Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Jun 1871, p. 3

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Py - J y ss as. -- hh psy o ; v = 5 re itm waist lessees --i str me _-- STILL GOING UP. i To Contractors : Ie MR, CURRIE'S COLUMN. ; : o : iS C O | graze TENDERS will be received. until wresw | JONES BROS. ; bi i : § : : : Cy b : te . : x Tue Vieacs or Umea, FRE H ARE PAYING THIS DAY Ne re ge : MORE : " : Ul. sian, | ames oy FOR GOOD BUTTER, . . . . 20c per 10. siiinktinres the 10th day of November next. anger to be ¢ Fi | a FOR CLEAN WOOL, . . . . . 3Fe per Ib, ihre wind Tenders for Mason work and Carpezter work : ges re = Jt bind themselves to acs ° Y | - ORT PERRY, June 29, 1871. eo Jowest oF any tender. faa . NEW 2° : = WILLIAM ALLIN, | ; : Lo / 9 3 cretary 4 muitos, bs | JOHNSTON'S THE BATTLE WON I" =~ [GOODS SIFIKING RIAMR, SPLENDID VICTORY 1 os > In the Township of Reach, for the Wesleyan Methodists. 3 tacles and Eye Glasses. They never sup- ply or employ any peddlars. Hotvever dhe: cious the pretense made by peddiars that ---- OPENED ouT eT PIE A. W. ROBERTS Wid Th W. H. McCAW, At Provisciar Exui- a2 * BITION " HELD A 5 ~ 3 AGENT, = "Toronto, ? . - STILL IN THE * FRONT. POR T PE R RY. FOR THE 5 1870. / Port Perry, Juae 21, 1871. 8-ly ad EE pe TA ERR ape ao ag ed \ SU We offer to our customers for the 'coming Harvest, two distinet| ~e ES a re, w 3 ; Machines, which in style and constraction, embrace the latest Fresh from the best Markets in the country. Ea 0 and most useful improvements of the day. All purchased for cash saving 20 per cent. and divided @ ST , ...amongst my patrous, Bigs ; pi gp Ei 4 / ! bist = ¥ JOHNSTON'S DRY GOODS in every variety---staple and fancy: Boots an " Shoes, Grocéries, Glassware, and Crockery, in great quantities, | ' | MR | which -will be offered at as low rates as can be found in the Coun- 3 # | ty of Ontario. In order to make room for Fall Stock, I am ready to dispose of - " : tea? » 8 The King of Reapers. the whole of my stock of Glassware and Crockery, and China sets | I 'ancy Jewelry ; The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested at prices which will ensure ready sale, as I intend to retire from | - trials and in the hands cf the farmere waren us in ies at, » 4 Belk faking that line of trade and devote my whole time and means in the CIIEAP I'UR CASH, AT * : i hine, it he ood peiats and less defects, and bas met wi © aa ha i > Light and Dark Muslins Reaping Machine, i i a leretofore offered to the public. Dry Goods, Grocerics, and Boot and Shoe departments. New 'Watches, , New Clocks, AND success and less failure, J oh il BD iesfeld's oe White Counterpanes, 5 Beautiful Licht Prints n ior Bower 50 Stone China Chamber Sets. 12 dozen Stone and Cane Bakers. e. da 3 ' : 7 > [ §) f aa Ju 2 Q/ 29 Tea Sets. . Great lot of GlassPreservers on {uot and flat. 31 NT YTD Damask Tale Goren KF h T will Camb ics gE ayug ) 100 dozen Granite Tea Sets. Great lot of Goblets--stained, plain, &e. PRI NCE ALBERT. renc wi p 150 dozen Granite Tea Plates. Grea f Tumblers, &s. Viens A 5. 19 Black Lace Gloves, . W were awar ded the First Prize nnd Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held a HA STs Pe ! fang # Png ae To | Princo Alben, Jau'y 18, 1871 Large Hair Nets, B dlliant in Torouto, 1870, iu competition with all he leading Macliues manufactured in the bps ps « ? Fbapranliliad | ams" ama i A CE # 8 . ' I 8 Province; and with our recent improvements, we unhesitatingly challenge investiga- 07 A rare chance for housekeepers. New Ribbons, Black Barcoe Hon an) SopLatiion with surpiting Nuslints, 99 as subslied vist Suh bios. Highest price {or Produce. . will edbvince every unprejudiced wind, the offer the bes e « Flowers, 2 oe . Facmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. ge Send for descriptive catalogues. o eo | . AN « Laces. Light Fancy Lustre ota ish "BROWN & PATTERSON. 20 cents per Hb. paid TI. NR IRE Printed Alpacas Sri for Butter, this day. ; "ud ' i Shims g Magilos- Printed and SAVE MONEY, T A iL RIN e ! AW. R OL LE TN. Port Perry, June 29, 1871. Ladies' Hats Labor and Time pe ie des mm be . : z eye Sh to state that they | atest Styles, and Goo its - e------| Parasols ET Warranted, x» | FOR ALE. a Ribons, Flowers Ship Hise the Amn Aus ef pat pu, : o ¥ . airy - . truly valua' Eo Jor wu MLC 54 ing |p NIE Li nd © 3 Saran : i . , . -- oo : ; ¥ Braids, Gimps Sopa Liu iy A. Perfect IIair Dressing. The Subscribers are bringing into ve farthe I ants of my eens NOD OO Ertan that col SHES. A. TOMLINSON, Black &color'd Fringes HOR NE'S Dress Buttons IMPROVED NELLIE . : ay ® | che the Tail- / Hosiery and Gloves Potato Bigger os ! Dy Chior wd ; . ] . : = Lafcst Style? ( "hemast and Druggaist, THE LARGEST AN WANTED LINSEED OIL--CHEAP. : WEED DES ROYER Neat Fit! ; Has always on hand an sssortment of the following Goods : Best a5 i ie AINE CHEMICALS AIR, TOOTH, NAIL ax AIN : : PRR ERA or 8 Pr 10) ented or the Dominion on May 26th, 1871) And Foderate Charges PURE ChEsea y A SE" aE ae bar oc K V. RED, Any nomber of the most reliable testimonials Are my business Passwords. PATENT MEDICINES, PUFFS, axo PUFF BOXES, OF ? SPRUCE YELLOW. vey beer. (Ses lami blie) Me. J. TT. DELONG, of Belleville, a gentleman | 1 VE TOE SOnDs) VOILEY POWDERS, i tnnmiiies VARNISH and JAPAN Address » well skilled in every department of the business | " cL tl ly ENGLISH ano FRENCH PERFUMES, 4 x a . HORNE & BEWELL, will be foreman of my Prince Albert branch. SPONGES, HAIR OIL axp POMADLS, "a BRUSHES. ans Da AMES SQUIRE, FEEDING BOTTLES, CITRATE MAGNESA, SLAg 22 102 Ed Ont. Manchester and Prince Albert. | Painte, Oile, Spirits Turpentine, Japans, Varnishes, Dye Stuila of all kinde in use and | IN N S at $3. . Greenbank, June 7, 1871 23-f | Magl17, 1871% 20 | warranted pure, with printed Directions for vse. School Bockes Bibles, Testaments, | H If Million PUTTY. sy 10, LE ------------------------ | Note and Leuér Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, &o. : ? N rt] q D roy ! a a 1 HINGES FOR BARN DOORS. rs > = (= My Stock will be foud complete and us cheap as any other house in the trade, ort nta rio: GATE HINGES. PROPELLING POWER. : i um, BUTTS AND SCREWS. : eo W. A. TOMT.INSON. Stoves in every variety at Toronto prices First class Stove Farniture. -- + LOCKS AND LATCHES. o Licensed Chemist and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act-- Province of Ontario. at our Shop in Cannington. : HAMMERS, Prince Albert, Jone 15, 1871. Tieware of ibe first quality and made vp » FILES. ew 1 re eee | the best style, cheap. * SAWS. : & i = Repairing care ully attended t l J N J A N f g y attended to. % POUNDS OF ; A S x DE LL D. Stovepipes-- Coal" Oil, Lamp Chimneys, = - "SALT. i ; ; Ty . &e., very cheap. PLASTER Immense Stock,---atl New---I'rices Fxceedingly ~ Low. 1] ri firms Goppetc Bribie ion tik ) in exchange, WATER LIME, The Subscriber would beg to inform the inhabitants of Also,--A QUANTITY OF MESS|pocl Reach, Mariposa, aud surrounding Townships, that he has opened a very extensive Stock of Tinware, Hard- ware, &c., io every variety, in the rising village of Sunderland, BUTTER _| and will be pleased to meet with all who may require £5¢ (%= Cash paid for Sheepskins, COOK & STEPHENS, Cannington, June 7, 1871. his wares. Low Prices, attention to business, and good J Goods will insure a trade. S Produce of every description taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &e. : 1 I flatter myself that with cash to pay for my Goods, and a long experience ia the ¥ manufacturing of tinware, [ am able to offer uncommon inducements to purchasers. 3&~ Call and see for yourselves. FOR WHICH THE SuDERLAND, May 18, 1871. JOHN W. PARRISH. |Large Arrivals! = : : DY 1 ? a : Fs a : os L = = WANTED. For good Style, and First Class Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. OF a In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large 1 : a and valuable stock of Boots & Shoes from my Port Perry estab- © IN VERY VARIETY ' 3 3 = ~L lishment, and by doing 5; I have added about $3,000 worth to my : . : : . r NS on SEES Prince Albert Stock, which was quite exignéive before receiving] JUST RECEILV ED . : WOOL, / : . the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Alkert establish- : Very Highest Going BUTTER, =~! ARRI AG S : UGGIES, ment is greatly overstocked. In order to remedy this great in; SiR: Rates will be baid. | BGGS, ? convenience, I ha etermined to sell at cost; and even under BY THE SUBSCRIBER! : si paid. MAPLE SUGA i / cost, until I havé reduced my stock to the extent of four or five 2 oT s t } DRIED HANS B, BACON, ! thousand dollars. . : x For particulars, see Small Bilis. : AND » I would now say to all who desire to secure d cid dl ins i . ' bs wi tt ones) WAGONS, &0. |b emi dw] . so favorable again presents itself, li > ry WHICH CASH WILL BE Manufactured by : the best workmen, and from choice » |= py, il selling at cou" is not uncommon, and sometimes carries little mean P. 0. FORMAN. . fa S304 Bid aRx PAID AT ALL : material, go to the ing witht. Tt is seldom, an object for any one to sell st cost, but under present cir. S14 J TIMES. Y competition out of the question. ; Ei a 4 | cumstances, in order 0 reduce my stock within as short a space qf time as i Prince Albert, N 1870. hn : L | am compelled to offer euch bargaias as wilkinduce the oe or off ~ Poeeiers Alu Novem 15, 199 : a rush. quality of the stock and the prices at which I will offer it, will put all : = ; My Spring purchases for both establishment 1 : : : Prince Albert. : A tO re 1 alr gig oe ed feiyied wd Vought » ni Blacksmith Wanted. : ------ : ; Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity of getting the best value for your | ply t 2 BETA 0 4 Repairing promptly ' attended to. All work warranted. money in Boots and Shoes which you'ever got. i PY mah Daves aver. | JOSHUA WRIGHT, oo RellE mn : Pring Albert, May 8, 1571: . : i am May 31a, 1871, i 2 7 4 40 ; : ¥ MANCHESTER, Juss 89, 1671. Prince Albert, June 1, 1871. J Prince Albert, May 18, 1871. in

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