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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Aug 1871, p. 4

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THE BANE AND ANTIDOTE, A special correspondent of the Toronto Daily Telegraph pays the following fatter- ing compliment to the Ci 3 Montreal :-- % Crime is iprevalopt ia: Son- treal. The custom of emp to coerce people, and when that fails, threatening with loss of life or property, .is on the in-| crease. Within the lag week several cases have come before the Police Court. John d with th the hfe of Alfred Bonnin, cletk, was bound over to keep the peace. igh Browne, charged with int iid the life 'of Mrs. Jubinville, te neccty scoay 30 li: ja i Ee giving ! iin 1 yester- port 41, bor day, ss was pened hi vii named Josephine Bouquetie, on a charge of threatening the life ot Mr. Geo. Pell, grocer. The Montreal Daily News seeks to ad- minister the following antidote : -- Such exaggerated statements ol fact as this is lated to lead strangers lo beli that Montreal is rapidly becoming the wicked- est city ih the world," and that lite here wes scaicely sate for a single moment while the truth is that it is one of the most Aha} and order loving communities to be and an, tg, = BE Reon | be expected to .D ie sumething more convincing than a simple denial. CHANGING POSITION, . pik The St. Andrew's Kirk Session, Mon- treal, in connection with the Church of Seotl lution a short time go, calling upon the congregaion in future to kneel during, rayel afl while singing. "Thay, in 01 Ya miity of the oharoht of Sealand, hégtbeen i ing d, passed a CHEAP! * AND FIRST cLass DRY €00DS, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO JL CAMPBELL CANNINGTON. Cannington, Jan. 12, 1870, oh 2 the habit of f standing during prayer 'and sit- | ting while singing. One Johaston, an El- der, opposed the change, blamed the ses- sion for, gookiu the yotes, and raised a Tumpus pa, Johnston, however, came oft second best, for he was relieved of, his Eldership, and the kneeling and stand- |. ing goes on. wlohnston appested to the PBnch: but this 1 "uear.t Harness! Harness ! ith ues to. ntiufisture, at his shop MANCHESTER description of first class Harness, using Be ng but the best material, making it up in the most durable manner, and at the lowest rate possible. | wish to make it advantageous for farmers and others in the surrounding coun- | try to leave their orders with me, and I will spare no pains in giving full satisfaction in Materal, Workmanship and Price. an repairs neatly and promptly executed. THOMAS BROOKS. _ Manchester May 16th, 1871. STILL PROSPERING ! Reduced Prices Nad Sucriber vod tol'say thet polis fpre o gell all Kinds of BURNITURE As Cheav as anv_other Establishment in North Ontario! My stock consists of TABLES. " wl Ui & : BEDSTEADS, TANDS, gh 7 & CANE SEAT CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, &c A large number of Steel, Engravings, framed ther with wood or gilt. Special attention paid lo Undertaking. Hav ing Aid my Hearse with a DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES Iam prepared to attend Funerals with as good an outfit and ou as reasonable terms as any other party in North or South Ontario. CO! of dll sizes constantly kept on hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. A good selection of Coffin Trimmings just re- ceived from the best market 'D.--5,000 feet of good Seasoned Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basswood Lumber. JOHN NOTT. N.B. Agent for monuments and tomb stones Borelia. Dee. 9, 1868. 49 NOVELTY CAGINET WORKS, that & the line, in the a nl known as Cash's Pump F y aps : Warps L300 2 of Butternut and Purposes umber, i ero Produce taken in ex- A call solicited before ore: pur H. NEVILLE. | v AATH alia © ALL AT 3. ICR! SUNDERLAND, FOR CHEAP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, « CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SIIOES, &e. The large and steadily increasing patronage towed upon me since commencing business at Sunderland. has induced 'me to add a Tailoring Department -To my business. ' have just finished a new Tailoring Shop, and secured the services of 'a first class Tailor, and am now prepared 'o furnish Qluthing got up in the latest style, and a Good Fit Warrantes « pai p Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for i paid for Hides and Shesuskine J. HURD Sunderland, Nov. 30, 1870. 48-ly NEW AND CHEAP STORE SUNDERLAND, BROCK. rps undersigned would respectfully an- nounce that he has now got into his New Store at the Village of Sunderland, and is pre- pared to supply the inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with the LATEST Bait Li OF FIRS CLASS DRY GOO DS! Embracing exer thing necessary for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF 1 EFreshGroceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF Crockery, &e. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of rok and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which he sells them. R. E. PORRITT. IF" The highest price given for every descrip- tion of Farm Produce. Sunderland, May 17, 1870. 20 CHAS. HISCOCKS, BAKER CONFECTIONER DEALER IN CANDIES, BISCUITS, corn AT MEAL SARDINES, UITS, 3 ding Cakes made to ordes also prepared to furnish Soirecs Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. He hopes by always keeping" a 1 took a he Towa rts, and hing 8 pr. Bd to And Sailors' Rights. My numerous customers and the public wn are respectfully informed that my large and choice Stuck of WINES & LIQUORS Recently taken froin Bond cannot be surpassed for quality and are sold at such prices as rhake it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Tocontinue and increase that liberal patronage which h s been be:towed upon me in the past. 'First class Wines, Brandies, Gins, Holland and Old Tom, Whiskeys, Old Bourbon, Family Prod. &c., &e. A large and choice Stock of Fresh Groceries. Special care taken in sel py dosriptiogal Furiiture nowon- atid and will be sold | | per cent Cheaper Than any other establishment in. the County, for cash or Cordwood, As I am determined to sell Cheap you may depend on getting good bargains, as the times are hard. 0G I would eal attention to the Undertak- ing department. Coffin _Trim- Co mings of all kinds. Coffins of #488 hy ; every size constantly on hand. a a Bl Also the best Hearse in North or sien gms IS SouthOntario. Charges moderate. le (G= A Stock of Sewing Machines on hand. WwW. H. PARK. PrixcE AvBerT, March 1, 1871. The Subscribers are bringing CANNINGTON.) THE LARGEST AND Bont Stock North Ontario! Stoves in every variety at Toronto prices at our Shop in Cannington. Tinware of the first quality and n the best style, cheap. First class Stove Furniture, 2 Repairing care'ully attended fo. Stovepipes-- Coal Oil, Lamp Chime our Teas and I'obaccos. » (Zr Absolutely pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. 0 Prices to suit the times. A. SINCLAIR. "ay Ca A ge Vy Tah : AA A, Puss SCA ¥ SPHRE UNION Prince Albert, March 15, 187¢, DRUG, GROCERY! J ~° AND Liquor Store! W. M. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opuosite Scott's i PRINCE ALBERT Invite the special at'ention of the public to their extensive rewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol land and Old 'Tem-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- Jobn Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well ~elected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. 0% Our Teas can't be beat! Try thera! We guarantee Hat for excellence in quahty, and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario. A choic lot of Tobaccos, Spices. Pickles, Sauces, &e PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 'I horoughly relisble Yatent Medicines. (5 Books and Stati nery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully seiected, Everything in Stock is 'of superior quality and will be so'd at the lowest remunera tive Prices. R bn the place opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. Ww. M. WILLCOX. zs Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. * 36 W.Hepinstall 2 PRACTICAL WATCH - MAKER, : And Jeweller, ""BROOKLIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other styles of Watches Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry and other Goods. Parties wishing any thing in his line would do well to call and examine before purchas- ing elsewhere. 3 All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. Brdoklin, Oct. 5, 1870. . 40 . MONEY T0 LEND The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rae of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 05 Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with 1description of the security offered, to W M. COCHRANE Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1867, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE General Agency Office. PORT PERRY CARRIAGE FACTORY ! -------- N returning thanks to hie numerous friends and customers for past favors, the sub- scriber would inform them, and the public generally, that having on hand the A LARGEST SFOCK. OF SEASONED LUMBER in the County of -Dutarioy he is y mnutaclorig Carriages, Wagons ! And all kinds of Azriculivral. Implements, unsurpassed in style or finish in the country, and #8 cheap as the cheapest. : or HORSESHOEING done on improved principles. G. U. WHITE. Port Perry, Juve 16, 1869. M. 0. DOCNOVAN Carriage £2 Ma Ker ! [BROCK STREET, WHITBY I GOOD assortment of Buggiea constantly on hand made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing % ALL WORK WARRANTED. &c., very chesp. 05 Rage, Copper, Brase, and Iron ken in exchange. (3 Cash paid for Sheepskins. COOK & STEPHENS. Cannington, June 7, 1871. MIO Tz Subscribers have large sums of money placed in their hands Tor the resto on Improved Farms, Village Properties, a other Securities in this and ad joining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times Borrowers can depend on petting their money with the least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appiaisers for the Canada Pere manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,600,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 two 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. KF" Agents tor several first class Fire Insure ance Companies. Collections made and w general agency bug ness transacted. . BG" DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "@ | JOAN & DAVID J. ADAMS; General Agents. Office over 1. C. Forman's Store, Prin ce Albert Prince Albert Dec. 2, 1870. THE NEW DOMINION GABBIAGE & WAGON SHOPS, il ot Prince Albert and Manchester. te Carriages. Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs. and Agricultural uplements ma of the "best materials and of the most approved makes. (= Firsi class Horseshoeing done. Ali Work Warranted. J. & ye HEARD Provsistors. PUMPS! PUMPS!!! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At IJ, FRYVINS ured |PATENT PUEP FACTORY BEORELIA SEE THE PRICES : FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Howe and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lilt Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per fout. Common turned Suztion Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cietern Pumps, a complale Pamp, from $3 up to $8. Algo every other description of Pomp at Equally Low Rates. Bt Having had long experience in Pump-making in the Supest factories in Carada and the United inte, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisiy all that will favor him wit cal All orders for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Please Address, JUHN IRVIN, Borria. Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870, HARRISON MAYV, Contractor and Builder, PORT PERRY! J5,piepated to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood rick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern. i improve- ments. Parties requiring good work donn will do wellto call. * (3=Plans and Specifica tions made to order. HARRISON MAW. Port Perry, May, 12, 1870. JOHN DAWES, ALER in Drugs, Patent Medicins, Df 'aints, Ole, Dye-Stuffs,Groceries.&ic , Bist Wikon and Liquats for medisinal RAS 4 OATILE MEDiciNGs, % Pl 'actory, Shere he he is prepared to 31 onders, to merit, as heretofore, a share of pub- HE Und d having i -- Appi t of Ofieial Assignee for North On- dc pa bah Honage, BH OPD: tario, is prepared 10 give prompt w-all ptey or Insolvency F UR. N IT ITUR R E Prince 'Albert Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily 5 er py mgd escription, & ana em? rorkinaaiike anger, thar and Manchester. MON EY TO k 0 A NN. UPHOLSTERING & WOOD TURNING CHAS. HISCOCKS 'Jn alt ita branches, Oroquet Sets, Models for Pa- Prince sy znd Manchester, § On good farm security at 8 per cent Interest. ial attention will be given to the ne- tents, &c. 24.1871 1 of loans, and borrowers can rely apon having their applications attended to NBER EARN to iG Br oklin Dry Store| promptly, and a1 small expense. FooRIn. & Also, Lands, both Improved and Unimproved, CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. 85rIvsurances affected in the Outario F o> Mutual I Ce : : ; Official PATE Valugtor Orsice.--Bigelow's Block, next door to the a Caadin. Bank, | Port Pony, 1 Let Dec. 1608. : : ; ii.) i MONEY! MONEY! HENRY GRIST | TR Syburie, bus cupliaiite to inves's | PATENT SOLICITOR END DRAUGHTSMLN, LARGE UN 'OF . MONEY OTTAWA, CANADA, Office an Real Estate 8 Security fs id FEA: ety "Gory: 'At Low Rates of Interest. a Sige No 0 Nn ommisgon are it nd ive sold. Pie! RE a on eoeipt of Ay Apply to H amps } LAMON, bot oy REFERENCES, Setters, Xe. * mit. a modell, Postmaster Stoenls Low. ie o Qfice over Armstrong's, Hotel, Mali Street, Jan GE Th ; SL a an 0 in Carl- Vablics, June 20,1869, Te Werks Broyincs of Outarios HONEY 10 TI. REDUCED RATES. 1 AM now ee I to lend any amount of Money on the security of Good Farm, or Pro- ductive Town Property at the lowest possible rate of interest in sums and manner to suit bor rowers. Principal can be repaid by yearly ine, stalmepts or in one sum. Several well cultivated Farms and Lots ot Wild Land for sale cheap. k Mortgages, made in Deb or) other Securities. Silver and Grecnbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. OFFICE--McMillian's Block, Brock Street. Whitby,Sept. 29, 1870. 39-¢ MONEY TO LOAN 5 PER CENT, Improved PS and Town Property, BY THE Imperial Building, Savings and Invest. ment Company. For Periods extending from THREE to TEN YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in Monthly, Halt-yeariy or Hy orye early instalments. OFFICE=50 CHURCH. ST., TQRONTO. Loans of $5600 and upwards dre negotiated for Dorie ui! oth 6, 8 and"10 years at the extreme! W rate T cent Jer annum: but if the loan be re-| ia Ail alf-yearly instalments A per cent is charged, ang if in. Donthi} #4 iments only 5 per cent is asked. $6.25 th will Im both principal and interest a 'a loan of 00 in-10 years. Other amounts in .& responding ratio. The Full Amount of the Loan is advanced 0 the very without deduction, ing charges reduced E. MAJOR, 'AGENT, BORELIA P. 0.--REACH, 31 Convey lowest rates. Sept. 15, 1870, z \ = WHITBY AND UXBRIDGE TH ed tak io! Le th Be ak oes Ly oh ot i nen UXB RID GE, Where will be found Bu, sore rh and other vehicles of his up in the latest and fo style, an wi on hand. she uses n ne but and employs none quality of his work can bo always upon, ' I3~ Repairs executed with promptitude and dispatch: A few second-hand nd covered - atthe Whithy estabiNbment for salge oot FS bob Whitby and Ustidgey pi i 1869. | Mortgages es Wanted. a r O "rics, WAGONS, BUGGIEY, - wi

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