bbs er rete TT esioners 'appointed to construct Si oom 10 hereby give public they are prepared to receive tenders o ny! hoz at Ballasting on 54 miles of 5 Sections 4, 7,and 12; Province ot 'Novas cotin. Tenders may be had for the whole distance or for separate Sections. Specifications and forms of tender can be ob- tained at the Commissioners' Office, Ottawa, and at the office of the engmeers at Truro and Am- Sealed Tenders, marked Tenders: and-ad- dresed to the Lg I received at office npito o'clock noon, on) mday, Sat] be 1871. Tenders will he received at the same time and ton Spikes, Jcconding to samples acer ve named offices. Tenders tostate ries per ton of 2,245 1hs, deliv- erin equal quantit'es at Truro 'and Amherst, y Railway stations. 50 tons to be delivered at Amherst by the 16th October, and 50 tons by the 1st November next. Balance of delivery by 1st July, 1872, A. WALSH, ED. B. CHANDLER, C. J BRYDGES, A. W. McLELLAN, Commissioners. a ercoloninl Railway, Commissioners? Office. Ouawn, 14th Avg., 1871. Apprentice Wanted. Wii at the Ontario Carriage Factory, Prince Albert, an intelligent youth to learn the Carriage Ruilling, 1S EMANEY. Prince Albert, August 23, 1871. ~ Harness! ! Harness L RET The Subscriber continues to manufacture, at 'his shop MANCHESTER :, Every description of first'class Harness, using nothing but the best matefial, making it up in the most durable manner, and at the lowest rate possible. I wish to make it advantageous, for farmers and others in the Sarton coun- try to deave their orders with me, and Iwill oe no pains in giving full satisfaction in Materal, Workmanship and Price. All repairs neatly and promptly executed. THOMAS BROOKS. Manchester May 16th; 1871. ST ILL RROSPERING ! Reduced Prices Tm Subscriber hegs to say that Js is pre pared to sell afl kinds of HINT, s.anv_ other' Establishment i in North Ontario! ! My stock eollsists of TABLES, BUREAUS; SIDEBOA RDS, "CUPBOARDS, WRITING DESKS BEDSTEADS, st ~S7a YI4 WooD's CANE SEAT CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, &c Alargen mer of Steel Engravi ent framed cither with wood or gilt. Bpevia) Sawin aid lo Undertaking, Ilav ing refittedsmy Hearse with a DOUBLE SET oF NEW PLUMES Iam prepared to attend Funerals with ag good an outfit and on a3 reasonable terms as any other party in North or euth Ontario. a INS of all sizes constantly kept on hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. A good selection of Uoffin Trimmings just re- Seived from the best markets. WANT 0 foét of good Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basshoad Lumber. JOHN N N.B. Agent for monunicntgand tombstones Borelia. Dec. 9, 1868. 49 NOVELTY CABINET WORKS, PRINCE ALBERT. the in- country that he has Skid, ne pe in, bove line, in the shop fortnerty known ash's Pump Factory, where $ he is' prepared to manufacture «1; FURNITURE Of ov description, from the best material . and int e most workmanlike man; as-cheap agany bther establishment in the Bugs UPHOLSTERING & W00D TUR. Inallits brauches, Grout Sots, Models for Pa- tents, &c. Tha Silpugive is wo prepared to do OYUNBLERTAKING On the Shoctest notice--a good Hearse supplied at moderate charges. 5" All kinds of Farm Produce taken in ex- change for ® work. A A call solicited before pur- clsow! 'G. H. NEVILLE. Waxrep -- \ few 1000 feet of Batternut and Bass HE Findersitned v Youd : intimate to VALUABLE ~ in they casdned | oH EAP! AND FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, & Shoes, &c. GO TO DL CONPRILLS CANN INGTON: - Cannington, J Jan. 12, 1870. Pest "COATT AT I iin SUNDERLAND. FOR Tay CHEAP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, = BOOTS & SHOES, &e. The large and steadily increasing patronage bestowed pon me since commencing business at underland has induced me to add a Tailoring Department To my business. I have just finished «a new Tailoring Shop, and secured the services of a first class i and am now prepared 'o furnish Clothing got. up in the latest style, and a Good Fit Warrantéd, X Fam P Produce of all kinds taken in exchange or Cash oh for Hides and hi aT URD. 48-1y Sunderland, Nov. 30, 1870. NEW AND.CHEAP SUNDERLAND, BROCK. HE undersigned i or respectfully an- nounce that he has now got into his New Store at the Village of Sunder! nd and is pre- paced to supply the inhabitants of Brock and surrounding townships with tire LATEST STYLES OF FIRST CLASS' DRY GOODS! Embracing evervihing necessary for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Fresh Groceries Of the best quality. A CHOICE LOT OF _ Crockery, &c. The undersigned is determined to sell at the lowest-possible rates, and flatters himself that he can meet the wishes of the people of Brock and surrounding townships, both as to Quality of Goods and the Price At which hegells them. R. BE. PORRITT. XG The highest price given for every deserip- tion of Farm Produce. Sunderland, May 17, 1870, 20 CHAS. HISCOCKS, BAKER' CONFECTIONER DEALER IN C is ARR An ; FLO "OAT MEAL ORN MEAL, EK, CANDIES, 5 sARDITE FRUITS, TOYS, &C. "Wedding Cakes made to ordei aredl fo furnish. Soirces Ho is ali ro bec EL on liberal terms. always Kedpita iy aids Slo: Shs Tleretoforo, share of pub. 8 = OPS: Prince 'Albert and Manchester. hy Ann price: all orders, to me: de Patronage. Dwelling House| _ ®OR SALE VERY CHEAP, Prince a | my "Pho nfiderdgnedhas reeetved i i are i i or waluable and desirable Slione 39 . Tn t Vion of on Abort Brooklin Drug Store 8b presen ! Wm. M. DAWES, RSE § CA 9 Hn hd» \TTLE MEDICINES, wo; STORE| : Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. Port Pes. Dit 4 dh. OFFICIAL ASSI JOHN | \GALER in Drugs, Patent Medicins, J Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufls, Groceries, &o |. and Liquors for medioinal|" FREE TRADE My numerous customers and the public ately are poneitivty informed' that my large and choice St k of WINES & LIQUORS| Recently taken from Bond cannot be surpassed for ghality and are sold at such prices as make it an object for customers whether Wholesale or Retail Tocontinue and increase that liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon me in the past, First class Wines, y Brapdies, Gis, Holland and O1d "Tom, Whiskeys, old A Family Prodf, &c., &e. A large and is Stock of Fresh Groceries." Special care taken in sel And Saflors' 'Rights. 0 -- aes sas PO NPB O) PS Ppp es Every deseription of Barniture now on and and will he sold. per cent Ghoaper Than any other establishment in the County, for Cash or Cordwood. As I am determined to sell Cheap you may depend on getting good bargains, as the times are hard: 0G I, ould Bl attention to * the Undertak- ing department. Goffin Trim- mings of all ki Coffins of every size constantly on hand. Also the best Hearse in North ot SouthOntario. Chargesmoderate. {G= A Stock of Sewing Machinds on on hand. W. H. PARK. Prixce Arsert, March 1, 1871, our Teas and Tobaccos. hf (Zr Absolutely pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes. 03* Prices to suit the times. A. SINCLAIR. Prince Albert, March 15, 187¢, 2 'THE UNION DRUG," GROCERY! AND Liquor Store! W. ML. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Mortar--opvposite Scott's Hotel, PRINCE ALBERT Invite the special attention of the public to-their extensive rewly imported Stock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIgnaRS: consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. land and Old Tom-- Wines, Port, Sherry, &e.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters, &e. A large and well selected Stock of Fresh Groceries of superior quality. * 0% Our Teas can't be beat! Try them! We guarantee that for excellence in quality, and moderation in price they cannot be bent in North Ontario. A choice? lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &e. PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, Dye Stufis, Pats, Oils and Varnishes. Thoroughly reliable Yatent Medicines. (5 Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected. Everything in Stock is of superior quality and will be sold at the lowest remunera tive Prices. Remember the place opposite Scott's Llotel, Prince Albert. o Ww, M. WILLCOX. 36 WI. Hep install cp WATCH ~ REA LR 48 ER 9 And Jeweller, BROOKLIN. The American Lever Russell's Celebrated and other! styles of Watches ! Kept constantly on hand. Also a great variety of Clocks, Jewelry nd other Goodss" Parties wishing any thing in his linc would do well to call and examine before purchas- ing elsewhere. ~All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Oct. 5, 1870, 49 The undersigned is prepared to re loans™ of. 'money In Large or Small Sums On first class improved farm security--as the rave of interest is very low and charges are moderate,- the best: securities must be offered. 0 Several first class farms for sale on easy: sums of payment. security offered, to WM. COCHR Bigelow' a Block, ih # ¥ FICIAL_ASSIGNEE © General Agency y Office. CARBIAGE F FACTORY ! PATENT POKP Apply personally,or by letter HERES of *) 4, Eo » PORT PERRY N returning thanks {o his numerous friends oi rd customers for past favors, the sub | Lloro wonld' inform therg, and_the public generally, that having on hand the | LARGEST STO X OF. SEA SONED™ LUMBER in the CY of Ontario; hé iw manulacterig Carriages, Wagons Y And all kinds of Agricultural Implements, ansurpassed in style or finish in the country, and as cheap as the cheapest. (FF HORSESUOEING dane on improved. 1ringigles: : G. 0. WHITE. Port Petey, Sian 16, 1869. f= M. OO DCNOVAN Carriage Jg2 Maker BROCK STREET, WHITBY | GOOD assortment of gon ra on BEY made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch, Particular attention paid to repairing £5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. "THE NEW DOMINION GRBRIAGK & WAGON SH Prince Albert and Manchester. es, . Carriages. Wagons, Cullers, Sleighs, and Agriculiural Implements manufactured of the best materials and of the most approved males. (5 First class Horseshooing done: All Work Warranted, J. & WM. HEARD Proorietors. Prince Albert and Manchesto :, Feb, 10, 1870 PUMPS! P UM PS You can get the best and cheapest:Punip in the Province eet © SA-- At J. IBVIN:GS FACTORY ¥ BORELIA, SEE THE PRICES. 0. LE FORCE PUMP-- A-complete-Pump and Fire Engine: Sith Hoge and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cta'pek foots Common turned Sustion Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from" $3 np © $9." Also every other description of Pomp at Equally "Low Rates. Having had long experience in Pumpomaking 4 os untnd Gaie, the absorber feels confident that lb Hk y with a call " All 1L orders for any gf the Above, ¥ attende lease Adurees, IRVI EA a Contractor and der, & QRT PERRY?! I. 39a] Ts re] Rare 1g Contrdtt % 3 put up Buildings of ali*® on wheiher aod fi por Stongginnd or gb don wil do hii. ik most modern imp rl ents. Parties requiring goo rh one will do toeall, Pla 8, fons made to' rar 15.8 ele Am aon feel ON M. Port Reryy Ma; 12, np. RY up AW. 1iaibs THIIT OUD HE Undersig| Fading | tho ry fe h"On= tario, is prepared to give prompi, aint Pio fons fers ing Te gs y Promissory Notes and Accounts speadily co ected, and mass , main MONEY TO THIRG 7 . d farm security at 8 per cent Interest. | att, in - Tie] of loans, by rir can rely upon a tt fe Raters promptly, anda small ex nse, i aie U ag Also Lands, both Tinproved Eau both Hprised sud Unimaraved, Er lomrancen affected in the Ontario: Parmer' Matual loneancy Se HE Offieinl Ruigok ohh vamur| MONEY MONEY! ! I THE. sa bsoiher hing 16 instruction: from several ivats aaptangls to invest . LARGE sum OF MmoNEY Real Estate' Seciiri EF a a CAN Pi ity a a Sa ge, "i At Low Rates of Interest. | | 'No C i ¥ er | pe + REE to). : APIS be 1AM JV .f, numnygaons; . Campbell, Rinimagter General; W, 0, ANON, "Ton Smiths, Yea 8 qe, et tm. Bank Note Companys | 4 Office over Amstigagle Hotel, Nain Fh Orson ~Bigelow's Block, next ore Ro alc fadian nk, + Part Pony, 1st Deg, 1868. ! da ros Sole ki ! Byal ta. ' > Juan AND: UXBRID GE "at the Fy Stoves and Tinware ! ¥oag TRG Eve FOR ALL. CANNINGTON. THE LARGEST AND Best Stock ST 8 Ta vig Stoves in every variety at Toronto prices - at our Shop in Cannington. Tinware of the first quality and Maly vp in the best style, cheap. First class Stove Fnrniture.' Repairing carefully aftended to. Stovepipea-- Coal Oil, Lamp Chimneys, &e., very cheap. : 0% Rags, Copper, Brass, and Iron taken in exchange, (= Cash paid for Sheepskins, COOK & STEPHENS. Cannington, June 7, 1871. NYO EON Mortgages - "Wanted. pur Subscribers have large sums bf money placed in their hands' for the investment . on Improved Farms, Village Properties, 'and other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest, As we have funds on hand*at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their mone; with the least possible delay. : y . Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allow ed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Seciety, the cheapest fd largest Monetary Institution ip Canada. Pai up Capital $1, 500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 two 20 years. . Lands: Bought and Sold. Several good Farms for Sale. X35 Agents for several first class Fire Insur« ance Cecmpanies. Collections made and » general agency busis ness transacted. B&5™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Bl JOIN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Geperal Agents. Office over. T. G. Forman's Store, Princo Alberk Prince ATert Dee. 2 2, 1870. REDUCED RATES. : rele 1 AM now prepared to' lend any amount of Money on the security of Good Farm, or Pro- ductive Pew Property atthe Jowest possible rate of interest in sums and manner to-snit bor rowers. Principal can be repaid by yearly in« stalments Jr in one sum, Farms aid Lpts ot W 5 | os naed i ritdle TH Debemtutes, Moreghsts, and other S€curitics. "nvestm Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. OFFICE--Mecillian's Block, Brock Street. ' f Whitby. Sep}. 20,4890. lo) 3944 S - AT 5 PER CENT, ON improved Farm and Town © Property, "BY THE trgerial Building, Savings and Invest. ment Company. Por Periods extending from THREE to TEN YEARS, to suit Borrowers, Re-payable in Monthly, Ualt-yearty or ny opyeatly instalments. OFFICE-50 CHURCII | ST., TORONTO. « > T.0ans of $300 and upwards are negotiated for, § | Jeriols of 5, 6, 8 and 10 ) years at the extremely' Jow rate of tif the ons. be re-paid in hia ni 3th s only 5} ped" {cent is charged, andi in monthly instalments only 5 percent is ns! $6.25 per m ww both principal 'and ar of hg y 500 in 10 years. Other amounts in a cor. responding' Talis, The' Todt aE of the Loan ig ho Gp EET 4S 3 roel HORE LIAR. armren, Bept, 15, (anaes, WAGONS, Bucel sbi "HE undersizn that hy buggies up in the latest and le, and. mob Dt orkmen, | quality of his work < can be always relied upon. A few Second-hand Whitby establishment a ko occasion to announ, Where will be found Buggies, coveres dope on, bh 158 ¢ ae Tiepairs excented with promptitude and. Everything in the way of il manufac. - by as' usual, AN Wede¥ ter « ee ERR Ww iy and i. J uly A 4 8 branch of his Se and other vehicles of his own manuf and employs none but the best wi n, the dispatch. ered fire wo XN irs hitended to So Aikey. > fone, % 2 RRR ks htt lb GL BL 0 i ih i