Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 May 1871, p. 4

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. 3 7 Id Sir William Wallace Will stand for Mares this Season, 1871, AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY. May 1st, he wiil leave his-own stable, lof 2nd con. Reuch, and proceed to Foy's Hultel, Port Perry, at noon, and remain two houss : thence Ww John Mark's, 11h con., and remain all night, 1 TUERDAY, i pngeed: tof E Bolton's, Pleasant Joint hence to Juckson's Hotcl i Mita, ® how pickin oll night, DAY, will proceed 10 Bauk's Hotel, Oak= EQiESD noon, and remain two hours, thenfe wes' » Conway's Hotel, Manilla, and remain all nigl t, THORSDAY. proceed to Camplell's ote), Sunder- inl renin two hours, thence to Udoa und remain ull night, FRIDAY. proceed couth to Jenkins at noon, nnd min twa burs, the ne 8 ote! (A RRM4CES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, WHITBY AND UXBRIDGE -- T= 'undersign Decasion to announce his business ed 18 as openly UXBRIDGE, Where will be found Buggies, covered and id and other vehicles of his own manufacture, go up in the latest and best style, and always kept on hand. As he uses none but best materiai and employs none but the best 'workmen, the quality of his work can be always' relied upon, ap K3~ Repairs executed with promptitude and 'w second-hand open and covered buggies at 2% Whitby establishment for sale. Everything in the way of Carriage manufac- tie and repairs tieded to at Whitby as usual. All work warrante: SAMUEL WALKEY. Whitby and Uxbridge, July 15, 1869. 28 Uxtrisige und remnin 'al bh 4 SATURDAY, will proceed to Hockridge's 'Hotel, owns, @ied remain two hous, thence to ig aid remain anil the following Mon. day mi nd Wh. PEDLAR, Proprietor. Raech, April 19,1671, Tr THOROUGH BRED STALLION i en GREY. EAGLE] . : Wik stand for mares this season at his'own stable, Kpsom. PHILIP MOTSON, Epsom, May 1, 1871. Im Mortgages Wanted. Proprietor. Te Subscribers have large sums of money placed in their lands for the investment improved Faims, Village Properties, aud pon Ths Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on h+nd at all times Borrowers can 'depend on gettin, their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchale number of Mosiganes for which the high- Avra will be allowed. We are also appraisers tor the Canada Per "| Store at the Village of Snunderland, and is pre- pared: to supply the Ce "of Jrock and. Freer). DRY GOODS! LATEST ¢ Sunderland, May 17, 1870. NEW AND CHEAP _ STORE SUNDERLAND, BROCK: . HE und d would fi nonnce that he has now got into hi New surrounding' or. ASS Fubraris everythin , necessary for Ladies" = and Gent men's wear. tn A PINE ASSORTMENT OF rr resh Groceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &ec. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that ne cun meet the wishes of the people of Brock and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which be sells them. R. E. PORRITT. X3~ The highest price given for every descrip- tion of Farm Produce. 3 0 manent Building Society, the largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments TE:payable in from 2 two 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. 3° Agents torseveral first class Fire Insur- ance Ccapanies. Collections made and » "general agency busi- ness transacted. $&" DLBENTURES BOUGHT. "@i& JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T. O. Forman's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. HURRAH FOR WHITE'S Dominion , Gardens! irl, Jie LL kinds of Cabbage Cawliflowcr, Tomato, Cucumber, Melon, Celery, and Pepper Plants; and all kinds of Vegetables in their season. JOHN WHITE, GARDENER. + Gardens Opposite the Presbyterian Church, { Prince Albert. . May 3, 1871. 18-2m Aun Apprentice Wanted ANTED--an active intelligent boy as an WwW Appentice to the Tinsmith Business. Apply without delay to J. W. PARRISH, Port pene 'Port Perry, May 2, 1871. TICE NOTICE. This is to forbid Sil, partic purchasing or stherwise negotiating a Note of hand for twenty olars made by George Taylor, in favor of R. B. 3pinks, Ksq, or bearer, on or about the 24th av pote 1855, nnd payable six months afer ate. Suid Note having been lost payment of he same has been some . B. SPINKS.. 18-3w mAdnad Cartwright, May 4th, wart ARRIVAL New Watches, : New Clocks, tt AND Fancy Jewelry " CHEAP I"UR (ASH, AT John Dicsfeld's, PRINCE ALBERT. | Prince Athen, Tory 18, 1871. FER wi DUKE ATH A, © "of Wat. a egoie, Ju. Tiot 10, 7th 2 |$5FF5EE 8 2D = Hla == sz 2 B= n° ; o We. wg sz 5 2 fo 1 Reh: 18 _ 8 a [pla =» bg % | SERE [May 2 (otis ition ® pd £2] 2 13 2 ° =) Marriage CHEAP AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS|!I Groceries, Hardware, 2 Crockery, Boots, & Shocs, &c. GO TO JL CLHPBELLY CANNINGTON. | Cannington, Jan. 12, 1870, \ PUMPS 1 ! Contractor and Builder, : Aas & WAGON SEOPS, PUMPS 1? You can get the best wd oh cheapest Pi Pump in the Provinces At J. IRVIN'S PATENT PUHP FACTORY I B OREBEBLI A See the Prices: FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pamps at 50 cte per foot. Common Log Pamps at 40 ots per fout. Common turned Sus.ion Pumps at 3501 per foot. Cistern Pampe, a complete Pamp, from $3 up to $8. ° Also every other description of Pomp at Equally Low Rates. oe ' Having had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canad d th Dited od Sates, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisly "al that will favor him with a call . All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attenled to, Please? \duress, JOHN | V.N, Borgnia. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, L ; W.He pinstall ep WATCH ~ - MAKER, And kbd 0 Hye The American Lever Russell's Celebrated aul other styles of Watches oe Rh ooutapily on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. iE ies wishing any thing in his line would do well and éxamine before pirchis. 'e is Hi a A Kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and Cp Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870, 40 MONEY TO LEND The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money In Large. or Small: Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest i very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. (T= Several first class farms for sale on'easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with description of the security offered, to W M. COCHRANE Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. HARRISON MAW, PORT PERRY! prepared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Sprep or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern i improve - ments. Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call. (G=Plansand.Specifica tions made to order. HARRISON MAW, Port Perry, May 12, 1870. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE Greneral Agency Office. HE Undersigned having received a. I t of Official Assig for North On- T Latin, is p+ pared to ave prompt attention to all matiers in Bankruptcy or Insolvency | lected, and promptly made | Promissory Notes and A MONEY TO LOAN, On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest, Speci! attention will be given to the ne- ako loans, and borrowers can rely upon having thew applications atiended fo promptly, and ai small expense. } tho, Lands, both Improved and Lninprored, CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. 5 Iosurarices affected in the Outario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. spesdily « 5 E. MAJOR. Official Assignee and Valuator Orrice.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadisn Bank, i 1G: per cent - ---- {attention ~# Privce Apert. March 1, 1871, » For Spring, 1871. and Choice Selection of Shrubs, Vines, &ec. Which he'has constantly on hand, and will dispose of at reasonable prices. Parties deecirous of purchasing will please make suily: application. (= All orders and C ications prompily \, : C. C.- KELLETT, Port id March 15, 1871. Box 97- PORT PERRY. PRINCE ALBERT [RNITURE EGEROOR, nd and will be sold s ~ Every description of Farnitare now 0 Than any other establishment in The Cony, for Cash or Cordwood; As I'am determined to 'sell Cheap you. may depend 'on: getting 0G-1 would call good bargains, as the times are hard. to. the - Undertak- ing department. _ Coffin 'Frim- mings of all kinds. Coflins of every size constantly on hand. Also the best hearse in North or SouthOntario._ Charges moderate (G= A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. W. H. PARK. £== BROWN & PATTERSON'S (ULTURAL WORKS wWEITBY. ------ To the Farmers of the County of Ontario and surrownd:ng country. WE BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Harvesting Implements|* We are now manufacturing the WONTON SULE-RARING REAPER Which we confidently believe to be the BEST HARVESTING MACHINE hi In the Dominion We warrant it to be equal in finish and wc t will cut Lodged or Tangled Grain Where no other will work. It is warranted to give satisfaction. 03. We also manufacture the Ohio Combined Reaper and Mower And have made some very VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS for the harvest of 18¢0. Onr CAYUGH JUNIOR MOWER is the standard Mower whevever dt has been introdured. The above Machines are being made of good material and with due regard to efficiency and quality. ¥3 Send for eiveular, which will be sent free of charge, BROWN & PATTERSON. ouilt, p to any Waitny, June 9, 1869. POR PERRY 'THE NEW DOMINION Prince Albertand Manchestex. : i of the ar Wagons; QutterSlelyharon 3 tuple oelired : Tusa by Autboriy. : or Fim clags Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. J. & HE. ARD Prourietors. M. ©. DONOVAN, PRACTILCAL Carriage #2 Ma ker! +) NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK 'STREET, WHITEY | WM. 'Albert and Manchester, Feb. 10,1870 i i Bu oort h de fi vo terial. Work amie het gr by 0 1] » ® ~ The Subscriber would call the attention of Planters to the large J i \| Tr 0 1h \] Fruit and @rnamental Trees, Ontario B snk; PORT PERRY ERRY BRANCH; om Ro ths OFcE davR m. on FS | Interest allowed on Deposits at Four and Fixe 1 {ie per annum, according to term of des '| pos "W. H. SMITH, Manacems Port Perry, Jan. 25, 1871. : CALL AT SUNDERLAND, FOR CHEAP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &e. Wi large and Beniily increasing patronage at Sunderland has induced mie to add a Tailoring Department To my bussness. I have just finished Tailoring Shop, and Ey Eisley & bd fo Shaxy ior, 8 A ng am now p prepared 'o urnish Clothing go n the it; Good Fit Canbid ii vie, aad . Fam Produce of all kinds taken. fn exchange for Go Cash paid; for Hides and Sheepskins, Sunderland, Nov. 30; geri 1x TO LOAN Improved Farin and 'Town. Property, BY THE Imperial Building, Savings and Invest. ; ment Company. 3 Py Parole extending from THREE to TEN RS, to soit Borrowers, Re-payable in Monthly, r,Halt-yearty ory early Fe OFFICE- 50 CHURCH. ST., TORONTO: Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for eriods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate orb pe T cent per annum bat if the loan. be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 6§ per cent is charged, and if in monthly instalments. only 5 per cent is asked. $6.25 per month will pay both prineipal and interest of a loan ot 500 in 10 years. Other amounts in a cor responding ratio, The Full Amount of th without deduction, R Lean ia advanued Conveyancing charges reduced to the very lowest rates. E. MAJOR. AGEST, . BORELIA P. 0.--REACH.. 37 STILL PROSPERING | Reduced Prices ---- HE Subscriber hegs to say that he T paced to sell all Kinds of iad HURNITERE Cheav as anv_other Establishment i in North Ontario! My stock corsists of Sept. 15, 1870. TABLES. BUREAUS. SIDEROARDS, CUPBOARDS, "RITING YEDSTEADS, ING DESES STINDS, : WuouD & CANE SEAT CIIAIRS; ROCKING CHAIRS. &e. A large number of Steel E; ither with wcod cr gilt. S RusteTings ul Special Suton id to idertald Inv --_-- my Hearse with ine. DOUBLE. SET OF NEW PLUMES Tam prepared to attend Funerals with as good an outfit and au as reasonable terms as Any (other party in North or South Ontario. jw 8 of all sizes constantly kept on hand, ade ot Wy alant Unk, Hulternat, &e. goad selection. of Cof i ceived from the best 'markets. mings just je el, Pine, Birch Bator, nos 1iood, Seasoned Aud Jagsweoed Lumber, JOHN NOT. N.B. Agent for monuments and tomb stones Borelia. Dee. 9, 1868. 9 Port Perry, lst Dec., 1868. 4 RE KEEPING up Wi: THE TIMES 3 0 A hg § LEE § H Foe] ; 2 i HE Subscriber in returning thanks re hi on H I £8 Heid op i =] CARRIAGE £ FACTORY ! pe of = EY ' - E) e jo 8 § pi SH | HEHE Hi HH © | [ior totes poms fins oso ns tv 8% | Commodions Shop 1 1s ] 5 | £3 | sl bs B + jo Ht] ft [LARGEST KOCK OF SEASONED ash in the County of Outario, he is Fatty occupied ue ters de 5E 8 & of fy Ss g EB M $ pol re) 2 i manulactusin business centre oft dat busiest of 548 Seay othr dat oi Carriages, Wagons MANCHEST 502 F5IE slid pif po [LPArriages, go ER i g Bm F3 £ 8 Boas '- § a | And all kinds of Aaricahural Implements, ansurpassed in style or finish in the country, Where Tie will comyinue to carry, qn. the § : 1 4 ¥ Lit a . ] igs 2 lo es HORS ESHORING done on improved principles. 0G-Tailoring Business = ¥ % i Tat | ; * 7 Port Perry, Juve 16, 1869, 0. WHITE, ithe be Jo HER , -- in a ful attention to o ae share of publ pal The Latest Si and regularly, les received prompty JAMES SQUIRE. | Manchester, Oct 28, 1869. | Brooklin Drug Store pL TE " m ru, tent Paints, Oils, Dye-Stofla, Grocers ae Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal RSE & CATTLE Mi ok 8 £orius uEsiows, Aa bestowed upon me since commencing business 5 PER 'CENT, 1 v

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