SN i x gat HH em Vyas ak ~ - Pe oe Lge : : a am ane Gi ; \ 'NEW AND CHEAP PU MPS 1 PUMPS !? . a ah ih a i Harness! Harness } MIE o 7 REES! 8 ; You can get the best and nd Shepeet pest Pump in the Province 'Mortgages Wanted. n . Co Xe 3. IRVIN'S a | 7 : ER: 3 pr NEA fn, PATENT PUEP FACTORY )( For Spring, 1871. asco con oo. RL adjoin s Cotaties| Sn r : 5 } Stabe pe E undersigned w 3 would ctfully an- He BE en Er Lei Eb A Har BORBLI 2, Bey dncrinion ot te Jor, spit atthe of TE Fi "the The Subscriber would call the attention of Planters to ihe large the most, durablo manner, and, at tho TSE pared to supply inhabitants of Brock and| ° P . a Po Wanted to Purchase surrounding townships With the See the Prices : and Choice Selection of fox tress others fn the surrounding cout spare no pains in Peta full satisfaction LATEST ad OF FIRST BH Fruit and Ornamental Trees; Mauer), Vorkmunship wd ¢ Ang number, of origases, for which the high- FORCE PUMP- A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with Wo ase alto appraisers or, the Canada Per, D R Y G 0 0 D St | ~ Hoso and Coupling complete for $25. Institution in Canada. Paid * | Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. re: 1,500,000. Instalments re-payable Embracing Slo hing necessary for Ladies : St ? 18 from 2 two'20 years, emen's wear. Commgh Log Pamps]at 40 cts per fdot. Lands Bought and Sold. AlSo.2 re ASSORTN ENT or Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Several good Farms for Sal 3 Agents Sind Fire Insur- © r esh Groceries Cistern Pumps, complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. ompanies. rice. 2 All repairs neatly and promptly executed. Shrubs, Vines, &c. THOMAS BROOKS. Manchester, May 16th, 1871, Ontario Bank, Which he has constantly ori hand, and wiil dispose of at reasonable prices. Parties desirous of purchasing will please make early application. Of the best quality. Also every other description of Pomp at (%~ All orders and Communications promptly attended. PORT PERRY | BRANCH. ' \ a made and a "general agency busi- y > | ness transacted. .. A CHOICE LOY OF Equall L Rates C. ¢. KELLETT OZ HOURS_104, m. to 3 p.m. Clos M&™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Bi & qu y ow ates. . 3 ing at 1 p.m. on Saturdays. Crockery, C. Port Perry, March 15, 1871. Box 97--PORT PERRY. Interestallowed on Deposits at Four and Five: JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Having had long experience in Pamp-making in the largest factories in Canada and the T per cent per annum, according to term of de- General Agents. The undersigned is determined to sell at the | United States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectlygisatisty all that will favor hip 7 : ; posit. - mera! frgents. lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that | with a call. W. H. SMITH, Office over T. 0. Forman's Btore, Prince Albert | he can meet the wi <hes of the people of Brock | ~All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or ctherwise promptly attended to. PRIN C < Masages. Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. and surrounding townslups, both as to Please Address, JOHN IRVEN, BoneLia. Port Perry, Jan. 25, 1871. 4 $ Quality of Goods and the Fries - Borelia, Sept. 20, 1870. --_-- = seg ||| TTR] epinstall sage, | ARRIVAL! Her a New. Watches, | WATE - UAEER, Every description of Fortine: now on hand and will be sold "in New Clocks, = ~10. per scent. Cheaper SUNDI rind 2 tw BRO OKLIN. Than any other establishment inthe County, for : Cc H B P : / i it 2 sprig : A BE vo A AND end * i "he: Kiterican Lever Russell's: Catobrated" and 'other styles 'of Watches «* C aS h Oo § 54 C 0 r d WV. i o d, Hay dope a ) Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. * As Iam determined to sell Cheap you may epen or getting : F ancy Jewelry Pastis wating gu din ns ine moni dol ool od comin REM | gq bargains, as the times are hard. {=I would call GiocES, Bonole end GLASSWARE, CHEAP FUR CASH, AT Brooklie, Get. 5,3810, 4 |attention to the Undertak- LAS: 1B, : rn y C H E A Pp! Ce ing department. Coffin "F'rim- BOOTS & SHOES, &c. John Diesfeld's, : mings of all kinds. Coffins of Tailoring Shop, and secured the services of a The large and steadily increasing patronage PRINCE ALBERT »; AND FIRST CLASS M | N I \ 0 : I I N I: every size constantly £0 hd, ! . ? . Also the best hearse in North or y thOntario. Chargesmoderate Prince Albert, Jan'y_18, 1871. : DRY GOODS e Sou ! § first class Tailor, and am now prepared 'o bestowed upon me since commencing business at Sunderland has induced 'me to add a 0G A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. furnish Clothing got up in the latest style, and a Good Fit Warranted. Tailoring Department ; ~ . - a ~ Groceries, %p : W-. H. PARK. Farm Produce of all kinds taken in exchange | he undersigned is prepared to advance loans vf money : had 2 : S 0 V E S 1 : g P p Prince E ALBERT, March L jan A) in a paid for. Hides and Bhesysiing, 3 * TIONS ji < dove in To my business. I have just finished a new a y In Large or Small Sums == ee LS WORD. . Hardware, On first class improved farm security--as the raie of interest is 2 ; : Sunderland, Nov. 6, 1 30,1870. oly i very low and charges are moderate, the best sécurities must be : iene i Crockery, offered. : y MO N it ; 07 Several first class farms for sale on casy | BROWN & PATTERSON S I HE LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES Boots, & sins oer ent, TO L OA N | North of Whitby, just arrived Ek i : ) : Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with 1description of the Shoes, &c. [security offered, to . : iT MANCHESTER, Go 70 WM. COCHRANE AGRICULTUR AL WORKS 5 PER 'CENT, ee Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Timproved Dar dr | . - : . = BY THE * ' y Stoves in the County! toves ih the County | : y Imperial Building, Savings and Invest. : | dB "y . iia NED HARRISON MAW, ---- cai CANNI GTO = For Beriods extending from THREE to TEN S205 58 OR FLIRIADY 47 2 re + ar YEARS,. to syit Borrowers, Re-payable im ° Cannington, Jan. 12, 1870. 2 Con t Be HH to B Q ER d iB LH] i il d e BE, 1 0 the I Tarmenrs of the Co u nly of Ontario BE Pedmente T oronto r TUCCS |1ga1 SUPERIOR HORSE rapa many, RG Yip AT MANCHESTER. . PORT PERRY! V E BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for : 3 Dood of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate of 6 per cent per annum but if the loan Contract fa nd put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood STOVE-PIPES, TINWARE, Isp prepared to Contract for and p p ' COAL OIL! LAMPS AND GLASSES, &C.,--VERY CHEAP. Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 5} per Go eo ments. Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call. (Z~Plans and Specifica H ® Y { BE i ! cent is charged, and if in monthly instal B 1 a BE e S 1 ik ERR om e i S only 5 per cent is asked. $6.25 ae f . g i de to order. tions made to (IARRISON MAW. pay both principal and interest of a lewa ot Port Perry, May 12, 1870. Y We are' ow manufacturing the |r Ofer senis 14% or Conveyancing charges reduced 15 the very The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced iii without deduction. J } lowest rates. : ; . E. MAJOR. A So + { ; ~ Which we confidently believe to be the AGENT, 8 . 173 . a j pe BORELIA P. 0.--REACH. awk msn, (3 YWitiam Wollve BEST HARVESTING MACHINE som "00 | Fata Sn 52 ad tsetse 0 Caneral Agency Office AS FOLLOWS M | In the Dominion We warrant it to be equal in finish and workmanship to any machine onilt. . F . . {Mots May la he will leave kis own stable, ot ec er It will cut STILL PROSPERING ! 1, 2nd coil. Reach, and procee to Foy's Hutel Spm . CHAS. HISCOCKS, Bir Buy hum vio vo oar tse HE Undersigned having received the han! of Official Assignee for North On- Ldgpd or Tangled Grain Reduced ed Prices TUESDAY, will tosesd hE Bouow, Eleasan Point T tario, is prepared to give prompt attention to all matters in Bankruptoy or Insolvency Where no other will work. It is warranted to give satisfaction. i wo hours, 's . . Little Britain, 'and reshain ail night, Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittances promptly made : 10% WEDNESDAY, will proceed to_ Bank's Hotel, Oak We slsemsnufuciuls the Tee Subcribe begs oa that Jieris pros ~ 37 nds of 1d he ht t EE rnaaars Hanae Dhaai ema al ght EY T 0 I oO 4% N, Ohio Combined Reaper and Mower THA te ty Cae . And have made some very VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS for the harvest of 1869. i RNITIRE 33° Rapairiog done with neatness and dis- 0% CASH paid for Sheepskins. 'esol Rags, Qopper, Brass and Metal taken in nd, and remain two hours, thence to Udora and CONF ECTION ER remain al nigh. Our CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER is the standard Mower wherever it has been introduced. " $ ol V | FRIDAY, proceed south to Leaskdale at noon. and 0 good farm security al 8 per cent Interest. _ Special attention will be given to the ne- ur 4 ¢ 0 Tl T DEALER IN Foe 5 a. Atmatiig's Hoek goliations loans, eo sely upon having their applications attended to Ee A Sie boing whieh we ret seo a if dus. +egariis siviency and i On CANDIES, SATURDAY, will proceed to Hockridge's Hotel promptly, and ai small expense. BROWN & PATTERSON. 8 'Cheav as anv_other psom, at noon, and remain two hours, thence to . ) Establishment i in North y / hia own siable and remain until the following Mon. ands, both Im roved and Unim roved. Wuitsy, June 9, 1869 Ontario! CAKES, Li 80, : ? . ' BREAD, 'WM. PEDLAR, Proprietor. CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. FIBERS, Crk eligis er F ore vii Raech, April 19,1871. [= fected in the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. BUREAUS. CORN READ ue THOROUGH BRED STALLION jie, Maton, : y ADs, BST i I HE : : ee Clea ii and Valuator : P 0 R T P E R R Y Ao EsKS RB OrricE.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the Royal Canadien Bank. 'Tit i? SEDSTEADS, oI Port Perry, 1st Dec., 1868. 4 STANDS, i woop s CANE SEAT CHAIRS; : ROCKING CHAIRS, ne THE NEW DOMINION iter wl number of See) Engravings, frame CARRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, CARRIAGE FACTORY ! ble . I returning thanks to his numerous ed. ood and customers for past. favors, the sub- scriber would inform them, and the public generally, that having on hand the LARGEST TOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER in the County of Onfario, he is . Wedding Cakes made to ordes He is also prepared to furnish Soi Toa Meetings, 0, on liberal terms. FETE EE GREY EA GLE, SHOPS: TLL, Stan for mares tig season wiisomn Prince Albert and Manchester. * le, Epsol PHILIP MOTSON, Pioprieor. om ; - Prince Albert Epsom, May 1, 1871. Lr 18| Carriages, Wagons, Cutlers, Sleighs, and Jgriculiural Implements manufactured manufacturing . ¢) ¢ 2) Ed | and Manchester. of the best materials and of the most approved makes. S nu WwW . NJ ¥ J) BN XN iss 1 B I i : : 2 Me. Pr Qe, WAGONS, BUGGIES. 1 (5 First olass Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. Carriage e Sy af ons ! Special tin pd Fa Hav j : | 3 $ ~ Hease § : Ps Jo 24, a LT Fe & WM. HE. ARD Provorietors. [anda kinds of Agricultural Implements, unsurpassed i in style or §o1 in the country, | DOUBLE SET oF NEW : Ww H IT B Y A N D U X B Rl D 6 E. Prince Albert and Mancheste:, Feb, 10, 1870 and as cheap as the cheapest. Tam prepared to attend Funerals 1 wi me 2 M [ied 'HORSESHOEING done on improied principles. * am outfit and ou " reasonable te terms 3 - arriage -- Elem nde kro ssuin ts conse G.U. WHITE. | 5-Corins ofan sises cpus pion on - Tue by Author. | T Tapes bane o is vo . \ HENRY GRIST Port Perry), Juge 16, 1869. and, made of atone Ook Buttern Jan'y 1st, 1870 E-Maion . = : : sii am he best wel, good = Te an rs UX BR I D G B, i Fou yi 3 by by wearing PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMLN, MM. 0. D Oo N 0 v A N Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Byaion | Lamber, : aa Where will bo found Baggies, covered and Dox spectacles ; nine : inprpe : OTTAWA, CANADA, PRACTICAL yo B. Agent for monumentsand Youbsiones > | 2 dispass pase shia 4 Fro itis po relis, Dec. 9, 1868, he ues none ; ed Spectacles Glasses, for Ponich | Transacte business with the Patent Offs and | arriag e a e r Rong but og 2h peniastes gud he most epartments of the Government, Copy: ! 12 have the sole a a Ios ih most per | ae snd hn A SI : Brooklin Dro Store fect and @ if Ga continuous re ring They and other Dente Rao, : Be THE TOWN HALL: ; ment in the and assust most | tents of Luvention epased 03 Pop of the JOHN "DAWES, | SiR Spe Ss BROCK STREET, WHITBY puttin. : bg ts, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, So ia tio way.of Contam mansion |W. YX» MCOA'W, ~~ sevenmxoss. = Best Wines an : : 3 ! t Wines an i hot As tisual. oR TH B : |i nil Pi a i ote ¢ Company 600D aisortmantd of BE So 2 hand mae from best iin Work vagpmr c 9 Ligure for or ' samueL Ww WAL 3 £ ely Lang! e to order with neatness an spatcl , Particular attention puid to {repairing AT Th MEDIOLN ge a Whithy and Uchridg July 15, REY lose May 18, 1871, ER T. i Ny ans Ai Work, P pa Sek Bion Sor = Aik WORK AARRANT] f ! . always on hand. ! . -