or, iL re LS a far SP oH ~ CL The Pp say plans instal of Pall Sook, consisting iu part of a large PRINCE ALBERT, SEPT. 14, 1871. + 'from th EARLY FALL GOODS! GORDON'S! | MANCHESTER. are very respectfully informed that Boots and Shoes, Of all sizes and Grades. Se f bales of superior 2) TWEEDS, CLOTHS, FACTORY COT. TONS, BLEACHED SHIRTNGS, BED TICKINGS, &C. intends to RECONSTRUCT Banoses on THE READY-PAY INGLE, this fall (of which further no- tice en) the above goods will The subscriber is prepared to pay' Cash for uantity of delivered ab chester, ort Joba Watson's Warehouse, Pore Wer. : ADAM GORDON. Manchester, August, 1871. 1 Ef Futuris ose JAMIE BAIRD. : pros EDITOR OUR RAILWAY. So far the Port - Whitby and Port Perry "Railway has progressed more favorably du. fing the-present than for any previous week for a long time past. Mr. Major 1s certainly pushing the work with that eaergy with which he is won't to conduct, all business oonfided to 'his care, snd-if the co ive liim a fair field and supply the' ed- ET pa Fr a-- work and the expense of going to Whitby in order to get their pay, and who have been cruelly told 'from time to time that they] cannot get it just then, but to call on a certain day and they will have it. The result of each call however only Poigis to some future duy ; thus the injury is intensified and the evil aggrevated by causing those men to lose more\ timo snd spend money which they con badly spare in dancing attendance on parties who seem indifferent about giving thew their own. It is high time that the guilty were ashamed of themselves and that the workmen re- ceive their money without furtlier_ hum bugging ; if uot paid particulars will be i bday : tl A --et THE CASE BEING ALTERED Al. TERS THE CASE. As the wonwroverted election trials pro- ceed they furnish abundance of proof to be [show tow miserably rotten our system of elections has become, and that buying und uelling is the order of the day, at prices varying liom a few glasses of Forty-rod 10 comfortable positions at the public crib.-- So thet a Parliamentary election is simply a vote marl where the most wealthy and 'most skillful purchasers have all their own way of it; and as things now are no man who has not 8 thousand dollars at least to grease the planks 'on which he expects to slide into the House has any right to pre- sent himself for election. The , Govern- ment very magranimously did away with a property qualification, but the corrupt of bl bers in buying some lar--of covrse unknown to the foe buspar d at dead of night the offices of the Finance depariment and stole all proof of the guilt of the Ring; and the Ring are very sorry for it. The Tribune takes off his gloves and feels around: for the guilty parties. He says :--It is asserted and generally be. lieved that the Comptroller on Sunday robbed or caused to be rubbed the official archives of the department to conceal the evidence of frauds which hé has been, in company with others, committing during the last few years. et = --enee . SOME BOUNCE. THE * VINDICATOR' MAN AFLOAT. It appears that the Pindicator man has betaken himéell iv the Atlantie 1n order to have room for a thorough spread. Listen to his bennee : ' "The officers generally have taken great in- terest in me for a representative of Vindicator, and onally inquire if I comfortable." . We shoulll judge that they will be as well to look after anything having con- nection with the indicator these criti times. - When the man arives in England he will most likely put up at the Palace ard spend his leisure hours with royalty. -- t may be alter all that Larks may come 10 be vlassed among the ¢ fine bred fowl," THE FIRE KING. The Oshawa Vindicator is great on Fires. He has passed through all sorts of fire duriog the past few mdnths, and has d them all with his accustomed their seats have made the p of » large amount of property's sine qua non_ to success. z Perhaps the most ridiculous feature in the whole purctase sysiem is the miserable subterfuges had recourse to 'by hon. mem- bers in order to violute tha law aba the same lime 10 avoid mented pun ent. The I election trials so far ul, he wil fshow thelh a trick very difh ose mile a year poligy -- 20 miles tin 20 years-- he will have the cars thunder- ring in amongst them ere they require their OVOIOOMA, Nouv dy cas "We are by no means ignorant of the fact however, that itis very unlikely to prove all plain. eniling with Mr. Major, we are 'very much mistaken if there be not some rather stubborn breakers shead. What we can learn from the distance at which ihe d to h the sacred Pp of Board my y stand thus; The Ruilway Board had used up everything within, and a good deal of that 'which was without their reach -- contractors, money, credit, time, anil public forbearance "and even haps, and the torn and mut, 'track Jay gaping to the summer sun and wiser snows from year to year in silent kery ¢[ an i Pp Ring. Like all other incompetents, the board~taking tha weang direction, looked without instead of within, for the cause of failure, and hav. ing mo one olse ta pitch upon, commenced the'third punic war with the contractor, and P Fl dedlated that time with him was up, ond now they would assume the work th Ives. i 10 mn emaking the fresh stast it appears that a «sacrifice wasregarded as indispeusable, but whether Jonah like the Vice. President was cast overboard to appease the offend ed gods, or whether Codros -like, he voluntarily leaped into the yawaing yulf to save the Board is not known to outsiders ; but after the calm a new occupant was found in the vice chair. But so far no 4money was made by the change and the ~exchequer was entirely-empty, how was the 'wind 10 be ruised? Here again the late Vice-President comes 10 'the rescue, he offers the Board. $20,000, taking as se- curity 840,000 of the Company's Bonds -- «a pretiy fair security if the, road ever be weorth aaything. 'Ibe next step of the Ccmpanv 1s a wise one, they place the $20.000 to the credit of the Boarc and suthorized Mr. Major to go on and build the road. No sooner said than done he sets to work at once and advertises for 200 men in order to push the work to » successful termination on the shortest possible notice sad to show that it was wea he wanted aiid not humbug he ignored the small couled clique and put his adver- Adisement in the proscribed OBSERVER. The hands came on and everything ap- 'peated serene ; but tne late ¢ niractor came 110 the conclusion that he had something 10 eay in the matter, and politely informed «parties who came to work that they were trespassing, and unless they dessied he would have them taken up, bot they went wn with the work. The contractor finding that strong messyres were necessary to ex- pel the invaders, brought on men with a Yow to deiving them off, and active hostil- ities were only prevented by the timely arrival of a few non-commissioned guar- dians of the peace. Finding that they could no longer stand on their muscle, the contractor withdrew his forces and invoked upon the head of the chief trespassers a diluted wnforton of law by having them up before the Mayor. His Worship coulit not see the punt and the Contractor was gain defeated. From this he sterol for Toronio, seeking the very casence of law from the Lhaticary Cranibar, with a view 10 procor- ng an in| K junction agsinstthesenon of the Company > Should the thunders of the law Break over Major and his men, they will be ssattered like dust; and the road may' another year or two of undisturbed re- pase. However, if the Iiwyers employ their Dsual amount of circumlocotion, Major will have the road finished ere they gel the injunction di2 wn out, WHO ARE THRE CUVILTY PARTIES VY Very many of the havd working, poor men who wrought oa the Porc Whitby and Port Perry Railway have consi'erable claims agaitist their employers as wage: and which the parties concerned seem no way inclived to pay. This is simply - dis geacelul to have laboring men toiling snd | swearing under a burning suo from day to dag, aye and from week to wesk and have partaken largely of comedy and ap- pear very much as if either the praclice was intended to furnich a feast for lawyers or to and trouble which it entails to detect the political simonites, while the fine spun theories of the terribly learned counsel and their studied mystification of facts. render d ion all hut imposaib The ing flexibility either of memory or con- science of many of the witnesses is amps- ing, Take for instance the case of Mr. Hynes in the East Toronto controverted election. Witness swore that he got a lot of cash from Chisholm for election purposes bot cannot tell how much, it might be from $75 to $100, Jid a big business in treating, the beauty of it is that he can't remember the name of oue to whom he gave any money. : Another witness, Reed, got some muney and all he knows cf it was that it was under $100 and over $25. That he gave it all to parties for dwtribniing cards but can' name a single man to whom he gave any. Such witnesses render the 'facis of the caee easy of access and make these trials work like a charm The action of such papers as the Toronto Leader and Telegraph in no less amusing than that of the BEST witnesses. Listen to the Leader's hypocritical special eflort, "It would be a very unjust law which *¢ would make a candidate suft+r because o! ¢¢ the over-zealous efforts on his behalf of "some. Tho election lw of Outario is " new. [ts provisions are not as yet well " known. Where active canvassers have "been in the habit of spending money % lreely they are not 10 be taught in a day "that what was previously a venial offence " is now lo ba regarded in a mere serious "light"? ludeed, Mr. Leader, you fil that clause very unjust which makes a candidate softs) {or the winsdeeds of his aceredited'agents ! -- You do indeed! Why don't you get the eluuse repealed and again let looss the dogs of corruption without any chance of re- straint. Again he says: ¢ Where active canvaesers,'"' &o, It js rently too bad where active canvase ers have been allowed in the past to corrnpt cleciora by the wholesale, rendering our elections a huge rand and making abiluy antl moral worth give place 10 the brainless money bage, it is really too bad to have them stopped at once. Very likety the Leader would preler having the corrupt wiream cut off in derail 5 say thal an addi- tional one of these active canvassers wese shut off at each succeeding election unti) the wliole were sileiced, which might hap- pon some lime in the next century ; and thos let vile corruption die of exhaustion and not seek to cluse ile career by one rude stroke. Slow promotion indeed, Mr. Lead- [ Gwe : R paid the money to men for canvassing. Bu |- K 'flectually into the gutters at last. He sage ability and fairness. His tréatment of in~ cendiary fires can bardly be called a suc cess, and we should bave judged that the lesson given him by the Reformer of last week would have nduced bim io fight shy. OFthese things in future ; but-there are not be taught ; for wes find him putting his foot into the very. next incendiary fire that takes place in bis neighborhood. He frighten. patties * Irom seeking - to it the parties who burned 'the advantage of ihe provisions "cf say daha I 4 . - pre the ant ig The: world P of lin mises in the 6th con, of Whitby on Tues - day of last week : --* Were trying to steal some fine bred fowls." This is a bright idea and can only be known to a few. How does it come that our cotem. knows all the miouti@ of these incendiary fires? Burning barns, stables, grain, borses, &e., &ec., is a somewhat round about way of catching * fine bred fowls," and iv any case nt would be a rather expensive hunt. iN --- - The Oshawa Vindicator wan has got THE GUTTERS, the d in that village are likely to diain the exchequer dry while the gutters are being let loose on untffending parties in perfect streams, so that damages 10 the ex- tent of thousands of dollars are being shaken in the face of the corporation. That journal says that Mr. Wilson has got a thousand dollars worth 100 much run upon him. -- Mr. Leonard it sppears from the same authority, wants no more of their gutter or he too will look up law. Higley will keep all he has got if the corpormiion give $100; and as for Whitelaw and Glenny they are surteited with the plaguy filth. 11 the Vindicator oan be believed, Oshawa mum be in a fearful state. A CLUSK MATCH, The controverted Election trials in Tor- onto, both East and West, as they develop themselves present a beautiful picture of how el are J at the hab ot Outario, and really the piciure is a most humiliating one and goes far 10 prove that 0 a very great extent the city of Tor- opto is not sufficiently educated 10 know how to use the Iranchise ht. It would serve them right to disfranchiss the whole pack of them for a few parliamentary. termn until they become a little more eivilized, for if the rule like constituents likes repre- sentatives hold good the fewer of such 1epresentatives that are let loose on ihe conn'ty tha better for all. And for Toronto which does not appear to know anything about conducting Elections on fair puinei- ples to seek 10 foist representatives on out- wide coustituencies 1s the climax of 1mpu- dence. The late elections in East and West Toronto may well be regarded av a close match in electioneering raccality, so close in fact that it were folly to attempt making a ilistinction between them, and by all means if one or both representatives be unseated the who'e batch of constituents ought to be distianchised for 8 term of yea's. In East Toronto for instance we hind men -of supposed intelligaiice - who people so hopelessly stupid that they can-4 a somewhat extravagant bargair. A son of Esculupius offered $50 for a very diminu- uve imen of the canine species, and very likely the owner ot the dog will stick him to his bargain. : : CARTWRIGHT FALL SHOW, The Cartwright Agricultural Society's Fall Show will take place on the Show OUR MARKETS. At no other seasons of the year is there one hail theanxiely manilested in the grain market as at the time when ihe farme, gets his grain threshed out. He then looks upon the number of bushels of the different corte of grain, and is anxious 10 find bow much he 1s likely [0 realize fiom' the sea- son's produce, But such iiitormution is far "easily obtained § in fact it 1s most difficult to bu had at the time when 1 1s most desitube. This atices from the very nature of the case--f the condition of our "own crops, quantity or quality, rulled the market, so «eon as our grain was inthe , Willi , on Friday Oct. 13th. 4 . y - fo order to make these shows what they ought to be some time is Fequired for preparation especially in | fi es and A DREADFUL MURDER. Lexington, Ky.; Sept. 1L--A terrible pe Ugh 5% residence of John Hal owne eat nee of 3s ors iced, near Midway, (- Ky. Jukeacd Bewey r, brother and sister of John, had iheir- throats cot by some unknown pe is supposed for. the purp-ee of robbery. A number o the ladies' department, and the success of the show depends largely on these depart- ments. A good «display in the Floral Hall is a sine qua non to a successful Show, 'The capital shows which have taken place there show that there 1s an sbundsnce of energy aud skill in Cart wright's fair daughters to secure a first class floral hall aud as this township is largely increasing in wealth and every: thing necessary to constitute a prosperous 'barn we could give sn y but seemg atiat the European Market holds the key, we must wait {ill she develops herself, ami heng all our sirmises upon the prospects ol the drops there. The con- dition of ihe crops in Europe is not favors- ble for shat people, and there will doubtless be a brisk demand for our wheat at a very | | @ood figure. Since our last the market, though not to call formed at all, has had ite tendengy upward. Ou Fi Toronto market was quoted u White Wheat $1.18 0 $1.21 --Treadwell $1.16 - no Spring oflered Barley strong and active, from 60 10 63 cente-- Peas flat, about 60 ote Oats weak and slow at 37 cts. ~ The Siurday's market improved. a little. Soules Wheat sold as high as $1.22. Tread- well crept slow|y up to $1.17-- Spring wae not active, but brought ae high as $1.05. -- Barley strugiled along from 60 10 63c-- Oates active at 38c and pressing for 39s. Peas could pot reath above 9c. . The market on Monday was both weaker and less active than on the latter daye of Inst week, the oonsequénce was that there was very litle grain of any Kind offered. -- White Wheat. sold as high ae 81.274 -- ring did not offer -- Barley could not. get -- Peas were nowhere, and nobody sp- peared 10 ask after them, so that theie 1s a mutual shiness and not much doing. THE MONEY MARKET. - The Money Market bias been under the influence of the bulls during the'past week, and "has got'a considerable hoist, #0 that loans are not obtaindble except at a preity high figure. Not under 9 per gent ¢ ftain- ly. This fur the time being has had a cor- respoudingly depressing influence on Bank stocks, whiah on Monday last wen quoted as follows : Bank of Montreal from 254 10 257 Bank of Toronto refused at 187 -- Bauk ot Commerce ean be gnt at 125--B.nk of British North America could take 120, bur none -offere-- Outatio Bank would sell al 110, but holders ark a fraction more, but n) one cares much lor it, and consequently won't 'give the fracfion-- Royal Canadian can be had for 107-- Dominion Bank is quoted, but doing nothing 1n the marker. Beare and bulls can afford to toss and tear the mouey market, but when thev get Bank stock in their paws, they make a fearlul mess of it. There is nothing, however, which indi- cales the vitalny of a gonntry more cleaily than the rates paid for the national securi- ties. The five per cent Government. De bentures bring 98). So that whether we regard the finuncial, the commercial, or ag- Lricultural spect of aflaite, we have much cause for confidence and gratitude, me Een MANCHESTER FAIR. The Manchester September Fair was held on Tuesday, 12th inet. The number of'cattle ou the ground was pretty good, but [the quality was not very tempting, sull there wers some preity good caitle. The vast maj rity of them were betier fited for the pasture field than the slavghter honse, and consequently buyers were not over. anxious, and prices hovered aronud $4, live weignt. There were some fine ox teams on the ground, and parties wishing working oxen had a capital chance 10 supp!y them- selves, There was a goodly number of buyers on hand, and the number of cattle dnven ofl was quite: respectable. There were a gool many people in, and business was going on lively in the stores, while the first fruns of the grain market began to show themselves in a seattering load now and agmin. The clustering guests kept all haude in both of the well kept hotels as buey as they could jump. We observed Mr. Pi key driving quite a usiness, al one time wielding the Auction- eetr's hammer in the sale of horses and other properiv placed in his hands tor sale ; at another exhibiting the many good quahi- ties of the Letter A Family Bowing *Ma- chire, This is decidedly a very superior Maebine, and the vhrely and exceilence of the work whieh il can aceomp!ish were a l- mired by all, while with the simplicity of construction, durability and cheapness of the macbine cannot feil to make it a uni- versal favorite in every family where ns qualities ste known, -- community it is expegted that thes: shows will also usprove iy a cp ponding de- ree. Weaore coovined that the -Jadies will fully sus'ain theic well merited repu: tation ir this particular. : We observe one new feature 'in the prige list of this society. Game fowls are coming to the front, a prize is offered for the best pair of this class of fowls. There are successful breeders there and we would not be surprised should there be pretty sharp competition in this class. THE FAMOUS SARATOGA REGATTA. The much talked of four oar and single scull raves came off at Saratoga on Monday Lith inet. treating a fearful : appointing almost every one in the result and going far to prove that games of and ganes of chance ara not so widely sepatated as people are apt to imagine, For the great international four osred race, thers ~~ ~were six boals entered, viz: Iwo English apd four American. The Puglar craw, the Tyne The four Ambrican crews wae Brothers, the Coulter, the Pilteburg and the Dutchess County, r 'Fhe excellent report to the" Daily Globe fine; &nd there was hardly 8 ripple on 'the water, The various avenues io ithe courses were thronged, ana fully thiny thousand #pegtators must have been present. A gun was fired ata few minutes before ten o'cjuck for the crewa 10 take their stations. The 'Taylor-Winship crew, in h'ue afid white, were the first 10 shod at their at. ke, No 3 The Wards, at No. 6, were second in place. Biglina, gt station 2, were soon afier them; then the Tv ne boat came to their station at 8. 1; the Duchees aud Pinsborg came on last, nearly 1:gether, at 10.19. The signal wus given by Com. Brady, and they went «ff --the Tynes, Bigima and Taylors ar (ony two strokes ; Warns, forty-one ; and McKee this ine ; the Duchess not 1nken, 'lhe Wards Jed, with Biglm's a mile down; Taylor's and the Tyne crews followed. The Tyna thirty-eight ihe Tuy lor, forty-one and Biglin; shinty-nive The Wards and Big- lina turned the stake boats near together, with the Tyne and Taylor clore on them. In going down, the Taylor crew got out of the way, and near the Biglin's course, but they suw their error, and wan for their own stake-boat. On returning, the Warda came in easy at ihiny-eight stioken to the minute, the Tynes, fcriy-one, and Taylor thirty-seven. The Duchess anid McKee boats were so very far behind that the Wards had nothing to interfere with them. The Wards came in two lengths ahead of the Tyne crew, who were one length ahead of Biglin's and Taylor's craws who touched their starting-buoy together. The Bizhin and Taylor crews confing in to- gether the judges decided that these boats =heuld again poll for the 3id prize, but the gave an'amouns equal tn the 3¢d prize, so that both boats got'a 3rd prize and did not require lo row again, A vast amount of money changed hands on this race, the Canadiana were made to blee:l at every pore, they laid heavy odis on the Taylor crew and got bit, while ihe Yankees and Morrissey amongst the rest reaped a rich harvest at Canamian expense. The three priyes in the race were ls. $2,000 - 2nd $1,250 - 8rd $7507 The great International Scull Race came off on the same day, lor this thers were six boats started, viz: four Englien, Sadler, Bagnall, Kelly and Bright and 1wo Amer- ican, Ellis Ward and Biglin. The distance ran both in the four oured race and the single wan 4 miles, The scull race re- anited as follows. Sadler and Ward led at the end of ne first mile up. Sadler and Ward ran first and second. Ward and Sad- ler tuned tha siake boat together, Bagnall third, Kelly fourth and Biglin "fifth. On the down course~at the end of the third mile Sadler. led, Bagnall second, Kelly third, Biglin lourth and Ward fifth. Sadler came in at the finish six lengths ahead of Kelly, who was wecond; and ten "lengitia 'the very eve of entering uion the 'of the City expenditure "behold [J 4 on the * We wore witness 10 what we considered Tuesday 19th y dis saye ar The weather this morning was very |- - 0 {+ During w thunderstorm a short time ago; famous Moriissey of pugilisnio notorietg4=--At Prince Albert, on the 8th grows live on Harper's farm within a few feet of hie house, and they all claim to know nothing about the affair, but three of them have been arrested on suspicion of being the murderers. Blood found -on 'their shirts, and 'the evidence against them is very strong. Other negroes employed on the place are missing and it in betieved they are implicated in this hor- vid affair. A panty of citizens have started 10 hunt for the missing negroes. ------------ I ---- BRITAIN, The entire recovery of Her Majesty will afford a source of gratification 10 ail. Longon, Sept. 11.- Queen Victoria "has entirely al from her attack of indis- position. os + THE DECEASED AQUATIC CHAMPION. © 'Loxpon, Sept. 10. ~The funeral of Ren- forth took place to-day at Newcastle. The d was: dinary. Some ac- counts represent the number of people who win! the burial at 100,000. The con- course was #0 great that the cemetery where the remains were deposited was much damaged. ee ti THE .BRITISH DEBATING CLUB. Lonoon, Sept. 7.-- A National Conference is 10 be held al Birmingham, the sessions ol which will begin on the 28.h of November, to consider the necessity of reform in the composition and powers of the House of Lords. 4 Thie is certainly a move in the right direction and will tend to bring this irre. sponsible debating club into Hog. or prepare the way for its removal. At best as n béily they are much More ornamental than uee~ ful, and as they have now become a ding on the nation's progress they had better be removed or much iwproved. a barn belonging to Mr. Colin Cameron, of the township of West Hawkesbuiy, county of Prescott, was strtick by lightening, totally destroying it and ita contents. Shortly af: terwards Mr. John Sampgle, of the same township, had his barns; sheds and ersbies, and all his hay crop and a large postion of his wheat destroyed fram the same cauee. [res -------------------- A ----e The most astonishin cure of chronic diarrl 21 we have ever heard of is that of Wm, Clark, Frankfort Mills, Waldo Co.. Maine ; the facts are atrested by Ezra 'Treat, Upton Treat and M. A. 'Merri'l; either of whom might be addressed for par- ticulars. Mr. Clark was cured by John- son's Anodyne Linament Hon. Joseph Farewell, Mayor of Rock- land, Me., Isaac M. Bragg. E«q., Bangor, Messrs. Pope Bros., Machais, Me., Lum- ber Merchants, fully endorsed the Sheri- dan Cavalry Condition Puwders, and have given the proprietors liberty to use their names in recommending them. I-- . DIED, At the Revere House, Manchester, on Thurs- day, 7th inst., Lula Laurena, infant 'aaughter of Mr. Jesse Wels, aged 9 months, Bere To hold their darling here bel Her parents did their ehelow, But angel wings have borne her hence i To realms of endless rest. REAL fina | Public Auction! Friday, Oct. 6th, 1871, he East-half of the South-west quarter of lot 0.14, in the 11th concession of the Township of Reach,-- 25 ACRES' Be the same more or less, belonging 'to the Es. state of the late CurisTiNA.CraGG. Fi land is good, all cleared, and well water~ 39 The Sale will take place on the premises at 2 o'clock Pa: TITLE INDISPUTABLE. JOSEPH LEE. TERMS CASH. JOSEPH BAGSHAW, ! Executore DAVID CRAGG, J. C. PILKBY, AUCTIONEER, Reach, Sept. 13, 1871, '3%-td IN ALL ITS Departments., very Improvement in Style and ah oy Warranted om Fits. All Garments made up with _neatness and : disptitch™ | w and charges moderate, at Squire's Tailoring Establishment, at the Villiage of Manchester. . JAMES SQUIRE. An Excellent Farm FOR SALE OR. TO RENT. \ 4 The undersigned offers to sell or rent, for a term of years, that Sabi. tal farm, being the north-half of lot 34, iu the 9th concession of Whitby, containing 100 acres--85 cleared ; well watered, well fenced and ina good state of eultivation. "There are good buildings on the premises, dwelling house, barns, stables, &c:, witha thriving young orchard, Conveniently located for church, school and first-class mar kets. Title Indisputable. The purchaser or renter may commence Plowing immediately. For farther particulars apply to the proprietor on the jr by letter, prepaid, address Wm. Harper, Balsam P. WILLIAM HARPER. Whitby, September 5, 1871. : 36 Farm for Sale. HE Subscriber offers for Sale that ex. cel'ent farm, being part/of lots 8 and 9, mn the 11th con. of the To #nship of Seugog, BORN. inst., the wife of Mr. D. J. Adams, of a daughter, > a EAM "A FIRST CLASS FARM To Sell or Rent. The Subscriber offers to sell that excellent property being lot No. 11, in the 10th'conces- sion of the] Township . of Reach, containing 200 ACRES, Ot which 125 are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and 75 acres of capital Wood- [+ land. There are good buildings and a good Orchard on the premises, and the land is well watered. Being in the vicinity of Greenbank it is mos conveniently situate for the best markets in the Province, with Schools and Churches just at hard. Or he will rent the cleared por tion (125) for a term of years. TITLE INDISI'OTABLE. Purchaser or renter may 80 on immediately to plow. i) ype Privce Alber, op hunting will be ; di on Canadian soil, \ . containing 100 acres, 85 cleared and 15 bush land. There are on the premises a good frame [louse and Fidme Barn with other necessary outbuniings, a capital young Orchard of 400 choice trait trees just beginning to bear. Thers isa fine creek running accross the lot affording a constant supply of excellent water. The land is in a good state of cultivation and pleasantly situated tn a healihful locality and zonveni- ent to first class markets TITLE JNDISPUTABLE. No better opening could be found for parties wishing a good larg or to invest in real estate. For further panicalars apply if by letter post paid, to the proprietor on the pramisgs, orto L. H. EsBrys, Solicitor, Port Perry, S. G PICKLE, ProprixToR. Scugog, Aug 31. 1871 35-4w " FRYFEYR NY 14 Al ATTENTION, The undersi git would Yespsotiully call the attention of those wishing the services of an , that he is prey d to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontarfo. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly en hand. - He is sole Agent for the best and cheapest . o D . "BH. H. MoCAW, Postmaster. "Poid. Perry, Sept, 7, 1371 E. MAJOR, AUCTION SALE # i i | { { ad i oy 4 Mr. Urquhi fyi | 1 | ahead of Biglin, who waa ihird, and Ward : family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- Ther iv poriafs wot a was in he Pio Ss temnpor " 52 8 sory oh BotToete oIE I a py oe close behind him, nombenng loth, Bag- i pe AA ld dd ented June, 1871. The Patent Letier A Family ~ vinue who would be mure averse to seeking| awear that they don't remember | one some other' machine of implement. -- | "all filth and Bright sixth. ank P. 0. Nog chine js ackiowlods of by ion ! 10 obtain hiselectiun by dishonorable mean«{ whether it was $100 or $25 that they re- | Mr Urquhart having located at Manch % JOHN McLAREN, Bewing Machines who have had et tiey of { than the Hon. M. C. Cameron ; but some] ceived, and that they paid. out- ali "they | makes it handy for farmers anpplying THE DEVOURING ELEMENT, Proprietor, | fAmining it to be the best and cheaphst in the i of hia active eanvassers have been very | received but cannot name a single man to] th 1 with wh hi or ; ----- R "7° | Dominion, Ladies make sure work, and pur- i unhke Cmsar's: wife, an the Leader's| whom they gaveil,this appears to becarrying | repairs they wish. d - Sarnia, Sept. 11.-- About twelve o'clo. k | Reach, Hept. 12, 1871. 37 | chase the Patent Letter A, and you will have f above stomp: to selon them only ends the joke a little too far. i on Satniday aight the je Trans pas- She best machine for $30." All Machines wgr- to br them and it into ridicule. H tl ' RETURNED, senger elation al Point Edward was discov- 7 ; The po. Paddle manor of wie ay gaingt abi hls Jl = ered to be on fire at the noith end. There Orders attended to on th shortest notige. and the fine, drawn distinctions of learned case largely on. Cubby, and 1] 'We Bre pleased to see that the young | being a fresh breeze blowing from the north J. C. PILKEY, legality point istakably 10 the uy | one muy form a eri fiom those alread (Rev. Mr. Chambers) of the Prince | at the time thie flames so0sn extended all SoLE AGENT. that existe for a still further amendment examined, by which the rest of the Cubo- | Abert W. M. Cireurt has tetarned 10 his | Ver the station-house un'il it was one mass Epsom, Sept. 7, 187), : 36 SF compo an han of Senden Sc, mh 0 oad ta nut wil bo | de, baring we stad Judge fom ha 3 fs." coon fics avai bi ) andidate or| ca i bby th herwi - i ; ®, and fornil tents Lear Thou Sede guilty jeny HSA pg bi pi op fg A of the' elogsaph an) Moke offices wele Notice of Removal. LU ie ne. arliamentar 1] il i : i also saved. ha. reshm ovum! e a - term. He wilithus bean M. P. P. ry Dr oo ued a mannaing bins sued ie rig ala vk yg ope iy oii rd lirector's rooms up-stairs Sud the farnitare Jutario; 15h Sven that the David Urquhart, with a diffprenge. 3 | eémpared 10 Cabby's fresh aad gushing [ne noble culling to, which he hes devoted | Were all burnt. McAvoy, who keeps the | Prius, ad Goure of, Agsize and Mio Agent for the Biown.& Patterson C: Chief ones. In the encounter between Clark and | himesit. ye '| refreshment rooms, barely encaped with hia | 3,1 CC% CFS be holden in and for the County | Junior Mower, and Johnston's LiffRaking ' A SHORT WAY OF SETTLING UP. jearned connsel, the learned counsel came I family, Not being able to fave Sven this ord ntario, at the Court House in the coh all kinds o i Ero tual ple. . os ers ' clothing. Itie alsp reported ihat he lost iy 2 ould inform nu; us . Our readers are aware that tbe clean 28 seed Sout an bu felt relieved when| pg Wo have Saco ip Jo slate | 5600 rtoaglng Tu time jo get | TOWN "OF WHITBY oo aroun He buliie Renerally tha in handed and purekbéariod New York City] professes 'Walsh; a resident of D 103) thy Storatary i drt giicotte hotels | when he.left his roam. Fhe loss amppte oN Manchester. (Spe hand bills and advertiorenmnty Ring have Jotbed and disgracell that| sireet terrace, was next pot into the witness [410 8 p. m.; {n order 10 take entries for the So shont $20,009, Tuesda: 10 3 nine Pode arrangtments for io. ORply i ity till furihdhgnduranice became intolera. | box and made a fearful mess of himself. i ¥s 10th of October, 1871 [Yak Plows--Steel Mould-boards. Kec rhe city ti y | m fh i= | Township Show, which takes place on SAD APFAIR purchasing elsewhere, bl ildren of the city made |"He figured as a champion go-between, one Tuesday, 19th inet. AY flarn. At the hour of 2 o'clock. noon, of which all ? y . y of those suckers whose efflovia never fails 3 x . : : .. | Doroners, Justices of thie Peace, Constables and DAVID URQUHART. hb Parties wha can make their entries atthis | S7. Lopie, Sept. 10.-- A party of pio-nic- | ail other's concerned, will take nutice and Manchester, Sept. 5, 1871. Sil lo produce the mol diasstrons results on |; 1ll find it much more convenjept than | ers, coinroged: "of 16 Foon: le and | pro ilies according] Rots TR 2ecalit society, who can smile and smile again and breily follow, gr . SenYenjepyibep several children, left Tha ns erin . ELSON heat : \ ; pillag a B06 & rev d--v=, well, ues. shai id in a large furnitore wagon to spend the jo N Ss, BEYNOLDS, Port Whitby and Port P erry' .§ vice, doit fy rr -- 4 --eriaes 3 A Srepnoip C NC A Promima in llinois. When at 'the crosmm the 4 heriff, C. 0. Railway. Sa ont ted igo wud od gual' SATETPIELR QUARTERLY PAIN, PRodisintiy ring will find ii St. Lows and Vaudalia railway, VE ven hy, Sant. singe PB fa on committees ap o! lo investigale the The Saintfield Quarterly Fair was held | our advertising colpmns of 10-day. that Mr. Sivek by oe oufsion Srai i 30 of the Suit .. ee entire 'oarpatimg | 10 thin villugo on Monday, 11ih inst. We | John MeLatan oflers 10. soll thas. exeelions | inmates as orien bilid _oniright, 2 Ls oF LEFTERS remaining in ie enough "3 . hat the iam ares Soiperng hays-seen much beiter fairs here, but when | property in the jmmediate neighborhood of yau'dm J Princé Abert, Seu. 13, 1871. ind tops on the ar Iv eleven mil-| 1he season is taken into scvount it wae | Grewnvank, being ot }1 in the 10th cou. of AN IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. Armitage J: Morush John lod » Mmoderale sm pf uea/ly elu¥on while | "0! 10 bo called a bad fair. Tne inferior| Reach, being 200 acres of firet class land, | ' a 2s Brewer S J Molter A J jon de lars Ju less th am, » I state of the pasture told upon the: condition | 125 cleared and 75 of copial bugh. Qt he | Ry stegmer Motavian three cgiiple of fog | Banslaveh H A McDonald Ann the printing lion dor ty amoun of the oattle, and this as a matter of course | ofters 10 rent for a yeare the glentpd | hounde, selected with great care from one | Brown Seotp MeCrimmon F B close on thre million dollars. tad its effect upen the prices. Thera was | portion, 125 acres. Fow such openings | of the best nels in England, were land | Corre MeCiintock F This was rusniog 1D preity fast, faster] o goody' ber of ca'ile p though | p h Ives. (Do not fail'to read | ed on the Sth. They were in charge of a | Cranilell Benj Nichols G N a good deal than the swiilérs cared that] nothiag 10 Wiiat-are generully offered -- | ihe advertisement. ; "whip" of several years' experience en-{ DeLong HJ Phiri Wm 2 the public should know. But hat were Theta was quite a number of buyers pre- : gaged for the Hunt club. .urey Hapry Roberts Lewis 2 these trifles red to the City Expeud- | sent and of the right stamp, bui hey fought | Twewry-rive Aciize or Carrrar Lawn q., country will never be poor after so| Dunl:p Wm Robiuson Mins [Lizzie tune § but as gothing, and when this shoul "her eh? hough they did pick 3 200d | yon Save. We would call siention to our important an' addition 10. her population. | Srabsin Andrey Sievenson Donal WANTED IMMEDIATELY 0 to the the rascals would be| ms" Pend: : uy of this igspe 1p an advertisement | six live hounds straight from England ! i] Graham Jas Speck Mr Gi id further oun Time vas still too precious with the far- [of ad auction sale sotep of land in she [appears as if the Canadian would-be-aris- | Harrison Wm. Thomeon John 3 out. To avoid Exposure] os lo peimit a large number ing pre. neighbor!0od of Greenbank--jt js 3 snp (1ocracy would Tike to. imitate the excres. | Herron Jos Tomlinson Thos N be honest ring bad recourse to one of sent, Mine Hos'.of the Centre | and | little property. (See the advertisement). [ence of British society, fool away their| Kerby Jomes Vansickler H ; : A tiirmaster st hia aaa wate bisily smploysdkeeping i ---- [time in hooting and ihe like--aponge a [Lamon John 2 Walker H To work on the above Railway: a destroy nak bpnestdobln things comfanabie. in 450 Hotnd SH Torts | aT De itpiied It lhe Jowsahip Agri al uns Br ruuion | ele Mishae! Apply ii vig: ing the ev of t bt. 1 llent tables | lor the [cultural Socigty's Show es place | and starve the poor. We the day is Werder Rev pply to : iag The » a ete aavallont_ aired; ie [culiola) Su 4 Fe Lily oenindaratin mug. he aban is ane Bragure. myerdut Rov » <