time t Spri Now is the Jie fo get your Spring CLOTHING, 'The Subscriber having gstablished himself in business in Prince Albert, begs leave to call the attention of of the public fo his New and and Summer Gonsating 1 of hd So ony English, Scotch, it y Canadian Tweeds, Coatings, Trouserings, and All orders punctually attended to and satis- fustion guaranteed. Prices which defy compe- A splendid assortment of gent's Furnishings always an ir P Parties furnishing at can hgre it maae wp. hii the Bach store lately occu- 'pled by Capt. Sin TRENEETY, Prined Albert, March 30, iy x 0 win Mortgages Wanted. HE Subscribers have large sums of money laced in their hands for the investment lnpiovel Faums, Village Properties, and in this and Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we ds on hand at all times Borrowers'can os om getting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase number of Mor i for which the high-' ure will be allowel A est 'We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institution in Canada, Paid up I Cantal SLR Instalments re-payable in from 2 two 2 Lands Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. 3° Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency busi- ness sacted. B&F" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Gall JOHN & DAVID I. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T. 0. Forman's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. ARRIVAL New W atches, New Clocks, AND Fancy Jewelry CHEAP FOR CASH, AT John Diesfeld's, PRINCE ALBERT. Prince Albert, Jan'y 18, 1871. -CHAS. HISCOCKS, BAKER CONFEOCTIONER DEALER IN CANDIES, ~~ ing Cakes made to order He] is also prepared to furnish Soirees Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. ways keeps la: tock Te 6 hopes by a! 5 , and © City artending to all orders, to mei, as heretofore, a share of pub- i "BHOPS: Be et 'and Manchester. : CHAS. HISCOCKS J § 2nd Manchester, 24,1871, : 1 - Licenses ! Tssued by Authority. 2 .| paced to supply E MAJOR |; NEW AND CHEAP SUN DERLAND, HE undersigned woul would ctfully an nounce that he has now got atl i Nv Store at theVilla is pre- tants be oc and surrounding aban with the LATEST STYLES OF FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS! Embracing everything necessary for Ladies' and Gentlemen's we: ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of Brock and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them. R.'E. PORRITT. {3 The aghast ést priee given for every descrip- tion of Farm Produce. Sunderland, May 17, 1870, 20 AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS Groceries, ; Hardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO J, CUPBELL CANNINGTON. Cannington, Jan. 12, 1870. 0 * THAT SUPERIOR HORSE o "yy Sir William Wallace Will stand for Mares this Season, 1871, AS FOLLOWS : MONDAY, May 1st, he will lcave his own stable, lot 11, 2nd con. Reach, and proceed to Foy's Hutel, Port Perry, at noon. and remain two hours ; thence to John Mark's, 11th coh., and remain all night, TUESDAY, willproceed to E Bolton's, Pleasant Loin and re ; ain two hours, thence 10 STORE E'resh Groceries ' PUMPS ! PUMPS 1? Fou can ges 2 best nl oh TA Pump in the. Province J. IRVIN'S J PATENT PUHP FACTORY | i BB ORELI A See the Prices : FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pamps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cls per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump at Equally Low Rates. Having had long experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and the United Sia States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectlylsatisty all that will favor him wit All 3 for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, BoreLia. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. WI. Hepinsiall PRACTICAL ARGH = Bf ER, i OKLIN. The American Lever Russell's; Celebrated and other styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Alsoa great agiety of Clocks, Jewel d othor Goods, Parties wishing any thing in his line would do Well to call and examine before purchas- ~ ing elsewhere. JG~All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870. The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money In T.avge ox Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of -interest is very low and charges are Wodejale, the best securities must be offere . D7 Several first class farms {or sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with 1descriptionsof the security ¢fered, to W M. COCHRANE Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. 4 40 Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867. HARRISON MAW, | Contractor and Builder, PORT PERRY! S prepared to Contract for and put up Buildings, of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with' all the most modern i improves (5=Plans and Specifica HARRISON MAW ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to call. tions made to order. Port Perry, May 12, 1870. J OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE Greneral Agency Office. HE Undersigned having received Nag, co appointment of Official Assignee for North On- tario, is prepared to give prampl attention to all matters in Bankruptoy- or Insolvency Little Britain, and remain all night, WEDNESDAY, will proceed to Bank's Hotel, Oak=~ wood, atnoon, and remain two hours, thence wes! to Conway! 5 Hote), Manilla, and remain all night. THURSDAY, proceed to Campbell's Hotel, Sunder- land, and romain two hours, thence to Udora and remain all night. FRIDAY, proceed south to Leaskdale at noon, and remain two hours, thence "to Armstrong's Hotel: Uxbridge and remain all night. © SATURDAY, will proceed to Hockridge's Hotel, Epsom, at noon, and remain two hours, thence to his own stable and remain until the following Sn day morning, WM. PEDLAR, Preprietor. Raech, April 19,1871. Tee THOROUGH BRED STALLION GREY EAGLE, W kL stand for for mares this season ffi, PH LIP MOTSON, Proprietor. Epsom, May 1,1871. 18 22R1agEs, WAGONS, BUGGIES. WHITBY AND UXBRIDGE. HE undersigned takes occasion to hat ho Toro a branch of nd one but the best workmen, the ana Gr work canbe says relied upon, L JF Repairs executed with promptitude and Hips fl ee verything i pat hr SAMUEL DH ALERY. ' Whitby and Uxbridge, July 25,1860, y Notes and Accounts speadily collected, and remittances promptly made MONEY TO LOAN, On good fart security ar 8'per cent Interest. Special aftention will be given to the ne- DOr your eye-sight of Catinge suutus- $ gotiations of loans, and borrowers can rely upon having their applications attended to promptly, and ai small expense. Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. a3-losurances affected in the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. E. MAJOR, Official Assignee and Valuator Orrice.--Bigelow's Block, next door. to the Royal Canadian Bank, Port Perry, 1st Dec., 1868. THE NEW DOMINION CARRIAGE & WAGOH, SHOPS, Prince Albert and Manchester. di St Carriages, Wa, Cutters, Sleighs, and Agricultural Implements manufactu ed er Eoscaut ara! le aR 03 First olass Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. J. & WM. HEARD Provrietors. Prince Albert and Manchester, Feb. 10, 1870 oy HENRY GRIST PATENT SOLICITOR £ND DRAUGHTSMAN, oh Speci ats pg OTTA " disease is ca ho wot | 17 ret. "LaZARUS HORS porte. Wa, CANADA, ed Spectacles and Eye Glasses, for wl Transacts business with the Patent Office and EE react of the G ent. Copy- fuck amd bun iful ever Be, and ent in the eyes, and asst yous sight most | 2. iotuoesssaly 1 Sem Pa LARGEST TOCK OF SEASONED LU Carriag [wud : EES? For Spring, 1871. I she Havin of Planters to the large The Sutbcribelfy wold al ] an oice Selection ¢ of Fruit und OFnamental- Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &c. Which he has constantly on band, and will dispose of at reasonable prices. Parties desirous of purchasing will please make early application. (5 All orders and C promptly a ded. * C. ¢. KELLETT, Port Perry, March 15, 1871. Box 97--PORT PERRY. PRINCE ALBERT JIRNTIRE WALERODRS S eb P NPB OQ POS 000s Every description of Furniture now on hand and will be sold {10 per cent Cheaper' Than any other establishment in the County, for Cash or Cordwoo.d, As I'am determined to: sell Cheap y may deper d off getting] good bargains, as the times are hard. 0G-1 would call attention to the Undertak- a ing department. Coffin Trim- mings of all kinds. Coffins of every size constantly on hand. "Also the best hearse in North or SouthOntario. Chargesmoderate {G= A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. W. H. PARK. PRINCE ALBERT, March 1, 1871. BROWN & PATTERSON'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS WHITBY. ---- To the Formers of the County ty of Oitariy and surrounding country. We BEG TO CALL YOUR ATT ENTION TO OUR Harvesting Implements We are now manufacturing the JOUNSTON. SELF-RAKING REAPER | Which we confidently believe to be the BEST HARVESTING RA CEHER In the Dominion We warrant it to be equal in finish and work hip to any ill cut Lodged or Tangled Grain Where no other will work. It is warranted to give satisfaction. hine built, We also ete Ohio Combined Reaper ard: Mower And have made some very VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS for the harvest of 1869. Our CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER is the standard Mower whevever it has teen The above Machines are being made of good material and with due regard to quality. ¥3= Send for circular, which will be sent free of charge. FaopY & PATTERSON. roduced. ciency and Wwuirsy, June 9, 1869. ' ; ' CAR RIAGE £_ FACTORY ! N retarning thanks to his numerous A yy and, customers for fast favors, the sub- seriber would inform them, and the piblie generally, that having on hand the BER in the County of Ontario, he is manufacturing es, Wagons ! And all kinds of Agricultn mplement, unsurpassed in style or finish i in the country, cheap as the cheape HORSESHOEING done on improved. principles. G.U. WHITE. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. M. O. DONOVAN PRACTICAL ° Carriage 2% Maker ! : ge THE TOWN HALL, "*BROCK STREET, WHITBY I) Posie PUREE ay GOOD assortment of Buggies copsiantly on hand ow Taba hiaderims best material." Work made to order with neatness and disgaleh. Particular attention paid to [repairing W. H. Me Oo A Wi REFERENCES, AGENT, iw Jl hy tee Yr Several; oi 3 PORT PERRY. Jen Langs a a4 ion Win: 28' Port Perry, May 18, 1871. 8-17 | ios, g Minises ef F e Work p vice ef Ontari / | responding ratio. DRY GOODS, iy GROCERIES, ey CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES; ke. The I: ean. f Sead] i bestowed upon oo, commending po 'at Sun ha sol 'meto 840 Tailoring Department To my business, I have just finished a new Tailoring Shop, and secured tho services of & first class T. and am now .prepared to furnish Clothing ng got up in tho latest style, and ood Fit Warranted. im F fa of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods ho Cash. paid for Hides and ] Sheeps Horn. Sunderland, Nov. 30, oe 48-1y MONEY TO LOAN "s PER CENT, " ON id Improved Farm dh BY THE Cf y Imperial Building, Savings ote Invest ment Company, 2 a Por Periods extending'from THREE to TEN ARS, Oy Bhs Bamow iy or Yearly ram OFFICE-50 CHURCH.ST., TORONTO. Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for periods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely ow rate of per cent per annum but. if the loan be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 54 per cent is charged, and if in monthly instalments only 5 per cent is asked. $6.25 per monthswill y both principal and interest of in or' 500 in 103 years. Other amounts in a cor- The Full Amount of the without deduction. Loan is advanced Sonseysndiag charges reduced {o the ery i end lowest rat i E. MAJOR. AGENT, BORELIA ¥+0.--~REACH, Sept. 15, 1870. 37 STILL PROSPERING { Reduced Prices Tee Subscriber Toate, to say that he is pre. pared to sell all kinds of FLRNITURE As Cheav as anv_dther : Establishment in North i Ontario |. . My k if TABLES. y stock consists of BUREAUS. SIDEBOARDS, OR / G SEDSTEADS, SES STANDS, : WOOD & CANE SEA -- ROCKING CHAIRS, §c. of Dien Engravings, framed or gilt A large number ither with wood Special stenting Jud to Undertaking. Hav ing refitted my Ileaise witha DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES , Iam prepared to attend Funerals with as good an outfit and ou as reasonable terms as any other uty in North or South Ontario. FFINS of all sizes constantly kept on Land, mado of ln at Jiiiemmiit) &e. # 4 good selection of Coffin Tri 8 just re- ceived from the best markets. BIER just re 'D.--5,000 feet of good .Seasoned Birch, Butternut, and Basswood Lumber. JOHN NOTT. N.B. Agent for monuments and tomb stone, Borelis. Dec. 9, 1868, \ 4! MONEY! MONEY! 4 hi Subscriber Tas received IA from several private capitalists to invest a LARGE sum OF MONEY Real Estate Security At Low. Rates of Interest. No Commission charged. . Also uncurrent money bought and Silver - Apply to » JAMES LAMON, * SoLICITOR, "uo. -« Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main Street, Uxbrid Uxbridge, Sune 29,1869.) LAND! LAND. - WILD AND CLEARED. ead us Sova Clsated Farms for ale on SE VERAL pi USAND Acris: Of choice rid Potervoror flora r8ale- 2 In Apply Sood an AMES LAMON, Main street, Uxbridge. Orrics.--Over -- 's Hotel, N. ALE] Jands i Su, be exchanged for 23 xbridge, June 9 os Farm for Sale, | Tot v5 pom or the of ioe TOWNSHIPS REACH : acres cleared. / = ALL NORE) WARRA NTE hi: Lg D> culars, t L. Tor Hal, either bersnly or N ionly to to : L. C. HALL, Ogiabes Oshawa, March; 29, 1871. x