Ts - 2g Ree si «-stalments or in one*sum, Several well cultivated Farms and Lots of f Investments made in Debentures, Mortgages, - and other Securities, cr "Bilver ind Gréenbacks bought and sold: For further particulars, apply to 3 es A Ss Manchester Nay so 1871, Oa Mortgages Wanted. B Subtoriboi bare ie Jn thir bane r Je fe verte 3 FOR ms Vi and I Shining Co Ves, and Cc H E A p 1 a funds on lope Tun ks times Borrowers can i | ober" terest. As we their ith the I ei sg fuel money Wits the Tongt AND FIRST CLASS -- DRY G00DS, Wanted to Purchase Ang num of Mortgages, for which the high- egw for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest ani cheapes d 2 . SP DbalSI ots. asaimests opouts| OF TOCETIES, Lands Bought and Sold. ir Several good Farms for Sale. Har dware, £3" Agents fon several first class Fire Ingur- pois Crockery, Collections made and a general agency busi: transacted. - B&F" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "BU JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T, 0. Forman's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. MONEY 10 LAND! _ REDUCED CED RATES. XI AM now Sart to lend any amount of Mone on i Sealy of Sood a or pre uctive Town Proj at lowest, possible te of interest | I ad A année io guit hos rowers. Principal canbe repaid iy yearly in- Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO i BELL - CANNINGTON. Onnaiogton, Jan, 12, 1870, -- 'Wild Land for sale cheap. JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. ST ICR MeN Block, Brock Seat YALL D, Whitby,Sept. Heep B00, sr Ba 1869. FOR MONEYcCH! TO LOAN ® CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &e. AT 5 P ER CENT, The large and steadily increasing patronage + ON bestows u; on Ie Sines, Sommencing Dusinesy Improved a and own at Sunderland has induced me to add a P Farm Tailoring Department Property, To my business. I have just finished a new BY THE Tailoring Shop and Sseured the services 9 a - Fi . | rst class Tailor, and am now prepared to Imperial Building, Savings and Invest frist Clothing got up in the Tntest yle, and ' ment Company. Good Fit Warrant For Periods extending from THREE to TEN ° J. Fam Produce of ali kinds taken in exchange suit Borrowers, Re-payable in| for Ty Bait Be or Fly or yearly Ts, Cash paid for Hides wud Sheek is' OFFICE--50 CHURCH-ST., TORONTO, | Sunderland, Nov. 30, 1610. 48ly em Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for NEW AND CHEAP riods of 5,6, 8 and 10 years at the extremely 2 rate of 6 per cent r annum but if the To be re-paid in half-yearly instalments only 5} per cent is charged, , 80 and if in monthly instalments only 51 5 Jeronnt is asked. $6.25 per month will Dao oS rinstal 5 interest of alloan of in 10 years. Other amounts in'a cor- responding ratio. The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced without deduction. ls AT Conveyancing charges reduced {o the ver S u N DE R L A ND AICHE fangss Yaluce hid ] wy : E. MAJOR. BRO OCK. AGENT, HE undersj med worl would respectfully an- BORELIA P. O.--REACH. T nounce thor te has now got J uy oy - Sept. 15, 1870. 37 | Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- _-- . pared to supply the inhabitants of Brock and "* FASHIONS. surrounding townships with the LATEST SriLes OF FIRST ASS DRY GOODS! Embeacing everything nece ary for Ladies and Gentlemen's"wear. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Fresh Groceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of Brock and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them. R. BE. PORRITT. 3" The highest price tion of Farm i, Bison for every doserp- Sunderland, May 17, ero. 20 "CHAS. HISCOCKS, BAKER" CONFEOTIONER. 1871 Now is the Simao go go 2 Spring CLOTHING, The Subscriber ving o4 established himselfin 'business in Prince Albert bess Leave to call the attention of the public New and splendid Stock of Spring and Boe Ni A3oods, consisting of Broad bi i, Suglleh, Scotch, an DEALKR IN Jan dss Tweeds, Coatings, Trouserings, and CANDIES . iJ Allo orders punetually attended to and satis- BISCU. 3 faction guaranteed. Prices which defy compe- ys ' A splendid assortment of gent's Furnishings, BREAD Pree bmg eo = ns FLOUR, £3 Parties furnishing Cloth can bave it made . OAT MEAL ge Trimmings supplied if necessary. CORN MEAL ember the place--the store lately occu. LOBSTERS, ' id by by Capt. Sinclair, 8 ARDINES, W. TREN BETH, RU Prince Albert March 30,1871. 1| TOYS, &C, Wedding Cakes made to order Harness ! Harness } He is aleo prepared to furnish Soirees £3 mo Tea [Maeetings, &c., on liberal terms. & He hopes b, Mwary keeping a large stock a 4 PE Sr aad tronage, i SHOPS: | Prince Albert pre Bilsetber céntinnes Lo manufacture, at IAN VHESTER 'most ll Ag wh Fort dt fu R Tantageous So a Jd will, Otkmanchiy. aid Sen "Price, + Mi zepaics i sebllybl pri cx » HOMAS Rooks, and Manchester. iu (CHAS. HISCOQKs P#ince Albert i Manchester, } 1 March Brooklin Drug Store JOH »D DAWES, PEA ER in Drugs, Patent Medicine, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &e Best Wines and Liquors for medicing] E & CATT Le : MEDICINES, aliray Ags on hand, = ,| Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1807. OFFICIAL_ASSIGNEE FREE TRADE And Sailors' Rights. My numerous cuetomers and the public generally are respectfully informed that my large and choice Stock of WINES & LIQUORS Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for quality and are sold at such prices as make it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Tocontinue and increase tbat liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in the past, irst class Wises, igbrandien, Gins, Holland aod Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, Family Prof, &e A large and Ye Stock of Fresh Groceries. our Teas and Tobaccos, 6 Absolutely pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. Nm A NOLAN - Special care taken in selecting Prince Albert, March 15, 1870, SA 7% Hn E EY N I o N DRUG, GROCERY! Liquor Store! W. M. ° WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opuosite Scott's Ts PRINCE ALBERT ! Tavite the special attention of the public to their extensive rewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hod land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- Jobn Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. = Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in a and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. -Also the best qualites of 'Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Pats, Oils and Varnishes. 'I'borougbly relisble Patent Medicines. 05 Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes careitily selected. » Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be so'd at the lowest remunera. tive Prices. Remember the place opposite Scott's 11otel, Prince Albert. WwW. M. WILLCOX. Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. 36 W.Hepinstall PRACTICAL WATCH - MAKER, And Jeweller, BROOKLIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other! styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. Parties wishing any thing in bis line would do well to call and examine before purchas ing elsewhere. ¥X3~All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870, 40 The undersigned is poe to advance loans of money In Larg or Small Sums On first class revit Tafm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are Tolerele, the hest securities must be offered. 05 Several first class farms for sale on easy; sums of payment. 'Apply Forsongllyer by letter propa] with 1 description of he | security offered, to W_M. COCHRANE Bigelow's Blots: Port Denn: Ont. General Aygrmaey Office, b- Te Undersigned having received, a appointment of Official Assignee for North onl tario, is prepared1o give prompt attention to all matters in Danton or Insolvency {Bromissory Notes and: A dily collected, , and.remi pt! made MONEY TO LOAN, y '| on good: farm security at.8 per.cent Interest. Sr will be given, to the ne- 'borrowers can rely, npon 'promptly, and samailex Also, Lands, both I'm improved a nd Unimprosed, ' 'CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. §3~Insnrances ffested in the Onatio Farmers' Motus Ionscrseor aries) "Ofc, ay maser "Orrice.--Bigelow's Block, next dogr.to 'the Royal, Canadizn ;Bagk. g ot dade, and 'ther sepioaineyiionded ol "Port Perry, 1et Deo.; 1868, A i uy Sones # BRR Ln MONEY TO LEND [PRINCE ALBERT... AURNFIURE - WARE - BOON Every description of Freon now 6n hand 'and will. be sold 10 per cent Shearer!» Than any other establishment in. the County, for _ Cash or Cordwood. Aslam dvirmiival to sefl Chea: you may depend on getting] z 0G=1 would call good bargains, ' as the times are hard. attention to the Undertak- ing" department. Coffin Trim- mings of all kinds, Coffins of every size eonsiapuy on hand. Also'the best Hearse in North 6 SouthOntario. Chargesmoderate, (G= A Stock of Sewing Machines. on hand. WwW. H. PARK. REN : woo sD SN pr : DPrixce Apert, March 1, 1871, PORT PERRY CARRIAGE F FACTORY | oI. teturing thanks to hs numerous ALAN and austomers for past! favors, the pub- seriber would inform them, and the public generally, that having on habd the amanufagiaring oat Carriages, And all kinds of Agricultural Implements, unsurpassed in style -or_finish in the country, and as cheap as the cheapest. or HORSESHOEING done on improyed principles. G. U. WHITE. Port Perry, Juve 16, 1869. M. 0, DONOVAN. PRACTICAL Carriage 2% Maker ! ! BROCK STREET, WHITSY I A GOOD assortment of Buggies RI on ar made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Pasticniar, aliehtion aig to repajring [£5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. ! ¢ THE NEW DOM INION |GABBIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Prince Albert and Manchester. -- Carriages, Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, and Agricultural In ments manufactured of the best materials and of the most approved makes. ge arti (5 First o'ass Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted.' & WDM. HE ARD Provrietors.' J. Prince Albert and Mancheste:, Feb, 10, 1870 PUMPS ---- ) S-- You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN°S BORELIA, SEE THE PRICES : FORCE PUMP- A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lit Pamps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 ots per foot, Common tugned Sustion, Famps al 35 cts per foot, Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Aleo every other description of Pomp at Equally Low Rates. Havi d lon in Pamp-making in the largest factories in Carada and the a the pA 'oonfident a, can perfectly satisfy all that will vor him All orders for any of the above, 'whether by mail or otherwise Promptly attended to, Please Address, JOHN IRVIN, Borer. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, wy HARRISON. {3 MAW, Contractor and Builder, ; PORT PERRY! S ared fp Gpntract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether -Wood I Brick or Sfone, and finish ofl in. bp ato styles, witli all the most hh od ments. Partjgs requiring iY work ne will do well to call. E5Plane and Specjfica tions made to, qrder. SAN Haw. IONEY {, HENRY GRIST, PITENT Fh 10 DRAVGRTSHLAN, (OTTAW. A, CANADA, {Eransgota business with the Patent and and e Government. 'rights. Ss vg ation be Post Perry, May 12,1870. MONEY! } TE 1 Ser to ten to invest a LA ROE SUM oF MONEY, or % Ap RA 'jUx ' Ea igns procui Savings, pecifications, , fo x By Zate ot pik Sof Invention ents he pared" oa roe the "Also uncurrent money tand Silfer sold. Model of the Laventi Apriy to p a i Y JAMES ON ec. Hon! A. Campbell a Senersl Ww. 0 oftcs over Armee Main' Stree treet, Sune. Ysqer Sreaitedt Brutiaw ak Nose Compunt: ' 6! Vita Manger Omari Bank; Hon. Cirle Pewiiis, June. 29,1869. i nay Winns pri Work, Proviu co mario, - v \ LARGEST STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER in the County of Antatio, he iq Wagons y PATENT PUHP FACTORY I ST! VES TINY VARE GTO we eps ON. BestS ols ST 0 v EN North Outarin! Savant in fvery variety at Teron at our Bhop in Cannington. Tinware of the firet quality and made np in the best style, cheap. First classStoye Furniture. in ajtended to. Stovepipea-- Coal Oils Lamp Chim neys, &o., very cheap. Cash paid for §hoeprkins. rn 4 a Ci COOK & STBPHENSA Catifgion, Jos n or I H To School Wrnators. OTICE is herehy given that the Trustees of all School Sections within this Township who may be desirous that their School Assess- ments should be inserted in the Collector's Roll for the present year, do make their applic: ation to the Clerk previous to, or to the Council at a meeting to he held on thie 14th day of August next. "Otherwise snch Assessment ciunot be inserted on such Upllector's Roll; JOHN CHRISTIE, . Toynsip CLERK. Reach, 5th July, 1871. 227-6 STILL PROSPERLVG 1 Reduced ed Prices Tae Subscriber Sea to say that 2 is pre- pared to sell all kinds of FURMITIRE As Cheav as anv_other Establishment in North Ontario ! My stock consi TABLES. y nsists of BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, CUPBOARDS, WRITING DESKS BENS TEA Bs, WooD. 5 CANE SEAT CI. AIRS, ROCKING OHAIRS, &c. pdr i woud of of ae! Engrgvings, rramed i Attention paid to Undertak Ila ing refitted my Hearse ine. DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES Iam prepared to attend Funerals wath as good an outfit and ou as reasonable terms as any other party in North or South Ontario. hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Be int, fo. good selection of Coffin Ti rimmings Just re- ceived from the best markets. WANTED.--5,000 feet of good Seasoned Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basswood Lumber, OHN NOT. N.B. Agent for monuments and tomb stones Bore}is. Dec. 9, 1868. 2 VELTY GBT iki, PRINCE E ALBERT, ' HE Slereimet would would intimate ip Ahe in- habitants of Reach and surround Tp that he has commenced business i fio Shove line, in the shop formerly knqw Cash's Pymp' Fagtory, | Simi biepared to FURNITURE Of every description, from the best materi; d t ki 15 any other catabishusght In the. aii ie UPHOLSTERING & W00D TURNING Jus a > branches, Croquet Sets, Models for Pa tn 3e subscriber is also repared to | UNDER FAKING Whoa LIE et ries [3 img sine on RRR or G.H. NEVILLE. H ner Asrene-d i A hy 1000 foet of Butternug and Prince Albert, Fane 21, 1871. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS E: ted ath and Proterly secured in Canada, fhe Dated or no tate dn urone: ent a i ions. Agency.in operation ten years. . ities ; bg 2 GRIST, BAIT 'Wa, Canada. Mecha plea al ngineer, SalGtoF St Paty and ------ "Marriage Licenses ! Toph vy Authority, Aauly 1st, 1870 £ i . HI FINI ao FFINS of all sizes cons! tly kepton il Rags, Copper, Bride and ion taken - in exchange. pa >: -<