly. ON TUESDAY, 30tu MAY, INST., w. I. "McCAW, At 10 clock 8. my, of which all parties inter- + AGENT, JOHN CHRISTIE, "Remember the i Scott's us Fl a por PORT PERRY... Clerk. xl : "i. waacon, 12" Port Perry, May 18, 1671, 8-1y | Reach; May 1' 1870, ,}6-¢w Prmee Albert, Dec. 30,1869, . : k : ' Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my lar, and valuablé stock of Roots & Shoes from my Port Perry estal lishment, and by doing so, I have added about $3,000 worth to my Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before receiving the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establishes ment is greatly overstocked. In order to remedy this great in convenience, I have determined to sell at cost, and even under cost, until T have reduced my stoek to the extent of four or five thousand déll" I would now say to all who desire to <ecure decidedly great bargains in Boots & Shoes, tht such an opportunity but rarely occurs, and it may be a long time ere one so favorable again presents itseli. The phrase * selling at cost" is not uncommon, and sometimes carries little mean ing witht. It is seldom' an object for any one to sell at c@st, but under present cir cumstances, in order to reduces ny stock within as short a space of lime as possible, E am compelled to offer such bargains as will induce the public to carry off my goods with a rush. 'L'be quality of the stock and the prices at-which 1 will offer it, will put all competition out of the question. " My Spring purchases for both establishmen's were well selected and bought en the A noet favorable terms, and ail will go at the cost price. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity of getting the best value for your money in Boots and Shoes which you ever got. JOSHUA WRIGHT. HE CNION "DRUG, GROCERY! CW. M. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opvosite Scott's Ene PRINCE ALBERT ! Invite the special attention of (he public fo their extensive rewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gias, Hol. land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &e p-Rim-- Whisky, Malt and Old id yo Jobn Bull Bitters, &c. A large and well selected, Stock of Fresh Groceries of i superior quality. r Teas can't se beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and modezation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. A choic2 ot of Tobaceos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chamicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Thoroughly reliablp Patent Medicines, 7% Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. uu yiing in Stock is of superior quality and will be wold at the Jowest vemuners. tive Prices. SELL G00DS CHEAPER THAN STORES Liquor Store! phos % EEL id «So es