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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Jun 1871, p. 3

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Ae ~~ grt i J ¢ - jm, -BORIeNES 10 continue hadefarieof . s Mb Réad, 9th eon ., Centred Road, $25 10th con., town ling, $10--9th cun., Mo- Nerly, $75.50~8th con., marsh, left over for consideratiop--T7ih end 8h cons., be- tween Brock and Scolt, $10~ 6th con.. east of Sunderland, $20--0'iver's Hill, $10-- 5th con., Melkes, 6 and 7, $15--4+h con. (Cannington) $40-- 4th mareh, $40- Ruan's Hill, $12--20d con. (Rudder's) West, $20--1st con., R, Doble for gully, $40-- between Brock and" Reach , near Patrish's grist mill, $40 ~ 10h | com., J. Weatherill, $20. * On motion the Report was receivei and adopted. | . © Mr. Amey, seconded by Mr. Walker, moved, that whereas an offr had been made to hand aver the Hall a1 Cannington, and lands in connection witn said Hall, to this municipality by paying ofi certain" indebt= - edness now neld against it, bait resolved that Mr. A. Shier and the mover be and are hereby appoirted fo examine into the matter and report to this Council at its next meeting. ~-- Carried, On motion the Council adjourned, to meet .Court ot Revision and (or other purposes. re ----) ~~ ---- et 8reciar BaRGaINs. -- We direct the attention of our readers to Brown & Christian's new advertisement in this issue. They offer sPECIAL and excellent bargains, (Don't fail to read the advertisement. and "examine the stock.) tne Tae Lheuest Prices Pam --Jones Bros. & Co. offer the highest prices for 'Wool, Butier and Eggs. (See their new advertisement ) EE PRIZE FIGHTERS BROUGHT TQ ©, New York, May 27.- Judge Dowling | * to day sentenced the prize fighters, Collins and "Edwards, to penitentiary for twelve | + "ramontts, whd"to pay-a fine of $1,000, the for another twelve' months. The umpire, Thos. McAlpirie, arrested last night, plead- ed guilty and was sentenced to six months imprisonment and a fine of $500, . COUNTY COUNCIL OF ONTARID rps Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario, will meet for the despatch of business, at the Court House, in the TOWN OF WHITBY ON Tuesday, June 6, 1871, At the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m. : " H.J. MACDONELL, CG. C. Whitby, May 31, 1871. 22 Blacksmith Wanted. Apply to : P. MOTSON, Epsom. May 31st, 1871. WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, rt's mill, $40-11th con., Cobite it C,y &C., FS R the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora; Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. 3" Parties entiusting their Sales to me may rly upon the utmost attention being given to | their interests, | WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O, Brock. 1871. " FASHIONS SI n THIETIV HONIEd --~ ig Now is the time to get your Spring ? and Summer CLOTHE The Subscriber having established himself in business in Prince Albert, begs leave, to call the ot ution of the public to his New and splendid Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Broad Cloths, English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Coatings, Trouserings, and Vestings, All orders punctually attended to and satis- fastion guaranteed. Prices which defy compe- on, A splendid assortment of gent's Furnishings always an hand. Parties furnishing Cloth can have it mage up. Trimmings supolied if necessary, Remember the place--the store lately ocou- clair, pied by Capt. Sin © W. TRENBETH. Prinee Albert, March 30, 1871. EY 31 HURRAH FOR WHITE'S Dominion Gardens! Sr (a "A LL kinds of Cabbage Cauliflower, Tomato, Oi ber, Mel Celery, and Pej T ants; and ail Kinds of Vegotables fn tate season, * JOHN WHITE, Garpenrr. po tdens posite the Presbyterian Church, ce May 3, 1871. 18-2m a apres {300 sand feet of Sixty The For Sale at my Store. Lg GEO. CURRE, Prince Albert, May 3, 1871, $10~ 5th con., between lots | BARGAINS at.Vroomanton on the 16th of June as af. - hho Sun Hats, Gent's Felt and JST 10 1D! MBE! x yor ¥ SPECIAL FOR THO WRRKS BO! ~AND-- Prints! NEW FLOWERS --~AND~-- Straw Hats, ot Black Parasols, BROWN & CHRISTIAN, " MANCHESTER, June 1, 1871, el LL MR, CURRIE'S COLUMN. Black Alpacea 12lc Black Alpacca Black: Alpacca Black Alpacea Black Alpacca Black Alpacca 35¢ Black Alpacca Black Alpacca Black Alpacca Black Alpacca Black Alpacca Black Cobourgs, Black French Merinos, BLACK BRAZE, BLACK SHAWLS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK CRAPE, MOURNING COLLARS, Black Sun Hats, BLACK STRAW BONNETS, BLACK SASH RIBBONS. & ; THE BEST ASSORTMENT. The Lowest Prices. | The Lowest Prices. Prince Albert, May 3, 1871. 13 17c \ WOOL AND BUTI 20¢ 25¢ 2c i s 2 Br - 37¢ 40¢ 45¢ *80¢ 5¢ Black Cabourgs, Black Cobourgs, Black Cobourg, Black Cobourgs, Black Cobourgs | Black French Merinos, Black French Merinos, Black French Merinos, Black French Merinos BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE, BLACK BRAZE. BLACK SHAWLS; BLACK SHAWLS, ~ BLACK SHAWLS, BLACK SHAWLS. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK CRAPE, the BLACK CRAPE, BLACK CRAPE. MOURNING COLLARS, MOURNING COLLARS, Black Parasols, his wares. Neer AT W. Mm. N oi Apa 30 alle! Immense Stoc PROPELLING POWER. ewTinSho '. SUNDERLAND. I==all New---Prices Fxceedingly Low. : ------ The Subscriber would beg to inform the inbabi'ants of ock, Reach, I flatter myself that mancfacturing of tinware, | am able B= Call and.see for yourselves. SunpERLAND, May 18, 1871, CIUABRIIGES, Mariposa, and that he has opened a very extensive ware, &e., in every variety, in the rising village of Sunderland, and will be pleased to meet with all Low Prices, surrounding Townships, Stock' of Tinware, Hard-' + who may requife =. Goods will insure a trade, - ha Produce of every description taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Hides, She is, &e. ith cash to pay far my Goods, \~ wie : y we , attention to business, and good TH Npprcinegy JONES BROS. & PORT PERRY, June 1, 1871. : : : 'A CHOICE. ASSORTMENT OF ey and a. long experience ia the to offer uncommon inducements to purchasers. ? Buoess, WAGONS, &oc. Manufactured by the best workmen, and material, go to the e Albert. Princ re App from choice - ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Repairing promptly attended to. AH work warranted. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, May 18, 1871, And Sailors' My numerous customers aud the public generally are res, WINES Vi Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for quality and are sold at Wholesale Toc ontinue and increase that liberal past, First class Wines, Brandes, Gins, Family Proof, &c., &c. A large and choice Stock of Fresh Groceries, our Teas and Tobaccos, (5 Absolutely pure Wines 0 Prices to suit the times. Prince Albert, March 15, 1870. FRER Se TREES 00 4 Cm m---- lurge and choice Stock of as make it an object for customers whether . Special care and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. = Rights. pectfully informed that my & LIQUORS or Retail patronage which has been bestowed upon me io [olland and Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, taken in sel or MAN'S & COS, PRINCE Je uri p * ate ~ su : ; Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. In order to concentrate my business 1 have withdrawn ny large and valuable stock of Roots & Shoes from my Port Perry estaba lishment, and by doing so, I have added about $3,000 worth 10.0y Prince- Albert Stock, which was quite the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establish ment is greatly overstocked. In order to remedy this great 1n- convenience, I have determined to sell at cost, and even under cost, until I liave reduced my stock to the extent of four or five thousand dollars, ; I would now say to.adl who desire to secure decidedly great bargains in Dots & Shoes, that such an opportunity but rarely occurs, and it may be a long time ere [7 so favorable again presents itself. > _ "The phrase " selling at cost" is not tincommon, and sometimes carries [ittle meanis ing witht. It is seldom an object for any one to sell at cost, but under present 'cir cumstances, in order to reduce my stock within as short a space of time as possible,. 1 am compelled to offer such bargains as will induce the public to carry off my goods with Ja rush. The quality of the stock and the prices at which I will offer it, will put all competition out of the question. My Spring purebases for both establishments were well selected and bought on the most favorable terms, and all will go at the cost price, . * Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity of getting the best value for your money in Boats and Shoes which you ever got. Prince' Albert, May 8, JOSHUA WRIGHT. THE UNION DRUG, GROCERY! Liquor Store! WM. WILLCOX, PRINCE ALBERT Invite the special at'ention of the the BEST BRANDS of PURE ° public to their extensive rewly imported Stock of a Evy hh 3 7 LIQUORS, consisting of Brandics,~~Gins, Hol. and and Tom--Wines, Port Sherry &eo--LRum-- Whisk Malt aud Ofd Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e, © : : dr A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. (= Our Teas can't be beat ! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. A choice lot of 'Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best Dye Stuffs, Pants, Oils and Varnishes. 'I'horoughly reliable (5 Books and Stationery, Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowést remunera. tive Prices, Remember the place opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. W. M. WILLCOX. Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. ILLCOX, 36 qualites of Chemicals, Patent Medicines. ih Large Arrivals! T AILORING! A. SINCLAIR. oo Latest : Styles, and Good Fits arran 9 Black Parasols, : Black_Parasols, Black Sun Hats, Black Sui Hats, Black Sun Hats, BLACK STRAW BONNETS. BLACK SASH RIBBONS. THE BEST ASSORTMENT. G. CURRIE. Cant NP} } OPO Orrin JUST RECEIVED AT THE Medical Hall "| TIMOTHY SEED, . PRINCE ALBERT! A quantity of prime Timothy Seed. Expected in a few days Garden, Field and Flower Seed. Top Onion Sets all pure and fresh. : 7 Terms Cash. Prince Albert, Match 16, 1871, W. A. TOMLINSON . | oring Business in all its branches, . ;: n ae Liberal and constantly increasing pate ronage of my numerous customers ren further extension of my business facilities indig- pensible, and in'order to meet the wants of thy customers in the cast I have -rénted that com= modious Shop opposite Scot's Hotel, Prince Albert--the deceased Mr. Bullen's lato of business--where in conjunction with n- chesterestablishment, Iwill carry on + NEW 60013 Latest Style! Neat Fit! And Moderate Cha J Are my business ay JUST RECEIVED BY THE SUBSCRIBER! | Me.J. 7. DELONG, of Belleville, n gent Xd Il skilled entleman i : Fad eel ski in every depariment Ui Busnes For partioylats, seo Small Bille. JAMES SQUIRE, 3 I3 May 17, 18m, : ------ JOHN CHRISTIE, . 7 *.! chs. Con OWNSHIP CLERK for Re 0 oh de os-careful] T, 0, FORMAN. -} Prince Albert, November 46uh, 1870 Le extensive before receiving ( 20

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