LACROSSE, 1HE TORONTO BOYS TAKES THE WIRD EN- TIRELY OUT OF THE SAILS OF THE NEW = YORK KNIC hate "The Toronto Leader o Re i oo von- tains the fellowiug : New York, Avg. 5 --The great interna- tional lacrosse A an vs, Knick- etbockers--came off this afternoon in the Capitoline grounds, Brooklyn, in presence of an immense crowd ol spectators and it will be gratifying to "Canadians to learn that the AD Club won ensily in thee | siraight games. This great viclory wae achieved by helt ai, sanibg, a fant nathing 8 ing the. agihly of the Cane! ohn aver been witnessed in this country, and a, they got the ball they carried it where they pleased and slashed it through the ey whenever they desired to do so. layed against twelve icke:d men E14 the ith baker and uhattan Clubs--the best clubs of the United States. As a natoral consequence the Canadian residents of New York ore jubilant over the auccess of their brethern irom Toronto, and everywhere you go you heer scarcely anything from them but the exclemation--¢ Hurrah for Ceuada 1" The games were won in, three, thiiteen, and {iahiorn m minutes respesiively. While the ers give-all praice to the Cana- dians for their excellent playing they evi- dently feel chopfallen at their own defeat. eA A --. His Last Witt ano TesTAMENT.-- One Narcorse Pierrot dieii recently, ulter making the following remarkable will 3 ¢ It is m will that any one of my relatives wo shal! resume io shed tears at my foneral shall fe disigherited, He, on the other hand, who lasghs the most heartily. sha'l bu sole . Beir. Yoder that neither ths church oor my bowrse sha't "eo Long win black eloth ; Bud tint, on the day cf my buiial,dhie hearse 220 church #:a'i be decorate! with flow ze. a! ligg ol Boling avill have of . pia tes. all Sham ashorrt EE I a The pity of milopionn, Mees, trial befoie the ai Court ux diciment'ot man: RE "death of Tames Ge © R0 Wu J ) Jest Noveinbar by fallin ut & bi whore the raiiag "oe Let the first case tndiz to oo Ta a city ur & curporaliu can bg macslnoghter, the wourt 1° to tho heiis of the to the States. an; " ioe} "| Thin 1.| whit ] ® | Fas 'uess ! 1 Sh "Harness ! ! WT eet or pi aues io manufacture, at MANCHESTER Every description of first class Harness, using nothing but the best material, making it up in the most durable manner, and rate possible. I wish to make it advantageons for farmers and others in the surrounding coun- try fo leave their orders with me, and I will Ria no pains in giving full satisfiction in lateral, Workmansnip Price. : All repairs neatly and promptly executed. THOMAS BROOKS. Manchester May 16th, 1871. at the lowest STILL PROSPERING ! Reduced Prices HE Subscriber Yom ie to say that he is pre pared to 'sell all kinds of FURNITURE As Cheav as anv_other Establishment in Korth . Ontario! TABLES, jy stock corsists of BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, CUPBOARDS, WRITING DESKS SRDITRADS, STAND. WWoob 's CANE SEAT CHAIRS, 1 bo RoE CHAIRS, &c arge number of Ste od Ten i Eo Engravings, rramed Special attention paid to Undertaking, Hav ing refitted my Ienrse with a DOUSLRE SET OF NEW PLUMIS I aa prepared to attend Fonernds with as good an vi Steud ot 78 ressouable terms as any oll ze y in Nocti or South Ontario, f r CEEINS of all sizes const: tly kept on ba: ad, made of Waluut, Owk, Butiernut, &e. P| sleetion of Coffin Tri mmiugs just re- m tue best markets. Pine, Birch, Butte nut, aud Basswood lun her, JOHN NOLT. Borgliss Dec. 9, 1858. 49 NOVELTY ers] he Tn- ablianise yn di ag commenced hi Hoy mame wo shop formerly known as Cals eto, ta Prepared deserint "n, from the best mai manner, Byrn went in the County, UPHOLSTERING & W00D TURNING Jaliiie andes, Groques Sets, Models for Pa- ONDE ING Shortest uotice--s good Hearss fefplied : LL re Si A" solicited before. pu oi NEL EB. RE CHEAP DRY GOODS, Groceries, ns gtr Jia. 12, 1879, bestowed upon me since commencing business anaj' wm THD.~5000 feet of good Seasoned ¥ N.B. Agent for monuments and tombstones | RSE 4 OAT1LE MEDICINES, aE ud] ; ) AND FIRST CLASS Hardware, Crockery, GO TO DARL Shoes, &c. CANNINGTON. nt i a Ten 1569 PP : k "UML DERLAND, ror CHEAP DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, "& CROCKERY, . GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &c. The large and steadily increasing patronage "at Sunderland has induced me to add a Tailoring Department To my business. ! have just finished a new Tailoring Shop, and secured the services of a first class Tailor, and am now prepared 'o furnish Clothing got up in the latest style, and a Good Fit Warranted. 2% ayn Prodnce of all kinds taken inexchange oods. ih paid for Hides and Sheepskins. J. W. HURD. Sunderland, Nov. 30, 1870. 48-1, NEW AND OILEAT STORE SUNDERLAND, BROCK. Th undersigned would respectfully an- nounce that he has now got into his New Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- pared to supply the inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with the - LATEST SLs. OF FIRST DRY GOODS! Embracing everything necessary. for Ladies' and Gentlemen's' wear. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF reshGroceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of frosk and surrounding townships, both as t Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them. BE. E. PORRITT. ¥3" The Wighest Dries given for every descrip- tion of Farm Produ Sunderland, May 1 1870. 20 "CHAS. HISCOCKS, CONFECTIONER DEALER IN CANDIES, BISCUITS, Wedding Calies made to order He is also prepared to furnish Soirecs Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. He hopes by always keeping a large stock a the , and Tee Loan tat dunsally Siesdie Jo § patronage. SHOPS: ' I'Brinice Albert and Manchester. Shas. HISCOCKS Prince Albert sd Manchester, March 24, 1871. Brooklin Drug Store RAT x ¥ 3 AV 2 Eek i De ee ots overs a Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal 1 And Sailors' Rights. : Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for quality and are sold at such prices i =A Ss 5 ' : pi 5 : ----=e () 0 $C ------ My numerous customers and he public generally are respectfully informed that my . large and choiceaStuck of WINES & LIQUORS as make it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Tocontioue and increase that liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in the past. First class ides, | Brandies, Gios, Holland and Old Tom, Whiskeys: Old Bourbon, Family Prodf, &e., & "PRINCE "ALBERT [RE WARE - ROO Eh ATT Every description of Furniture now on hand and will be sold _ 10 per cent Cheaper Than any other establishment in the County, for Cash or Cordwood. As I am determined to sell Cheap you may depend on getting good bargains, as the times are hard. 0G I would call attention to the Undertak- ing department. Coffin Trim- mings of all kinds. Coffins of every size constantly on hand, in fs Also the best Hearse in North or YE p7 7006 SouthOntario. I aaamCials OTR Z as a) ((& A Stock of Sewing Machines on em WwW. H. PARK. Prixce Avert, March 1, 1871. Cc. A large and choice Stock of Fresh Groceries, Special care taken in our Teas aud 'I'obaccos. 0% Absolutely pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. maw A. SINCLAIR: Prince Albert, March 15, 1870. PERE LR EMEC HE UNION DERE ROCERY 7 Liquor Store! W. ML. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mo tar--opvesit: Bites Lote, PRINCE AlI3H HAE Invite the special attention of the public to their exe ewly imporicd Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS consis: 1- of Piuudies,--Gins, Hol. land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum--W Lisk;, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. Zr Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- A choic? lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &e. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Parats, Oils and Varnishes. 'I'horougbly reliable Patent Medicines. Books and Statiznery. iquors for medicinal 'purposes carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera. tive Prices. Remember the place opposite Scott's Hote), Prince Albert, . M WiLLcox, Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. W. Hep install wv: PRACTICAL WATCH ~ HABER, And Jeweller, BROOKLIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other' styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry andother Goods, Parties wishing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before purchas- ing elsewhere. X33 All kinds 6f Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Oct. 8, 1870, s MONEY TO LEND 40 The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 05= Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personsliy,o by letter pre-paid with description of the security offered , to W M. COCHRANE ; i Bigelow's Bleek, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE General Agency Office. |. HE Und { having received np. ppoi t of Officin! Assignee for North On. tario, is prepared (0 give prompt wiention to all matters in. Bnkey or Insaivene; vg _ | Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. ------ N returning thanks to . how numerous friends and customers for past favors, the sub- I riber wanld inform thems and the pail generally, that 'having pn land 'the LARGEST SICK 'OF SEASONED LUMB in the County of Ontario, he is manufacturing :riages, Jdagons ! jo Jmplements, unsurpassed in style of finish in the country, Ed tall k f Artic Wit AS chenp a a 0 fen BORSES LOEING done on improved. principles. z G. U. WHITE. Port Pony, June 3V, 1869. 9. DUNOVAN PRACTICAL {wriage 2% Maker ! - NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BRO EET, WHITBY I Jn 8 3 \! 4 g GOOD assortment of PEt a on hand made from best material. Work mada 10 order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing 5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. FOR ALL. CANNINGTON. 's+ THE LARGEST AND Best Boek ST 0 v ES "| North Ontario 1 Stoves in every variety ai Toronto prices atour Shop in Cannington. Tinware ol the fire! quality and made in the best style, _-- ¥ oP First class Stove Furniture. Repairing carefully attended to. * Stovepipes--Coal Oil, Lamp Chimneys, &e., very cheap. 0 Rage, Copper, Brase, and Iron taken in exchange. (= Cash paid for Sheepskins. COOK & STE Mls In Mortgages | Wanted. HE Subscribers have large sums of money pags in their hands To the investment on Improved Faims, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and adj joining Counties at the lowest current.rates of tat As Ne a funds on hend at all times Borrowers depengt--on' getting their money with the loath possible delay. Wanted to Purchase A ber of Mortgages, for which the hij SE Ln i ele We are also appraisers for the Canada Pers manent Building Sociely, the cheapest and largest Monetar Institution in Canada. Pai up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 two '20- years. Lands Bought and Sold, Several good Farms for Sale, E35 Agents for several first olass Fire Insure ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency busis ness transacted, B@™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "GR JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T. C. Forman's Store, Prize: Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. ) ! Canninglon, June 7, 199), oF June 7, 1871, THE NEW DOMINION : CABRIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, Prince Albert and Manchester. rh A ee Carriages, Wagons, Cutlers, Sleighs, and Agricultural Implements manufactured of the best materials and of the most approved makes. (5 First cass Horseshoeing done. All Work Warranted. Jd. & YL HEARD Propriciors. PUMPS PUMPS 1? You can get the best nd cheapest Pump in the Province Abt J, TRVIN'S BORELTIA SEE THE PRICES : FORCE PUMP- A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot, Common Log Pumps at 40 ots per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. i i rower st Tactorles in Carnda and the Also every other description of Pomp at Equally Low Rates. Having bad long experience in Pump-making in the la 5 gn Ii with a All om for any of the above, whether by mai} or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, % JON IRVIN, Boreria. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, HARRISON MAW, Contracior and Builder, PORT PERRY?! Lric ments, Parties requiring good work done will do wellto call. (J~PlansandSpecifica tions made to order. HARRISON . Duit Perry, May 1%] 1870. MAW Promissory Notes and A lected, and made MONEY TO LOAN : On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. Special aitention will be given to the n gotiations of loans, and ae can rely upon having thir 0) bogix attended to i. promptly, and at small cxpense. Also, Lands, both Im mproved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY. FOR SALE. {Insurances affected in the Ontario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. _E. MAJOR, Assignee 4 and Valuator Oden Migoole Sid, uxt-dot fo i Boye) Contdisn But Port Perry, Ist Dec., 1808, ' a f ais I MONEY! D MON EY! HENRY GRIST, TB bier ae rtd ucts | yAENY SOUTOR AND DRAOGRTAN, ; ra JAVA, CANADA, LARGE SUM OF MONEY PATENT PUEP FACTORY i, United Sines) the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly. satisty all that will favor him §s repared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether W PSone, and finish off in the latent styles, will 11 the most modern re MONEY 10 LEND! AT REDUCED RATES. AM now I a b to lend any amount of Money on the security of Good "Farm, or Pro- ductive Town Property at the Towest. "possible rate of interest in sums and manner to suit bor rowers. Principal canbe repaid by yearly ime stalments or in one sum. Several well cultivated Farms and Lots of Wild Land for sale cheap. Investments made in Debentures, Mortgages, and other Securities. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold, For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. OFFICE--McMillian's Black, Brock Street. Whitby,Sept. 29, 1870 39-4 MONEY TO LOAN 5 PER "CENT, Improved Framing 'Town Property, BY THE ° ment Company. ee Periods extending from THREE to TEN ARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in VE a yearly iy or Yearly instalments. OFFICE-50 CHURCH ST., TORONTO. Loans of $500 and upwards are negotiated for riods of 5, 6, 8 and 10 years at the extrei few ales oh " ky Sent Jer anny annum ho if th Joan - -yenrly instalments owl ne is charged, and ia Jaonthly instalments only 5 per cent is aske ith wil Bay hut oly Fnsival and nd a oe 0 amounts & pore ono mins, bin wir ul mount of the Loan is advanced Conveyancing charges reduced to the very lowes E. MAJOR. AcexT, BORELIA P. 0.--REACH, Sept. 15, 1870. 31 ( ruucEs, WAGONS, BUGGIES. WHITBY AND ND UXBRIDGE HE 8 alien cvonsion T dE UXBRIDGE, Where will be found Buggies, covered and and other ohh own {hike i) up an get and Lair) and alw ick with the Patent Office and | S20%0d: 8 best Real Estate Security ser sit dren Gopermment, Cony: | Guay of a wor Bi Te , . At Low Rates of Interest. Designs proc "Drawings, HEE ox executed with promptitude aad Atta ought a Silver sold. fonts ot] ro oa Top of the o af Weed oy and d covered buggies to establishment pply JAMES L AMON, REFERENCES, ( Eretzthing fn the way of matter Sousctran, &o. A. Span er General; W.C, bi taro and ropa atin to at thy as usual, 035, oe : in Lh 1ario Bank ; By RE SAMUEL WA June 39, 1960, o- p Wi Sr AC roves ofOpie. | Whithy and Usbridge, Jy 15, 1860. LREY. a Imperial Building, Savings and Invest