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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Sep 1871, p. 1

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VOL XIV, NO. 3 Be Snkavin Dhserter, LA WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL h > 2 AND - » Ive Family Iewspaper; « 4% 4} «8 PUBLISHED A$ THE : VICTORIABLOCK; PRINCE ALBERT ' COUNTY OF ONTARIO, "EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, TRRMS :--$1.50 months i paid will scription tal or less than six months; «continued until allarrearsare paid. AJ Lelterscontainingmoney . when addressed to igdiige, pre-paid andregys d, wiltbeat ogrrisk. ATES OF Amir ING.' - g For i) Ine, f indertion, . $0.08 % Su nt ii per line, 0.02 Cards, ye lines, per annum 5 00 KX ivertisemeifls mensured in Nonpareil andcharge according tothe space they occupy. . = Advertisements pegeived far gablication instructions, will beinsertedautil T_T yp re rannam, if paid wit atime, $2. a without avgedaceordingly. Noadvertisement will betaken bug until paid for. Aliheraldiscountallowedto Merchants and others whoadvertiseby the yearorhalf-yenr. 3* Uheseterms willinalloases be sirobiya le heredto, 3 Whe + stantly increasing imp BidingofO; orciulersthepubl ce of the North: moltheOBSERVER and condemning ad in forwarding nd in the amount he unsurpassedby JOB DEPARTMENT. i Pamphlets. land Bijls Posters. Programmes, Bil Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Hooks, Cheek Books' Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &e , &e., of ion lor, executed promptly, andatlower ther establishmentin this county. y digtayce getting hand bills &e. printed mdone tatake home withtiem, every st at Professional Cavs. "Dr. Brathwaite PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. : DR. WARE, FL] for the County of Ontario, J Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert DR, C. E. MARTIN, RADUATE of Victorin Oollege, Toronto ' and Provincial Licentiate Graduate of dellvue Hospital Medical College ; of the New Fork Eye and Ear Infirmary in General and QOrthopoedic Surgery ; and special geaduate for «lisenges of the,chest, New York, Office at" Afl- | Jison & Petitt's Drug store, Port Perry. R. JONES, M. D., CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. (\FFICE aud Residence over Allison & Peiit's Drug Store, Port Perry. Drs. McGILL & RAE, IMYSICTANS, Surgeons, &¢.,&e. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa, AM. MGILL, M.D. FRANCIS PAR, M, B. SAMUEL H, COCHRANE, LL.D., RRISTER, oly yn Alospey, Tin cey, Notary Public, &c., Brock site Whig : J "R. J, WILSON, J ARRISTER, Jarno a fav; Sopgio in. Chan (C in ( Victoria iin Brook-st, Whity, | ths ~ LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B. LICIFOR in Chancery, Attorney, : NO Oshawa. ice Simene witrect, opposite the post office. eo G. YOUNG SMITH, LL. 3, i t-Law, Solicitor i 1B leas, sad Tassivonce, Nosaey Bu ns iis fit Ed roe oar) Offico-- 's Blogk, Brock Street, Whit- so Bei ans i i CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and. Adtorneys at Law, Solicitors Gounty Council Qutario. Offices: |) ur 1 A no om OW ' JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at#aw, Soljgitor in Chancery, ign Agel & » Gonveyancer, ent, C:, Dabiige, Office over & strong's Tote], Main Street, Uxbridge. LL ARRISTERS rmeys, citors, Con- i and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- , one door North of the Post Office; and 4 LB uaaville, office Mr. Feoter's Bloc "ote hore) ) OV STR ; OHN BILLINGS, © J ARASTE Maney at Fa Seer 'Ghia , Conve] y AS ¢ VS bir over ing the loyal "Arcade, Port Perry. rly " Ee RD os in Chan- Aer i ort Perry, . Ol in: the Royal Perry. ; R. M'GEE, B.'A. oo Dewtisten, # .D WAID ¥ Sargon! er Mall Brock $t., Uxbridge A cu a ti rformel ll Wi mont skill' BE a and , warranted to, Si SES | ive tUmADR ve no (LR c, and al ees | Svhich" defy 'compos SUR I ILO Hon. GEESE TY be ¥3 ' ; @ in all kinds of Jewelry; Fancy | . acini» nGoods, fein coil lil fy in ter 3, ATA in Dy 6.1 k, oppo- | son: op = H. L. Harnden, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Ten Years Experience, OFFICE IN BIGELOW'S BLOCK, PORT PERRY. ' RESIDENCE-- PRINCE ALBERT. Patticnlar attention given to the of Children's Teeth, Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, gjier and Vulcanized Rubber, < Teeth filled with Gold so as ty' serve thénr from further deoay. «~*~ 1. PIES istered fot the Nitrous: Oxide Gass painless extraction of Teeth, Consultation free and all work warranted. Sept. 7 1870, Liew 36-1y fe? FUNCT, THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company TT IIS Company is now fully ofganized and is prepared to acecyit risks on Farm Buildings and the mtents, country School Houses and Chnirches. Those wi shing to insure and thereby nce Company have now g so either by applying ftce, or to any of the loca! Agents iy. Our rates will be found as sponsibleMutual Insurance support a Home In; an opportunity of doin, to the Head O Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Bujld- ings Breck Street, Whithy. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. 'W. 27-1y INCORPORATED , Capital - - $400,000 President HON. JOIN MeMURRICH Vice-Pre: . C. MAGRA'l 8 Secretary Major & Willcox, a, can LICENSED AUCTIONEERS YOR (THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money. to Loan at 8 per cent. BE. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BorELIA. Prince ALperT. Sept. 28, 1870. 39 Wm. Gordon, Liconsed Auctioneer, Valuator, ? &e,, &ec., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, F Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and' Eldon. I~ Parties entrusting their Sales to mo may |. rely upon the utmost attention being given to their interests, . WM. GORDON, Sundérland P.O., Brock. "3.C PILERY,. Licensed Aunciioncet FOR TUE 1 , County of Ontario The Subscriber will furnish Blank Notes and =="{ Stamps for sales. All sales attended to--on the shortest notice--any where within the County -- Terms liberal. Bills s| aped tree of charge.~ Debts colleetedon he i ; J. C. PILKEY, Epsom P. 0. THOS, H. WALSHE, ¥ [CENSED- Auctioneer for the Town- Mara & Steamboat Notice. 7d : Ro 4 4 5A, Nl GLO! SAXON. ANGLO 1 "on (hg opening of Navi BPE am fev gation, to do all Kin: Freighting betwécen * this point and Lindsay, Bob "and Fenclon Falls, at the most rene 1 Miles) ITER y 3 Pie-nje and Exeursion parties taken on the most favo termg. ap he ble BIGELOW, © y Th : s A Port Perry, Marc o -J.iconses. inge Tice : Rot. Perry. Office," the. Scvaca AVAILENRY CIEARLES: © . Port Perry, Nov, 11h, 1869,. : PWALTON STREET, PORT HOPE - | tion and been fitted up witha view to the com- * | fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- 3 of Brock, Thorah Rama. 1 is necessary for that purpose being screws, Ani ; pone in "he cont if Satis ven screw dri ver. y STeftat ce, or at his residence will be | Price, Complete = - $12. punctually attended to. Jabs Sollsated) ih can For further particulars apply Jo RSON. to! therwise, and prompt r ny » indo. Rormombores WALSH. to Nori Cos Wa, AND » tario Auctioneer. «| 11 . Borgia, Ont. ~ . CELEBRATED (Perfected Spectacles! | So that those who have notbecn abla tend : tote "Vawy 10, 1870 sotels. Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. -- HE Subscriber laving leased to above Hotel, has fitted up in 'a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and Digperty of the illage and neighborhood, and with direct re- Susnee to the comfort and convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Oomfsrtable Stables and attentive Hostlers, Neither lahor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of Public patronage. HENRY FOY. - Port Perry, June 16, 1869. : 3 "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER B, PLANK,..... PROPRIETOR. H VING purchased the above hotel, and hag Furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid .to guests, -- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ~ Careful pstlers always in attendance. 8 Mackic's Hotel, (LATE nRoDIE's) Wat. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omuiibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DATO HOUSE UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests, The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. J. %y Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprictor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY, A. MASON, ProprikToR. This Motel has undergone a thorough renova- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and attentive hostlers will have charge of the stables. Whitby, 20th June, 1870, MONEY h (PRIVATE FUNDs,) | To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., shawa 1" JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP CLERK for Reach. Con- veyancer, Commissioner of the Court o Queen'sBench, &c. Business carefully attended Offi anchester. 2 Novémber 21, 18643. PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1871. i did a very poor businesa in the way of cash. NEARER HOME, A NYMN BY THE LATE PHERE [Ue One sweetly solemn thought Comes to ma o'er and o'er ; I'm nearer my home to-day Than Fever have heen before ; Nearer my Father's house Where the many wansions be i Nearer the great white throne, Nearer the crystal sea; Nearer the bound of life ; Where we lay our burdens down y Nearer leaving the cross, Nearer gaining the cfowd, . Dut the waves of that silent sea Roll dark before my sight; That brighthyon the other side Break on g shop of light. . 0, if my mortal feet Have almost gained the brink, Ifit be that I'm ncarer-hdme ven to-day than ga 2 Father, perfect my trust, Let my spirit feel in death That her feet are firmly set On the rock of a living faith. en eee 4 ~------s eiie The Golden Bullet. In 1851, when new gold fields wero being discovered every day in the eastern portion of California, there were a number of per- sons who, tired of the uncertainties ol min- ing, were looking around through the val- leys for some spot 10 settle down into agri- ¢niturzl pursuits. Several families crossed the bay from San Francisco, and pitched their tents on either side ol Son Leandro Creek, about eight miles above Oakland, at a point |ess than one mile [rom the foot of the mountains. me.! The traveller took the proflerred pen and traced the entry in an easy, flowing hand ¢ lsaac Askew, Supt. Yellow Jacket Mine, Virginia City, Nevada.' ¢ Ah, you're trom the Comstock Lode ! Huw are the mines working now sir 7' ¢ Beyond all expectation the nchest lode in the world. But the storm still rages, and that poor mare of mine needs some care a I've rode hard to day, and, but for the storm would have made San Francisco my _stop- ping place. [Let us drink, and let the storm take care of jigelf." It Ara) The miner shivered as he looked out intd the dark, and drew a long breath of Ralis- faction that he was so securely housed from the storm. His dress was tho ordinary one of the miner in all its nutward seeming ; but as he threw ff an outer-coat "ef piloi-cldihy; the white' shirt, stylish-cut walktcoat, and carefully tied cravat betrayed his status at a glance. \ Isane Askew was ono of the bak metall- argists on the coast; and to hiskidl and encrey the success of the new mines at Gold Hill and Virginia Ciry were mainly die. Under his masiagement the rich de- posits of silver wore bronght to the surf. ce in immense quactities, and his mine was becoming famous throughout the land . The cppidity of ihe innkeeper was im- mediately aroused on beholding the shining mass of gold in the possession ofthe miver ; and although he affected a hilarity in keeping with his open manner, ho was con- cocting a plan to relieve him of it. Tho rear of the inn overhung the creek, Among thege was a carpenter named | Robert Gilmore, originally from Pensylva- | nia, where he bad a family. Deserting | them for a woman name Elizabeth Miller, | the two proceeded to the Golden State to- gether ; and after a lot of hard knocks, we fini! them keeping an inn at the foot of the mountains near San Leandro. At this time about the ouly frequenters of the house Were the Spaiiiards and ¢ greasers ;"" and as money was scarce with them, the Gilmores Robert Gilmoie was the most eonsumate scoundrel the world ever produced. He was apparem'y about forty-five years old, and carried a face that would deceive any one. fle mpst have belonged to a good family § for, besides a thorough education, he was polished in his manner, clean in person, and careful in dress. At a tale of with a series of piles in support, and be- neath this [rail structure the turbulent wat- era were boiling and bubbling. The miner drank and grew merry with the avaricious landlord, and told him mar- vellous stories of~the mines in Australia, where he spent a long time. In the meantime the innkeeper plied his his victim with liquor, and at length he began'to euccumb to its potent influence. ¢Lthink Pll go to bed, Landlord,' his tamd falling on Lis breast wearily. ¢ Weil, come along, then, old boy ; we'll taka ¢are of you? nae te ted him 10 his apartment, <A fiting night for a good job !* he mut- tered ; ¢the eiements are at war with all the world. And I too!" The miner, overeamo by tho liquor he had drank, was baried in profouul slumber. He grasped the whip tightly in his hand. want his fine counténance expressed com- misagration wn every (eature, and he would | ~ yer 1 OEAS THORN, VS. | { EMBER of the Veterinary Inatitute, Chica- LA 50, Ill, Gold Medalist for the best exami- ion on I[Torse Practice, Author ofa First ri? say on Shoeing, Graduated Sept. 18, 67. > Dr. Thorn begs {0 annonnce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre= pared to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medieal Hall of Messrs, Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention, X33" The Vetermary Stables may be found on Lilly street, oppozite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. Pr 181 0 THE ANDERSON AND JOHNSTON LODGED GRAIN & PEA HARVESTER This is one of thoze simple attachments neces- sary to perfecting the reaping machines for the purposes above mentioned, After thoronghly experimenting inthe harvest- field during the pastyear, wo are now able to bring before the public this appliance a complete success 5 the land being in good order, and peas dry, we will warrant the grain and peas brought up clean to cutting knife and on-the grain table to the satisfaction of all. If the peas are dry when cat, fey will hardly require hand or self-rake, bat will pass over the grain table in a stream. Lodged grain can be taken up, no mat- ter how flat or tangled, and as much can be har- vested per day as any other grain standing. Any one can put them inin ten minutes; all 5 i! DBarelia, July 13, 1871. 28 LAZARUS, MORRIS & 003 E pl in stating to the public that I PAVE pi Sas Ih Sook a full assortment of "those celebrated Spectacles, which give, Clearness of Vision, as well 'as. Ease and Comfort them, avoiding need To all who use | that distressing fatigne cxpe! using common | "1. + spects, and that i can now SUIT THE MOST DIFFICULT. waist WENT QE ppt WS a for years, may now read pe Yi} 'WM. HEPINSTALL, Sole Ags ooklin and. vicinity. Sole Agent for Br Broaklin, July 25 1871. Marriage 30 dcenses | MAJOR | sometimes frequented by ca | backward and forward like the pendulum of | sarved he, 'as the stranger looked up and be the first nan to decry viliany of any sort. | [lo enjoyed the confidence of a great many | of the early settlers, and his rn was | sts and | | | stoc}-dealers [rom San Fiancisco. It was tho early part of April, and near | the hour of midnight ; black clouds had | been ecudding along the mountain-lepa, and ! the wind was howling against the swinging | sign of ¢ Gilmare's Ranch," as the inn was | called. Big drops had commenced to fall | convulsed in agony as thunderbolts reverb- erated through the gorge. . It was a night that was long remembered. Rain had sel- dom fallen so.late 'in the season, and thunderstorm had never been witnessad.. in that valley before. Soon the water wo pouring down in' torrents, and the creek was sending en angry flood offering to the bay, A horseman dripping with wet, dashed up to the inn, threw himself from lis steed, and 1apped with the butt of a heavy whip on the door. + ¢ What ho ! House, 1 say I"'he cried. Lights were lit within, th® bolts thrown back, and Gilmore throw open the door of welcome to the drenchéd éfan or. ¢ A fearful night sir! You are lucky to find a shelter so soon. Take something to drive out the damp,' ¢ Thank you; I don'tcare it 1 do, re- plied the guest. ¢ And .1'll be obliged 1p, you if [can get a belt 1 dont s'pose there's any use in trying to do anything lo: my mare, is there ?' out the damp.' . 3 Aun their glasses wore filha 'with liquor and drank off, Gilmore taking an inventory ot the stranger's effects, =~ © | ¢ He carried a « Blackenake" heavily loaded at the batt, as could easily be seen by the swing of the whip, as the stranger] caught it near the middle, and swayed it a clock. It was only an involuntary move. ment ; yet its:motions did not . eseape the quick eye of the landlord. i: ' #That's a heavy whip you carry," ob. caught his eye on it. ad "4 Yes, Ereckon it is,* answered the man laughing. It's pretty heavy,' repeated he, and anecrewing the flange," poured out on he redwood counter a mass'ot gold pieces. | Tho innkeeper's eyo hed attha wel- oom" eight. He tarned the old day book that waa used 'ns' a register towhrds the guest, ond striking an atlitade that 'would . Issued by Authority. \ Rn BE from the heavens and all nature seemed |* ¢ It wen" hurt her, my dear sir, a Cal- | * ifornia horse don't want anything to keep | lavghingly exclaimed, ¢ A bed! Ay, yo! shall have the best bed the house affords ! This castle is at your service, sir--dommand i sell, and who's got whiskey to sell but Bob | Gilmore 7? ) | nimi surprise among the directors of the mine ; and as he had never been seen by the offi- cers at San Francisco after' leaving the for- mer place, it was readily surmised that he had" fallen in with a pary of robbers who then infested the State 3 . A friend who had accompanied him from { Austalia was the only one likely to be wor- tied about the ailair, This friend, one | JaMed Trico was also in the employ of the | same company, and the two~men were sn | often seen together that they were called | the ¢ Australian brothers.' Price, becoming tired alone in the moun- tains, wandered from camp to camp in searph of tidings of his lost partner, until he reached San Francisco. All interest was. entered: in the hopo of finding him. He cared not [or all the gpd in the country, as long as his friend was missing. They had often periled their lives for gach other, aud he would have willingly laid down his life for hat of his friend. T= The ¢ What Cheer House? was the favor- ite resort of the honest miner, and thither |- he repaired. "An excited etate of affairs existed bere also, the all absorbing topic of conversation being tho new gold dis covery. . It waa contended by an old gray- | haired miner that the nugget exhibited was | a fraud --that there was no gold 'in the Pacific slope like that found, or said 10 be found, at San Leandro. {WHOLE NO. 711 -- -- A WOMANLY DEED. A gentleman who styled himself ¢The Wonderer,' recently furnished the followii to the Saratogian. It touchingly narrates an act through which a. Woman's nol heartedness beautifully ehone: ~~ ( When the train halted at Sai a, arong the passengers from*he west cam a man of-about thirty years of age, elbow- ing his way through the crowd and bearing in his arms a chill. He was a poor man ; his clothes wero poor, he looked poor.-- Around-bis bat was tied a piece of soiled, worn crape. It was evidently all the --- mourning his scanty means would permit, for.Abe mother of the ehild was dead. 'Fliis man was rough in his exterior, yet his face was an honest one. He handled iho baby awkwardly, yet there was a tenderness in. hig sad look: that showed the purity of a father's love. The liftle fellow lay nsles - «pon hisgoarsply olad knee ; a stray sunbeam" "Fs glancad across bis tired face. , They were both tired, the father and the child 3 for they had come from the far west; and as he placed his hard, toil-worn hand to ehield it from the golden rays, tliere was in his look a mixtore of sadness and care, as if his pent-up feelings had been so crowded back into the inner cells of his heart that even tears could have been no relief to the hid- Price did not loep much that night. Ho was in a feverish state of excitement, and tossed on his bed until near daylight. He then settled his bill and took the first boat for Alameda Point, where lio fell in: with a panty ol five or six old acquaintances, and together they proceeded towards San Lean- | dro: 5 : ¢ Gilmore's Ranch' was the only house opea at tho time as a drinking place, and here was congregated the prospectors as Prico and his paity camo ingo view. ¢ The fraud was played by, some one to make money out of it,' cried a man' with a pick and stovel across his shoulders; ¢ and |- who would or could make anything out of it except a man who has got whiskey to Here he threw His implements on the ground, and propose! 10 fight it aut with the Wnkeeper. When Price looked in the face of Robert Gilmore he shook his head and muttered to himself, ¢ [ ain't on the right track after all, [fhe is tho man that turned that up, | might just as well go back." den anguish that was making hie life a misery. 4 The poor child cried ; it might be the little thing was tired, it might be it missed its mother; perhaps it was hungry ; per- binps it wag sick, and it cried." The tears rolled down its cheeks, the father wiped away the dew drops as they fell, and thep tried to feed it. He was so awkward with the bottle-- his had been a Jife of toil and hardship, and he knew not how to give hig darling its nourishment. Ae he made effort alter effort to 'blifle tha cries.and check-the tears of his motherless babe, how he must have missed her who in his life of Jabor and Frivation had been his solace and comfort, An unbidden tear started to his eye, but he Srushed it quickly ay. All who saw him pitied him. At length a woman, rich= ly appareled, with an infant resting on the lap of its nurse beside her,--she had been watching the mac--saiil in a gentlo tone, "Give me tne child." The poor fellow looked 'at her with a Inok of gratitude, for there was a mother's tenderness in her voice. With humble resignation, as though it were pain to him, even fot a mo- ment, he gave her his boy. The woman tok it; its soiled cloths rested on her costly The pugnacious miner would not be ap- He had merely laid aside his apter clothing, | and throwing himself on the bed, hud car- | tied his whip"along with him. The innkeeper had disappeared from the | apartment : but, in a fow moments he turned, fecompanied by a woman of fuuy or forty-five years. of: her where his [eatures denoted intelligence, | hers wore almost idiotic, except when her | eyes blazed out in fury and greed at the | sight of the sleeping miner. | ¢ His money is the whip, Liz," he whis- | ered, | "What are 'you~ going to do with him, Bob,' she a~ked. : | She was the opposite companion in every respect ; for | leave the rest to chance.' ¢ Chance ! Fool, would you go to jail for chance I" the woman sneered out. -- ¢ Take him by the heels and throw him in- to the creek.' ¢That's the chance I intend for him. Do ing about here, as they would be if bis money was lost in this house. No; I go for mience I' Amid the reging of the storm the. bloody deed was committed, and the body of Isnac Askew, the miner, with his skull crushed in by a blow from the whip he had carried through many dangers, was throwa into the murky torrent below. Towards daylight the storm ceased ; and when the sun shone out on the beautiful face of nature, all evidence of a dreadtal deed having been committed atthe inn was obliterated. . : . . . - ¢ Murder will out,' at least in 'this case, was bropght abont in so summary a manner as almost to Took like the work of an aven-| ging spirit, 'The publié mind was agitated over the discovery of Goll in Alameda country, and all' San Francisco was in a ferment, A nngget, weighing about an ounce and a half, was found near San Leandro Creek, and was on exhibition in Montgomery street, The excitementzwas intense, and hundreds were leaving for the new fiela daily. It wad so unexpected thal it carried everything by storm." The whole valley had 'bean * prospected"" thoroughly, as it was thought, long before, and not a color was found. ERIRA A ¥ ™ The office in which the nugget was on exhibition waa, thronged wilh an excited crowd daily ; and on satisfying themselves as to the reality of tha drift, they would | strap' on' their Blankets and break for the: prominent El Dorado. ai a 'The mysterious absence of Isane Askew have "done credit-to a first class actor, he bh | shiricked, snatching' it from her hand; ¢ Take the money, hide it securely and | you think that I'd have a lot of fellows spy- | from his post at Virginia City excited ouch peased, and strufted and beliowed about until the hostess made her appearance upon the scene, armed with-the identical whip] that formerly belonged-to Isaac Askew.-- {t Price knew it na goon ashe saw-it, and he I uttered an exclamation that brought the | attention «f all to him. | & Where's tho owner of this whip 2 he | ¢ where's tho mar who had it in his poss- ession less than one month ago? Answer me, or I'll do you harm,' ¢No one but my old man thers has had that whip in his possession. We've had | it ever since we came lo the covntry," was her undaunted reply. ¢ You lic, you hag!' retorted the miner. | ¢ See hero, men. This whip belonged to | my paitner; he carried it to my certain | knowledge, for the Inst twelve" years, here {and in Australia. The butt was his speci- { men case, and he had gold from every part of the world init, See!" he cried, as he | unscrowed it, Plager faces pressed close around, aod behold ! there was the name engraved in fullon the inside plateg--¢lssac Askew, Sydney, Aastalia.' The inkeeper was shaking as if an ague fit. All his confidence seemed to have deserted him in an instant. «When 1 heard that the nugget said to have been found up hero was a foreign gold," resumed Price, J suspected that it had been some of my partner's that bad been used as Ngey and so I.came up to wark it ont. 1'¢& seen the game played before, but never saw it turn out so well," Robert Gilmore was 'arrested for the murder of Tssac Askew, and at the first session of the county court was convicted and eentenced to death? The evidence was circumstantial, but no doubt existed as to his gnilt, He confessed that he Had moulded the sugget found from a twenty. dolar piece, which he fired from a gun into the earth, set died protesting his innocence of the murder. > A few days alter the execution a body was found lodged in some bushes that lined the San Leanandro Creek, a short distance below ¢ Gilmore's Rane 'tified as that of the mi eo BR Hie 3 Years after this occurrence a woman lay on a Uying bed in Stocktown, and among other crimes confesced wes the murder of the miner, whose assassin was brcught to punishment by means of a golden bal- Yet, HP ol re BI -- eens. | Itia mail that'a man who paper because he can borrow vented a machine by 'which he & la silk ; its tiny head was soon lost' beneath lier shawl, and in a moment all was gtill,.-- Like the Grecian davghter who, throug] the iron bars fed Ler starving father, so di bis high-born lady from. her breast feed he hungry eild, and when, on her geniia bosom the littie oné iny in calm and nnvex+ vd sleep, sho pot aside her shawl. TheAfather's heart swelled with gratitude. Ho said, as a tear welled: in his eye, apd his voice was thick with emotion, ¢ Thank you: Dll take him now." . Then the wo- man's nature spoke forth, as she gently ans swered, ¢ Not yet; you will wake him," and for mile after mile that noble-hearted woman held that poor man's child, and it was not until her own babe required snch refreshment as only a mother cin give, she gently rose and placed the stranger boy with ils father. kt ¢ If thay man never prayed before, if ng aspiration from him went' upward before thie, one honest, truthful supplication roe from his soul ; angels bore it through the upper air, and if ever truth found its way to heaven, the Almighty heard that poor man's prayer, that [la would bless that wo= man. And if the spints of the dead can look back ; if they can pierco tho dark clond which hides their world from our world ; of from eternity. they still gaze on time, how mast the mother of that child have tejeiced at the atranger's kindness to her poor orphan ; and if she could -speak, her words would have been © God bless you, sister." May the child, with the nourishment it drew from that noble breagls grow' up: with / the kindly nature whith prompted that enerons offering ; and may the woman be ong spared 10 adorn a world which has but © few such ornaments ; and the world, cold © ag it ia, will not refuse the tribyte which is justly hers, and many will yet pray ¥ May God bless her.' eee 8 eee A PERMANENT OCCUPANT. The Virginia, Nevada, Enterprise of July 19th, has the subjoined record of Jife in the mining regivns : ou Friday morning last, when the bodv of > George Kirk was lying at the undertaking | establistment of Wilson & Brown or B. street, a man who appeared to bo A stranger mn the oity seeing something of a crowd about the door appronched and looked in at the body lying in the coffin. + Man dead?" asked he ot a person stand- ing near: °° : Tanw ¢ Yes, sir," shortly answered he who was accosted. 3 3 . Pidgeting a little, the stranger vied it again. a y * 50 How dill hie dio ¢ Hung,' was the 'reply. Lid ¢ Hung !=Ah, tung himsel(?* = = © * 0,00, sir ¢ ho was hung by the Vigil antes." ' a Eo o Sirangor- What did they 'hang him - for Cg . ¢ He had been notified fo | and he eame back." ¢ When a man hag. leave can he ni oy ry ava the fown, his dinner by the-smoke of his neighbor's chimney. g re

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