b Alt * Rinnts; and ail kihds'of V season. Prince, 3 "May 3, 18. PERFECT HAIR DRESSING, . We would direct tho attention of our readers. to Mr. W. A, Tomlinson's new advertisement in this issue, This excel- {ent establishment continues to supply re- | liable drugs aud all other goods found in our best drog stores and at modérate prices. (Read the advertisement.) . CRICKET, A meeting of the Prince Albert & Port Perry Union Cricket Club was held at the Victoria Hotel, Prince Albert, on Saturday evening June 10th when the following a wete elected for the ensuing year: John Phillippo, President; Luther Currie, Vice President; W. M. Willcox, Treasurer ; J. T. Slater, Secretary. The club will meet for practice on Satur- day next at 3 o'clock p. m. and a meeting . will be held in the evening at Scoll's Hotel, at 8 o'clock when all who feel an interest in the game are requested to at- ead. } -------------- 0 ~Q--e-- . MARRIED, At Jewett's Hotel, Borelia, on the 14th inst., the Rev'd G to Miss Jane Noble, Loyal Orange Association of B, N. A, n, Mr. John Nelson both of Cartwright, = TARID COUNTY LODGE NORTH: ON The it Annual estng ot the above Lodge At Speiran's Hall, Valentyne, On" June 28tH, 1871, at {wo o'clock p.m of | ~ hich all Brethern are respectfully réquired to Sake notice: and govern its accordingly. GOD, SAVE THE QUEEN. By order, 'M. McPHADEN, G. SHIER, Co. Eecretary;. Co. Master. County Secretary's Office, a June 14, 1871. 24-td TAILORING! Latest Styles, and Good Fits Warranted. HE Liberal and constantly increasing pat- ronage of my numerous customers render a further extension of my business facilities indis- pensible, and in order to meet the warts of my customers in the east I have rented that com- modious Shop opposite Scott's Hofel, Prince Albert--tle deceased Mr. Bullen's late place of business--where in conjunction with my Man chesterestablishment, I will éarry on the Tail- oring Business in all its branches. Latest Style! "Neat Fit! And Moderate Charges Are my business Passwords. Mr.J.H. DELONG, of Belleville, a gentleman well skilled in every department of the business will be foreman of my Prince Albert branch. JAMES SQUIRE, Manchester and Prince Albert. May 17, 1871. 20 SAVE MONEY, Labor and Time ! THE Subscribers are happy to state that they are now prepared to sell County and Town- ship rights for the manufacture and Sale of that truly valuable money, labor and time saving implement; HORNE'S " IMPROVED Potato Digger WEED DESTROYER (Patented for the Dominién on May 26th, 1871.) Any nuey of the most reliable testimonials say be seen. (See hand bills.) Address HORNE & BEWELL, Greensang P.O. rte Ont. Greenbank, June 7, 1871. 23-tf WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valnator, he Cy &0C.y OR the Townships of B; U. bridge. 8 t F Thora, Mra: Rowe; Bok. and idon. h i Partie. trating a Seles to 'me may y. 0] hele APPR. the 108! lention g given to WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O., Brock. Harness! Harness | The Subscriber continues to manufacture, at bis ; N MANCHESTER Brery description of first class Harnegs, usin nothing but the best material, making ot. up og the most durable manner, and at the lowest Ja possible. I wish to make it advantageous rs and others in the surrounding coun- try to leave their orders with me, and 1 will spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in Materal, Workmanship and Price. All zepairg neatly and promptly executed, THOMAS BROOKS. Manchester, May 16th, 1871. [ FOR WHITE'S Cabbage Caulifiower, T Shon Colony, apd Eo 'egatables in their JOHN WHITE, Garoexnrr. te the Presbyterian Church, atm i LINSEED OIL--CHEAP, FIRE PROOF PAINT, V.' RED. SPRUCE YELLOW. VARNISH and JAPAN, GLAS3--7 x 9 to 24 x 33. NAILS at $3.50 OR LESS. PUTTY. HINGES FOR BARN DOORS. GATE HINGES. BUPTS AND SCREWS. LOCKS AND LATCHES. HAMMERS, FILES. SAWS. Also,--~A QUANTITY OF MESS PORK. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN FOR «Dominion Gardens! § rs (es Pripee Albert, Jung 7, 187L MR, CURRIE'S COLUMN. _ MORE ' GOODS . FOR THE =~ WARN 1A » fa Lightand Dark Muslins Beautiful Light Prints French Twill Cambrics Brilliants Black Barcge Light Fancy Lustre Printed Alpacas Marseiles-- Printedand White Ladies' Hats Parasols Ribons, Flowers Braids, Gimps Black& color'd Fringes Dress Buttons Hosiery and Gloves ---- ? WHITE LEAD FOR 82, or 8c per Ib. BRUSHES. ------ SALT. PLASTER. WATER LIME. WANTED. WooL, BUTTER, EGGS, MAPLE SUGAR, DRIED HAMS ap BACON, 3 WHICH CASH WILL BE PAID AT ALL TIMES, ¢. CURRIE, SPECIAL BARGAINS ¥ FOR THO WEEKS DRE GD ----AND-- Prints! Sun Hats, wee AND or me Gent's Felt and Straw<Hats, WUT 10 MAND} BROWN & CHRISTIAN, \ - I flatter myself that with cash to pay for my Goods, and a 'long experience ia the "| manufacturing bf tinware, Iam ablé to offer ugtommon it Jo. puighasers. fon "| g@™ Call and see- for yourselves. dy £1 * : \ONTARIU CARRIAGE FACTORY NEW FLOWERS And Sailors' Rights. DRUG, GROCERY! | quality, and moderation in price they 'cannot be beat in North Ontario. _ | tive Prices. PORT PERRY, June 1, 1871. SS, ~7 PROPELLING POWER: NewTinShop AT SUNDERLAND. Immense Stock,~-all' New---Prices Fxceedingly Low. ----a The Subscriber would heg to inform the inhabitants of Brock, Reach, Mariposa, aod surrounding Townships, that hie has opened a very extensive Stock of Finware, Hard= 4 ware, &c., in every variety, in the rising village of Sunderland, and wilb be pleased to meet with all who may require his wares. Low Prices, atlcution to business, and good Goods will insure -a trade. Produce of every description taken in exchange for Goods. Cashg paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c. "SuspERLAND; May 18, 1871. JOHN WW. PARRISH. = For good Style, and First Class S, RUGGILS, WAGONS, &c. Manufactured by the best workmen, and from choice material, go to the Prince Albert. i * Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, May 18, 1871. FREE TRADE e 2, ---- 0 0) + Cm ---- My numerous customers and the public generally are respectfully informed that my large and choice Stock of WINES & LIQUORS Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for quality avd are sold at such prices as make it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Tocontinue and increase that liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in the past. ; First class Wines, Braadies, Gios, [Tolland and Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, Family Proof, &ec., &e. -- A large end choice Stock of Fresh Groceries, our Teas and Tobaccos. (= Absolutely pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, "=. (<7 Prices to suit the times. A. =~ Special care taken in selecting wy SINCLAIR. gm a Prince Albert, March 15, 1870. THE UNION AND Liquor Store! W. Ml. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opnosite Scott's Hotel, PRINCE ALBERT ! " Tovite the special attention of the public to their extensive vewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. land and Ol Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e. ; A Jorge and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. {5 Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c. . PURE DRUGS, whoiesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. T'horougbly reliable atent Medici (5 Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal s carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera. ber the place opposite Scott's Ifotel, Prince Albert. i Wiss g gv, W. M. WILLCOX. MANCHESTER, Juue 3 1871. Prince Albgw, Deo, 30, 1869, JONES BROS. & COS ) | BINE CHEMICALS, 4 | <o favorable pgain presents itself. ing withst. Tt is seldom an object for a: J ote to sell at cost, but under present cir, cumstances, in order to redirco my stock within as short a space of time as possible, T am compelled to offer euch bargains as will inducethe public to carry oii my goods with a rush. "The quality of ihe s'ock and the prices at which competition out of the question. mort favorable terms, and all wi money in Boots and Shoes which you ever got. NEW E0018 For particulars, see Small Bille, Prinee Albert, November 16th, 1870. ret eee eee eee, DRY INCH BOARDS Prince Albert, May 3, 1871. - PRICE FOR BUTTER Hoi » x COCOASINE: A. Perfect Hair Dressing: W. A. TOMLINSON, Chemist and Druggist, Has always on hand an sssortment of the following Goods 3 AIR, TOOTH, NAIL ano PAINT . BRUSHES, or axp PUFF BOXES, TOILET le axp FRENCH PERFUMES, PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, FINE TOILET SOAPS, GLYCERINE, I' POWDERS, SPONGES, HAIR OIL axp POMADES, FEEDING BOTTLES, CITRATE Md Bis," TN. Paints; Oils, Spirits Turpentine, Japan, Varriches, "Dye Snils of all "kirica in ue find warfanted pure, 'with printed Directioie for use. School Books, Bibles, Tesiaments, Note and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, & v '0. += My Stock will be found complete and as cheap as any other honee in the trade, W. A. TOMLINSON. Licensed Chemfiet and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act-- I'fgvince of-Ontario, Prince Albert, June 15, 1871. : 3 Sat Se fe Ca Lor XJ Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large and valuable stock of Roots & Shoes from my Port' Perry estabe lishment, and by doing so, T have added about 3,000 worth to my Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before receiving the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establishe ment is greatly LoL In order to remedy this great in- convenience, | have determined to sell at cost, and even under cost, until I have reduced my stock to the extent of four or five thousand dollars, I would now say to all who desire to secure decidedly great bargains in Boots & Shoes, that such an opportunity but rarely occurs, and it may be a long tune ere one The phrase « selling at cost" is nol uncommon, and sometimes carries little mean. L will offer it, will put all hments were well selected and bonght on the ) IL goat the cost price. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity of getting the best value for your WRIGHT, Large Arrivals) S T OVES TINWARE, rv My Spring purchases for both estab; "JOSHUA Prince Albert, May 8, 1871. IN EVERY JVARIETY FOR ALL. The Subscribera are bringing into UANAINGTON, THE LARGEST AND Best Stock STOVE S North Ontario! Stoves fn every variety at Toronto prices at our Shop in Cannington. ! Tinware of the first quality snd made vp in the best style, cheap. First class Stove Farnitare. + Repairing care'ully attended to, Stovepipes-- Coal Oil, Lamp Chimneys, &e., very eheap. 3 Rags, Copper, ad Ir " _ P. MOTSON, ET age, Fu Bean sed Jue oon Epson. aa ox © 7 YCannington, June 7, ) JUST RECEIVED BY THE SUBSCRIBER! T. 0. FORMAN. J 125 * For Sale at my Store. GEO. CURRIE. 18 Blacksmith Wanted. Apply to 3 2 in "May 31st, 1871,